OA Blue Book Procedures

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OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia

OA Blue Book
The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
User supported ditor Appro!ed
Procedures Manual
Editing Procedures
There are four primary functions for editors"
#$ add issues%
&$ edit e'isting issues%
($ delete erroneous issues% and
)$ assign issue numbers$
*eriodically% an editor will need to add new lodges and chapters$ Any user can add new issues% add comments about e'isting
issues% and raise data problems with e'isting users$ Only editors though can change information% delete issues or assign
issue numbers$
Initial log-in
Before doing any editing functions% users and editors must first register with the site +in this way the system can track who
has added or edited an issue in case there is need for follow,up-$ There is no need to register .ust to look at issue information
and bring up e'isting images$ After initial registration% any time one needs to do one of the editing functions% the system will
ask you to log,in$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Add an issue single
This is the procedure for adding issues one at a time$
Mouse o!er to the tab that says 3Add 2ssues4 and click$ 5o not worry about what lodge is named on the screen$ 6ou will be
able to chose the lodge in the edit screen$
6ou will then be brought to the issue entry screen$ The system uses a set of pull,down menus for each of the fields$ Choose
the lodge and enter the information for the issue through the pull,downs$ The pull,downs work with a mouse% arrow keys% or
using the first letter$
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OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
After entering all of the information% press the 3Add4 button at the bottom$
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OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
The item will be added and you will be gi!en the screen information in this edit page with the issue information loaded with
the most recently entered data$ 2n this way% related issues can be added 7uickly .ust by noting the changes +e$g$% border
colors or lettering color changes- and again pressing the 3Add4 button for each on$
To re!iew your entries you can either go back to the 3Blue Book4 tab and search for the desired lodge or click on the
38hat9s :ew4 tab to see the entries$ All entries go in as 3*ending4 for later issue assignment$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Add an issue batch mode
;rom time to time there may be many issues to add% e!en from multiple lodges$ The system has a batch entry procedure !ia
uploading a standard Microsoft 'cel spreadsheet$ The first is to prepare the spreadsheet and then to upload it$
To get a copy of a blank batch entry spreadsheet go here" http"<<oabluebook$com<procedures<Batchntry$'ls
*reparing the batch entry spreadsheet$ =ere is an e'ample of a filled,out batch entry spreadsheet"
nter one issue per row$
nter the following information"
#$ 1odge number , >e7uired
&$ 1odge se7uence letter +look on line if not sure- , >e7uired
($ :ew Type nter either 31odge 2ssue4% 31odge !ent4% 3Chapter 2ssue4 or 3Chapter !ent4 , >e7uired
)$ Category nter 34 if an e!ent item% 3=4 if a historical item% 364 if a sample or proto,type% 3?4 if an unintended
issue% 3@4 if a fake% lea!e blank if it is none of these Optional
A$ Shape nter the standard letter for the shape of the item$ Can be left blank for non,cataloged issues +e$g$% lodge
pins% neckerchief slides% buckles% etc$$-
B$ 2ssue if a new !ariety to an e'isting issue% enter the issue number$ ;or all new issues% lea!e blank , Optional
C$ Dariety nter the !ariety if applicable Optional
E$ Border nter the border color using the appropriate ( letter color code Optional
F$ dge nter the appropriate edge letter$ 3>4 for rolled,edge% 3C4 for cut,edge$ 3*4 for piping$ , Optional
#/$ Background nter the background color using the appropriate ( letter color code Optional
##$ 1ettering nter the lettering color of the lodge name using the appropriate ( letter color code Optional
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
#&$ BSA nter the BSA color using the appropriate ( letter color code Optional
#($ 5escription nter the descripti!e information of the patch$ Start out% if applicable% with whether it has a ;51% SS
+Scout Sign-% or BSA on the item$ , Optional
Sa!e the spreadsheet to your computer$
Once the batch entry spreadsheet is prepared one needs to upload it to the system$
Mouse o!er to the tab that says 3Batch Add4 and click$ 1og in if prompted$
6ou will then be gi!en a screen for selecting the file from your computer$ *ress the 3Browse4 button$
Then press the Upload 'cel ;ile button$ This usually goes 7uickly$ 6ou can re!iew the entries by going to the 38hat9s
:ew4 tab$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Edit existing issues
1og in$ Then click the 3Blue Book4 tab$
Choose the lodge you want from the pull,down menu
*ress the 3Search4 button
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OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
The lodge issue table screen comes up"
Click on the pencil icon ne't to an issue$ That brings up the issue screen% like the Add single issue% but in edit mode where
you can change the information$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Once you ha!e made all of the changes% press the 3Update4 button
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OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Delete erroneous issues
This begins the same as the dit 2ssue procedure but once in the issue% click on the 3:o4 radio button ne't to the line that
says 35eleted4$
The press the 3Update4 button as in the edit screen$ The issue will be remo!ed from !iewing for regular !iewing although it
will remain in the database until the :ational ditor purges the system$ 2n this way if something is mistakenly deleted it can
be brought back easily$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$
OA Blue Book The Standard Catalog of Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Memorabilia
Assign issue numbers
Currently not acti!e until policy set by BB Standards Committee$
*ull up the desired lodge9s issues screen$
There will be a column for Blue Book &$/ issue numbers and !arieties +not yet implemented and thus not shown-$ 8e will
not be changing historically assigned numbers but creating new numbering$ 2n this way we will be able to correct past errors
while being able to map old numbers to new numbers$
1odge editors make the initial number and !ariety assignments
2ssue number appro!al process"
#$ After a lodge editor has assigned numbers to each issue% they check the 31odge ditor Appro!ed4 bo' ne't to each
issue$ They then notify their Area ditor that it is ready for re!iew$
&$ :e't step is for Area ditors to go issue by issue and confirm by checking the 3Area ditor Appro!ed4 bo' ne't to
each issue$ They then notify the >egion ditor that it is ready for re!iew$
($ :e't step is for >egion ditors to go issue by issue and confirm by checking the 3>egion ditor Appro!ed4 bo'
ne't to each issue$ They then notify the :ational ditor that it is ready for re!iew$
)$ The :ational ditor appro!es and the numbers go li!e$
2f during any steps of the assignment there is disagreement% editors need to first work it out among themsel!es$ 2f they can
not resol!e% then bring in the ne't higher editor$ 2f a disagreement can not be resol!ed with the :ational ditor% then it is
turned o!er to the Appeals Committee for their resolution$
Copyright &/#) 0 TS*A 11C and 2$S$C$A$

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