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What is a proverb?

A proverb is a well- known saying that

gives practical advice about life.
A saying + a well- known state,ent about
what often happens in life. - &o,orrow
is another day-. she said. repeati ng one
of her ,any sayings.
As the saying goes. - A proble, shared. is
a proble, halved. -
An adage + a well- known saying that says
so,ethi ng about hu,an life
A student /s co,positon*
!very cloud has a silver lining
I think it is i,portant to look on the
bright side of everythi ng. because I/ve
noticed it really works0 #o,eti ,es it isn/t
easy 1 school is boring. you/re stressed
out and ti,e flies. you have no ti,e to
rela2. 3ut it could be ,uch worse. )ou
could be ho,el ess or starving. #o,eone
else is in a harder situati on than you are. I
often think of those things a lot and then
feel bad because I4, so selfish . ,inding
,y own business. not helping anyone.
3ut I also feel bett er when I realise how
well I/, really doing. I have fa,ily.
friends. hobbies and things I love to do.
&here 5ust ,ight 5ust ,ight a lot of
wonderful things ahead of ,e if I 5ust
understood that I don/ t have to worry
about everythi ng. It is all about atti tude.
isn/t it. !very cloud has a silver lining. it is
5ust a different thing for different people*
a bowl of rice for a starving child and the
chance to go to the cine,a for ,e who is
stressed out.

As you sow. so you reap.
+ Mit8 ih,inen kylv88. sit8 h8n ,y9s
As you ,ake you bed. so you ,ust lie in
+ iin ,akaa. kuin petaa.
:ractise what you preach.
+ #anoista tekoihin.
&he pot calls the kettl e black.
+ :ata kattil aa soi,aa.
)ou can/ t please everyone.
+ kaikki a ei voi ,iellyt t 88.
Cri,e never pays.
+ (ikos ei kannat a.
$onesty is the best policy.
+ (ehellisyys kannat t aa.
(evenge is sweet.
+ ;osto on suloinen.
&ruth never perishes.
+ &otuus ei koskaan h8vi8.
3ad news travels fast.
+ paha kello kauas kuuluu.
It is not work that kills you but worry.
+ !i ty9 tapa vaan huoli.
<ack of all trades and ,aster of none.
+ #e. 5oka osaa kaikkea. ei osaa oikein
,it88n kunnolla.
&he shoe,aker/ s son will go barefoot.
+ #uutari n lapsilla ei ole kenki8.
&wo captains sink a ship.
'ne funeral ,akes ,any.
#pare the rod and spoil the child.
o pain. no gain.
Like father like son.
Master of your own fate
+o,an onnensa sepp8
All that glitters isn/t gold.
3e worth its weight in gold.
It happens even in the best of ho,es.
!very cloud has a silver lining.
Choose one of the proverbs and write a
=or those who are intersested. there is a
long list of proverbs which you can study.
"o ahead0
&he :enguin %ictionary of !"LI#$
by (osalind =erguson
6. A3#!C!
1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
2. Men are best loved furthest off.
3. Absence diminishes little passions and
increases great ones.
4. Far from eye far from heart.
!. "alt water and absence wash away love.
#. Friends agree best at distance.
$. %ong absence changes a friend.
&. 'hen the cat(s away the mice will play.
). 'ell kens the mouse when the cat(s out of
the house.
1*. +e that fears you present will hate you
11. ,he absent are always in the wrong.
12. -ever were the absent in the right.
13. ,he absent party is always to blame.
14. .ut of sight out of mind.
1!. /resent to the eye present to the mind.
1#. 0nminded unmoaned.
1$. %ong absent soon forgotten.
1&. "eldom seen soon forgotten.
>. A%?!(#I&)
1. Misfortunes come of themselves.
2. ,rouble brings e1perience and e1perience
brings wisdom.
3. 'oes unite foes.
4. 2t(s easy to bear the misfortunes of others.
!. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
#. 2ll luck is good for somethi ng.
$. Misfortunes find their way even on the
darkest night.
&. Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs
on foot.
). Mischief comes by the pound and goes away
by the ounce.
1*. Misfortunes never come singly.
11. 2t never rains but pours.
12. .f one ill come many.
13. %ightni ng never strikes twice in the same
@. A%?IC!
