Sigmaplot Workbook: Mary Thorp September 2008 Document 345 Computing Services Department

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345 MWS

Sigmaplot Workbook
Mary Thorp
September 2008
Document 345
Computing Service Department
What is Sigmaplot 4
Using this Workbook 4
Getting Help 6
!"!RCIS! 1 DR#W # GR#$H %
Starting Sigmaplot 11&' (
Importing Data into Sigmaplot )
!*amining the Worksheet 11
+o, the Worksheet 1/
Creating a Graph 10
Setting the $age Si1e 1(
#,,ing a Ne2 $lot to a Graph 1(
Changing 3ine St.les '
#,,ing a Title4 3egen, an, #*is Titles
#,,ing S.mbols an, Do2nsampling /
Changing the $rinter Settings 6
Sa5ing .o6r Graphs (
!*porting .o6r Graphs /'
Creating a Graph 6sing +6lti7lines /1
Changing the 3inest.les o- +6lti7lines /
!*iting Sigmaplot //
/ !"!RCIS! DR#W !RROR 8#RS /4
+o, the Datasheet /0
Creating an !rror 8ar $lot /6
Changing the !rror 8ar Dire9tions /)
#,,ing a Ne2 !rror 8ar $lot 4'
#,,ing a Title an, 3egen, 4
#,,ing a 3ine $lot 4
#,,ing #nother Graph to the Same $age 4/
Rearranging an, Changing the Graph Si1es 40 the 3inear Regression Ro6tines 46 Other C6r5e7:itting Ro6tines 4%
4 !"!RCIS! / DR#W # /D +!SH $3OT 4)
Interpolating the Data 4)
Changing the Graph $roperties 04
Changing the Colo6r S9heme 04
Changing the $oint o- ;ie2 00
Changing the Weights in the Interpolation 06
0 !"!RCIS! 4 DR#W CUR;! O: D :UNCTION 0(
Using the Trans-orm Dialog 0)
Creating a D line $lot 6'
#,<6sting the #*is S9ales 61
Changing the $arameters 61
6 !"!RCIS! 0 DR#W +U3TI$3! #"!S $3OT 6/
#,,ing Data to the Worksheet 64
Creating the $lots 66
#,,ing Ne2 #*es 6%
Changing the S9ales on the #*es 6(
Ti,.ing 6p the Graph 6)
% !"!RCIS! 6 TH! HISTOGR#+ WI=#RD %'
Importing Data to the Worksheet %'
Using the Histogram Wi1ar, %1
+aking Une5en 869kets %
Creating a Histogram 2ith Une5en 869kets %/
Changing the Ti9k 3abels %4
Creating a Regression 3ine an, Con-i,en9e 3ines %6
:in,ing $re,i9tion Inter5als an, Correlation Coe--i9ient %%
Optional !*er9ise %)
#$$!NDI" 1 WOR>8OO> D#T#S!TS ('
#$$!NDI" 3OC#3 S!TU$ O: SIG+#$3OT (/
#$$!NDI" / $RINTING :RO+ SIG+#$3OT (4
! "ntro#uction
What i Sigmaplot
Sigmaplot is a te9hni9al graphing pa9kage& It is a5ailable to 6sers 2ho ha5e registere,
-or the +anage, Win,o2s Ser5i9e& We no2 ha5e a site li9en9e&
Sigmaplot 9an be 6se, e--e9ti5el. to pro,69e all t.pes o- graphs an, 9harts& It
in9l6,es a nonlinear 96r5e -itter4 2orksheets that a99ommo,ate large ,atasets an,
s6mmar. statisti9s& It has 2hat it 9alls a mathemati9al trans-orm lang6age that allo2s
.o6 to manip6late an, ,ata&
$ing thi Workbook
This 2orkbook 9ontains a n6mber o- e*amples that are ,esigne, to sho2 .o6 some o-
the -a9ilities a5ailable in Sigmaplot -or 9reating graphs an, to help .o6 na5igate the
men6 s.stem an, the toolbars& There is one man6al a5ailable -or re-eren9e or -or loan
-rom the main Uni5ersit. 3ibraries an, .o6 are re-erre, to this man6al i- .o6 re?6ire
more ,etails on parti96lar -eat6res& The man6al is@
Sigmaplot UserAs G6i,e
#lternati5el.4 -or 5ersions o- Sigmaplot man6als in $D: -orm4 please see online help
pages or the SBST#T 2ebsite@
It is ass6me, in this 2orkbook that .o6 are -amiliar 2ith the 6se o- Win,o2s
pa9kagesD i&e& .o6 kno2 2hat is meant b. the -ollo2ing terms@
Format Conventions
In this ,o96ment the -ollo2ing -ormat 9on5entions are 6se,@
Comp6ter o6tp6t is gi5en in a Courier -ont&
Inp6t 2hi9h is to be, b. .o6 is in bol,
Inp6t 2hi9h m6st be repla9e, b. .o6r ,etails is gi5en
in bold italics&
LOGIN user_name
>e.s that .o6 press are bol,& Enter
+en6 options an, b6ttons are gi5en in an Arial -ont& File | New
Notes are in,i9ate, b. a b6llete, book& This is a note
Tips are in,i9ate, b. a b6llete, -lag& This is a tip
Warnings are in,i9ate, b. a b6llete, bomb& This is a warning
The Comp6ting Ser5i9es Department 2el9omes -ee,ba9k on its ,o96mentation& I- .o6 noti9e an.
mistakes in this ,o96ment4 or i- .o6 2ish to make an. s6ggestions on ho2 the ,o96ment 9o6l, be
impro5e,4 please 9onta9t #ll.son +atthe2s4 In-ormation O--i9er& !le9troni9 mail sho6l, be sent to the
email a,,ress all.sonEli5&a9&6k
:ile bro2sers
I- .o6 are not -amiliar 2ith 6sing the +anage, Win,o2s Ser5i9e4 then it is s6ggeste,
that .o6 look at the -ollo2ing 2eb page
We also ass6me minimal kno2le,ge o- sprea,sheetsD i&e& .o6 kno2 2hat
sprea,sheets look like an, that .o6 9an 6se the mo6se or arro2 ke.s to mo5e aro6n,
the 9ells&
%etting &elp
When .o6 sele9t Help on the top men6 an, then sele9t Contents and Index4 .o6
2ill see that Sigmaplot 6ses the stan,ar, Win,o2s help s.stem& Bo6 are presente,
2ith -o6r tabs an, onl. one ma. be sele9te, at an. one time& These are@
Contents this opens a table o- 9ontents 2here .o6 9an bro2se 5ario6s topi9s
Index this allo2s .o6 to see a list o- in,e* entries& Bo6 9an either a
s6b<e9t or s9roll thro6gh the list
Search this allo2s .o6 to sear9h a parti96lar topi9 or the entire Help -ile
-or a parti96lar 2or, or phrase&
Favourites this allo2s .o6 to store parti96lar Help topi9s o- interest an, to
re9all them later&
I- .o6 get st69k ,6ring an e*er9ise b6t .o6 ,o not 2ant to start at the beginning o- the
e*er9ise again4 .o6 9an loa, checkpoint -iles G store, in
v:\Sigmaplotxs\ch!points& #t 5ario6s stages in the e*er9ises4 .o6 are in5ite, to
6se a s6itable 9he9kpoint -ile&
2 '(ercie ! Dra) a %raph
The aim o- this e*er9ise is to pro,69e the -ollo2ing graph&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions& :6ll
instr69tions 2ill be gi5en@
Starting Sigmaplot 11&'
Importing Data into Sigmaplot
!*amining the Worksheet
+o, the Worksheet
Creating a Graph
Using the Graph Wi1ar,
Setting the page si1e an, 9hanging the graph si1e
#,,ing a Ne2 $lot to a Graph
Changing 3ine St.les
#,,ing a Title4 3egen, an, #*is Titles
#,,ing s.mbols an, ,o2nsampling
Changing the printer settings
Sa5ing .o6r graphs
!*porting .o6r graphs
Creating a graph 6sing +6ltiFlines
Changing the linest.les in a +6lti7line graph
!*iting Sigmaplot
Starting Sigmaplot !!*0
The -ollo2ing instr69tions 2ill help .o6 to r6n Sigmaplot&
When .o6r Win,o2s "$ ,esktop appears on the s9reen4 look -or the
Sigmaplot""#" i9on an, ,o6ble79li9k it i- it is there&
I- this is not present4 then .o6 nee, to install it b. 9li9king Start -ollo2e, b.
9li9king Install $niversit% Applications an, then looking -or &raphics
-ollo2e, b. 9li9king Sigmaplot ""&
:or more ,etails on the installation4 see #ppen,i* &
To ens6re that -ilet.pes are not hi,,en in -ile bro2sers4 ,o6ble79li9k the '%
Computer i9on on .o6r ,esktop an, sele9t Tools | Folder (ptions& Cli9k the
)iew tab an, 9he9k that the Hide *ile extensions *or !nown *ilet%pes option
is s2it9he, o--&
On the Wel9ome 2in,o24 9li9k Create a New +lan! Note,oo! an, then
9li9k (-&
+a*imise the Sigmaplot 2in,o2& Bo6 are presente, 2ith the -ollo2ing
s9reen& There are t2o other 2in,o2s as 2ell as the main Sigmaplot 2in,o2&
One is 9alle, Notebook 1 an, the other is 9alle, Data 1& We shall initiall.
9on9entrate on p6tting ,ata into the 2orksheet 9alle, Data1&
Note that4 on9e .o6 ha5e installe, Sigmaplot4 .o6 9an start Sigmaplot in -6t6re b.
