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The Truth About Some Lies


Me, Myself and I-August 24 th

T he day we met had to be one of the hottest

days of summer. The August heat had been
beating me up all week and my job had me
tired and worn. It was Saturday and I was determined
to spend all day relaxing and being completely lazy.
That wasn’t going to happen because the early
morning brought the blazing rays of the sun peeking
through my windows, forcing me to open my eyes.
I lay in bed for awhile, cuddled beneath the
sheets, eyes slightly cracked, and contemplated what
I would do if anything to fill my day. I decided
resting beneath the warmth of the sheets won first
prize for best idea. I pulled the sheets in closer to my
body, shielding my nakedness from the cold chill of
the air condition. I was regretting now that in last
night’s heat I’d set its flow on way too high. I always

The Truth About Some Lies

sleep completely naked with my breasts free and

unrestrained; I detest the tightness of panties
snuggled against me suffocating my pussy, or any
binding material against my skin while I’m sleeping.
I love to be completely free to spread my thighs, let a
cool breeze float between my legs and feel the inner
lips of my kitty part their separate ways. I revel in the
slightest of pleasures and it just tickles me to death
when that happens. I enjoy the sensation so much, I
find myself opening and closing my legs often and in
the strangest of places. I do this at work, eating at a
restaurant and even at the library, intently going over
Langston Hughes while underneath the lounge tables
opening and closing my legs with pure self
indulgence. Those little moments satisfy my random
obsession with the sensation but what I truly love are
the early mornings like this. When I’m all alone not a
whisper in the house, taking my time to savor myself
just before the day gets started; opening and closing
my legs with the full intent of masturbation, it’s kind
of like a warm-up ritual and it has become so habitual
that I awake each morning to the urge. You can
probably set your clock by my tingles.

The Truth About Some Lies

Well I was at it that morning as well, lying on my

back in a half sitting position drowning in goose
down pillows envisioning naked bodies lying next to
me. I had just purchased these pillows from JC Penny
and already they were earning their buck. Feeling the
softness of them lying beneath my head and
shoulders made me glad I decided to buy so many,
but it was the feel of companionship the huge pillows
gave that had my juices stirred.

I slowly began opening and closing my legs

unconsciously at first, but then I started to savor the
sensation of my lips parting Hearing the moist sound
of my pussy spread was bringing my tingles closer. I
was wet, actually I’m always wet but this morning
for some reason I was soaked. The smearing sound
of moist flesh fevered my senses and stimulated my
juices even further. I could feel the soft tickles of lust
rolling down my inner cheeks, burning a trail of
moisture beneath my rump.

Once I’ve gotten myself started, it is so damn

hard to stop and I was feeling particularly ready to
handle business so it didn’t take much time for me to
get riled. My hands moved to massage my thighs and
I began instinctually groping myself, knowing what
my own touch was bound to bring. The thought had

The Truth About Some Lies

me kneading the muscles of my thighs like bakers

dough and waiting for the spark of masturbation to
ignite. I was still opening and closing my thighs,
feeling the cooling contrast of the rooms chill and the
heat rising from between my legs was divine. I
pressed my legs tighter trying to apply as much
pressure to my clit as possible and when I spread
them wide again I felt the urgency of what I wished
where buried deep inside me. I was grabbed by the
anticipation of my own touch and I burst into a
creation of almost silent moans. They where the kind
you feel deep within your belly but are too enthralled
to be sure they’ve actually escaped you. Well I was
sure that rhythm was escaping me and forcing my
hands to grip my inner thighs. I clutched myself
roughly, forcefully, causing my pussy to move and
gyrate with each rotation. My pelvis was tensed and
extended upwards as if to receive an invisible lover
and I released it down slowly, regretting that there
was no one there to pleasure me. Moving my hand
from my thigh I slid it over my pussy, positioning it
just above my clit and grazing the clean cut surface
of my pubic pad. I used the tease of my touch to play
lightly at this excitement and then slid my fingers all
the way inside my pussy.

The Truth About Some Lies

I like to keep things shaved clean; that way I

can feel every tickle and every exhilarating sensation.
I drew my fingers from my pussy to my mouth,
sucking each one thoroughly, tasting my raw flesh
and salivating them to dripping wetness. When I was
sure I had them nice and soaked, I glided back over
my pussy, this time with direct concentration on my
sensational bud. My lady of the lake was already
pulsating and swelled to sensitivity, so when I started
rubbing in slow circles, spinning her around in her
boat, my moans of pleasure echoed throughout the
bedroom. I began to work the circle pattern
feverishly, still kneading and massaging my thigh
with my other hand. The circles became more distinct
and harder pressed against my clit and with each
motion I could feel the jolt of impending orgasm
threatening to burst me into flames. My nipples were
constricted—rock hard—and when I raised my hand
and pinched one firmly, the sensation of the tightly
pressed nipple shot the final surges of pleasure to my
swollen clit. I began to shake and shudder with
pleasure, each burst of bliss melting me inside. I
could feel the pulsating beat of ecstasy deep in my
pussy, the hard familiar pangs of orgasm took me and
I creamed all over. My walls were melting liquid fire
and the hot stream of internal essence that soaked the

The Truth About Some Lies

bed was evidence of a well needed nut. I murmured

myself a nasty bitch for the act and savored each
convulsion of ecstasy.

After getting my fill of sensations I collapsed

back on the bed, breathing deep and hard as if I had
just run a marathon. I pulled the sheets in closer,
tighter to my body and pushed them deep between
my legs. The lingering delight of masturbation and
the after-tingle can sometimes be more intense then
the orgasm, and needed to be suffocated, otherwise I
would be in bed all day playing with my pussy. My
breathing, once strong and filled with excitement,
began to weaken into a slow steady pattern of release.
I was pleased to exhaustion, and the inflamed
sensation of climax dwindled into the slow burning
embers of satisfaction. I sank deep into the pillows
and slowly drifted back to sleep; just as my mind
wandered into darkness the thought accrued to me. “I
really should do something about getting some dick.”


The Truth About Some Lies

The Pleasure of Meeting-August 24th

hen my eyelids parted for the second time
that day I felt rejuvenated and full of
energy. I immediately threw back the
sheets and sprung from the bed, taking a moment to
stretch my limbs. Raised up on my tippy toes, I
clenched my fingers, interlocking them and raised my
hands above my head stretching my body’s full
length into a shudder of muscle flips and jerks.
I glanced over towards the full length mirror,
newly installed the Tuesday before. I couldn’t help
but view myself in it with every passing turn. The
mirror was huge and stretched from ceiling to floor,
spreading out over the full length of my bedroom
wall; it was a marvel and gave me an excellent view
of my bed.

The Truth About Some Lies

I took a moment to admire my nakedness

stretched and extended way beyond its normal
physique. The image of me in this full view would be
admired by most and although I have been very
proud of the care I have taken of my body, I‘ve never
been completely satisfied with its look. I often find
myself critiquing its form, wondering if I had a little
more of this and a little less of that would I consider
its view a perfect picture. I honestly don’t know one
woman who can stand to look in a mirror without
finding something they wouldn’t change about

For me it would be my breasts. I have never

considered them one of my best assets and have
wondered on several occasions if a boob job is in
order. My breasts are indeed a lot smaller than I
would like, but it’s the process of implants that
changes my mind so quickly. Every time the thought
springs to mind I decide it’s not the best option for
me. Maybe if I hadn’t seen the actual surgery on
Discovery, my ignorance to the process would have
me more inclined to go through with the procedure.
I’ve also heard some women can lose the sensation in
their breasts with such surgeries, and my nipples
bring me way too much pleasure to chance it. I could

The Truth About Some Lies

never risk losing the stimulation I feel when they are

touched. I will just have to be satisfied with my small
ta-tas. Besides, they have never failed me in the past.
Whether pinched, sucked, lightly massaged or
forcibly seized they are the most sensitive spot on my

I replaced the thoughts of the double-D’s I will

never have with thoughts of a nice hot shower. I left
my mirrored image and made my way to the
bathroom stopping once to glance at my frazzled bed.
I stood there for a moment thinking of how big it was
for just one person and how sometimes I wish I had
someone to share it with. My love of excess always
causes me to go overboard in all aspects of my life; I
was standing there looking at a bed filled with eight
kings sized pillows and only one head to ever lay on
them. Big enough to fit four people comfortably yet I
always slept in it alone.

It was a somber thought, but to share my bed

with someone would be a special thing and it has
been a long time since I’ve even come close to
finding a candidate. In that instant a feeling of
loneliness crept over me and I couldn’t help but
notice how quiet and empty the house began to feel.
It was a damning reminder of the cost of my freedom

The Truth About Some Lies

and the price for my wanton ways. The funny thing

is, in the seconds it took me to feel the seclusion, my
mind adjusted my spirits to a more delightful
emotion. The power of invention was at work and I
was being lead back to a feeling of playfulness.

Just like that my imagination replaced the

thoughts of solitude with the exhilarating reflection
on unadulterated nakedness. The image of four
partners taking up the space on my bed engaged in a
heated entanglement of licks, pokes and bites took
over my thoughts. I begin to envision moist bodies
slicked by the labor of multiple partners, their
nameless faces kissed with the profuse perspiration
only the number four can create. My mind was
creating more cohorts, more hands, and more tongues
engaged in a serious battle of stimulation, intensely
liberated and left only to the limits of their own

The daydream became so vivid at one point that I

could even smell a hint of raw woman’s flesh above
my top lip. My mind can be a dirty little devil; I
began to feel the excitement of the encounter. I know
all too well the satisfaction that can be met by
multiple partners and if it wasn’t for the need for my

The Truth About Some Lies

bedroom to be a private sanctuary I would have

tested the space on my bed long ago.

I fought away my body’s plead for pleasure,

distracting myself from its embrace; I glanced over at
the clock and noticed that it sat slightly too close to
the edge of my dresser. The red fragmented numbers
told me it was 1:36pm and that I had no time to
indulge myself in any drawn out desires of self

Saturdays are always long bath days and

normally I would take a deep soak in the tub and let
the massage jets work away the hard week but it was
already after 1:00pm and after much rest I was
anxious to get out and about. With no plans formed
for the day I toddled over to the bathroom and closed
the door behind me.

The Truth About Some Lies

I ran the shower, turning the knob on the heating

dial to full throttle and let the water run until the
bathroom was filled with an almost suffocating mist.
It amuses me to see how long I can withstand the
burning sting of the heated water on full blast. As I
entered the shower my habitual test lasted about
twenty seconds before I was forced to back away
from the almost boiling stream and turn the dial to a
cooler degree. Reaching a more comfortable
temperature I let the warm water roll over my body,
spinning around in small circles to allow the spray of
warmth to calm me all over. I lathered up in the
scents of Camay scrubbing every inch to cleanliness.
Before rinsing off I reached down and felt my legs
for any stubble that might need to be shaved away,
there was no prickly sensation under my palms just
the smooth slick surface of a fresh shave from the
night before. Regretfully I left the ease of the gentle
hot rinse and wrapped myself in a full sized towel,
the soft cotton fabric immediately began to soak up
the beads of moisture left trickling down my skin.

The Truth About Some Lies

When I opened the door of the bathroom a cool

burst of air gave me a quick shiver and before
reentering the bed room I pulled my towel closer to
my skin, rubbing off all the excess water, trying to
dry as much as possible. Once dry I ran across the
bedroom as if being chased by an invisible dog,
halted in front of the dresser and flung the cloth
above my head, the chill of the room hit me all at
once and I began to quickly regret the removal of my
towel. Shivering and stuck in place from the coldness
of the room, I grabbed the baby oil and lotion from
my dresser and plopped down on the bed. I had
always appreciated the mix of baby oil and Nivea
lotion, the smooth combination always left my skin
really soft. I lathered it on in excess, moving the soft
blend into long strokes over my body. I began
imagining how fine my skin would glow if I sat in the
sun for a while and allowed the mixture to melt in.
The thoughts of lying out and enjoying the day’s rays
reminded me of an invitation I received earlier in the
week. My lips formed a slight sneer, I had forgotten
all about it.

The Truth About Some Lies

“How could I forget about Marcus’s party?” I

said aloud. I contemplated my temporary bout of
amnesia deciding Marcus would never accept the
excuse of forgetfulness. There was no decision to
make: I had to go, he would never forgive me if I
missed his party.

Marcus Elliott Dawning JR was my own personal

white boy and I think every black woman at one
point in her life should have one. Not only was he my
neighbor but we also spent the last two years in
school together. This guy had bailed me out of more
science exams then I care to remember and had
always been a pretty good friend. He’s also very
attractive and although I could never bring myself to
date a white guy, I have often played at the thought
of him being a lover. I’m in love with the taller
variety of men so his towering 6’5 puts him ahead of
most, but I could never get past the race thing.

The Truth About Some Lies

When I truly think about it, I probably do myself

a disservice by being so strong in opposition to
interracial dating. I mean, black men do it all the time
and, hell, there are some gorgeous white men to be
had. Brad Pitt, M&M, Jonny Depp and that
motherfucker Colin Farrell with his sexy ass are just
a few. So what keeps me loyal to a race that can
throw me aside at the slightest hint of Becky? It’s the
dick, plain and simple.

Not only am I scared to death that white men

have very little dick to be had but I keep a nasty
image stained in my mind about the look of it, and
it’s so awful I’m almost afraid to say. Ok I’ll just say
it: “Doggy Dicks.” Yup, that’s what I think about
each time I even get close to considering the option. I
don’t know how my psyche linked the two and I
don’t care but each time I think about a white man’s
dick, an image of a dog humping and his little pink
peter coming out is all I can think about. It grosses
me out to no end. So until a miracle put that image
out of my mind or I sought some type of
hypnotherapy Marcus would have to stay in his place
of friendship.

The Truth About Some Lies

That didn’t mean I couldn’t admire him from

time to time, as I did and quite often. Like in the
summer time his skin would get this beautiful tone of
bronze kissed with red highlights and it kind of gave
him the look of Native American descent. His weekly
appearances to cut the grass gave me plenty of
opportunity to admire his well toned body, and on
occasion I’ve found myself wondering what it would
feel like to run my hands over his chest. We never
spoke much during the work week but like clockwork
10:00am every Sunday morning, the loud zing of his
lawn mower could be heard throughout the property
till 11:00am. Around 11:15 there was always a knock
on my door.

The Truth About Some Lies

In my teasing nature I always managed to make

sure I answer the door in the skimpiest of morning
attire, knowing full well it would be him coming to
ask permission to cut my grass. Sometimes, I even
came to the door naked, cracking the hard wood just
enough for him to spot a nipple or a hint of thigh. I
would look directly in his eyes and smile as he
stumbled over his words, pretending not to notice the
bare flesh. I know it’s awful to tease but white or
black I love to see men confused and unsure,
especially when a well educated man can’t seem to
find his thoughts or words because the slightest
prelude to sex crosses his mind. It really is true what
they say you know, a man can’t have his brain work
and his dick hard at the same time, it’s been
scientifically proven, I think.

Marcus and I always had this weird flirtation

between us, and he could hold his own when it came
to being a tease. His taunting was a little more
heartfelt than mine and feeling how bad he really
wants to fuck me was such a turn on; unfortunately
with my present state of mind teasing is all it could
ever be.

The Truth About Some Lies

The invitation to torment Marcus all day was

becoming more and more tempting; so much so that I
hurriedly left the bedroom and headed for the living
room to find the invite. Naked and still drenched in
lotion, I tried as best I could not to slide all round the
hard wood floors. I looked around the living room for
a moment trying to remember what on earth I had
done with it. I remembered him telling me what it
was when he delivered it to my door last week but
had never taken the time to read it. I spotted the crisp
white envelope tucked between two books on the
shelf. I opened the invitation my eyes moved over the
small print and directly to POOL PARTY 12:00pm
written in big bold print.

“Great just enough time to be fashionably late.”

The Truth About Some Lies

The notion of a pool party excited me, as I had

the perfect ensemble to wear. I’d just received my
order from the Bikini Shop, a store where they
tailored your swimwear to fit. Like I mentioned
before, no boobs, so when I found a spot that would
alter their swim wear to my specifications I was
delighted. I found a summer white Baby Phat swim
suit that had a generous amount of padding added to
its bikini top, the bottom half was a pair of boy shorts
with the gold Baby Phat emblem stitched on the right
cheek. I’d had the shorts altered to cut a little higher
than normal in the front. The suit didn’t really leave
much to the imagination so it would definitely do its
job. I also purchased a full bodied cover up. It was
belted and made of a white see-through material with
gold stitching. I have a great affection for the color
white, possibly for its purity. God knows I’ve got to
get it where I can.

The Truth About Some Lies

I was getting inspired. I ran naked back to the

bedroom and grabbed the unopened box from the top
of my closet. Unfolding the skimpy material from the
paper wrapper was simple enough but I had yet to try
on its finished product. I was more than pleased when
the top wrapped around my body and gave my ta-tas
a lift I had never seen before. When I slid the bottom
half on and viewed the finish product I was thrilled.
The fit was snug, just snug enough to show a hint of
curvature, the two lines on the sides of my pussy
drawing downward to meet in the middle and form
just the hint of a V. Looking in the mirror, I twisted
and turned in every direction, getting a view of every
angle and found myself very content. Adding to the
look I put on a gold necklace made of small hoops
that linked together to fall below my cleavage. On the
end of the chain dangled a gold peace sign that gave
the look a 70’s touch. Grabbing a pair of small gold
hoop earrings to match, I reached into the jewelry
case and slid an enormous amount of gold bangles on
each arm. The selection of shoes wasn’t a chore
either; I’d purchased the bathing suit to match an all
white baby doll shoe, the gold trim heel and thick
white ankle strap coordinated perfectly. I slipped into
the sexy shoes and they added another four inches to
my height. I practiced a walk-through in the mirror to

The Truth About Some Lies

make sure I could actually walk in them. I strutted

my stuff up and down the bedroom until I was sure
that I looked the part.

The Truth About Some Lies

For my hair I decided a loose half chiffon, an

intentionally messy hair style that would go well if I
decided to take a dip in the pool. Small spirals
cascaded here and there, part of the back draped to
the side of my neck line. I sat in front of the vanity
contented with what I had done to my hair and began
to apply a very light coat of make up to my face—
some mineral overlay I’d recently ordered on line—I
barely grazed my face with the foundation but it left a
nice and smooth complexion to my skin. I’d been
told I didn’t need make up, but the ritual was born out
of habit and I had been playing with makeup since I
was thirteen, so “why stop now?” was my
philosophy. I applied a light brown liner to my lips
followed by a clear gloss. I loved the pucker part of
the whole ritual the part where you pap your lips
together and glide them over each other to blend in
the liner and then pucker out. My lips are full so they
need to look moist at all times; there is nothing worse
to me than a woman with dry cracking lips. Next was
to apply a thin coat of black liner right to the inner
line of my upper lash and then beneath the lower
lash. I always feel like Cleopatra when I do this. I
think it’s a very sexy look. I know why the Egyptian
women of long ago thought this look was a good

The Truth About Some Lies

idea. I never had the guts to go as dramatic as history

once allowed but a similar concept took its place.

All that fuss and I was ready, I wrapped myself in

the sheer cover up and belted it loosely around my
waist. I did a once-over in the mirror again and
noticed in its reflection that I’d never made up the
bed, the sheets still lay in disarray as if someone had
had a hard sleep in them. Normally I’m neat freak but
decided this once to just leave it until I got back
home. I did manage to retrieve the towel that lay over
the bed and did a double-up Michel Jordon right into
the hamper. “Still got my shot” I said to myself as the
towel whooshed to the side of the hamper and
cascaded on the brim of a mounting stack of clothes.

I grabbed the essential keys, phone, and wallet

and headed for the front door.

When I walked down the steps of my town home,

I was met by the sun’s blaze. “My god, it’s fucking
hot”. It was still pretty early and the heat hadn’t even
reached its full potential. I was glad to be on my way
to a pool party. With the sun beaming this way I
knew for sure I would be taking a dip in the pool.

The Truth About Some Lies

There was a low growl in my tummy, a slight

reminder that I hadn’t eaten yet, and the smell of
charcoal lingering in the air was a relieving sign that
there would be food on hand soon. I hastened my
stride down to the sidewalk and passed over the
cobble stone slabs. I began to step gingerly down the
walk way, making sure not to break a leg as the heels
I was wearing were not made for unsure footing and
it wouldn’t have done well for me to fall flat on my
face. I imagined how I could probably bear the pain
of a fall but the embarrassment of toppling over in all
of my finery would leave me scarred of ego, I was

I was approaching the town house across the

street, a home that pretty much looked identical to
mine except for the black mustang sitting in the
drive. It was a muscular vehicle, rough looking on the
outside. It was painted an ash black and almost had
the look of abandonment until you took a peek inside.
Cream colored leather seats swept every angle of the
interior: buttery leather that held the invitation of a
cozy comfortable fit, and a total hypocrisy of the
exterior. “Soft enough to ride naked” I thought as I
stepped up to Marcus’s front door.

The Truth About Some Lies

Red rose brick lined the exterior of the residence

and two enormous bay windows divided the home in
two. I could see through the sheer drapery that a few
people had arrived and was delightfully reassured this
invitation wasn’t one of those boorish male ploys.
You know the one where he’s having a party but you
get there and it’s just him standing there in his
skivvies ready to pounce; that’s actually happened to
me before. Don’t get it twisted, I’m the first to
applaud any amount of spontaneous fucking, it’s my
forte, but trickery can never be tolerated.

I rang the bell twice for politeness, but after

realizing there wasn’t a soul who could hear me over
the loud music that was banging through the door, I
decided to enter. Stepping inside to the cool air was a
moderate relief as a light perspiration had just begun
to moisten my skin and I could feel the supple tickle
of perspiration sliding down my back. The entrance
of the home led a short path to the living area and
upon entering I had the opportunity to do a quick
scan of the room, noticing first that it was full of
women secondly that all eyes were on me.

The Truth About Some Lies

I chuckled to myself thinking this was a typical

scene of a room crammed with women, the glares
back and forth between them, the huddles of clicks
and the feeling of intrusion as I walked towards the
only empty chair left in the room. Peering around the
scene I could instantly pick up the three major pro
files of women: I call them The Goddess, The
Chameleon and The Crab. I pride myself on having
distinct skills in recognizing these three types of
ladies. One day I’ll have to write a book all about
them as well.

I relaxed and held the image of the room in my

mind fully aware of the company I was in. Most
women never pay enough attention to each other in
this manner, and it makes for loads of trouble, for as
timid, upright and nurturing as we appear we are also
savage, vindictive, spiteful and manipulative. We
should never be left to our own devices the way a
back should never be turned on a dagger. I will never
pretend to know all the intricacies of my own sex or
to have insight into all the body language and simple
gestures we display, but I was sure I had just stepped
into a pit of vipers.

The Truth About Some Lies

There are some unmistakable looks amongst

women: the ones of contempt, jealousy and anger are
pretty easy to identify, but there are some that require
further investigation. By and large the look of desire
would be at the top of the list; it so often gets
mistaken with a stare of admiration and is probably
why most men can’t radar if we want to fuck them or

I happened to notice an appealing glance I kept

receiving from one young lady who sat alone facing
the glass doors that led to the back of the home. She
aimlessly peered through the opening between the
blinds, every so often glancing back in my direction.
I pretended not to notice her glances and just to be
sure it was me who had caught her attention, I
decided to test her gaze. I hoisted myself from the
chair; and noticed her attention rose with me. I was
right, she had an eye out, so I stood and walked
towards the direction of the kitchen. “This chick was
checking me out” I thought and smiled at my own
intuitiveness, I let the curiosity of her interest loom in
my mind a bit.

The Truth About Some Lies

I cut through the multiplexed array of women to

the kitchen counter where I had spotted a bottle of
Jon Loom sitting there just waiting to be opened. It
had obviously been sitting on ice for some time
because as I lifted the bottle from its pail I noticed all
the ice had melted into water. I poured myself a glass
and sipped at, its taste was refreshing and the fact that
it was a wine almost eluded me until the cool
sensation of liquid warmed its way to my chest. The
tingles of fermentation heated my blood and I poured
another glass. My admirer was still checking me out
and it was obvious she was intrigued somehow. I
reached for a second glass to fill and advanced my
stride towards her; I never waste time with my

The Truth About Some Lies

She was pretty in a plain Jane sort of way, her jet

black hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she
wore very little makeup; just the slightest hint of pink
blush and a matching hued lip balm. Her face, which
was thin and defined the oval eyes that kept reaching
towards me were the best part of her beauty; they
gave her a look of purity and innocence but her
continual gaze told a different story. I could spot a
deep underlying hint of mischief and she had found
the perfect partner in crime. The tattoo above her left
breast was telling her story, it could barely be seen
above the rim of her bathing suit but it was there. I
couldn’t quite make it out, but thought I would
definitely ask how much of her body was covered by
this ink blotch display of bad-girlism.

The Truth About Some Lies

As I walked towards her, her face began to

brighten and she blushed; it wasn’t like the blush you
get from a compliment or shyness of manner, but the
kind you get inside when some kind of naughty
thought is waiting to burst out. She was sitting, so I
stood beside her and offered her the glass of wine she
accepted without hesitation and we both peered
through the glass doors. I noticed the chair she sat in
must have been pulled out to accommodate her; it
was shorter than normal and didn’t match any of the
other furniture in the room. My towering position
gave me a perfect intimate view of her breasts and I
wondered if she was just as padded up as I was. After
a moment’s pause she thanked me for the glass of
wine and asked if I knew the host of the party.

“Yes I know Marcus; I live directly across the

street.” I explained.

“Really, so your home must be similar to this

one, they all seem to look alike in this area.” She

“Yes.” I giggled. “It's almost identical to this

one, except for the testosterone burst I see in each
crevice. Someone exploded male hormones all over
this place.” She laughed at the comment.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Yeah Marcus has always been a man’s, man.”

She said.

It was interesting to hear him mentioned in such a

familiar way but I let the curiosity of her comment
shift to the back of my mind and decided it was time
to play a game of truth; this is a game where you
allow a person’s body language to tell on them,
normally poker players play this game with each
other forcing opposite opponents to reveal what their
bluffs are. They call them tells, I call them truths. I
did this by shifting my stance to manipulate her
position beneath me, we continued on with light
conversation chatting about the heat and the lack of
men in the room. With her head now positioned just
below my hip, I intentionally moved in closer and
commenced an intrepid act; raising my foot above the
step on the bay doors, I allowed the slit on my cover
up to open and expose a bit of crotch. Confirmation
of my earlier thoughts where acknowledged when she
did not distance herself or shift her position in any
way and I got her truth.

The Truth About Some Lies

Normally most women in this situation would

instinctually refocus their head away from such an
enclosed spacing with another woman’s intimates
unless they were already familiar with being in such
close a proximity to pussy; to my elation she
impulsively tilted closer to my pussy took in a deep
breath, and held it. She quickly returned her head to
its original position, I could see the expression on her
face change from one of solace to embarrassment
when she realized what she had done and more so
that I was watching her when she did it.

“Smell sweet?” I asked.

“Very.” she answered.

The Truth About Some Lies

This day was starting to look promising and

without saying another word we continued our gazes
towards the yard watching all the eye candy that
walked pass the glass, all the men at this party were
grouped outside and looked to be having a bit more
fun than the room I was still in; only women would
come to a pool party and stay huddled in the house
waiting for an invite out into the sun. Confounded by
the idea that I would be considered one of these
women, I slid the glass doors open and waited,
insinuating an invitation for her to follow. Like a
starved puppy she pounced at the opportunity.

The Truth About Some Lies

I stepped aside and closed the door behind her;

we walked along the cement path and headed towards
the action; with a better look at the entire yard I
noticed there were a few other women outside
enjoying the day. Gazing to the left I could see
several others playing cards with the intense look of
competition on their faces, the cursed words of being
bumped at spades gave for hilarious outbursts and
was an all too memorable feeling. I had a good mind
to join the table for the love of playing spades but my
stomach was again reminding me that just a bit of
nourishment might be in order first. I led and she
followed. As we made our way to the food bar my
walk was a few steps ahead of hers and I could feel
her stare on my back. I considered turning around
quickly just to see where I would find her stare but
decided to allow her this one little voyeurism and let
her continue her gaze. However I did wonder if she
knew that I was more than capable of grabbing her
behind one of the big bushes that lined the back of
the house and tearing her panties off, sticking my
tongue so far up her pussy she’d be screaming bloody
murder. I was sure she had no idea when she so
willingly traced behind me that I was a complete
savage. I didn’t have my mind made up if I should
show her the unique skills I can throw on women but

The Truth About Some Lies

the mere fact that she paraded around behind me, I

must admit had me very turned on.

I love to fuck women. In fact I have more than

perfected my skills in this area but women are a
tricky bunch; they never say what they mean and
always agree to terms they can’t handle. I never sleep
with the same woman twice, repeatedly in the same
night is as close as it gets; once she has been tasted,
fondled and made to shudder, I’m bored and there is
no need to have her again. I know it sounds harsh but
it’s the truth there are no next day stories about these
types of escapades. I do try my best to make sure this
is understood and I always, I mean always give them
the option to walk away from the experience. Yet
even when I have explained myself beforehand most
will try and find some way they can see me again.
Now I’m aware this is not the normal intimate nature
of a woman and I’m supposed to have emotional
attachments and sensitive endearments towards
someone whose intimates I’ve just lavished, but I
never feel any type of obligation or attachment, not
even a slight interest and there are no exceptions.

The Truth About Some Lies

I pondered for a moment if she would be the type

to get all sticky on me and try for continued contact
and shrugged the thought from my mind mainly
because I didn’t want to get turned off before I even
had a good chance to get turned on. Reading the
smirk that formed on my face and noticing my
sudden change in mood wasn’t hard for her to do.

“Are you alright, you look like you just caught a

pain or something.” She said.

“No, everything is fine.” I answered. “I’m just

starving, I can’t believe I haven’t eaten anything all
day, I don’t usually do that. I’m cool I just really,
really, need to eat.”

She giggled out loud and at first I couldn’t figure

what the hell she thought was so funny. I repeated my
words silently in my head and then I could imagine
how stated that way and in this particular situation it
did sound funny.

“So you think that’s funny huh?” I asked


The Truth About Some Lies

She didn’t comment but instead grabbed my hand

and in a few steps I was looking down at a buffet of
barbeque ribs, corn on the cob, fried fish and grilled
chicken. My hunger took over and I begin filling my
plate with food. Everything looked so good and I was
so focused on feeding my face that I barely noticed
when she bent an arm across my chest to grab at a
piece of chicken. She drew the chicken back to her
plate and while doing so, with full intention, brushed
her arm against my breast, she continued to fill her
plate as if nothing had just transpired, as if she had
not just ignited a spark to what may very well engulf
her in flames and I smiled inside and muttering to
myself.“This bitch is really asking for it.”

The thoughts that now hovered in my mind begin

to turn my nipples hard; once my plate was filled
with the various goodies of buffet I smiled at her and
walked away with a whisper

“Don’t get yourself in trouble lady. “

The Truth About Some Lies

She smiled back and nodded her head down

slightly and blushed. I decided just then, she would
get fucked probably after I had my fill of
nourishment. I walked away and left her standing at
the buffet still filling her plate, I never looked back
but I could sense her stares of confusion and conflict.

