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pg no.
1 Welcome ...

2 School of Engineering an Science ....
! Acaemic "rogram# ..
$ School Organi%a&ional Char& ...
' Ser(ice Agreemen&
1 School O,era&ional Char&
2 School Re,or&ing Char&
! School Informa&ion Flo- Char& .
$ A,,oin&men& of .ea of *e,ar&men& ..
' )/ge&ing "roce## .
Flo- Char& of )/ge&ing "roce##
0 "/rcha#e Re1/i#i&ion "roce##
Flo- Char& of Re1/i#i&ion "roce##
Flo- Char& of Sof&-are Re1/i#i&ion "roce##
2 Fiel Tri,
Flo- Char& of Fiel Tri, "roce##
3 Official )/#ine## Tra(el .
Flo- Char& of Tra(el Re1/e#&4Acaemic 5i#i& "roce/re#
Flo- Char& of Acaemic 5i#i& "roce/re# II
6 Acaemic 5i#i&# ..
17 EAC Accrei&a&ion .
11 +ni& Re(ie-
12 Room Alloca&ion
1 E#&a8li#hing of School Commi&&ee
2 A,,oin&men& of Commi&&ee Chair..
! Re#earch an *e(elo,men& Commi&&ee .
R9* Conference A&&enance
$ Teaching an Learning Commi&&ee ..
' In/#&rial Rela&ion Commi&&ee .
In/#&rial Rela&ion TOR
In/#&rial "lacemen&
0 Occ/,a&ional .eal&h an Safe&: ;La8< Commi&&ee .
La8 Safe&: "roce/re
Main&enance "roce/re for La8 E1/i,men&
2 S&/en& an S&aff Con#/l&a&i(e Commi&&ee ..
3 Re#o/rce an "h:#ical *e(elo,men& Commi&&ee ..
6 S&/en& Recr/i&men& Commi&&ee
1 In/#&rial A(i#or: "anel E#&a8li#hmen&.
2 Fir#& Ai Co/r#e
To all &he ne- #&aff I -o/l li=e &o e>&en a -arm -elcome &o &he School of Engineering
an Science. Thi# SO" 8oo=le& -a# ,/& &oge&her &o #er(e a# a g/ie? e#,eciall:? for ne- #&aff
on &he #chool o,era&ional ,roce##e#. I& highligh&# &he #chool@# organi%a&ion an o,era&ional
char&#? &he #er(ice agreemen& for acaemic coAo,era&ion -i&h "er&h an &he #&anar
,roce/re# &ha& /ner,in &he (ario/# #chool ac&i(i&ie# an o,era&ional ,roce##e#.
I& con#i#&# of fo/r *e,ar&men&# of Engineering? namel:? Chemical? Mechanical? Ci(il an
Con#&r/c&ion? Elec&rical an Comm/nica&ion Engineering an Com,/&ing? an a
*e,ar&men& of Science an Ma&h. O(er &he la#& 2 :ear#? o/r #&aff #&reng&h ha# gro-n &o
o(er fif&: an o/r #&/en& ,o,/la&ion ha# 8reache &he 377 mar=.
All o/r Engineering ,rogram# recei(e 8o&h in&erna&ional an na&ional recogni&ion from
&he (ario/# engineering accrei&a&ion )oar#? incl/ing? EA/#&? IChemE an EAC?
Mala:#ia. Similarl:? o/r )achelor of Technolog: gaine accrei&a&ion from EA/#& an o/r
Com,/&ing Science ,rogram al#o recei(e recogni&ion an accrei&a&ion from &he
A/#&ralian Com,/&ing Socie&:. For &hi# rea#on? School of Engineering an Science i#
re,/&e for i&# in&erna&ional recogni&ion in o/r engineering ,rogram# an &he: ha(e
8ecome &he #&/en&@# choice in &hi# region. O/r ne- A,,lie Geolog: ,rogram ha# en&ere
i&# :ear &-o an -ill #ee i&# fir#& cohor& of gra/a&e# in 2776
J a c q u e l i n e N M a r t i n
A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t
D o r a C e c e l i a I n d i n
A d m i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t
D r . K a n i r a j S h e n b a g a
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r
D r . L a u H i e n g H o
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
D r . T a n g F u E e
C o o r d i n a t o r E F Y
D r . D j a n t o r o H a r d j i t o
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
D r . J a ! a " u # a r M
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
C a r r i e H o
L e c t u r e r
$ . S u r e % h K u # a r
L e c t u r e r
N u r i E l b a % h a
L e c t u r e r
& e o r g e E d # u n d
T e c h n i c a l O f f i c e r
J e ' ' r e n d ! ( u l e n d !
L a b T e c h n i c i a n
) * $ D r . ) n d r e + h ! t e
H e a d , D e t ! o f C i v i l
" C o n s t r u c t i o n E n # i n e e r i n #
D r . C h u a H a n , i n g
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r
D r . ) b d u l & h a n i
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
D r . N g u L i n g N g e e
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
D r . - e e n a D o % h i
L e c t u r e r
F r e d d i e $ a n a u
L e c t u r e r
J o b r u n N a n d o n g
L e c t u r e r
T a n . i n L i n g
L e c t u r e r
F l o r e n c e + o n g
A s s o c ! L e c t u r e r
J o a n n a T h a ! u n
T e c h n i c a l O f f i c e r
H e l d a $ u ! a n g J a u
L a b T e c h n i c i a n
) * $ D r . . u d i S a # ! u d i a
H e a d , D e a r t m e n t o f
C h e m i c a l E n # i n e e r i n #
D r . ) l e / a n d e r & o r i n
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r
D r . 0 a i % u l I % l a #
L e c t u r e r
M o o l a M o h a n 0 e d d !
