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Iain Grigsby

Professor Semih Eser

The Potential of Wave Energy
Building on the previous reflection papers topic of tidal energy, the humans of planet earth
burned fossil fuels for just over eighty percent of their energy supply last year [1]. Given the harmful
effects of the CO
and other byproducts of these combustion processes, it is blatantly obvious that
greener means of generating power are seriously needed. Covering about seventy-one percent of our
globe, the energy stored in the oceans, lakes and rivers of our world provide a means of fulfilling this
need [2]. While tidal energy provides one viable way of harnessing such resources, wave energy offers
its own favorable attributes and opportunity potential.
Waves that arise on the surface of bodies of water most often result from wind blowing over a
large enough stretch of fluid surface. As the air moves over the liquids surface, pressure and friction
forces perturb the equilibrium of the water surface [3]. Taking the form of a raised water column, the
wave is then pulled downward towards its original level by the forces of gravity. On the macro scale,
waves can form over large areas of ocean and, once generated, travel immense distances with only
small energy losses [4]. Large scale wave fronts such as these often are out of phase with localized wind
and wave conditions, meaning that with proper prediction methods they can be used to minimize
variability over a body of water which might not otherwise be experiencing waves from local air
While there are many wave energy capture designs to choose from, the most simple starting
point is that of the point absorber. These devices capture energy from the upward and downward
motion of the waves. While there are several different strategies for accomplishing this task, they all
essentially work under the same core concept: the vertical motion of a buoy is harnessed to drive the
compression of a gas or liquid contained within a piston, which is in turn expanded to drive the rotation
of generator which creates electricity. The most well-known company currently producing such
technologies is OPT. To get a sense of scale and capability, OPTs production Mark 3 Power Buoy stands
over forty meters tall and has a max rating of 866 kilowatts. A larger Mark 4 version is currently
undergoing heavily funded development, and is planned to have a much larger peak power of 2.4
megawatts [5].
A second promising wave energy capture method is the surface attenuator. Instead of
operating vertically like the point absorber described above, the attenuator floats horizontally at the
surface of the water. It is made up of several large tube sections connected by universal joints which
allow each of the tubes to flex in two directions independently of one another. The motion of tubes is
resisted by hydraulic rams in each of the joints, which in turn drive hydraulic motors which spin
electrical generators. The leading company in designs such as these is Pelamis. In their current testing
taking place of the coast of Orkney in the U.K., their Pelamis P2 has seen bursts of power in access of
two megawatts, and an averaged electrical output of 270 kW [4]. While this is enough to meet the
electricity needs of as many as 500 homes, and the machine could easily be operated alongside many of
identical design, creating a wave energy farm of vast potential.
In order to curb the global warming trend, earths residents have no option but to pursue
alternative forms of power generation. One means of doing this is by harnessing the untapped energy
supplies present in the large bodies of water that span the globe. While tidal energy should continue to
be studied and progressed, wave energy also deserves a chance to prove itself. Whether it be in the
form of bobbing point absorbers or snakey surface attenuators, wave power provides a means for clean
and unintrusive energy capture. Through its advancement and uptake by mainstream electricity
suppliers, wave energy is sure to play its part in the carbon emission free way of the future.

Works Cited
[1] "World Energy Outlook 2013." World Energy Outlook. International Energy Agency, n.d. Web. 4 Mar
[2] "How Much Water is there on, in, and above the Earth."The USGS Water Science School. U.S.
Department of the Interior, 19 Mar 2014. Web. 3 Apr 2014. <
[3] Phillips, O. "On the generation of waves by turbulent wind."Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2.5 (1957):
417-45. Print.
[4] "Wave Power: What is Wave Energy?." Pelamis Wave Power. Pelamis Wave Power Ltd., n.d. Web. 3
Apr 2014. <>.
[5] "Utility Scale Systems." Ocean Power Technologies. Ocean Power Technologies Ltd., n.d. Web. 3 Apr

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