The Truth About Some Lies

I spotted Marcus across the lawn and decided

now would be a good time to show my face, I walked
in his direction a bit but then stood in place for a
moment and just looked at him. Savoring the view
my eyes wandered over his stature, taking in this
male form, full of testosterone and giving an exciting
display of male aggression as he tumbled his words
and argued something in the distance about the
Redskins. My gaze locked in place as I stepped closer
getting a better view of his bare chest; I could see the
affect the heat was having on him, causing beads of
sweat to form and roll down his chest. The shorts he
wore fell really low on his waist showing of the
tantalizing cut of his defined pelvis; the image of his
body half naked body led my imagination to wonder
how far his definition went, and was there size with
the prize at the end of this sexy trail. Marcus always
did have a nice lump in his pants I just couldn’t
figure out if it was his dick or the cut of his jeans that
was giving it to him. I often thought of him just
whipping it out for me one day, showing himself off
just to tease.

The Truth About Some Lies

So focused on his manly spectrum I barely

noticed him calling my name nor did I realize how
close I had gotten to the group while still gazing at
his crotch. I was sure it was evident to everyone
exactly what I was checking out but it seemed to go
unnoticed. I found out why a moment later when my
cover up completely opened as my strides towards
him quickened. Unconfined by the belted wrap and
fully exposing a view of my bathing suit, I walked up
on him, not giving the slightest notice to the stares of
excitement as I approached. He cracked a smile at my
lack of inhibition and reached his arms out for me
just seconds before I grabbed for him. Entangled in
an embrace of slightly more than friendship, I was
raised off my feet in a bear hug and let down with a
kiss on the forehead; demanding and sweet all in one
motion. Marcus hesitantly turned me towards the
group of guys he was talking to, eyes gawked over
my body first and then to my face for an introduction.

“Everyone this is Yeti my next door neighbor, and


The Truth About Some Lies

I was definitely enjoying the attention and

returned introductions. The table was occupied by all
men and they were all in heat, huddled together
showing the tell tale signs of a lack of pussy. I was
handed a beer and enjoyed the squirms and grunts of
these four men, when I bit the top of the Heineken
bottle with my teeth I could see the hormones
jumping. I learned that trick in college and have been
told several times to stop doing it before I break a
tooth but it’s a habit I can’t seem to lose. One of the
men stood to offer his seat, he was a taller guy and
when he stood he towered over the table; I could see
his height didn’t match Marcus’s but he had to be a
good 6’2. I accepted his offer and sat down to enjoy
my food and the further attentions of these men,
answering quick, open ended questions, reading
through each smirk and underlying connotation of the
conversation. Marcus all the while just listening
intently and trying not to seem to aggravated by the
outright and overboard flirtations these men were
spewing. After what seemed like thirty minutes of
nonstop questions and a stomach full of good eating;
Marcus suddenly changed the conversation, moving
the attention away from me. He suggested the party
needed a swim suit competition.

The Truth About Some Lies

Just like that, with a smile on his face he had

succeeded at a complete distraction, the conversation
quickly turned to potential candidates, myself being
one of them but now encompassing a few passing
ladies and talks of some earlier noticed beauties: who
was hot, who was not, held their attention for quite a
while. Marcus seemed a bit tickled with himself at
his ability to turn the tides to his liking and I must
admit it was a turn on to see him in action. Now
seemingly uninterested in the eruption of interest he
started he was dismissing the beauty of some above
average women that where mentioned to him. A few
other guests came over to join in the fuss and soon
men and women where fixed in an entanglement of
opinions about what was sexy and what not; the
critique of women was being a tad more critical than
the men wanted to accept. The conversation was
beginning to turn deafening until someone reflected
the attention onto my former companion.

The Truth About Some Lies

She stood far enough away from the

conversation not to notice she was being talked
about, the women who now formed around the table
gave her an average score, as I myself had given her
earlier. The men however all agreed that her body
more than made up for the plain looks of her face, I
happened to silently agree. She noticed the eyes
peered on her and at that point understood she was a
topic of group discussion. She no longer had a plate
of food but was now holding what appeared to be a
beer bottle, from the distance I could just barely tell it
was a Heineken and only then because it was my
favorite. I prided her for her excellent tastes but
almost fell from my seat as did everyone else; when
she raised the bottle up to her lips tilted her head back
and emptied the drink in what had to be, like three
gulps. Comments spewed left and right.

“Damn! Deep throat!” was hurled from one of

the men, who stood and viewed the spectacle.

The Truth About Some Lies

The women of course, were sucking their teeth

and smirking insinuating the whorishness of the act
but I was impressed and I thought the whole display
was pretty damn sexy. She removed her cover up and
stood there in a plaid bikini, her body was luscious
and I had missed that fact earlier but was happy to
have the pleasure of a second look.

The Truth About Some Lies

I was done with my food and bored with my

company. I rose from my seat with the intent of
getting a closer view. As soon as I stood she made a
quick sprint and jumped in the pool, head first, heels
on and her bottle still in hand. Now I was inspired
and I knew when opportunity allowed, I was really
going to fuck the shit out of her ass. When her head
rose above the water she scurried to the edge of the
pool and clung to the sides, a few more guests
decided to jump in after her causing splashes of water
to erupt and spray from the pool. The refreshing
display put me in motion. Grabbing another
Heineken and quickly biting the top off I gestured my
intent to Marcus and I walked towards the pool;
whistles of approval and hand claps of
encouragement followed me down the path to the
pool. I reached the edge to find her wading and
flapping her feet in the water, still holding on to the
edge her hair had fallen from the once tightly pulled
back bun and now laid saturated and slicked straight
back. She had a devilish smile on her face and gave
me a giggle that said she wanted to play. I bent down
in front of her, exposing her to a full view of my
pussy; just inches away from her face, I placed the
Heineken bottle over my crotch and asked her if she
wanted some. She gave me another quick smile,

The Truth About Some Lies

without a word and holding onto the rim of the pool

she leaned her head back and opened her mouth
wide. Raising the bottle to the air I slowly poured a
stream of Heineken down her throat. Applause could
be heard from all around, its sounds startled me to the
awareness that everyone; I mean everyone was still
paying such close attention.

Even the women who were reluctant to leave the

comforts of the house begin to peer through the glass
doors to see what the commotion was about. She
impressively finished the whole bottle; I looked
behind me and motioned for Marcus to bring another
beer. I relaxed my legs, allowing myself to maneuver
into sitting position on the side of the pool, with her
face still positioned between my thighs. I removed
my shoes and dipped my feet into the cool water as
she pushed away from the edge and submerged
herself under the water again. She popped up again
swimming back between my legs; she repeated this a
few times before I completely removed my wrap and
decided to get fully submerged. I entered the pool
slowly, feeling the cool water shock my nipples into a
hard erection.

The Truth About Some Lies

I had no idea how deep his pool was so I held

onto the ledge, feeling for the bottom with my toes
before letting go of the rim. She was really enjoying
herself, while I was still getting use the sting of the
waters chill. Several others had now joined in on the
fun and when I looked around I thought to myself
how funny it is when this happens; ten minutes ago
the pool was desolate, a deserted image of open
water, now everyone and their mama had jumped in.
It was kind of like when you get to a club and not one
woman is on the dance floor, everyone is sitting
around holding up the wall, looking too pretty to
dance and scared to death to sweat; as soon as you
get on the dance floor, drunk, not giving a fuck about
who’s watching, you look up and BAM! Every wall
flower has suddenly gotten the courage to blossom
and the dance floor is now filled with women
gyrating, grinding and each one showing off their
best moves. Well this instance was no different; when
I looked around half the women there had stripped
themselves of their outer shells and entered the pool.

The Truth About Some Lies

Even the view of the I living room was now

empty and everyone had dispersed outside showing
off their bathing suits, thongs and one pieces, there
was a bare ass and chest to be seen at every angle.
There were a few of course that should have kept
those cover ups and T-shirts on but then you always
have a few of those. The party had started and I was
glad to be a part of it. I was just about to swim off the
edge of the pool when Marcus tapped me on the
shoulder with another beer; the cool sensation of the
beer bottle lying partly on my back matched the
coolness of the waters chill. When I turned around to
accept it, I could see the affect the cool sensation was
having on my nipples was delightfully affecting the
bulge in Marcuse’s shorts; he kneeled down quickly
to conceal his excitement and begin to chit chat.

“Hey I’m really happy you made it out today” He

said. “I have to say I didn’t really think you were
going to come. You’re always so busy and it seems
like the only time I ever get to see you these days is
when I come to cut the grass.” He paused for a
moment and then began speaking again. “I invited a
lady friend to come and chill with me today; I hope
that’s not too strange for you. I really wouldn’t have
done that if I was sure you could make it.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I was little shocked at the admission and also

confused that he would explain himself to me since
we had never to discussed any expectations of each

“Why would I care about your women friends?”I

replied as he gave me a soft look of disappointment.

I must admit that knowing there was someone

here just for him, had me curious about what type of
woman he would date.

“So where is this lucky lady hiding out at?” I

asked. When he pointed out the fact that I had just
poured a drink down her throat, I almost choked off
the sip I was taking from the bottle. “Now this is
fucking interesting” I thought to myself as he smiled
back at the embarrassing spray of beer that dripped
from my lips.

“Great choice” I said, once I was able to clear

my throat.

The Truth About Some Lies

When it was safe to swallow again I finished the

beer in a few quick gulps. Still feeling the bubbling
sting of the beer going down I requested another, he
gracefully agreed and walked away to retrieve it. I
turned around to view the lady of the hour, with a
look of wonder on her face she skillfully swam in
closer, returning to the edge of the pool. She didn’t
say a word she just lay her head down on the edge of
the pool just inches away from my legs, with her
body still fully submerged in the water floating belly
under kicking and splashing her feet like a fish. I
leaned in closer to her, feeling the head rush of my
third drink and without a word darted my hand under
the water and found one of her breast. When I began
to massage her there was no hint of resistance, she
even pulled in closer and closed her eyes. I could feel
the cool water between my fingers as I traced circles
around breast with my palms, I slid the thin layer of
bathing suit to the side, exposing her to the water and
took her nipple between my fingers; pinching her
lightly and tugging her to excitement she opened her
eyes and with a far off dreamy stare, and let out a soft
squeal. If it wasn’t for the look of excitement in her
eyes you wouldn’t have even known there was
anything going on beneath the water. Marcus had
returned with an opened beer and immediately picked

The Truth About Some Lies

up our conversation where he had left off. He sat

down right beside me and I thought “Mm this is cozy,
pussy to the left dick to the right what more could a
girl ask for.”

Marcus was too close to the action and too

intent on being the perfect host to notice that
underneath the shallow cool water there was a
melting pot of liquid fire erupting. Her body was so
close to my thigh that it just looked as if she where
resting her head so he never noticed me twisting and
turning her nipple and our conversation continued.

“Yeti this is Lena, Lena this is one of my good

friends Yeti” he said.

His introduction of her was short and sweet and

she only acknowledged him speaking her name with
a quick “Hey” after opening and closing her eyes.

The Truth About Some Lies

He continued explaining how they met and it was

becoming harder and harder to concentrate on his
words; between the nipple play and the knowledge of
his obliviousness the whole scene was making me
extremely wet. I wanted to cum and I couldn’t stand
the wait any longer. I wanted her, I think, but
honestly there was such a mix of arousal I wasn’t
sure who the fuck I wanted. I was sure of one thing
and that was, my orgasm was calling me. I hesitantly
released her nipple from my grip and slowly slid my
hand to my side as not cause attention to the fact that
it had been submerged in the water all that time. As
soon as there was a break in his speaking, I made an
excuse that all the Heinekens had taken their toll and
I needed to use the ladies room.

The Truth About Some Lies

When Marcus rose up and offered to escort me to

the bathroom; I reminded him that our homes where
identical and I could find the bathroom with no
problem. I raised one hand as he helped me to a
standing position, shrugged the excess water from my
body, leaving my cover up and shoes there I made my
way back across the lawn. I walked back through the
double glass doors to find the room empty. I walked
the familiar landscape and reached the steps leading
up to his bedroom; I found his room down the hall at
the same angle as mine, I entered the bedroom and
went directly to the huge bathroom. I closed the door
partly just to leave enough crack for a view of
Marcuse’s bed.

The Truth About Some Lies

I remember how clean and well kept I thought

the bed room was for a man and that Marcus was
probably one of those metro-sexuals people talk
about. I walked across the huge foyer floor to the
double vanity and facing away from it I lifted myself
up on the sink. I looked around the bathroom for a
moment, the smell of after shave still lingered and the
dripping of a fresh shower still ran down the sides the
of the shower door. I felt the presence of someone in
the bedroom and then heard them hesitantly hover in
front of the bathroom door; I’d intentionally left it
cracked so that there would be no question of an

The Truth About Some Lies

When the door slowly opened I wasn’t surprised

at all but honestly, I wasn’t sure who would enter the
bathroom him or her. It was her, she turned the light
on and closed the door behind her. No words were
spoken; I just reached down and pulled my bathing
suit tightly to the side exposing my luscious pussy to
her. Without hesitation and the quickest I’ve ever
seen, she made it over to me, reached down and
began to lap at me with such a hunger; I thought she
would swallow me whole. Sitting in the pool I knew I
was excited but couldn’t tell how wet I was until she
slid her fingers in me; I could hear the slick wet
sounds of excitement as she continued to slide her
fingers in and out of my pussy, fitting two and then
three. She was ravenously licking and sucking on my
clit, a bout of pleasure escaped me as I let out a moan
of pleasure.

“Go deeper, bitch, lick faster.” I said.

She knew her name for sure because as soon as I

managed the words she was working her tongue with
awesome navigation.

The Truth About Some Lies

My legs were spread so wide I could feel the

muscles of my inner thigh stretched with pain. I
hadn’t even notice that now it was her holding my
bathing suit to the side with one hand and fucking me
with the other. I leaned back just a bit my elbows
now supporting my body against the vanity top and I
begin to play with my nipples; pulling and twisting
each hardened bud. She lapped away at my pussy
drinking every hot juice that dripped from my lips.
Her fingers were still inside of me moving in and out,
I could feel the sensation of her tongue sliding lower,
licking well beneath my wet pussy. Still, she
continued with the insatiable injections and jabs with
her fingers. She reached my ass stirring me into a
spiraling melt down; licking and sucking at my ass-
hole with an unexpected skill, darting her tongue in
and out of its small crevice, rubbing my clit with her
thumb and fucking me with her fingers. In a frenzy of
anticipated release I reached down and grabbed at the
back off her head, forcefully burying her face deeper
in my ass; her tongue followed penetrating my ass-
hole with force until I could feel the warm wet
sensation of her deep inside me. I exploded into
frenzy, rubbing my pussy up and down on her face
until every aching pulsation was released; she didn’t
let go until my smothering clench was released and

The Truth About Some Lies

the loud moans that escaped me had turned to small

whimpers of satisfaction. I subsided into a mixture of
disoriented fulfillment; I’d been hot enough to get a
nut quick but I wasn’t expecting her to be that dam

Pleasantly surprised and now egged on by the

exhilaration of a well brought on orgasm, I pounced
from the counter top for my turn at what would be the
fairest exchange of gratification I could manage. My
legs were numb and with the sensations of a
dissipating thump deep inside, I drew her mouth to
mine and tasted my raw flesh from her lips. We stood
there for moment, saliva dripping from her lips to
mines, dancing with each other’s tongues and I was
tickling the roof of her mouth biting and nibbling at
her lips; tasting my pussy in her mouth was more
than electrifying. I hadn’t noticed earlier that she was
a bit taller than me and with the removal of my heels
she stood above me, only any inch or so taller but this
caused me to have to stretch just a bit to reach her
full lips. I maneuvered myself around her back
pushing her up against the vanity, viewing her briefly
in the mirror as I bit and nibbled at the back of her
neck; she had an insane look of lust that reflected
back at me in the mirror.

The Truth About Some Lies

I crouched down behind her and begin to peel the

bottom half of her bathing suit off, exposing her
round firm ass, taking her full cheek into my palms
and then smacking her cheeks gently a few times,
watching the firmness of her ass ripple and jiggle.
She had a pretty apple bottom, smooth and firm and I
couldn’t keep her my hands off of it. I made sure that
ass was still firmly gripped in one hand, while I
moved the other around to yank her bikini top down.
There was no hiding from me, she was fully exposed
in the mirror and every twinge of pleasure, every
sizzle of excitement was reflected back to me. I kept
watching her desire grow as I rubbed and played with
her breasts, pulling at her nipples and watching them
spring back and grow harder with each tug. Her
breasts had a beautiful round perkiness to them, just
how I like them, and I moved my face around to take
one of her nipples in my mouth; I could feel her jerk
with anticipation. She began panting feverishly as I
slid my tongue across her nipple, sucking her and
pulling her to the edge of abyss. When I lifted my
mouth to her ear and gave her a whisper of intent; her
body began to softly shake and I gave her an erotic
speech of what was to come also mentioning the fact
that this would be the first and only time I would
touch her, that she should revel in this enjoyment, for

The Truth About Some Lies

it would never happen again. She faintly tilted her

head to nod in agreement and with her conciliation of
this fact and me being too far gone to read the truth
of her reaction; I slithered down behind her once
again this time dragging her bathing suit down to her
ankles pushing her further towards the vanity. With
her legs still closed, I pushed her firm ass apart
exposing the tight little bud that sit between her
cheeks, my mouth was watering and dripping
salivations of desire soaked my lips. I sucked at her
ass-hole twisting my tongue around in circles until it
entered her, spreading her ass apart wide and hard.
She instantly stepped out off her bottom and spread
her legs further apart to give more access and I took
the opportunity to burry my face deep in her ass;
stiffening my tongue and fucking her with it until her
screams of excitement egged me on. I began to
bounce her cheeks apart spreading them and then
allowing them to smack into each other as I darted
my tongue in and out her ass-hole.

The Truth About Some Lies

I reached my hand around for the toilet paper

rack and broke off the roll. The paper holder fell to
the floor and as I scrambled blind to find it my face
was still buried in her ass. I grabbed the metal object
and thrust it in her pussy, forcibly sliding it in and out
of her wet cave; I could feel her push back for more
as her legs begin to shake I thought “not right now.”

I was not finished, removing the holder from her

pussy; I turned her around to face me and slurped at
her juices, tasting her sweet flesh. She was dripping
and the moistness seeped from her pussy and slid
down to her ass. She was fully exposed to me, I
kneeled down again this time not all the way on the
floor just about half way and begin to suck all the
juices from her lips, this time inserting the rod in her
ass; I felt her legs shudder as I sucked her pussy
hard, flicking my tongue on her clit bumping her bud
with my lips until it protruded out inviting me to suck
again, and I sucked that little dick of hers jamming
the rod in and out her ass-hole, no longer the gentle
strokes I had previous given her pussy but sharp fast

The Truth About Some Lies

She began to scream and shake so intensely I

almost lost her clit from my grasp, I tightened up my
hold on her and seized one of her legs in place,
jamming the pole in and out her ass and not letting
up. She screamed for me not to stop and I had no
intentions of doing so. Convulsions began sweeping
over her and her body jerked and squirmed; until cum
squirted from her pussy and sprayed over my face. I
could feel its wetness hot and in abundance, I halted
the insertion of the pole in her and gently pulled it
away. I let it fall to the floor and began savoring her
ability to squirt; massaging and rubbing my face all
around her pussy feeling her jerks and squirms.

I kissed her pussy once or twice and released her

leg from my grasp. By that time she was sprawled out
in a contorted position laid back against the vanity
top, her head crooked against the mirror in an odd
fashion. Just as I was savoring the view a knock on
the door released me from my trance of ecstasy and I
did what most people do when some on knocks on a

The Truth About Some Lies

“Who is it?” I said giggling to myself about the

question when it really doesn’t matter who it is, when
you’re using the bathroom the person still can’t come
in. I heard a male voice from the other side of the

“My bad I’ll use the other one.” He said.

It didn’t sound like it was Marcus; I crept

towards the door to hear footsteps walking away and
I decided to hurry things up just in case the next
knock did come from Marcus. “That wouldn’t be
cute.” I said whispering to myself.

I quickly adjusted my crotch pulling my bathing

suit into its proper position making sure my
adjustments showed no reminisce of the heated
entanglement that just took place. I reached down to
pick up the toilet paper rod and went to the sink to
give it a quick rinse before placing it back on the
hinge. I observed she was still laid back softly
panting with a look of disbelief on her face. I made
the suggestion of our descent.

“We should go before someone else decides to

knock on the door” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Ok help me up.” She responded in a breathless


I laughed at her helplessness and reached out a

hand for her to grab pulling her into a sitting position
and quickly kneeling down in front of her; I grabbed
the bottom of her bathing suit and slid her feet
through its openings.

“Ok, now you do the rest and hurry. Somebody

else is bound to need to use the bathroom soon” I

“Ok, ok I’m coming” she said and lazily pulled

her suit into place.

She adjusted her top piece, fitting it back over

her breasts. I looked at her with a mute stare of
disgust; her laxness was beginning to annoy me. I
was ready to go and decided I needed to leave
without her any way.

“I’m leaving; I wouldn’t stay in here to long if I

were you.” I told her in an imposing voice.

The Truth About Some Lies

She nodded in agreement and I left closing the

door behind me. I leaned back against the bathroom
door for a moment and got my wits about me before
returning to the party. The thought of being caught in
Marcus’s bedroom wasn’t a good look either, so with
that thought I walked through the bedroom with
quickness in my stride. I felt more secure once I
entered the hallway and took my time moving down
the narrow corridor; just as I’d reached midway, I
could hear cheers of victory coming from one of the
other bedrooms “My god” I thought to myself “there
are people up here.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I moved closer to the sounds of cheer and

curiously peered around a door way, I could see a
group of men ranting and raving in front of a flat
panel TV that was mounted on the wall. When I
looked up to get a view of what displayed on the
screen, I could see it was football; it was a game
Madden on X-Box, I recognized it from the many
tournaments my brothers held in this very same
manner. Initially my presence went unnoticed and I
was able to watch this majestic scene of grown men
flipping out over a video game, calling shots and
remarks at the TV as if the console could understand
what they were demanding. I giggled aloud at the
image and when I did all heads turned towards the
doorway and a familiar voice began to speak.

“Well you coming in or you just gonna stand

there and let us amuse you from a far?” he cracked a
smile to let me know he was being playful.

The Truth About Some Lies

I blushed at the thought that this familiar voice

was just at the bathroom door after a serious session
of ecstasy and placing a voice to a face had never
been so agreeable. I found myself exchanging
glances with a thing of beauty; his height was fair but
the thickness of his stature more than made up for his
length. Not as tall as what I would normally find
myself attracted to but his 6’ft figure would still
pleasantly tower my 5’4 any day. He was a darker
shade of Mahogany and his skin looked well kept and
groomed; the eyes staring back at me were brown and
his lips were full and moist. His shave was
impeccable; the kind of shave a man only gets when
a straight razor has been applied to his face. I thought
he was gorgeous and couldn’t help but stare, with my
eyes transfixed on what could only be described as a
living God I couldn’t find my words.

“Beautiful,” I said in the softest voice I could

manage, it was the only word that would escape me.

The Truth About Some Lies

He must have been pretty confused when I

quickly turned and moved from the door way;
without a word I’d left to scurry back down the hall,
looking back just long enough to see him peek his
head through the door way. I flew down the steps and
was back through the glass doors and outside before
he had time to blink. Sometimes I react like that
when I’m caught off guard; as well put together as I
would like to think I am, I can still get nervous at the
sight of an attraction.

The heat caught me off guard as well and the

contrast of coming from the dim lights of the house
into the sun shocked my eyes with a glare. I rubbed
them shut to adjust to the extreme light, I could see
everyone was outside and it even looked like more
guests had arrived. In the moments it took me to get
my rocks off at least thirty more guest had joined the
party. Someone had turned the music up a little
louder than I remembered and tunes of Reggae were
booming throughout the back yard. People where
dancing in and out of the pool, the drinks where
flowing and the food was still grilling.

“Now this is a party.” I said to myself.

The Truth About Some Lies

Feeling vibrant from the awesome sex I’d just

had, I glanced back at the sliding doors in
remembrance and to also make sure my hair was still
in place. The reflection shined back at me and my
hair was fine but all my lip gloss had been removed. I
contemplated running home for a quick touch up but
my lips still shined moist in the reflection so after I
quickly wiped two fingers under my bottom eyelids
to make sure no makeup had smeared, I turned
towards the crowd and made my way to the group
where I could see Marcus.

He was always in the middle of everything, the

life of the party. He was laughing, telling jokes and
stories I found myself thinking about what a pretty
cool dude he really was. I just wished he didn’t live
next door and maybe had been born a few shades
darker, otherwise we could’ve had loads of fun
together, maybe even something a little more serious
than just fun.

The Truth About Some Lies

After reaching the table, I joined in on what

seemed to be a thrilling conversation. Somehow
when I’m involved in the conversation it either turns
to sexual nature or into a male-female wants or needs
conflict and that’s exactly what happened. I was
being asked my opinions on various gender topics
and as I started in I knew that what I had to say
would cause a controversy. I’ve been told I’m not a
normal breed of woman, whatever that means. I think
men mean it as a compliment but somehow I have
mixed emotions about the statement.

The Truth About Some Lies

I really do care about the same things most

women care about when it comes to men. Like: does
he truly love me, does he think about me when we
are apart, when he holds me do I feel safe and does
he have enough money to take care of me, most of all
is he reliable and can I believe in what he says? So I
certainly feel like a normal woman, I’m not heartless
or without emotion, not even close but I must admit I
definitely have a different perspective than most of
the women I know. There are just a few things that
have never concerned me and I’m sure the difference
in perspective comes from the differences in sexual
reserve, such as how I’ll never need a man to sit
underneath me every second of the day, honestly I
don’t even need to see my mate every day. I can
certainly have sex without emotional attachment, I
had just managed to pull that off no less than fifteen
minutes ago, but the biggest difference would be
whether I care if he fucks someone else? This
question is where the minds and hearts of most
women divide and that’s only because I think most
women view sex as love and vice versa. Well not me,
no I don’t mind if he fucks another, shit I might even
ask to fuck her as well. I don’t think that determines
his love, I think it reflects on where he wants to stick
his dick. Does that make me different than many

The Truth About Some Lies

other women, probably, am I a normal woman, hell

yes; show up late for a date and find out.

Once I explained this in conversation, I heard no

other chatter just a dead silence, a few looks of
confusion and unspoken thoughts where lingering. Of
course a few women gave me the stare of death as if I
had spewed sacrilege and spit on the latest women’s
manual for getting a man. At that moment and with
all the awkward stillness I thought to myself, “well
shit maybe I’m not a normal kind of girl.”

Just then he spoke, I hadn’t even noticed he had

joined the festivities.

“I must say you’re very unique, maybe that’s a

better word for it, but I don’t think it has much to do
with gender.” He said. “There aren’t too many
women or men who would be hard pressed to share
the affections of their mate sexual or otherwise.”

After so much silence I wasn’t expecting any

more comments on the subject, I quickly turned my
head in his direction, suddenly another blush forced
its way to my cheeks and I thought. ”Girl get
yourself under control, it‘s only a man.”

The Truth About Some Lies

There was something about him that excited me,

it wasn’t a sexual excitement it was more like the
feeling you get the day before your birthday; the
excitement of knowing something amazing is going
to happen, but you’re not sure what. After his
comment the chatter worked its way back up into a
flurry but it was becoming a moot point for me and
boredom began to set in. I tried desperately to slip
into the back ground of the conversation but he made
it a point to ask my opinion every chance he got. At
first I wasn’t sure if he just found me interesting or if
he wanted to see if I would back down from any of
my stern ideals. I’m pretty used to having the validity
of my ideals tested and to be honest most people
usually think it’s a façade; thinking somehow that
I’ve incorporated these ideals as just part of my
charm but they soon find out that true and blue, I
stand fast to my ways and covet them like the bible.

The Truth About Some Lies

I think he began to notice my growing contempt

for the never ending conversation and finally stopped
asking questions. The conversation ranted on without
me and I was glad to be excused and tired of
explaining myself. The continued looks of curiosity I
received let me know if I didn’t get up from my seat
soon, this would be far from over. As I rose so did he,
it was then I first noticed how close in proximity he
had gotten to me; it was very unusual for me not to
notice the declining distance between us, normally
I’m very keen on how close I let someone get into my
personal space. I must have been particularly
enthralled in making him understand my points of
view. He smiled as I rose from my seat to leave but
before I could escape, Marcus grabbed my hand.

“You’re not leaving the party so soon, are you?

We are just getting started.” He laughed. “You
haven’t even let me whip your ass in spades yet.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I begin to laugh at the notion of being beat by

this man in a game of spades, I paused the thought
for a moment as I did I notice the bright smile my
stranger previously placed my way had to turned to a
distinct Cheshire grin, a simper look as if to say.
“You’re into white boys?” I grinned back and eased
the slight worry I could see mounting on his brow.
Marcus noted the exchanges of glances and
commented in a sarcastic tone.

“See, if you leave, yah boy over there is gonna

get eaten up by one of these chicken heads and you
don’t want that on your conscience, do you?”

I couldn’t help but smile at his intuitiveness and

felt even more of an appreciation for his
thoughtfulness, however reprehensible his true
motives might be. Besides how else was I going to
get to know this man? Our thoughts were linked,
because he bent down and whispered in my ear.

“Yes, he’s right so help a brother out, save me

from the Clucker’s. Besides don’t you think we need
to talk? Or am I just imagining this connection? “

The Truth About Some Lies

A flutter of sensation caught me off sentry. Was

it his close proximity to my earlobe or his words
alone that gave me the sensation? Whatever the
cause, I definitely had a case of the butterflies. Still
and to my surprise there was no sexual connotation
felt in these trembles, just a girly, giddy enthusiasm
that I didn’t think I’d felt since the age of sixteen.

I decided this was something that needed further

exploration; how could I pass up the chance to delve
deeper into its meaning? I accepted the invitation to
stay but suggested that our company together take
place somewhere away from the crowd. He
automatically grabbed my hand and pulled me away
from Marcus and the crowd and I was more than glad
for it: just then Lena could be seen returning from the
house and it would’ve been rather awkward to be
standing there trying to have a conversation with him
in the company of someone who’s pussy I could still
taste on my lips. I’m good, but I wasn’t in the mood
to test my skills.

“Inside or out?” He questioned.

The Truth About Some Lies

I suggested that outside was best; we walked

towards an empty section of the yard with Marcus’s
gaze following us the whole trail. I wondered what he
must be thinking… It really didn’t matter because in
seconds he was occupied by his invited lady. I could
see his attention quickly turn to her as they embraced.
My attentions leaned towards the lovely spectacle of
a man walking beside me, we walked and talked until
we found at quiet spot at the back of the yard. It
seemed like we talked for hours, I enjoyed hearing all
about his education, past relationships and I was a
little shocked to find out he’d been married twice
before, but I didn’t view it as any kind of an obstacle.
Most of all, I enjoyed watching his expressions, the
way his face tightened when the topic turned to his
mom and how when we eventually turned our
conversation to sexual appetites, his enthusiasm
could be seen all over his face.

My first thoughts were of how amazingly

compatible we were, so much so I found myself
wondering if he was just telling me things he thought
I wanted to hear. I knew that I wanted to see him
again and I was ready to let him know it but never
got the chance.

The Truth About Some Lies

“So, lovely lady, I have spilled my guts to you for

almost half the day now. I’m wondering if we can do
this again or if I’m just a distraction for you today?”

It was my full intention to pursue our meeting. I

thought to myself how I hadn’t sat and talked like this
in forever. It was very refreshing and something I
could get used to.

“How about tomorrow?” I asked. He seemed

surprised by the directness of the question and
stumbled to answer.

“Tomorrow, yes I mean. Tomorrow would be

great I can move a few things around.” He said
staring in the air, grabbing his thoughts. “I should be
able to pick you up around two that sound ok?”

