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Cello 1

Can the Monster Inside of You, Kill You?
Are energy drins a !ottle full of energy? "r a !ottle full of dangerous side effe#ts?
$hat are energy drins% &hat is in
the'?( Nor'ally, the 'ain
ingredients for energy drins are
)aurine and Caffeine* )aurine is an
a'ino a#id, it hel+s regulate the le,el
of &ater and 'ineral salts that are in
the !lood* )aurine is often used as a
dietary su++le'ent !ut &hen 'i-ed
&ith #affeine, it i'+ro,es 'ental
+erfor'an#e* If the drin does not
ha,e #affeine it has the ingredient
#alled Guarana, &hi#h is the
e.ui,alent of #affeine* If the drin is
saying that it does not ha,e sugar in it, it &ill !e
re+la#ed &ith artifi#ial s&eeteners* )he a'ount of
#affeine in an energy drin is fro' /0 'illigra's 1
233 'illigra's, in one !ottle of an energy drin*
$hat affe#t do energy drins ha,e on your !ody?(
Energy drins are not ne#essarily all !ad for you
!ut they should not !e used on a regular !asis*
Energy drins affe#t +eo+le4s !ody4s differently
than others, in so'e #ases energy drins #an !oost
the heart rate and !lood +ressure, dehydrate the
!ody, and +re,ent slee+* In others it #an tae so'e
ti'e !efore the drins side effe#ts i#s in* Energy
drins should not !e used for
e-er#ising or hydration !e#ause
of the s&eat loss and the
a'ount of #affeine in the drin,
it #an 'ae the !ody
dangerously dehydrated*
$hat is the re#o''ended
energy drin usage% ho& 'u#h
is too 'u#h?( 5sually, one
energy drin has a!out the
sa'e a'ount of #affeine that is
in a #u+ of !re&ed #offee*
Although, !e#ause of the
different side effe#ts it #an ha,e
on different !odies, there is no
regular a'ount that should !e
#onsu'ed* $hen taing a large
a'ount of energy drins, it #an
result in intense ra+id heart
rate, +al+itations, sei6ures, light
headedness, tre'ors, la# in slee+,
and so'eti'es e,en death*
7o they a#tually gi,e you energy?(
Energy drins do gi,e you the
feeling of ha,ing 'ore energy, !ut
that is 'ostly !e#ause of high
doses of #affeine in it* 8in#e there
is su#h a huge a'ount of #affeine,
it #an raise the !ody4s !lood
+ressure taing a&ay the fatigue in
the !ody* Although, it is 9ust a
sti'ulant effe#t it does not a#tually gi,e the !ody
energy only the feeling of it*
Are they good or !ad?(
If using energy drins to hydrate, re1hydrate,
during e-er#ise, or 9ust on a regular !asis #an !e
,ery !ad on the !ody* Es+e#ially if using energy
drins to !e 'i-ed &ith al#ohol* Energy drins
drain your !ody of all the li.uid in it, it does not
hydrate the !ody* If using energy drins on a
regular !asis it #an affe#t the #entral ner,ous
syste', resulting in tre'ors and the
gastrointestinal syste', resulting in feeling !loated
#onstantly* Energy drins
should ne,er !e used to 'i-
&ith al#ohol, sin#e it is only
an effe#t* Al#ohol is no&n to
!e a de+ressant, &hen
drining al#ohol fatigue is the
sign to the !ody that it has
had enough al#ohol* But, if it
is 'i-ed &ith an energy drin
the !ody &ill not re#ei,e the
fatigue sign, !ut the !ody4s
!lood al#ohol #on#entration
re'ains the sa'e* 5sually,
&hen #onsu'ed &ith al#ohol
+eo+le tend to do irrational
things and sin#e they feel
energi6ed they do 'ore
#o'+le- things* But on#e the
energy drin &ears off, the
fatigue hits the !ody i''ediately #ausing the
:8hould I Eat )hat?; <ro9e#t, =)=I 8+ring 231>
8afety Be#o'es a Con#ern $ith
=igh1Caffeine 7rins
Energy 7rin Monster
Cello 2
al#ohol effe#ts to i# in &hi#h results in
de+ression or ,o'iting in the slee+*
$ors Cited
:Energy 7rins;* Bro&n 5ni,ersity =ealth
Edu#ation* Mar#h 11, 231>*
a##o,@ A@other@drugs%energy@drins*+h+B*
:Energy 7rins Alter =eart Fun#tion, 8tudy
8ho&s;* Medi#al Ne&s )oday* 7e#e'!er 2, 231C*
Mar#h 11, 231>*
Meier, Barry* :8afety Be#o'es a Con#ern $ith
=igh1Caffeine 7rins;* "#to!er 2C, 2312* NY
)i'es* Mar#h 1/, 231>*
:<osition 8tate'ent and Re#o''endations for the
use of Energy 7rins By Young Athletes;*
National Federation of 8tate =igh
8#hool Asso#iations* Mar#h 1D, 231>*
Geratsy, Katherine* :$hat is taurine? Is it safe?;*
Mayo Clini#* Mar#h 23, 231>*
Should I Eat That? Project, HTHI Fall 2013

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