6sing one o- the -ollo2ing t2o metho,s@
1& Sele9t Start | .rograms | Sigmaplot | Sigmaplot ""#"
& Do6ble79li9k on the Sigmaplot ""#" i9on on .o6r ,esktop
"mporting Data into Sigmaplot
With a 2orksheet a9ti5e4 highlight the 9ell in ro2 14 9ol6mn 1 Hthis is the start o-
2here .o6 2ant to import the ,ataI an, then -ollo2 these instr69tions@
Sele9t File | Import | File#
Na5igate to the ,ire9tor. 2here the ,ata is store,4 in this 9ase
Change the :iles o- to Comma /elimited#
Sele9t xercise"#csv#
Cli9k on Import#
Bo6 are no2 presente, 2ith this 2in,o2@
Noti9e that a 9omma is 6se, to separate 5al6es in the original -ile& Sigmaplot ,ete9ts
that a 9omma is 6se, an, it p6ts a 9omma -or the Delimiter in the :iel, -ormat&
#lso4 noti9e that in the original -ile4 the -irst ro2 9ontains 9ol6mn hea,ings T4 #1 et9&
It is a 9ommon pra9ti9e to p6t 9ol6mn hea,ings in a ,ata -ile&
Witho6t 9hanging an.thing4 <6st 9li9k on Import.
The ,ata 2ill no2 be loa,e, into the 2orksheet at the point spe9i-ie, H9ell in Ro214
Col6mn 1I&
'(amining the Workheet
The Sigmaplot 2orksheet is a sprea,sheet& It 9onsists o- tables4 ea9h o- 2hi9h is a set
o- ro2s an, 9ol6mns& ;al6es H,ataI or labels Hte*tI 9an be p6t into these 9ells& !a9h o-
the 9ells has a 6ni?6e a,,ress& :or e*ample4 the a,,ress o- the 9ell4 2hi9h has the
label #14 is Data14 4 1D i&e& the 9ell is in Data 14 9ol6mn 4 an, ro2 1&
Note that4 sin9e the original -ile ha, 9ol6mn hea,ings at the top o- the -ile an, sin9e
the 2hole -ile has been importe,4 the 9ol6mn hea,ings appear in Ro2 1 o- the
Worksheets 9an hol, ,ata importe, -rom a -ile4 alternati5el. ,ata 9an be ,ire9tl.
entere, into the 2orksheet& Sometimes o6tp6t 2orksheets are 9reate, as a res6lt o- a
Mo#i+ying the Workheet
We 2ill no2 9hange the 2orksheet so that the -irst 9ell o- ea9h 9ol6mn be9omes the
title -or that 9ol6mn&
+o5e the 96rsor to the le-t o- 9ell H 1 4 1 ID i&e& the 9ell in 9ol6mn 1 an, ro2 1&
Note that the 96rsor be9omes an arro2 pointing right2ar,s& Cli9k so that Ro2
1 is no2 highlighte,&
Sele9t Format | Column and 0ow Titles#
!ns6re that the Col6mn tab is sele9te, an, 9li9k .romote#
Cli9k Close#
Bo6r 2orksheet sho6l, no2 look like this&
Cli9k on an. one 9ell so that the ro2 is no longer sele9te,&
Creating a %raph
#-ter .o6 ha5e entere, ,ata into the 2orksheet4 a graph 9an be pro,69e, 6sing this
,ata& There are t2o 2a.s o- 9reating a graph@
1& Cli9k an i9on on the toolbar to the le-t o- the s9reen&
& Use the Graph Wi1ar,&
We are going to use the second method
:or .o6r interest4 the graph t.pes a5ailable4 2ith their 9orrespon,ing i9ons are sho2n
belo2& When more -amiliar 2ith Sigmaplot an, on kno2ing 2hat o- graph .o6
re?6ire4 it ma. be easier to 9li9k one o- these i9ons rather than 6se the Graph Wi1ar,&
2D Graph Types 3D Graph Types
S9atter $lot Conto6r $lot
3ine $lot /D s9atter $lot
3ineCS9atter $lot /D line $lot
#rea $lot +esh $lot
$olar $lot /D 8ar Chart
Ternar. $lot
;erti9al 8ar Chart
Hori1ontal 8ar Chart
8o* $lot
$ie Chart
;e9tor Chart
$ing the %raph Wi,ar#
The Graph Wi1ar, 9an be starte, b. sele9ting &raph | Create &raph or
pressing the F3 ke. or 9li9king on the &raph 1i2ard i9on on the
Stan,ar, toolbar
Sele9t 3ine .lot -rom the list o- Graph T.pes an, 9li9k Next#
Sele9t Simple Straight 3ine -rom the list o- Graph St.les an, 9li9k Next&
Sele9t 45 .air -rom the list o- Data :ormats an, 9li9k Next#
:or the "@ 5al6es4 sele9t the 9ol6mn 2ith a hea,er o- "6T on the 2orksheet&
The pointer 9hanges to a ,o2n2ar, pointing arro2 as .o6 mo5e o5er the
9ol6mn hea,ers&
:or the 5: 5al6es4 sele9t the 9ol6mn 76A" on the 2orksheet then cli9k on
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4"CH"#8N+ -rom v:\SigmaplotExs\chkpoints\ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
Setting the -age Si,e
:irst4 9he9k that .o6 are 6sing millimetres -or .o6r 6nits@
Go to Tools | (ptions an, 9li9k the .age tab
Change the Units to 'illimetres i- ne9essar. an, then 9li9k (-
:or this parti96lar e*er9ise4 2e 2ant an #4 plot in 3an,s9ape orientation&
Go to File | .age Setup an, 9li9k on the .age Si2e tab&
I- ne9essar.4 9hange the $aper Si1e to A9#
Set the (rientation to either $ortrait or 3an,s9ape4 in this 9ase 3an,s9ape&
Cli9k on (-&
Bo6 ma. 2ant to resi1e the plot4 so that it -ills the page& To ,o this@
Cli9k the little arro2 b. the :oom Control bo* on the Stan,ar, toolbar at the
top an, sele9t Fit to see the la.o6t o- the graph on the paper&
Cli9k an.2here on the ba9kgro6n, o- graph4 to make it a9ti5e an, ,rag one o-
the bla9k han,les4 that appear4 6ntil the graph is the ,esire, si1e
In9rease the si1e o- the 2in,o2 9ontaining the graph H9alle, Graph $age 1 7
Data 1I so that it o996pies more than one hal- o- the s9reen&
.##ing a /e) -lot to a %raph
To a,, another line to the -irst@
Sele9t &raph | Add .lot
Sele9t 3ine .lot4 then 9li9k Next
Sele9t Simple Straight 3ine then 9li9k Next
Sele9t 45 .air then 9li9k Next
I- .o6 alrea,. ha5e a 9ol6mn sele9te,4 Sigmaplot ass6mes .o6 2ant this
9ol6mn to be .o6r " 5al6es& So -irst 9li9k 4 in the #,, $lot bo* then sele9t
9ol6mn 17T in the 2orksheet&
:or the B 5al6es4 sele9t 9ol6mn ;6A7 an, 9li9k Finish
Bo6 sho6l, no2 be presente, 2ith the -ollo2ing graph@
Changing 0ine Style
3ooking at the graph4 2e 9an see that both lines are 96rrentl. 6sing the same
-ormatting in-ormation& We 2ill no2 9hange this -ormatting in-ormation4 so that the
lines 9an be ,isting6ishe,&
Sele9t &raph | &raph .roperties
!ns6re that the .lots tab is sele9te,4 sele9t .lot " in the $lot bo* an, highlight
the 3ines i9on in the Setting :or list&
Change the Color to /! 0ed4 Thi9kness to <#= mm an, keep Solid -or the
Change to .lot 7 in the $lot bo* an, 9hange the Color to /ar! &ra% an,
thi9kness to <#= mm& Cli9k on Appl%& To 5ie2 the graph no24 9li9k on (-&
Checkpoint 2
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4"CH7#8N+ an, start here or .o6 9o6l, loa, the -ile 4"CH"#8N+ an, retra9e
the steps -rom Che9kpoint 1&
.##ing a Title1 0egen# an# .(i Title
It is 2orth pointing o6t at this stage that Sigmaplot has an ob<e9t7oriente, rationale&
Do6ble79li9king on an. ob<e9t 2ill allo2 .o6 to 9hange the properties o- that ob<e9t&
:or instan9e4 tr. ,o6ble79li9king on one o- the 96r5es&
To 9hange the a*is titles@

Reopen the Graph $roperties 2in,o2 an, 9li9k the Axes tab&
In the #*is bo*4 9li9k 4 data then 9li9k 0ename#
+ake the a*is title Time (mseconds)
In the #*is bo*4 sele9t 5data an, 9hange the title -or the B a*is to
Cli9k (- to see the plot&
To 9hange the graph title an, the a*es titles&
Open the Graph $roperties 2in,o2 again& Cli9k on the &raph tab.