1. 3ood counsel has no price.
2. 3ood counsel never comes too late.
3. 'hen a thing is done advice comes too late.
4. 'e may give advice but we cannot give
!. 4ounsel is no command.
#. ,ake counsel only of your own head.
$. "teer not after every mariner(s direction.
&. ,oo much consulting confounds.
). %ike counsellor like counsel.
1*. 2f you wish good advice consult an old
11. -ight is the mother of counsel.
12. ,he best advice is found on the pillow.
13. 4ounsels in wine seldom prosper.
14. 4ounsel over cups is cra5y.
1!. Advice whispered in the ear is not worth a
1#. Advice whispered is worthless.
1$. 2t is safer to hear and take counsel than to
give it.
1&. 2t is as hard to follow good advice as to give
1). 3ive neither counsel nor salt till you are
asked for it.
2*. 6on(t teach your grandmot her to suck
21. -othing is given as freely as advice.
22. ,he land is never void of counsellors.
23. 7achelors( wives and maids( children are
well taught.
24. +e who has no children brings them up
A. AM3I&I'
1. Ambition makes people diligent.
2. +e that stays in the valley shall never act
over the hill.
3. -othing crave nothing have.
4. -othing seek nothing have.
!. ,here(s always room at the top.
#. +e who opens his heart to ambi tion closes it
to repose.
$. 6esire has no rest.
&. 7etter sit still than rise and fall.
). +asty climbers have sudden falls.
1*. +igh places have their precipices.
11. 7etter be first in a village than second at
12. 7etter to be the head of a dog than the tail
of a lion.
B. A"!(
1. +e that is angry is seldom at ease.
2. Anger punishes itself.
3. 'rath killeth the foolish man.
4. Anger has no eyes.
!. 'hen a man grows angry his reason rides
#. Anger begins with folly and ends with
$. 'hen a man is angry he cannot be in the
&. As fire is kindled by bellows so is anger by
). Anger dies 9uickly with a good man.
1*. Anger is a short madness.
11. +e who slowly gets angry keeps his anger
12. 'hen angry count a hundred.
13. Anger restrained is wisdom gained.
14. %et not the sun go upon your wrath.
1. :1pectation is better than reali5ation.
2. /rospect is often better than possession.
3. Fear of death is often worse than death itself.
4. :aster so longed for is gone in a day.
!. 2t is better to arrive hopefully than to arrive.
#. 6on(t count your chickens before they are
$. 6on(t sell the skin till you have caught the
&. First catch your hare.
). -ever spend your money before yoy have it.
1*. 6o not triumph before the victory.
11. ,he opera isn(t over till the fat lady sings.
12. +e laughs best who laughs last.
13. +e who laughs last laughs longest.
14. 7lessed is he who e1pects nothing for he
shall never be disappointed ;Ale1ander /ope<.
1!. ,he une1pected always happens.
1#. -othing is certain but the unforeseen.
D. A::!A(AC!
1. Appearances are decepti ve.
2. ,hings are not always what they seem.
3. All that glitters is not gold.
4. 2t is not the beard that makes the
!. /oison is poison though it comes in a golden
#. 6istance lends enchant ment to the view
;,homas 4ampbell<.
$. 7lue are the faraway hills.
&. All clouds bring not rain.
). "till waters run deep.
1*. =ou can(t tell a book by its cover.
11. All are not thieves that dogs bark at.
E. A#;I"
1. +e that cannot ask cannot live.
2. 7etter to ask the way than go astray.
3. Ask and it shall be given you ;Matthew $>$<.
4. Ask a silly 9uestion and you(ll get a silly
!. -ever answer a 9uestion until it is asked.
#. Ask no 9uestions and hear no lies.
$. 2t is not every 9uestion that deserves an
&. -ever refuse a good offer.
F. AG&$'(I&)
1. 2t is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
2. +e who holds the thread holds the ball.
3. Mickle ;much< power makes many enemies.
4. /ower corrupts.
!. 2f you wish to know a man give him
authori ty.
#. Authori ty shows the man.
$. .ne must be a servant before one can be a
&. "ervants make the worst masters.
). +e is not fit to command others that cannot
command himself.
1*. :very man cannot be a master.
