Pre-Construction Staged:: Desk Study

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Pass paper

2a) For ground investigation with tunneling in rock (either drill and blast
or tunnel boring machine), describe the objective and minimum
requirement of the ground investigation program.
bjective and minimum requirement of the ground investigation
program should be follows!
"dentif# the geological profile for the preliminar# and alignment
"dentif# adverse geological features e.g. fault $one % hard rock $one
for selection of construction method
"dentif# the h#drogeological profile for permanent and temporar#
support design.
"dentif# the rock mass properties for the selection of tunnel
construction method, temporar# and permanent support design.
"dentif# the sensitive structures (e.g. dams, buildings & bridges)

2b) 'escribe in less than ()) words wh# and how a staged ground
investigation program should be conducted.
Pre-construction staged:
Desk study
*efore ground investigation field works commenced, the topographic
maps, geological maps, aerial photographs should be e+amined.
Preliminar# geological model can be formed and served geological
features e.g. fault $one, d#ke can be identified which can facilitate the
future planning of ground investigation filed works. ,ore attention will
be paid on the served geological features. -+isting ground investigation
report should be noted which provide basic information of forming
geological profile and bedrock litholog# can be found for preliminar#
Ground Investigation field works
Vertical Borehole
.ertical boreholes should be implemented along the proposed tunnel
alignment. /he vertical boreholes can provide updated geological profile
and collect soil samples (ma$ier sample) and rock samples (double
core barrel) for the laborator# test. 0part from the samples collect for the
laborator# test, the following field test can be conducted to find out the
soil and rock properties!
1tandard penetration test is conduct to find out the stiffness, relative
densit# of soil and rock.
Pressuremeter test is carried out to find out the bearing pressure of the
soil% rock.
Pie$omenter and standpipe is used to measure the groundwater table,
perched water table and confined aquifer.
2onstant head permeabilit# test is conduct to find out the permeabilit#
of each soil stratum.
3ater absorption test provide the permeabilit# of insitu rock.
Inclined Borehole
"nclined boreholes should be carried out to confirm the location of
suspected fault $one. /he soil% rock sample at the fault $one should be
collected for the laborator# test.
Laboratory test
/he following test should be test on soil sample to indentif# the soil
parameter and classif# the soil!
/ria+ial compression test provide estimation of soil cohesion and its
friction angle.
edometer test provide undrained shear strength parameter.
2hemical test provide soil aggressiveness.
"nde+ test provide information for soil classification.
For rock sample, the following laborator# test should be carried out!
4nconfined compressive strength or point load test should be carried
out to find out the compressive strength, 5oung ,odulus and Poisson6s
ratio of the rock mass.
Punch test, drilling rate inde+ etc would be carried out for facilitating the
use /*,.
During Construction:
7ori$ontal directional drilling should be conducted along the tunnel
alignment for better understand the geolog# of the alignment. 'esign
review can be carried out immediatel# according to the actual site
condition. /he rock joint, fault $one and groundwater ingress should be
identified to modif# the support s#stem according to the actual rock
mass classification and 89value.
2c) /here are man# factor where geologist would rel# on in determining
where the geological material is a fault $one or not. :ist at least ;
factors or ke# works.
/he rock mass in fault $one is different due to thermal alteration.
/he rock mass in fault $one is highl# fractured and weathered.
/he permeabilit# is high in fault $one.
/he rock mass is highl# sheared.
-vidence of piping.
,atri+ infill is found.
1udden change in rock head level.
<a) 3hat are the advantages of in9situ testing over laborator# testing of
geological material for engineering purpose= Please supplement
#our arguments b# using e+amples of different in9situ testing
techniques and laborator# testing techniques.
(>etrieved from ch.2( of ?eoguide 2)
Field test are generall# desirable where it is considered that the mass
characteristics of the ground would differ appreciabl# from the material
characteristics. /hese difference generall# arise from several factors,
are the e+tent to which the laborator# samples are representative to the
mass, and the qualit# of the sample that can be taken.
(>etrieved from ch 2@ of ?eoguide 2)
/he samples conducted b# the field test would be less disturbed
compare with sample collected to carr# out laborator# test.
"n9situ test is alwa#s cheaper, quicker response and routine base
compare with laborator# test.
1tandard penetration test provide the information regarding the soil
parameters and foundation condition and the test is simple, quick
response and ine+pensive, compare with the trial a+ial test conduct in
.ane shear test provide the information about undrained shear strength
of soil sample. /he main advantage is that the test cause little
disturbance of the ground that that of unconsolidated undrained test.