“Yes “ I said. “Two is perfect.”

“Great it’s a date” He gave me that Cheshire

grin again and grabbed my hand. “So let me tell you,
what I want you to wear.”

The Truth About Some Lies

He went on describing an ensemble of clothing

that I was to follow in description to the letter; his
words were precise and without hesitation. This gave
me such a feeling of placement; I knew this was
going to be different.

”Yes, sir” Is all I could manage and the deviant

look he gave to my response was more than I was
prepared for.

I accepted the piece of paper he produced from

his pocket, immediately wondering to myself “when
the hell did he write his number down?” It didn’t
matter I was intrigued and there was nothing that was
going to stop the exploration of this experience. I
placed the tiny piece of paper in my wallet as he
embraced me with the sweetest lingering hug.

“Well I’m going to say goodbye now, I’m about

partied out.” I said.

“Sure thing, love, I will walk you to your car”

He responded and placed his hand at the small of my
back and firmly guided me outside.

The Truth About Some Lies

Wrapped in his demanding touch and thrilled by

the way I so readily eased into his embrace, I
neglected to mention I hadn’t driven to the party. I
mentioned this fact abruptly as we exited Marcus’s
home. A short look of confusion ran over his face
until I pointed his attention across the street.

“That’s my house over there, so no driving, I just

walked over.” I said “and I think I can make it across
the street” a small giggle escaped me when the
thought pressed to me. I had spent just a few hours
with this man and already he knew more than most;
like my address, for one thing. The thought brought
my attention to a pearl white BMW that was parked
half way in my drive.

“You’re going to think this is funny.” He said. “I

think I kind of parked in your driveway.”

Yes, I thought it was very funny and showed it

by laughing hysterically. I couldn’t bring myself to
stop, even after he began to talk again.

“So you see it’s only right that I walk you home.”
He said between chuckles “I need to get to my car.”

“You’re leaving?” I asked, as we walked up the


The Truth About Some Lies

“Yes,” he answered “why not? My work is here

is done, until tomorrow, love.” were his words as he
opened the door and slumped down in the seat of his

His engine purred while backing the car slowly

from my driveway and then revved to a high
screeching pitch as he raced down my street stopping
only once to make a right turn. Just like that he was
gone, leaving me to ponder our pleasurable meeting
and wondering what new adventures tomorrow
would bring…..


The Truth About Some Lies

A Bruised Morning -August 25th

The Truth About Some Lies

I was deep in sleep. I had gotten home from

Marcus’s party elated with the idea of a new
found friendship. I let the thoughts of an
impending love affair roll me off to dream land.
Snuggled under my sheets and contented by the day’s
events, I couldn’t get my mind wrapped around the
banging sound that rang through my house. At first it
sounded like small taps but as my sleep dissipated I
became keen with awakened senses. The once timid
tap of noise turned to a loud cracking thunder as my
mind adjusted from its sleep. Eyes half shut, I
squinted towards the clock on my dresser it read

“What the fuck…” I said aloud “who the hell is

knocking at my door this early. “

As I pulled the covers off and sat at the edge of

my bed my thoughts quickly moved to my sister Boo
and the kids.

I thought, “had something had happened to one

of my babies or maybe one of my brothers?”

The Truth About Some Lies

Springing from the bed, I dashed past the living

room to the front door. “It’s got to be an emergency”
I thought, why else would someone be knocking my
door down at 6:00am.

I stopped in front of the door and looked at it, as

if staring it down was somehow going to let me know
who was on the other end of it or stop whatever bad
news I was sure I was in for. I got my nerve together,
took a deep breath and just opened the door, it’s a
terrible bad habit; I never ask who is at the door or
look through the peek whole, more times than not I
assume a person who actually knocks on a door
without ringing the door bell is a person who’s
familiar with a visit. One day I may assume wrong,
or so I’ve been told.

I was surprised to see it was Marcus; he entered

pushing the door opening wider letting himself in. He
looked to be in an agitated state and entered the
living room in silence, his stride and pace gave the
indication that there was definitely something wrong.
I was a little worried but relieved it had been none of
the scary scenarios I envisioned when running
towards the door.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Marcus it’s early as shit babes. What’s up, are

you ok?” Not thinking for one moment that the
answer to that question would have anything to do
with me.

“You fucked her didn’t you? Just like that you

fucked her” He said. ”I know it’s early and I was
gonna wait but…” His words cut off by his silent

I was shocked and stood there stuck with what

I’m sure must have been a look of retardation. I knew
he could tell by my alarmed reaction, that yes I had
fucked her.

”You are absolutely out of fucking control. You

do know that don’t you?” There was no response I
could give him and he continued anyway “Here I am
worried about what you might think about the fact
that I invited this woman to come chill and spend the
day with me. I mean I know there is nothing between
us and I keep asking myself why the fuck do I care
about how you feel; when it’s so obvious you don’t
give a fuck about what I might think. I can’t believe
you fucked her!” He let out a not-so-funny chuckle.

The Truth About Some Lies

His pacing back and forth spouting and spewing

was making me nervous and I was all too relieved
when he took a seat on the couch. The silence in the
room was spooky and was only broken by the deep
breath of exhale he released from his lungs. The next
words he spoke where in a calm cool tone.

“Do you care anything for me, anything at all?

He said. His words came out in a quiet whisper.

“No.” I answered softly the words flowed off my

tongue with regret. It wasn’t true, I did care, not in
the way he wanted me to but I did feel something for

The stunned looked on his face was almost heart

shattering. I moved to walk towards him on the couch
and in a quick, stunned, shock of amazement he
smacked me, so quickly and unexpectedly that at first
I wasn’t even sure he had actually done it. The hot
sting of what must have been the blood rushing back
to my face made it more than apparent that he had
indeed smacked the shit out of me. In a dizzying daze
I saw his tall image walk past me and towards the
door murmuring under his breath.

“You deserved it.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I reached out for his image in passing, I still

don’t know why. I just didn’t want him to leave with
things where they had escalated to. (For all of the
home-made junior psychiatrists out there, I’m not
saying he should have smacked me.) But if I’m being
completely honest in my writing the lack of control
was a turn on, so when he returned my reach with an
embrace and smashed his lips down onto mine there
was no protest.

His kisses where hard and forceful, demanding

and sucking me into his hunger. I returned them as
savagely as he gave them and could taste the trace of
blood left in my mouth from the force of his bite on
my lips. I even yelled in pain, which egged him
further. His hands where on my throat and there was
nothing soft about his touch; he squeezed hard and
rough with one hand and pulled at the back of my
hair with the other. Smothering my lips and face in
kisses, I was mesmerized by the sharp, savage jabs of
his tongue. Let me tell you, there were no thoughts of
humping Chihuahua’s or pink doggy dicks either, my
thoughts locked on the breath on my ear as he
whispered his desires.

The Truth About Some Lies

”This is what I could do to do you every night,

everyday if you wanted me to” I was enthralled by his
fever and boldness.

”Like this?” he asked as his hand moved from

my neck to my breast massaging, rubbing me through
my t-shirt.

“This is what you want isn’t it? You like it?“ He

kept asking me these questions, elevating his
excitement and mine with each whisper.

The Truth About Some Lies

Egged to the point of tearing the wife beater

from my body, he was exposing my nakedness to
him. He was still touching and groping my breast, I
could feel him pushing me forcing me backwards
into the living room, startling me as I felt my back hit
the cool surface of the wall. Like a lion in heat he
dropped down in front of me and buried his face in
my pussy. His hands fell with him, one he placed on
my stomach and with the slide of his palms he was
pressing me, lifting my clit to stimulation. The other
hand lifted one of my legs exposing more of me to
him. He begin to lick and taste and kiss my pussy, no
longer the savage uncontrollable embrace from
moments before but now a gentle soft stroke of
tongue and lips. I could feel him breathing on my clit,
his lips moving back and forth talking to my pussy; it
drove me up the wall literally. Words of delight and
moans of bliss escaped from me

“Talk to it baby, god Damn it! Don’t stop” I

begged not wanting him to stop.

“You like that, I know you do. I'm gonna make

this pussy love me. You hear me? I’m gonna make
her love me!” and he returned to my clit and sucked
me off into an electrifying orgasm that had my legs
shaking and my back jerking.

The Truth About Some Lies

I couldn’t help spilling moans and growls from

my lips that probably made me sound like a maniac
in heat. It wasn’t over; before the last pound could be
felt from my walls he stood towering over me
pressing me into the wall with the full length of his
body. He removed his shirt in one quick motion
baring his chest to me, his breath was quick but deep
and I could almost hear his heart pounding through
his chest.

The excitement in his voice was electrifying.

“Now wet this dick.”

He grabbed the back of my head with one hand

pulling me down to him and unfastened his belt and
pants with a swift skill. I was held there by a long
awaited anticipation of what lay in those jeans and to
my wonder and elation he was beautiful. The myth
had been busted, the length of his dick was great but
the thickness of him was a rare treasure. Still holding
the back of my head he begin to stroke his already
hard dick, this magnificent display of male arousal
had me starving to taste him but the voyeur in me
watched intensely as he stroke himself up and down.

The Truth About Some Lies

I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to have him

pulling forward from the lock he had on my head,
and I tried to escape his grasp fighting to get a taste
of him. He would not give himself too immediately.

“Ask me for it.!” He said.

Breaths of demanding excitement came through

in his voice and though he was in the position of
command the need in his voice betrayed him a slave.

I didn’t ask, I escaped from his hold and

wrapped my mouth around his dick, not as easy a
task as I thought. I had my jaws locked on him and I
assaulted him with a ferocious attack of sucks and
glides; I ran my mouth all the way down his shaft
until I could feel him at the back of my throat. I
pushed down harder relaxing the muscles in my
throat allowing him to slide down deeper into my
throat, gagging myself but holding him in place until
I could hear the desire come from his lips

“Augh, Fuck—Yeti!” he screamed, his voice

carrying through the living room.

The Truth About Some Lies

I slid up and down on his shaft, until my mouth

was full with saliva my lips where burning with the
sting of friction and a wide spread jaw. I loosened my
grip to allow the salivation to drip from my jaws and
down my chin, making slurping sounds while
sucking him. The saltiness of his precum was
delectable and as his dick jerked with pleasure, he
was frozen in place his hands clenched in front of
him not making a move. I couldn’t even tell if he was
breathing but the moans of pleasure began ringing
from his lips and with each stroke the intensity of the
act was taking hold.

“Oh my God girl. Oh my God. Wait!” he said

I was so entranced with the act of sobbing him

down that I hadn’t notice him pulling my head away.

“Not yet” he whispered. “I think I need to be

inside you.” He said pulling at me until I rose back
up against the wall.

The Truth About Some Lies

Pressing his self against me, I could feel his dick

still hard rubbed up against my belly. He slid his
body down beneath mine and pressed his lips to
mines again, this time placing his tongue in my
mouth twisting and lapping at my lips, gently kissing
the areas he had previously taken with savagery. I
could feel his hands searching beneath me, the head
of him at the opening of my pussy rubbing around the
surface as if testing the area for the right spot.

In one deep stroke he was in me delightfully

filling me up. He paused for one stroke then never let
up. Lifting me up to a sitting position against the wall
his weight pressing against me, my legs were
wrapped around him and he was bumping me back
and forth against the wall; soft at first and then
intense bangs of pleasure as his dick slid in and out of
my pussy. I had my hands wrapped around his neck
and could feel the sweat between us cause every
stroke to release a moist smacking sound of our
bodies meshed together. His strokes were like
daggers, deliciously painful jabs of stiff dick. I could
feel him stiffen and his breath grew eager my walls
where just about to burst when he shuddered.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Tell me you want it. I’m not gonna cum until

you tell me you want it.” The words came from his
lips but his body was telling a different story this time
I gave him what he wanted.

“I want it Marcus, give it to me. I want it.” It

worked him into frenzy and the quick strokes; he had
my pussy sopping wet and singing a song of climax.

I exploded, feeling my inner muscles pulsate

and wrap around his dick, he knew it too.

”You cuming baby?” He asked. “That’s right,

who did it? Tell me who made that pussy cum. Mmm
say Marcus, say Marcus.”

“Marcus” I repeated in a whisper.

I said this for him more than once, it excited me

into a passion of unknown bounds and I released hot
squirts of sticky pleasure all over his dick. He to, felt
the blows of ecstasy and in an animalistic display of
orgasm he exploded his essence emptying his load,
mauling words of release beneath his breath.

The Truth About Some Lies

We stood there sweaty, panting still electrified by

the thunderous storm of emotion that had taken us.
His weakened legs were shaky and unstable from this
orgasmic blast and buckled beneath him; we fell to
the floor. I toppled over him and we laid there in
silence reveling in the afterglow of a long awaited
passion. What seemed like an hour passed and I could
feel him moving beneath me. He lifted me up into his
arms and carried me to the bedroom half drunk with
sleep and still half out of my mind he rolled back the
already frazzled sheets and placed me on the bed.
Crawling up behind me and the pulling the sheets
over us, I lazily protested

“Marcus” I said.

Before I could get out any objections to this

intimate position I found myself in, he cut off my

“Don’t worry Yeti. I know how you are, boo. I

will just lay here until you fall asleep.”

I drifted off thinking. ”Damn I probably should

have done this a long time ago.” My body went limp,
my eyes closed and the darkness of well needed rest
coddled me….

The Truth About Some Lies


A Date and Then Some-August

25 th

The Truth About Some Lies

M y head was ringing, and if it wasn’t for the

memories of the day’s early morning
events, the way I was feeling could have
been easily confused with a hangover. I was in the
kitchen moving at a turtles pace, preparing myself a
well needed cup of coffee. My head wasn’t the only
sore part of my body: my insides ached with the
remnants of a thorough lay. My thighs felt like I had
run a marathon, feeling my muscles stretch as I
walked had me ready to climb back into bed and see
if I could sneak another hour of rest; it was a luxury I
couldn’t allow myself, I had lots to do to prepare for
this date, and I almost thought of calling to cancel but
was too excited at the possibilities of him.
Sipping at my coffee I went over the instruction
of attire he had given the night before, the
instructions where simple but precise and I was going
to make it my point to follow them to the letter. Black
skirt, stretched satin material, fitted but not obscenely
tight, hem line above the knee and a small slit to the
right or left of my thigh. White blouse, button up no
collar no sleeves, sheer or lace material with the first
three buttons unhinged. Black lace thong, no bra and
a black shoe with an ankle strap.

The Truth About Some Lies

It didn’t take very long to get ready I could’ve

pulled this selection from my closet about twenty
times without wearing the same piece twice.
Motivating my body to move was a challenge and I
ran a hot shower hoping that the heat would relax my
muscles a bit and work off some of the laziness I was
feeling. The shower helped a lot and after I began to
work lotion into my battle wounds every ache
became a little less noticeable.

After I was done with my makeup and hair ritual

I sat around in the living room sipping at another cup
of coffee. I played a few love songs to get my
romantic side flowing and I noticed it was after 12:00
on a Sunday and Marcus hadn’t shown his face nor
did I hear his mower whizzing away. He must have
been as worn out as I was if not more. I walked over
to the window and peered across the street. I could
see his car parked outside and one other sitting in his
drive. I wondered who it belonged to.

My thoughts traced back over yesterday’s events

and what a wonderful time I had, from the food, to
the unexpected orgasm to meeting my stranger.

“My stranger,” I repeated to myself. “Oh my

God” I snorted. “I don’t know his name.”

The Truth About Some Lies

How was I going to call him? I had to figure out

a way to do this without being embarrassed. I
honestly couldn’t remember if he had given me his
name and I’d forgotten it or maybe he just never gave
it. I looked for my purse to find the piece of paper he
wrote his number on, thinking maybe he just wrote it
down on that. I found the number but there was no
name written on the paper. I decided to just call, he
answered before I could get a word out.

“Hey love” he said.

“Um this is Yeti.“ I answered.

“Yeah love, I know exactly who this is.” I didn’t

really believe him at first until he continued to talk.

“I was wondering when you would call, we still

on for two?”

“Yes” I said with elated with excitement.

“By the way.” he said. “My name is Quinn, with

all that conversation yesterday we never got around
to the name thing.” I was glad to hear that it wasn‘t
just something I’d forgotten.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Landon’s the last name in case you need to look

me up before our date” he chuckled.

The funny thing is normally I would do just that,

as sexually open as I am I do check for sexual
predators; it’s not my ideal fantasy to be in the throes
of passion and have my throat slit by some nut case.
We talked for a few minutes before his went low and
changed to a decadent tone

“And you’re giving me what I asked for today,

right?” I must admit the statement caused a quick
flutter of my pussy.

The aching sensation I felt soon after reminded

me I wasn’t really in any condition to get myself in
trouble with any obscene responses.

”You still know what to wear right, I don’t need

to repeat myself?’ He said patiently waiting for my

“Yes I know what to wear” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Good girl, listening to daddy already, good

girl. I’ll be there at two” He said. “I’m not gonna
invade your privacy, I’ll be outside waiting. I know
you women so don’t make we wait long.” A click
could be heard before I could even collect my
thoughts to answer.

“Shit, just marry me.” I thought as the dial tone

came in on the phone.

The Truth About Some Lies

I loved this type of cold command. It was a

definite turn on. If he knew how his behavior affected
me, lordy there would be trouble. I placed the
receiver down with a long sigh of satisfaction and
smiled at the idea that in an hour or so I would be on
the first real date I’d had in months. The time passed
quickly, I was ready and waiting at ten minutes to
two and looking out the window. There he was
pulling to the curb, I ran to get my shoes on and
waited a moment for a horn to beep. No sounds came
from the street. I looked out the window again to
make sure the car that pulled in the drive was in fact
him, it was but, what I saw from the streets this time
was cause for concern. Marcus was standing there at
the side of the car with him talking. The thought
flashed in my mind, I never asked him how they
knew each other, he was at his party after all and
Marcus does keep a pretty close group of friends with
an occasional straggler here and there but very few
and not often. My heart pounded a bit at the thought
that they might be close friends but it left my mind
with ease after realizing if he was that good of a
friend I would have already known of him.

The Truth About Some Lies

I toddled out the house like a school girl, met by

the stare of these two men, I reached the car with a
smile. Marcus was the first to speak.

“Good afternoon, lady bug” a name he often

used for me.

“Good afternoon yourself” I said returning his


He returned the smile and with it, the reassurance

that we were going to be okay with each other after
this morning’s frustrations and the heated indulgence
that followed. Quinn said his greetings and began to
walk around to open the car door. Marcus abruptly
stopped him.

“Go ahead get in, I’ll get her door.” He said.

Quinn subsided with hesitation and slid down

into his seat, in two steps Marcus was around the side
of the car opening the door for me. As he opened the
door with one hand the other had taken a firm grab of
my ass and squeezed hard. I squealed silently from
the unexpected grope and he groaned in my ear.

The Truth About Some Lies

“That ass is next, trust me.” He said as he

released me to sitting position in the car. “Have fun.”
He joyfully stated.

He tapped the roof of the car as we pulled from

the curb. The sting of his grab still radiated through
one of my cheeks as we sped down the street.

“That white boy wants you bad.” Quinn stated

looking at my face for a reaction. “It’s so obvious it’s
ridiculous. The question is: are you interested? Do I
have competition to worry about?” He scanned my
face again for the truth in my response.

“No way” I said firmly. “I could never date a

white man; I just couldn’t see myself with one.”

“Alright just checking, because I can be a lot of

things, a white boy isn’t one of them.” He laughed at
his own words and released a sigh of relief.

“Don’t you worry babes that would be one of the

last things you would need to be concerned about.” I
said mocking my own actions.

The Truth About Some Lies

It wasn’t a lie, it just wasn’t the whole truth, if

there is such a thing. I would never date a white man,
so I thought but less than 24 hours before I would
have never fucked one either. I didn’t think telling
him that would be a good idea on a first date, so I
chose to leave that part out.

“How do you know each other anyway, I’ve been

kind of curious about that” I said.

“Well we don’t really know each other. I was

invited to his cook out by a friend.”

“Oh ok, just wondering” I said relieved that I

wasn’t going to have to explain anything I wasn’t
prepared for.

The Truth About Some Lies

Quinn was great; we started off with a quick bite

to eat and then headed to an early afternoon comedy
show in Baltimore. The show was so funny, we
laughed together the whole time. Money Mike is a
lunatic, he was so hilarious I thought I would puke
my guts up I laughed so hard. The jokes were fresh
and raw just how I like my…comedy. I watched
Quinn as he laughed, there was no restrain or reserve
about him. He had a very natural way that he carried
himself, he wasn’t shy about life and he pretty much
said whatever was on his mind. He looked me up and
down a few times during the show meticulously
going over my wardrobe, checking to see if I had
followed his instructions. Then right in the middle of
a tearful chuckle he leaned over and whispered in my

”Now give me those panties.”

“Huh, my panties?” I whispered back.

“You heard me the ones you’re wearing, take

them off.” he stated without blinking or looking in
my direction.

The Truth About Some Lies

He continued to view the show intently laughing

at the jokes and for a moment I thought his statement
had been a joke as well.

“I hate repeating myself, woman. Do it, now!”

he said in a very forceful tone.

I was excited by the powerful sound of his voice

and quickly stammered a look around the colosseum
to see if anyone could spot me removing my panties.
Normally I didn’t have a prudish bone in my body
but it’s usually my idea to be such an exhibitionist.
The nervousness I felt while sliding my hand up my
skirt to retrieve my panties was very new to me and
very exciting. He paid no attention to my hesitation;
he just held his hand out waiting for me to place them
in his grasp. I scooted myself and wiggled my hips
until my panties slid to my ankles and I quickly
retrieved then from the floor. I was spotted by a man
who sat two seats over; he just looked and gave me a
knowing grin. No one else had noticed I’d handed
them to him.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Good girl” he said as he accepted them with a

smile and brushed the lacy material against his nose
and took a whiff; keeping them pressed against his
mouth like a handkerchief and then stuffing them in
his pocket once he was content.

The Truth About Some Lies

I waited for more, there was nothing; I couldn’t

even concentrate on the jokes any longer, truly
excited by the prospects of what he would do next
and I laughed out of recognition of punch lines all the
while sneaking glances at him. He didn’t say another
word until the show was over; he just grabbed my
hand and walked me from the theater. Once outside
he suggested dinner so we drove to Copeland’s, a
seafood restaurant that serves the best garlic crab I’ve
ever tasted. Over dinner we talked about everything
life, love, how funny the show was, everything but
my panties that were still sitting in his pocket. Never
once did he mention the scene in the theater or even a
hint that he thought about the fact that I was sitting
there pantyless, excited by the breeze blowing up my
skirt. During the ride home everything was quiet we
just listened to some smooth melodies of Marvin
Gaye, enjoying the breeze of night air blowing
through the windows. I liked his company and
imagined I would like it even more in the future, glad
that I didn’t call to cancel. I almost regretted the pull
into the driveway. We sat there in the car for a
moment going over the day’s thoughts just as I begin
to pull at the door handle he stopped me.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Can I get a kiss before you go?”I thought to

myself well it’s about time.

“Sure” I said as I licked my lips to moistness.

He leaned forward and unexpectedly reached

between when legs and I cringed.

“Relax” he said as he let my seat back. “I just

want to nibble you a bit.”

I was waiting for him to reach my lips but he was

moving in the opposite direction, his hands pulled up
my skirt to the thigh and his head went between my
legs. His lips grazed my pussy with one soft kiss; this
sent a jolt of stimulated exhilaration from my tummy
to my chest, he kissed again and a moan of
excitement escaped me. I waited for him to continue
but he did not he raised his head and looked me in
my eyes with pure yearning.

“You’re not ready yet, but you will be.” he said

lifting his head to my blouse.

The Truth About Some Lies

He sucked one of my nipples through the light

material, teasing me into a fever; sucking on one then
the other, he massage his face over my blouse and the
three buttons he request be left unhooked made it
easy for him to reach my flesh. With a desperate
attempt I tried to squirm and move taking in more of
the sucks and slowly licked circles he was giving my
nipples. Losing my mind with his already avid touch
I was pushed further when he reached my neck and
used his tongue to slide up and down my collar bone;
moving behind my ear he folded my earlobe in his
lips breathing into my ear causing me to jerk and
fidget from the stuttering tingles.

I could feel my wetness seeping from me, when

he reached my lips my mouth was opened and
waiting for his tongue; we kissed intensely, passion
linked between us and grabbing at the back of his
head I pulled him closer, deeper into my mouth. Our
lips matched, our tongues matched and the intensity
of what this would lead to was known between us.
Releasing my lips from his in a bounty of full
restraint, he returned to his seat, relaxing into his
original position.

The Truth About Some Lies

We sat there breathing in silence stimulated by a

new knowledge: we had sparks, real ones the kind
you can feel jolting through your body each time the
other person is around and it was fantastic. This was
lovely, I thought as I sat there engulfed in a spiral of
mixed excitement. I opened my eyes to find him
staring at me, he had a look of admiration and I could
whole heartedly relate to his expression. It was the
expression of an unexpected newfound connection,
one which I was sure neither of us had touched on in
a long time.

He reached his hand in his pocket retrieving my

panties placing them across his nose; he whiffed at
them again waving them back and forth across his

“I will hold onto these for a while”. He said

“Give me a call tomorrow.”

He looked straight forward at the road and

nothing else was said. He got out and ran around to
my side of the car opening and closing my door.

The Truth About Some Lies

Swooning from a hormonal surge of stimulation

and way too excited to think, I walked up the steps of
my home. Once I had the key in the door I listened to
his car speed down my street.

“Call him tomorrow, shit I want to call him back

here right now.” I thought as I laid my keys on the
table and pushed at the door to close it behind me.

The Truth About Some Lies

Before I could even get the door closed it was

being pushed back open again. Marcus was in the
doorway, re-excited by the look in his eyes and the
promise of this afternoons groping touch. I released
my hold on the knob. He was silent as he shut the
door behind himself. He just towered over me forcing
me to step backwards towards the couch. When we
reached the edge of the couch he turned me around
and pushed me to the pillows forcing me to lose my
balance; landing on all fours. He leaned down behind
my ass and began to unbuckle his pants, the sounds
of the metal from his belt clinked and I instinctually
peered over my shoulder to see him stroking himself
into full growth. He slid my skirt up over my waist
exposing my ass. I could feel his lips sucking all over
my cheeks, penetrating me with his juicy tongue, he
slid in and out my ass-hole. The warmth of his mouth
was divine; I’d never had my salad tossed so lovely.
His face was buried in me taking short breaths
between licks and pokes. He pushed his hands
between my legs sliding both arms between the
openings of my thighs; his face still buried in my ass
as his fingers ran up my blouse and found my
nipples. He pinched and flicked with his fingers to
the same arythmic beat that his tongue danced to.

The Truth About Some Lies

Slurping me into a rough orgasm, my legs

bounced and shook as he fearlessly fucked me with
his tongue. His mouth slid down and engaged my
pussy sucking every bead of cum, every drop of
melted love juice. Slowly releasing his mouth from
me, he elevated to a sanding position and began
stroking himself with one hand while fingering my
ass with the other. He worked his fingers in and out
of me until the loosened moistness had me ready for
more. He was rubbing the head of his dick around my
ass-hole sliding in a little with each motion until I
could feel the head of him bump over its rim, once
inside he begin with deep long strokes of steel. I was
feeling the light sting of penetration and the sliding
grind of tightness caused me to jerk in pain. I reached
back on my cheeks spreading my ass a little wider to
relieve some of the pressure. Moaning at my
initiative his excited words escaped him.

”Mmm this ass is good baby, you’re doing well.

Don’t stop me, just play with that pussy. Go ahead
ma, play with your pussy.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I began to masterfully work at my clit rubbing it

uncontrollably, giving the feeling to his dick in my
ass a heightened sensitivity. In seconds I was cuming,
shaking uncontrollably, melting down into another
heated pool of pleasure. His grip was lodged on the
sides of my hips, pulling at me forcing himself
deeper. I felt his legs begin to buckle and shake
smacking against my ass in a moistened marathon of
desire. This dick had me moaning and screaming in a
stranger’s voice. I could hear myself growl with
desire but it just didn’t sound like me. I couldn’t
believe he had me spinning this way.

“Tell me about it baby. What’s that dick doing for

you? Look how you got me fucking you in your ass

His shakes intensified as he released himself in a

bolt of electrifying jolts.

“Aaah fuck, this ass is sooo fucking good! Look

what you made me do.” where the last words I heard
before we slumped over, face down on the sofa,
exhausted and on cloud nine, his dick still lodged

The Truth About Some Lies


Soul Sistahs-October 29th

The Truth About Some Lies

I couldn’t believe how difficult Saundra was being.

“Let’s all meet at 8:00 we can have some drinks

and go from there” I said to Saundra, applying the
last brushes of nail polish to my toes.

I was losing the charge on my phone and

convincing her to drive the meager twenty miles to
my house was turning into a chore.

”Just meet at my house its closer to everything

and if we all get too busted we won’t have far to go.”
I said, irritated that it was taking her so long to agree.

“You won’t have far to go, you mean” she


”Saundra I‘m losing the charge on this phone,

come on woman you know everybody can crash here
if they need to” I laughed, at myself trying to ease up
on my mood.

The Truth About Some Lies

“You sure Yeti? Last time we all spent the night,

the next morning we had to pick every hair from the
sink drain before you would let anyone leave.” My
laugh met hers.

“Whatever man, just meet over here ok and let

everyone else know.”

“Ok” she said as the phone line disconnected.

The Truth About Some Lies

It had been a few months since I met Quinn and

almost every moment of those months was filled with
his attention. We’d been courting nonstop: from the
mid-afternoon talks and walks to the candlelit late-
night slow dancing, he had definitely managed to
position himself in my life at the top of the ladder.
He was breathtaking at every turn and our bond was
stiffening into an all-weathering durable relationship.
We didn’t spend much physical time together, his job
caused him to be away a lot, but when we did it was
always memorable and always meaningful. Every
evening I would hear his voice before I went to sleep
and every morning I awaited his call. He was gaining
ground on my heart and although I could feel myself
slipping in to love, Marcus and I continued to have
our frequent exchanges of orgasm. It was becoming a
juggling act of intensity and I felt so twisted in my
needs. Honestly I’d thought that after some time the
attraction that had formed between Marcus and I
would just die down and fizzle, if not from his end
then from mine. But it didn’t, I couldn’t help that
Marcus turned me on the way he did and I never
imagined he would end up over my house as
frequently as he did. As soon as he could see I was
alone he was there with a vengeance, proving himself
to be a most incredible adversary. He would even

The Truth About Some Lies

come over when it was obvious he had company of

his own, dashing in for a quick lick at my pussy and
then straight back home. I often wondered how he
managed to pull that shit off. I’m not complaining; he
was great company when Quinn was away and the
orgasms were off the chain but the closer I got to
Quinn I started to feel like I was doing something
abominable or more so that he would think I was. It
was intense and mind consuming, it was definitely
time for me to be out and about with my girls.

When my sister, Boo, called during the week and

said she needed to get out as well, I was shocked but
elated. Boo never goes out, she’s married to the mob.
Well, not the mob but to a controlling, overly
demanding husband whom I actually liked a lot, he
really is a great guy and if it wasn’t for that one little
chink in his armor he’d be pretty close to perfect.

The Truth About Some Lies

Well tonight was our night it was just me and the

ladies: no Marcus, no Quinn, no orgasms just us
friends chillin. This is a must for me from time to
time and should be for every woman. Sometimes I
just need to get out with my peeps and enjoy being a
woman, nothing too serious or too thought
provoking, just a night out on a limb, taking time to
enjoy the female bonds. A few hours of my day taken
listening to their bullshit and having them listen to
mine. We had plans to drink dance and just listen to
each other’s messy lives. We all had very different
ways of living and very different backgrounds.

