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Advanced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Kendall Hagar

Title of Lesson: The Hungry Thing
Grade Level(s): Pre-k, K
Subject Area: Literacy
Location of the lesson (specify if in general or special education
Grouping (highlight: 1:1, small group, large group)
Preparing for the Lesson
1. Lesson Topic: What are the big ideas? How does this relate to what
students are currently learning in general education?
Words that have similar middles and ends are called rhyming words.
2. What are your learning targets for the lesson (i.e., what are your primary
and supporting objective of instruction)? What do you want the student(s)
to learn and be able to do at the end of the lesson?
-recognize words that rhyme (Will be able to answer do ham and jam
- generate rhyming words (can make at least 2 pairs of rhyming words
when given one of the words)
3. What Content Standards(s) and/or EEOs will this lesson address? How
does this lesson relate to the 21
Century skills?
Standard: 1. Oral Expression and Listening
3. Vocal sounds produce words and meaning to create early nowledge o!
phonemic awareness
a. "denti!y and create rhyming words
Standard: #. $eading !or %ll &urposes
3. 'ecoding words in print re(uires alpha)et recognition and nowledge o!
letter sounds
). 'emonstrate understanding o! spoen words* sylla)les* and
sounds +phonemes,. +--SS: $../.#,
4. List specific IEP goals that will be addressed during lesson:

By July of 2014 when given a spoken word, object, photo, or illustration, Student A
will produce or select rhyming words 4/5 times with 80% accuracy.
5. Describe Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled during the lesson. How
will you incorporate the strategies, which have been taught/modeled into
the students content courses (math, literacy, behavior).
Strategy: how to recognize rhyming words. This will be taught through direct
instruction and practiced with an interactive story.
6. What background (prior) knowledge do the students need to have to be
successful? If the students do not have this knowledge how will they get
Students will need to know letters and their corresponding sounds. They
will also need to know that a word has a beginning, middle and end.
7. How will you address classroom and behavior management/grouping
issues during the lesson?
Students who are not following directions will be given the choice to take a
break or complete what they were asked to do. Some students will be
given a countdown after given the choice. According to the current
intervention for one student, her loud outbursts will be ignored.
8. Materials and Resources (What do you need? How/where will you get it?)
0picture cards o! !oods: )ean* )eet* corn* !ish* ham* 1am* meat* mil* nut*
peach* pear* peas* rice* roll soup
0large envelope that says 2.eed 3e4 on one side with string attached so
that it can hang around a student5s nec
Teaching the Lesson
1. Anticipatory Set
a. How will you get the student(s) attention?
b. Review and relate prior learning/lessons.
I will explain to the students that they will be learning about rhyming words. I will
explain that rhyming words are two or more words that sound the same in the
middle and the end. Listen carefully as I say these two rhyming words : ham,
jam. Jam has /am/ and ham has /am/. They both end in /am/, so they rhyme. I
will then ask the students to tell me why they rhyme. I will do the same thing with
two other words that rhyme (cat, bat). I will also give them an example of two
words that do not rhyme for clarification purposes.
2. Teaching: Is this an informal presentation or direct instruction? Please
a. What are the specific steps you will follow when teaching this
lesson. Be sure to include the following:
i. what the teacher will teach or model,
ii. how the students will be engaged in the lesson, and
iii. how the students will demonstrate their learning (Guided
I will explain to the students that I am going to read them a story
about a Hungry Thing that who visits a town. The people in the town have
food to feed the Hungry Thing, and they ask what it wants to eat. For
some reason, the Hungry Thing cannot say the name of the food that he
wants to eat, it can only say a word that rhymes with the name of that
food. I will select one student to be the Hungry Thing. This student will
place the envelope labeled feed me around their neck. I will pass out the
food picture cards to the remaining students. Each student will get 2
picture cards. I will instruct the students with the cards to look at the
pictures and say the name of the food that is on each of their cards.
2%s " read the story listen care!ully )ecause each time the 6ungry
7hing as !or !ood* you must chec to see i! the name o! the !ood on your
picture card rhymes with what the 6ungry 7hing says it wants to eat.4 "
will show students an example o! this )y using a card with mil on it. " will
whisper to the student who is the 6ungry 7hing and tell him to as !or pil.
%!ter the student does so* " will wal the students through my thought
process. 23y card has mil on it. 3il has 8il8 and pil has 8il8* so they
rhyme. 7he 6ungry 7hing wants to eat mil94 " will then place my picture
card inside the envelope la)eled 2!eed me4.
I will whisper to the student who is the Hungry Thing a nonsense
words that rhymes with one of the food items on the passed out picture
cards. For example the student will say I want gish!. The students will
need to look at their cards to find a word that rhymes with gish (fish). We
will continue this process until all of the picture cards are gone. t
3. What, if any, scaffolding and/or additional
accommodations/modifications are needed for specific student(s)?
" will draw )oxes on the white)oard !or Student % to help her when she is
writing her words on the )oard during the closing activity. :o other
accommodations will )e needed.
1. Checking for Understanding- How will you check for understanding?
Using Blooms Taxonomy, what questions might you ask your students?
Knowledge do clock and block rhyme?
Comprehend - what is a word the rhymes with tap?
Apply what makes two words rhyming words?
4. Re-teaching: What will you do differently if the student(s) do not
understand the concepts in the lesson?
"! a student does not understand the rhyming concept " will go through the
process with them. " will as them !or example what rhymes with pil. Let5s say
the student says peas. " will say that pil has 8il8 and peas has 8eas8 so they do
not rhyme. "! the student still does not understand " might give them an example
using more simple words lie )at and cat.
5. How/where will students integrate (generalize) this learning into
future lessons/activities? This is your PURPOSE (how will this relate to
real life?).
7he in!ormation learned in this lesson plan is vital !or emerging readers to now
and understand. 7he a)ility to recogni;e and generate rhyming words is
considered an entry point into phonological awareness.
6. Closure:
a. How will you review the content covered during the lesson so
students can demonstrate learning of the lesson concepts (this
should be tied to the main objective).
b. How will you formally END the lesson (e.g., Students show/tell what
they learned, answer an exit question as their ticket out the door,
list 2 things you learned, and one question you still have).
To close the lesson I will have simple words placed in a hat. I will have
each student come up to the front of the circle and randomly pick a word
out of the hat. They will read the word aloud, write the word on the white
board, and then come up with a word that rhymes. The student will then
write the word they came up with on the board. I will ask the student to
circle the part of each word that is the same. We will continue this until
each student in the group has had the chance to pull from the hat.
7. Independent Practice: What will this look like? Is there homework?
Completion of a product? Practice a skill learned in class?
In the days following this lesson, as the students come in each morning
they will be asked to complete a short activity where they must the rhyming word
when provided with a word. They will also be asked to come up with a rhyming
word for another word that is provided.
8. Evaluation: How will you evaluate/assess student learning (this must be
more than completing classroom work)?
I will be checking in on each student during the week, and looking at their
completed work at the beginning of school each day. I will use the completed
worksheets and a way to assess their understanding of rhyming words.
The idea for this lesson was taken from Teaching Reading Sourcebook.

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