Change the Title o- the graph b. 9li9king on the 0ename b6tton an, in
Sound Waves& Cli9k (- on the !,it Te*t 2in,o2&
Cli9k the 3egen,s i9on4 then highlight T vs A"# Cli9k dit an, 9hange the
legen, te*t to High&
Highlight T vs A7 an, 9hange the legen, te*t to Lo&
Cli9k on Appl% to appl. the 9hanges&
Cli9k on (- to 9lose the Graph $roperties 2in,o2&
.##ing Symbol an# Do)nampling
Bo6 9an re?6est a line an, s9atter plot 2hen 6sing the Graph Wi1ar, b6t .o6 9an
9hoose to a,, or ,elete lines or s.mbols at an. stage o- 9reating a graph&
Reopen the Graph $roperties 2in,o2 an, 9li9k the .lots tab&
Cli9k the S%m,ols i9on on the le-t o- the ,ialog bo*& :or $lot14 9hoose
Triangle $p an, 9hange the 9olo6r o- both the Fill an, dge to 0ed& :or
$lot 9hoose Triangle /own an, 9he9k that both the Fill an, dge 9olo6rs
are +lac!& +ake both sets o- s.mbols ; mms in si1e&
Sometimes4 .o6 ma. ha5e too man. ,ata points to 5ie2 an, .o6 ma. ,e9i,e .o6
onl. 2ant to see a s6bset o- them& Bo6 9an ,o2nsample the ,ata&
>eeping the .lots tab sele9te,4 s2it9h to the /ata i9on on the le-t han, si,e&
C6rrentl.4 it is sampling e5er. point in the range& Change it so it is still
plotting the -6ll range b6t at e5er. 4th point& See the ,ialog bo* belo2& Do this
-or both $lot1 an, $lot&
#lso mo5e the title an, legen, nearer the main graph&
The ne*t pi9t6re sho2s the res6lt&
Un,o the ,o2nsampling be-ore ,oing the ne*t set o- instr69tions to print the
Changing the -rinter Setting
To print .o6r -inishe, graph4
Sele9t File | .rint&
Change the .rinter Name to the ,esire, printF?6e6eCprinter& Use an #4
printer s69h as the Colo6r 3aser printer& Bo6 9an 9hange an. o- the printer
settings at this stage b. 9li9king the .roperties b6tton&
Cli9k on (- an, .o6r plot 2ill be a,,e, to the ?6e6e&
8e-ore 6sing Sigmaplot4 .o6 sho6l, normall. make the ,esire, printer to be
.o6r ,e-a6lt printer4 be9a6se the page si1es a5ailable in Sigmaplot are
,epen,ent 6pon 2hi9h printer .o6 ha5e 9hosen& See #ppen,i* / -or more
Saving your %raph
To sa5e .o6r Sigmaplot -ile 9ontaining both the graph an, the 2orksheet@
Sele9t File | Save As&
Na5igate to 2here .o6 2ant to sa5e .o6r -ile4 e&g& !:\sigmaplotexs
!nter a :ile name -or the Sigmaplot Notebook Hplease 9all it Exercise".#$%I
Cli9k Save.
#t this stage4 it is 2orth 2hile pa6sing to look at the str69t6re o- a Sigmaplot
Notebook& Bo6 sho6l, be able to see a panel bet2een the graph i9ons on the e*treme
le-t an, the graph 2in,o2& This is 9alle, the Notebook +anager an, it 9ontains the
name o- one notebook Hno2 9alle, !*er9ise1I& I- this panel has ,isappeare,4 then .o6
sho6l, be able to retrie5e it b. 9li9king on the small i9on on the right o- the 9onto6r
gra ph i9on&
# Notebook 9onsists o- one or more se9tions4 ea9h o- 2hi9h 9ontains at most one
2orksheet an, one or more graph pages& # graph page 9an ha5e se5eral graphs on it&
Se9tions 9an optionall. 9ontain e?6ation pages4 reports an, ma9ros&
When .o6 sa5e a Notebook4 .o6 sa5e the 2hole str69t6re4 in9l6,ing the se9tions4
2orksheets4 graphs et9&
'(porting your %raph
To e*port .o6r graphs as pi9t6res4 -or in9l6sion in another program4
Cli9k on the Graph $age 2in,o2 again an, then sele9t File | xport | xport
Na5igate to 2here .o6 2ant to e*port .o6r -ile4 i&e& !:\sigmaplotexs
Sele9t the ,esire, :ile T.pe4 H9hoi9es are 8itmap4 !nhan9e, +eta-ile4 K$!G4
TI::4 HT+34 $D: an, !n9aps6late, $ostS9riptI&
!nter a :ile name H-or e*ample4 i- .o6 ha5e 9hosen !nhan9e, +eta-ile -or the
:ile T.pe4 !*er9ise1&!+:I an, 9li9k xport.
Cli9k (- on the ne*t panel to a99ept the s6ggeste, si1es et9&
Creating a %raph uing Multi2line
Bo6 ma. ha5e noti9e, that4 instea, o- 6sing Simple Straight 3ine4 .o6 9o6l, ha5e
sele9te, +6ltiple Straight 3ines& We are no2 going to 6se that option&
:irst4 9li9k on the ba9kgro6n, o- the graph an, press the &elete ke. 7 this
sho6l, gi5e .o6 a blank page&
Cli9k on the Worksheet 2in,o24 9li9k on the 9ell in Ro2 14 Col6mn 1 an,
start the Graph Wi1ar,&
Sele9t 3ine .lot -rom the list o- Graph T.pes an, 9li9k Next#
Sele9t 'ultiple Straight 3ines -rom the list o- Graph St.les an, 9li9k Next#
Sele9t 4 'an% 5 -rom the list o- Data :ormats an, 9li9k Next&
:or the 4: 5al6es4 sele9t the 9ol6mn 2ith a hea,er o- 17T on the 2orksheet&
+ake s6re that .o6 ha5e "@ 17T& I- .o6 ha5enLt4 then 9li9k the "@ in the
Sele9te, Col6mns in the Graph Wi1ar, an, tr. again&
:or the 5": 5al6es4 sele9t the 9ol6mn 7A" on the 2orksheet
:or the 57: 5al6es4 sele9t the 9ol6mn /7A7 on the 2orksheet& Contin6e in this
2a. 6ntil .o6 ha5e sele9te, all o- #1 to #0&
Cli9k on Finish&
Checkpoint 3
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4"CH;#8N+ an, start here or .o6 9o6l, loa, the -ile 4"CH7#8N+ an, retra9e
the steps -rom Che9kpoint &
Changing the 0inetyle o+ Multi2line
When 6sing a m6lti7line graph4 .o6 9an 6se in9rementing s9hemes -or both the line an, the 9olo6r o- in,i5i,6al lines& Sigmaplot pro5i,es t2o line s9hemes an,
nine 9olo6r s9hemes&
Sele9t the graph an, then 9li9k &raph | &raph .roperties
Cli9k the .lots tab an, then 9li9k the 3ines i9on in the Settings -or bo*&
Cli9k the ,o2n arro2 -or the T%pe in the 3ine St.le se9tion an, 9hoose
Cli9k the ,o2n arro2 -or the Color in the 3ine Color se9tion an, 9hoose
Cli9k O>
Bo6 9an 9reate .o6r o2n in9rementing s9hemes -or line t.pes4 s.mbol t.pes4 patterns
an, -or 9olo6rs& #n e*ample o- ho2 to ,o this is gi5en in a later e*er9ise&
'(iting Sigmaplot
To e*it Sigmaplot@
Sele9t File | xit. Bo6 2ill be prompte, to sa5e an. mo,i-ie, -iles at this
stage& Then .o6 2ill be ret6rne, to the Win,o2s inter-a9e&
3 '(ercie 2 Dra) 'rror 3ar
The aim o- the -irst part o- this e*er9ise is to pro,69e the -ollo2ing graph&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions& :6ll
instr69tions 2ill be gi5en@
+o, the Datasheet
Creating an !rror 8ar $lot
Changing the !rror 8ar Dire9tions
#,,ing a ne2 error bar plot
#,,ing a Title an, 3egen,
#,,ing a 3ine $lot
#,,ing another graph to the same page
Rearranging an, 9hanging the si1e o- graphs the linear regression ro6tines other 96r5e7-itting ro6tines
Mo#i+ying the Dataheet
Start Sigmaplot an, 9reate a ne2 notebook&
Then import -ile v:\Sigmaplotxs\exercises\xercise7#txt into the
2orksheet 6sing .lain Text -or the :ile Note that the ,ata items in this
-ile are separate, b. tab 9hara9ters an, Sigmaplot re9ognises this b. Tab ,elimite, -or the :iel, -ormat& >eep the 2orksheet 2in,o2
We ha5e to -in, the errors an, store them in 9ol6mns 0 an, 6&
In 9ell 041 6 rror -or a 9ol6mn hea,er an, in 9ell 641 > rror
Sele9t an. other 9ell so that the title is registere,&
$romote the te*t in ro2 1 to titles Hsee last e*er9ise -or instr69tionsI
Sele9t Trans*orms | $ser6/e*ined
!nter the -ollo2ing t2o lines@
col '() * col '3) + col ',)
col '-) * col '.) / col ',)
Cli9k 0un& HThe 2orksheet reappears sho2ing that 9ol6mn 0 an, 9ol6mn 6
ha5e the error 5al6es&I Noti9e that the ,ata -or 7!rror an, M !rror are
,i--erent& 8e-ore mo5ing on4 9li9k an. 9ell&
Creating an 'rror 3ar -lot
Start the Graph Wi1ar,&
Sele9t Scatter .lot -rom the list o- Graph T.pes an, 9li9k Next#
Sele9t Simple rror +ars -rom the list o- Graph St.les an, 9li9k Next#
The errors are store, in the 2orksheet 9ol6mns so keep the ,e-a6lt -or this
s9reen an, 9li9k Next#
Sele9t 45 .air -rom the list o- Data :ormats an, 9li9k Next#
:or the ": 5al6e4 sele9t the 174 9ol6mn on the 2orksheet&
:or the B 5al6e4 sele9t the 75?mean 9ol6mn -rom the 2orksheet&
:or the !rror 5al6e4 sele9t the 06rror 9ol6mn -rom the 2orksheet&
Cli9k on Finish#
Noti9e that the errors are plotte, b. ,e-a6lt in both ,ire9tions&
Changing the 'rror 3ar Direction
Sele9t &raph | &raph .roperties
!ns6re the .lots tab is sele9te, an, that the 96rrent plot is .lot "D sele9t rror
+ars -rom the Settings :or list an, sele9t 5 Negative -or the Dire9tion&
Cli9k (-
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
47CH"#8N+ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
.##ing a /e) 'rror 3ar -lot
To a,, the graph 9ontaining the positi5e error 5al6es@
Sele9t &raph | Add .lot
Sele9t Scatter .lot an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t Simple rror +ars an, 9li9k Next
#99ept the ,e-a6lt 6sing Worksheet Col6mns an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t 45 .air an, 9li9k Next
:or the "@ 5al6e4 sele9t 174# +ake s6re that .o6 ha5e 9li9ke, the " 5al6e in
the Graph Wi1ar, bo*&
:or the B@ 5al6e4 sele9t 756mean
:or the rror@ 5al6e4 sele9t 67>rror
Cli9k Finish
Sele9t &raph | &raph .roperties
!ns6re the .lots tab is sele9te, an, that the 96rrent plot is .lot 7D sele9t rror
+ars -rom the Settings :or list an, sele9t 5 .ositive -or the Dire9tion&
.o6 are
still on
S%m,ols in the Settings -or bo* an, s2it9h o-- the s.mbols -or $lot b.