My sister Boo was happily married with two

kids. Her husband and her kids where practically her
whole-life, there wasn’t much room for anything else.
In fact she never did much without them, which
added to my shock that she was the one to call and
suggest the whole excursion.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra is my best friend and at this point a

lesbian plain and simple. If there were ever a women
you could call a Lezbo it was her. She can talk any
woman out of her panties, she’s that good and I’ve
seen her do it more times than a few. For years no
one even knew about it, including me. She always
kept a man and seemed to stay in these endless
boring relationships, finally one day when she told
me I was floored. “What, when, how?” completely
stuck on stupid.

I had a small inkling only once, we where

backstage at an R-Kelly concert when I saw her look
at this chick’s ass.

I thought “Wow, uh oh my girl likes girls” but

then she made a comment that changed my mind.

“I wonder where she got those jeans?”She said

and I dismissed it as that stare of admiration I talked
about earlier.

Lesbian or straight, I’ve known her since I was

five and she was my girl, true blue.

The Truth About Some Lies

Leslie was one of Saundra’s good friends, so

she’s one of those friends you pick up by association.
Rumor has it she and Saundra had a thing at one
point but that has never been confirmed. She’s cool,
she’s just kind of snooty don’t get that confused with
bourgeois, there is a difference. She is the type of
woman that is always quick to critique your man,
telling you what he should be doing and what type of
a bum he is if he doesn’t do this or that, but over the
years I’ve found she can never keep one of her own.

The things this chick could say out of her mouth

and feel comfortable about, made me want to smack
her. Example: one time she made a comment to me
that I was cute for a brown girl, I thought to myself

“What the fuck does that mean? “

She’d come really close a few times to bringing

me up out of my skin, but she was Saundra’s friend
so I always give her as much respect as I could, her
funky attitude just got me sometimes.

The Truth About Some Lies

Normandy, on the other hand just didn’t have it

all and that’s the truest description I can give. She
kept many men, the problem was that it was normally
all at once. I’d known her for almost as many years
as Saundra and we were very close as well but my
girl was truly one can short of a six pack.

We couldn’t figure out if she was a complete

idiot or a psychopathic genius but she had a son and
at one point the previous summer there were at least
three guys who’d thought they were the father of this
five year old. Her mouth was slick, I mean she was a
real smart ass but she was also the sweetest person
you’d ever want to know. I think her son’s real father
made a big change in her life for the worse and since
him, men hadn’t been much but a means to an end.
She was recovering, it was just taking her longer than

These are my girlfriends and with all their faults

and challenges they are good people, my best of the
bunch, my homies, and I love them. Besides, the
things they could say about me might turn these
pages to ash.

The Truth About Some Lies

I was ready to go, or at least that’s what I told

Saundra on the phone. I still needed a few things to
perfect my ensemble, but for the most part I was
ready. I had just picked out the pair of shoes I would
wear when I heard a car pull into my drive. My cell
phone began to buzz. I picked it up and read a text
that said “coming out?”

The Truth About Some Lies

I laughed as I looked out the window; these

tricks probably couldn’t even climb the steps, from
the looks of it they were already wasted, and so was I
for that matter. I’d had two glasses of Jack while I
was prepping myself and the warm zing of the drinks
had just begun to hit me. I was feeling pretty nice. I
left the house and met them at the curb, as I came out
Saundra, Normandy and Leslie where dancing
outside of my house moving and shaking their butts.
These chicks were crazy; they had their car doors
open serenading at the top of their lungs, singing
Soul Sistah. It was hilarious to watch them strutting
up and down my drive like it was a runway. If I had
one wish that night it would’ve been to be holding a
video camera; this was definitely a classic image and
I would have sent a tape off of this spectacle to
everyone we knew. I joined in on the fun before the
song died down on the radio, dancing around like a
fool right along with them. It was a good start to a
night I had been looking forward to all week. Once
the laughing calmed and we had gotten our drunken
asses together, I was ready to go.

“Ok ladies, let’s take my truck.” I said fidgeting

to grab my keys from my purse but when I looked up
I could see they had completely blocked me in.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Now why the hell would y’all block me in, how

the fuck am I supposed to get out the driveway?” The
drink was talking for me and I was a little tipsier than
I thought.

“Aaw shit y’all there she go fussing” Leslie


They all laughed, I laughed too. I was fussing, it

happens on occasion but not often.

“We’ll take my car.” Normandy said. She smiled

as she boasted us a look at her new S class silver
classic, waving her hands back and forth like one of
those show case girls.

It was a beautiful car and it was totally her but

the way she slurred her words when giving the invite
made me pause and look at her.

“Bitch you drunk as hell you aren’t driving me

anywhere” I said.

Normandy reached into her purse and jingled at

her keys, pointing her hand in my direction to hand
them over.

The Truth About Some Lies

“You can drive it Yeti” I was waiting for the

laughter to come from her lips, it never did.

Normandy has never; I mean never let anyone

drive any of her cars let alone a brand spanking new
Mercedes. I knew she had to be feeling really nice to
even suggest it.

“Yeah bitch you drunk.” Everyone laughed as

she handed the keys over. Pretending not to know
why I would say such a thing.

I shirked my head as if to say never mind and

took the keys.

“Come on lets go” Normandy said sneering at

me as she opened the car door.

Leslie and Saundra got into the back seat

Normandy rode shot gun

“Wait, with your drunk asses! Where the hell is

boo?” I said. In all of the drunken excitement we
didn’t notice Boo had not made it to my house. “Oh I
know we all drunk now, we done forgot Boo.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I hadn’t even gotten the car out of park before I

realized it but still I forgot all about my sister and we
all sat silent for a moment, each of us pondering our
own personal reflection on the situation.

“Somebody call her please. I mean really its

9:00” I said.

“I’m calling now “Saundra said.

We waited a few seconds for a word from

Saundra, she finally begin talking.

“Hey babes what’s up, we’re all at Yeti’s, how

far away are you?” Saundra paused for an answer
and then replied “What! Hold on here’s your sister.”

I grabbed the phone and before I could say

anything she was ranting about how David was
suppose to be there with the kids and she was going
to take the car. He knew about this all week and she’d
been calling him for a few hours and he wasn’t
picking up. She stated how worried she was that
something may have happen to him.

The Truth About Some Lies

Now this was one of those times that I could’ve

either played into her obscene worry over some
ridiculously curious coincidences or just simply keep
it real; I chose the let’s keep it real road. I laughed
calmly and in the most condescending tone I could
manage repeated the situation back to her.

“So what your saying is. You told your husband

with ample warning that tonight you wanted to spend
the night with the girls. He agreed to baby sit his own
kids and let you use your own car that you work for
and pay for each month.” She tried to interrupt.

“Yeti now’s…” I quickly cut her off.

“No wait I’m just making sure I have this

straight. So now you’re calling him, when he knows
he should have already been home and now he is not
answering the phone.”

“No, he’s not answering” she said softly.

I said.

“I think he is playing games. I don’t know why

he would do this but I don’t think I can go.”

“Bullshit!!” I hollered. “Oh you’re going.”

The Truth About Some Lies

Now I’m not normally one to interfere in the

relationships of others but enough was enough this
wasn’t the first time some shit like this had happened.
As much as I liked him and tried to always respect
the solitude of their relationship, this was just plain
old fucked up and it wasn’t going down like that.

”Well let me ask you first.” I said. “Do you still

want to go?”

“Hell yeah I need to get out Yeti, I’m going

bonkers in here.” That’s what I thought she would

“Ok well let’s call Dina, let me call you back” I


Dina was always up for watching the kids, she

was an older lady in her early 60’s, and she never had
any kids of her own and always watched everyone’s
children. So I called her.

“Hey Miss D, how are yah?” I asked.

“Same as yesterday” she replied.

The Truth About Some Lies

This old lady always had a comeback or funny

phrase she would say in fact sometimes I plagiarized
her humor causing many laughs at work.

“Miss D I need you tonight, you up for the kids.”

“Girl I’m up and down for the kids.” I laughed at

her funny ass, she was just comical.

“Thanks bunches mama, we’ll be on our way” it

was set.

“So what’s the deal?” Normandy asked as I

hung up the phone.

I explained the whole conversation to them in


“But we straight, we just have to drive two cars

now so I need to get my truck.”

Saundra hopped from the back seat and

immediately pulled her car from my driveway. Leslie
was in the back seat spewing off her normal

“See this is fucked up, she need to leave his ass.

If he did something like that to me I’d be divorced.”

The Truth About Some Lies

Normandy rolled her eyes to the top of her head

and gave her one of those nasty looks she could give
when you have plucked one of her nerves.

“You have to actually find a husband, before you

can get divorced.” She said to Leslie.

I laughed at her comment, it was cold but it shut

Leslie right the fuck up, otherwise she would have
gone on and on.

“Saundra drive” I said as she returned to

Normandy’s car. Handing over the keys to her, I ran
and jumped in my truck I back out and pulled up
beside them “ok follow me ladies.”

We were in route to Boo’s house I called her to

let her know we were coming to the rescue.

“Did he call back Boo” I asked.

”No” she answered. “And I’ve stopped trying.”

“Good” I said. ”Don’t worry we are on our way.

Be ready, we’re going to take the kids to Dina’s they
can spend the night. There’s no telling how late we
will be out.”

The Truth About Some Lies

“Ok” she said. I could tell she was excited but

could still hear a touch of worry in her voice.

“Hey, and be ready” I laughed.

“You said that already” she giggled.

She knew exactly why I made the statement

more than once; it was just something you had to tell
my sister; she is one of those people who, when you
talk to them on the phone they’re ready and all the
need to do is put their shoes on but when you get to
their house it’s a different story. They might be half
dressed with a hundred other things they need to do
before they can leave, that was Boo in a nut shell.

The Truth About Some Lies

We reached her house in less than fifteen

minutes, she lived thirty minutes away but with the
85mph I was pushing with Saundra coasting right on
my tail we made it in 15. When I jumped out the
truck I could see Normandy fussing and whaling her
hands around, Saundra was just sitting there laughing
her ass off. I assumed Normandy lost her mind about
the way Saundra was driving her car and let her have
it once they parked. I walked up the steps to Boo’s
house, the door opened as soon as I reached the top
step. My nephew came bursting out like a little fire

“Aunty, aunty.” He said hollering at the top of

his lungs. He was my sweetie toot toot; he jumped
into my arms giving me a big hug and kiss.

“You’re getting so big funny face; aunty can

barely hold you up.”

“Aunty, I’m three” he said with the brightest

smile on his face.

“I know baby, you’re a big boy now”

“Yeah I’m a big boy” he replied.

The Truth About Some Lies

My niece came to the door holding two bags and

gave me a kiss on the cheek.

”Hey aunty” she said.

“Hey aunty?” I replied as if asking a question

she laughed at the way I twisted and turned my head
when I responded.

She was Fifteen now, it was hard to understand

how she had grown so fast and it seemed like
yesterday when she use to run and jump on me the
same way my nephew did.

“Come on growny” I said. Still carrying my

nephew she followed behind me.

“Yeti we need the car seat?” Boo yelled from the

open door.

”No I have his old one in here, he can just use

that.” As she walked back in the house I whispered
under my breath “here we go with shit I knew she
was going to be ready.”

The Truth About Some Lies

My niece laughed at my comment and got in the

back seat. I strapped my nephew in snug and waited
for Boo to come out, surprisingly she didn’t take long
and before I knew it she was strapping in beside me. I
could see that Normandy and Saundra had calmed
down their fussing; I could see them in the rear view
bobbing and weaving their heads around laughing
and jamming to whatever they were listening to on
the radio. I was anxious to get the party started as
well; so many things had been on my mind lately, I
just wanted to drown in a drunken abyss of
nothingness, meaningless conversation, sure flirting
and plenty of drinks.

“I tried him one last time, still no answer” Boo

said as I put the truck in drive. I looked in the back
seat to see if the kids where paying attention before I

“Well then you’ve done your job, you’re not

gonna worry about this all night right boo?” She
answered back in an excited tone.

“Nope, I’m gonna get right tonight” she sang.

The Truth About Some Lies

I just laughed at her and drove off. When we

reached Dina’s house we got those kids out of the
truck so fast and in the house I know their little heads
where spinning. On the way back to the truck we
stopped at Normandy’s car.

“OK, so where to first ladies” I said.

”I don’t know” Leslie replied from the back seat

“this is your shebang.”

“Actually its Boo’s shebang but…” I was

interrupted by Saundra who suggested.

“Let’s go to the strip club and get some drinks


“Good idea” I said. “Which one do you think we

should go to babe?”

“The Golden Labrador on 8th” she replied.

“Hold on wait, a chick club” Leslie frowned.

The Golden Labrador was a high end strip club

admission was by membership only and membership
wasn’t cheap. Yes it was a women’s strips club and
with Saundra being the biggest Lezbo on earth, she
had a platinum membership.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Yeah why not” Saundra replied in a defensive


“Because some of us like dick Tricksy” Leslie


Tricksy was a name Leslie always called Saundra

whenever they got in to it and she absolutely hated it,
nobody knew why.

“I guess there’s only one pussy for you, huh

Leslie and we all know who‘s it is, “Normandy said.
She wasn’t letting Leslie have an inch; she had been
all over her all night like OUCH!!!

We all looked around at each other soaking in the

embarrassing comment, if there wasn’t any truth in it
we sure couldn’t tell because yet again it shut Leslie’s
ass right on up.

Well I’m down” Normandy stated “shit you can

always get free drinks at a strip club.”

“What are you so worried about Leslie, strip

clubs are always full of dick” Boo said and laughed
on the way back to the truck.

The Truth About Some Lies

It was true, if ever there where a shortage of men

just follow the trail of tits and ass and yea shall find
them at the strip club. I followed Boo to the truck and
punched the name into the GPS. It gave directions
but they were way off center.

”I hate this dam thing” I said. “This shit be

lying its ass off sometimes.”

Boo laughed as Saundra started blowing the horn

behind us.

“I guess she would know where it is” Boo said.

I smiled at her anxiousness and pulled over so

she could pass. I loved following Saundra and vice
versa my girl knew how to drive and was not scared
to whip that S class through every side streets and cut
through she could find. I didn’t even know where I
was until we pulled in front of the low key palace of

The Truth About Some Lies

We hit the door, Saundra flashed her card and we

were in like Flynn with VIP status. It was a huge
spot; I never would’ve guessed that by its outside
appearance. It was divided in sections by these two
huge columns, the flooring was a tan colored marble
with cream accents, from the cherry wood bars that
lined each corner of this place to the marble stage
that seemed to wrap around the full length of the
club, this spot was plush. There were women
everywhere on and off the stage and these weren’t the
type of women who you could find in the back alley
of any drug infested neighborhood sucking dick for a
dollar; these Chica’s where hot and would look to
cost a pretty penny if ever a purchase were made.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra led us towards a booth, it was her show

and she played her role well, she was in her element;
we had cigars and glasses of brandy before we even
took a seat. There was nothing shoddy about this
place I didn’t expect that there would be or Saundra
would have never suggested it. I also didn’t expect to
be sipping on an eighty year aged glass of brandy or
inhaling the intoxicating aroma and taste of a Rome
Juliet Red Label collection either. We sat down at the
booth one sliding in after the other but I stood to the
side of for a moment just taking in the scenery.
Saundra smiled and walked over; she placed her
finger under my chin forcing my gaze upwards.

“Oh my God” I said allowed “now that is hot.”

Everyone’s gaze followed mine and caught a view of
what I can only describe as living light. Somehow
they’d managed to design the ceiling so that it looked
like a night’s sky, stars twinkled above us in the pitch
black of the background and shadowy colored lights
swarmed through the sky dipping and turning into
each other.

“Aurora” I said.

“What” Boo asked?

The Truth About Some Lies

“Aurora Borealis” I said “It looks like the

Northern Lights” I puffed at my cigar in amazement
and wondered how on earth I could pull something
like that off in my bedroom.

“It looks spooky as hell” Normandy said and

Leslie agreed.

“Yeah, it is a little scary babes.”

“I think it’s absolutely beautiful” Boo said as she

smiled in Saundra’s direction.

“Sit down girl, that’s because you don’t get out

much” Normandy said.

Normandy was being a smart ass but it was

funny so we all laughed and it was true too so Boo
laughed with us. We eased back into the comforts of
the booth noticing, not so much the club any more
but the people in it, I must admit Boo was right the
men were in the house. A hostess came around
offering more drinks, it seemed we had some
admires, quite a few actually. The drinks had been
paid for and as we raised our glasses to the men who
coughed up what I was sure was a hefty sum for a
bottle of Crystal; I noticed a few others were giving
us there attention as well.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Now with all this prime ass tooting around, we

are sitting here fully clothed not a pound of cleavage
between us and they can’t keep their eyes off this
table” Normandy said. She shrugged her face in a
contusion of confusion and continued sipping at her

“Why is that? “ Leslie asked with curiosity.

“Well…. it’s simple we’re real” Boo said. “We

are not sitting here giving a show; we are a realistic
version of what these men want. There are tits and
ass all over this place being pushed and forced in
their faces, so half of it is just pure sensory overload.
The other half is the simple fact that although these
women are beautiful and their bodies Goddamit are
close to perfection” she said looking around
frowning at the truth of her words. “They must be
paid for; there is no illusion of their purpose, no
mystery about them. They are pussy for sale...“

“Damn! Doctor Spock” Saundra said as she

raised her hand to the air and gave the classic Vulcan

The Truth About Some Lies

We all burst into laughter and returned the

greeting erupting in to the phrase “We Come In

The drinks where really kicking in, even Leslie

lost her smug attitude and begin to enjoy herself. We
continued our conversations and the fluctuation of
topics spiraled forward like a rollercoaster, most
times talking about the silliest shit and at others,
reaching ocean deep, letting our minds maul over
some serious social issues. We were there to have
fun but every topic wasn’t a pretty one and we found
plenty to disagree on. We laughed about our
differences and at times even made each other cry, we
each took our turns being pissed about life’s
challenges and happy to be alive. With all of the
emotional transformations at the table, the honesty,
the lies one thing remained true; the drinks kept
coming and we kept drinking, we even spread our
love around and interacted with a few of the locals.

The Truth About Some Lies

We got up a few times in an uncontrolled frenzy

to tip some of the dancers, giving up some of own
best moves in return, while dancing in place beside
them. At one point we even had the whole strip club
cheering our table on, in an exciting display of hip
bumping, booty shaking, getting down to the ground
funk of drunken friends. Out of breath from the
dancing and out of dollars from the locals I decided
to take a break.

“I’m all tapped out, I need some more ones” I

announced and headed towards the bar.

I could hear Saundra’s footsteps inches behind.

“That’s what I’m talking about” she said as she

reached the bar behind me.

The Truth About Some Lies

The bartender took no time to exchange a

Benjamin and hand me a stack of crisp dollar bills.
Saundra was ordering herself another drink and I
took some time to admire the art of the upper view
again. When my eyes let down to gaze over the
scenery again I spotted a small spinning light in a
corner of the room; the light dimmed and then
brightened and repeated the motion perpetually. I
squinted my eyes and tried to get a better focus of
what I was looking at; tapping Saundra on the leg I
pointed her view in the direction of the anomaly.

“Oh that’s Casper” she said.

I looked at her and turned my lip up while rolling

my eyes to the side.

“Um duh, explain you know I don’t know what

the hell you’re talking about.” She laughed at my
facial expression and tried to explain.

“Casper the Friendly ghost, as in the creepy

ghosts in your closet“. She lost her patience with my
stares of confusion. “Girl it’s a room, a place where
you can go and for fill all your dirty deeds.”

I had an idea of what she was saying but I

wanted her to spell it out for me.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Girl they fuck in there, you can go in there and

have sex if you want. There are a few rooms in there
and you just swipe your card at the door, platinum
member’s only.” she giggled as if to state she had
been in there and done the dam thing.

I looked at her, my eyes wide with captivation,

who the hell comes up with this stuff how was I
suppose to know Casper meant fucking? None of
what she just said made sense but it didn’t stop me
from being interested in what lay behind those doors.

“Can we go in” I asked.

“Sure” she said. “But what about the girls they

aren’t going to go in there.”

I glanced over to our booth to see if everything

was still so giddy, a stripper had descended on them
and they were drinking and chatting her up.

“They look pretty busy to me” I said “besides

we’ll only go in for a sec” I sated.

“Yeah ok, I got your second” Saundra laughed.

“You look to dam enthusiastic for just a second.”

The Truth About Some Lies

When we got to the door Saundra swiped her

card and said “Open Says Me.”

I laughed at her humor as the door clicked and

then opened. We entered and she was right, in the
seconds it took us to walk down the narrow hall I
could hear the moans and screams of voices in
pleasure. I was still curious about the light that kept
spiraling around causing that dimness and then burst
of sight as we walked in further. There were about six
rooms made of a thick glass and completely see
through; you could see images in them but it wasn’t
until the spiraling light hit at a certain angle that you
could get a clear view.

The Truth About Some Lies

It’s always been a fantasy of mine to go to a

place like this where you can just watch people get
off, a porno movie is one thing but the intensity of
live action is something totally different. I couldn’t
contain my excitement, for God’s sakes I could hear
people fucking all around me, the panting, the
breathing, the moans of enjoyment and it was really
turning me on. I was invited to a similar place like
this once but my date chickened out at the last minute
and I didn’t want to go alone. I was a little surprised
Saundra hadn’t mentioned this place to me before,
probably because she knows she wouldn’t have been
able to keep me out of there.

The Truth About Some Lies

We were peering through one of the rooms and

saw a couple savagely getting it in; I mean this guy
was really giving it to this chic. They were in a doggy
style position and the image of this man pulling at
this woman’s hair fucking her senseless, her screams
and yelps as he penetrated her suddenly had me in the
mood for a little fucking of my own. I could feel the
heat between them and I could just imagine the
friction of jabs he was daunting on her pussy; sweat
dripped from both of their bodies and the smacking
sounds of moist skin being slapped together in a
frenzy of lust had my attention completely. The
women yelled out with screams of agony, she
sounded like the pain was too much to take but the
look of pure pleasure on her face told a different
story. I could almost feel her orgasm coming on as
this man dipped behind her and thrust himself deep,
he too was overloaded by desire and they were both
fully aware that we were watching. He waved,
signaling for us to join them and if I’d been alone I
just might’ve but today wasn’t Yeti get her rocks off
day, it was chill which yah girl’s day and I stuck to
the plan. Saundra cringed at the sight of his
suggestion making faces of disgust and repulsion at
how he thrust his dick in this chic but never took her
gaze from the room. We looked at each other and

The Truth About Some Lies

laughed quietly as they fanned us away from their


“Let’s go to the next one.” Saundra said pointing

down the hall.

Leading the way she was just a few steps ahead

of me and stepped anxiously towards the next room. I
was busy peering back at the couple waiting for the
strobe to shine a better light on their images. I was so
affixed and waiting for the timing of the light I nearly
knocked Saundra over when she made a dead stop in
front of the next room. She stood directly in front of
the open doorway, peering forward to get a better

“Can you see them” I whispered.

The Truth About Some Lies

She never responded she didn’t even take a

breath she just backed away silently and with a look
of disgust stood there stuck in place. I was scared to
ask and I was definitely scared to look, I had just
seen the movie Hostel and let me tell that movie
made me cancel my Euro-vacation; if she was
looking at anything close to that, I for damn sure
didn’t want to see it. I actually got a little nervous
because a few seconds had passed and she still hadn’t
said a word it was like a Jerry Springer moment;
when you know the guest has been called on the
show to be told a secret, you know and they know
that nothing good is about to happen but they
couldn’t keep from coming on the show and you
couldn’t keep from watching it go down.

The Truth About Some Lies

When I started hearing moans of ecstasy I was a

little confused and mustered up the nerve to step in
front of her and see for myself; relieved to see it was
just a threesome two men and a woman but the men
were going at each other as well, there was one bent
down on his knees sucking the other one off while the
woman stood masturbating in the corner. I thought to
myself this isn’t too bad, not really my thing but
nothing to get freaked out about, just then that dam
strobe shined a burst of light in the room and in a
moment of disgust and repulsion I backed away and
took my place beside her. I couldn’t believe what I
was seeing my mind was fine; it was my heart that
couldn’t stomach it.

“Is that him” she said.

“Hell yeah” I replied still staring in the room.

“Are you positive Yeti?”

The Truth About Some Lies

I was positive, it was David, Boo’s husband I

was so positive that the sickening sensation I felt in
my belly became an intense attack of anxiety and I
begin to hyperventilate. Saundra, shaken from her
entranced dream of revulsion grabbed my hand and
quickly led me to the exit; once back into the open air
of the club we escaped to the bar. She immediately
ordered shots, we knocked those back in seconds and
before the bartender had time to return the cork to its
bottle we’d pushed our glasses forward for another.

“What are the chances of this shit” I said. “I

mean really, who the fuck does this shit happen to” I
felt like screaming.

“Well I guess we know why he didn’t answer the

phone, he has his fucking mouth full doesn’t he”
Saundra laughed a nervous laugh.

She does that when her emotions become too

much for her, she‘s one of those people that will
laugh at moment when they should cry. Normally I
would find such a statement hilarious I might’ve even
thought of it myself but this was Boo’s husband we
were talking about.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Saundra there is nothing funny about this” I


“Sweetie, it’s not that kind of laugh.”

I knew she wasn’t making fun of the situation I

was just frustrated by the whole dam thing.

“I’m sorry babes I know it wasn’t.” I just shook

my head and didn’t bother to continue.

We looked at each other with stares of disbelief,

Saundra might be one of the most sexually liberated
people on earth, she has gone through every
experience and just happen to end up a lesbian and
my ideals on sex are as open as it gets but my ideals
were not the same as Boo’s and this was going to be a

“So are we going back in, or what!” Saundra

asked, cracking at her knuckles and balling her fist.

I paused at the thought of busting the door in and

wrecking the whole place, cursing him to high hell
for what pain I knew my sister was about to feel and
then kicking him in the nuts; it wasn’t a pleasant
thought and I decided against it.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Hell no we leaving “I said.

“We leaving how can we just leave.” she said.

The Truth About Some Lies

I didn’t know how this was going to go or when

we would deal with this but I knew we were leaving.
There is a big difference between knowing something
like this and seeing it firsthand; people have died for
less and seeing someone you love in a position of
mutiny causes some nuts to crack, I think even a few
brain cells die from the shock. Why else do men kill
their wives or wives shoot their husbands behind shit
like this, it’s because in few seconds of shock you’re
unable to reason; an acute disruption of electrode
flow, hence brain damage. That wasn’t going to
happen right now, not in here, not this way. I pulled at
Saundra’s arm and I looked over at our table we had
not been missed. Laughs of half drunkenness could
be heard; Boo’s laugh angered me because I knew it
would be sometime before I would be seeing her like
this again. As if reading my mind and with some
sense of sisterly intuition, she turned her head
towards the bar and found my gaze. She raised her
head up with a look of concern at what must’ve
looked like an expression of heartbreak on my face. I
was heartbroken, for her and myself for having to be
the bearer of truth but I quickly placed a smile on my
face and she returned to a relaxed position in her
chair and smiled back. Normandy turned her head as
well and waived us over. I put one finger in the air as

The Truth About Some Lies

if to say one moment and turned back around to

Saundra who was now facing the bar with her head
slightly down; as if we were using some secret code
we talked in low monotone voices covering our
mouths whenever we spoke.

“What the fuck are we gonna do” I said. “This is

some bullshit why do things like this happen to me,
what are the fucking chances.”

Um nothing happened to you Yeti it’s your

sister’s husband who is the cheating homo, not

“Girl you know what I mean” I said while biting

at my finger nails.

“I don’t want to do this; I don’t want to do this.’ I

repeated this over and over as if the chanting this
statement would release me from its chore

“So we are going to pretend like we never

walked in that room, is that what you’re saying to
me.”Saundra said in a disgusted tone.

The Truth About Some Lies

“No of course not but this has be thought out,

this is one of those determining moments in life that
make or break the rest of your existence” I was going
on and on and Saundra just gave me this blank stare.

“Bitch if you don’t get over there and tell your

sister her husband is in there fucking and sucking

I looked at her in shock and the words stung but

she was right what else was there to do. I already
knew I would but just not here. I knocked back a
double shot of Jack; I never drink whisky but had
recently picked up the habit from Quinn. He bought a
bottle every time he came over so I just kind of
stocked it in the house for him; I was learning to like
the taste but taking the whole swallow in one gulp
stung like hell. I needed it and it gave me the head
rush of courage I was looking for.

“Let's do this Saundra, let’s leave. We can tell

her when we get in the truck. That way Normandy
and Leslie don’t have to be all in her business if she
doesn’t want them to. “

“Well if we leave what proof do we have?”

Saundra questioned.

The Truth About Some Lies

“What do mean? We have the proof our word

that should be good enough,” I said.

I was really lifted and seriously feeling my

drinks. Saundra looked over at the booth with a pause
but then agreed to my suggestion.

“Ok lets go we‘ll tell her outside.” We walked

back to the booth.

“You ok Yeti” Boo immediately asked.

“Yeah” I answered. “Saundra had me over there

pulling shots and I’m just feeling them now” I
laughed lightly.

“Shots without us and where are the dollar bills

we've been waiting for. “ Leslie said in a drunken

“Oh no, not you miss I need dick in my life”

Saundra stated.

The Truth About Some Lies

Leslie let out an embarrassing chuckle, I handed

the dollar bills over and Leslie went to tip the
strippers and Boo followed. Normandy sat there in
amazement of what these women did for a dollar but
the money was gone in minutes, so it was actually
what they did for a hundred dollars, I laughed as they
came back empty handed

“She got yawl huh?”I said.

”Yeah that bitch was good,” Boo said and we all


I was waiting for the best moment to slip in the

notion that it was time to go, just then Leslie gave me
the perfect outing.

“Are we staying here all night,” she said. What

happened to going to the club I’m ready to dance? “

She was good for something after all I thought as

I looked over at Saundra.

“I’m ready let’s roll.” I quickly let the comment

go before anyone could protest.

Leslie was the first to rise from her seat,

everyone else took a drunken stand to follow.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Where are we headed?” Leslie asked still

looking confused with the fact that for the first time
that evening I had agreed with her about something.

“We’ll figure it out once we get outside” I said.

We all proceeded to the door in a drunken stupor,

we really had no business trying drive but the reality
of what was about to happen kicked in and I felt
myself sobering up. We reached Normandy’s car first
I looked around at the drunken bunch, Boo was
barely standing on her own, Normandy and Leslie
where together one keeping the balance of the other
slumped in a stance together. I opened the back door
to let Leslie in first once she sat in she rolled to the
side in a fetal position and hugged the back seat.
Normandy wasn’t doing any better she had Saundra
and Boo now holding her up on each side,

“Let my windows down “Normandy said in a

salivated slur of intoxication “if that bitch pukes on
my seats, I‘m gonna fuck her ass up” catching us all
with a spray of spit as her last words slurred.

“Ok Saundra it’s up to you again.” we laughed at

the situation with all the drinking we had done we
where we still the most sober of the bunch.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Where we gonna go yawl it’s still early I don’t

get to do this often” Boo said as she helped me hoist
Normandy into the passenger seat.

Saundra had run around to the other side of the

car and let the windows down, the night air had a
cold chill and would sober anyone one up quick. “

Let’s just head to the house” I suggested and

Saundra backed me up.

“Yeah we all drunk as hell anyway”

“In the house” Boo said and just as she began to

disagree she looked across the parking lot and
changed subjects real quick.

