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Amador 1

Nicole Amador
Mr. Ritivoiu
English 102
04 February 2014
Saved by Vegetarianism
Groups of Seventh-day Adventists young people were
doing outreach and one of them knocked on the door. Someone
answered the door and asked, What do you guys want? The
young people ask, Could we give you something for free?
The person took the pamphlet and asked what religion the
young person was. The young person answered Seventh-day
Adventist. The person asked, Arent you guys the ones who
believe that eating vegan saves you? This story
illustrates a misconception held by many non-Adventists:
that Seventh-day Adventists believe if they eat a certain
way it saves them. However Adventist dont believe that
their diet brings them Salvation.
In this paper it talks about the ideal diet for God
people, because it is important to know what people were
suppose to eat. The next thing that is discussed is Israel
wanting quail, and why God doesnt want people to eat
certain foods. After that it talks about how Ellen White
was a head in medicine, Then it talks about salvation
through faith.

Amador 2
This is passage is talking about the importance of the
Bible, and how it is the highest authority for Adventists.
It is important to look at the Bible to understand this
topic. Adventists believe that the Bible has the highest
authority over any other book. But they also believe in
Ellen White as having authority as well. They believe that
God inspired what she says, but they make sure that
everything they read and hear is found in the Bible because
it is the highest authority. (The official Site of the
Seventh-day Adventist World Church).
Eating the way God has instructed for us in the Bible
and the writings of Ellen White will help people to have
clearer minds and healthy bodies. Order for humanity to be
healthy so they can serve Him to the fullest. People need
to understand and know how to be healthy.
Seventh-day Adventists do not eat a vegan diet because
they are saved by it, but they eat this way to be healthy.
God gave His people special instructions on what they could
and couldnt eat. He gave the best diet to Adam and Eve so
that they could serve him to the fullest. The ideal diet
for Gods people includes fruits, nuts, grains, and seeds
(Genesis 1:28). This was the ideal diet for humanity.
Vegetables were added later after sin when God said that
they could eat of the herb of the field. In Genesis 2:16,

Amador 3
God told Adam to eat of the fruit of every tree except one
which was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In
Genesis 3:18, it tells us they shall eat the plants of the
In Exodus 16 and 17, it talks about the Israelites
getting food from heaven. However, they began to complain
to Moses about wanting flesh foods, and Moses told them
that God heard the grumblings of his people. In the
morning, there was quail and bread. But the quail was not
the original diet that God gave them. The manna was what
God wanted to give them.
God might as easily have provided them with flesh as
with manna, but a restriction was placed upon them for
their good. It was His purpose to supply them with
food better suited to their wants than the feverish
diet to which many had become accustomed in Egypt. The
perverted appetite was to be brought into a more
healthy state, that they might enjoy the food
originally provided for manthe fruits of the earth,
which God gave to Adam and Eve in Eden. It was for
this reason that the Israelites had been deprived, in
a great measure, of animal food. (Ellen white in
Multiple languages PP 378).

Amador 4
In this passage, it shows that God cares about what
his children eat because He cares about them and wants them
to have the best. The diet of his people was important to
God because he wanted us to be healthy. In order to be
healthy we need to know and understand, what food we should
and shouldnt eat, these were given to Ellen White later.
God gave Ellen white visions about health and certain
foods that should be eaten and not eaten, and she wrote
about them in the 1800s. Now scientists are discovering
that she was right and proving that what she had said is
In the eighteen hundreds, Ellen white said that when
there was sickness or serious diseases that they should
open windows and let fresh air in the room because it would
help the sick ones to get better faster. And now scientist
are saying that patients and people should have fresh air
because it helps them get better and helps them prevent
them from getting sick.
Although Adventists have been blessed with this health
message, they do not believe that keeping these laws saves
them. Salvation comes through Jesus who died on the cross
to save us. When Jesus came down to this world he came as a
baby and grew up the same way we do, but lived a sinless

Amador 5
life. He came to this world to save us from our sin so that
we would not have to die for our sin. Instead he would take
our punishment and die so that we may be saved. And the way
that we can have salvation is to accept His sacrifice on
the cross, and choose to have him represent us in the
judgment so we are judged according to his works and not
according to our works. This is a wonderful thing because
we dont have to be judged by our sinful works; but we can
you we want to be judged according to his works. Because
anything we do in ourselves is selfish.
God calls us to live in light of His grace, knowing
the infinite cost God paid to save us. Through the
Holy Spirit we glorify God in our minds, bodies and
spirits. Along with adequate exercise and rest, we are
to adopt the most healthful diet possible and abstain
from the unclean foods identified in the Scriptures.
Since alcoholic beverages, tobacco and the
irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics are harmful
to our bodies; we are to abstain from them as well.
Instead, we are to engage in whatever brings our
thoughts and bodies into the discipline of Christ, who
desires our wholesomeness, joy and goodness.
(Christian Behavior: The official Site of the Seventh-
day Adventist World Church).

Amador 6
Perhaps some of the reasons that many non-Adventist
believe that Seventh-day Adventists believe this way is
because they promote health a lot, and many people who
follow the health message tend to follow it strictly. One
of the ways they have different programs like CHIP program,
which teaches people about why to be healthy and how to
cook healthy foods.
The misconception of salvation by veganism is not
true. Adventists eat vegan to be healthy so that they can
serve God to the fullest extent with their minds and

Amador 7
Work cited
"Seventh-Day Adventist Church." The Official Site of the Seventh-day
Adventist World Church. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
White, Ellen G. Patriarchs and Prophets. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. pp 378.1
"Ellen G. White Writings." Apps FOR Mobile Devices. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.
KJV Bible Teacher & Leader-summer 2013. N.p.: Standard Pub, 2013. Print.

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