2onstant head % variable head to determined the in9situ soil permeabilit#
which is more reliable than laborator# test, as the sample si$e is larger
and the sample does not disturb.
"mpression packer surve# provide an assessment of the orientation and
aperture of discontinuit# on in9situ rock.
(>etrieved from ch 2; of ?eoguide 2)
Field densit# test provide information of dr# densit# of in9situ soil and
test for control of compaction of embankments.
<b) 3hat are the advantages of laborator# testing over in9stiu testing of
geological material for engineering purpose= Please supplement
#our arguments b# using e+amples of different in9situ testing
techniques and laborator# testing techniques.
(>etrieved from ?eoguide 2 /able @2 and /able @<)
/he advantage of laborator# testing are identif# and classif# the
samples with a view of making use of past e+perience with materials of
similar geological age, origin and condition. "t can also obtain soil and
rock parameters relevant to the technical objective of the investigation.
/ria+ial test can provide the design parameter of soil cohesion and
friction angles. "t is not empirical result but numerical compare with 1P/.
edometer test provide the amount and the time scale of settlement for
consolidation anal#sis, which take time and unfeasible to test with large
in9situ specimen.
'irect shear stress test used to determine the shear strength
characteristics of rock discontinuities. /he rock mass cannot be sheared
on site directl#, small samples can facilitate the test.
4nia+ial compression test or point load test provide the rock
compression strength, static #oung6s modulus, where 1P/ % 2P/ cannot
provide accurate estimation of the mentioned parameter.
(a) 'evelop a site investigation and laborator# testing plan to acquire
the necessar# information to design the upgrading slope
stabili$ation work within a reasonable budget. 5ou have to give
adequate details to implement the plan, including but not limited to,
the number of boreholes, location of boreholes, depth of boreholes,
drilling sequence, t#pe of in9situ and laborator# tests to performed,
operation parameters for laborator# testing etc.
(>etrived from /able < and ( of ?-?4"'- 2)
0ccording to the ?-?4"'- 2, the slope can be classified as 2lass @
site, assume the angle of slope is greater than <) degree.
1ite investigation should be carried out b# e+amination of terrestrial
photographs, aerial photos and geological map. /opographical,
geological and surface drainage surve# should be carried out. *orehole
location should be @)m to <)m, ,apping of geological features and
surface features.
?round investigation works included vertical boreholes <)m hori$ontal
spacing and @)m vertical spacing each is proposed in stagger pattern to
find out the soil stratum underneath and collect soil% rock sample for
laborator# test (A@B nos. of boreholes are required). 1lope stripping also
proposed to find out the overla#ing material at <)m hori$ontal spacing
(A< nos. of slope stripping). /he vertical bore holes can also identif# the
fault $one and underlain weak material at slope. /he boreholes should
be terminated at Bm rock head where ?rade """ or better rock with total
core recover# greater than CBD, or toe level of the slope is reached.
Pie$ometer should be installed at the top and bottom of the feature to
find out the groundwater level of the slope.
2ollect soil b# ma$ier sampler and rock sample b# double tube core
barrel. /he ma$ier sample collect should be at <m intervals, so that
each sample from each soil stratum can be collect. /he top soil can be
collected b# using 4;E tube samplers for laborator# test.
"n9situ test
1P/ is required to find out the soil stiffness of different soil sample, the
1P/ should be carried out at 2m interval at first @Em and (m interval for
further depth.
Pie$ometers are installed at top, middle and bottom of feature (AEnos of
pie$ometer) to determined the ground water level, perched water level
and confined aquifer.
Permeabilit# test (e.g. constant head test) is carried out to find out the
permeabilit# of various soil stratums. "t can identif# the confined aquifer.
"mpaction packer % /. televiwer is required to identif# the rock joint (for
rock slope) to find out the adverse wedge.
:aborator# test
"nde+ tests on soil sample to carr# out soil classification.
/ria+ial compression test carried out to find out the soil parameter (e.g.
cohesion, friction angle and 5oung6s modulus)
deometer test carried out to provide undrain shear strength for the
cla# material.
(b) 'evelop a long term monitoring plan to evaluate the engineering
performance from time to time. 5our have to give details on t#pes of
instruments to be installed, locations of the instruments, frequenc#
of measurement etc.