”Hey, is that my car” she said in a long drawn

out sentence. “I think that’s my car.” she squinted in
the direction of the blue magnum wagon.

I looked at Saundra catching a glance from her

that said “I told you so.”I took a deep breath.

“It is isn’t it?” she said in a drunken murmur. “

“Yes boo, and David’ is inside.” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Inside” she repeated in shadowy haze of

disbelief. “You saw him?” she asked.

“Yeah Saundra and I saw him and we didn’t want

to cause a scene inside so that’s why I said lets go to
the house. I was going to tell you in the car”

I started pulling her to the side so my words

wouldn’t be heard by the others and then I picked the
conversation back up. “I was going to tell you in the
car and see what you wanted to do so that everyone
wouldn’t have to be involved, you know what I

She had a desperate look on her and the

realization of the moment struck her.

“So he came to a strip club while I was waiting

at home for him to bring me my car” “yeah that’s
exactly what he did” she stated answering her own
question. “Uh and is this why he couldn’t answer his
phone” she said.

“You don’t know the half” is what I was thinking

but what came out my mouth was “I guess so Boo.”

The Truth About Some Lies

She was becoming more and more agitated by

the second and I didn’t even have time to jump in
with the true nature of his visit before Saundra began
pointing towards the club bringing my attention to
the doorway; a crowd of people where exiting the
place and he was amongst them. Boo was pacing
back and forth murmuring incoherent revelations to
herself and I quickly grabbed her arm in one passing
turn and spun her around to face me.

“Ok whatever we going to do we gonna do it now

because he’s coming outside.” I turned around as the
crowd dispersed.

“Aaw fuck! “ I could see him hand in hand

leading a woman through the parking lot. Before I
had to time to react Boo bolted from my grasp; she
ran up on and immediately went at him, swing and
punching, spewing words of infidelity and curses of
damnation. Saundra and I followed not far behind,
she was fucking him up and no one had the guts to
stop it. The woman he was he was with stepped back
in amazement and shock and did a little screaming
and yelling of her own.

The Truth About Some Lies

“You stupid fuck head your married?” she yelled

and folding her arms together; she murmured to
herself “I can’t believe this shit, oh this mother
fuckers gonna take me home.”

This shit was unbelievable, I turned towards her

direction and gave her a vicious stare; I was in no
mood for anything extra from this chick, at that
moment I heard Saundra giving her some good

“Sweetie if you have cab fair, I suggest you go

catch one. “

Realizing the truth of the situation; that Boo was

not by herself and how it would probably only take
Saundra and I about twenty seconds to stomp her into
the fucking pavement, she got herself together and
walked away.

The Truth About Some Lies

Boo was still all over him whipping his ass, all he
could do was move backwards and fight to keep his
balance with each step. Finally in a desperate attempt
to stop her; he held her arms to her sides calming her
down a little, she stood in place for a moment and
then shrugged from his hold. Turning her back to him
she walked away, he followed but was trailing to
close behind her because the next thing I know, she
whaled off and gave him a slap upside his head that
sounded like a clap of thunder. A long drawn out
“Daaaamn” could be heard from the crowd that
formed behind us and she started in on him again,
pressing him backwards, he grabbed at her again this
time wrapping her in a bear hug.

“Baby Please! Calm down” he said.

Those weren’t the best words to say to a woman

who just caught you cheating but we could hear him
begging and pleading for her to stop. The yelling
quieted and no more fist where thrown they began
standing together speaking softly, the fuss was over.
Disinterested in the calming scene the crowd began
to disperse, I hadn’t even noticed that Normandy and
Leslie had joined up beside us.

The Truth About Some Lies

Security decided to walk up after the commotion

had subsided and said to us “everything Ok.”

“Now aint that a bitch” Normandy said in a sly

tone before giving her full response. “Well
everything is ok now” she taunted. “But where were
you fifteen minutes ago when the shit was hitting the

The security guard decided to ignore her

comment and leave the situation alone; he walked
back into the club doors never giving us a second

The parking lot went back to a cold silence as if

nothing had ever transpired. Boo started towards our
direction, her face stained with tears she looked as if
terror had stricken her heart.

“Hey guys, I’m going home.” she said with a

somber voice. “I, I just need to go home” she

“OK” I said. “We will take you home but listen I

need to talk this over with you beca…” she cut me

The Truth About Some Lies

“No its cool Yeti, David is going to drive us

home, we have to talk this thing out. “

I peered over her shoulder to see him waiting

beside the car, giving her a disheartened look I bit my
tongue. I needed to tell her the rest of the trauma but I
couldn’t, I didn’t even know how; Leslie and
Normandy were up and alert they had been
completely sobered by the excitement and were
attentively listening to us speak.

“Alright” I said taking one huge breath to exhale

“but I need you to call me when you get home so I’ll
know if I need to help you bury a body later. “

The light humor cracked a small smile on her

face, she giggled lightly, it was a saddened laugh and
I could hear her of a river of pain behind it.

“I will” she said. “I’ll call you later, sorry for

jacking up the night.”

“You didn’t jack up the night girl this is the most

excitement I’ve had all year.” Leslie said laughing at
her own comment; thinking what she’s said was
funny, no one else did and no one else laughed.

The Truth About Some Lies

I decided to break the awkward silence and

change the mood.

“It's true Boo you didn’t mess up the night,

handle your business and call me when you get
home; just remember I need to talk to you about this

“Yeah ok, later Chica’s” was her reply as she

walked towards her car.

David was still standing at its side he raised his

arm and gave us a wave, no one waved back. As soon
as Boo was out of ear shot, Normandy in a flurry of
gossip filled excitement began to ask questions.

“Ok, what are you bitches keeping from me.

What the hell happened? When did u see him, what
was he doing. Did he see you?” I mean she went on
and on asking a hundred questions that neither
Saundra nor I where prepared to answer.

I just simply stated. “Listen, if boo wants you to

know all her business she’ll tell you herself.”

“Know all her business” she replied. “She just

whipped her mans ass in front of a crowd of fifty
people, her business is out.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I paid her no attention; I just simply walked

towards the car asking her if she was sober enough to
drive. Saundra managed to get ahead of the rest and
walked along side me, we quietly whispered back and
forth about the dramatic event.

“Oh yawl just gonna converse now huh? We all

friends dam” Leslie said from just a few steps
behind. “Why yawl like that sometimes.”

She was so irritated with the idea that all kind of

bones where falling out of the closet and she couldn’t
even get a whiff of what we were talking about.

“It be like dat sum time” I said in the ghettoist

voice I could muster. “Just follow me chic.” I could
hear her murmuring behind me.

“See she always thinks she’s like the leader of

the pack or some shit. “

“Shut up would you” Normandy responded.

I really wasn’t in the mood for Leslie, the alcohol

had long since worn off and my patience was thin.

“Hey you better get yah girl” I said to Saundra as

we reached the hood of my truck.

The Truth About Some Lies

“She doesn’t mean any harm Yeti.”

“Yeah ok” I said. “She got mouth, she better

remember we’re friends by coincidence, that’s your
girl not mine” and with serious definition I continued
“keep her straight or she can get straightened, I’m in
no mood.”

Saundra ignored my last comment it was the only

way she knew to subside my frustration, she just
ignored me. Normandy and Leslie walked between
the vehicles, Leslie parted to the rear of the car, and
Normandy slid into the driver seat. She asked
Saundra for her keys as Leslie opened the back door
and got in.

“You leaving” Saundra said, handing Normandy

the keys.

“Yeah I’m gonna drive her back and then I’m


It was a mutual sentiment and Saundra and I

agreed. The evening was done, it was sexy, it was
fun, full of revelation and drama; it was a well
needed escape from monotony, it was a night with my
girls and the party was over…..

The Truth About Some Lies


Loving the One Your With-

November 11th

This conversation should have happened days ago.

“So what you’re saying to me is my husband is a

homo?”Boo screamed loudly into the phone.

The Truth About Some Lies

Almost a week had passed since the incident at

the strip club and I’d just gotten the nerve up to call
Boo again and tell her the whole story. The fact that
she never called me that night or didn’t answer the
phone for three days didn’t help my already reluctant
nerve. I still felt kind of idiotic explaining things to
her after so many days had passed but she needed to
be told.

“I don’t know what I’m saying Boo, I’m just

trying to tell you what happened.” I said calmly.

“Yeti you just said you and Saundra saw David

sucking some guys dick, right?” she asked.

“Yes that’s what we saw” I said

“If saw you’re a man with a dick in your mouth,

doesn’t that make you a homo?”

She had a valid point and I really wanted to give

a definitive answer but when you’re talking about
sexuality nothing is black or white, you could go
blind from the shades of grey on this subject alone.

“Boo I just don’t think you can be that defining.”

I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Why the hell not” she replied

“Well because I just don’t think it’s that simple,

it’s obvious he loves you and you guys still have sex

I’d just thought to ask that question and honestly

the answer was going to determine which way the
conversation was going. If they weren’t having sex
then she might just be right about the homo thing, I
was praying she wasn’t. She laughed at the question
but answered

“Almost every fucking day”

I breathed a long sigh of relief, I mean she never

alluded to having any problems in that area but when
it comes to relationships I’ve learned that, people
show you what they want you to see. From the
outside looking in you will never have the full
picture, you’ll never know what the fuck is going on
behind closed doors, someone could be getting their
ass whooped, they could be wearing each other
panties and some if not both could be on the DL, no
one really knows. If someone ever thought to take a
peek behind my closed doors, they might just think
I’m fucking crazy.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Thank god.” I said. “Then there you go babes,

he’s probably just freaky as shit.” I was silent for a
moment still just trying to make sense of it and trying
to find the right words.

“Honestly Boo, I think some men are just super

freaks they have no otherwise interest in men except
for a sexual one.” I said. I was speaking the truth and
from my heart

“Like they would never be caught dead on a date

or in a relationship with one, but if one wanted to
bend down and suck there dick they wouldn’t have
any objections to it.”

I tried to explain this to her rationally and have

my words make sense grasping at straws because at
his cover, I was pretty much defending my own

“Think about it like this boo, I can’t stand the

company of women. I mean we really have to be
close for me to even chill with you but I’ll fuck one in
a minute does that make me a dyke, no it makes me

The Truth About Some Lies

“Ok, ok I’m getting the point” she said. “Now

what the hell do I do about this? “

“Talk to him” I said. “Find out how deep this

underground river runs.”

She sighed and I could feel her frustration, I mean

what a married woman ever thinks they would be
having a conversation like this, what woman period.
She breathed deep into the phone and said.

“Yeti I don’t even know where to start". She said

in a soft voice. The conversation lingered on for a
long while, we talked about the many different ways
this could be handled, she ended up saying she was
just going to talk to him about it and let fate decide
the conversation. I agreed it was a good idea and was
really the only thing to do. We decided to talk later
she’d developed a headache and promised to call
again in the evening after the kids had gone to sleep.

I sat there on the couch reflecting on the

conversation, my eyes begin to swell with tears; it
wasn’t really sadness but the anxiety of change. I
knew somehow something was going to be different,
I could only hope for the better. I went to the freezer
where I kept Quinn’s jack on ice and poured myself a

The Truth About Some Lies

glass it was way too early to be drinking but I needed

it. I Thought to myself I had been drinking a lot lately
maybe I would cool out for a few days before I
created myself another habit that I didn’t need. But it
was good going down and I poured another sip
promising not to have more until later. Drunk at 9am
is not a cute, I sat there on my couch in a seated fetal
position thinking of how strange life is here I was
with the image of this perfect man my sister had
married, I mean really if I could have cloned him I
would have long ago. He was great, he loved his kids,
he took care of home and he was a real man besides
the occasional controlling issues he had in my mind
he was just perfect and now my thoughts of him had
been tarnished. I wondered if this was what I had to
look forward to, was I going to wake up one day and
tarnish Quinn’s image of me. I was slow sipping this
second glass of jack; I was beginning to feel the first.
I decided to play some music and was in the mood
for some Nina Simone she always got my mind right.

I played her soft but wickedly sensual tunes on a

record player, one of those old school record players
my dad had given me for my birthday last year. You
could hear the music crackle and creak letting you
know you where listening to real melody, no

The Truth About Some Lies

animated over tone or cut studio sound, a real classic.

I danced around the living room naked, the morning
sheets barely wrapped around me swooning back and
forth to the sweets sounds of music drowning myself
in its melody. I do have a habit of enveloping myself
in emotion with these moments alone. Thoughts of
Quinn came to mind and the many nights we did just
that sat in the living room listening to music and
dancing with each other slowly for hours, going over
our favorite oldies and the new songs that reminded
us of love. I finally spoofed myself back down on the
couch and finished my drink, swirling it around in
my glass and then taking one full gulp, emptying the
cup. I relaxed into the cushions, I was tired and tipsy
and it just felt good to be absorbed into the softness
the fabric. My eyes closed, glass in hand as her music
rocked me in a cradle of tunes and I went back to

The Truth About Some Lies

The Truth About Some Lies

I was awakened by a ringing in my ears still half

sleep; I was jolted by the idea of the sound being the
smoke alarm. I jumped up in haziness of lingering
buzz from the drinking I had done, my eyes were still
unfocused and the sound of glass hitting the floor
caused me to be more alert. I realized it was the
phone ringing

“Now who the hell is calling me this early” I said

allowed, until I looked at the clock on the wall

and realized I had slept well past four, my whole day
had flown by in just a moment of closing my eyes. I
stumbled to the phone just to have the ringing stop
when I reached it


I thought I guess they will call back; the phone

The Truth About Some Lies

rang again just as I was returning to the couch. It

was Saundra I had consulted her that morning before
the call to Boo to make a game plan about how the
conversation should go.

“You never called me back punk”

I was suppose to give her an update on the

situation but in my solemn slump forgot to call her

” My bad babes, I fell asleep.” I said.

“Ilk you sound like u got a group of frogs singing

in you’re the throat, what the heck is going on with
your voice”

I laughed at the comment.

“Shush your mouth, I just woke up. Give me a sec

hold on,” I placed the receiver down and went to the
fridge poured a glass of orange juice and returned to
the conversation. “I’m back” I said. “

The Truth About Some Lies

“Now that’s better she contorted, I was about to

come see how many dicks you had stuck down your
throat” she laughed. “So tell me did you get to talk to
her, does she believe you, is she going to ask him
about it?”

She spilled these questions all in one breath, that’

show Saundra she speaks sometimes, in whole
phrases without taking a breath and can tell you a
whole story in two seconds.

“Slow down jabber jaws damn. Can I answer

those one at a time” I said.

She was silent, she knew she had asked lots of

question and was self conscious about her ranting so
many people had told her how annoying it was. I
myself didn’t mind it, it was just how she was and in
those moments of silence I regretted even making
mention of it.

“I actually like that about you babes, you can get

it all out in one sentence. While other people like to
take all day about”

Her voice returned with a giddy tingle in her


The Truth About Some Lies

“So what happened chick, all the suspense is

killing me.”

I explained how the conversation went in detail

and she retuned her comments and concerns.

I walked over to the window with phone in hand

peeked through the blinds while Saundra was still
talking I looked over at Marcuse’s house and saw his
car was parked he was home, he had company though
because there was another car parked in the drive as
well. I had seen the car before couldn’t put my finger
on where.

“I see Marcus is occupied” I said the words came

out a little louder then anticipated.

“Huh?” Saundra broke her conversation.

“Oh yeah” I said sorry I was thinking out loud

‘Marcus has this car parked in his drive again I’ve
seen it before I think.”

“You like one of those little old ladies peering

through the window, nosey as hell about what the
neighbors are doing” she laughed.

I laughed back

The Truth About Some Lies

“Just one neighbor.” we both continued to

laughed, I was being nosey.

I had to admit I was very curious about it, I think

this had been at least the third time I had seen the car
parked in the drive and never was able to catch who
was coming and going. I had a good mind to sit there
in the window all evening until I was able to at least
get a glimpse. I really needed to mind my business
and decided against it. I was becoming way to
inquisitive about his coming and goings, a little more
than inquisitive and since we where nothing but what
seemed to be a quite often lay and the fact that I had
Quinn it, I shouldn’t have been concerning myself
with anything more than an orgasm.

My thoughts moved to him for a sec and as if

reading my mind Saundra said

“So how’s it going with the big Q.?"

I sighed at her intuitiveness.

The Truth About Some Lies

“He‘s great, everything is great. We went to

dinner last night at Charlie’s. He really has is turning
out to be a great guy and I tell you he’s is having
some kind of effect on me. I think about him most of
the day and try my best not to call him all the time
and so on and so forth.”

”sounds pretty serious babes.’ she said.

“I think it is Saundra, I wouldn’t say I’m in love

quite yet but I would say I’m possibly well on my
way.” I confessed.

“Ok so what do you need Marcus for, I mean

what’s up with that”

She always did give it to me with no Vaseline,

always asking the hard complicated questions.

“I mean is it just a new white boy thing or

what?” She said.

“Now you know damn well I aint got no white

boy fetishes, that’s not it. I mean you know it’s just
how I am, my body calls out and he answers that’s
it.” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“You sure, your body got you checking his drive

way like that” she laughed an irritating laugh, like I
said always straight up no chaser.

I decided to change the subject back to Quinn.

“Saundra Quinn has the potential to be everything
I’ve ever wanted in a man sex has nothing to do with

“Honey who are you kidding, sex has everything

to do with it, especially when your man doesn’t know
what you been up to” she said

The Truth About Some Lies

That’s the first time I begin to a get a sinking

feeling in my stomach about the way I was but Quinn
and I had never established we wanted to be
exclusive and I had to really ask myself if I could be
exclusive where my orgasms were concerned. God I
hated when she made me think about things like this.
I was much better off in my own delusional sense of
comfort, consoled in the fact that I have always
considered myself single until married. The
relationships I’ve been in, have been just that
relationships they come and go, no commitments for
a life time have ever been made. I came pretty damn
close once but other than that it’s been a convenient
emotional outlet and one of which I don’t claim

Quinn was a great friend, lover, partner but we had

made no formal commitments to each other and that
was that.

Saundra eventually let me off the hook, but she

had me thinking of him so when I got off the phone
with her I decided to give him a call. I replayed the
record from earlier turning the volume on the
speakers down so that all that could be heard where
the softest of tunes in the back ground.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Hey love” I said as I heard him pick up on the

other end.

“There’s my girl, I been trying to call you all day


I thought about his words and didn’t remember

seeing any missed calls on the phone but for that
matter I don’t even remember answering the phone.

“Wow really baby I been in all day but I have

been out of it so I didn’t hear the phone. I’m sorry
love I was sure in here, just knocked out” I said.
“What’s up you needed me or you just wanted to chit
chat.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I always need you, but yeah just wanted to chat

it up. I can’t see you until tomorrow because I have
to work late tonight” he said with disappointment.

His job was one where he could be working all

kinds of hours or be gone for many days at a time it
was cool with me but seemed to bother him when he
couldn’t spend the time he wanted to.

The Truth About Some Lies

“If I had a key love, I could just come snuggle

and lay beside you when I get off without you having
to worry about you getting up and letting me in and
all that” he slipped that in really smooth.

I hadn’t even noticed the potential of what he

was saying until I repeated his words back to myself.

“A key” I whispered softly not realizing I’d

repeated it out loud.

“Yes a key love, as in an object that opens your


Silence took the phone as I thought about what he

was asking, where we at that point I asked myself? I
didn’t know if I was ready to be.

“Did I say something wrong baby you got real

quiet, the key thing is no big deal I was just putting it
out there, don’t think about it too hard.”

“Baby” he stated again and his last statement

broke me out of my trance.

“Oh no baby sorry I got stuck” I started to laugh

and ease the mood

The Truth About Some Lies

“The idea doesn’t repulse me I don’t think I’m

completely ready for that but it is something to think
about ok.”

“Ok” he said. “So tell me about your day

anything other than being a sleepy head, go down
today?” He said smiling through the phone again.

“No not really, but I think your turning me into a

functional alcoholic” he laughed

“What? Woman you where an alcoholic when I

met you, and I can’t say your all that functional.”

I laughed uncontrollably, when I was finally able

to catch a breath between chuckles I said.

“Well I had two glasses of Whiskey before 8am

and now I’m sipping on another. I wouldn’t be
drinking this shit if I didn’t keep it in the house for
you chump. “I giggled “so yes it’s your fault, I’m
turning me into an alcoholic. “ I said.

“Oh that’s the true story, your ass was not sleepy
you where lifted, drunk ass self.” he begin to laugh
and so did I.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Well I’m not going to tell you what I was really

thinking about all this sleep. “

”And what was that?” I said still laughing with

him about the drunken comment.

”I don’t know, I was thinking pregnant maybe”.

Silence hit the phone again; this was definitely a
subject that was going to cause me some heartache.

“Well that’s the first thing that popped into my

mind.”He said.

“Really’ I said “well pop that shit right back out”

When the laughter was cut short and his voice got
serious, I knew it was coming.

“That wouldn’t be so bad would it? “

“A baby” I question as if the whole subject had

gone over my head.

”No a frog he said, yeah a baby you want some


The Truth About Some Lies

My god I thought, this man is touching on some

serious shit today; as soon as I start blabbing my
mouth about no commitments to each other and all
that crap here he comes with this. I hadn’t thought
about children in a long time and I wasn’t sure were
all of this was coming from. I didn’t remember us
talking about anything like this before but yes, I
guess I did want kids.

“Sure I want children” I answered the thought

pained me as I laughed through the reply. “About
eight if I can”

”Shit women you better get started don’t you


I thought to myself yes actually I better, I was

turning thirty pretty soon and although I had my
reasons for pro-creational amnesia, the clock was
ticking loudly.

”Yeah soon enough” I said

“Oh sorry my bad” he said “I forgot I can’t even

get a key, what makes me think you want to have my

The Truth About Some Lies

I pondered the comment, still wondering how the

hell we even got on the subject

“Do you?” he asked “want to have my babies?”

he let those last words roll of his tongue in the softest
voice I’d ever heard him speak; he was really asking
me this question.

“Yes” I answered without thinking, without any

comic relief or uneasy giggles, a simple “yes” but I
ruined it just seconds later. I was back sliding and tip
toeing my way through the answer. “Well, wait” I
said. “I mean in the future yes, if things work out
like there suppose too” I mean my dumb ass went on
and on with my bullshit until finally he was irritated.

“Love, we will talk about it another time” Quinn


I could hear the aggravation in his voice, I knew

my back peddling probably hurt his feelings or
something and I tried to smooth the conversation out
before we got off the phone but the air of
disappointment was too thick. I hung up the phone
feeling like somehow I had wronged him for the day.

The Truth About Some Lies

I turned my thoughts away from the nauseating

feeling, realizing I hadn’t eaten a thing all day; I
looked in the fridge to see what I could quickly pop
in my mouth. There was nothing I could just pop in
the microwave; in fact I didn’t even own a
microwave. I loved to cook but I wasn’t an instant
food kind of girl. You wouldn’t find canned
vegetables in my pantry or Dollar store seasoning on
my spice rack. I was serious about my food and
whatever I prepared took some time to cook. I
decided I hadn’t been out all day I would just have an
early dinner and see where the evening took me. I
thought about what I wanted to eat, breathing in deep
trying to catch a hint of what my taste buds where
asking for. The Red Sage would do, they had the best
lamb sausage I’ve ever tasted, spicy, sweet and melts
in your mouth. It was an appetizer but I’d taken
plenty a drive all the way into DC, just to satisfy my
taste for it. The Red Sage was a four star restaurant,
the apidemy of fine dining in downtown DC. I called,
made a reservation and got all gussied up.

The Truth About Some Lies

The black dress I selected was a long flowing

Maxi the front showed a little haltered cleavage but
the back of it made a dramatic plunge stopping just
above my cheek. My hair drizzled in loose curls that
pinned on one side, I applied my make up as I
normally do but placing a more dramatic look to my
eyes, wrapping myself in a mink shawl I fought the
chills of winter all the way to the car. On my way to
DC I thought to call Normandy and see if she wanted
to get a bite to eat. But decided against it, taking a
little time to myself might be just what I needed to
get a few things straight. This thing with Quinn was
getting serious all after and I needed to sit down with
myself and decide, where I was taking this.

The drive into the city was a good one, the sun
was just going down and I let some of the freezing
night air blow through my windows. There wasn’t
much traffic for a Friday night and even though it had
just snowed all the roads where clear, parking on the
other hand was terrible. There were absolutely no
spaces available and I’m not patient enough to go
block to block searching for one. I decided to valet
and pay the outrageous thirty bucks they wanted to

The Truth About Some Lies

When I walked in the restaurant I was seated

right away, I guess with a reservation for one there
shouldn’t have been much of a wait anyway. I was
seated by a very attractive waiter, he was a white guy
and you could tell his heritage was mixed with
something but he stood more on the Caucasian side
of the fence. I gave him a real quick once over, and
then literally smacked my own hand for taking the
glimpse “No more white boys” I said to myself god
knows I have my hands full with the one I’ve got.
Besides I wasn’t actually sure if I was over the dick
willies I get from the notion or if Marcus was just an
exception to the rule. I was seated in plain view of
the bar noticing, all the men and women entangled in
conversation, flirtations and such. Then like
something out of a damn hallmark movie, I see an old
couple sitting together enjoying themselves. They
had to be in their 70’s, they were sitting there holding
hands smiling at each looking so in love. I thought
“oh great now I’m now feeling sentimental.” For all I
knew these people could have just met each other but
I was in a mood that had my mind imagining they
had been together for forty years. Could that be me
and the big Q one day, I had a feeling it could.

The Truth About Some Lies

I’d kept the waiter in limbo long enough, I

ordered the sausage as always and it didn’t let me
down it was as succulent as ever. I wasted no time in
devouring the three small links and went on to order
my full meal. “Grilled lamb chops, broccoli florets
and pilaf rice.” is what I asked the waiter to bring.

The Truth About Some Lies

Keeping my attentions drawn towards the bar I

was in augh when I saw a familiar stranger, an ex in
simpler terms. Deon, “what a special surprise” I
thought, he was entangled in conversation with a
female companion and looked to be having himself a
good time. This was the last man who ever had a
chance at being a significant part of my life; I call
him a stranger because it’s been at least three years
since I’d seen him. He looked good, he looked really
good, his smile was still the same, bright and
charismatic and I could see he was still putting his
swag down on the ladies by the laughter coming from
his guest. How odd I thought it was to be seeing him
now, and wondered if I should even cause him notice,
I didn’t have to wonder long. He had noticed and
glanced over in my direction, his eyes brightened and
his lips curved upwards into a hypnotic curl, that
smile was always the death of me. Just then I was
pleased I had selected the Red Sage for dinner, not
because of the food but because it gave me the
opportunity to be viewed by an ex looking my best.
Every woman dreads the day she runs into her ex
looking anything less than perfect it could literally
ruin the rest of your week, today was not that day.
Confident with my attire and feeling downright sexy
about myself I gave him a smile like “right back at

The Truth About Some Lies

yah” and he couldn‘t resist a visit. He whispered

something in the girl’s ear, dismissing himself from
her company. I even stood as he approached; giving
him an eye full of all of me, just in case he missed an
inch. He walked over and gave a lingering hug, all of
his familiar curves pressed against me. He took a seat

“Well, well my sunshine” he said. He began

looking over his shoulder and round the restaurant for
an invisible companion, finally saying. “Alone?”

“Yes” I said smiling. How on earth have you

been Deon? “

“Baby I’ve been great, and I see you're looking

more beautiful than ever” He said holding his gaze to
mine. “Just scrumptious.”

Now that’s the response every woman wants from

her ex, that’s the look every woman wants. You may
never in your life want to be with your ex again but
wanting him to want you is a different story.

The Truth About Some Lies

I think your lady friend is getting a little

anxious,” I said. It had only been about ten minutes
but the chick began to peek her head around, she saw
us there talking and folded her arms defensively as
she waited at the end of the bar. “Um you might want
to get back to her she looks pretty pissed. “

“Oh shit” he said. “Ok wait a sec, I’ll be right

back, please doesn’t go anywhere.”

The Truth About Some Lies

“Ok” I said. “I won’t” I wasn’t going anywhere

anyway, my food hadn’t been served I thought as he
disappeared for a moment and resurfaced at the bar. I
wondered if the woman he was with was his
girlfriend, I didn’t think so I remember him being
more attentive. He would have never left me standing
at a bar to go chat with some other chick. Then again,
how men treat one they may not treat the other, it
really just depends on how they view you and what
they think they can get away with. He glared back on
his way to the bar giving a look of slight
embarrassment as he walked up to her. She gave him
a very dramatic smirk and forcefully said something
in his ear. He placed hands out to his sides in
explanation. She wasn’t having it, she pushed at his
chest and brushed pass him, bumping him as she
made her way for the exit. He turned back towards
my table and gave me a shirking laugh, motioning to
the bartender for a drink he stood there and waited. I
watched him standing there, my mind flashing back
on images of the past, rolling over some definite
good times we’d had together. He walked back
towards me drink in hand and slid next to me

“See what kind of trouble you get me into.”

The Truth About Some Lies

“Haa” I said me “I was sitting here minding my

business when a strange man decided to sit at my

“Strange man” he said

“Yup strange” I answered. He laughed as the

waiter came over to the table again.

“Any drinks before dinner” the waiter asked.

I started to order but Deon was faster and

answered the waiter before I could get a word out.

“The lady would like a Heineken please, and I’m

still working on this” he said. I smiled and so did the

“I guess you know what the lady likes” the waiter


“Sure” Deon said with a confident smile “I use to

be very much in love with this woman, I know
everything about her.” “Sometimes I think I still am”
he murmured under his breath.

The Truth About Some Lies

The waiter smiled and giggled as he left to get my

drink, I swear I couldn’t tell if he was flirting with me
or Deon but he was just all smiles. We continued our
conversation we talked about life, old times and
current challenges and relationships; I thought maybe
I was going to get a man’s perspective after all.

“So it’s just the one guy then? “ He asked puzzled

“I have to say, that’s not the Yeti I remember. “

“Well just one I’m dating” I responded.

“Ok I know what that means, now that’s more

like It.” he said. “I’ll tell you something good, you’re
a hell of a women I’ll definitely give you that but it
takes a hell of a man to be with you.”

“Well then you where a hell of a man to put up

with all my bullshit.” I said letting my sentimental
mood get the best of me. “Tell me something, how
did you do it? I mean really how did you stay with
me?” I asked.

He leaned back against his chair and took a deep

breath into his lungs. I could tell he didn’t want to
answer the question but I knew that he was going to

The Truth About Some Lies

“Honestly” he said. “I’d never met a woman like

you before, I still haven’t and you made everything
seem so normal even natural. You really made me
feel like…“ He took a second and paused clearing his
throat and building his nerve in the same breath. “I
thought you loved me completely, and it was like I
was the only man in the world with the key to your
heart, even if I wasn’t the only man in your bed. “

“Wow” I thought to myself, if I had to sum it up

myself I couldn’t have done a better job, that was
exactly how I‘d felt about him.

“Shit I wanted to leave but I couldn’t, your

fucking addictive, that and the fact you liked to watch
me fuck other women. Who the hell could part with

He laughed and it was true, it’s a small fetish of

mine I’m such a voyeur. If I can watch my man or
lover fuck or have their dick sucked by another
woman then I am truly in my element. We talked
more and the food came and went, it was getting late
and the conversation was at its dead end.

“Um I’m about to sound like such a bum” he


The Truth About Some Lies

“What, why?” I replied.

He laughed and lowered his head down on the

table rocking it back and forth; he looked up at me
with a tickled grin.

