E-Mail: Mobile:: 999999999999 Searching For A Good Position in Networking & Technical Support, Preferably in IT Sector

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E-Mail: xyz@gmail.com
Mobile: 999999999999
Searching for a good position in Networking & Technical Support, preferaly in !T
Trouleshoot desktop"laptops"ser#er hardware"$mail %lients and other software
related issue, &icrosoft products etc.
'ssisted the customers with technical issues, trouleshooting, installation and
configuration of RHEL 6, Ubuntu 12.04, Wino!" #, $ent %S etc.
(ses trouleshooting techni)ues and tools to identify technical defects"issues.
'cti#ely supports the customer in all aspects through to prolem resolution,
keeping the customer informed and updated throughout life of incident.
%omplies with schedule adherence to ensure o#erall ser#ice le#el targets are
!nteract with users in to support software and hardware transitions.
*ocumenting all issues and their solution for future ease.
+erifying the issue and categorization " prioritization of the incident and %reate
tickets of the issues.
%onfiguration and maintaining ,oll-out .ro#isioning Tool mainly &U&&E'.
,eporting and /ackend !nstallation of Software0s using S$$M.
'gent and %ustomer 'ccount %reation on %'RS and pro#iding 'ccess and
'dmin .ri#ileges to the ser#ices.
*e#elop and document technical processes
.ro#ide technical solutions and trouleshooting ser#ices on need asis.
!n#entory and 'sset &anagement of all !T e)uipment.
$nsure proper working order of all terminals and ser#ers at all times.
.ro#ide support to remote users.
1eeping a watch on all ongoing ma2or incidents and taking follow up on them with
respecti#e Teams.
.articipating into ma2or incident ridge calls and make sure that high impact
incidents get the right attention and resolution within S3' y pro#iding accurate
and rele#ant updates with proper timeline.
&aking sure that e#ents and alerts generated through system monitors are
worked upon in a timely and prescried manner y the Team.
Trouleshooting and root cause analysis is part of the roles and responsiilities
along with generating reports and coming up with the analysis.
'ttending meetings and pro#iding rele#ant updates to the customer.
W%R( E)&ER*E+$E:
't ER*$SS%+ ,L%-AL *+.*A SER/*$ES &/'. L'.0 ,u12aon.
*uration4 5 year 6 month
7o .rofile4 !T Support $ngineer
$e1i 1
%erti 8
'E$H+*$AL S(*LLS
*ataase4 &yS93.
Tools4 :T,S, .uppet Ser#er, Sama, %itrix, '* 'ccount,
+irtual /ox.
*ate of /irth4
3anguages 1nown4

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