6sing @NoneA#
Cli9k (-#
Checkpoint 2
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
47CH7#8N+ an, start here or .o6 9o6l, loa, the -ile 47CH"#8N+ an, retra9e
the steps -rom Che9kpoint 1&
.##ing a Title an# 0egen#
Re7open the Graph $roperties 2in,o2 again4 i- ne9essar.4 an, sele9t the
&raph tab& Change the title to !"ean # $%%o% Levels
3egends i9on an, s2it9h o-- the Framed in +ox setting -or the legen,
+ake the legen, st.le S%m,ol onl% -or both $lot 1 an, $lot
Change the 3egen, #ppearan9e :or 3egen, S.mbol to !"ean -or $lot 1
an, to blanks -or $lot one spa9e at leastNI&
Cli9k Appl%
Cli9k (-
Drag the legen,4 2hi9h is 96rrentl. at the bottom le-t4 so it is insi,e the a*is
-rame at the top le-t&
.##ing a 0ine -lot
One 2a. to a,, a line that plots B7mean to the graph 9o6l, be as -ollo2s@
#,, a line plot 6sing the ,ata in 9ol6mns " an, B7mean& Bo6 2o6l, also
nee, to e,it the legen, labels to pro,69e the pi9t6re belo2&
Ho2e5er4 a m69h ?6i9ker 2a. o- ,oing this is to@
Sele9t &raph | &raph .roperties
Cli9k the .lots tab an, then 6sing $lot14 9li9k the 3ines i9on in the Settings
-or bo*&
Choose Solid Hinstea, o- NoneI in the 3ine St.le bo*
Cli9k (-
.##ing .nother %raph to the Same -age
To a,, another graph to the page@
Sele9t &raph | Create &raph
Sele9t 3ine .lot -rom the list o- Graph T.pes an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t Simple Straight 3ine -rom the list o- Graph St.les H.o6 ma. be
intereste, to see Simple Spline C6r5e in the listI an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t 45 .air -rom the list o- Data :ormats an, 9li9k Next
:or the ": 5al6es4 sele9t the 174 9ol6mn
:or the B 5al6es4 sele9t the 75?mean 9ol6mn
Cli9k on Finish
Bo6 sho6l, be presente, 2ith a pi9t6re sho2ing t2o graphs similar to the one on the
ne*t page&
4earranging an# Changing the %raph Si,e
Rearrange the graphs so that both the graphs 9an be seen& Bo6 9an ,o this b.
simpl. ,ragging ea9h graph in t6rn& Use the :oom Control bo* i- ne9essar.&
Cli9k on one graph an, 6se the men6 item Format | Si2e and .osition&
S6ggeste, si1e is "(0 x 10 -or both graphs an, then tr. 30 -or the le-t an, 30
-or the top -or one graphD 30 -or the le-t an, "20 -or the top -or the other&
Bo6 2ill also nee, to 9hange the properties o- ea9h graph as -ollo2s@
:or the B7+ean an, !rrors plot .o6 2ill nee, to@
S2it9h o-- the line plot&
:or the B7+ean plot4 .o6 2ill nee, to@
Change the title&
Change the legen, labels4 s2it9h o-- the :rame, in a bo* setting an,
reposition the legen,&
Trying the 0inear 4egreion 4outine
Sigmaplot has a librar. o- o5er 1'' b6ilt7in e?6ations 2hi9h 9an be 6se, as 96r5e
-itting -6n9tions& It has a Regression Wi1ar, that helps .o6 to 9hoose a s6itable
-6n9tion& In this part o- the e*er9ise4 2e tr. a leastFs?6ares -it o- the ,ata to a
pol.nomial o- or,er /&
Dis9ar, the top graph4 b. sele9ting it an, then pressing the &elete ke.&
To -in, a regression 96r5e -or BFmean4 9li9k &raph | 3inear 0egression
Cli9k ach Curve Hthere is onl. one in this 9aseNI4 tr. an or,er o- 1 an, 9li9k
(-# Then ha5e a look at the regression 96r5es -or an or,er o- an, -or an
or,er o- ;& The 96r5e -or or,er / is sho2n belo2&
Bo6 9an obtain the 9oe--i9ients 6se, b. ret6rning to the 3inear Regression ,ialog bo*
an, 9li9king the 0esults tab& The -ollo2ing is a s6bset o- the res6lts@
Or,er /
Coe--i9ients@ bO'P /'&/()46)6/(% bO1P /&616('1(1)1
bOP F'&4)/4'1)'6 bO/P '&'/061'1%
r Q '&)))6/6/%64 Hthis is the 9orrelation 9oe--i9ientI
:6n9tion ;al6es@ * -H*I
&4 /6&411%44'40
&4( /6&(6/0//)%
&% /%&(6/6411%
&)6 /%&6(66(1406(
1/&%6 %(&6''((4(%
14 (1&'%4')6(4(6
Trying 5ther Curve26itting 4outine
The Regression Wi1ar, helps .o6 to 9hoose a s6itable e?6ation4 5ariables an, options
s69h as initial parameter estimates4 parameter 9onstraints4 2eighting et9& In a,,ition4
.o6 9an e,it the 9o,e 6se, in ea9h -itting ro6tine an, .o6 9an also a,, .o6r o2n
e?6ations to the b6iltFin librar.& I- .o6 are intereste, in these -a9ilities4 9ons6lt
Sigmaplot11.0 User Guide (Part 1 or online help -a9ilities -or more ,etails&
I- the 3inear Regression bo* is still on 5ie23 9li9k (- or Cancel&
Cli9k Statistics | Nonlinear 0egression | 0egression 1i2ard# We 2ant to
-in, a better -it than the regression 96r5es trie, on the pre5io6s page&
Bo6 9an 5ie2 ,i--erent e?6ations b. 9hoosing ,i--erent 9ategories an, names&
Choose 0ational -or the !?6ation Categor. an, then ;.arameter III -or the
!?6ation Name# This parti96lar -6n9tion 2as 9hosen sin9e 2e think the ,ata
nee,s three parameters an, it is a more general -6n9tion than 1$arameterI4 -or
instan9e& I- .o6 9li9k dit CodeB .o6 9an see 2here .o6 9an impose
9onstraints an, 9hange the 9on5ergen9e 9riteria& Cli9k Next on the
0egression 1i2ard .anel#
Choose 4 -rom the list in ;ariable Col6mns -or the * 5al6es an, 56mean -or
the . 5al6es then 9li9k Next&
It is reporte, in the res6lts bo* that 9on5ergen9e 2as satis-a9tor.& Cli9k Next
On9e .o6 ha5e learnt ho2 to 6se the Regression Wi1ar,4 .o6 sho6l, look at
the res6lts bo* in more ,etail& In this parti96lar 9ase4 the Depen,en9ies
9ol6mn4 2ith all the 5al6es near 1&'4 sho2s that the parameters are strongl.
