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Amador 1

Nicole Amador
Mr. Ritivoiu
English 102
18 March 2014
Holy War
Skimming through the description of this book, it was discovered that this book is
similar to the Great Controversy by Ellen White. In this chapter, the allegory seems to be
talking about the first battle that was starting up in the Mansoul, or in heaven, as
Christians would call it, which is a perfect place until someone wanted more.
From reading this first passage, it appears that Diabolus is waiting for his Lord to
come back from doing something important and is eager to hear what happened. His
Eagerness can be seen when he says Diabolus saluted him withWelcome, my lord.
How went matters betwixt you to-day? His eagerness is revealed by the fact that he
jumped right to the point.
In the next passage the writer has the town in an uproar. There seems to be
tension all around, and there seems to be unease. In later chapters, the writer may be
referring to the cause of the tension by showing Diabolus as wanting to be great.
The writer describes the King as wanting to do everything he can to stop this unrest
with everything he has got. In the story, the King is portrayed as doing things grandly,
big, and overdone. For Example when he sends the army to put a stop to this uproar in the
town :
The army consisted of above forty thousand, all true men, for they came from the
Kings own court, and were those of his own choosing.

Amador 2
They came up to Mansoul under the conduct of four stout generals, each man
being a captain of ten thousand men, and these are their names and their ensigns.
The name of the first was Boanerges, the name of the second was Captain
Conviction, the name of the third was Captain Judgment, and the name of the
fourth was Captain Execution. These were the captains that
Shaddai sent to regain Mansoul.

The way the writer portrays the tension in the town is getting that worse, because
the town is in an uproar. At this point the king is trying to put a stop to the mess, but it is
a little too late. The damage had been done. Now the people or angels are accusing the
house of not being fair and not listening to his people.
Going deeper into the story it seems that the writer is trying to show that there is a
heavy discussion between the King and Diabolus; and the people who have decided to
remain good and the people who had chosen to go against their King. In the war Between
God and Satan; God tries to get Satan to recant and back to him and correct the damage
just like the king in this story.
In later chapters in the book the writer stated that the king would not send out his
son as one of the Captains. The people that Diabolus got to join him started accusing the
King of different things that they felt was unfair. The biggest issue was His son Emanuel.
Just like in Great Controversy. Michael or Jesus is also Gods son and Satan is Jealous of
him. Just like Emanuel is in this Story. Which is why he wouldnt send him out.
The writer states that the King is very sad as he watches the people that are
deceived mock his son. Diabolus must have been a little worried while he was standing

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before his Prince, Emmanuel. It says in the Book that the town did not understand nor see
the way he crouched and cringed before their prince.
The writers seems to portray prince as being a little arrogant as he tells Diabolus
that His Father had created this town, and that the Town was his because he was his
Fathers first son. This town belonged to him, and he would do anything for this town
because it was first his Fathers. He also called Diabolus a deceiver and a liar in front of
The next thing in the story that prince Emmanuel portrayed as having great
authority or as being cold as he addressed the town on the sin that they had been deceived
Saying: O unhappy town of Mansoul, I cannot but be touched with pity and compassion
for thee.
But Afterward the writer has the prince saying that he is kind and merciful:
O Mansoul, neither is my commission nor inclination at all to do thee
hurt. Why fliest thou so fast from thy friend, and stickest so close to thine
enemy? Indeed, I would have thee, because it becomes thee to be sorry for
thy sin; but do not despair of life; this great force is not to hurt thee, but to
deliver thee from thy bondage, and to reduce thee to thy obedience.
The writer ends the story with the prince Sentencing Diabolus out of town: Diabolus
bound in chains and carried out of town behind the prince. The eargate is to shut and
bolted; and a guard was planted there so no one could go in or out of the gate.
Both the Great Controversy and the book Holy war are similar. As you can see from this
Chapter that the God had a son whom the Satan didnt like and in this story the kings son

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is Emanuel is not like, by Diabolus. In heaven Satan and his angels stated that the God
was not fair or his rules, in this story the king was accused of not listening to the town.
And it started with one person who wanted to be great.

Amador 5
Works Cited
"Holy War." - Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

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