Pie$ometers are installed at top and bottom of the slope to detect
the groundwater.
/iltmeter is installed on the buildings to monitor the movement of
/he inclinometer is installed to measure lateral deflection of
-+tensometer installed in the middle, bottom and top of slope to
detect the slope movement.
Tips from Prof Kwong
0) ?round investigation field works submission procedure in 1chedule
0ccording to PF0P 22B, ground investigation in the scheduled area is
building works and requires approval and consent under the building
?" works in schedule area G approval and consent
Procedures are in place in *uildings 'epartment for concurrent
processing of applications for approval and consent in respect of new
ground investigation works in 1cheduled 0reas. "n order to take
advantage of the concurrent processing, a site supervision plan
together with the ground investigation plansH and cover letter that #ou
wish to take advantage of the concurrent processing option and submit
an application for consent after the <2
da# of the submission of plans
for approval.
1chedule 0rea Fo.@ ,id levels schedule area (PF0P CB)
?round investigation in the schedule area Fo.@ requires approval from
the *0. 0s such, ground investigation plans including laborator# test
prescribed in *uilding (0dministration) >egulation C(@)(@) must be
submitted to the *0 for approval and consent before the works are
?round investigation should conform to standards laid down in
?-?4"'-2 and ?-?4"'- <, which are prepared b# ?-. /he
ground investigation is adequatel# supervised on site b# a suitabl#
e+perience engineer or engineering geologist according the code of
practice for site supervision.
1chedule 0rea Fo.2 & ( of the schedule area (PF0P @E@)
?" works in schedule area Fo.2 & ( require approval of the *0, plans of
proposed ?" in these area must submitted to *0 for approval and
consent before the works are commenced.
0P, >1- and >?- are advised to ensure that ?" works are carried out
in accordance with ?-?4"'- 2 and <, and supervised in accordance
with 2P of 1ite 1upervision. 0ttention should be given to logging the
location and si$e of cavities, the nature of the cavit# wall and the infill,
together with rock discontinuities.
/he depth of drillholes should relate to the depth of marble bedrock and
the magnitude of the load to be applied b# the structure. "f marble is
encountered, a minimum penetration of 2)m into sound marble rock is
recommended in order to reduce the risk of e+isting cavities not being
identified. /he use of water as a flushing medium should be controlled
as there have been cases where sinkholes were induced b# e+cessive
use of flushing water. 7igh qualit# core samples of the cavit# infill can
be obtained b# using triple9tube core barrels with air foam.
'iscussion with the relevant district 2hief ?eotechnical -ngineer of the
?- before a ground investigation proposal is finali$ed ma# allow the
optimum drillhole la#out to be adopted. 0t least 2 weeks prior
notification of the intention to commence ground investigation works in
these areas should be given to the relevant district 2hief ?eotechnical
Pending substantial completion of the building works, all cores and
samples should be retained on site in good condition for inspection b#
*' and ?-.
1chedule area Fo.< PF0P ;;
?" works at schedule area Fo.< required prior approval and consent
form *0. 0ll proposals within the 1chedule area Fo.< shall be subject to
special scrutin# of the ?overnment prior to giving approval and consent
for commencing construction works.
/he proposal shall be assessed individuall# on the impact on e+isting
railwa# and related structures and the following should be included!
'etails of e+ploration and locations of the proposed e+ploration holes,
trial pits, trenches, field testing or instrumentation relative to an# railwa#
Proposed depth of bore holes, pits or trenchesH
0 method statement for sinking borehole, e+cavation, trial pits and
trenches including back9filling, conducting field testing or installing
0 method statement for checking verticalit# of borehole located with a
distance of @)m on plan of an# point of the underground railwa#
structures, should boreholes be sunk to a depth of <m from the heighest
point of the railwa# structuresH and
0 method statement for controlling depth of boreholes%drillholes sinking
within a distance of <m on plan of an# point of the underground railwa#
1chedule area Fo. B PF0P @EB
?" works at within this area will require approval and consent form *0.
/he following shall be submitted to *0!