11. .ne master in a house is enough.
6H. 3A%!##
1. Mischief comes without calling for.
2. 'eeds want no sowing.
3. +e who does no good does evil enough.
4. +e that lives not well one year sorrows
seven after.
!. +e that has done ill once will do it again.
#. A wicked man is his own hell.
$. 2t is a wicked world and we make part of it.
&. ,he end ?ustifies the means.
). ,wo wrongs do not make a right.
66. 3!AG&)
1. 7eauty is only skin@ deep.
2. 7eauty is only one layer ;Aapanese proverb<.
3. 7eauty opens locked doors.
4. 7eauty is elo9uent even when silent.
!. 7eauty and folly go often in company.
#. A good face is a letter of recommendati on.
$. All cats are grey in the dark.
&. 3oodness is better than beauty.
). 3ood fame is better than a good face.
1*. 7eauty won( t make the pot boil.
11. 7eauty is no inheri tance.
12. 7eauty is potent but money is omnipotent.
13. 7eauty fades like a flower.
14. 7eauty is but a blossom.
1!. ,he fairest flowers soonest fade.
1#. 7eauty is in the eye of the beholder.
1$. +ealth and gaiety foster beauty.
1&. 7eauty and wealth create beauty.
1). ,he ?oy of the heart makes the face fair.
6>. 3!"II "#
1. :verythi ng must have a beginning.
2. 7eginning has its seed.
3. -o root no fruit.
4. 8ivers need a spring.
!. First impressions are the most lasting.
#. :very beginning is hard.
$. ,he first step is the hardest.
&. A good beginning makes a good ending.
). "uch beginning such end.
1*. 'ell begun is half done.
11. -o good building without a good
6@. 3!LI!?I"
1. 'e soon believe what we desire.
2. "eeing is believing.
3. +e can who believes he can.
4. Men have greater faith in those things which
they do not understand.
!. Faith will move mountai ns.
#. ,hinking is very far from knowing.
$. ,he more one knows the less one believes.
&. +e that knows nothing doubts nothing.
). +e that nothing 9uestions nothing learns.
6A. 3'(('WI "
1. 7etter buy than borrow.
2. 7etter go to bed supperless than to rise in
3. 6ebt is the worst poverty.
4. A man in debt is caught in a net.
!. 6ebt is an evil conscience.
#. ,he borrower is servant to the lender.
$. 7orrowed things will home again.
&. .nce paid never craved.
6B. 3(!!%I"
1. 4ivility costs nothing.
2. Manners maketh man.
3. 7reeding and money make a gentleman.
4. 6o not cast your pearls before swine.
!. ,he more noble the more humble.
#. Birtue is the only true nobili ty.
6D. C$A"!
1. A change is as good as a rest.
2. 4hange brings life.
3. Bariety is the spice of life.
4. 7etter the devil you know than the devil you
don( t know.
!. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
#. A new broom sweeps clean.
$. -ew lords new laws.
&. ,imes change and we with them.
). .ne cannot put back the clock.
1*. /aul(s will not always stand. ;"t /aul(s
4athedral in %ondon<
11. ,here is nothing permanent e1cept change.
12. .ld shoes are easiest.
13. /reserve the old but know the new
;4hinese proverb<.
14. ,here is nothing new under the sun.
6E. C$A(AC&!(
1. :agles do not breed doves.
2. ,he apple never falls far from the tree.
3. 7lood will tell.
4. ,he leopard cannot change his spots.
!. An ape(s an ape a varlet(s a varlet though
they be clad in silk or scarlet.
6F. C$IL%(!
1. +e that has no children knows not what is
2. 4hildren are poor men(s riches.
3. +appy is he that is happy in his children.
4. A little child weighs on your knee a big one
on your heart.
!. 4hildren are certain cares but uncertain
#. 'hat children hear at home soon flies
$. 4hildren pick up words as pigeons peas and
utter them again as 3od shall please.
&. 7oys will be boys.
). 4hildren should be seen and not heard.
1*. 'hen children stand 9uiet they have done
some ill.
>>. C$''#I"
1. =ou cannot have it both ways.
2. =ou cannot have your cake and eat it.
3. A door must either be shut or open.
4. .f two evils choose the less.
>>. C'MM!(C!
