Wood Marilyn 1974 SAE

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717 West "toldell

717 W. Yandell El Paso, Texas 79902 Phone: 916 / 544-5588
April 1974
Dear Christian Friends,
Greetings from sunny El Paso, the land where the sun spends the winter,
and the Lord smiles on us all the year roimd. May God's blessings be yours
as you receive this into your hands.
First, I want to apologize for being so delinquent in writing to all
of you. I really intended to write much sooner, but haven'tmainly for
two reasons: lack of time and lack of finances.
As most of you are aware, my wedding plans did^not abaterialize. and
so I have remained here in El Paso and continue working with both Spanish
American Evangelism and El Paso Christian College. Since Christmas we've
seen tremendous growth in both areas. I would like to tell you just a
little about what's been going on in both places.
First, the correspondence school "El Encuentro" has been growing
daily. We are thrilled with the responses we have been getting to the
distribution of tracts. "El Encuentro" is a study course for those who
do not know anything at all about the Bible. So far, twelve persons
have completed the course. Several of these were already Christians,
but of those who weren't, only two have not been baptized yeir, Hon Clark,
director of the school, has baptized at least nine others he me;t^^^^roj^
students taking the course. Several other students are close to malting
their decision for the Lord also. Incidentally, I grade all the courses
that come in, and do the secretarial work for Ron.
Then the first of this week, we were able to put our radio program
back on the air in Juarez. The very next day we received a letter from
a listener wanting to study the Bible ind enroll in "El Encuentro".
Right now. Freeman Bump and Ron are helping with a revival in Juarez,
So far there have been eleven baptisms, ind several more will probably
be baptized before the week is over, Feliciano Moreno, a Mexican from
the state of Coahuila, is the evangelist for the week.
Many of you are getting ready for VajiatAflRiBiblfti Schnnls in your
churches. If you do not have a missionary yet, why not consider S.A.E.
Every year we make up missionary lesson packets that go along with the
Standard material that is sent out. ThLe-yaar' .sr.--LRa&Qiiaare - entitled
^lfiafid=MfibWSSpanish American Evangelism". It will include the stories
for each day, "a 'take home paper for each child, a film strip, and dis
play materials. If you are interested in using these lessons, please let
us know right away, so that we can get the materials to you as soon as
After getting a seemingly slow start, El Paso Christian College is
moving ahead We now have a promotional director, and we will have at
least one new teacher this coming year, Ed Weckerly, minister at Socorro,
New Mexico, is our promotional director working on a part-time basis.
Bill McCarty. who has served as a missionary in Mexico and also a teacher
at"~0bl(5i^ Biblico, plans to come in June to prepare for classes that
begin next fall. We are really happy to have these two men join us in
working for the college.
As for me, I am not teaching this semester. No one signed up for
my classes. However, we do have jy_siaidnt.a. enrolleudall in Bible and
Bible related classes. This is quite"an improvement over last semester
when we had 15 students7 enrolled in Spanish and 3 in music, leaving
just 5 enrolled in Bible courses. We praise the Lord for this kind of
Right now we are launching a new promotional program with-the-guat
of having 50 students this next year. We are offering an internship
program that combines both academic study and on-the-field training. It
promises to be a very good program, so if you are interested, please
write me, and I will be happy to send you more information on it.
As for me^gersoji^Ury^ in addition to all the secretarial work con
nected with S.A.E, and the college, I manage to keep busy with other
activities. I am active in the work of Eastside Christian Church here,
and almost every Sunday you will find me at either the piano or organ.
I am also the treasurer for the Women's Group of the church. Then this
summer I will be in charge of the music for the Vacation Bible School.
I recently started giving piano, lessons, too. I really enjoy doing
this. Right now I have -fjjoe^stud^tjs, and they all are doing well. Since
I don't have a piano, I go to their homes to give the lessons.
In January I moved into an apartment with Jackie Lemmon, Jackie and
I went to Ozark Bible College together, and she also graduated from there
in May 1972. We enjoy each other's company when we see each other, which
sometimes isn't very often. I'm thankful that I have a Christian roommate,
It makes things a lot easier.