'etails of the e+ploration and location of the proposed e+ploration
holes, field testing or instrumentation relative to sewage tunnesH
Proposed depth of holes, filed testing or instrumentationH
0 method statement for sinking holes, conducting field testing or
installing instrumentationH and
0 method statement for checking the alignment of holes when the
minimum distance from a hole to an# point less than B)m should be
sunk to depth within <m from the highest point of the sewage tunnel
/he vertical and hori$ontal pressure on an# sewage tunnel structure
should not be increased or decreased b# more than 2)kPa or BD of the
total overburden pressure for structure at depth greater than 2)m
/he ppv of artifical shocks should not e+ceed 2Bmm%s b# artificial shock
generated b# detonation of e+plosive or mechanical blow and should
not e+ceed @Bmm%s b# percussion drilling% hammer drilling.
Fo hole should be sunk or e+cavated within a distance of <m form an#
point of an# sewage tunnel.
For the ?" plans, the plans should be endorsed b# >egistered
?eotechnical -ngineer, and /B supervision report should be submitted
once a month to *'.
*) 3hat kind of geological model % ?" should be considered=
"n order to retrieve more geological and h#drogeological information for
the construction of proposed tunnel, the following ground investigation
field works, in9situ tests and laborator# tests are required!
Ground investigation field works
.ertical boreholes should be carried out to identif# different soil
stratum and rock joint% fault $one. .ertical boreholes at sea level
are preferred, and prior consent from ,arine 'epartment would be
required. ,a$ier soil samples can be collected and rock samples
can be collected b# double tube core9barrel.
"nclined drillholes proposed to collect identif# the location of fault
7ori$ontal directional drilling should be carried out along the
alignment of the tunnel. "n9situ rock%soil samples can be retrieved.
/he number of joint sets, the qualit# of rock and the roughness of
joint can be found.
In-situ field test
1tandard penetration tests are proposed to find out the soil
'ilatometer tests are proposed to find out the undrained shear
strength of the marine deposit.
Pie$ometer and standpipe were proposed to find out the ground
water level and confined aquifer.
2onstant head permeabilit# tests were proposed at different soil
stratum to found out the permeabilit# of different soil for further
"mpression packers or *7 televiewr are proposed to find out the
rock joint.
3ater absorption test measures the water acceptance b# in situ
rock under pressure.
Laborator test
/ri9a+ial tests are used to find out the soil parameter of different soil
(e.g. cohesion, soil parameter, #oung6s modulus).
4nconsolidated undrain tests and direct shear test are proposed to
find out the undrain shear strength of marine deposit.
2hemical test and fundamental inde+ test are used to define the
soil aggressive and soil classification.
4nconfined compression test% point load test for rock are used to
determine the 5oung6s ,odulus and Poission6s >atio.
Flat jack test are measured in9situ rock stress.
Punch tests, 2erchar 1cratch test and testing for drilling rate inde+,
bit wear inde+ and cutter life inde+ test are to be carried out for
facilitating the use of /*,
deometer tests should be carried out to find out the time scale
and settlement of the sample
Geological !odel
"n order to carr# out the anal#sis to predict the effect of the proposed
tunnel on the stabilit# of the e+isting structures, geological and
h#rdogeological information obtained during ground investigation field
works and the result retrieved from laborator# tests should be correctl#
Geological profile
0ccording to the ?"F3 and the e+isting geological information (e.g
?eological map, -+isting ?" report from nearb# structure), the
geological profile can be formed. /he fault $one location can be located.
Soil properties & Rock ass properties
/he soil and rock mass parameters should be revised b# using the
laborator# test results in the new soil sample with considering the
e+isting soil samples. For conservative reasons, the lower bound soil
parameter and rock mass parameter should be adopted.
!ydrogeological profile
/he design groundwater table should be revised depend on the
pie$ometer reading, the highest groundwater table should be adopted in
design assumption. /he settlement due to groundwater drawdown can
be noticed.
0fter defining the geological and h#drogeological profile related to the
engineering problem, a two dimensional sections and <' model should
be formed find out the critical geological and h#drogelogical problem
encounter. /he computer programme (e.g. F:02 2', Ple+is) ma# be
used in illustrated the effect on the pipe9pile wall and surrounding
ground during stated e+cavation. /he e+isting deflection should be
catered and modeled during consideration of proposed upgrading
works. /hus the computer model would be compatible with the actual
site condition.
-ngineering 'ifficulties regarding the geological profile
/he fault $one ma# cause rock%soil ingress and water ingress during
/he rock joint ma# lead to water ingress during tunneling
/he settlements of ground due to groundwater draw down, as water
flow in the tunnel through rock joint.
/he marine deposit ma# be settled due to ground settlement because of
/he rocks fall due to adverse joint sets

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