1. Ask much to have a little.
2. At a good bargain think twice.
3. 7usiness is commerce.
4. ,he customer is always right.
!. 3ood ware makes good markets.
#. /leasing ware is half sold.
>@. C'M:A)
1. ,wo is company three is none.
2. ,he company makes the feast.
3. 3ood company upon the road is the shortest
4. 7etter be alone than in bad comapny.
!. A man is known by his friends.
#. As a man is so is his company.
>A. C'C!I&
1. Men love to hear well of themselves.
2. ,hey can do least who boast loudest.
3. 3reat braggers little doers.
4. 3reat boast small roast.
!. 6on(t hide your light under a bushel.
>B. C'='(MI&)
1. 'hen in 8ome do as the 8omans do.
2. .ne must howl with the wolves.
3. 2t is ill striving against the stream.
4. 2f you cant beat Cem ?oin Cem.
!. 7etter bend than break.
#. "ay as men say but think to yourself.
$. 6o as most men do then most men will
speak well of you.
>C. C'#CI!C!
1. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
2. A guilty conscience feels continual fear.
3. 4onscience does make cowards of us all ;'.
"hakespeare +enry B2<.
4. +e that commi ts a fault thinks everyone
speaks of it.
!. A clear conscience fears no false
#. A 9uiet conscience sleeps in thunder.
$. A good conscience makes an easy couch.
&. A good conscience is a soft pillow.
). :very one is held to be innocent until he is
proved guilty.
>D. C'&!M:&
1. 4ontempt pierces even through the shell of a
2. Many can bear adversity but few contempt.
3. +e that respects not is not respected.
>E. C'&!&M!&
1. 4ontent is all.
2. 4ontent is more than a kingdom.
3. 4ontent is happiness.
4. +e is not rich that possesses much but he
that is content with what he has.
!. 4ontent lodges oftener in cottages than
#. +e is at ease that has enough.
$. More than enough is too much.
&. ,he greatest wealth is content ment with a
). A wise man cares not for what he cannot
1*. -o man is content with his lot.
11. ,he grass is always greener on the other
side of the fence.
12. ,he apples on the other side of the wall are
the sweetest.
>F. C'((G:&I'
1. ,he rotten apple in?ures its neighbours.
2. /ower corrupts.
3. 'hat cannot gold doD
4. :very man has his price.
!. "how me the man and 2(ll show you the law.
#. %ittle thieves are hanged but great ones
@6. C'G(A"!
1. A bold heart is half the battle.
2. Fortune favours the bold.
3. 3reat things are done more through courage
than through wisdom.
4. A brave arm makes a short sword long.
!. ,o a brave and faithful man nothing is
difficul t.
#. +ares may pull dead lions by the beard.
$. :very dog is a lion at home.
@>. C'WA(%IC!
1. 4owards die many times before their deaths
;'illiam "hakespeareE Aulius 4aesar<.
2. +e that forecasts all perils will never sail the
3. 2t is better to be a coward for a minute than
dead for the rest of your life.
4. A bully is always a coward.
@@. C(IM!
1. /overty is the mother of crime.
2. ,he more laws the more offenders.
3. 4rime does not pay.
4. +e that will steal an egg will steal an o1.
1. Audge not that ye be not ?udged ;Matthew
2. %ive and let live.
3. ,he pot calls the kettle black.
@C. CGI"
1. 4unning surpasses strength.
2. An old fo1 is not easily snared.
@D. %A"!(
1. Far from home near thy harm.
2. -o safe wading in an unknown water.
3. -othing ventured nothing gained.
4. +e that is afraid to shake the dice will never
throw a si1.
!. 6on(t go near the water until you learn how
to swim.
#. 7e not too bold with your biggers or betters.
$. 2f you play with fire you get burnt.
@F. %!A&$
1. All men are mortal.
2. All men must die.
3. 6eath is sure to all.
4. -othing is sure but death and ta1es.
!. 6eath keeps no calendar.
#. 6eath surprises us in the midst of our hopes.
$. 6eath is a remedy for all ills.
&. 6eath is the poor man(s best physician.
). %ook upon death as a going home ;4hinese
1*. ,here is but one way to enter this life but
the gates of death are without number.
11. ,he best go first.