“Can you take me home?” I burst into laughter.

“Are you serious? “

“Yes” he said. “The girl I was here with, I forgot

we took her car. “

I cracked up laughing again and it was


“That’s what the fuck you get punk, gonna come

here with one women and try to leave with another.”I
said. “I would’ve left your ass high and dry to.”

He grabbed at my hands from across the table

interlocking his fingers in mine.

“Don’t you want to come see where I live Yeti?”

The Truth About Some Lies

It wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it and

the thump my pussy made when he did. That bitch
below was jumping, this wasn’t some newly sought
after interest, and some tickle in my pussy or jitters of
what could be. This was a well fangled tried and
tested absolution of ecstasy, my pussy could sense the
knowledge of his lust and the bitch was in heat.

“Sure I’ll cum, I mean take you home” I said.

With a smile he threw some money on the table,

grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit.
When we got out of the restaurant, I clenched my
shawl tight as the freezing night air hit me all at once,
and that wasn’t the only thing that did.

“Baaam” I could feel a terrible sting against my

ear, the sting of frozen cold wetness sliding down my
face. It stunned me for a second and I couldn’t figure
out what the hell was going on, until the second one

The Truth About Some Lies

“A fucking snow ball” I laughed in shock but

ducked for fear of another, it was the chick from the
restaurant and she was hurling them suckers like
Reggie Jackson. “Oh my god” I said laughing,
dodging and trying to stay on my feet at the same
time Deon was holding me up keeping me from
slipping in the slush. It had snowed a few nights
before and what was left of it was perfect snow ball
material. Slushy but not too wet and easy to form, not
one of those fluffy look like you might be able to take
a bite out of it snow balls but a hard nasty ball of grey
ice and this bitch had made plenty. Deon and I
scrambled, laughing while she was screaming at the
top of her lungs

“Son of a bitch” this and “Mother fucker” that.

The Truth About Some Lies

We did the only thing two people could do in a

situation like this, ducked down behind a parked car
and started making a few of our own. We were
laughing so hard I thought I was going to tear a lung.
He was rolling them up and I was hurling them right
back at her, jumping up occasionally from behind the
parked car to take aim and smacked a few against her
head. One shot was real good and that’s when we
decided to stop. I’d tossed it with quite a bit of force
and it smacked her right in the mouth, when we saw
the blood dripping down her chin, it was decided,
we’d had enough fun and we made a break for it.
There I was in heels, evening gown, and fur shawl
running down the middle of downtown DC trying my
best not to get smacked in the back of my head with a
snow ball. I thought to myself “What in the world,
never a dull moment”. We raced around the corner
getting out dodge, when we were sure the coast was
clear we crept back around to the Red Sage and got
the truck from Valet. He drove while I tried my best
to get my fingers warm from the frozen snow and we
laughed all the way to his house, it turns out he didn’t
really live that far from me.

The Truth About Some Lies

He invited me in for a drink and the opportunity

to warm up some before heading home; I knew it was
trouble when I accepted but I love trouble and try my
best to get into as much of it as humanly possible.
Walking into his house was like walking into my
own, shoes off at the door music playing seconds
after you enter and a nice cozy couch where you can
sit and wait for whatever happens next.

“Let me get you that Heineken’ he said and

disappeared for a minute.

I could hear the top of the bottle fizz as he

removed it on his way back to the couch. When he
handed it over and sat down beside me he
immediately looked down at my feet.

“You always did have pretty toes” He said.

“Thank you babes”

They were still frozen and wrinkly from the

wetness that seeped through my shoe but a pedicure
was a pedicure and he always did love my feet. We
chatted for a bit while I sipped at the beer, I’ll be
honest I’m not even clear on what happened between
us or when the talking actually stopped.

The Truth About Some Lies

He leaned in to kiss me and I returned the

sentiment with placing my tongue down his mouth.
His deep soft kisses excited my senses and took me
for a spin of familiarity. His hands where wrapped
around my neck he was massaging me with his finger
tips and his lips where covering my face in wet
kisses. He gently undid the pins in my hair and raked
his fingers through it.

“I want you” he whispered and I would have

thought it was quite obvious he could have me but
still asked “Can I make love to you?”

I didn’t give a reply, I just kissed him deeper

letting my mouth cover his and softly sucked at his
lips. There was his answer, and he accepted lifting me
from the couch and carrying me to his bedroom.
Laying me on his bed, he placed a kiss on my
forehead, then my nose and lingered at my lips. He
stood up still facing me walking in backwards step
towards to his dresser his gaze left mine for a
moment while he lit the few candles that where
already there. He returned his gaze to mine as soon as
he was done, and returned to the bed but this time
kneeling down beside it.

The Truth About Some Lies

He begin his assault, starting with my lips,

returning to those intimate soft kisses and spreading
them out all over my face again. By the time he
moved them to my neck my arousal was well peaked.
Everything about his touch was soft and sensual there
was intensity but it wasn’t hurried by lack of
experience, it was well contained sureness of intent.
His licks where slow and distinct intentionally
targeting the familiar areas, he worked his tongue up
and down my neck. I couldn’t contain myself; this
familiar pleasure had me groaning inside and out. He
moved his tongues attack lower and without
removing my dress he worked magic around my
nipples, sucking right through the sheer cloth driving
me crazy. I felt him moving his face around circling
on my breast, breathing in deep and exhaling puffs of
hot steam back onto my nipples.

The Truth About Some Lies

When he began to pull at my dress I hadn’t even

realized it was still on, he reached behind my neck
unhinged the halter and devoured me. I felt the warm
wetness of his tongue on my nipples this time flesh
on flesh sending my pussy into a swarm of excited
jerks and he took his time pulling, sucking at me
cupping my breast in his hand while his mouth
worked over my nipples. One at a time, then both at
one time back and forth giving no less attention to
either, and I was dizzy with desire. He played with
the wetness on my nipples; I could feel his saliva
dripping down my breast. I heard him moan into my
chest sending the vibration from his tongue shooting
down my body, god I had loved this part, just loved
it. He kept my nipples in his hands pulling and
twisting as he hovered over me.

The Truth About Some Lies

Barely touching his mouth to mine he descended

again blazing a trail of heated kisses down my body,
never loosing contact with my inflamed skin. He slid
down to my belly and begin licking and kissing all
around my navel sliding his tongue in and out its
crevice and driving me insane. My nipples where
tingling with desire from his touch, my pussy was
alive and vibrating with sensation of a well known
lover. He had total control of my wits and at any
moment I would lose my mind. He was the ultimate
foreplay master and he was doing his thang. He
flicked and slid his way under my panty line, I could
feel his tongue inching towards my clit sliding
sideways on my pussy forcing access through my
panties. I was well beyond wet and slipping fast as he
savored every drop, he kept moaning at the taste of
me and I kept moaning at the feel of him. The light
flickering from the candles and the haze of almost
unbearable pleasure was warping me to ecstasy. A
world wind of pure raw sensation and I couldn’t take
it anymore, I pressed my hand at the back of his head
urging him to press his tongue harder on my clit. He
would not, with my nipples still between his fingers
he slowly assaulted my clit with juicy licks and soft
teasing sucks of bliss, taunting me to greater heights
until I was about explode into a million pieces. When

The Truth About Some Lies

he was sure I was going to cum, he pulled my panties

down, pushing my legs up and spreading them apart
he buried his face in my pussy. I could hear him
sucking and moaning at me, the first burst of pleasure
was a vicious assault of uncontrollable shaking; my
legs had a mind of their own and my pussy squirted
orgasmic juices all over his face. He never said a
word he just sucked up every drop of my explosion
and slurped in his moans of excitement. I was
overcome by the first orgasm and was still struck
with its everlasting tingle but he did not stop, in fact
he locked my legs so that I couldn’t wiggle away and
slurped at me some more until another burst of hot
lava dripped from my pussy and he anxiously ate that
up as well.

The Truth About Some Lies

When he was positive I couldn’t take another lick

he quickly pulled his pants off and held his dick in
one hand, while rubbing and playing with my pussy
with the other, he just stood there watching me quiver
and shake. He lay over me and slipped his dick in
real slow pushing himself forward in me until I was
fully wrapped around him and he slow stroked me to
heaven, watching me with intense curiosity the whole
time. I could feel the pulsating beat of heat from his
dick sliding in and out of my pussy. I looked up at
him to see his face was strained with passion, every
vein was pulsating and sweat dripped from his chin
down my face and in my mouth. When he lowered
his position and put his full weight on me, our bodies
begin to slide, smacking and clapping from the
wetness between us. His thrust where slow and deep
his thumping at the back of my pussy causing both of
us to quiver and shake. His eyes were staring into
mines with such a love and I returned his gaze. With
his mouth just inches from mines I sucked at his lips
and his moans of completion could not be contained.
Grunting deep in his chest, teeth clenched and with a
look of immeasurable satisfaction he let go. It was
excellent, just fucking excellent he screamed out and
emptied his sticky lust with mounds off hot liquid
malt. The electricity between us was still in place and

The Truth About Some Lies

I remembered he was always like this, sex was

always a dance, a real slow grind of pleasure and it
was a welcomed change from the uncontrolled
passion of fucking to a the slow steady deliberate
sensation of love making. He’d touched me like he
loved me, not wanted me but loved me and it was

The Truth About Some Lies


The Big 30-November 30th

T he airport was packed with people trying to

escape the winter’s cold and getting through
security had been a long hot mess. I always
seem to be the one who gets picked out to go through
what they call a random security check. Heated and
upset I was explaining to the security officer, that
when you have to go through a security check every
time you fly, it can’t really be considered random. I
have no idea why this always happens to me, I
should’ve been use to it by now and if it wasn‘t for
the fact that I had twenty minutes to get to my gate I

The Truth About Some Lies

probably wouldn‘t have minded. My time constraints

got the better of me and I was fussing like hell about
being detained and let me just tell you, security
doesn’t give a fuck.

“Mam please set your feet on the designated

outline” the female officer had completely ignored
my ranting and went about her job.

I stepped my feet into the black taped outline of

two huge shoes, with inches to spare I thought to
myself “Who the hell has feet this big?” The
sarcastic little demon on my shoulder told me to ask
her this question but I decided to just shut my mouth
and do as she said. I definitely didn’t want to find
myself in one of those little rooms they have in the
back that no one ever likes to talk about. The female
officer patted me down while another officer checked
my bag, after a few seconds she gave me indication
that they were satisfied, I was not an undercover cell
working for the Alkietah and sent me on my way.

Fifteen minutes to spare, I was running through

the airport with my carryon bag. “I knew I should’ve
just checked the damn thing in.” I thought as I felt
the weight of it slowing my stride. “If I miss this
plane curse the heavens.” I was meeting Saundra at

The Truth About Some Lies

the airport for our annual getaway and if I missed this

plane she was going to kick my ass. Normally the
whole crew would go but this time it was just her and
I. We always a the trip around my birthday, this year
the two it fell on the same weekend, so I was really
excited and geared up to celebrate. I had my bags
packed the night before, with my travel clothes laid
out and I was ready to roll. I do always wait to the
last minute to get myself together, but it messing
around with Quinn that morning that had me running

It was purely my fault what should’ve been a

quickie turned into an hour’s session of rolling
around in the sheets. I was lying in bed, my eyes
were still closed and I wasn’t even sure how long I’d
been awake. Quinn and I had made love all through
the night and we must’ve hit every room in the house
before falling off to sleep, because in a moment of
unawareness I wasn’t sure if I was in my own bed. I
was however keenly aware of him breathing deeply,
soundly, lying next to me and it gave me a feel of
completion. I’m not sure if it was just him being near
me, his warm skin still pressed against my cheek or if
I was so marveled by this newness of this
circumstance, that it had my senses heightened.

The Truth About Some Lies

Whatever the case was, I couldn’t sleep. I was elated

with the knowledge that soon I would be in the
tropics soaking up foreign rays of sun but the
milestone that Quinn and I’d reached that evening
was deep on my mind as well.

This was my first morning waking up to him I

was finally at that point where I knew he could be the
one and I proved it by letting him spend the night. I
was elated by my decision and it had taken me a
while to get there but I was sure I was in love. I took
in the scent of him, the sweet masculine smell of his
skin and held my breath to savor his presence. My
eyes where barely open when I turned over and raised
my head from his chest to get a closer view of my
sleeping Lion. I focused my gaze on him and let my
eyes move over his face with a loving caress. My
sights kisses started with his brow and moved over
the rest of his face. He looked so peaceful, so serene
and I watched the small movements of sleep beneath
his lashes. His face was urging me for a touch and I
was aching to rub him but decided to leave him be.
There was only an hour or so left to sleep before
we’d have to get ready to go to the airport, but I took
my time reveling this rare moment of stillness and
admired the prize I had lying beside me. It was my

The Truth About Some Lies

full intention to just appreciate this first of many

between us, lay back on his chest and try to fall
asleep. But my pause was too long and inevitably my
eyes reached his lips. I waded over them savoring the
thoughts of the pleasures they gave. Envisioning the
soft kisses and distinct caresses they offered to my
body. The look of them wanting at the moment his
tongue parts them to taste me began sending chills all
through me, butterflies begin to slowly rise and my
wet cave reminded me of our night of passion. I
fought myself to leave him undisturbed, I truly did
but my body just wouldn’t agree. I’d since lost my
wits when it came to desire for him, in lust and in
love by his will, so far so that I’d have lost my own.

My nipples begin to harden at the intensity of this

thought and I decided I would give him a gift before
we had to go to the airport, I decide to please myself
by pleasing him. I shifted my position and slid further
into the thin sheets, hovering myself above him, head
first between legs. The sweet smell of us was still
melted in the bed; I laid my eyes on his beautiful
muscle, sliding my face and lips all over it. The
responses of slow pulses and firm jerks I felt riveting
under my tongues touch bought his length quickly

The Truth About Some Lies

forward. My mouth watered at the full length of his

dick, it was truly an exquisite sight.

I moved trails of salivation up and down his shaft,

he tasted a wonder and I couldn’t resist taking his
head in my mouth and savoring its feel on my tongue.
I slurped his dicks swollen tip until I could hear him
breath in deep, he instinctually shifted his legs wider
allowing me to fall further between them. I took my
time and slid him deep in my mouth, his huge dick
forcing saliva from my cheeks with every downward
stroke. There was a sound of intense wetness as the
short slow strokes became succulent forceful blows at
the length of his dick. He was reaching my throats
end and I was in love with the motion of his pelvis as
he awakened to my tongue. His moans became
verbal, feverishly commanding as he demanded me
for more.

“Suck that dick for daddy!” He begged for me to

make him cum, his commands got louder more
forceful more intense. “SUCK THAT DICK FOR
DADDY!” he growled.

The haze of the lusty demands caused my clit to

tingle with wanting and all though I initially had no
intentions on exploding into orgasm, it seemed

The Truth About Some Lies

inevitable. My nipples where rock hard and brushing

up against his thigh and when I lowered the position
of my pussy a few inches the sheets ruffled beneath
me and began to tickle at my clit. His hands clinched
at the back of my skull while his hips where floating
up and down on rhythm forcing himself deeper down
my throat. My mouth purred around him sucking in
all of his sweet flavor and ripples of tiny explosions
hit my clit. It was too much to bear and I began
gyrating feverishly on his leg, I was cuming. This lust
had me breathing deeply, moaning out for him, I was
taken to a sensational high and he hadn’t even
touched me. I reached up for one of his nipples and
bent it between my fingers and could feel his chest
stiffen at my touch. He cried out for me in a primal
yell of ecstasy as loads of hot steam shot down my
throat, I hurriedly swallowed and slurped up the ever
precious pearls, tasting the divine flavor of his salty
sweet insides. I took my time savoring the taste of
him long after he had exploded.

Contented with my work I would have eagerly

fallen back to sleep but Quinn had just gotten started.

“Your turn” he growled, rolling himself between

my legs.

The Truth About Some Lies

I don’t know if I believed him when he said we

could just have a quickie but I didn’t mind getting off
one more burst before my trip and he sent me off
well. He worked me over in those wee hours of the
morning, proving himself to be a god damn animal.
He didn’t quit until finally I said soaked in sweat and
aching inside.

“Damn no more baby, I got a plane to catch this


I could tell in his eyes he had another round in

him but he just simply let me have my way.

“You’re lucky” he said and we fell back to sleep.

Now here I was out of breath and running a

minute marathon because I couldn’t control the
pounding of my pussy. I went over the thoughts of
him leaving me at the gate and what he said just
before I made it to security.

“If you miss it, it won’t be all bad you can

actually spend your b-day with your man.”

The reminiscence of that comment also made me

recall that it was he who kept the action going well
beyond my intent and I begin to wonder if he had

The Truth About Some Lies

done that shit on purpose, the more I thought about it

the likelier it seemed that he did. He set the alarm
after we’d finished up and it went off a half hour later
then it should’ve, we took his car to get to the airport
and we had stop and gas. The coincidences where
becoming clear enough to be true fact, he didn’t want
me to go. The devilish smile he gave me when I said
to him “I might not make it baby.” should’ve tipped
me off but sometimes I get tunnel vision especially
when it comes to something I’m anxious do. It seems
I need a house to fall on my head in order for my
20/20 to kick in. This was one of those times, the
pieces fell together like a puzzle and when they did I
realized that Quinn had done everything in his power
that morning to stop me from making my plane.

Well shit, I was making it and I had my heart

beating a 140 pumps a minute to prove it. BWI
airport is no joke and when you fly with American
Airlines your gates are always all the way at the end
of the damn terminal, not mention you have to take a
shuttle to even get to the gate. I was coming up on
mine and I could see Saundra in the distance sitting
with her bags, phone in hand, it must have been her
call I felt vibrating through my purse. She saw me
trucking it up the aisle and smiled a sign of relief, the

The Truth About Some Lies

plane was already boarding and the look on her face

as I got closer was priceless. Finally I was there, I
made it gate 21 and Quinn would just have to suffer
these five days without me. With all the panting and
catching of my breath I couldn’t get one word out. I
was huffing and puffing, grabbing for the water bottle
she had in her hand. She laughed and handed it to me

“That’s from all those cigars you like to puff on

bitch. Quit that smoking and you’d be able to breathe
right now.”

I couldn’t even laugh at the comment; I was so

out of breath all I could do was nod and gulp down
the remainder of Avian. Still panting and with as
much breath as I could muster I said. ”Damn, I‘m
drinking after you, I hope you didn’t eat any bad
pussy last night. “ In a breathless exertion of my
words my voice carried out in a loud pitch, a couple
standing in line glanced over and then quickly turned

”Yeah they want it, baaaby” Saundra said


I looked over at the couple, still slightly out of

breath and gave a soft giggle of agreement.

The Truth About Some Lies

We boarded the plane and found our seats; it

wasn’t too much of a chore because Saundra and I
always agreed that first class was the only way to fly.
It wasn’t that it was a whole lot different from coach
but the space was great and it was never full, the fact
that the drinks where unlimited probably helped a
little too. We might’ve even paid for the plane tickets
a few times over as much as we had the flight
attendants going back and forth to the bar.

The Truth About Some Lies

The destination was never a conserve either, as

long as the flight was short and it was some place hot
but in the last few years we’d become partial to the
Caribbean. Each year was filled with schoolgirl
anticipation and as our trip got closer in date, every
day we would find some excuse why we needed to go
over our travel plans. By the time we were finally
ready to leave the brochures had been read a hundred
time and where raggedy and worn from being
handled so often. This year would be the best ever,
my birthday fell on the day after our arrival and I was
turning the big 30. We decided the major milestone
called for a little extra fun at a place called
Hedonism. The resort had been mentioned to me
before, but I had never gone and neither had Saundra.
Well this year we decided we would find out what all
the fuss was about. Hedonism was just the name of
the resort they had several destinations to choose
from, I let Saundra choose and she selected Punta
Cana. This specific destination was suppose to be off
the hook an adult only, clothing optional spot which
Saundra later admitted she only selected because of
the name, saying the words jumped out at her as
pussy and cunt. I didn’t care how she selected it, I
was excited to be getting away and I was even more
excited about my birthday. “The big 30” I shook my

The Truth About Some Lies

head as we placed our bags under the seat. Saundra

took the window seat she was always amazed with
how the plane took off, I could’ve cared less about
take off, my big concern was always the landing if
you know what I mean. I sat down and buckled in,
once the plane got in the air I reached under the seat
and retrieved the brochure from my carry on. When I
opened it to read over all of the amenities again
Saundra leaned in closer to get a look as well.

”You brought the brochure” she said.

We went through the pages slowly looking at all

the pictures and reading all of the attractions, viewing
in amazement as if it were our first time looking it
over. We were like a set of school girls reading about
how to put on condoms “Aaah I can’t wait” I

“Well you only have about six hour’s babes and

the waiting will be over” Saundra smiled.

Six hours was cool and I was too excited to sleep

it gave us plenty of time to talk. Once Saundra and I
got to talking six hours would seem like six minutes
and we would be there.

“So how’s it feel to be turning thirty”

The Truth About Some Lies

“I don’t know chic, how’d it feel for you when

you turned thirty, ten years ago.” I laughed and so
did she Saundra was a year younger than me her
birthday had just passed in March, so she wasn’t far

“No seriously women, you feel any different.’

“No, no different I just keep thinking this is it,

I’m getting old but other than that no noticeable

The flight attendant came over and offered some

complimentary Mimosa’s, we quickly accepted. We
had long convinced ourselves that sipping Mimosa’s
at 6:00 am wasn’t a sin, so when the flight attendant
made her second round we downed those glasses and
accepted another.

“I do think it’s time for me to have some

children” I said breaking the short silence between
us. Saundra spewed out the rest of her drink at the

The Truth About Some Lies

”Who the hells mama you gonna be” she

laughed, “damn I wasn’t expecting that one Chica
not from you.” I laughed at her comment not
knowing exactly how her words should have been

“Why not, I’ve been thinking about it all year,

aren’t we suppose to procreate or something by now”
I said. “I think I got something hormonal going on,
like my clock is ticking or something and I’ve been
thinking about it more and more lately.”

”Wow Chica, well all jokes aside I think you will

make some kid a great mom. I really do.” she said.

Saundra looked over at me and squeezed my hand

with a lingering hold. ”I’m glad you’re thinking
about this stuff again Yeti” she said in a consoling

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra knew what a painful thought having a

baby had been for me in the last few years just
hearing the words or seeing one cry would melt my
already broken heart. I had gotten myself pregnant
about three years ago only to lose my gift at 34
weeks. If you’re a woman reading and you have
children or you’ve ever been pregnant then you know
just about how far along that is. For those who never
have and for the men who will never have a clue, its
far enough along to feel your baby’s movements
inside you, not the soft tickling flutters you get at first
but distinctive pushes of little hands and little toes.
It’s just about the time when you start to appreciate
the size of your belly and are stuck in amazement of
how large it’s grown. All of the genetic testing for
chromosomal defects has been done and the
nervousness about your baby having abnormalities
has subsided. You’ve watched enough daytime What
to Expect pregnancy shows to last a life time and if
you do one more search on the internet about how
many weeks you are your gonna go brain dead. It
sounds weird, since you’ve been pregnant for seven
months but it’s just about then that you truly believe
you are having a baby and it’s going to happen for

The Truth About Some Lies

Well I was there three years ago in that very

place. Everyone was so excited for me, shocked by
my decision to have a baby but still so excited that I
was pregnant. I’d never shown any interest in having
children of my own, I come from a large family and
always have plenty of nieces and a nephew to fulfill
the mothering part of my spirit, having children just
wasn’t a need. But once I found myself pregnant, I
couldn’t imagine why I hadn’t decided to long before,
I was the happiest fat pregnant lady you ever wanted
to see. I gained seventy five pounds; you think I
cared, no. I would show my belly off every chance I
got. My relationship with Deon was a good one and if
I hadn’t have been spiraled into a secession of
depression by the loss; I probably would have even
married him. But one day on one of my many
prenatal checkups’s it happened. I got up early that
morning geeked for my doc visit, going to my
appointments had become one of the highlights of my
pregnancy. I always went alone; it was a time that
was designated for just me and baby.

The Truth About Some Lies

My Doc was the greatest, on the days when my

pelvis was achy from them spreading and my legs
where cramped and swollen, my doc would roll me
sideways pull and stretch me out, she would firmly
pat my legs until I could feel the prickly sensation of
my circulation returning to them. This was ritual that
she would perform anytime I wasn’t feeling up to par.
I didn’t find out how uncommon it was for your
obstetrician to do this until speaking with other
pregnant women envious of my description of my

“Well what’s your doc’s name” they would say

“My doc doesn’t do anything like that for me.” or

“Does she charge extra for that?” they would ask.

I was blessed to have the best, and although our

treasure didn’t stay I thank her for giving me the
wonderful memories of those visits.

The Truth About Some Lies

I remember that day so vividly, I was feeling like

an extra big mama, my pelvis had been in pain all
night and my back was achy and sore. I ran myself a
warm shower to relax and let some of the tension
release from my body. I lathered up as I normally did
when I got to my pussy I could feel the curling
stubble of an overgrown bush. I was so big I could
barely touch my pussy and it was driving me crazy. I
never could stand pubic hair, I hate the prickly
sensation it gave me all misled together retaining
your funk. It had to go; it was irritating me and just
all around making my pussy hot. I never went to the
doc un-groomed and this day wasn’t going to be any
different. I got a razor from the shower wrack and
commenced myself a shave. Feeling around for any
roughness I shaved until I could tell I had a soft slick
surface. I was even proud of completing this once so
simple task, that now with my big bell in the way had
turned into a fight for hygiene. I left the shower
feeling happy about my self reliance. But when I
waddled into the bedroom to the mirror for a peak I
was appalled with what I saw. I immediately begin to
cry it was probably hormones or something when I
think about it but I sat there in front of the mirror
looking at my pussy that I’d hacked to pieces and
cried my eyes out. I mean it was ridiculous I had ball

The Truth About Some Lies

spots mixed with patches of hair it looked like I had

cancer of the pussy. I was so disturbed by my lack of
ability to do the simplest things for myself anymore
and even more pissed off that there was no one in the
house to help me. Deon had gone to work and
Saundra lived to far away to make it in time for my
appointment. I called Boo I wasn’t really expecting
her to answer, she rarely does when she’s at work but
I was desperate. After a little time passed I decided,
it was either stay home and hope Deon made it back
in time to give me a shave or just go ahead to the
docs and deal with the embarrassment. The ache in
my pelvis won me over and I decided just go to my
appointment. The ride in was full of ideas of how I
was going to explain the condition of my pussy, I
decided the truth was the only reasonable

Once I arrived there was no real wait, I was sent

directly back to the room for a check. My doc came
in with a smile and immediately noticed my mood

“What seems to be wrong with you today Miss

Codrington” she said. I didn’t want to say so I
mentioned the pains in my pelvis and then softly

The Truth About Some Lies

“I kinda have another issue to.”

She was helping me raise my legs so that I could

lie in a flat position on the table, after helping me to
slide in position she asked again.

“Well, tell me what going on today?”

“It's my pussy, I mean my vagina“I said quickly,

embarrassed that I had used that word in front of her.

She continued as if she never heard my slip,

asking me the specifics about my other issues. Before
I could describe what I had done to myself she’d
thrown the sheet up over my belly and could see for

“Miss Codrington what happened to your

Vagina?” she said in a puzzled look of amazement.

I busted in to tears ranting off about the razor and

spewing my inabilities to shave or do anything else
for myself. I went on in an emotional explosion of
gibberish and she bust’s out laughing. I couldn’t
believe it my doc was laughing at me, It was stupid
but I thought, “I didn’t know docs could do that, just
laugh at you like that.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I was glad she did because her hysterical shrills

where so comical that eventually she had me
laughing along with her.

“I can fix this honey don’t you worry.” She said

with tears in her eyes, walking off to her desk she
murmured “I have never seen anything so funny and
I‘ve been in prenatal care for a long, long time.”

When she returned she had clippers in hand and

trimmed and shaved my vagina for me, she continued
to laugh at me taking a pause to breath and then
bursting into laughter again. I couldn’t help but find
the whole thing amusing as she placed such lightness
to the situation. She was finally finished and I was all
cleaned up and happy, no more tears so I thought.

“Now tell me about this pain.”

She began moving her hands over my belly with

a worried look and pulled out a measuring tape as I
described to her the pains in my pelvis.

“Your measuring a little small but we are not

going to worry yet” she said.

The Truth About Some Lies

Not worry, it was impossible not to worry, her

words alone had me concerned. When she lubed me
up for a sonogram, I relaxed a little and thought any
excuse to see the baby again was cool with me. With
a startling reaction of worried gazes she put her head
down and then looked back at me in freight.

“I can’t find a heartbeat” she said and just like

that my fondest memory of pregnancy turned in to
my worst nightmare. Non-specific Fetal Failure is
what they called it, which just simply means they
don’t know why the fuck I lost him.

Since that time the thoughts of having a baby had

been pushed to the back of my mind, and so far down
on the rector scale of things to do in my life. Until
now, until Quinn the thought hadn’t even crossed my.

“And that’s why you my BFF” I said laughing.

We raised our glasses to each other and downed the
Mimosa’s again, looking back at each other again and
in unison said.

“I’ll take another be another” both giggling at

the humor and by that time probably feeling the
drinks, I flagged down the flight attendant who was
already prepared to hand off our third round.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Ok not too much before we get there, we don’t

want to pass out before we even get off the plane.”
Saundra looked at me in shock.

“Off Mimosa, I don’t think so woman.” she

sipped at her drink but quickly returned her stare to

“What’s on your mind” said I watching her

wheels spin.

“I wonder if everyone will really be naked, well

more than that I wonder if it’s worth seeing.”

“Why wouldn’t it be” I said.

“Well you remember when we went to that nude

beach in Cabos; I mean everyone was naked but my
god most of them should have kept their clothes on.”

I did remember and the bad thought of a repeat

disappointment intruded my mind.

“Oh god Saundra, I hope it’s not gonna be that

bullshit again but either way we’ll have a fun” I said.
“Even if we have to make our own fun.”

The Truth About Some Lies

The last time Saundra and I had to make our own

fun we stayed up for three days straight, I was
missing a tooth and both of us got admitted to the
hospital for alcohol poisoning, it wasn‘t pretty.

“Well I’m also hoping we didn’t miss anything

from the brochure and Hedonism isn’t secret code for
homo land.’ she said smirking at the thought.

I could tell by her pause that the thought sparked

a waiting comment.

”Speaking of homos, “she said. “Were do we

stand with David, I mean is this thing a go or what?”

“It’s a go” I said. “I’m a little leery about it but

this is how she wanted to handle it so it’s a go.”

The Truth About Some Lies

I had talked the situation over with boo and

explained the full drunken details of that night we
went to the strip club. Since, she had confronted
David about any homosexual desires he might have,
he feverishly denied any such emotion and even
screamed on her for asking. Boo never confronted
him with the specifics of the story saying she didn’t
want to scare him into leaving, but that just left him
too much room to deny what Saundra and I had seen
with our own eyes. Well since then I agreed with boo
to test his sexual preferences out and bring her proof.
I’m supposed to not so secretly be peeking his
interest and find out where his head is at. Why he
would talk to me about something so unorthodox I
have no idea but people are funny and surprisingly
I’ve since found myself in more than one
conversation with him where the topic has been
easily dissuaded to the need of men to have men. So
sadly but not surprisingly he’s interested, to what
extreme I can’t say for sure but I think it’s purely
sexual and I know it sounds fucked up but that’s a
good thing for her.