L e c t u r e r
C h e n g C h i n F o o "
L e c t u r e r
0 a j a # o h a n & a n e % a n
L e c t u r e r
H a b i b J o h a r
L e c t u r e r
M i c h a e l D i n g $ o h H u a
L a b T e c h n i c i a n
D r . K h a l e d H o % % i e n
H e a d , D e a r t m e n t o f
$ e c h a n i c a l E n # i n e e r i n #
D r . ( h u q u a n ( a n g
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r
D r . N a d e r , a % o u #
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r
D r . N a i n g 1 o
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
D r . + o n g K i i n g I n g
L e c t u r e r
D r . ) % h u t o % h K u # a r
L e c t u r e r
D r . H a d i H a % % a n
L e c t u r e r
- e e r a # a n i S
L e c t u r e r
M o h d . ) # a l u d d i n
L e c t u r e r
T e r e n c e T a n
L e c t u r e r
K e n n e t h ) d a n
L e c t u r e r
0 a b i H a b a % h
L e c t u r e r
T i o n g T e c " C h a i
L e c t u r e r
& o 2 a l L e n i n
L e c t u r e r
+ a % e e # ) h # e d
H e a d , D e a r t m e n t o f
E l e c t r i c a l , C o m m u n i c a t i o n
E n # i n e e r i n # " C o m u t i n #
D r . 1 % a # a T a i q
L e c t u r e r
D r . E l i % a b e t h D o # i n i q u e
L e c t u r e r
( e ! a 1 o
S e n i o r L e c t u r e r
0 a j a l i n g a # S o " " a l i n g a #
L e c t u r e r
S a # % o n $ h i l i 2
T e c h n i c a l O f f i c e r
) * $ D r . E % a r a n $ a d # a n a b h a n
H e a d , D e a r t m e n t
o f S c i e n c e a n d
$ a t h e m a t i c s
) % % o c . $ r o ' . C h u a H a n , i n g
D i r e c t o r
Than Soe
Senior Tech.
Suresh Reuben
Technical Officer
Daniel Wong
Technical Officer
Elda A. Jailani
Technical Officer
This agreement is between the Division of Engineering, Science and Computing, Curtin
University of Technology and Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
Curtin University of Technology !Curtin" and Curtin Sarawak Malaysia !CSM" have
entered into a contract under which, in e#change for an agreed consideration, Division of
Engineering, Science and Computing !ES$C" courses may be undertaken at the CSM
Miri campus leading to the award of the corresponding Curtin degree
%&' CSM has agreed to provide the physical and human resources re(uired to offer a
pathway to each relevant degree that is e(uivalent to the pathway offered within
ES$C, with e(uivalent learning outcomes for students)
%&& CSM has agreed to provide appropriately (ualified and e#perienced staff to
present units)
%&* ES$C has agreed to fully support CSM in the provision of courseware and
%&+ ES$C courses have an established place in the education market ES$C and
CSM have agreed that it is essential that these be delivered, and continue to be
developed, to satisfy relevant educational accreditation re(uirements ,n
ES$C and CSM have agreed that accreditation of Curtin engineering degrees by
relevant accrediting bodies is an essential element of their value)
.oth parties acknowledge that Engineers /ustralia is the recognised accrediting
body for engineering courses offered by /ustralian universities)
,n accrediting courses, Engineers /ustralia re(uires that all pathways for
pursuing a course must meet its published standards Thus, where ES$C and
CSM offer the same course, in order for the course to be accredited at all,
accreditation standards must be met at both locations)
ES$C and CSM have agreed that both will maintain the standards re(uired for
accreditation of relevant courses by Engineers /ustralia)
.oth parties acknowledge that it is also necessary that CSM Engineering Courses
meet Malaysian 0overnment accreditation and professional re(uirements)
1urthermore, ES$C and CSM have agreed that both will maintain the standards
re(uired for accreditation of the Chemical Engineering course by the ,nstitution
of Chemical Engineers
%*' ,n this document the following definitions apply-
CSM means Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
CSM 2ecturer means the lecturer responsible for delivering a particular unit at
Curtin means Curtin University of Technology
ES$C means the Division of Engineering, Science and Computing within Curtin
University of Technology
Course Coordinator means the ES$C academic staff member designated to be
responsible for a course by the organisational entity !eg Department" that owns
the course
E#ecutive Dean means the E#ecutive Dean of ES$C
3ead of Discipline refers to the CSM staff member responsible for the
management of the particular engineering discipline at CSM
34D means 3ead of Department !ES$C" or 3ead of Discipline !CSM"
56C means 5ro 6ice7Chancellor CSM
Unit Coordinator means the academic staff member designated to be responsible
for a unit by the organisational entity !eg Department" that owns the relevant
%+' The purpose of this document is to-
Describe mutual e#pectations as to the level and manner of support provided by
ES$C to CSM)
Ensure consistency in standards of content, presentation and assessment of
courses offered at both ES$C and CSM)
5rovide a guide to the operation of ES$C courses at CSM and to ensure Curtin8s
(uality management procedures are adhered to) and
Encourage and facilitate collegial interaction between the staff of ES$C and
%+& Curtin University8s policies and procedures will prevail unless modified by this
%+* /ll academic activities at CSM are governed by the following policies and
9uality Management 5rocedures
Code of Ethical 5ractice in the 5rovision of Education to ,nternational Students
by /ustralian Universities
,nternational Education Services 5olicy and 5rocedures for /nnual <eview of
,nternational Education Services
Teaching and 2earning 5olicies and 5rocedures
%++ ,t is the responsibility of all academic staff at both ES$C and at CSM to be
familiar with the above policies /lthough these policies will govern the
operation of Curtin courses at CSM, certain specific modifications to the
implementation of the above policies may be re(uired to accommodate the
different operating environment at CSM
%%' ES$C and CSM will each nominate a single appropriately (ualified 2iaison
4fficer who will be responsible for facilitating the e#change of scheduled
information and materials between ES$C and CSM
The 2iaison 4fficer at a particular campus is to act as a single point of contact for
the other campus in pursuing its formal re(uests for information
,t is not intended that 2iaison 4fficers will be involved in, or necessarily be
informed of, ad hoc and informal communications between ES$C and CSM
%%& .oth ES$C and CSM will work cooperatively to monitor the delivery,
assessment and performance of units undertaken at both campuses, and undertake
moderation as re(uired in order to ensure e(uivalence of standards
%%* The development of courseware and curriculum review will be undertaken in a
collegial manner with input from relevant staff at both campuses
CSM staffs are invited to provide information regarding any variations,
consistent with the overall ob=ectives and outcomes of the Curtin courses that
would help to ensure the curriculum is appropriate for CSM students
/ny formal changes made will be approved through the normal Curtin processes
and all intellectual property rights belong to Curtin University of Technology