,epen,ent on one another an, so 2e sho6l, probabl. be an e?6ation
2ith -e2er parameters&
DonLt a,, the !?6ation or the Report to the Notebook& Cli9k Next
!ns6re that the option to 9reate a ne2 graph is s2it9he, on an, 9li9k Finish
I- .o6 2ant to ha5e a look at the 9oe--i9ients -or the e?6ations4 then .o6 2ill
nee, to bring the 2orksheet to the -ront&
3ook at the Notebook 2in,o2 an, see that a ne2 graph page has been a,,e,&
3ea5e Sigmaplot& Sa5e the Notebook b6t there is no nee, to sa5e the
4 '(ercie 3 Dra) a 3D Meh -lot
The aim o- this e*er9ise is to pro,69e the -ollo2ing mesh plot&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions& :6ll
instr69tions 2ill be gi5en@
Interpolating the ,ata
Creating a +esh $lot
Changing the Graph $roperties
Changing the Colo6r S9heme
Changing the point o- 5ie2
Changing the Weights 6se, in the Interpolation
"nterpolating the Data
Start Sigmaplot&
Import the -ile v:\Sigmaplotxs\exercises\xercise;#txt an, keep the
2orksheet 2in,o2 a9ti5e&
The ,ata 9onsists o- a set o- H*4.41I triplets an, is not on a reg6lar gri,& It is possible
to 9reate a /D mesh plot -rom this ,ata as it stan,s Hsee pi9t6re at top o- ne*t pageI
b6t it is a,5ise, to interpolate the ,ata into a reg6lar gri,4 be-ore ,ra2ing a /D mesh
sin9e there is more 9ontrol o5er the smoothing&
Sele9t Trans*orms | Smooth ;/ /ata
When aske, -or Source 4: sele9t 9ol6mn 1 on the 2orksheet&
When aske, -or Source 5: sele9t 9ol6mn &
When aske, -or Source :: sele9t 9ol6mn /&
Cli9k Next
Sele9t 9ol6mn 4 -or .redicted:
Sele9t 9ol6mn 0 -or 0esiduals:
>eep ti9k in bo* -or .lot 0esults an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t 9ol6mn 6 -or 4 column:
Sele9t 9ol6mn % -or 5 column:
Sele9t 9ol6mn ( -or : column:
>eep ti9k in bo* -or Create new graph an, 9li9k Finish#
Sigmaplot pro5i,es a n6mber o- smoothing algorithms& Here is a list o- them@
This is not a s6itable pla9e to ,is96ss the merits o- all the ,i--erent smoothing
algorithms -or this parti96lar set o- ,ata& Ho2e5er4 i- .o6 9hange the Smoother4 the
Sampling .roportion an, the xponent parameters4 an, then 9li9k .review ea9h
time a 9hange is ma,e4 .o6 2ill see that .o6 nee, to take 9are in 9hoosing an
algorithm an, in 9hoosing parti96lar 5al6es -or the other parametersN
Choose Negative xponential -or the Smoother an, gi5e 5al6es o- &'( -or
the Sampling $roportion an, ( -or the !*ponent&
Cli9k (ptions& Change the ,e-a6lt 5al6es o- 10 inter5als * 10 inter5als to 6' *
6' -or the " an, B 5al6es -or the reg6lar gri, an, 9hange to Nearest
Neigh,ours -or the 8an,2i,th +etho, an, then 9li9k (-# Cli9k (- on the
Smooth /D Data panel&
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4;CH"#8N+ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
Ha5e a look at the 2orksheet& It has -i5e ne2 9ol6mns an, 9ol6mns 64 % an, ( no2
9ontain a mesh o- 6' * 6' 5al6es -or "4B4=&
Changing the %raph -ropertie
Open the Graph $roperties 2in,o2& Change the title to Heights an, remo5e
the legen, 9ompletel.&
Cli9k the Axes tab an, -or the #*is4 9hoose :/ata&
Choose Scaling in the Settings -or list an, 9hange the Start an, nd 5al6es to
7"-0 an, ",0&
Choose Tic!s in the Settings -or list& !ns6re that the #ppl. To bo* is set to
'aCor Tic!s& Cli9k 'anual -or the Ti9ks in the +a<or Ti9k Inter5als an,
9hange the inter5al Hver%I to .0 an, the starting point HFromI to 7"-0
Changing the Colour Scheme
On the Graph $roperties 2in,o24 sele9t the .lots tab&
Sele9t 'esh in the Settings :or list&
Change the :ill Colors Color to Incrementing an, 9hange the :ill Colors
Transition to &radient#
Cli9k Appl% an, (- to appl. 9hanges&
Bo6 9an insert 9olo6rs into a 9ol6mn o- the 2orksheet an, 6se this 9ol6mn -or .o6r
o2n 9olo6r s9heme&
Ret6rn to the 2orksheet 2in,o2 b. 9li9king 1indow | /ata "D#
Sele9t the -irst 9ell in Col6mn ) then 9li9k Insert | &raphic Cells#
Do6ble79li9k a 9olo6r& That 9olo6r is inserte, into the 9ell an, then .o6 are
in5ite, to insert another 9olo6r -or the se9on, 9ell in that 9ol6mn& Insert abo6t
-i5e 9olo6rs altogether&
Close the Insert Graphi9 Cells bo* b. 9li9king the small 9ross at the top right&
Ret6rn to the Graph $age 2in,o2& On the Graph $roperties 2in,o24 sele9t
the .lots tab an, sele9t 'esh in the Settings :or list&
Change the :ill Colors Color 6se, to Column = H.o6 ma. ha5e to s9roll to
bottom o- listI an, 9hange the Transition 6se, to /iscrete#
Cli9k Appl% an, then (- to appl. 9hanges& Bo6 sho6l, obtain a pi9t6re
similar to the one at the start o- this e*er9ise&
This pro9e,6re is 2hat .o6 2o6l, nee, to -ollo2 i- .o6 2ante, to 9hange the
9olo6r s9heme -or the +6ltiple 3ine e*ample at the en, o- !*er9ise 1&
Changing the -oint o+ 7ie)
Open the Graph $roperties 2in,o2&
Sele9t the &raph tab&
Sele9t 0otation -rom the Settings :or list&
Change the Hori2ontal )iew to ,esire, angle&
Change the )ertical )iew to ,esire, angle&
Change the .erspective#
Use the .review 2in,o2 to see 9hanges&
I- .o6 2ant4 .o6 9an 9hoose 0evert to last applied& Cli9k (-#
Changing the Weight in the "nterpolation
Sigmaplot smoothers are algorithms -or smoothing sharp 5ariations in ,epen,ent
5ariable 5al6es 2ithin /D ,ata sets& These smoothers are 6se, to 9reate a ne2 set o-
,ata o5er a gri, o- 6ni-orml. spa9e, 5al6es o- the in,epen,ent 5ariables&
:or basi9 help on the ,i--erent smoothing te9hni?6es4 9li9k Help | Sigmaplot
Contents and Index& Cli9k the Index tab an, then 4nterpolating &ata
in the spa9e pro5i,e,& Cli9k /ispla%&
!a9h smoothing metho, 2eights the ,ata 9ontaine, in a 2in,o2 s6rro6n,ing the
smoothing lo9ation in the set o- the in,epen,ent 5ariables& The si1e o- the 2in,o2
,epen,s on the 5al6e o- the 5roportion 5al6e& # linear or non7linear te9hni?6e is
then applie, to the 2eighte, ,ata to 9omp6te ea9h smoothe, 5al6e&
The 2eight assigne, to ea9h ,ata 5al6e in the 2in,o2 is ,etermine, b. its
normali1e, ,istan9e H6I -rom the smoothing lo9ation& In the In5erse Distan9e metho,4
i- the !*ponent 5al6e is high4 then the 2eights be9ome ?6ite small -or points -6rther
a2a. -rom ea9h ,atapoint an, so greater emphasis is pla9e, on the nearest ,ata
points4 res6lting in a mesh passing 9loser to the ,ata&
To 9reate a ne2 mesh4 -irst 9li9k on the 2orksheet 2in,o2 to make it 96rrent&
Sele9t Trans*orms | Smooth ;/ /ata
When aske, -or Source 4: sele9t 9ol6mn 1 on the 2orksheet& When aske, -or
Source 5: sele9t 9ol6mn & When aske, -or Source :: sele9t 9ol6mn /& Cli9k
Sele9t 9ol6mn 1' -or .redicted: an, sele9t 9ol6mn 11 -or 0esiduals:& >eep
ti9k in bo* -or .lot 0esults an, 9li9k Next
Sele9t 9ol6mn 1 -or 4 column:&4 sele9t 9ol6mn 1/ -or 5 column: an, sele9t
9ol6mn 14 -or : column:& >eep ti9k in bo* -or Create new graph an, 9li9k
Choose Inverse /istance -or the Smoother an, gi5e 5al6es o- 0." -or the
Sampling $roportion an, " -or the !*ponent& On the Options panel4 9hoose -0
x -0 -or the Inter5als an, Nearest Neigh,our -or the 8an,2i,th metho,&
Cli9k .review on the Smooth /D Data panel&
Choose Inverse /istance -or the Smoother an, gi5e 5al6es o- 0.. -or the
Sampling $roportion an, . -or the !*ponent& Cli9k (- on the Smooth /D
Data panel&
To a,, pro<e9te, 9onto6rs onto a plane4 Has on the -ront o- this e*er9iseI4 6se the
-ollo2ing ,ialog bo*N
5 '(ercie 4 Dra) Curve o+ 2D
This e*er9ise is to ,ra2 a D 96r5e 2hi9h ,es9ribes the -ollo2ing -6n9tion@
. S 9os H mT* I T sin HnT*I
2here m an, n are parameters an, * has 5al6es bet2een ' an, %' ,egrees&
:or the initial pi9t6re sho2n here4 m S ( an, n S 1& There are other interesting 96r5es4
2hen 2e 5ar. m an, n&
When 9reating a 96r5e -or a D or a /D -6n9tion4 one 9ol6mn is 9reate, 9ontaining a
set o- sample points -or the in,epen,ent 5ariable Hor4 i- it is a set o- parameterise,
e?6ations4 -or the parameter 5ariableI& Then the other 9ol6mns are 9al96late, 6sing
this 9ol6mn& Bo6 sho6l, tr. to ha5e a reasonabl. large n6mber -or the sample points&
In this e*ample4 2e ha5e 140 sample points ranging -rom ' to %'&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions@
Using The Trans-orm Dialog
Creating a D line plot
#,<6sting the a*is s9ales
Changing the parameters
$ing the Tran+orm Dialog
I- .o6 ha5e not le-t Sigmaplot4 then 9lose the ol, Notebook an, start a ne2
Cli9k on the 2orksheet 2in,o2 to make it 96rrent&
Cli9k the men6 item Trans*orms | $ser /e*ined#
In Sigmaplot4 trans-orms are sets o- e?6ations that manip6late an, 9al96late ,ata& To
per-orm a trans-orm4 .o6 enter 5ariables an, operators into a trans!orm dialog& +ore
in-ormation abo6t trans-orms 9an be -o6n, in the Sigmaplot ".0 Programming Guide& in the lines sho2n abo5e& Bo6 ma. nee, to remo5e an. pre5io6s
The -irst t2o lines set 6p 5al6es -or the parameters m an, n& In the :or loop4 the
sample 5al6es -or * are 9al96late, an, store, in 9ells belonging to 9ol6mn 1& Then 2e
9an 6se 5al6es o- * to 2ork o6t the 5al6es -or . an, store them in the ne*t 9ol6mn&
+ake s6re that /egrees are the 9hosen Trigonometri9 Units an, then 9li9k
0un& The -irst -e2 lines o- the 2orksheet are sho2n belo2@
Creating a 2D line -lot
Cli9k the men6 item &raph | Create &raph#
Sele9t 3ine .lot then sele9t Next#
Sele9t Simple Straight 3ine then 9li9k Next#
Sele9t 45 .air then sele9t Next#
Sele9t Col6mn 1 on the 2orksheet -or "4 Col6mn -or B4 an, then 9li9k
Finish& Bo6 sho6l, ha5e 9reate, a D line plot like the one sho2n belo2@
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
49CH"#8N+ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
.#8uting the .(i Scale
Sele9t the graph an, then 9li9k the men6 item &raph | &raph .roperties#
Cli9k the Axes tab& Choose the Scaling i9on in the Settings -or list&
:or the a*is "Data4 9hoose the Start 5al6e to 0 an, the nd 5al6e to 2,0.
