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The Facebook Wheel

A Guide to Profiting Like Mad on The Worlds Largest Social Network

Author: Guy Ferdman
Copyright SatoriPrime
I dont do indexes
(Youll thank me later for that)

If you !ought this guide" you pro!a!ly #ust $ant to get do$n to !usiness and honestly so do I%
&ay to many times I !uy guides and theres '( pages of fluff and explaining e)ery detail in minutia that
puts me to sleep% &hile the entire time I $ish the author $ould #ust get to the point already%
I intend on !eing )ery poignant $ith this report and gi)e you some real )alue for your hard earned
It also means less $ork for me and more a*tiona!le steps you *an take immediately to start profiting on
the $orlds largest so*ial net$ork%
+y name is Guy Ferdman and Im a full time online marketer" entrepreneur" and !usiness mentor to
hundreds of people all o)er our little !lue planet%
Im the *ofounder of a )ery su**essful online mentorship *ompany *alled ,atori-rime" please feel free
to )isit and get in tou*h $ith me% (http:..satoriprime%*om)
I)e !een a full time marketer for a!out /0 months straight $hile authoring this report and it seemed
natural to $ant to learn ho$ to use Fa*e!ook as a marketing de)i*e% 1heres an endless amount of
traffi* on Fa*e!ook of *ourse !e*ause of their nearly / 2illion users% (C3A4Y5)
2eyond the nearly / !illion people $ho *all Fa*e!ook home online" nearly half of them )isit it on a daily
!asis" and !est of all6
7a*h and e)ery one of them is )olunteering golden information to marketersho$ you might ask6
&elle)ery time someone *li*ks 8like9 they are essentially gi)ing one )ote to something they en#oy and
as su*h" for marketers this type of information is perfe*t $hen targeting a ni*he or demographi*%
&hile you *an find many programs to tea*h you ho$ to use Fa*e!ooks internal pay per *li*k system (Ill
e)en list some of the !est ones !elo$ in my dire*tory and I may e)en *reate my o$n going for$ard) this
guide is essentially more of a strategy I *reated
Cli*k :ere 1o ;is*o)er 1he 2est Fa*e!ook Ads 7du*ation I 7)er Got
I du!!ed it the FACEBOOK WHEEL! (Can you hear the theme musi* for this6)
I *alled it that" !e*ause on*e a prospe*t is on this $heel its )ery diffi*ult to get off%
,o $hat is this Fa*e!ook &heel6 Great <uestion" $ell get into that in #ust one se*ond%
2ut for no$" if you)e e)er heard the term retargeting used in marketing *ir*les" its essentially a $ay to
retarget your ad)ertising efforts to the same people $ho may !e perspe*ti)e !uyers%
It is a $ellkno$n fa*t that for ad)ertising to !e effe*ti)e" the prospe*t $ill need to see your ad multiple
times !efore taking a*tion%
&ith retargeting" su*h as $ith !anner or text ads" on*e a prospe*t has )isited a site" you *an then re
target them $ith a spe*ifi* offer from that site%
,o if you)e e)er !een surfing the internet and no matter $here you go you seem to see the same
!anner ad)ertisement" this is someone retargeting Y=>%
Its not that the spe*ifi* ad is all o)er the $e!" it simply means that you and you alone are seeing that ad
e)ery$here on the $e!" !e*ause you are !eing retargeted% 1his is a**omplished !y installing a *ookie
on your ma*hine and that *ookie lets the ad net$ork kno$ that you should !e seeing this ad e)erytime
you land on a page that is on their respe*ti)e net$ork% If you dont fully understand this" dont $orry"
it $ont affe*t your results here%
1his methodology of marketing has pro)en to in*rease *on)ersions !y up to '(? in many *ases and is !y
far one of the most su**essful $ays to market online today%
1he issues is" that there is no retargeting on Fa*e!ook itself" in fa*t Fa*e!ook !arely lets you tra*k your
marketing efforts and as su*h most people *on*entrate on lo$ering their 8per *li*k *ost9$hi*h is
something $ell also talk a!out using this strategy% You *an get extremely lo$ *ost per *li*k using this
method on*e you ha)e the !ase !uilt%