12. 'hom the gods love die young.
13. ,he good die young.
14. 6eath is the great leveller.
1!. "i1 feet of earth make all men e9ual.
1#. ,he end makes all e9ual.
1$. -ever speak ill of the dead.
1&. 'e must live by the living not by the dead.
AH. %!C!I&
1. .ne lie makes many.
2. +e that once deceives is ever suspected.
3. 4heats never prosper.
4. 7etter a lie that heals than a truth that
!. A liar should have a good memory.
#. =ou can( t kid a kidder.
A6. %!!%#
1. 7y his deeds we know a man ;African
2. Action speaks louder than words.
3. 6eeds are fruits words are but leaves.
4. A man of words and not of deeds is like a
garden full of weeds.
!. 6oing is better than saying.
#. ,he shortest answer is doing.
$. ,he greatest talkers are the least doers.
&. ,here is a great difference between a word
and a deed.
). "aying and doing are two things.
1*. "aying is one thing and doing another.
11. :asier said than done.
12. A good deed is never lost.
13. .ld sins cast long shadows.
A@. %!LA)
1. ,ime lost cannot be recalled.
2. -ever put off till tomorrow what you can do
3. .ne hour today is worth two tomorrow.
4. .ne today is worth two tomorrows.
!. ,omorrow never comes.
#. "ooner begun sooner done.
$. -o time like the present.
AA. %!#!(?I"
1. ,he deed comes back upon the doer.
2. "uch answer as man gives such will he get.
3. .ne ill word asks another.
AB. %!#&I)
1. -o flying from fate.
2. 'hat must be must be.
AD. %I==!(!C!#
1. 2t takes all sorts to make a world.
2. All things fit not all persons.
3. :very man after his fashion.
4. "o many men so many opinions.
!. ,here(s no accounti ng for tastes.
#. ,here(s no disputi ng about tastes.
$. :very one to his taste.
&. 2f one will not another will.
). 2f minds were alike goods would age in the
shops ;Arabic proverb<.
1*. =ou can(t please everyone.
11. +e that all men will please shall never find
12. -ot 3od above gets all men(s love.
13. All roads lead to 8ome.
AE. %ILI"!C!
1. 2f a ?ob(s worth doing it(s worth doing well.
2. 6iligence is the mother of good fortune.
3. 6iligence makes an e1pert workman.
4. 6iligence is a great teacher.
!. %ice do not bite busy men.
#. %abour overcomes all things.
$. -o bees no honey no work no money.
&. ,hat which is well done is twice done.
). -o sweet without sweat.
1*. -o pains no gains.
11. =ou don( t get somethi ng for nothing.
12. +e that would have the fruit must climb
the tree.
13. ,here are only twenty@ four hours in the day.
14. 2f you run after two hares you will catch
1!. ,he workman is known by his work.
1#. =ou never know what you can do till you
1. "pare the rod and spoil the child.
BH. %(!##
1. 3ood clothes open all doors.
2. Fine feathers make fine birds.
3. 4lothes do not make the man.
B6. %(I;I"
1. 'hen the wine is in the wit is out.
2. ,here is truth in wine ;2n vino veritas<.
3. 'hat soberness conceals drunkenness
4. 'hen wine sinks words swim.
!. 'ine is the best broom for troubles.
#. A good drink makes the old young.
$. 'ine makes old wives wenches.
&. 7acchus has drowned more men than
). ,here is a devil in every berry of the grape.
1*. ,he first glass for thirst the second for
nourishment the third for pleasure and the
fourth for madness.
11. 'ine and wenches empty men(s purses.
12. 6rink only with the duck. ;,he advice is to
drink only waterF<
13. :at at pleasure drink by measure.
14. 4lothe thee warm eat little drink enough
and thou shalt live.
B>. !A(LI!##
1. ,he early bird catches the worm.
2. ,he cow that(s first up gets the first of the
3. +e that comes first to the hill may sit where
he will.
4. First come first served.
!. :arly to bed and early to rise makes a man
healthy wealthy and wise.
#. An hour in the morning is worth two in the
B@. !A&I"
1. An army marches on its stomach.
2. ,he belly carries the legs.
3. ,he way to a man(s heart is through his
4. Man cannot live by bread alone.
!. ,he eye is bigger than the belly.