%%+ E(uivalent pathways and e(uivalent learning outcomes will be provided, and the
same standards of academic performance will be maintained on both campuses
The academic staff member responsible for teaching units at either campus may
present the material in the way believed to be most effective for student learning
in accordance with best practices for teaching and learning under the
circumstances pertaining at that place and time
Unit Coordinators will ensure that students at both campuses are given e(uivalent
advice and guidance about the unit and the way students8 performance will be
%%% ES$C and CSM 34Ds will endeavour to ensure direct communication channels
between academic staff at the two campuses are well established prior to
commencement of teaching
%>' CSM will comply with ES$C course structures and other course re(uirements
%>& CSM will be granted representation on ES$C Course Committees, and other
committees as appropriate
%?' CSM will involve the relevant ES$C .entley campus 3ead of Department in its
selection processes for academic and senior technical appointments
%@' .oth CSM and ES$C will cooperate in carrying out any (uality audits re(uired
by either party
%A' CSM students are sub=ect to the same procedures for dealing with academic
misconduct including plagiarism as ES$C students CSM staff, in con=unction
with the Unit Coordinator, will conduct initial investigation and subse(uent
recommendation under the relevant policy
%A& Bhere the misconduct is brought to an ES$C disciplinary panel, the relevant
Dean within ES$C will ensure that CSM staffs are appropriately involved in the
decision7making process
%'C' E#amination scripts are to be marked by the CSM staff member in Miri, using
marking guides provided by the Unit Controller
%'C& 1or moderation purposes, CSM 2ecturers will e#tract, after marking, two
e#cellent, two average and two poor e#amples of students8 work, and arrange for
them to be couriered to the Unit Coordinator at ES$C 3owever, if the unit is
being run for the first time at CSM, or the staff member is new to the unit or has
limited e#perience, five e#amples of each need to be couriered
This will occur progressively throughout the semester for assignments, laboratory
reports, etc that contributes more than 'CD to the final grade, as well as for any
tests or e#aminations held during the semester
,t is essential that selected e#amination scripts be couriered from CSM to ES$C
immediately upon completion of the e#amination marking for that particular unit
%'C* Unit Coordinators will ensure that e#amination papers are moderated prior to any
relevant .oard of E#aminers meeting and they will provide to the .4E
information on the passing rates of local and ,nternational students at each
campus, and overall
Evidence of difference in the learning environment, but without compromising
maintenance of standards and compliance with course structures and
re(uirements ,n circumstances of concern the ES$C Unit Controller may
recommend to the Dean of Teaching $ 2earning E$SC that the remarking of all
papers is necessary Moderation may involve ad=ustment of results at CSM taking
into account
%'C+ ,mmediately after the completion of moderation, the Unit Coordinator will send
the relevant Miri lecturer a spreadsheet showing all raw and moderated marks,
for both progressive and final assessment
,n addition to ensuring maintenance of standards and compliance with course
structures and re(uirements, another important purpose of the moderation is to
provide feedback to the CSM 2ecturer /ccordingly, the Unit Coordinator will
also advise the CSM 2ecturer of any changes to the approach to marking that
should be borne in mind the ne#t time the unit runs
%'C% 1ollowing completion of overall moderation, the Unit Coordinator will advise the
CSM 2ecturer of any changes to the results and recommend any changes to the
approach to future marking re(uired to ensure consistency with ES$C practices
%'C> /ll final results will be entered into Student 4ne at the campus where they are
marked ,f there are changes to CSM marked units after moderation by ES$C,
these will be re7entered by CSM following notification by ES$C
%''' /pplications to graduate must be forwarded to the relevant Department in ES$C
%''& The relevant 34D in ES$C has the authority to determine eligibility to graduate
and the level of award
%'&' University calendar and prescribed dates will be adhered to
%'&& CSM will enter all enrolments directly into Student 4ne
%'&* 1or initial entry into an ES$C course, CSM will apply enrolment standards that,
while appropriate to the local matriculation system, match as nearly as is
practicable entry standards applied in ES$C
%'&+ CSM will apply the rules set by ES$C and within Student 4ne for recognition of
prior learning !<52"
%'&% CSM will maintain students8 academic records in Student 4ne
%'&> 1or continuing enrolment within a course, CSM will meet the same standards and
re(uirements as are applied in ES$C
%'*' The CSM 34Ds will contact the ES$C 2iaison 4fficer at least three months
prior to the start of semester to confirm the units that will be running at CSM and
to ascertain whether any changes are planned or e#pected
%'*& CSM will compile a list of all units taught at Miri, CSM 2ecturers and other
responsible academics, and will provide this list to ES$C four weeks prior to the
start of semester
%'** ES$C will compile a list of the names of Course Coordinators and Unit
Coordinators who are involved in units taught at CSM, and will provide this list
to CSM four weeks prior to the start of semester
%'*+ ES$C will provide all unit outlines to CSM two weeks before the start of
semester in which they are to be taught
%'*% Unit outlines will comply with Curtin University and ES$C re(uirements
%'+' The Unit Coordinator is responsible for the courseware content for the unit to be
taught at CSM Courseware refers to materials used for teaching units within a
course, typically including-
The unit outline
2ecture material to be used by a 2ecturer !notes, overheads, designs for physical
items, etc"
Tutorial material to be used by a 2ecturer !laboratory assignments, course
software, etc"
2ists of te#t books, re(uired laboratory resources and recommended reference
/ssessment procedures and guidelines regarding the e#pected assessment
%'+& ES$C will provide complete courseware to CSM a minimum of two weeks prior
to the commencement of each teaching semester) any changes to courseware will
be provided to CSM immediately they become available to ES$C
%'+* ES$C courseware made available to CSM may only be used on the CSM Miri
campus, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the E#ecutive Dean
%'++ The main means of making course and unit information available to staff at CSM
will be by uploading such information onto a server accessible to staff at CSM
and ES$C
The 2iaison 4fficer within ES$C will have sole authority for loading or
removing content from this server, and will advise the 2iaison 4fficer at CSM
when content has been changed
The use of this server will replace, as far as possible, the e7mailing and posting of