+ore importantly" on*e you)e done the !ase $ork" the potential for making money on autopilot is
great and you $ill not need to *ontinue $ith your paid marketing efforts unless you *hoose to%
1hats it for the introlets get right into it%
The Facebook Wheel E!lained
I $ill do my !est to explain the methodology in text and I think you should read through it to understand
the mindset and theory !ehind this marketing strategy I *reated% 2ut rest assured at there $ill !e
tutorial )ideos throughout this guide to help you along and gain !etter understanding%
As you may or may not kno$" the @ne$ish 1imeline Aayout on Fa*e!ook has !een a point of *ontro)ersy
for many marketers% +any ha)e said that marketing on Fa*e!ook is deadho$ $rong they are5
Anytime you hear marketers tell you that something is dead" you should !e telling yourself" 8I ha)e a
real opportunity here9%
All that means" is that the internet 8fisherman9 $ho ha)e no idea $hat theyre doing are a!out to lea)e
the $ater and the real fisherman *an get to $ork% -eople unfortunately $ant fast and easy solutions to
e)ery pro!lem% It is the $ay of the $orld these days" at least it appears to !e%
3eal !usiness people and real marketers for that fa*t are al$ays looking for opportunity $here others
see only see pro!lems% &here others are stopped" you *an make a profit%
I for one lo)e the ne$ 1imeline Aayout and ha)e found it to !e nearly ten times as profita!le as the old
layout% 1he reason is t$ofold:
/% 1o use the ne$ timeline effe*ti)ely you need to kno$ $here the traffi* is on your page
B% Any su**essful !usiness ($o)man or entrepreneur is a great story teller%
a% Al$ays remem!er that 8fa*t tells" !ut stories sell%9
For this strategy to !e effe*ti)e you $ill need to *reate
Fa*e!ook -ages% I suggest *reating multiple pages in a
similar ni*he and using them all for you marketing efforts%
For example" if I $as to go after gardening as a ni*he% I may
*reate the follo$ing fi)e pages:
/% I Ao)e Gardening
B% Gardening For 2eginners
C% Gardening 1ips and 1ri*ks
'% 7)erything Gardening and +ore
D% 1he Green 1hum! Chroni*les
Get the idea6
&hen *reating a Fa*e!ook page its important to *reate it as a 82rand or -rodu*t9 and $hen *hoosing
the *ategory to *hoose it as a 8&e!site9 and not some other spe*ifi* *ategory%
I)e heard of stories of large fan pages !eing
taken o)er !y Fa*e!ook" and the page !eing
made into a pu!li* page on*e /("((( fans ha)e
liked the page% Im sure this is to *ountera*t
spamming" Im not sure if this pra*ti*e is still in
pla*e (sin*e you *an no longer email your fans
)ia Fa*e!ook)" !ut #ust to !e safemake sure you
pi*k 8$e!site9 and you *an gro$ you Fanpage to
any siEe you like%
=n*e you)e *ompleted setup of your pages" you $ill $ant to do marketing%
1here are a fe$ options to marketing on Fa*e!ook:
/% You *an push them to an external page
B% You *an keep them internally and send them to the pages you #ust *reated internally on
If you need help !uilding fan pages that look professional and *on)ert like *raEy" Cli*k here%
Quick Disclaime!
I ca" #ell $%u &% a &ac#' #(a# )e##i") a*s a++%,e* %" Face-%%k .(e" kee+i") +e%+le
i"#e"all$ is si)"i&ica"#l$ easie #(a" +us(i") #(em %u#/
Aanding pages external of Fa*e!ook $ill !e s*rutiniEed !y Fa*e!ooks outsour*ed *ronies and
there is su*h a la*k of *onsisten*y $ith $hat is appro)ed or disappro)ed it *an often !y <uite
frustrating to find out $hy you arent getting appro)ed%
3easons *an range from misleading headlines" in*ongruent pi*tures" *apital letters or
misleading *opy" and then of *ourse is the landing page itself%
1he landing page $ill a!solutely need a pri)a*y poli*y" dis*laimer" and terms to e)en !e
*onsidered (sometimes this is true for internal pages as $ell)" !ut Im going to sho$ you ho$ to
get around AAA of that so its a *on*ern of the past%
-repare to get appro)ed and a make lots of money in the pro*ess% Im not guaranteeing /((?
