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As we all know that the world is suffering from economy crisis due to which the Internet is also getting

affected. I
have seen that people are earning lesser than what they used to earn by selling products online. Coming up is a
big shopping time at most places around the world with Chirstmas and other festivals. This is the right time for
any Internet Marketer to make most of it. Things would not be same due to market conditions and change of rules
with eBay. Previously, eBay used to pay $25 flat on every ACRU (Active Confirmed Register User). This is now
changed where eBay can also pay you $1 for every ACRU. More on this can be read here.
To overcome all this, I have adopted a small startegy which I can say is working for me. The idea here is to make
most from your buyer. This can be difficult at times but if you read my previous posts on how to target audience
and countries, you can easily achieve your target.
So apart from selecting the proper niche and audience you will also have to look at the cost of the product you
are selling. I have a website which ranks no.1 on Yahoo for the term Buy Product Name but makes only 20-30
USD per day from Amazon. The reason is Amazon pays me only 4% of the total product cost and there is no
bonus for new user sign up like eBay. This means to make $4, I will have to sell a product of $100 which could be
rarely found in the product I am promoting. This means to make atleast $40 per day, I will have to sell products
worth $1000. The average cost of my product would be $10 which means I need atleast 100 unique visitors who
will actually come to my website and make a purchase. This seems to be more effort for very less money.
So the idea here is to sell products of high cost. Targetting a product which costs around $200-$250 would be
a good deal. So lets assume we are promoting a product for which the average cost is $200. If we promote such
a product then the minimum income on per sale would be $8. This can be more if you are promoting the product
with eBay using their publisher program. The income can be more if the buyer is a new user where you can earn
the commission + the ACRU if its a new user. Just 10 conversions per day and you would be earning $80
everyday with ease. The amount of satisfaction always comes with the income figure. Driving thousands of
people to your website who convert very well but earn you a few dollars is quiet depressing. So if you want to
have a smile on your face and make most in this period, start promoting products which are a bit expensive and
have good market.

Marketing: Indian scenario
Of retail sector in India and the present scene
The Indian retail market, the fifth largest retail destination globally, has been ranked as the most
attractive emerging market for investment in the retail sector by AT Kearney's latest annual
Global Retail Development Index (GRDI). According to a study conducted by the Indian Council
for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), the retail sector is expected to
contribute to 22 per cent of India's GDP by 2012. At present, the retail industry in India is
estimated at US$ 400 billion industry. With rising consumer demand and greater disposable
income, it is projected to grow to US$ 700 billion by 2012 with an expected annual growth rate of
30 percent, according to a report by global consultancy Northbridge Capital. Further, the retail
sector is expected to rise to US$ 833 billion by 2013 and to US$ 1.3 trillion by 2018, at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10 per cent In absolute terms, this figure is very
commendable but the actual contribution to the GDP comes only in the form of organized
retail. Organized retail segment grew at the rate of 42.4 % in and is expected to maintain a
much faster growth rate in next three years. As of now, the organized part accounts for around
6.5% of the Indian retail market. Though, it is expected to maintain a faster growth rate in the
coming years with an estimation of touching 13% by the end of 2013. Over the last few years
Indian retail has witnessed rapid transformation in many areas of the business by setting
scalable and profitable retail models across categories. Indian consumers are rapidly evolving
and accepting modern retail formats. New and indigenized formats such as departmental stores,
hypermarkets, supermarkets, specialty and convenience stores, and malls, multiplexes and fun
zones are fast dotting the retail landscape.
The Organized Retail share has been gaining strength owing to the robust economy that has
given more disposable income in the hand of the consumer. This has led to increased demand
of products/services and a better shopping environment. Over the long term (5 years), it is
expected to grow at a CAGR close to 19 percent from Rs 852 billion to Rs 2024 billion in 2012-13
as per CRISIL research report. The organized retail penetration as a result is expected to move
upwards from 5.5 percent to 7.3 percent in 2012.
Also, it is coming in all type of retail formats and thus targeting different type of customers.
Hence, India is also witnessing growth of luxury brands in India, leading to introduction of new
retailing stores called as Luxury stores. The luxury retail market in India is showing great growth
momentum regardless of the present global financial crisis. Though the market is small, it is
growing at a rapid pace fueled by a small but increasing number of consumers. The degree of
growth for any sector in a particular country depend lot on the government policies. These
policies are very dynamic in nature and hence the changes in the investments and trends for a
sector. The luxury retailing has been also affected by certain changes in the FDI in retail
sector. Till end of 2005, no FDI was allowed in Indian retail market. Hence, number of
international luxury brands were only limited to 8. These brands were present only through
franchising route. Whereas, as government announced 51% FDI in single-brand format, the
number of luxury brands increased to 25 by year 2008. However, 100 percent FDI is allowed in
whole cash and carry (C&C) operations but that is not a model which luxury retailers will be able
to leverage to attract its target customers. Despite foreign direct investment restrictions,
companies such as Versace, Oakley and Nike Golf are increasing area and product assortments
to draw consumer interest in what they consider one of the biggest markets in Asia.
Retailing in India is currently estimated to be a US$ 200 billion industry, of which organized
retailing makes up a paltry 3 percent or US$ 6.4 billion. By 2012, organized retail is projected to
reach US$ 23 billion. For retail industry in India, things have never looked better and
brighter. Challenges to the manufacturers and service providers would abound when market
power shifts to organized retaliation and above all an experience that a consumer would like to
The retail sector has played a phenomenal role throughout the world in increasing pr
oductivity of consumer goods and services. It is also the second largest industry in US in terms of
numbers of employees and establishments. There is no denying the fact that most of the
developed economies are very much relying on their retail sector as a locomotive of growth. The
India Retail Industry is the largest among all the industries, accounting for over 10 per cent of the
countrys GDP and around 8 per cent of the employment. The Retail Industry in India has come
forth as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several players entering the
market. But all of them have not yet tasted success because of the heavy initial investments that
are required to break even with other companies and compete with them. The India Retail
Industry is gradually inching its way towards becoming the next boom industry.
The foreign retail giants were initially restricted from making investments in India. But now
FDI of 51% is permitted in India only through single branded retail outlets. Multi brand outlets are
still beyond their reach. Again they can only enter the market through franchisees. This was how
Wal-Mart had entered joining hands with Bharati Enterprises.
The retail industry in India has a very bright future prospect. It is expected to enrich the Indian
Economy in terms of income and employment generation.

Sajiv Dhawan of JV Capital Services says that there is a general tiredness in the
market at the moment. The market is in a neutral-slightly weakish zone, says Dhawan.

Dhawan advises his clients to be a bit cautious currently, because the momentum is not
yet across the board.

Excerpts from an exclusive CNBC-TV18 interview with Sajiv Dhawan:

Q: What has led to the crack in the market today?

A: There is a general tiredness in the market. If one is following short-term trends,
then he will know that the market is in a neutral-slightly weakish zone. It has been
very difficult for day traders or short-term traders, to play with the momentum. Every time
the market goes above that 9000 level, it is met with a lot of profit taking.

Liquidity flows and FII flows are there. But I think that a lot of retail investors are still
stuck in a lot of smaller cap and midcap stocks. They have not been performing so well,
while valuations are not cheap across the board. FIIs are not bullish on the market, as
they were.

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