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Self-esteem Group for 9

grade girls
Group Population and Composition: Group is composed of high school girls in the
Grade. Group will be heterogeneous in race and culture as reflected in
population of the program.
Group Size: 8-10
Number of Sessions: 6
Length of Each Session: 45 minutes
Screening and selection procedure: Students of the group will be self-referred
and interviewed. Students must be in the 9
grade only. Students will be able to
have the opportunity to explore prospective members expectations and concerns
about group participation throughout the interview process.
Rationale: The purpose of this group is to increase self-esteem of high school
females as they transition from middle school to high school, which will
encourage a positive and confident outlook as the embrace young adulthood and
Group Objective: Students will be able to
Understand the concept and meaning of self-esteem
See the relationship of how self-esteem affects their lives
Appreciate how people, events and circumstances influence self-esteem
Set realistic goals to build self-esteem
Engage in communication with peers
Articulate their strengths and weaknesses
To see how irrational thoughts influence our actions

Session 1
What is self-esteem?
Icebreaker: Students will interact with each other and fill out Whos who sheets
as a way to get to know one another.
Objective: Students will be able to understand the meaning and concept of self-
esteem. To enforce rules to students and the purpose/mission of the group.
Leader functions and issues: (initial stage) To encourage feedback between
members. Create a safe environment for students to be comfortable in the group
Materials: Pencil, Whos Who Sheet, Self-assessment sheet, Paper & Dictionary
Awareness Activity:
Script: Hello everyone. My name is Mrs. Campbell. Welcome to our first session of our self-
esteem group for young women. Im excited to meet with everyone. Our group will meet for 6
sessions for 45mins. I can assure you that after these sessions you will be more confident in who
you are and learn to accept who you are and others. First lets go over some ground rules
together that we all can agree on to help build cohesion within the group. After we will watch 2
short videos on self-esteem and later discuss about the videos as a group. You will then take a
self-assessment to analyze your current esteem level. Students will then work together to
come up with rules. Once rules have been established students will watch 2 videos on self-
esteem called The Self-Worth Project and Self-esteem narrated by Jennifer Lopez..
Each member will share their thoughts about the video with the group. Students will then
take their self-assessment. Each day ladies you will take home a journal and write down your
experiences and thoughts for each session.
Process Questions: How did you relate to the video? How did it feel to see other
people battle with self-esteem? What was easier to identify while taking the self-
assessment? What was difficult?
Termination Activity: Have members pair up and discuss what one attribute/trait
they want to be more confident in. Have members write in their journals about
their experience in their first session. Introduce the ending ritual Girl power Shout.

Session 2
Putting the Pieces Together
Ice Breaker: Members will pick up 5 pieces of M&M candies and will share five qualities
that they like about themselves to the group members.
Objective: Students will engage in communication with peers. Students will gather
impressions and data about the similarities and differences amongst each other. Students will be
able to articulate their strengths and weaknesses.
Leader Functions and Issues: (forming stage) Encourage feedback between students,
provide a safe environment for students. To bring balance and support for each student.
Materials: Markers, M&Ms, Pencils and puzzle piece for each member.
Awareness Activity:
Script: Hello everyone. My name is Mrs. Campbell. Today we will be putting the pieces
together. Im excited to see more interaction and to see how well you ladies can work together.
Today I will need full participation, each person will receive a puzzle piece and on that puzzle
piece you will write down your name and those five qualities about you. As a group you will put
the pieces together. I will give you 15 minutes to complete the puzzle. Students will put the
puzzle up on the wall and each student will share their piece out loud and at the end say I
am an important piece in this group.
Process Questions: Was it easy to share five qualities about yourself? What made
it difficult? How hard was it to put the pieces together? What made it difficult to
work with others? How did it feel to know that you are an important piece to the
group? Why is it hard to feel accepted? In other areas of your life where do you
also feel less important?
Termination Activity: Have students write in their journals individually and to
write about one quality that they learned about themselves and a trait/attitude they
want to improve on this week. Ending ritual Girl Power!

