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About NIT Trichy

The Natonal Insttute of Technology (formerly

known as Regional Engineering College) Tiruchirap-
palli, situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu on the
banks of river Cauvery, was started as a joint and co
-operatve venture of the Government of India and
the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1964 with a view
to catering to the needs of man-power in technolo-
gy for the country. The college has been conferred
with autonomy in fnancial and administratve
maters to achieve rapid development. Because of
this rich experience, this insttuton was granted
Deemed University Status with the approval of the
UGC/AICTE and Govt. of India in the year 2003 and
renamed as Natonal Insttute of Technology.

The insttuton ofers Under Graduate Courses in
ten branches and Post Graduate Courses in twenty
one disciplines of Science, Engineering & Technolo-
gy besides Ph.D. and M.S. (by research) in all the
departments. The college is an example of cultural
unity with students drawn from most of the states
in the country. NITT is witnessing an exponental
growth in R&D actvites. Apart from a large consul-
tancy work undertaken by our engineering depart-
ments, academic research gains its momentum day
by day. Nearly 200 research scholars are undergoing
their Ph.D in various felds in all the departments.
NITT has signed MOUs with industries and insttu-
tons in and abroad to promote collaboratve re-
search and consultancies.

Department of Mechanical

One among the frst three departments to be estab-
lished in 1964 in the insttute, the Mechanical Engi-
neering Department of NITT has had the reputaton
of being among the fnest in the country and is dedi-
cated towards the advancement of technology and
science. Keeping itself up to date with the latest
developments and trends in the feld and with
a dedicated faculty of highly qualifed and experi-
enced members in all streams of mechanical engi-
neering, the department consistently strives to pro-
vide world class facilites for educaton and re-
search. An interactve relatonship is maintained
between the students and staf which enable the
students to develop a sound foundaton in the
stream in a conducive environment. This is also re-
fected in our campus placement which has been
100% year afer year with our students getng
placed in the top industrial houses of the country.

The department has an excellent industrial interac-
ton and contributes to the industry by ofering con-
sultancy services. Some of them are: Heavy Alloy
Penetrator Project (HAPP), Oil and Natural Gas Cor-
poraton (ONGC), Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
Research (IGCAR), Neyveli Lignite Corporaton (NLC)
and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and its

Important Dates
Last date for receiving applicatons 02 June 2014
Intmaton to partcipants 04 June 2014
Course Dates 06-08 June 2014

Faculty Development Program
ANSYS An Introductory
(Self Supported)

6 8 June 2014

Workshop Coordinators

Dr. T. Ramesh
Dr. N. Siva Shanmugam
Dr. K. Sankaranarayanasamy

Organized by

Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Tiruchirappalli 620 015, Tamil Nadu
Registration Form

Faculty Development Program
ANSYS An Introductory Training
(Self Supported)

06 08 June 2014



Name & Address of Organization

Phone no: (O)______________(R)_____________



Educational Qualification:___________________

Professional Experience:____________________

Cheque / DD No.___________Dated___________

for Rs. _______Drawn in favor of The Director,
NIT Trichy .


Place: Signature:

The Cheque /DD together with registration form
should be sent to

Dr. T. Ramesh & Dr. N. Siva Shanmugam
Coordinators FDP on ANSYS
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli 620 015.
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 0431-2503418, 3425
Fax: 0431-2500133
Mobile: 9994339803, 9443649278

this program. A detailed introducton to fnite element
method is part of the program since that is the basis on
which problem of multphysics nature are solved using

Workshop Contents

Introducton to Finite Element Method
Introducton to ANSYS
Solid Modeling and Meshing
Structural Analysis
Heat Transfer Analysis
Fluid Flow Analysis
Vibraton Analysis


Registration Details

The partcipants are requested to fll in the registraton
form (downloadable from the insttute website,, approved by the concern authorites
and send it to the CourseCoordinators along with the
Demand Draf for

External Partcipant Rs. 2000/-
Internal Partcipant Rs. 1500/-

drawn in favor of The Director, NIT Trichy, so as to
reach us on or before


The partcipants are also requested to confrm their
partcipaton in the workshop by sending an e-mail to
any of the coordinators before 04.06.2014.

The partcipants will be provided free boarding and
lodging. Accommodaton will be arranged in the NIT
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is playing a pre-
dominant role in higher educaton in the disci-
plines of Science and Engineering. At the under-
graduate level, students use engineering simula-
ton to learn physics principles and gain hands-on,
real-world experience that can jump-start their
careers. At the postgraduate level, researchers
apply simulaton tools to solve complex applica-
ton problems. Commercial organizatons regularly
partner with educatonal insttutons to foster in-
novatve research sometmes at the basic level
that can lead to breakthrough solutons.

For incorporatng engineering simulaton into cur-
ricula, academic programs face a number of chal-
lenges, such as limited budgets, efcient procure-
ment and deployment of tools, and cross-
department or cross-campus usage. The botom
line is ofen measured by how much the tools pro-
mote outside-the-box thinking.

The applicaton domain of simulaton soluton ex-
tends to most of the engineering disciplines, at
undergraduate, graduate and research levels.
ANSYS provides a wide range of afordable numer-
ical simulaton techniques and services to help
meet the growing and diverse needs of academia.
Universites, colleges and research insttutes
around the world turn to ANSYS for high-quality
simulaton solutons to ensure that their students
are equipped with the best possible tools to solve
industrial and research problems and facultes
confdently take up consultancy projects and exe-

Workshop Objectives
This course is designed in such a way that intro-
ducing a Finite Element Tool called ANSYS to the
beginners of research community. As this tool has
a mult-domain facility, teachers and the research
scholars of Mechanical, Producton, Civil, Electri-
cal, Instrumentaton etc., could get beneft out of

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