courseware to individual staff at CSM Direct e7mailing should only be used for
informal and routine matters
%'%' ES$C will provide the official booklist to CSM by *'st 4ctober for 1irst
Semester and *Cth /pril for Second Semester
%'%& ES$C and CSM will abide by the official booklist that has been provided
%'%* CSM may reproduce Curtin copyright publications with the approval of the
Director, Commercial Services ,t is CSM8s responsibility to ensure that it
obtains the most up to date version of Curtin publications
%'%+ The availability of teaching materials for new units will be negotiated between
the 34Ds from both campuses well in advance of the unit being taught
%'%% CSM and ES$C agree that all materials and e(uipment re(uired to teach a Unit
will be available and ready for use before the start of the relevant semester
%'%> CSM will ensure that it has ade(uate holdings of reference books and other
written material re(uired to support student learning in ES$C units
%'>' CSM will advise the ES$C 2iaison 4fficer which CSM staff re(uire access to
Beb CT courses, providing the following information-
Eame of CSM 2ecturer !family name first")
Email address of CSM 2ecturer)
Unit being taught)
Eame of the Unit Coordinator
Staff ,D number
%'?' Bhere progressive assessment includes tutorial (uestions or assignments, the
(uestions and:or topics should be provided to the CSM 2ecturer responsible at
the beginning of the semester
%'?& Bhere the progressive assessment takes the form of a test, the relevant Unit
Coordinator within ES$C will send the paper to the CSM 2ecturer to reach CSM
at least seven days before the test is due to take place /ll such papers shall be
treated as confidential
%'?* Bhere the CSM 2ecturer will be marking a test or assignment, the Unit
Coordinator shall provide marking criteria to the CSM lecturer
%'?+ 5rogressive assessment !eg tests, assignments" will be marked by the CSM
2ecturer and those contributing more than 'CD to the final mark are sub=ect to
moderation following marking according to Clauses A& and A*
%'?% /t the end of the final teaching week of a semester, the staff member at CSM
will send all progressive assessment results !sorted alphabetically" and with the
name and signature of the CSM staff member to the Unit Coordinator, with a
copy to the 34D at ES$C
%'?> Bhere possible, no formal assessments are to be scheduled on Sarawak 5ublic
3olidays Curtin Sarawak will provide a list of 5ublic 3olidays to ES$C in
4ctober of the previous year for distribution to Unit Controllers
%'@' Bhere a Miri student (ueries a result, the CSM 2ecturer will first try to resolve
the issue informally
%'@& ,f the student is not satisfied, Curtin8s official procedures for an appeal will
%'A' Students at both ES$C and CSM will take the same e#aminations
%'A& ES$C is responsible for setting e#aminations, following the procedures set out in
Schedule /
%&C' The following meetings of .oards of E#aminers !.4E" will occur for the 1aculty
of Engineering and Computing-
Common first year
,ndividual Department meetings !five"
%&C& Each .4E will be Chaired by the relevant Dean within ES$C, or a delegated
%&C* Each .4E meeting will be conducted as a videoconference or teleconference
following the procedures for .oards of E#aminers as set out in Schedule .,
%&'' Deferred e#aminations and Supplementary assessments will be awarded by the
relevant .oard of E#aminers
%&'& CSM students will take the same Deferred e#aminations and Supplementary
assessments as ES$C students, at the same times
%&'* The relevant Unit Coordinator within ES$C will send Deferred and
Supplementary e#amination papers, which will be treated as confidential, to the
CSM 2ecturer to reach CSM at least seven days before the due date of the
%&'+ Deferred e#aminations and Supplementary assessments will be marked in CSM
and will be sub=ect to moderation, as described in Clauses A& and A*
%&'% The Unit Coordinator has the option to re(uest all e#aminations be sent for
moderation, and can amend the final results
%&'> ES$C will promptly advise CSM the results of moderation of relevant deferred
and supplementary e#aminations CSM will enter the results into Student 4ne
and will be responsible for advising students enrolled in CSM of the results
%&&' ES$C will retain any CSM scripts that are moderated at ES$C until the e#piry
of the time limit for appeals against assessment
%&&& 4riginal scripts, including copies thereof, will not be distributed to students
%&&* E#amination scripts, or copies thereof, will be retained under the terms specified
for the purpose of course accreditation
%&*' Staff visits, by staff from both campuses, will take place as re(uired with the
approval of the 56C CSM and relevant Dean within ES$C, and in consultation
with the responsible staff at both campuses 6isits are focused on the
development of strong communication and a collegial spirit between staff
members, provision of staff development, and the maintenance of (uality in order
to ensure the effective delivery of Curtin courses
%&*& The costs associated by visits will be met by the Campus re(uesting the visit,
e#cept as otherwise negotiated
%&** There are four categories of staff visits- academic, teaching, general staff and
moderation visits, described below
%&*+ /cademic 6isits
/cademic visits by CSM staff to ES$C will be primarily for the purpose of staff
/cademic visits may be recommended by the Director of the School of
Engineering and Science at CSM or re(uested by the ES$C Course Coordinator
5riority will be given to new staff, staff teaching units being offered for the first
time at CSM, research active staff, and for attendance at staff development
Staff development visits will address issues raised by staff at either campus and
may be re(uested by staff at either campus The appropriate 34D at either
campus will coordinate the visits
ES$C may re(uest that a particular course be the focus of a (uality assurance
visit / brief report will be prepared after each visit by the visiting academic, and
copied to the relevant Dean within ES$C and the 56C CSM
%&*% Teaching 6isits
5ostgraduate teaching visits for ES$C staff teaching postgraduate courses at
CSM will take place in accordance with procedures agreed between the two
academic areas
Undergraduate teaching visits will be arranged only in unusual circumstances, for
e#ample, when staff resources in a particular area of e#pertise at one campus are
available to meet a re(uest to help remedy a corresponding deficiency at the
other campus
%&*> 0eneral Staff 6isits
0eneral staff visits will be arranged between the two campuses when re(uired to
support technical and:or administrative functions
%&*? Moderation 6isits
Moderation visits will occur as re(uired in support of the e#amination and
moderation procedures for each Division
%&+' /n ES$C 7 CSM 2iaison Committee will be established to facilitate
communication and cooperation and e#plore ways in which the relationship can
be enhanced
%&+& The ES$C 7 CSM 2iaison Committee shall comprise-
5ro 6ice7Chancellor, CSM !Convenor"
E#ecutive Dean, ES$C !or nominee"
Dean, Engineering and Computing ES$C
Director, School of Engineering and Science CSM