:or the a*is BData4 9hange the Start 5al6e to +".0 an, the nd 5al6e to ".0.
Resi1e the graph an, 1oom in&
Changing the -arameter
Sele9t the 2orksheet 2in,o2 an, then 9li9k Trans*orms | $ser /e*ined&
Change the 5al6e -or m to 6 an, the 5al6e -or n to " then 9li9k 0un# Bo6
sho6l, obtain a pi9t6re similar to the one sho2n at the -ront o- this e*er9ise&
No2 gi5e a 5al6e o- "- to m
Tr. plotting the -6n9tion . S 9osHkT*IT9osHmT*ITsinHnT*I instea, an, gi5e
5al6es o- . -or k4 6 -or m an, 0.( -or n
9 '(ercie 5 Dra) Multiple .(e -lot
This e*er9ise is to ,ra2 the -ollo2ing@
There are man. o99asions 2hen one 2ants to plot m6ltiple ,atasets that ha5e
,i--erent or,ers o- magnit6,e an, hen9e a*es 2ith ,i--erent s9ales are re?6ire,& In
this e*ample4 2e ha5e three plots4 ea9h o- 2hi9h has one line& We 9reate three B a*es
an, ea9h one o- these a*es is assigne, to a ,i--erent plot&
When a ne2 plot is a,,e, to a graph4 it is a6tomati9all. assigne, to the B a*is 2hi9h
is on the le-t o- the graph& This a*is a,<6sts its s9ales Hi- ne9essar.I to a99ommo,ate
the ne2 ,ataset& I- there is alrea,. a ,ataset assigne, to that a*is an, i- the ,atasets
ha5e ,i--erent or,ers o- magnit6,e4 then one o- the ,atasets ma. possibl. ,isappear
or be9ome a straight hori1ontal line&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions@
#,,ing ,ata to the 2orksheet
Creating the plots
#,,ing ne2 a*es
Changing the s9ales on the a*es&
Ti,.ing 6p the graph
.##ing Data to the Workheet
Start Sigmaplot or start 2ith a ne2 Notebook& the -ollo2ing ,ata into the 2orksheet& >eep Col6mn blank&
Noti9e that e5en i- .o6 integers into the 2orksheet4 Sigmaplot 6ses 4 ,e9imal
pla9es Hb. ,e-a6ltI -or ea9h n6mber& 3ook at the men6 item Tools | (ptions an,
9hoose Numeric in the Settings -or bo*& Bo6 9an 9hange both the -ormat an, n6mber
o- ,e9imal pla9es -or the ,ispla. o- n6mbers on a 2orksheet& Ho2e5er4 on9e .o6
make a 9hange4 Sigmaplot ass6mes .o6 2ant to keep the ne2 settings -or all -6t6re
2orksheets so ,onAt 9hange these settings at presentN
Use Trans*orms | $ser /e*ined to a,, a ne2 9ol6mn o- ,ata& Bo6 ma. nee,
to remo5e an. pre5io6s trans-orms& Use the -ollo2ing statement@
col ' , ) * ln ' col ' . ) )
The res6ltant 2orksheet sho6l, look like this@
Bo6 ha5e probabl. noti9e, that the 9ol6mns 4 / an, 4 ha5e been arrange, in or,er o-
magnit6,e& This 2as ,one ,eliberatel. so that .o6 9an see ho2 the s9ales on the B
a*is 9hange to a99ommo,ate ea9h ne2 9ol6mn o- ,ata&
Bo6 ha5e to 6se Simple Straight 3ines an, not +6ltiple Straight 3ines4 2hen
9reating the graph be9a6se .o6 2ant to 9reate a,,itional a*es an, asso9iate
them 2ith in,i5i,6al plots4 so ea9h line has to be p6t into a separate plot&
Creating the -lot
Create a graph 2ith a line plot 6sing the ,ata in 9ol6mns 1 an, &
#,, t2o ne2 line plots to the same graph@ the -irst one -or 9ol6mns 1 an, /4
the se9on, one -or 9ol6mns 1 an, 4&
The a*is s9ales 9hange both times to a99ommo,ate all the possible ranges an,
so one plot has no2 be9ome a hori1ontal line&
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4ECH"#8N+ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
.##ing /e) .(e
The 96rrent B a*is is s6itable -or the ,ata in 9ol6mn 4& We are abo6t to a,, a ne2
a*is on the right 2hi9h is linke, to the se9on, plot Hi&e& the one 6sing 9ol6mn /I&
Sele9t the men6 item &raph | Add Axis#
On the #,, a*is to 2hi9h plot bo*4 sele9t .lot 7 then 9li9k Next#
On the #,, " or B a*is bo*4 sele9t 5axis then 9li9k Next#
On the #,, a*is to 2hi9h si,e bo*4 sele9t 0ight then 9li9k Finish#
We are abo6t to a,, a another a*is b6t this time on the le-t 2hi9h is linke, to the -irst
plot Hi&e& the one 6sing 9ol6mn I
>eep the graph sele9te, an, sele9t the men6 item &raph | Add Axis#
On the #,, a*is to 2hi9h plot bo*4 sele9t .lot " then 9li9k Next#
On the #,, " or B a*is bo*4 sele9t 5axis then 9li9k Next#
On the #,, a*is to 2hi9h si,e bo*4 sele9t 3e*t (**set then 9li9k Finish#
Bo6 sho6l, ha5e note, that ea9h a*is is asso9iate, 2ith a plot& !a9h time .o6 6se
&raph | Create &raph or &raph | Add .lot4 .o6 9reate a ne2 plot 2hi9h belongs
to that graph& # plot 9an be a single line or a m6ltiple line or a single set o- s.mbols
or m6ltiple set o- s.mbols or a single set o- bars et9& So -or e*ample4 a graph 9o6l,
ha5e 4 plots& $lot1 9o6l, ha5e lines4 $lot 9o6l, ha5e / lines4 $lot/ 9o6l, ha5e 1 set
o- s.mbols an, $lot 4 9o6l, ha5e sets o- s.mbols& It 2o6l, then be possible to ha5e
4 sets o- a*es -or the one graph4 sho2ing 0 lines an, / sets o- s.mbols& HIn pra9ti9e4
o- 9o6rse4 the res6ltant graph 2o6l, be 5er. 9on-6singNI
Checkpoint 2
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re abo5e4 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4ECH7#8N+ an, start here or .o6 9o6l, loa, the -ile 4ECH"#8N+ an, retra9e
the steps -rom Che9kpoint 1&
Changing the Scale on the .(e
Sigmaplot 9hooses a large range -or all the a*es& To 9hoose ,i--erent s9ales an, ti9k
settings4 .o6 ha5e to re?6est 'anual instea, o- #6tomati9 in se5eral pla9es&
Do6ble79li9k the 5/ata a*is& This is a 2a. o- opening the Graph $roperties
2in,o2& Noti9e that the #*es tab has been a6tomati9all. sele9te, an, that the
96rrent a*is is B,ata&
When making the -ollo2ing 9hanges4 .o6 9an 6se Appl% or (- to see the e--e9ts on
the graph& I- .o6 6se O>4 then .o6 ha5e to reopen the Graph $roperties 2in,o2 or
,o6ble79li9k an a*is&
Choose Scaling in the Settings -or list4 an, 9hange Start an, nd 5al6es to
.,00 an, ,.,00&
Choose Tic!s in the Settings -or list& !ns6re the #ppl. To bo* is set to 'aCor
Tic!s& Cli9k 'anual -or the Ti9ks in the +a<or Ti9k Inter5als an, 9hange the
inter5al Hver%I to .000 an, the starting point HFromI to .,00&
>eep the Axes tab sele9te, an,4 -or the #*is4 9hoose 4data&
Choose Scaling in the Settings -or list an, 9hange the range -rom "0 to (0&
Cli9k (- to see the 9hanges&
Do6ble79li9k 5axis 7& Choose Scaling in the Settings -or list an, 9hange the
range so that it is -rom .,0 to ,1,0&
Choose Tic!s in the Settings -or list# Set ma<or ti9ks4 6sing 'anual4 2ith
inter5al o- (00 an, the starting point at .,0& Cli9k (-#
Do6ble79li9k 5axis ;& Choose Scaling in the Settings -or list an, 9hange the
range -rom 6.. to "0."&
Choose Tic!s in the Settings -or list& Set ma<or ti9ks4 6sing 'anual4 2ith
inter5al o- 0.3.3 an, the starting point at 6..& Cli9k (-
Ti#ying up the %raph
#s an e*er9ise4 tr. to repro,69e the pi9t6re belo24 2itho6t a,,ing ne2 plots
or ,eleting ol, ones& Note that the sets 9ontaining a line 2ith 9onne9ting
s.mbol an, 9orrespon,ing a*is hea,er are ,ra2n in ,i--erent 9olo6rs& The
lines are thi9kene, an, the a*is hea,ers are ,one in bol, te*t& To 9hange an
a*is title4 ,o6ble79li9k it&
: '(ercie 9 The &itogram Wi,ar#
This e*er9ise sho2s ho2 to 9reate a histogram 2ith ,i--erent b69ket si1es&
In this e*er9ise4 .o6 2ill be pro9ee,ing thro6gh the -ollo2ing list o- a9tions@
#,,ing ,ata to the 2orksheet
Using the Histogram Wi1ar,
+aking 6ne5en b69kets
Creating a Histogram 2ith 6ne5en b69kets
Changing the ti9k labels
Creating a Regression 3ine an, Con-i,en9e 3ines&
:in,ing the $re,i9tion lines an, Correlation Coe--i9ient
"mporting Data to the Workheet
Start Sigmaplot an, 9reate a ne2 notebook& Import the ,ata -ile
v:\Sigmaplotxs\exercises\exerciseF#txt# There are t2o 9ol6mns gi5ing the
age an, 9holesterol le5el o- 1'' people&
$romote the titles an, .o6r 2orksheet sho6l, look like the one sho2n belo2&
$ing the &itogram Wi,ar#
# histogram -or the #ges 9ol6mn onl. is o6r -irst ob<e9ti5e&
Sele9t &raph | Histogram
:or the So6r9e4 sele9t the 17Age 9ol6mn& Sele9t Column ; Han empt.
