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One Page Report

Prepared For: Destini Merrell

Date Printed: 5/8/2014 8:20 AM

Career Interests Assessment

Date Completed: 9/9/2013
Pathway Results
1Business Finance
2Public Management and Administration
3Banking Services
4Administrative Support
Business Finance People who work in this group of occupations are
concerned with the finances of a company or organization. They plan
the companys budget and watch the cash flow. They pay all the bills,
and they decide how the company should invest its profits.
Public Management and Administration People who work in this
group of occupations perform a variety of tasks related to
government. These occupations include many clerical positions
related to court trials and getting licenses or permits to do things like
adding to your house or drilling a well. They also include the
occupations related to delivery of our mail through the United States
Postal Service.
Banking Services People who work in these occupations are located

Skills Confidence Assessment

Date Completed: 9/10/2013
Pathway Results
1Information Support and Services
2Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance
3Network Systems
4Correction Services
5Therapeutic Services
Information Support and Services Many who work in this group of
occupations collect, enter, and analyze data by computer. Some
organize computer databases. Others write computer programs. Still
others design the logic of computer systems and oversee their
Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance People who work in
this group of occupations are focused on making our environment
safe. They apply methods to making contaminated land safe and
productive. They make and enforce rules in work places so that the
health and physical well-being of workers will be assured. Some
design office equipment that will cause the least amount of wear and
tear on the human body.
in banks and deal with many different kinds of tasks. Some accept
deposits. Others make decisions about lending money or accepting a
mortgage. Others manage the banks investments or the savings of
individual clients.
Administrative Support People who work in this group of
occupations help managers in a variety of ways. Those ways may
include clerical support, communication with employees and others
outside the company, and tracking the progress of specific projects.
Accounting People who work in these occupations keep very careful
track of how money is spent in a company or organization. They
carefully record what is spent in categories determined by the budget
or government regulations. They give reports about expenses to
managers, members of boards of directors, and to government
Network Systems People who work in this group of occupations
design, install, and maintain computer networks. They first find out
what the needs of a facility or organization are for computer services.
Then they make a detailed plan, purchase the equipment, and install
it. They also make sure that the system continues to work properly
and meet the needs of the organization.
Correction Services People who work in this group of occupations
are concerned with youth or adults who have broken the law. Some
investigate and solve crimes. Some guard criminals after they have
been placed in jail or prison. Others work with offenders who will
soon leave prison or have already left to help them find and keep
work. Still others monitor prisoners for a period of time after they
have been released.
Therapeutic Services People who work in this group of occupations
deal directly with patients to provide whatever kind of medical care
or treatment they need. Many kinds of technicians, nurses, and
medical assistants who work under the direction of medical doctors
are included.

Work Values Assessment

Date Completed: 9/10/2013





Composite Report
Date completed Interests Assessment: 9/9/2013
Date completed Skills Assessment: 9/10/2013
Pathway Results

Business Finance

Copyright Kuder, Inc.

Innovation Having the challenge and opportunity to do my work in
new ways and with independence and variety.
Prestige Having the sense of being highly regarded by others because
of the nature of my work or the leadership I provide.
Accomplishment Having the feeling that what I do in my work is
important and making a contribution.
Workplace Having the pleasure of working in a comfortable,
attractive work space where the supervisors and co-workers are
supportive and friendly.
Income Having the desire to achieve earnings and rewards that
strongly support my economic and financial advancement.

Public Management and Administration

Banking Services

Administrative Support


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