Divisional /dministrator ES$C
ES$C and CSM 2iaison 4fficers
%&+* The E#ecutive Dean ES$C and 56C Sarawak will review the agreement each
semester and seek input from their respective area staff regarding the need for
changes and previous compliance
Sche/le A. E>amina&ion#
' E#aminations involving students at both campuses will be set in accordance with the principle that
students should not be materially disadvantaged relative to others studying the same unit under
different teaching staff as a conse(uence of the different teaching staff having significantly different
prior knowledge of the nature of the e#amination
& 1or units involving CSM students, e#aminations should be set in collaboration with relevant CSM
staff Course coordinators are encouraged to appoint CSM 2ecturers as Co7e#aminers, or at least
involve them directly in the e#amination setting process 3owever, before each final e#amination
paper is lodged with the Curtin E#aminations Centre, sign7off must occur verifying that the paper
has been sighted by the relevant teaching staff at CSM
* / process of secure viewing environment will be established at CSM whereby when the e#amination
papers are received they will be held in a secure location and viewed by the CSM lecturer in the
presence of .entley:CSM liaison officer Eo copies or notes will be taken
+ Students at CSM will sit the same e#aminations as ES$C students at the same time, via centrally
scheduled e#aminations for semesters ' and &
% CSM will follow Curtin8s ,nvigilation 0uide
> 1or final e#aminations to be marked in Miri, Unit Coordinators will forward comprehensive marking
guides to the CSM 2ecturer to arrive no later than the date of the centrally scheduled e#amination
? CSM will upload all final results into Student 4ne in accordance with dates set by the Curtin
E#aminations 4ffice .oth CSM and ES$C will print a final copy of the results sheet prior to the
relevant .oard of E#aminers8 meeting
Sche/le ). )oar# of E>aminer#
' .oards of E#aminers !.4E" for all Departments will follow the same procedures and will follow
Curtin8s guidelines relating to student progression !0ood Standing, Termination, Conditional
status", supplementary assessment, deferred e#aminations, change of grade, etc, which will be
made available to 34Ds at CSM prior to the e#amination period
& / single set of results sheets !available at ES$C and CSM" will be used by all staff at the .4E
meetings These will be printed by ES$C and CSM at least one day before the relevant .4E 1or
convenience, the CSM students will be presented as a separate and coherent group
* 0lobal scaling of assigned grades shall be the first item of business of the .4E meetings This
step is aimed at bringing consistency to the marking process between units
This re(uires that the .4E be provided with the passing rates for each unit at each
location, and overall, after moderation as described in Clauses A& and A*
Each .4E will consider the entire cohort of students under its =urisdiction, that is, both
ES$C and CSM students, not various components separately
+ ,f there are significant discrepancies in marks between campuses attributable to special
circumstances at one or more campuses, these will be considered after any global scaling has
% /fter completion of steps * and + individual students8 circumstances will be considered
Bhen the .4E is conducted as a teleconference, results for CSM students will be
reviewed first Miri7based participants in the .4E are welcome to stay for the review of
the remaining students, and to confirm that similar standards are applied to both cohorts,
but they are not obliged to stay for the full duration of the meeting
> The decision of the grade to be awarded to any student, regardless of location, rests with the .4E
concerned, sub=ect to modification through referral to Curtin8s appeal processes
,n the event that consensus cannot be reached within a .4E on a grade to be awarded, the
decision will rest with the relevant Dean within ES$C under whose authority the .4E
has been established
HOD/HOD Meeting
T&L matters ~Moderations,
Unit Review, Unit Outlines,
co-exams, etc
SS ~Student matters,
Appeal, Exams, ndustrial
Trainin!"visits, #st Aid $ourse,
Li%rar& ~Text 'oo(s"
Re)erences Re*uisition,
nter-li%rar& loan, etc
Accreditation matters +
visits, document preparations
,external examiner, etc
Sc,ool Assets Mana!ement
+ trans)er, retirement, audit
-R related matters ~
.or(load, Sta))in!, Leaves,
Sta)) /evelopment, etc
Sc,ool R&/ matters ~
$SR0, $on)erence
Attendance, .or(s,ops etc
Matters~1R0s, Expenses,
2uotations, Tender etc
$T matters ~So)tware "
-ardware Re*uisitions etc
La% Matters~maintenance,
audit, repairs, sa)et&,
commissionin! etc
HODs Senior Tech.
Tech. Officers/
Lab Technical
Sc,ool 'oard
$,air ~/irector
Sec ~AA
Mem%ers ~All Sta))
Sc, M!t $omm Meetin!
$,air ~/irector
Sec ~AA
Mem%ers ~-O/,
$omm3 $,airs &
Senior Tec,3 O))icer
$,air ~-O/
R&/ $ommittee
$,air ~4 o%run 5andon!
ndustrial Relation
$,air ~$,en! $,in 0oo(
Occ3 -ealt, & Sa)et&
$,air ~/r3 Osama Twai*
Students & Sta))
$,air ~/r3 Md3 Raisul
Resource & 1,&sical /ev3
$,air ~/r3 Eswaran 1adma
ndustrial Advisor&
T&L $ommittee
$,air ~A"1 Andrew .,&te
Tal(in! -eads Meetin!
Education $om3
$T $om3
2ES $om3 6AU2A7
Mar(etin! $om3
/18S $om3
$urtin+S,ell Am%ad3 $om
Sc,olars,ip $om3
Student Recruitment
$,air ~/r3 As,utos, 9umar
Memo )rom -R to sta))
See(in! Expression o)
nterview 1anel Set up"
nterview $onducted
:$,aired %& /ean;
$andidates in)ormed o) t,e
outcomes )rom 1<$=s o))ice
wit,in a wee( a)ter t,e
$andidates to Appl& :open
)or > wee(s;
-R issued letter o) appointment
to success)ul candidates :>
&ears appointment;a wee(
)ollowin! t,e announcement o)
t,e outcomes
/OS received 1lannin! 8uidelines
)rom Universit& 0inance Service
'ud!et $omm3 Set up
$,air ~/OS
Mem%er ~-o/s & AA
.or( to!et,er on t,e Opex and
$apex 'ud!et :timeline # + >
wee(s; ~dra)t
/ra)t )orwarded to Universit&
'ud!et 1anel )or review
Universit& 1anel accepted 'ud!et
Su%mitted to Mana!ement 'oard
)or Approval
'ud!et $omm3"/OS will revise t,e
0inali?ed 'ud!et
) accepted
) not accepted
>C School // FDoraG will be in charge for all outgoing of 5urchase <e(uisition forms
>' Staffs are re(uired to submit pertinent information on the items re(uested to the School
// to avoid complication in processing procedure
>& /ll 5< must have complete description and attached with relevant supporting documents
such as (uotation or brochures:catalogue
>* /fter the 5< is completed, School // will get approval from the Director School //
will record the particular into the 5< logbook
>+ The approved 5< will be submitted to the 5urchaser for processing The process will
mainly takes two F&G weeks
All PR must be obtain from School AA
[for any R&D related, please
get PR from R&D Office]
Pass all completed forms to School AA
[to check on any uncompleted forms]
[for R&D pass back to R&D Office]
School AA will obtain the
Directors signature
[then record in the PR outgoing log]
School AA to pass to purchaser for
Purchaser to get quote from supplier
[mainly will take about weeks]
Sta)) )ills in t,e 1R )or so)tware
6approved7 re*uired )or teac,in!