The Truth About Some Lies

I’d been mauling over the situation comparing

myself to him for weeks. The similarities between us
being mirrored images, both of us were more than
capable of truly loving one person but more than
willing to fuck another, man or women not being a
concern. We where alike in so many ways but the
differences between us where the effects that count,
he is married I am not. Not to say that if I was I
wouldn’t be just as I am, but I believe your mate
should have the right to make that choice of dealing
with it or not and the man that I marry is going to
know all about the wife he chose. More and more I
was leaning towards coming completely clean with
Quinn letting him know the love is definitely there
but that a whole boat load of other shit comes with it.
I will come clean I will lay myself out on the table I
just didn’t know how and didn’t know when.

The Truth About Some Lies

As sexually liberated as I am I had agreed to

something I wasn’t sure about and even with
permission it still seemed kind of adulterous. I do like
to carry myself by a certain code and some shit you
just don’t do; you don’t fuck with your friends folks,
boyfriends, brothers or fathers and if your friend
looks or mentions that she’s interested, then she’s got
him, no if and or buts. These lines have never been
crossed by me and I have never been put in a position
for them to, until now. The whole subject made me
nervous causing the Mimosa’s to flutter in my
tummy. After a bit of back and forth about it I
changed the subject.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra feeling how uncomfortable it made did

not pursue it any further. We chatted more about,
babies, Quinn and my attraction to Marcus. A few
Mimosas later, the captain was calling for a landing
we both smiled in surprise, time had passed us by and
what should have been hours seemed like moments
we were finally there. The light came on signaling
that it was ok to un-board the plane. Saundra and I
grabbed our bags from the overhead and exited the
plane quickly. We never checked bags and I was
always grateful of that when exiting a plane the
marshes would line up by the baggage claim while
Saundra and I walked right out the airport to
transport. There was a mini bus waiting for us with
the name of our hotel written on the side in bold red
letters we both smiled as we saw it and hurried our
steps towards it. There was a concierge who greeted
us and took our names; tagging the bags he placed
them in a lower compartment of the bus. We boarded
an already half full vehicle and I led Saundra towards
the back.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Here we is at the back of da bus” she said in a

southern drawl. “Why is it that we fought for civil
rights to be allowed to sit at the front of the bus but
every time a black person gets on a bus they head
straight for the back?” Saundra knew I was going to
answer her, sometimes she said things like that just to
get me started.

“You a silly head, we didn’t march to sit on the

front of a bus woman, we marched to have the choice
to sit where ever we wanted to“. I said. “Now the
real question is, what deep seated genetic code
makes us want to move pass eight empty seats to
crowd up in the back? That’s the question that should
be answered.”

“I never thought about it that way” she admitted.

“But what does that say about us Yeti? “

“That we are border line alcoholics” I laughed.

“We’re moving to the back because that’s where the
bar is.”

She glanced over my shoulder to see, two mini

bars positioned on each side of the back row.

“I know that’s right.” she said.

The Truth About Some Lies

The vehicle had pretty plush surroundings for a

mini bus, buttery leather seats that reclined at the
push of a button, the windows were a dark tent and
spanned from ceiling to floor, you could see the road
at your feet as we trailed alongside it. I’d changed my
mind about the bar and decided I could wait until we
got settled to do anymore drinking.

The ride from the airport to the hotel was short

but scenic; it was amazing how the traffic flooded
roadways and the mist of the city streets filled with
huge sky scrapers and an abundance of airport motels
quickly changed to rolling hills overlooking tree lined
dirt roads. When we arrived I was astounded by the
size of the place the brochure didn’t do it justice, we
entered the driveway and rode at least a half a mile
before pulling in front of the hotel. I looked around
the bus and scanned the other passengers wondering
to myself how many of them I would see naked
through the course of the trip and better yet how
many did I want to see naked? I had to admit, if there
were no other beautiful people on the whole island it
was because they were all on our bus. It was almost
unreal; everyone looked so good I was starting to get
excited all over again. Saundra picked up on my
lingering scan of our fellow guest exiting the bus.

The Truth About Some Lies

”I guess we didn’t get stuck with a bunch of

loser’s and homos” she said. “I wonder what the rest
of this place is like. “ She curiously peered through
the windows of the bus waiting for me to respond.

“I hope it looks like this bus is all I can say” I

responded. We stood patiently waiting to get off,
fidgeting as the line to exit slowly shortened. I was
holding back the urge to just push forward pass the
rest of the passengers and run out into the lobby
screaming “We’re here, we’re here!“ but I contained
my excitement and waited like everyone else.

Saundra thought of everything and when we

entered the ballroom sized lobby we didn’t have to
stand in line.

“Express check in.” she stated.

She just swiped her card at a computer that

could’ve easily been mistaken for an ATM and our
room keys dropped into a little outlet along with a
map of the resort.

“Sweet” I said as she grabbed at the keys.

We raced to the elevator, literally we ran.

The Truth About Some Lies

“On your mark get set go” she said.

I slid this way and that trying to stay in front of

her finally tagging at the elevator first

“Aaaw u beat me Bama, you cheated “she


“You crazy I didn’t cheat” I protested. “You

should’ve known I’m the bullet baby, you saw me
running through the airport right?”

I did cheat, I had pushed her out of the way a

couple of times before tapping the elevator. She
probably would’ve beaten me if I hadn’t but she let
me keep boasting.

“I am the champion, I am the champion.”I sang

holding my hands up in the air and bowing for

“You’re luck it’s your birthday Chica or I’d make

you prove that win again.” She said.

The Truth About Some Lies

I was not interested in having my false win

challenged so I stopped singing when the elevator
opened. We let the elevator go up the seven flights
without a word but as soon as the doors opened we
raced down the aisle to the room. That time it wasn’t
even close, she beat me by a mile. I laughed at my
loss, out of breath and grinning from ear to ear
Saundra put the electronic key in the door and we

The Truth About Some Lies

The room was beautiful it was a two bedroom

suite with a separate living room and dining room, it
had Mediterranean look about it. The furniture was
fine antique from the poster beds to the paintings on
the walls it was exquisite, supposedly no two rooms
in this hotel where alike and I was convinced we got
the best of most. The open kitchen lead to two huge
French doors, we weren’t going to be doing any
cooking but I was still astounded by the size of the
kitchen. The French doors led to a balcony that gave
a miraculous view of the whole estate we were facing
the ocean and I caught a breeze of the sweet salted air
before stepping back inside. I returned to Saundra
who was in the middle of paying one of the bus boys
for bringing up our bags, as soon as she closed the
door behind him, I reached out and gave her a big

“This place is amazing.” I said.

She excitedly hugged me back bouncing up and

down in place.

“I know it’s off the rocker” she said in that

schoolgirl giggle.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra had picked the destination and booked

this lovely room I was starting to believe there was
no way she threw an arrow in the dark and
completely selected our destination by name. She had
done some serious planning and if the rest of this
place was anything like the room, I was in for five
days of heavenly comfort. We admired the room
some more, looking around at all the great pieces of
art and taking time to notice and comment on every
detail. At the end of our inspection, we came to the
bathroom, I was in love with the deep jetted tub but it
was in the shape of one of those old cast iron tubs
they mixed the modern with the antique I think they
call it Antique/Modern. We completely unpacked and
decided we would freshen up and go see the sights.
After a quick shower I was feeling renewed, I had
washed away the six flight and was dressed and ready
to hit the lobby. I wore a comfortable halter sundress
and sandals, leaving my hair out I pinned the sides
down to force it fall back. Saundra had on a similar
dress, a sunny flowing strapless Maxi and sandals as
well. When it was decided that we looked well
enough for public view we escaped the luxuries of
the room and entered into the grand ambiance of the
hotel. We decided to have a late lunch but had no idea
where to start, with the map in hand we viewed over

The Truth About Some Lies

the different restaurants trying to make a selection

and figure out how to get where we needed to be. We
aimlessly walked through magnificent corridors lined
with gift shops and novelty stores taking our time to
look in each. After exiting one of the cute little shops,
I was struck numb when I saw the object of one of
my many obsessions. Sex still reigns supreme on my
list of true passions but if I had to pick a runner up in
the of compulsive behavior category, it would have to
be gambling. To my delight I could see the resort had
a casino, I didn’t remember seeing that on the
brochure but there it was directly in front of me
flashing lights and all.

“Oh no women last time we went into a casino we

didn’t come out of it for two days.”

It was true we went to Vegas and literally stayed

in the casino for 48 hours straight but I won twelve
grand playing black jack so 250.00 an hour for a
day’s play wasn’t bad. I reminded her of this fact but
had no intentions on entering the casino.

“No I don’t want to go in I’m just glad they have

one, we can hit it up towards the end of the trip.” I

The Truth About Some Lies

“No way babes it’s your birthday we gonna do

whatever you like, if you want to go in there and sit
at the poker table for five days I’m in.”

I smiled at the comment and it was pretty damn

tempting but knew I couldn’t go in or I wouldn’t
come out. We continued to walk around the resort,
desperately trying to figure out the map. Finally we
gave up and just asked the concierge for directions.

The Truth About Some Lies

We found out a few interesting facts out about our

resort; first that the only place where you couldn’t
run around in the buff was in the lobby every place
else was fare game and playing with the other guest
was highly encouraged. Secondly the beach was
private and reserved just for guest of the hotel and in
order to get to it you had to take a fairy from the
harbor. “Who knew there was a harbor” I thought as
the concierge continued to go over what must have
been Hedonism’s FAQ list. We listened to an ongoing
surge of directions and quick informational tid bit’s.
The guys words where barely coherent but when he
mentioned that all the sea food restaurants could be
found down on the harbor the words came out crystal
clear and that was all we needed to hear, we quickly
thanked him for all the info, grabbed our map and
walked towards the direction he pointed out. We
easily found the escalator he explained would take us
to the harbor, only it more like a ski lifted box car.
When first walked up to it, it looked like a normal
glass enclosed elevator but once inside with the doors
closed behind us we could look through the glass to
see we were in for a five hundred foot decline

“Oh my fucking god” I said as the lift shirked and

shifted with the start of movement.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra and I clenched each other in fear as we

peered through the glass windows slowly watching
ourselves descend.

“This is so not a fucking escalator” she said still

grabbing me for dear life.

We both laughed at the experience and I was

holding on to her just as tight as she was holding me.
Finally after about five minutes of descent we
touched ground and both exhaled a sigh of relief.

The harbor was beautiful as well, it was a sea-

lined paradise of seafood restaurants, there where
lobster, shrimp, fish and crab specialty restaurants.
The restaurants menus were out of this world, thy
catered anywhere from exotic Blowfish to beer
battered Flounder it was heaven. Saundra left the
selection up to me, there was no surprise when I
chose the Sting Ray café their specialty was lobster.

The Truth About Some Lies

The restaurant was divided in two sections fine

dining on the inside and an outside dining café. We
didn’t need a reservation but Saundra and I were
unprepared for the fine dining experience we weren’t
really dressed the part so we chose to sit outside on
the wrap around terrace. The menu was enormous
they had every selection of lobster dish you could
imagine but when I smelled the sweet tempting
aroma of the steamed crustacean I knew I had to have

“I think I‘m going to get the steamed lobster” I


“It's your jar of honey bumble bee” Saundra

responded. I gave her a sideways look like where
they hell did you pick that one up from and she
smiled back at me.

“To much mama D’s huh?”

“Um yeah exactly” I giggled. “What are you

going to eat, try something different so I can have a
taste” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Sure let me be the Ginny pig, I’m scared to

death of some of the stuff on this menu. I think I need
to stick with something I know” she said “I’m hungry,
I’m not playing around with my taste buds right now
and look at you with your steamed lobster.” she said
in a chastising tone. “How different is that?”

“Well you know I like lobster and I just wanted

something simple.”

“Exactly” she said cutting me off and giving me

a smirk of playfulness.

The Truth About Some Lies

The food was excellent, thirty five minutes after

ordering I was sitting in front of one of the biggest
lobster’s I’d ever seen, I thought I wasn’t going to be
able to eat it all. Saundra ordered a Flounder flambé
and she was enjoying her food as well. We barely
talked during dinner, we were too busy smacking
down the succulent selection of food. I love lobster,
especially when it’s good enough to eat without any
seasoning, no salt or pepper just a mean chunk of
meat dipped in butter spilling sweet juices into my
mouth. I indulged myself in every bite and what I
thought at first couldn’t be finished melted down my
throat like butter. I was so stuffed I could barely
breath, after the food was done; we sat and talked for
a while.

The Truth About Some Lies

We got into an interesting conversation about the

ties that bind, love friendship, siblings and parenting.
Saundra and her mother never got a long too well;
she spent a lot of her life trying to figure out why.
One day she just gave up and pretty much said fuck
it, she was dealt the hand god gave her. Every so
often we get on the subject trying to wade through
some unexplainable child rearing issues; like why is
it that a parent can leave their kids to pretty much
fend for themselves but then are appalled when their
kid begins to mimic adult behavior. I mean really,
how is a child left to spend most of their time alone
and unsupervised, independently take care of most of
their younger siblings but the moment they start
making their own life decisions it’s a problem. It
would make sense to me that if a parent wanted their
child to act like one, then they’d probably do their job
as a parent and allow them to be one; not only when
it’s convenient and they just feel like being mommy
or daddy that day but always and forever, being a true
backbone, a financial and emotional supporter, a
listener, a teacher, a guide in life. I couldn’t imagine
having a child that didn’t feel comfortable talking to
me or that wouldn’t come and lean on me in a time of
need. I would want to know everything about my kid,
good or bad morale or not and have them know

The Truth About Some Lies

without a doubt that they could come to mommy

always. Saundra never had that, it pained me when
we were younger and it still pains me today.

Saundra has been in the position of fending for

herself and caring for her younger brother since she
was at least ten. Her mom put a roof over their heads
but not much else; when it came to time none was
ever spent nurturing and she pretty much left them to
fend for themselves. Saundra never had much of a
childhood and that’s why we have a lot of fun
together making up for it as adults. I just think she
missed something and it had to be something she
needed really bad because like I said we don’t talk
about it often but it‘s a subject that just won‘t die.

“Back to you honey bunny, like I said earlier I

think you’re going to make some kid really happy.
Have you and Quinn actually discussed having
one?” she said.

I was elated by the thought of her comment and

smiled at her question.

“No, not a specific conversation about having a

baby but he is starting to drop little hints here and
there.” I said.

The Truth About Some Lies

“So then this thing is really getting serious, I

mean I know yawl are pretty close but this is getting
to be a like a love thing?” she asked.

“Well let me just say this, he spent the night, the

whole night and he bought his toothbrush with him.”
I played with my fingers a little something I do when
I get nervous. ”He was there this morning when I
woke up and it just felt right but you know how I feel
about my spot. I’m not sure if this is a permanent
feeling of intimacy or if I’ve just been alone so long
that one night made it alright. You know what I

“Yeah I know mama that’s why I’m sitting here in


The Truth About Some Lies

Truth be told I was in a form of shock myself it’s

not that I’m so untouchable or anything like that
because I’m not, it’s just been a really long time since
I’ve even considered anything more than a nut from a
guy; he was so much more in such a short period of
time that it was a little alarming. We finished our talk
and after a while the jet lag started to kick in. We
decided to go back to the room and take a quick nap
get completely refreshed and ready to bring my
birthday in with a bang. We walked back towards the
elevator both hesitating to take the scary ride back to
the upper levels of the hotel.

The Truth About Some Lies

This time when the doors opened there was a man

and a woman inside completely naked, she was bent
down giving him the meanest slob job I’d ever seen;
you could hear the loud sound of slurping and
sucking coming from her lips. My first instinct was to
stop and stare Saundra grabbed my arm to enter I had
forgotten we were at a place where this sort of thing
was welcomed and this couple was taking full
advantage. We rode up with them in silence, they
didn’t give us a seconds thought the guy stood back
against the glass wall while the women went at him
with serious intent not blinking twice she rolled her
mouth up and down his dick and played with her
pussy like she was in a race for orgasm. The whole
scene was off the hook and some kind of exciting shit
to see, so much so that we rode with them down
again and then back up to our stop. Saundra pulled
me off the final time keeping me from going down

“There will be plenty of time for that later let’s

get some rest.” She said.

I was transfixed thinking to myself “now this

truly is paradise I would need to bring Quinn back to
this place“.

The Truth About Some Lies

We walked and talked about the lift scene all the

way to our room and the thoughts of what else we
might see and do where very exciting.

“How can I rest now” I asked Saundra.

“Trust me Yeti you’ll need your rest” she said.

I slipped out of my sun dress as soon as we

entered the room and we both descended to our
bedrooms and slept….

Saundra must have set the alarm clock; I could

hear it bellowing from the living area. I awoke to turn
it off; it was 8pm and time to get the party started. I
darted towards Saundra’s room but she wasn’t there, I
called for her softly with no answer and decided she
must’ve gone for something to drink or eat. I ran
another shower and quicker than the first time I was
out in the living room still dripping wet, wrapped in a
towel. About fifteen minutes later just as I’d begun to
lather in lotion Saundra stepped through the door
with a smile of pride on her face.

“What’s that look about smiley” I said as she sat

down on the sofa.

The Truth About Some Lies

”Oh nothing “she stated. “I’m just glad you’re up

I couldn’t remember if I’d set the clock or not.”

She was definitely up to something and

apparently had been up long before me because she
was half ready with make up on and hair done but she
was dressed in a T-shirt and sweats.

“Come on sleepy head, slow poke only a few

hours to go to B-day” she said.

I hurried along applying makeup and decided to

keep my hair down again, I liked the island look it
gave me earlier and decided to stick with it. I went to
grab my birthday dress from the closet it was still
wrapped in the plastic they put it in at the boutique.
Saundra quickly grabbed my hand moving me away
from the closet.

“No babes I got your gear for tonight wear that

tomorrow” I greed excited to see what she had gotten
me, she went in her room and came back holding a
sheet in her hand

“Now take your skivvies off “she said.

The Truth About Some Lies

I looked around and curled my lips up in a

pucker, I had no idea what she was about to do but
my panties and bra came flying off. She took about
ten minute wrapping and twisting the sheet up and
down around me in all directions. I was just standing
there letting her have her way as she rocked me back
and forth entangling me layers of clothe. I was
amazed I could barely hold back the laughter that was
steadily mounting in my throat.

“Trust me” she said while pushing me towards

the mirror.

I couldn’t contain my laughter any longer when I

viewed myself in the mirror I bussed out laughing
and so did she. I twisted and turned in the mirror
admiring how she had done wonders with a simple
sheet but still confused about why I was wearing it.
While I doted in the mirror she had wrapped herself
in a similar fashion. We both stood there smiling,
giggling in the mirror.

“Now we’re ready” she said.

“This is what’s up” is all I could muster.

The Truth About Some Lies

I didn’t know what we were about to do and I

didn’t care. I was wrapped quite elegantly in a bed
sheet, I had no panties or bra on, I was on a tropical
island and my birthday was in less than four hours. I
was so excited to be alive I didn’t know what to do
with myself. We left out the room bare foot and ready
to party, we approached the elevator; I was still
remembering the lift from earlier and the escapade of
that couple. My god I wonder if they do this in the
elevators as well. I waited for the doors to open with
the anticipation of what delights lay behind them but
it was empty, no free show. We rode the elevator all
the way down to sublevels, Saundra guided the way,
and apparently while I was resting she’d been up and
about exploring the hotel and investigating the best
places to go. We ended up at a cool spot it was a
miniature man made beach, tables and chairs
organized here and there and a big stage positioned in
the middle. The hotel shaped the beach in a circle
leaving a large lagoon to pool in the middle; it was
gorgeous and was swirling with florescent highlights.
The water had a constant rippling shimmering affect
that reflected off the burning fort candles that where
lit all around it. I looked around and noticed everyone
was either in sheets or completely naked, the scene
made me laugh myself to tears.

The Truth About Some Lies

“A Toga party!” I shouted in delight jumping up

and down at the surprise of it.

In all my college years I’d never been to a single

Toga party not one and here I was about to turn thirty
and going to my first it was truly the Shiznit. The
music was jamming as people danced off beat and the
drinks were flowing. The beach was filled with white,
black, gay and straight everybody was friendly
everybody mingled. It was coolest shit to be a part of,
they even had chug a lug beer barrels, people stood in
line and took their turns facing up towards to the bill
pistol and having as much as they could drink
dumped down their throats. I had my turn and lasted
a pretty good minute before my belly felt like
exploding. Saundra was cheering me on and I could
hear the chug a lug song being chanted off in the
distance by the rest of the guest. I lasted two minutes
and had a head rush that only the devil could name. It
was like something out of the movie animal house
and Saundra and I where right in the middle hanging
with the best of them.

The Truth About Some Lies

There was an open buffet I suggested we get food

on our stomachs before we got too riled up. We
immediately attacked the buffet, as we enjoyed the
food and circled around the party scenes of
pleasurable enjoyment could be seen all around. We
where enthralled, honestly there was so much action
going on I didn’t know which way to look. We found
a table and sat down next to a couple where the
woman was ferociously riding her mate, we sat there
eating spiced shrimp like it was a bag of popcorn and
we were watching a movie.

“Why don’t we have this shit at home, this is out

of control” I said.

“Because no one would ever go to work or feed

their kids or pay their bills. “ Saundra responded
“They’d all be stuck at a spot like this addicted to
excess, you and I included.”

The Truth About Some Lies

She was right I’d probably make it to work but if

anyone where ever looking they would know where
to find me, right in the middle of some shit like this.
As the night went on it was filled with an unreal
amount of fun we drank, danced our asses off, we
played a few games of limbo and fell flat on our
backs each time we tried to go under the rope. Our
drunk asses even sang, arm in arm with a few of the
other guest swaying from side to side singing the
theme song from Gilligan’s Island at the top of our
lungs. It was almost midnight, my birthday was a few
moments away and I was having the time of my life.

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra and I where resting at a table after an

intense bout of Tango, I was watching the festive
events still taking place and handling another shot of
tequila when Saundra gets up from the table and goes
over to where the music was playing, grabs the mike
and then announces to the crowd my birthday was in
10 minute. The crowd clapped and then she burst out
a happy birthday. I looked around at everyone I was
embarrassed but thought to myself this had to be one
of the highlights of my life, when I looked back after
I was old and grey I would remember this day
vividly. I begin to tear up to have my sensitivity
quickly swooshed away Saundra got down off the
podium and came back to the table.

“Aaw naw” she stated. “No mooshy mosh today

birthday girl.”

I laughed holding back the tears in my chuckle

and I cleared my eyes trying not to let anymore tear
drops fall. Just when I thought, “this is it, it doesn’t
get any better.” I saw two men bringing over a square
table in our direction; they placed the table right
behind us.

“Ok Yeti this it” She said smiling and let her toga
fall to the ground.

The Truth About Some Lies

My first instinct was one of fear as she stood

there naked in front of me and I was praying there
was nothing out of the barrier of friendship she
wanted me to do. I was even more eluded when she
stripped my toga clean off and had me standing there
in the buff.

“Relax women this is what we came here for.”

I did relax but in my mind was hoping Saundra

wasn’t trying to break any cardinal rules. She told me
lay there on the table and hesitantly I did as she

“Hurry Yeti we don’t have a lot of time.”

I noticed quite a few others had followed our

lead, throwing their Toga’s to the wind and stripping
down to their flesh. I was lying on the table on my
back when what looked like most of the toga party
surrounded the table, at Saundra’s command I began
to feel cold burst of spray on my body followed by
warm sticky drips. I raised my head up to get a better
look at what I’d agreed to and saw that whipped
cream was being sprayed all over my body. Saundra
was yelling out instructions to the crowd.

“Spray over here, get her tit’s” she said.

The Truth About Some Lies

She was leading the pack and they were happy to

follow. There was chocolate syrup and caramel cream
being poured all my body, I squirmed and giggle as
the tickling sensation of melting whipped cream
rolled down my pussy. They were making a cake,
well making me into a cake. Saundra held up her
hands giving the sign to stop and then counted down.

“Five, four, three, two, one” and the crowd burst

into the Happy Birthday song. They were yelling
over me swaying back and forth hitting the oddest
notes it was hilarious and I was cracking up and
crying at the same time. The whole thing had gotten
the better of me and what I was able to hold back
before had no chance of staying hidden again, the
joyful tears rolled down my cheeks and I smiled so
hard my jaws begin to hurt nothing like this had ever
been done for me before, nothing even close.

The Truth About Some Lies

When the song was ending Saundra gave the

signal again and before I knew it they pounced on me
all at once, I was suddenly being eaten alive. Hoards
of people joined in, sucking and licking the toppings
from my body, I must admit I was frightened at first
but then relaxed into devouring sensation of tongues.
I could feel them everywhere sliding over every inch
of my body; some lingered in places some went from
spot to spot but they were all insatiable, all bringing
out the fever in me. The pleasure came from all over
it was hard to pinpoint one spot of ecstasy. I could
make out a tongue at my pussy licking and slurping
me into excitement, my nipples hardened with the
sensation of multiple tongues touching my breast,
even my toes where being sucked and licked. I was
covered in hungry mouths all with their own special
intents. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this welcomed
tongue bath my pussy getting wetter with each
tantalizing lick. There was special attention being
paid to my clit I could feel multiple tongues lick
taking turns and then licking all at once my nipples
where being sucked one fast one slow and I was
drowning in a haze of sensation. My insides begin to
fill with an impending explosion and the crowd was
not letting up. I was moaning uncontrollably shaking
and excited by intense pleasure. I began to cum, I

The Truth About Some Lies

could feel how hard and strong my muscles clench

inside and then released a hot burst of wet juices that
where immediately sucked away by awaiting
tongues. It was amazing they licked and sucked until
all the topping where gone and I came so many times
I couldn’t even count, after the last tongue left my
body I lay there just shaking and quivering with
delight. Sometime had passed before I was able to
raise my head, when I did Saundra was standing there

“Happy 30th Yeti” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Now let’s get you all cleaned up.”

The Truth About Some Lies

My I mind agreed with the gesture but my body

was too weak to stand Saundra helped me up from
the table and gave me a simple wrap in a sheet. We
headed back to our room drunk as hell barely
standing half dressed in sheets and I was sticky all
over still covered by the traces of saliva and whipped
cream. When we returned to the room I rinsed myself
in the shower and I thought about the wonder night
I’d just had. When I returned to the living room
Saundra was already passed out on the couch, I
walked over to her, and watched her sleep. My best
girl had made this day so special and I loved her for it
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and covered her in a

“Thanks lady bug you’re the best.” I whispered

and went to my bedroom.

I lay awake in my bed for a moment and then

passed out only to be awakened by my phone ringing.

“Happy Birthday baby girl“it was Quinn.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Aaw thanks honey bunny I was thinking about

you earlier” I said. I glanced over at the clock it read
7:22 “happy birthday to me” I whispered as the
minute passed this was the exact time of my birth and
he remembered.

“Go back to sleep baby I just wanted to hear

your voice, and wish you a happy birthday.”

“He’s going to be my husband” I thought as I

hung up the phone and passed out again……..


The Truth About Some Lies

A New Drug-December 20 th

T wo weeks later and I was still rejuvenated

and glowing from my vacation. I’d talked
about the trip every day since we had gotten
back, leaving out a few minor details in my
recollections but privately remembering every savory
moment. Five days of non-stop fun in the sun and I
finally got my glow, my skin was five shades darker
and gleaming with kisses from the Caribbean. I was
always amazed with the mystery of travel, how in a
matter of hours you could go from sunny skies and
clear blue waters to the brisk chill of snow lined
streets. Here I was in the middle of December and my
shoulders where peeling from slight sunburn, but it
didn’t take away from the creamy mocha complexion
that I loved so much.

“So black people really can get sun burned after

all” Boo said watching me tear into a leaf from one
of her many aloe Vera plants.

The Truth About Some Lies

Scooping out the slimy flesh I applied generous

amounts to my shoulders and face.

“And you do know they have plenty of stores now

that sell the aloe Vera in a jell, so you can stop
coming over here tearing up all my damn plants” She
said letting her irritated voice tell her mood.

“Well I see somebody is in a funky mood this

morning, good morning to you too Boo.”

“Yeah well, I haven’t had my coffee yet.” she said

and slow shuffled into the kitchen.

I had spent the night over Boo’s house I slept in

her guest room but woke up early to take the kids
over to my brother’s house.

The Truth About Some Lies

Today was D day, David day, Doom’s day,

whatever you want to call it but it was coming down
to the wire and I had a feeling it was more than the
lack of coffee that had Boo in such a mood. I sat
there silently after her somewhat snappy outburst,
unsure of where the rest of the morning was headed.
We’d sent the kids away so we could talk and finalize
her master scheme for David. She had taken this plan
well beyond its original intent and I was concerned
that it was taking its toll. Initially I was just suppose
to get an admission of his desires and persuade him
that coming clean with her was the only thing to do.
It was a great plan and he was even giving me the
courage to have my own actions and desires bought
to the forefront with Quinn, the experience was
enlightening my own life and showing how lies or
better the exclusion of the truth would only
eventually turn around and bite you in the ass.
Somehow things got twisted and what began as a
seemingly simple task turned into a challenge
between moral conviction and family devotion. In the
last few weeks I’d pondered the insane requests
asked of me and wondered now if maybe she had
changed her mind. I let my mind wander, while the
scent of fresh brewed coffee was urging me to the
kitchen. I decided to give her a moment to get herself

The Truth About Some Lies

together, because in my hesitant state of uncertainty

one more outburst would’ve been just the excuse I
needed to cancel the whole thing. She lazily flounced
back into the living room with her coffee cup in hand.

“Ok I’m sorry, I was being stinky. Come on in

the kitchen and have a cup of coffee with me please”

I accepted her apology as soon as she gave it but

what came out my mouth was a ploy for argument.

“Ok, you sure I don’t want to get my head

snapped off if I use one of your favorite cups or

She didn’t bite, she just laughed at what I’d never

intended to be a joke but it lightened the mood so
when she walked back towards the kitchen I followed

The Truth About Some Lies

I always liked Boo’s kitchen it was a large open

Chef Style kitchen and had room enough to fit a full
dining room. She had all the amenities stainless steel
stove centered in the middle of a marble counter top
island, her fridge and all the other appliances where
stainless steel as well. It was huge, a lot bigger than
mine and it was really a kitchen I could enjoy
cooking in. I was often confused by the care and
attention to detail she put into it because Boo rarely
ever cooked. ”Sometimes you just have to do things,
for the look of them” she would say when I jokingly
mentioned this fact to her. When I entered the
kitchen she was already pouring me a glass of the
fresh hot brew. I took the glass and smelled its
permeating aroma, she always managed to get the
best flavors and I would savor the taste by drinking
the first cup black.

“What kind is this one Boo” I asked.

“It’s a caramel vanilla cream. It smells good

doesn‘t it?

“It smells divine” I said inhaling at the glass

again. “Oh yeah I have to get some of this. “ I said
after tasting the smooth sweet hint of caramel roll
over my tongue.

The Truth About Some Lies

“I found it at little spot on G ST, I’ll pick you up

some the next time I go” she said.

Still sipping on the coffee I took a glance at the

clock on her wall it was 12:36.

“Wow you slept kind of late so did I actually; I

didn’t get the kids off till I guess about ten.”

“Yeah I had a rough sleep last night, not sure

why but I couldn’t really get rested. I don’t think I
drifted off till well after 1:00 in the morning” she

I’m normally a crack of dawn type of person

myself but this never seemed to happen when I didn’t
sleep in my own bed. My internal clock would throw
me for a loop and I would wake up at all odd hours.
We sat talking for a while inevitably turning to the
subject of David.

Boo wanted to make sure we where straight with

the days escapade, I think she also wanted to make
sure I wouldn’t chicken out. I wasn’t going to, I’d
agreed to it and I would go through with it no matter
how idiotic I thought the task was.