appro)al rates" !ut a drasti* in*rease for sure% I still re*ommend painting in the lines ho$e)er
and not pushing too hard to Fa*e!ook is lia!le to kill your a**ount" $hi*h has happened to me%
You $ill F=1 get your a**ount rea*ti)ated% In fa*t" !eyond getting a !un*h of frustratingly
generi* emails" you $ont e)en kno$ $hy they shut you do$n%
In many *ases" you *annot use $idely used landing pages" as in" *orporate or *ookie *utter
landing pages% Fa*e!ook and Google as $ell find this to !e a!usi)e to their su!s*ri!ers and
Geep your landing pages fresh and you should !e okay%
Y%u1ll i"i#iall$ .a"# #% se"* #a&&ic usi") #(e i"#e"al +a)es s$s#em #% )%. $%u Fa" +a)e
1his is great $ay to market your offer and gro$ your fan !ase" !ut it limits you sin*e you
CAFF=1 *hange the title of your ad% 1he title of the ad $ill !e the title of the fan page" so make
sure that you *an use that title for all your ads%
,o if you *reated 8I Ao)e Gardening9 as your fan page name" that $ill !e the title of you ad as
$ell% Again" make sure this is something you are $illing to li)e $ith%
=n*e you ha)e an esta!lished *ore of fans you $ill then !e a!le to use the external >3A option
for ad)ertising" !ut send the traffi* !a*k into Fa*e!ook using the uni<ue >3A for the spe*ifi*
I kno$ this is may !e *onfusing to explain" so the )ideo !elo$ $ill illustrate this in detail%
You ne)er #ust $ant to send traffi* to your Fa*e!ook $allH you al$ays $ant to send traffi* to a
spe*ifi* ta! on your page $hi*h leads to an offer%
Youll $ant to gra! either send the traffi* to the ta! on your page" or if you are using the
external ads option" youll $ant to *opy and paste the uni<ue >3A for that ta! and insert it as
the page your marketing to%
1he ad)antage of using the external page option for your ad" !ut sending the person into
Fa*e!ook is
/% It lets you *hoose your o$n title.headline" other$ise your title is the name of the page
as mentioned !efore%
B% It allo$s for people to *li*k like on your ad" gi)ing your ad so*ial proof is a great $ay to
get your C13 up and your *ost do$n%
&A1C: 1:7 FI3,1 II;7= F=&
&hat I usually do is either *reate a simple page (using stati* :1+A app) $here it urges the
prospe*t to *li*k and get to the offer or e)en easier" I redire*t them on*e they arri)e to an
external page off of Fa*e!ook%
1he next )ideo $ill gi)e you an example of ho$ I do this%
Im not going to sho$ you ho$ to !uild an :1+A page" (*li*k here to learn to !uild pages
professional pages in under D minutes) !ut I $ill offer you my redire*t *ode% 1here is no$ a
3edire*t App on Fa*e!ook as $ell" !ut I al$ays like ha)ing more *ontrol then less" so this *ode
$ill allo$ you to redire*t immediately to any page outside of Fa*e!ook%
Cli*k :ere 1o Install 1he 3edire*t App =n Your -age%
Just in Case :eres the *ode to use $ith stati* :1+A:
K52egin 37;I37C1L
Ks*ript typeMNtext.#a)as*riptNL
if (top 5M self) top%$indo$%lo*ation M
+ake sure that you use the 1a!s to your ad)antage% I $ould re*ommend a minimum of C offers
per page" $hether its a retail offer" ser)i*e oriented offer" or #ust a lead *apture page%
>se the 8real estate9 on the timeline feature to your ad)antage% :o$e)er" %"l$ use +ai*
make#i") &% $%u -es#' (i)(es# c%",e#i") %&&es% 1he rest $ill !e seen !y organi* traffi* as
your fan !ase gro$s and $ill gi)e you an in*rease in in*ome potential% You *an of *ourse
populate this $ith up to // total offers per page if your ni*he is large enough to allo$ i%
S#e+ 2 is #% use +ai* make#i") #% )%. %"l$ ONE
=n*e you ha)e a good !ase of fans there" youll start marketing to your se*ond page%
1his time though youll target your ad)ertising not only to spe*ifi* key$ords of your *hoosing"
!ut youll also !e using targeted ad)ertising using your first page in the ad *ampaign%
1he )ideo !elo$ $ill sho$ this in greater detail%
S#e+ 3 is #% use #a)e#e* a*,e#isi") #% (e* $%u &a"s &%m %"e &a" +a)e #% #(e "e4#
7ssentially" you area 8herding9 all the people from your first page to your se*ond page% 1his $ill
take no time at all" $hen ad)ertising is *ongruent" people mo)e )ery <ui*kly% I)e had
thousands of people migrate from one page to another in under '0 hours%
1his allo$s you to target the same people from your first Fan page $ith a se*ond offer that is
no$ on your se*ond page%
You *an *ontinue this trend for as many pages as you like" mo)ing and migrating fans from one
page to the next% >ntil you ha)e the same or similar group of people on multiple pages%
1he $ay this the Fa*e!ook &heel $orks" is that you are targeting the same people on
Fa*e!ook" !ut leading them to different pages% +eaning that to the end user" they ha)e no
idea that you are the o$ner of all these pages% As far as they are *on*erned" they lo)e
gardening and they are seeing marketing for their ho!!y%
You as the marketer are no$ !uilding a pool of !uyers that you *an target $ith different offers
on ea*h fan page you *reate% It also lets you ad)ertise dire*tly to your fans% 1his is :>G75
&hen *reating an ad *ampaign and you target your o$n fan !ased you *an use the C-+ (Cost
-er +illi) option rather than the C-C (Cost -er Cli*k) mode and generate massi)e C13 (Cli*k
1hrough 3ates) and super lo$ Costs per *li*k% I)e !een a!le to generate C13s as high as
(%'P'? and under ten *ent leads using this method%
&A1C: 1:7 ,7C=F; II;7= 1>1=3IAA
S#e+ 7 is #% make# #% all #(e &a"s %" $%u "e. &a" +a)es *i&&ee"# %&&es #(a# #(e$ .ill -e
i"#ees#e* i"/
1his pra*ti*ally ensures that no matter $here this user goes on Fa*e!ook" at least one of your
ads $ill appear on the right hand tool!ar% ,in*e your ad is al$ays on their s*reen" you are more
likely to get *li*ks" and more likely to make sales%
1he user *an no longer get off your marketing $heel% 1his is $hy I *all this the Fa*e!ook $heel
and $hy I said it is similar to retargeting%
I" C%"clusi%"!
