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PhD Student Institut fr Biochemie,University of Greifswald
Greifswald, Germany Phone: +4915226805662 E-mail: ; web:

Education and Research

April 2011Present: PhD (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke) April 2011 to Sept. 2012
at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Oct.2012 to Present at Institut
fr Biochemie, Universitt Greifswald. Germany.
June 2010
2010: Master of Science in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
(IITK), India.
2008: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

Experimental and Instrumental Skills

Expertise in Schlenk line techniques.
Extensive synthetic experiences in dithiolene systems.
Expertise in synthesis of Mo, W, Ni-Dithiolene complexes.
Expertise in handling with NMR, MS, PXRD, Cyclic Voltammetry, UV-visible, PL,
IR instruments.
Expertise in mounting and data collection of single crystals in Bruker Smart- CCD
deffractometer and solution of single crystal data of molecules.
Expertise in several crystallography software i.e. WinGX-program for solving crystal
structures; PLATON for crystal structure analysis; Mercury, ViewerLite, Diamond
etc. for viewing and manipulating crystal structure.

Awards and Achievements

Awarded a grant for Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) to the University of
York, UK from European Cooperation in Science and Technology (ECOST), June
Recipient of Trinity Award from Trinity College Dublin on April, 2011.
Qualified in GATE 2010 (Score 525 with All India Rank 165 in the year 2010).
Secured All India Rank 92 in CSIR, 2009, December, India
Curriculum Vitae
R&D Assistant, JNCASR, Bangalore, India.


Awarded Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellowship from Jawaharlal
Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) in 2009 for best project
Secured All India Rank 52 in Joint Admission Test conducted by Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT)s in 2008.
Recipient of National Merit Scholarship from West Bengal Council of Higher
Secondary Education in 2005.


(4) Exploration of ring opening-closing reversibility in 1, 3-dithiol-2-one system. A. C.
Ghosh and C. Schulzke. Manuscript in preparation.
(3) The unexpected and facile molybdenum mediated formation of tri- and tetracyclic
pentathiepins from pyrazine-alkynes and sulphur. M. Zubair, A.C. Ghosh and C. Schulzke
Chem.Comm., 49, 4343 (2013) (Emerging Investigators Issue) link
(2) A metal-organic framework with highly polar pore surfaces: Selective CO
adsorption and
guest-dependent ON/OFF emission properties. P. Kanoo, A. C. Ghosh, S. T. Cyriac and T.
K. Maji Chem. Eur. J ., 18, 237 (2012). link
(1) A vanadium (VO
) metalorganic framework: Selective vapour adsorption, interesting
magnetic properties, and use as a precursor for a polyoxovanadate. P. Kanoo, A. C. Ghosh
and T. K. Maji I norg. Chem., 50, 5145 (2011). link

Papers Presented at Scientific meetings

(5) Talk: Development of a new class of fluorescence sensors based on the combination of dithiolene
ligands with electron deficient fluorophores @ Norddeutsche Doktorandenkolloqium (NDDK),
Sept. 2013, Bremen, Germany.
(4) Poster: Development of a new class of fluorescence sensors by combination of electron deficient
fluorophores with dithiolene ligands @ International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry
ICBIC 16, July 2013, Grenoble, France.
(3) Attended the scientific ECOST-MEETING-CM1003, July 2013, Grenoble, France.
(2) Presented a talk @ COST 1003 WG4 Workgroup Meeting, January 2013, University of
Potsdam, Germany.
(1) Got training from SHELX workshop, Sept. 2011, Georg-August-Universitt, Gttingen,



1. Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke
Institut fr Biochemie
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universitt Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Strae 4
D-17487 Greifswald

2. Prof. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Duhme-Klair
Department of Chemistry
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

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