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3,000 Reward

For at least 6 brutal
accounts of

- Dangerous, armed
with knives
- Nocturnal
- Dressed in black
- Last kill: November
, 1888

If spotted, call 911

The Ripper

Watch where you're walking
While the night is still new
My shadow keeps stalking,
It's coming for you.
In deep goes my blade
But you can't make a sound
There's no one to aid,
There's no one around.
This is my passion,
My muse and great joy,
Ripping, my game, is what I enjoy.

They can't even catch me
Nor even begin
My killing's a spree
As I say with a grin
My prey keeps me alive
For it pleases my soul
I continue to thrive
And stay true to my role
London, watch out
For I come out at night
London, come out
And I'll try not to bite.

Pinterest Board:

To Do
Get Noticed
Rule the world?
Attempt #2 to get noticed
Round #3 Lets do this!
#4 This is getting old
#5 Come on
Kill a person, preferably someone that no
one would miss
Dispose of the body (was seen)
Attempt #2
That was fun. Kill again?
Dispose of body
Another kill, more noticeable perhaps
Dispose of body
Im getting good at this; theyre actually
afraid of me. Another kill soon.
Dispose of body
They call me The Ripper, well Ive got to
live up to my name
Dispose of body

Elizabeth Stride
Long Liz

Elizabeth Stride, 44, died on
September 30
, 1888. She was
born on November 27
, 1843 in
Sweden. She worked as a
prostitute for a majority of her life
as well as a seamstress and

Louis Diemschutz found Strides
body in Dutfields Yard when
returning from a day of work.
When his pony refused to
continue into the yard, he found
the body at the foot of his cart.

Strides throat had been slashed,
but the cut suggested that her
murderer had been rushed.
A short ceremony will be held this weekend to commemorate
Strides life. For any additional imformation regarding the
murder, directly contact Londons police force at 959-876-

Journal Entry #1: Mary Nichols
August 31
, 1888 3:00 am

Ive done something horrible tonight. My
mind is filled with regret, but adrenaline surges
through my veins. It feels so wrong that it feels
right. I dont understand why I feel this way.

It was early this morning when I wandered
aimlessly through the streets. London was asleep,
yet I remained awake. Well, not all of London. I
was awake, but so was the filth. Prostitutes,
scum, beggars; everywhere I looked I saw them. I
was disgusted.

I suppose I should just get to the point
already. I killed a woman today. I know what
youre thinking, but I did London a great justice.
She was a whore, and her choice in attire simply
begged me to commit the act. Plus, I cannot
even begin to deny the satisfaction I felt as I slit
open her flesh. I didnt just do it for the
satisfaction, oh dear me no! I had to do it. It is
my personal duty from God to rid London of this
filth. Please, I beg of you, forgive me.

- The Ripper

The Ripper: (holds knife to Catherines throat) Do you have
any last words?

Catherine Eddowes: (crying hysterically) Please, sir. I aint
ever don nuthin to ya. Please let me go.

The Ripper: (tightens grip) You disgust me, whore. London
shouldve been rid of your kind long ago.

Catherine Eddowes: It aint our fault, sir. We just tryin to
survive, sir. Please.

The Ripper: (laughs, amused) Survive? Please. Cant you
take a hint? We dont want you to survive.

Catherine Eddowes: (breathes nervously) Please dont kill
me! Ill do anything!

The Ripper: I know you would. (smiles coldly) That is
why I must.

Catherine Eddowes: Plea-

(Ripper makes gesture to slit her throat, stage goes dark.
End of scene.)

Modern Jack the Ripper:

Richard Jones. "Jack the Ripper - History, Victims, Letters,
Suspects. 2002. 24 Apr. 2014 <http://www.jack-the->
"BBC - History - Historic Figures: Jack the Ripper (?)." 2003. 2
May. 2014
"Jack the Ripper- Walk Only - BritBound." 2013. 2 May. 2014
"Elizabeth Stride. - Jack the Ripper Tour, London walks." 2010.
2 May. 2014 <http://www.jack-the-ripper->
"Jack the Ripper claims first victim This Day
in..." 2010. 6 May. 2014 <

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