9ol6mnI -or the O6tp6t 9ol6mn& The o6tp6t a9t6all. re?6ires t2o empt.
9ol6mns& Cli9k Next#
#llo2 the n6mber o- b69kets to be "< an, sele9t Next#
Sele9t )ertical +ar -or the Graph St.le an, then Finish#
Making $neven 3ucket
Instea, o- the sit6ation 2here all the b69kets ha, the same si1e4 2e 9an ha5e 6ne5en
b69kets& In or,er to ,o this4 2e ha5e to 6se the Histogram -6n9tion&
Ret6rn to the 2orksheet 2in,o2& Noti9e that Col6mn / an, 4 9ontain the
res6lts o- the -irst 9all to the Histogram -6n9tion& In an empt. 9ol6mn H6se
Col6mn 0I4 the -ollo2ing ,ata@
Sele9t Trans*orms | $ser /e*ined an, remo5e an. ol, trans-orms then
in the Trans-orm 2in,o2@
buckets * col'()
col'-) * histogram 'col'")3buckets)
Cli9k 0un& The histogram -6n9tion pro,69es a set o- -re?6en9ies 6sing the
,e-ine, inter5als H9alle, b69ketsI& In this parti96lar 9ase4 the ne2l. 9reate,
Col6mn 6 9ontains the -re?6en9ies 6sing the -ollo2ing inter5als@
4nterval Fre7uenc8
Un,er /' 1%&''''
/1 7 4' 1)&''''
41 7 0' &''''
01 7 00 11&''''
06 7 6' 1'&''''
61 7 60 14&''''
66 7 %' 6&''''
o5er %' '&''''
Sin9e there happens to be no one o5er %'4 ,elete that last 9ell -rom 9ol6mn 6&
Creating a &itogram )ith $neven 3ucket
To 9reate a histogram4 -irst sele9t the ol, histogram an, ,elete it&
Cli9k &raph | Create &raph
Create a 5erti9al bar 9hart4 6sing the ,ata in 9ol6mn H6I onl.&
Checkpoint !
I- .o6 ha5e not obtaine, the pi9t6re belo24 then .o6 9an either loa, the -ile
4FCH"#8N+ or .o6 9an start -rom s9rat9h&
Changing the Tick 0abel
In Sigmaplot4 .o6 9an insert labels into a 9ol6mn on a 2orksheet an, 6se that
9ol6mn -or ti9k labels on an a*is&
Insert into Col6mn % the ti9k labels -or the inter5als on the histogram&
No2 2e 2ant to repro,69e the pi9t6re on the ne*t page R&
Sele9t the Graph $age 2in,o2 an, then 9li9k &raph U &raph .roperties an,
9hange the title an, remo5e the legen,&
Cli9k the .lots tab an, 9hange the Settings -or 1idths4 9hoosing a bar
thi9kness o- 1''V&
Cli9k the Axes tab an, 9hoose the a*is -or " /ata&
Choose the Settings -or Tic! 3a,els4 9he9k that 'aCor Tic!s has been
sele9te, an, 9hange the to Column %&
Change the #*is labels4 "Data an, BData4 to 9ge an, Fre7uenc8.
Creating a 4egreion 0ine an#
Con+i#ence 0ine
To 9reate a ne2 graph page4 on the Notebook panel4 rightF9li9k Section " o-
the 96rrent notebook& On the ,ialog bo*4 9li9k New then 9li9k &raph .age&
Repl. 5es 2hen .o6 are aske, i- .o6 2ant to 9reate a ne2 graph& Create a
s9atter plot sho2ing the relationship bet2een #ge an, Cholesterol like the one
sho2n belo2& Noti9e the a*is labels an, s9ales ha5e been 9hange,&
Cli9k &raph | 3inear 0egression& The Or,er is "& Bo6 2ant All /ata in
.lot to be 9onsi,ere, in the Regression& #lso4 9li9k xtend to Axes option&
Cli9k the Con*idence Intervals tab4 keep the method at )0V an, 9li9k the
little bo* b. Con*idence Intervals& Cli9k O>
Con-i,en9e inter5als ,es9ribe the range 2here the regression line 2ill appear a
per9entage o- time -or repeate, meas6rements& In other 2or,s4 2e are )0V 9on-i,ent
that in another sample o- the same si1e the regression line 2ill be bet2een the t2o
9on-i,en9e 96r5es&
6in#ing -re#iction "nterval an#
Correlation Coe++icient
$re,i9tion inter5als ,es9ribe the range 2here the data 2ill appear a per9entage o-
time -or repeate, meas6rements&
Ret6rn to the 3inear Regression ,ialog bo* an, 9li9k the Con*idence
Intervals tab4 keep the method at )0V an, 9li9k the little bo* b. .rediction
Intervals& S2it9h o-- the Con-i,en9e Inter5als b. 9li9king the little bo*& Cli9k
O>& Note that nearl. all the ,ata -alls 2ithin this range&
Does this ,ataset pro5i,e e5i,en9e o- a 9orrelation bet2een #ge an,
CholesterolW To sho2 this4 ret6rn to the 3inear Regression ,ialog bo* an,
9li9k the 0esults tab& The 9orrelation 9oe--i9ient is sho2n on the list o- res6lts
r Q '&%1)%'%%1
This sho2s it is a -air pre,i9tion to sa. that there is a ,epen,en9. relationship
bet2een #ge an, Cholesterol&
5ptional '(ercie
Tr. to repro,69e the -ollo2ing pi9t6re& The ,ata is in a -ile 9alle, vib.txt
store, in v:\Sigmaplotxs\exercises& The -irst 9ol6mn stores the " 5al6es&
The 9ol6mn e' represents the B 5al6es -or the graph on the le-t an, the
9ol6mn e0 represents the B 5al6es -or the graph on the right&
Use 1hite6spaced -or the -iel, -ormat 2hen importing&
Sele9t dit | Select All an, in9rease ,e9imal pla9es to 6 -or all the 9ells in
2orksheet HFormat | CellsI
:irst4 9reate graph on le-t 2hi9h is a line plot o- * 5s e'
Use 3ogH9ommonI s9aling -or a*es an, 9hange s9aling on a*es&
#,, gri, lines Hboth ma<or an, minorI4 remo5e legen,4 9hange title&
Thi9ken a*es an, plot&
Cop. an, paste graph then mo5e se9on, graph to the right&
Sele9t se9on, graph an, open Graph $roperties 2in,o2& Cli9k the .lots tab
then the &raph 1i2ard b6tton an, 9hange the ,ata to be plotte,&
.ppen#i( ! Workbook Dataet
The -ollo2ing ,ataset is 6se, in !*er9ise 1
" B1 B B/ B4 B0
0 1%&% 14&% 1(& 1%& 1'&(
1' 14& 1&1 1)&1 16& 1/&
10 11 1/&4 1%&6 1%&/ 1/&%
' 14& 10&6 1%&6 16&) 1&0
0 1)& 1&1 1&% 10 1/&1
/' 1(&% )&( 16&6 1&( 1'&%
/0 6& (&( 1'&) 14&0 11&/
4' 0&0 )&) 10&0 10&0 1&1
40 11&6 1&0 16& 1(&1 1'&6
0' 11&) (&/ 10& 1&% )&(
00 6& 14& 1(&1 11& 1'&0
6' 1(&) 11& 16& 1&( 11
60 14& 1'&) 16&) 1&) 11&%
%' 10&0 14&( 1% 1/&4 1'&0
%0 6&) 1&1 16& 1&% 11&)
(' 1%&( )&0 1%&% 1& 1/&1
(0 14&( 1&1 1) 1'&) )&)
)' 1&4 1&0 1(& 1/&( 1'&
)0 1%&0 16 16&) 10 11&)
1'' 1%&/46 14&4'6 1%&(/6 16&(06 1'&0(4
1'0 1/&)16 11&(0( 1(&%1( 10&(%6 1&)/6
11' 1'&%( 1/&1/ 1%&4( 16&)04 1/&46
110 1/&)16 10&(( 1%&4( 16&06 1&0
1' 1(&(16 11&(0( 1&446 14&% 1&(/(
10 1(&/6 )&6'4 16&6( 1&044 1'&4(6
1/' 6&'%6 (&64 1'&6( 14&1 11&'%4
1/0 0&/) )&%' 10&1) 10&1) 11&(0(
14' 11&/6( 1&0 10&(%6 1%&%/( 1'&/((
140 11&66 (&1/4 14&()6 1&446 )&6'4
10' 6&'%6 1/&)16 1%&%/( 1'&)%6 1'&)
100 1(&0 1'&)%6 10&(%6 1&044 1'&%(
16' 1/&)16 1'&6( 16&06 1&64 11&466
160 10&1) 14&0'4 16&66 1/&1/ 1'&)
1%' 6&%6 11&(0( 10&(%6 1&446 11&66
1%0 1%&444 )&/1 1%&/46 11&)06 1&(/(
1(' 14&0'4 11&(0( 1(&6 1'&6( )&%'
1(0 '&)% 1&0 1%&(/6 1/&04 )&))6
1)' 1%&10 10&6( 16&06 14&% 11&66
1)0 16&)))1 14&11%) 1%&4%)/ 16&01() 1'&/%/
'' 1/&6/%% 11&6'( 1(&/4/6 10&00(0 1&6%%/
The -ollo2ing ,ataset is 6se, in !*er9ise
" BFmean Bmin Bma*
/6 /4 /)