“Where is David by the way?” I asked.

The Truth About Some Lies

“Oh he got up and went in to work today” she


“On a Saturday, I didn’t know he works

Saturdays. “

“Yeah he started last month” she said. “We’re

thinking about doing some work to the house, so he’s
been picking up on the overtime” After a short pause
and a few more sips of coffee I continued.

“Wow I didn’t know that” I said. “I can’t

imagine what you’re going to do to this place. Please
don’t say expand this kitchen, I’m already way to
jealous about it now“.

She giggled as she looked around its enormous

size and then stared back towards the living room.

“No, we’re just going to expand the deck; it came

with the house I was never in love with that awful
birch wood.”

The Truth About Some Lies

She did have a point her deck was the only part of
the house that looked like it didn’t belong; it sat off
the back of her house like a sore thumb. We returned
to the subject of David and when we did she slid
from her chair, grabbed under one of the
compartments of the island and pulled out a bag.
When she dumped its contents on the counter top; my
eyes went wide with curiosity and instinctually
looked around for the kids. Relaxed by the memory
that I’d took them to my brother Vick’s, I sifted
through the contents in amazement. She’d picked up
all kinds of stuff, toys, vibrators, florescent handcuffs
and something that looked like a sink plug. Finally
after handling about the tenth object I was persuaded
to find out what she actually expected of me.

“Damn Boo I’m not going to be fucking a whole

basket ball team, what is all this shit for.” she
laughed at my anxiety.

“Well u need choices don’t you?”

The Truth About Some Lies

I had never done anything like this before so I

wasn’t sure what the hell I needed, she was also a
little too chipper about the whole thing and it was
making me a little nervous. I’ve never been into toys
much either, I mean I’ve been buzzed with a vibrator
by a lover a few times before but that’s about it. I’ve
always been partial to the fleshy sensations of natural
stimulants, tongues, fingers, lips and a pulsating dick
was normally all I needed to get off. I must admit, it
was pretty exciting to look them all over, trying to
figure out what uses they performed.

Boo was always the type to investigate and

research anything she wanted to know about, I was
sure she didn’t have a clue about these items as well.
I remember when we decided we were going to
master the art of sucking dick. She actually went out
and got us a how to tape, The Art of Filacio it was
called, and I still have it in my treasure trove of a
porn collection. We would go from bar to bar asking
different men how they liked to have their dicks
sucked, shocking but true no one refused us an
answer. So when she pulled out a gay porno movie as
well I wasn’t really surprised.

The Truth About Some Lies

We immediately went back to the living room to

watch it, locking all the doors and making sure all the
blinds where closed. We had the volume way down
low, remote in hand, and with the flick of a button
any unwelcome intrusion would be none the wiser. I
hesitantly pushed play expecting what I thought
might be the most vulgar scenes of sexual acts
imaginable, Instead I found out that two men fuck
just like a man and a woman. Doggy style,
missionary and sitting on top, it makes sense when
you think about their ass is just inches from where
your pussy would be, so why not. Somehow when I
picture it in my mind its always doggy style, never
romantic, never sexy, just two big hairy men sweaty
and fucking each other to death. Well these tapes
where nothing like that at all, instead of being
repulsed as I initially thought I would be, I found
myself fascinated by the whole thing, and begin
watching attentively turned on in an almost clinical
kind of way. These men kissed each other softly
almost lovingly, I say almost lovingly because it was
still a porno after all but the expressions of desire on
their faces were expression that said they were really
enjoying themselves, it was more than a buck for a
fuck video edging them along. “Wow” I thought
“this is intense” these guys loved men the same as I

The Truth About Some Lies

did, there was no mistaking the erotic glow seen

between them. When I first caught David doing his
dirt I was so appalled by the identity of the
perpetrator that I never had a chance to appreciate the
act of homosexuality. It has to take an enormous
amount of desire for one man to be with another and
a greater amount of fortitude for them to openly love
each other. It’s a sad truth but when it comes to erotic
tendencies women where almost expected to be
bisexual by nature, but for men this is the ultimate of
Taboo’s. If a woman decided she wanted to
experiment with other women, it was be just that
experimenting and most likely encouraged but if a
man did the same my god he would be ridiculed and
shunned, branded a fag for even taking a look at a
dick other than his own. I was beginning to respect
the strength and intensity of it, I probably would
never use the word fag again that’s for sure. We sat
and watched it all the way through, once we were
done I was feeling a little more informed and a little
more courageous about my ability to handle whatever
came my way this evening. I still had no idea exactly
what I would do but knew now that it wasn’t going to
be as hard as I’d imagined. I couldn’t really tell how
Boo felt about what we saw, normally she was pretty
easy to read but she just sat there with a blank stare

The Truth About Some Lies

on her face, no expression what so ever, no comments

or lood whispers of disgust, just a blank stare. She
got up removed the DVD and put it back in its case,
went to the kitchen and came back holding the bag
when she sat back down on the couch with me I
decided it was time for some real talk.

“Are you sure this is ok Boo. I mean your positive

that this is how you want to do this” She just looked
at me with a devilish grin and paused before her

“Yes woman, and if there’s anyone who can pull

it off it’ll be you Yeti”

That might have been a compliment if we

weren’t talking about her husband but the fact that we
were left me wondering what she meant by it. She
handed me the bag placing a lingering hold on my
hand as I accepted it.

“I know this seems hard for you to understand

Yeti, but I really need you to do this. Just do your
thing with no worries, don’t think about it as David
think about it as a new exploration of your own
sexuality because that’s how I‘ll be thinking of it.”

The Truth About Some Lies

Damn my sister could talk a good game, she

always made what wasn’t so obvious crystal clear
and she never allowed me to fool my own
consciousness. As many times as I had questioned
how I so easily convince him into this, I had been
questioning myself how did I so readily agree to
persuade him. Maybe I was already exploring a
different side of my sexuality, maybe I wanted to
know what it would be like and if it wasn’t a desire
before it had become a definite curiosity now. My
sister knew me better than most, with all my ranting
and ravings about it I would have never agreed to
such a thing if there wasn’t some part of me that was
already interested, I’m just simply not that generous.
So yes I wanted to do this and I finally admitted that
to myself walking to the truck. I’d been getting my
mind prepared for this from the moment she
suggested it.

The Truth About Some Lies

I jumped in my silver surfer and made my way to

the house, when I reached home I sat there on the
couch and with a new found interest and excitedly
went over all the contents of the bag again. Some of
this stuff I had no idea how to use or even imagine
what is was for, so I separated the toys. I put the
“what in the world, how in the hell.” items to one
side and placed the “maybe I could, I know this one
good” items to the other. The packages didn’t give
much explanation or instruction on their use, I guess
they figure if you come in a store to buy it then you
already know what to do with it. I laid back on the
couch in disbelief about how many items I’d set aside
not having a clue about their uses, I was feeling a
little green then when I got the bright idea to call the
one person who knew any and everything about this
stuff. Normandy, she was coo coo for coca puffs and
would try anything more than twice. She always
ranted raved about her new latest and greatest orgasm
had by the end of a blazing hot rod of plastic. She had
to know what this other shit was for. It was longer a
secret to her anyway she had found out the juice
accidentally right before Saundra and I had gone on
our trip, by that time Boo didn’t care who knew
either way. When I called, her and Saundra where out
catching a movie, I thought to myself “that was even

The Truth About Some Lies

better.” Between the two of them I would be a

humping, jumping ass fucking maniac, they both
quickly agreed to come over. I removed the video
from the bag and placed it on the DVD rack I had
plans to watch it again later. I put a little music on
and danced myself around the living room a bit,
humping at the air, practicing my moves and laughing
at myself for being such a clown. A few moments
passed when I heard the phone ring, it was Quinn. I
straightened myself up and turned the music down as
if he were sitting in the room with me.

“Hey baby” I said glad that he had called.

“Hey love, I miss you I just wanted to let you

know I can make it back before Christmas” he said.

“Oh pop that’s good news and I miss you too” I


The Truth About Some Lies

“I don’t know about the New Year’s yet because

its gonna be really busy, but I‘ll definitely be there
for Christmas with my baby.” He went on for a
moment and it was good to hear his voice, he’d been
away for about a week, off some place doing god
knows what for work. We didn’t talk about his job a
lot, I just know it’s something that’s keeps him away
and has cost him two marriages but I didn’t mind the
distance too much as long as I got to speak to him.
All I could think about through the hurried
conversation was that this evening no matter how
much I had learned to love him and wished we had
plans for the future; I would most definitely be doing
something he wouldn’t approve of. How is it that I
could profess to love this man so much but not feel
the slightest bit of guilt in my actions, I mean I felt
like he would think what I was doing all these
months was hideous but I myself had no emotional
strain attached to it. Marcus and I had let up a little,
not so much that you would notice and I was still in
my element for filling my desires whenever I pleased.
Was it completely selfish of me, I asked myself but
I’d gone over all of these thoughts in the past. I
wasn’t prepared to be anything other than myself; I
just couldn’t be that other women again I hated her,
she was sexually repressed, always complaining

The Truth About Some Lies

about something, frustrated and a shadowy shell of

my true self. “Must I choose,” I thought as the sound
of his voice faded and the goodbyes had been said.
I’d even asked him once, how he felt about open
relationships, his views where simple; that anything
could be dealt with but normally it would need to be
discussed in the beginning of a relationship. That was
my mistake I hadn’t done that from the beginning, for
fear I wouldn’t have gotten his true self. Would he
have even given me the chance to be close to him
knowing physically that I could share myself with
another? I didn’t think so then and I don’t think so
now. I chickened out on the phone with him just then,
I wanted so badly to talk about it but I couldn’t get it
out. He’s never guessed anything or asked a question
about another, assuming he didn’t know or wasn’t
having the same dilemma of his own wasn’t very
smart of me, but I just figured it would be highly
unlikely for us to stand the same ground on this
particular subject, it would be perfect if we did but
very unlikely. I was through fondling with the toys
and through thinking about Quinn. I needed a
distraction and although Marcus and I had crossed
some boundaries and stirred it up from time to time
we were still good friends, I could still talk to him
about anything. I figured it was time to get his

The Truth About Some Lies

perspective on this shit, even if he was one of my

jump offs. I poked my fingers through blinds and
peeped out the window, he was home but he had
company for a moment I was stuck in position the car
in his drive belonged to Leslie. “This is curious” I
thought to myself since she hadn’t called me or
bothered to knock on my door. I had a good mind to
go over there and see exactly what was going on but
decided I was already in for enough drama for one
day and it really didn’t matter. David would meet me
at my house at 7:00 that gave me a little less than
four hours to clear my head and get my shit together.
I had convinced him through several conversations
and meetings that playing with toys wasn’t
considered cheating since he wouldn’t really be
having sex with me but a piece of plastic. It sounded
ridiculous when I said it, I even had to hold back the
laughter when the words first came from my lips but
I found myself gulping back a sigh of disbelief when
his dumb ass agreed to it. For some reason I didn’t
think it would be so easy, was I wrong in thinking he
might find himself skeptical or a little suspicious of
entertaining my suggestions, he is after all married to
my sister. Men and their dicks desires, I swear sex is
a powerful drug but I thought "who was I to talk?"
The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quickly and

The Truth About Some Lies

before I knew it Normandy and Saundra where

pulling in the drive, by that time I had reverted back
to my earlier bout of hesitation and was glad they had
arrived because I was in the shit now, pacing the floor
and having second thoughts. I needed some serious
encouragement it was already after 4 and there wasn’t
much time to back out. The knock on the door was
the first notch of my returning backbone, my girls
were here to give me support and I loved that they
were always here for me and how we could get
through anything together. I don’t really know what
this particular show of solidarity said about our level
of dysfunction but I was really happy to see them.
Normandy entered first passing me through the door
on the way in.”

“My God Chica I know you aint about to get busy

looking like that, just because you about to strap on a
dick doesn’t mean you have to look like a drag

The Truth About Some Lies

Saundra laughed as she entered behind her; I

didn’t find the comment funny but had to admit I was
looking a little rough. I mean this wasn’t like a
normal rendezvous anyway, I didn’t see why I needed
to get all gussied up for David. Normally if I was
preparing for a rendezvous every little detail
would’ve been paid attention too, from a clean
shaven hairless body, to the shade of nail polish that
would match what I was wearing but today I did look
a mess. I had taken a shower earlier but then slipped
into a pair of boxers and an old t shirt my dad had
given me years ago, so yes, I had to agree I was
looking at little scary.

”Aight baby girl we here, now what kind of swift

kick in your ass do you need to get this thing popin
“Normandy said.

Saundra headed straight to the fridge.

“Did you cook last night what you got to eat.”

“Well not last night” I yelled back into the

kitchen “but there is some lasagna left from

The Truth About Some Lies

I rarely ever eat leftovers so I try to cook in

portions but lasagna was the one thing that I could eat
everyday and could never manage to cook small
amounts of it.

“Yeah baby“I heard come from the kitchen as

Sandra had no doubt found the lasagna.

This one I’d prepared with four cheeses, spinach,

mushrooms and put fresh tomatoes on top. A few
minutes later she walked out of the kitchen looking a
little confused.

“I forgot you don’t own a microwave. I put the

pan in the oven.”

“It doesn’t normally take long” I said “give it

about 20 minutes or so.”

“Well I want some to” Normandy said she was

looking over my record collection in the living room.

”Girl I said I put the whole pan in the oven, there

is plenty.”

Normandy walked back over towards the couch

where Saundra and I had propped down.

The Truth About Some Lies

“So is this going to be the love lounge for this

evening?” I gave her a quick smirk.

”Yeah this is gonna have to be where we get busy,

I’m definitely not having this shit in my bedroom.” I

My living room was sunken so it was cozy and

inviting many of orgasmic sessions had been held in
the living room and it was adequate enough for the
evening’s events as well.

“Well let me know were yawl plan to do it at, so

the next time I come over I’ll remember where not to
sit” Normandy laughed.

I laughed to and it felt good to momentarily take

this situation as a joke.

”See you smiling I knew I would get you sooner

or later.” Normandy said.

“Look Yeti” Saundra said. “This aint no different

than any other dude you done fucked in here, it’s just
gonna be you doing the fucking and don’t tell me you
haven’t already imagined a scenario like this
before.” I giggled a reply.

The Truth About Some Lies

”No actually I have never thought about a

scenario quite like this thank you very much”

“Well then just do what you would normally do

have a drink forget about him being Boo’s husband
you could even make him someone else just for the
night.” I started to think about it closely, everyone
kept saying forget this is Boo‘s husband, but nobody
was telling me how in the fuck I was supposed to do

“Like a fantasy” I asked.

“Yes just like that, call him a different name when

he walks in the door to make it real.”

“Mmm” I said. “I like that, I could call him


“Frenchy?” Normandy questioned, with a

screwed up look on her face.

“Now that just sounds homo.” She said.

The Truth About Some Lies

I laughed again I don’t know why I chose

Frenchy I always liked the name so Frenchy it was,
my mind was turning and my imagination was living
up to its prior glory. I smiled a devilish grin while
imagining the things I could do to Frenchy. Saundra
gave me a slightly worried look though.

“So you got the fantasy locked in your mind?”

she asked.

“Yes” I said and I did, I’d been forced to imagine

this event a few times over in the last month or so, I
never thought of it in this way but now a curiosity
was stained in my mind and the unrelenting
knowledge of inevitability along with it.

Just then I noticed a slight burning smell.

” Saundra, get the food” I said.

She jumped from the edge of the couch and

dashed in the kitchen.

”God damn it and I’m hungry, I hope she didn’t

burn it” Normandy spewed.

The Truth About Some Lies

“It's ok Saundra yelled from the kitchen, a little

browner then it was but it’s not burnt” she yelled

“Thank god because I’m starving.” Normandy


I grabbed the toys from the coffee table and

spread them out on the couch next to Normandy.

“My god” she said. “You have a small arsenal

going on here and what on earth is this” she said
holding up a black rubber instrument.

“Well I was hoping you could tell me” I said.

“Wow, I really have no idea I’ll have to

investigate this one a little later.”

She laid it in her lap and I laughed at the faces

she made when she looked it over again. Saundra
came from the kitchen, plate in one hand wine glass
in the other and sat down on the edge of my coffee
table. She let her eyes roll over the instruments once
or twice with no real shock in her eyes and began to

The Truth About Some Lies

”Damn bitch you aint have to fix nobody else a

plate.” Normandy whined

“You’re right, that’s why I didn’t. You got to dish

up your own trouble, you won’t blame me for that
size 10 you wearing” she laughed.”

Normandy was a size 10 and considered herself a

ten all around, nothing about her was fat or out of
shape she was just thick, as men like to say she was
leveled out in all the right places. She looked good
and she knew it so she gave a side twitched
expression to Saundra’s comment and moved her hips
and ass a little more than normal while walking
towards the kitchen, she glanced back at us just as
she had reached the kitchen door.

“Yeah but this 10 looks good baby” and

descended into the kitchen.

The Truth About Some Lies

She returned with two plates one for me and one

for her, as much as I loved the taste of my own
lasagna I just couldn’t think I eating. Saundra, who
apparently had a bit of experience with these toys as
well, was going through the lot of them giving dirty
instruction on their uses. Normandy and I just sat and
ate and listened intently, when Saundra was done
they both quizzed me on their uses, needless to say I
passed with flying colors. I did eat my food after all,
my feelings of anxiousness had been settled and by
the time we were done talking about the use of the
toys it was almost time to do so.

”Well what time is he coming over” and before I

could get the words out my mouth the phone rang,
everybody froze and the house went dead silent.

I could tell by the caller id it was him. I waved

my hands around giving them an indication to stay

“Hello. “

“Hey Yeti, whats going on Hun we still doing this

right” he said.

”Yes” I replied.

The Truth About Some Lies

“And I’m meeting you at your place right. “

“Yes” I replied I couldn’t find any other words that
would come out, just straight one word responses.

“You ok Hun. “ He finally said noticing the lack

of conversation.

“Yeah I’m good” I said “what time will you be

here.” I asked making sure I had the time correct.

“We said seven right, that way I can still be home

early before Eve gets her panties in a bunch.”

A comment that would normally call for a smart

response in defense of my sister but I just allowed it
to slide to the side for fear of messing up our plans.

“Seven it is” I said. “I’ll be waiting.” we hung up

the phone.

“Oh my god, it’s really going down “Normandy

said. “

“Yup” I replied. “It’s going down, he will be here

at seven that gives me a little over an hour to get
myself together.”

“I’ll grab you a drink” Saundra said she knew

exactly what I meant by get myself together.

The Truth About Some Lies

I went in my bedroom and was back to the living

room before the cubes had melted in my drink I
didn’t apply any makeup, I didn’t care what they said
this wasn’t a date but I did pull my hair up in a cute
bun and slipped a night coat over my newly changed
panties and bra.

“There she is” Saundra stated.”Now that’s much

better babes.”

Pretty lingerie always made me feel sexy and I

needed every form of pep I could get, I took the drink
from Saundra who still held the bottle in her hand. I
gulped the first one quickly as if taking a shot from a
full drink, she immediately poured me another, I lit a
cigar and we all toasted. I went first and raised my

“Too fucking in the ass” I said.

“Too Vaseline” Saundra followed; we all laughed

at her comment.

“Too the shit we do for family” Normandy said.

“Amen” We all said together and then downed the

The Truth About Some Lies

It was just a little passed six and I still hadn’t

called Boo yet, I quickly made the call to let her
know it was on and he would be at my house at
seven. We hung up and I rushed Normandy and
Saundra out of the house all I needed was for him to
see them in passing and the whole thing would be
ruined. Precise and on time at seven there was knock
on my door I walked to it slowly, turning out the
lights on my way to the door. The sun had begun to
go down leaving a subtle orange glow of light
illuminating the living room. I already had the music
playing Marvin gay was on the recorder and set for
repeat, drinks where out and the toys where
meticulously set about the living room, I had Saundra
and Normandy to thank for that. When I opened the
door I was greeted by a smile, in the evenings light
good looks where highlighted with a fiery glow. He’d
always been attractive to me but more so this evening
than ever before. The conversation was short, and it
was kind of awkward for both of us. We made it over
to the couch where his drink was waiting. I handed
him his and poured myself another. I waited until he
was in the middle of taking a sip and begin to
unbutton his shirt, opening it and showing off his
bare chest. He kept himself very well maintained I
thought as I raked my hands over his body feeling the

The Truth About Some Lies

rippling muscles beneath my touch. I placed my drink

on the coffee table and stooped down in from him
massaging for a bit as he gulped down the rest of his
drink. I removed the remainder of his shirt and then
pulled him to a standing position and removed his
pants, his legs and thighs where the same as his chest,
the body of a man who stayed in the gym. He left his
boxer briefs on but he was already hard and the
protruding, his dick was peaking through his shorts
telling me he was already excited. I never removed
my robe but instead just unbelted it and allowed it to
fall open.

”You really are beautiful” he said as the belts fell

to my waste side.

“So are you” I said to him. “Now get down on

your knees.” I pushed him on the couch into a doggy
style position, the excitement rippled in his voice as
he gave me a simple “mmmm”

The Truth About Some Lies

I begin to massage his back pulling and grabbing

at its flesh, I reached into the cushion of the couch
where I knew Saundra had placed the strap on, still
massaging him allowing my hands to move their
erythematic grasps down to his ass. His boxers were
still on and I rubbed at his ass through the thin cloth,
his body was conforming to my touches and calling
my hands for more attention. I slowly maneuvered
the strap on in place pausing at the massage for a
moment to get it belted. He looked back at my
fidgeting and at the object of my entanglement with a
hue of lust on his face.

“You look like you know what you’re doing.”

Well I didn’t but I was for damn sure about to try
something and you’d be surprised what a few shots of
jack can make you feel like you can do.

The Truth About Some Lies

”Don’t talk” I said to him. “Just wet this for

me.” I said as I stroked on the hard rubber protruding
from my robe, in seconds he was on it slurping at it
and moaning his way up and down its shaft. I began
to slide the muscle in and out of his mouth stroking at
his tonsils. He closed his eyes and let me have at his
throat. I placed my hands on the side of his face
where I could feel the false dick moving up and down
his jaw line. I wasn’t grossed out, I wasn’t even
appalled, I was surged on by his desire for the
substitute muscle and enthralled by my own need to
give it to him. I moved my hands to his mouth
massaging around his lips still moving my prosthetic
dick in and out his jaws. He allowed saliva to drip
onto my finger tips and I rubbed its wetness back
over forth over his face. He willingly, eagerly fell
into my grasp following my hands caresses forcing
his face against my palms. I teased and taunted him
with it, sliding it from his hold and returning it to his
yearning lips. He loved it, he worshiped it and his
hunger was unquestionable. My hands where slippery
dripping with wetness I placed both hands on each
side of his face again this time fucking his mouth
with slow graceful strokes, the sounds of wetness as
he slurped bought on my own moans of excitement. I
stretched myself further down his frame releasing my

The Truth About Some Lies

hands from his face trying to reach his ass. I was

barely able to slide his boxers down but he helped my
inability with an eager tug of his own, exposing his
bare ass to me. I replaced the stiff dick with my
fingers, sliding them in his mouth and then positioned
myself behind him. I could feel him sucking at their
tips sending tickling sensations to my toes. With my
other hand still dripping wet I slid my fingers over
his ass whole just barely brushing its soft surface. His
legs would shake each time I touched it, each time I
knowingly teased at its penetration. His moans of
anticipation grew louder and the nibbles and bites he
gave my finger tips turned to a forceful suction down
his throat. My fingers probed his ass never entering
just giving a tantalizing probe of pressure at its
surface and he was insane with desire

“What do you want me to do” I said knowing full

well he wanted penetration, fingers, a stiff dick
anything inside him to cool his blaze.

“Give it to me, I want it” he said moaning loudly,

there no timid shame in his voice, no hesitations of
embarrassment in his action he had the pure
unadulterated desire for this male idol of ecstasy and
would do anything to get it.

The Truth About Some Lies

He was unaware of my front door when it began

to creek open and if it wasn’t for my own knowledge
of the impending visitor, I would’ve been to
enthralled myself to notice. I was into this shit now
and fucking him in the ass was going to be a
pleasurable task. I grabbed the remote from the seat
of the couch as the door creaked a little louder
turning the volume up so that he would stay unaware
of the intrusion.

The Truth About Some Lies

It was boo and I knew it and she was right in

time. I’d waited as long as I could to slide this dick in
him, my exhausted expectancy growing more than
his own, I was sure. I begin to concentrate completely
on his ass releasing my other hand from his tongues
grasp, massage his cheeks with one hand slowly
pushing my finger in his ass with the other, not all the
way just enough to let him know what was coming.
That I was there and at any moment I would stick this
dick in him to the hilt. I quickly glanced back at the
door to see if she had entered completely. In the dim
light of the living room I could see she’d silently
crept undetected to one corner of the room, she was
standing there as if she were painted on the wall. It
was time to get in him, thoughts of sticking this dick
in him rolled over my mind when I realized in all the
fuss and excitement over the toys I never thought
about lubrication and it wasn’t exactly the type of
thing you just stop and say “Hold on baby I got to
get some Vaseline” if this was stopped there would be
no restarting. I reached my palms to my lips and spit
making the distinct sound of saliva being laced on my
fingers, he moaned at the sound of it knowing full
well what I was about to do. I rubbed the salivation
up and down the shaft of the dick until it was slippery
and wet then I reached my hand to his mouth and told

The Truth About Some Lies

him to “ Spit on it” he spade my palm with what had

to be a built up mouth watering wad of saliva. I used
it to rub on his ass whole lubing him to wetness,
causing his legs to shake again and moans to release
from his lips.

“Turn it on” he said. “I want you to be excited


I didn’t understand and I got a little confused by

the comment but he didn’t have to worry about me
being excited, I was there so chalked his comment up
to the ramblings of wanting. He said it again.

“Turn it on Yeti” there was still no response from

me, I had no idea what he wanted until he reach up to
the front of the strap on and tugged at it a bit.

The Truth About Some Lies

The buzzing began and along with it the constant

vibration from within, I found my clit being
stimulated by a new found friend impeded within the
strap. The tables were turned just that quickly as
pulsation and unrelenting tremors took my pussy for
a ride. I was getting soaked and I had him wet
enough to slide in. The thought of Boo was lost she
was taking too long in the darkness; I had lost sight
of her and didn’t know where she was or what she
doing but I slid in him to my surprise with great ease.
He squealed with pleasure as I buried my dick in his
ass, at this point I was claiming the instrument as my
own loving the power of my position and reveling the
jolts of delight that filled my pussy. I stroked him
timidly at first until he begged me forward. With a
reach back of his arm and a tug at my hips I was deep
inside him.

The Truth About Some Lies

‘Wow” I thought, he had done this before more

than once perhaps. I began to slam my dick in and
out of him, with each slide forcing my pussy back
and forth rubbing my already electrified clit to
greater heights. I did take another glance around the
room to see if I could find Boo’s shadowy image,
amazingly she was still watching the whole thing go
down she had just shifted her position to a closer
corner. I wasn’t sure if at any moment she would
burst into frenzy, turn the lights on and stop the
whole thing and at this point I was really hoping she
didn’t. I was more than enjoying stroking his ass and
feeling the vibrations being applied to my pussy, heat
was swelling in my walls and it was matter of time
before I completely melted. I was giving him burst of
small jabs and then long thrusts of dick, working
every muscle in my abdomen to keep my stroke
constant. He followed the haze of excited thrust by
stroking his own dick below. His face was buried in
the cushions and he was moaning uncontrollably
begging me to give him more, I felt like the king of
bitches if there is such a thing. I never expected Boo
to slide in front of him and was so intent on fucking
him to orgasm that I never even saw her move from
the corner. But there she was right in front of him and
there I was still fucking him from behind. I don’t

The Truth About Some Lies

know if it was her presence he felt or just a part of his

reaction to the blowout I was sure I was giving him
but he raised his head from the cushions. When he
opened his eyes and got a look at Boo his whole body
froze, shit the whole room froze from his fear, not me
I was still banging away jabbing at his ass as if
nothing had changed. I was out of control and
someone was going to have to stop me. I had the
fever and the freeze of his position only caused me to
drive in deeper. He reached up for her and she
quickly unveiled her own tool, he didn’t have time to
get out one word, she swiftly jabbed it in his mouth,
holding the back of his head and forcing him down
on her borrowed dick. It was a sight, I was fucking
him in the ass she was fucking him in the mouth he
was shaking and tearing his own dick apart trying to
burst. At one point I thought to myself “this is some
sick shit” but damn if I didn’t keep right on tearing
his ass up. There was nothing graceful about her
strokes either, she was choking him, fucking him
ferociously and he gagged with pleasure taking every
jab with delight. The tears that welled up in his eyes
were not of pain but immense pleasure it was the
freakiest scene and the freakiest thing I’ve done to
date. We slammed and rocked into him until I could
no longer take the buzz from the strap on, it won over

The Truth About Some Lies

and I begin to cum, when I did I raised up on his back

and rocked back and forth grinding in and out of his
ass with speed and force causing him to yell out
muffled moans as Boo did the same to his mouth. He
shook vigorously until I could feel his steamy the
jerks and squirms of shooting liquid milk wads. In a
bolt of grunts and moans he had cum and so had I. I
slowly slid my dick from his ass, the last bit of cream
still dripping from my pussy I leaned back on the arm
of the couch to get my bearing still electrified by the
event. Slowly my senses returned to me I shook off
the heat of the room and the sweat that poured down
my body. Boo was still pumping in and out of his
mouth and he was still loving it holding her hips
pulling at her for more and she was giving it to him
just like he wanted it.

The Truth About Some Lies

I slowly unbuckled the strap on, allowing it to fall

to the floor. Backing away from the scene I tied my
robe back up grabbed the bottle of jack, my keys and
headed for the door. I left them in my house and
escaped to my truck, in disbelief not only by the way
things went but by the knowledge that I’d enjoyed the
fuck out of it. I can’t tell you what happened after
that because I sat in my truck in my robe and drank
the whole bottle of jack but what I can say is that
about 2:00am there was tap on the window of my
vehicle and they were both telling me to go in the
house. Half sleep I scurried to my door and glanced
back to see those two walking down my drive way
hand in hand……..

The Truth About Some Lies


A Note to Self

I can’t believe how far I’ve let myself go, when I

think about myself in the third person I’m wondering
how the hell do I do these things. I just fucked my
sister’s husband in the ass and all I can think about is
how much I liked it and when can I do something like
that again. I’ve already decided I just created myself
another sexual habit, it was just too delicious to be a
onetime thing, and although I’d never be interested in
fucking her husband again I’m going to make it my
duty to find a partner who won’t mind me strapping it

The Truth About Some Lies

on. I find it insane, there is no angel on my shoulder

telling me I did something bad, there is no raw
feeling in my gut that says the immense pleasure I
got from it will send me to hell. There is only a
feeling of unrest, a feeling of facade, like I’m
pretending to be something I’m not with someone I
love. To be honest, I’m scared to face this feeling,
I’m scared I’m not an acceptable image of
womanhood, shit I’m just scared he’ll leave me. God
I wish I had talked to him sooner, I wish that I could
just speak the words that would make him
understand. With all that I’ve done these last months,
I haven’t been half as bad as I’m capable of but that’s
probably enough to send him running. I’ve decided
this is the day, no matter how long I prolong this in
the end I’ll still be me that won’t change, so I’m
going to get it over with. I’m going to write to him
and tell my tale from our beginning until now. Today
is a better day then any and writing should distract
me from this insatiable fever I woke up with….

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