Recommended %& /irector and
veri)ied %& $T on t,e num%er o)
license and user
0orward to 0S )or t,e approval
1O released %& 0S upon approval
%& t,e Universit&
nstallation o) so)tware is carried
out %& $T + En!3 O))icer
Read& )or use 6%& sta))"students7
?C /ny field trip re(uest should be made at least one week before traveling date
?' /ll supporting documents ie email or letter of correspondence between re(uestor and
the visited company must be attached for prove
?& The re(uestor must fill a 5< form if an e#ternal bus service is re(uired stating date,
depart and return time, venue Ffull addressG, and number of students on the trip
?* ,f internal bus service FCampus .usG is re(uired, the re(uestor must make a booking
through the online booking
?+ 1or car and other vehicle, you can use the same link as above
?% The campus bus cannot be use for overnight trip The campus bus can only accommodate
&% people

!n"itation #etter from $isited %ompany
%ampus &us
[ma'imum passenger is (]
)'ternal &us
[ma'imum passenger is *(]
%heck online booking for
+ill in the online booking
Send to purchaser for
Appro"ed by Director
+ill in the Purchase
Requisition +orm
Purchaser will inform of
the bus confirmation by
email to the requestor
@C /ll official business travel should be directed to the School // FHac(uelineG for
@' Staffs are re(uired to submit pertinent information and itinerary to the School //
4fficial forms will be completed and process by the School //
@& / copy of the approved Travel <e(uest 1orm should be directed to the School //
@* ,f in any case, a staff member needs to re(uest for an /dvance Travel, he:she needs to
make sure that the Travel <e(uest is first approved before re(uesting for advance
@+ /dvance Travel <e(uest should be submitted to the 1inance Department at least five F%G
working days before traveling date
@% ,f a staff member is going for an academic visit to 5erth, they first have to fill in the
/cademic 6isit <e(uest 1orm /fter it has been approved, then proceed with the Travel
<e(uest 1orm The /cademic 6isit <e(uest 1orm can be obtain from the following link-
I:\School of Engineering\Shared ocuments\!orms
@> Ieep all original receipts for claim purposes
@? /ll claims shall be submitted to the 1inance Department within fourteen F'+G days upon
@@ 4riginal receipts for hotel, ta#i and air ticket should be attached to the original Travel
<e(uest 1orm for claim .oarding pass for air travel has to be kept for submission
@A / detailed travel diary is re(uired upon submission of travel e#pense claim
@'C /ll forms can be retrieved from the following link-
":\epartments\#uman $esource\!orms
All ,ra"el Request +orm shall be directed to
School AA for processing
School AA to obtain the Directors signature
for completed forms
School AA to pass to +inance Department
for processing
+ill in the )'penses %laim +orm
[attach all original receipt and ,ra"el Diary]
Submit to +inance Dept- for processing
.pon return
+ill in Ad"ance ,ra"el
[attach a copy of the
appro"ed ,R+]
,R+ Appro"ed
+ill in Academic $isit Request
[for Academic $isit to Perth]
School AA to obtain the Directors
signature for completed form and pass to
/R for appro"al
-O/s ~allocated t,e num%er, visits
durin! sc,ool 'ud!et 1lannin!
/irector to propose to Uni3 'ud!et
panel )or review
Sc,ool in)ormed o) t,e approved
Sta)) sends in t,e re*uisition )or
Academic <isit
Recommendation sou!,t )rom
-R processes and approval )rom
/ean"1<$ is sou!,t
Travel re*uest raised upon approval
Upon returnin!, sta)) to provide report
~An& Academic"TL issues are
addressed to improve deliver& o)
units involved in dept concerned
34D consults with D4S on intention to
invite staff from .entley & months before the
34D provides =ustification for the visit to
D4S D4S recommends to 56C:Dean
Upon approval from 56C, 34D e#tends
invitation to staff concerned in .entley
/rrangement of travel organiJed thro the
Sarawak office in 5erth one month before the
34D prepares itinerary during the visit
6isiting staff follows the itinerary set and
fills e#it form for the D4S to sign off on the
last day of the visit
S&age "roce## Timeline Re#,on#i8le *oc/men&
1. School A##e##men&
,dentification of a programme for
Dean, Director of
School, 5lanning
a" Eew programme- '& months before final
year e#am of the '

student intake
Dean and Director of
b" Current:<e7accreditation- '& months before
2. SelfAA##e##men&
a" Department sets up Taskforce + months or 10 -ee=#
before the mandated %
months at Stage &
34D !Chair", *
Departmental staff,
Document D and 1
5ortfolio Doc"
b" CSM undertakes self7analysis
against Standards
c" 5repare the Self7 assessment
5ortfolio !content"
Beek ' 7 + Task force
d" <eview and Edit 5ortfolio

i Chair to send soft7copy
for review
ii Chair to include
amendment if any
Beek % Dean,
Director of School,
5lanning 4ffice
e" Sign7off the /ccreditation
Beek % 56C
f" Submit a copy of the self7
analysis report to e#ternal
Beek % Chair of Taskforce
!. E>&ernal E>aminer
*' a" 3ead of Department to
identify e#ternal e#aminer
Beek ' 34D
b" C68s for Dean8s and
Director of School approval
Beek & Dean, Director of
c" ,nvitation to E#ternal
Beek * 5lanning 4ffice
d" Schedule and logistics Beek * Hoint consultation btw
5lanning $ Dept
*& e" Site visit Beek > Chair, Taskforce,
Dean, Director of
School $ 5lanning
f" Entry meeting
g" E#it meeting
h" 1inal report from E#ternal
Beek 'C E#ternal E#aminer E#ternal E#aminer
S&age "roce## Timeline Re#,on#i8le *oc/men&
i" /ddress comments and
recommendations by E#ternal
Beek '& 34D and Director of
CSM response to
=" <eady to proceedK Eo L back
to stage &
Beek '& Dean, 34D and
Director of School
$. S/8mi##ion of "or&folio &o EAC &hro/gh MDA
a" Submit E#aminer8s report and
Self7 /ssessment <eport
Beek '> Self7analysis
5ortfolio, E#ternal
E#am8r <eport,
CSM /ctions on
b" M9/:E/C to re(uest more
information if incomplete
Submit within * months
otherwise withdrawn
'. EAC Si&e 5i#i&
a" Schedule of accreditation
> months after
34D, 5lanning and
E/C Secretariat
b" 5anel undertakes visit & days Taskforce
c" 5anel submits report to E/C Bith + weeks Evaluation 5anel /ppendi# D
!Evaluation 5anel
0. Accrei&a&ion *eci#ion
>' a" 1ull accreditation - % years
b" Conditional /ccreditation -
less than % years
Bith > months CSM to remedy
shortcomings and
submit evidence of
corrective actions