Again" I #ust $ant to point out that this training $as not a training on Fa*e!ook --C *osts and
ho$ to get them lo$er" if you need a resour*e to learn more a!out marketing itself on
Fa*e!ook you *an *li*k here%
1his is a marketing theory.strategy I *reated and $orks extremely $ell for me and as long as
you follo$ along $hat I #ust sho$ed you here" Y=> &IAA ,77 37,>A1,%
1his final )ideo !elo$ is a graphi*al explanation of $hat $e #ust $ent through" I $ant to make
this strategy as *lear as possi!le for you" so you *an go out" use it today" and start seeing your
offers *on)erting like *raEy5
&A1C: 1:7 AA,1 II;7= 1>1=3IAA
/% D +inute Fan -age : 1he easiest tool for *reating *ustom fan pages online% In under D
minutes" IOll sho$ you ho$ you *an attra*t fans $orth up to Q/CR%C0 ea*h #ust !y
*reating a *ustom fan page like this for your )isitors%
B% Fa*e!ook Ad)ertising ,e*rets : A *omplete step!ystep guide on the !est Fa*e!ook
marketing strategies for C-C" C-+" C13 and lo$ *ost%
C% Fa*e!ook 1imeline 2lueprint : A *omplete edu*ation on the !est pra*ti*es for *reating
and using the Fa*e!ook 1imeline layout to !uild and gro$ your !usiness%
'% In!ox 7mpire : Free &e!inar sho$s you ho$ to in*rease your sales like *raEy !y ha)ing a
proper follo$up system% 1his is a pro)en system that has sho$n to in*rease profits
D((? times more than !logging or other related system% =n*e you)e marketed on
Fa*e!ook and gro$n your list" your next step is to learn ho$ to monetiEe people $ho
didnt !uy your initial offering% =ther$ise" you are lea)ing money on the ta!le%
D% Youtu!e :a*k : =ne of the !est $ays to generate free" organi* traffi* to your Fa*e!ook
page is !y *reating )ideos% 2ut $hat good is a )ideo that no one e)er sees% 1his report
$ill sho$ you ho$ to ,ear*h 7ngine =ptimiEe Youtu!e )ideos on -age / in C days or
less% 2est Free 1raffi* generation you $ill e)er get% :ighest *on)erting also%
About The Author
:i my name is Guy and as I pre)iously mentioned" Im a full time internet
marketer% I)e found the internet to !e the an in*redi!le tool that is and has
allo$ed me to !e in the dri)ers seat of my life% Its !een months sin*e I $oke
up to an alarm *lo*k" I take days off $hen I $ant to" most importantly Im
!uilding a !usiness for myself and lo)e $hat Im doing%
&hile I agree that there is an endless array of *rap" <ui*k ri*h s*ams" and
misinformation all o)er the internet S finding the right information" *ommunity"
and mentorship *an pro)ide you $ith the tools to *reate the life of your dreams%
If youd like to kno$ ho$ it is that I $ork $ith thousands of people from all o)er the $orld to !e a*ti)e
parti*ipants in their life" rather than !eing at the effe*t of it" I re*ommend you *li*k !elo$%
If you *hoose to take an appli*ation" you $ill hear !a*k dire*tly from myself or my !rother to talk to you
a!out your personal goals and if you <ualify to start making money online $ith us5
Cli*k :ere http:..$ork$ithguyferdman%*om.
It $ould !e my honor if you stopped !y my $e!site and sa$ the amaEing things $e are doing $ith our
students% You *an )isit us at ,atori-rime%*om%
1hank you5
+u*h ,u**ess to you5

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