4 /) /0 4
% 44 /) 4(
1' 0 46 0%
1 64 0( %/
14 (1 % (%
The -ollo2ing ,ataset is 6se, in !*er9ise /
' ' '
4 F4 F&%1/)
6&0//// F/6&466% F/&4446
)&'666% F/'&)/// F/&%(%/4
11&6 F0&4 F4&')%1
14&1/// F1)&(66% F6&10%'4
16&666% F14&//// F16&''0
1)& F(&( F40&)/4/
1&%/// F/&666% F)&6%6
4&66% &666% F1/'&14/
6&( %&( F14'&)/
)&//// 1/&//// F11'&'0
/1&(66% 1(&(66% F%&6/41/
/4&4 4&4 )&%/01
/6&)/// )&)/// 11/&6%
The -ollo2ing ,ataset is 6se, in !*er9ise 6
#G! Cholesterol #G! Cholesterol #G! Cholesterol
4 1'6 46 1(6 66 1)/
6/ 61 /6 1'% 40 146
/4 16' 4% 1)6 6 ))
/) 14) 0) % /) 164
46 1(6 /) 1'( 04 161
0' /' 44 1)1 44 10%
0( ( /( 1( 01 16'
/( 116 06 6( 0' 141
/6 1'4 01 100 61 ('
4) 1' 61 1%1 % 110
0' 161 4 %0 0' 1%4
/6 1% 0 / 0) )
0' / 64 1)% 01 1(4
// 1'1 6 1(' 41 16/
/0 1/% /1 1'6 6 116
% )1 0( %' 0( 0
0' 1%% 6 ' 6 '
/ 10 6( 1)6 4 )/
41 1 // 10/ / )(
% 1( 4 6) / ('
64 /1 41 1)0 61 /(
61 0( 4' 1/ 1 (1
66 /( / 1( // 1/)
66 44 6/ 1%0 66 6%
0( /1 % (% /) 1'(
41 11 0 /( 4 1'%
0 ' 0) ) 0/ 16/
04 / 0( 164 6 06
04 10) 4% 4 / %%
% 1/' 0' 16) 60 /'
04 1%4 ( )1 46 10
6 11 4 1/ 0( 1(
6% )0
This ,ataset is the one 6se, in the Optional !*er9ise& Not all the ro2s are sho2n here&
"x" "e0" "e1" "e2" "e3" "e4" "e5"
0.1 1.0101 1.0101 1.0101 1.0101 1.01 1.0097
0.10476 1.0111 1.0111 1.0111 1.0111 1.011 1.0106
0.10975 1.0122 1.0122 1.0122 1.0122 1.012 1.0116
0.11498 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0132 1.0127
0.12045 1.0147 1.0147 1.0147 1.0147 1.0145 1.0139
0.12619 1.0162 1.0162 1.0162 1.0161 1.0159 1.0152
0.13219 1.0178 1.0178 1.0178 1.0177 1.0175 1.0166
0.13849 1.0196 1.0196 1.0195 1.0195 1.0192 1.0181
0.14508 1.0215 1.0215 1.0215 1.0214 1.021 1.0198
0.15199 1.0236 1.0236 1.0236 1.0236 1.0231 1.0216
0.15923 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.0259 1.0253 1.0235
0.16681 1.0286 1.0286 1.0286 1.0285 1.0278 1.0256
0.17475 1.0315 1.0315 1.0315 1.0313 1.0305 1.0279
0.18307 1.0347 1.0347 1.0346 1.0345 1.0335 1.0304
0.19179 1.0382 1.0382 1.0381 1.038 1.0368 1.033
0.20092 1.0421 1.0421 1.042 1.0418 1.0403 1.0359
0.21049 1.0464 1.0463 1.0463 1.046 1.0443 1.039
0.22051 1.0511 1.0511 1.051 1.0507 1.0486 1.0423
0.23101 1.0564 1.0563 1.0562 1.0559 1.0533 1.0458
0.24201 1.0622 1.0622 1.0621 1.0616 1.0585 1.0495
0.25354 1.0687 1.0686 1.0685 1.0679 1.0641 1.0535
0.26561 1.0759 1.0758 1.0757 1.075 1.0704 1.0577
0.27826 1.0839 1.0839 1.0836 1.0828 1.0772 1.0622
0.29151 1.0929 1.0928 1.0925 1.0914 1.0846 1.0669
0.30539 1.1029 1.1027 1.1024 1.1011 1.0928 1.0718
0.31993 1.114 1.1139 1.1135 1.1119 1.1018 1.077
0.33516 1.1265 1.1264 1.1259 1.1239 1.1115 1.0823
0.35112 1.1406 1.1404 1.1398 1.1373 1.1222 1.0878
3.9442 0.068697 0.07382 0.08737 0.12757 0.2698 0.48026
4.132 0.062214 0.067294 0.080603 0.11955 0.25616 0.46058
4.3288 0.056376 0.061413 0.074479 0.11219 0.24332 0.44153
4.5349 0.051111 0.056106 0.068928 0.10542 0.23122 0.42312
4.7508 0.04636 0.051314 0.063888 0.099169 0.21981 0.40535
4.977 0.042068 0.046981 0.059305 0.093395 0.20903 0.3882
5.214 0.038189 0.043059 0.055131 0.088049 0.19884 0.37167
5.4623 0.034678 0.039507 0.051323 0.08309 0.18921 0.35575
5.7224 0.031501 0.036288 0.047844 0.07848 0.18009 0.34044
5.9948 0.028622 0.033366 0.04466 0.074188 0.17145 0.32572
6.2803 0.026013 0.030714 0.041742 0.070186 0.16326 0.31156
6.5793 0.023648 0.028303 0.039064 0.066447 0.1555 0.29798
6.8926 0.021502 0.026111 0.036602 0.062949 0.14814 0.28493
7.2208 0.019554 0.024117 0.034335 0.059673 0.14114 0.27242
7.5646 0.017786 0.0223 0.032244 0.056599 0.1345 0.26041
7.9248 0.01618 0.020644 0.030313 0.053712 0.12819 0.24891
8.3022 0.014722 0.019133 0.028527 0.050997 0.1222 0.23789
8.6975 0.013396 0.017753 0.026872 0.048441 0.1165 0.22733
9.1116 0.012192 0.016493 0.025337 0.046032 0.11107 0.21721
9.5455 0.011097 0.01534 0.02391 0.043759 0.10591 0.20753
10.0 0.010101 0.014284 0.022582 0.041614 0.101 0.19827
.ppen#i( 2 0ocal Setup o+ Sigmaplot
To install Sigmaplot@
3ogon to the +anage, Win,o2s Ser5i9e H+WSI&
Sele9t Start on the Taskbar& Choose Install $niversit% Applications then
&raphics -rom the list o- Categories&
Cli9k on Sigmaplot ""#"& Reboot i- ne9essar.&
Note that 2e no longer 9reate a spe9ial 2orking ,ire9tor. on .o6r +@ ,ri5e& 8.
,e-a6lt4 Sigmaplot notebooks an, plot -iles are store, in 5ario6s ,ire9tories in
To r6n Sigmaplot4 .o6 9an@
Cli9k Start on the taskbar at the bottom an, then 9li9k .rograms& Cli9k
Sigmaplot an, 9hoose Sigmaplot ""#"&
.ppen#i( 3 -rinting +rom Sigmaplot
Sigmaplot is integrate, 2ith Win,o2s& Ho2e5er4 Sigmaplot onl. allo2s .o6 to
9hoose a paper si1e -rom the ones asso9iate, 2ith the 96rrentl. sele9te, printer& :or
e*ample4 i- .o6r 96rrent ,e-a6lt printer is the #4 laser printer4 then .o6 2o6l, be
allo2e, to 9hoose onl. #4 or smaller&
I- .o6 2ant to 6se a printer 2hi9h has a ,i--erent paper si1e -rom the ones a5ailable
on .o6r 96rrent ,e-a6lt printer4 then .o6 ha5e to make that printer .o6r 96rrent
,e-a6lt printer be-ore 6sing Sigmaplot& Bo6 sho6l, ,o this be-ore starting a ne2
graph& This is 6n-ort6nate sin9e it means .o6 ha5e to remember to s2it9h ba9k to the
original ,e-a6lt printer@ To 9hange the 96rrent ,e-a6lt printer4
Cli9k Start | Settings | .rinters an, 9hoose the printer that .o6 2ant to 6se&
On the ,ialog bo* -or that printer4 9li9k .rinter | Set as /e*ault .rinter an,
then 9li9k (-
In Sigmaplot4 .o6 9an no2 9hange the paper si1e to the most s6itable -or .o6r 9hosen
When a graph or 9hart is -irst 9reate,4 .o6 sho6l, sele9t File | .age Setup
an, sele9t a page si1e s6itable -or the printer that .o6 2ant to 6se& This step
sho6l, be ,one at this stage sin9e it is possible that4 a-ter making alterations
an, then 9hoosing a ne2 paper si1e or orientation4 the la.o6t o- the
presentation 2ill be spoilt&
To obtain a har,9op.4 sele9t File | .rint
Bo6 sho6l, 9he9k that the 9orre9t orientation an, paper si1e ha5e been set -or
.o6r 9hosen printer b. sele9ting .roperties&
Note that ea9h time .o6 open the graph or 9hart in Sigmaplot4 .o6 ha5e to remember
to 9hange to the 9orre9t printer4 be-orehan,& I- .o6 -orget4 Sigmaplot resets the paper
si1e to one s6itable -or .o6r 96rrent ,e-a6lt printer&

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