1ailure to address L
non7accreditation at
the end of & years
2etter to
c" Decline /ccreditation /pplication not
considered within the
ne#t ' year
>& d" /ppealing E/C decision Eotice in writing within
& weeks of .oard
/ppeals document
submitted within +
weeks of notice
56C 2etter
2. En "rogram Accrei&a&ion ;Re,ea& af&er ' :ear#<
a" 1ollowing the .4E , all 34Ds are reminded to do the unit reviews for all units taught for the
b" Staff are asked to fill in the unit review performer
c" / summary of the staff comments are collated and forward to the 34Ds in .entley within three
weeks following the .4E
d" 9uality 5anel meetings in 5erth will raise and address issues from Miri beginning of the new
e" 34D in Miri will receive minutes of the 9uality 5anel meeting and the actions to be taken to
address Miri issues
'&' 3< will inform the school // regarding the arrival of new staff member
'&& School // will allocate and make necessary preparation for the staff, such as staff room
allocation:workstation, 5C, telephone line, photocopy password, door tag, mailing bo#
'&* Each staff member should not make any rooms changes without informing the school //
'&+ Changing rooms are only allowed before the semester starts and with the approval from
'*' 3ead of Department should call for a Department meeting to discuss regarding the workload
for each semester
'*& Each 3ead of Department must complete their teaching workload before the semester start
and e#tend a copy to the School //
'** School // will compile the Teaching Borkload from each 3ead of Department and to be
forwarded to Director of School and 3uman <esource Department
!Teaching Borkload model L appendi# '"
1.1 A,,oin&men& of Commi&&ee Chair
$andidates are proposed
%& /irector
$onsultation wit, relevant
-o/s and sta)) concerned
/irector ma(es t,e )inal
decision on t,e candidates
Sta)) in)ormed a%out t,e
appointment o) $andidates
-o/s are re*uested to
nominate sta)) to %e mem%ers
o) t,e committee
$ommittee c,airs are in)ormed
o) t,eir mem%ers in t,e
2.1 Term of Reference of Re#earch an *e(elo,men& Commi&&ee
The <esearch and Development Committee at School of Engineering and Science will be
responsible to and report to Director, School of Engineering and Science, Curtin Sarawak,
Term# of Reference
' To promote the development and implementation of <$D activities within the School so
that they are in7line with the University Strategic 5lan
& To disseminate the guidelines and policies for <esearch and Development activities
within Curtin Sarawak Malaysia into the staff within the department
* To promote and encourage individual and collaborative <esearch and Development
activities amongst staff of the School
+ To promote and encourage higher degree by research programme activities at the School
% To promote and encourage research ethics in all <esearch and Development activities at
the School
> To promote and encourage collaborative <esearch and Development activities involving
researchers in Curtin Sarawak Malaysia and Curtin /ustralia
? To consider any other relevant item that is referred to the Committee
Commi&&ee S&r/c&/re
The School <$D Committee is composed of-
!Elected" Chair
/t least, one representative from each department
Term# of Reference for E&hic# Commi&&ee
' To ensure that the University8s 0uiding Ethical 5rinciples are upheld at various levels
and categories of research at Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
& To formulate the procedures of ethics approval and ensure that these procedures are
adhered to
* To review applications for ethics approval to ensure that research conducted at Curtin
Sarawak Malaysia meets (uality standards ethically and methodologically
+ To review and resolve any complaints on ethical aspects of any research conducted under
the auspices of Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
% To provide support to 56C:Dean:other Committees on ethical aspects of research at
Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
S&r/c&/re4Com,o#i&ion of &he Commi&&ee
/ssociate Dean, <$D, Chair Dr Ianira= Shenbaga
Dean !/cademic and T$2", Member Dr Hoan 0ribble
<$D Coordinator:Eominee, School of Engineering $
Science, Member
Mr Hobrun Eandong
<$D Coordinator:Eominee, School of .usiness,
Mr Samuel Choo
<$D Coordinator:Eominee School of 5re7University,
Mr Terry Hustin Dit
0raduate Studies Coordinator, Member Dr Mhu(uan Mang
!.1 Term of Reference of Teaching an Learning Commi&&ee
The Curtin Sarawak Malaysia Teaching and 2earning Committee !CSM T$2 Committee" will be
responsible to and report to the Dean !/cademic and Teaching and 2earning", Curtin Sarawak
Term# of Reference
' To act as an advisory body in the development and review of Curtin Sarawak Malaysia8s
T$2 5lan and through this enhance both the national and international effectiveness of
Teaching and 2earning at CSM within the conte#t of the University8s Strategic 5lan
& To promote and oversee the development and implementation of CSM8s T$2 5lan
* To develop and review the guidelines and policies for Teaching and 2earning activities
within CSM
+ To promote and encourage individual and collaborative Teaching and 2earning activities
involving staff and students in Curtin Sarawak Malaysia and Curtin, 5erth
% To act as a channel of communication between the CSM School T$2 Committees, CSM
T$2 Committee and the Teaching and 2earning Committee, of Curtin, 5erth
> To encourage CSM staff to complete higher degrees and to become involved in teaching
and learning research activities
? To consider any other item that is referred to the Committee
Committee Structure
@ The CSM T $ 2 Committee is composed of a ma#imum of eight elected members and at
least two e#7officio members ,t has the option to co7opt other members as appropriate
Each School and the Student Council determine the procedures for the nomination and
election of the members of the CSM T$2 Committee Membership is for ' year
A The Chair of the CSM T$2 Committee will be nominated by the Committee at the first
meeting following the elections and the recommendation forwarded to the Dean
!/cademic and Teaching and 2earning" for approval
E> OfficioG
Director, /cademic
4ther e#7officio members, as appropriate
+, &o eigh& mem8er# of &he Acaemic S&aff ;,ermanen& an fi>e &erm con&rac&< an &hree #&/en&#
re,re#en&ing each School.