Session 3
Whos filling your bucket?
Review Activity: Students will share a new attribute/trait that was identified from
the last session.
Objective: Students will be able to appreciate how events, people and
circumstances influence self-esteem.
Leader functions and issues: (working stage) Encourage self-disclosure. Modeling.
Link themes between students.
Materials: magazines, scissors, glue, colored pencils, markers & poster boards
Awareness Activity:
Script: Good afternoon ladies, how is everyone doing? Did you know that each of
us carry our own buckets which hold our emotions. Each day our buckets can be
full when we encounter people who compliment us and make us feel good about
ourselves. In the same way our buckets can also carry negative emotions when
we encounter people who belittle us. It is important to recognize what fills our
buckets each day. So today we will make collages on what certain events, people
or circumstances fill our buckets. You may also draw on your poster board as well.
We will then share with the group our collages. Students will then make their
collages and present with the group. Students will have 20 minutes to make
their collages.
Process Questions: What certain people in your life help fill your bucket? What
events and circumstances? Was it hard for you to identify events and people in
your life? Why? What are some ways you can surround yourself with positive
people? Could joining sports teams or clubs in school help build your self-esteem?
Termination Activity: Have students write in their journals about todays session.
Have students conduct a compliment circle and each student will whisper a
compliment to the person to their right until everyone has received one. Ending
Ritual Girl Power.
Session 4
No More Stinkin Thinkin
Ice breaker: Students will play the game Simon says. They will then pair up and
discuss about how it felt to make mistakes? And is it ok to make mistakes and not
feel bad about it.
Objective: Students will be able to see how self-esteem affects their lives and
decision making. To see how irrational thoughts influence our actions.
Leader functions and issues: (norming stage) Link themes between students
provide homework assignments.
Materials: Pictures of each member, animals, and movie stars, paper and pencil
Awareness Activity:
Script: Hello Ladies. Today you will learn to overcome stinkin thinkin. In order to
overcome our stinkin thinkn we must first understand how our thoughts do affect
our actions. I will give each of you a set of pictures of yourself, an animal and a
movie star. Each of you will first write down your thoughts on those images on a
piece of paper and then will share them with the group. Students will have ten
minutes to write down their thoughts and look at each picture. Students will
then discuss thoughts triggered by the images with the group.
Process Questions: Which image were you more likely to think nice things about?
Why? Did you find yourself comparing the image of yourself to the others? Were
your thoughts positive about yourself? Why or why not? Has media affected your
perspective of what a young woman should look like? Can the thoughts of
yourself be changed?
Termination Activity: Have students write in their journals about todays session.
Students can pair up with each other and compare thoughts of the images to find
differences and similarities.

Session 5
The Overflow Party
Review Activity: Students will partner up and discuss how they overcame stinkin
thinkin throughout the week that was identified from the last session.
Objective: Students will be able to learn how to receive positive feedback from
others. Students will learn that giving encouragement is just as important as
receiving them.
Leader functions: (performing stage) Modeling and to encourage feedback
between students. Show empathy.
Materials: Kick me with encouragement sign, markers & music
Awareness Activity:
Script: Good afternoon beautiful ladies. Today we are having our overflow party!
Each one of you will have a kick me with encouragement sign taped on the back
of your shirts. As music is playing, write down positive traits/attributes about each
person in the group. Write down something encouraging and how much that
person has grown throughout the sessions. Sign your initials after youve left a
comment. Students will then go around and encourage their group members.
Students will then have a couple of minutes to look over what people have said
about them and share what was on their sheet.
Process Questions: Was it easy or hard to receive encouragement? Why? What
did you find most enjoyable giving encouragement or receiving encouragement?
Were some of you surprised about the things that were said about you? Was it
hard to receive encouragement from a particular person in the group? Do you
find yourself often encouraging others? What could you start doing this week to
encourage other people? How does encouragement build your self-esteem?
Termination Activity: Have students write in their journals about todays session. Students
will then pair up with a partner and discuss what people in their lives have given them
encouragement. They will then share with the group. Ending ritual Girl Power!
Session 6
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Review Activity: Students will pair up and share how they have been filling up
other peoples buckets throughout the week.
Objective: Students will be able to articulate their strengths and weaknesses.
Leader functions and issues: (final stage) Encourage feedback between students,
balance support and confrontation.
Materials: Mirror and a microphone for each student
Awareness activity:
Script: Hello every one. Today we will face the Mirror Mirror on the wall. Even
though she seems intimidating please dont be afraid. We have been learning
throughout each of the sessions the importance of having confidence. Today is
the day to share with Mirror Mirror on the wall all of the wonderful qualities that
you possess. Our buckets are full. Once you face her you will never be the same.
You will have even more confidence and struggle no more with insecurities from
when you first started. Now to have that confidence you must grab the
microphone and face the mirror and speak out those qualities from your bucket
to her and model walk back to your seat. Students will take their microphones
and face the mirror. If a student is having difficulty, one member of the group
will have the opportunity fill that students bucket with a positive word that
describes them.
Process Questions: Was it easy to face yourself and call out those qualities? What
made it difficult? How did it feel to have someone fill your bucket? What qualities
were hard to say about yourself? What are some new ways you can build your
self-esteem at home or in school? Was it easy to walk away? Why was it difficult?
Termination Activity: Students will pair up and discuss realistic goals to better improve their self-
esteem. Students will then share with the group what they have learned in the group and how they will
apply what they learned in their schools, community and at home. Ladies will take their journals home
to keep. Ending Ritual Girl Power.

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