As I mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why I have not put out a
newsletter was because of lack of funds. . T nppd at a month,
and only have around j|35^-00 pledged. To add^to the money troubles, my
car starts""falling apart, so I traded it..in.==fln-ar-VoJkg^wafrpn. My car pay
ments are higher now, but I will probably save at least $20,00 a month on
gas. Despite the lack of funds, the Lord has provided the money when I
needed it, so that I do not have any ^^pgfegtranding.^^ I am really grate
ful to Him for that. If of you would like to give me some support, I
would really welcome it. I am thankful to all of you who do support me, and
I want you to know that I appreciate all the help you all give me through
your prayers as well as your money.
Remember, if you're ever down this way, the welcome mat is always out,
May God bless each and every one of you as you serve Him,
In Christian love,
Christmas 1974
Dear Christian Friends,
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" is the theme for this
time of year, and El Paso is nO exception. Even the weather cooperated
last week and sent us some snow. Of course, it didn't last long.
Much has happened since I last wrote. Summer was busy as always.
One of the major activities was the setting up of the college offices,
bookstore, library, etc'. In June we began renting a three bedroom house
located on the property of Eastside Christian Church. Offices were set
up for .the faculty, and these offices also double as classrooms. A
library and bookstore were set up in the living-dining area, and the
kitchen is used for a snack bar.
In July I quit working for Spanish Americcui Evtmgelism and began
working fnUa^Mne-^jiath _c ]^ege. During this first semester I taught
English ind~Spanish and also had one piano student. In addition to
the teaching,.1 continue doing the secretarial work and am also managing
the bookstore, helping get the library set-up, and doing all the book
keeping except for the signing of checks.
Another thing that happened summer was the hiring of two new
.fafflulty-me^bers. One of them a graduate W Ozark Bible
College and a former professor at^Colegio Bij?ii^.^J|e teaches classes
in both English and Spanish. The otberTg^^^gj^^^^>.vho came to
us from Boise Bible College where he was the music pro'fessor. Asides
teaching music courses, he is also qualified to teach in the audio-visual
department and Bible exegetical study courses.
The school year started in August. We had f4&J&^id^e=zstudent8
8ight. paEfeBdj^me students enrolled for this semester. Thi^ z^pr'Osents
a"^3B0^~"increase over last year in the number of full-time istudents. The
overall enrollment is about the same.
We have a get-together every month which enables us to have a deeper
fellowship with each other and with our families as well.
Second semester starts January 14th. We will have at least two
more new students. . All of us working with the college really feel the
Lord's leading us in this venture, and we're looking ahead to really,
great things for Him.
In October Jerry Baley organized an all -city choir among the three
churches. We have around 25-30 who are taking part in it. So' far, we've
made three appearances - two of which were for TV church programs.
n 3
The last full week of November, Eastside Christian Church had its
first Faith Promise Rally. This congregation is only four or five years
old and has a membership of around 100. (I'm a member of this congre
gation, and they also help support me.) Our goal was $12,300. We really
praised God, though, when total pledges reached almost $23,0001 Already
we're seeing the way the Lord is blessing us and helping our faith to
December 6-8 was the Faith Promise Rally at the New Testament
Christian Church here. I led the singing for this. (They also con
tribute some to ray support.) Their goal was $4,500, and total pledges
have exceeded $6,4001
The end of this week I'll be going home for Christmas. I'm looking
forward to it as I haven't seen u^.family since last Chr-istmas. I'll
also be taking time to 8pe^ to some churches and individuals about the
work here, I'll be coming back in January and bringing ny youngest
sister, Marsha, with me. She'll spend a week here with me before going
back to school at Ozark.
Thank you, everyone, for all your support - both through your fi
nances and through your prayers. If you have any questions concerning
the work and/or would like a financial report, please feel free to write
and ask. Write to me in c/o El Paso Christian Cpll^e, Box 26924, El
Paso, Texas 79926,
May you all have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and may the New
Year be filled with in service to Him.
.: of.
r ' ix/o *
Love in Christ,

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