Teaching "lan# an "olicie#
Teaching an Learning "lan
,n recent years a ma=or focus for educational programs at Curtin has been the concept of developing
learner7centred fle#ibility This remains central in the new 5lan, linked to the fundamentals of (uality
enhancement and greater consolidation /s the underpinning principles, these can not only alleviate the
resource and workload difficulties that the University faces but also contribute powerfully to a learning
community characterised by innovation, reflective practice and a commitment to e#cellence
University Strategic 5lan &CC? 7 &C'C
The Strategic 5lan for the period &CC? 7 &C'C provides the University with direction to meet many of the
challenges ahead / new planning framework has been introduced that better aligns planning, monitoring
and (uality improvement activities to track progress of the implementation of Iey Strategic 5riorities

Teaching and 2earning Strategic 5lan


Teaching and 2earning 5riorities

Student Charter
This Charter states the e#pectations of students and staff in their interactions as members of the Curtin
community Curtin students should receive a total e#perience at Curtin that they can en=oy and value
Through their interactions with staff and other students, they can e#pect- intellectual stimulation) personal
growth) a social environment) and an international network of friends and contacts
The Charter encourages a productive partnership between students and staff to realise the UniversityNs
6ision, Mission and 0oals
/cademic 5olicy
The teaching and learning policies and procedures of the University are developed in the conte#t of the
6ision and Mission Statement
'.1 Term of Reference of In/#&rial Rela&ion Commi&&ee
'.1.1 "REAM)LE
The ,ndustrial <elations Committee of the School of Engineering and Science will be
responsible to and report to the Director of the Scholl of Engineering and Science, Curtin
Sarawak Malaysia
' Set a framework that will enable each student to fulfill curriculum re(uirements with
respect to industrial training
& ,dentify industrial partners who are willing to provide training placement to students
enrolled in the School of Engineering and Science of Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
* .uild a database of industrial partners and student placements
+ /ct as the interface between students and industrial partners with the aim of facilitating
and overseeing the placement of students in industrial training positions
% Establish clear guidelines with respect to the roles and e#pectations of students, industrial
partners and Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
> Develop a standard contract to be signed between Curtin Sarawak and industrial partners
outlining the scope of training programme, issues of liability and insurance, as well as
other matters deemed of importance
? Ensure that minimum standards are applied with respect to training programs and reports
@ Through appropriate feedback from industrial partner and trainees, introduce (uality
control processes that focus on industrial training
A ,dentify opportunities for consultancy work
The ,ndustrial <elations Committee of the School of Engineering and Science is composed of
eight members, all of them being /cademic Staff from the School of Engineering and
The members of the ,ndustrial <elations Committee of the School of Engineering and
Science are determined on an annual basis by the Director of the Scholl of Engineering and
Science, Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
The Chair of the ,ndustrial <elations Committee of the School of Engineering and Science is
determined on an annual basis by the Director of the School of Engineering and Science,
Curtin Sarawak Malaysia
E( )fficio- Director of the School of Engineering and Science
Eight members of the /cademic Staff of the School of Engineering and Science !permanent
and fi#ed term contract"
0.1 Term of Reference of Occ/,a&ional .eal&h 9 Safe&: HLa8I Commi&&ee
2.1 Term of Reference of In/#&rial Rela&ion Commi&&ee
' Teaching and 2earning issues brought by the students will be discussed and plans
will be formulated to improve the T$2 areas of difficulty
& Make recommendation to the Dean on how to improve the Teaching $ 2earning
* To deal with any matter rose by the student representatives about the educational
interface, teaching facilities and student services
2.2 S&/en&@# A,,eal Again#& Termina&ion 9 Remar=ing
Registrar 0ffice
School AA
Appropriate Staff
Registrar 0ffice in
1o 2es
3.1 Term of Reference of Re#o/rce an "h:#ical *e(elo,men& Commi&&ee
6.1 Term of Reference of S&/en& Recr/i&men& Commi&&ee
1.1 "OLICC
/n /dvisory Committee shall be established for each course:program area taught at the
1.1.1 O8Jec&i(e#
To provide productive links between the community, industry and relevant
To ma#imiJe the relevance and (uality of research, development and teaching
To identify evolving trends, challenges and opportunities relevant to a
professional education
1.1.2 E>,lana&ion
/ course:program area at Curtin is normally a School but where discretely different
departments or groups of courses e#ist within a course:program area, separate /dvisory
Committees may be established
1.2.1 Term# of Reference
The /dvisory Committee shall advise the 3ead of School !or e(uivalent" regarding
the relevance, structure and presentation of each course, and its future
the direction and scope of the research and development, consulting, continuing
education and other community7related activities of the program course area,
including emerging needs and opportunities)
relationships between the program:course area and relevant professional or
community groups, and employers)
the overall functioning of the program area, with particular reference to its future
development to meet emerging and anticipated needs
1.2.2 Com,o#i&ion
3ead of the program:course area !3ead of School" !Chairperson"
<elevant E#ecutive Dean
3eads of Departments or another member of academic staff from the program
are, if appropriate
3ead of School or Dean, in the case of Course /dvisory Committees, which
operate at the 1aculty level
/ staff member elected from the teaching staff of the course:program area
/t least si# members of the community, industry or relevant profession!s" as
determined by the Divisional /cademic .oard on the recommendation of the
E#ecutive Dean after consultation with the relevant 3ead of program:course area
/ representative of the Student 0uild nominated from the course:program areaO
O 1or /dvisory Committees on Engineering this may be a recent graduate
member of the /lumni
1.2.! Term# of A,,oin&men&
The terms of office of members shall be for two years e#piring on the *'
December Consecutive terms shall be permitted
1.2.$ Mee&ing Fre1/enc:
The /dvisory Committee shall meet as and when necessary but in any case at
least once a year
1.2.' A,,ro(al A/&hori&:
4nly the /cademic Senate shall approve amendments to this policy and the
1.2.0 Effec&i(e *a&e
This policy statement came into effect on the date that it was approved by
University /cademic .oard, being &? Hune 'AA?
1.2.2 Re(ie-
This policy statement shall be reviewed within three years from the date on
which it comes into effects The /cademic Senate is responsible for the policy
review, which shall be brought to it by the 0eneral Manager, Student and Staff
1.!.1 Re#,on#i8le Officer
The *eneral +anager, Student and Staff Services is responsible for ensuring that the
administrative procedures are updated as re-uired.
.. /mended 0 1/2 &34/55 6&/&7/55, effective &/&/5&8 9 approval authority updated.
&/&/5& 9 titles updated 6/cademic Senate replaced 1niversity /cademic 2oard8
-o/"/ept3 identi)&
potential candidate
/irector"R committee
Sc,ool"/ept3 issuin! o))er
o) appointment letter wit,
repl& )orm
$on)irmation %& t,e
Appointment letter
' The 1irst /id Course is eligible to *
and +
year students ,t is one of the re(uirements
for the student to complete their degree
& 1or registration, please register with the Engineering School /dmin /ssistant
* The 1irst /id Course will be conducted during the tuition free week
AA or!ani?e wit, MR$S
on t,e dates
En!ineerin! students in)ormed
to re!ister wit, AA
List o) students is prepared and
)orwards to MR$S ~1R is raised
/ates"venue are con)irmed
and students are in)ormed
MR$S provides in)o to AA on
student=s result wit,in @ mont,s
AA provides a cop& o) result
to Student Service

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