#. An apple@ pie without some cheese is like a
kiss without a s9uee5e.
$. :at to live and live to eat.
&. :at at pleasure drink by measure.
). An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
BA. !%GCA&I'
1. %earn not and know not.
2. ,here is no royal road to learning.
3. 'hat we first learn we best can.
4. -ever too late to learn.
!. 2n every art it is good to have a master.
BB. !%I"#
1. ,he end crowns the work.
2. All(s well that ends well.
3. :verythi ng has an end.
4. All good things must come to an end.
!. ,he best of friends must part.
BC. !%G(AC!
1. +e con9uers who endures.
2. 'hat can( t be cured must be endured.
BD. !!MI!#
1. ,here(s no little enemy.
2. .ne enemy can do more hurt than ten
friends can do good.
3. .ne enemy is too many and a hundred
friends too few.
4. A secret foe gives a sudden blow.
!. Make your enemy your friend.
#. "peak well of your friend of your enemy say
$. ,he only good 2ndian is a dead 2ndian.
&. ,rust not a new friend nor an old enemy.
BE. !"LA%
1. ,he :nglish have one hundred religions but
only one sauce.
2. An :nglishman(s home is his castle.
3. .ne :nglishman can beat three Frenchmen.
4. =orkshire born and =orkshire bred strong in
the arm and weak in the head.
!. 'hen a man is tired of %ondon he is tired of
#. ,he streets of %ondon are paved with gold.
BF. !?)
1. :nvy eats nothing but its own heart.
2. :nvy shoots at others and wounds herself.
3. -othing sharpens sight like envy.
4. +e who envies admi ts his inferiori ty.
!. :nvy never enrichened any man.
#. .ne potter envies another ;,his implies that
every man envies potential rivals within his
own field<.
1. At a round table there(s no dispute of place.
2. =ou a lady 2 a lady who will milk the cowD
3. 'e are all Adam(s children.
4. 7efore 3od and bus@conductor we are all
!. 2n church in an inn and in coffin all men are
#. ,he sun shines upon all alike.
$. ,he rain falls on every roof.
&. +uman blood is all of a colour.
C6. !JAM:L!
1. /ractise what you preach.
2. +e preaches well that lives well.
3. 6o as 2 say not as 2 do.
4. 6o unto others as you would they should do
unto you ;%uke #>31<.
C>. !J:!(I!C!
1. :1perience is the mother of wisdom.
2. :1perience is good if not bought too dear.
3. Gnowledge without practice makes but half
an artist.
4. :1perience is a precious gift only given a
man when his hair is gone.
!. :1perience is the best teacher.
#. %ive and learn.
$. 2n doing we learn.
&. Failure teaches success.
). 'ise men learn by other men(s harms fools
by their own.
C@. !)!#
1. ,he eyes are the window of the
soulHheartH mi nd.
2. "eeing is believing.
3. Geep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
CA. =AM!
1. Fame is but the breath of the people.
2. A good name is a rich heritage.
3. A good name is sooner lost than won.
4. +e that has lost his credit is dead to the
CC. =!A(
1. 8iches bring care and fears.
2. Fear gives wings.
3. Fear has a 9uick ear.
4. Fear has magnifyi ng eyes.
!. Fear is a great inventor.
#. Fear is the prison of heart.
CF. =''LI#$!##
1. 4hildren and fools have merry lives.
2. Fortune favours fools.
3. ,he world is full of fools.
4. 'e have all been fools once in our lives.
!. %ittle things please little minds.
#. A wise man changes his mind a fool never.
$. 4hildren and fools cannot lie.
&. :mpty vessels make the greatest sound.
). 'ise men silent fools talk.
DH. ='(!#I"$&
1. +e is wise who looks ahead.
2. /revention is better than cure.
3. Forewarned is forearmed.
4. Forethought is easy repentance hard.
!. 2n fair weather prepare for foul.
D6. ='("I?!!##
1. ,he noblest vengeance is to forgive.
2. ,o err is human to forgive divine.
3. /ardon one offence and you encourage
4. %et bygones be bygones.
!. Forgive and forget.
#. 'ink at small faults.
D>. =riends
1. 2t(s merry when friends meet.
2. +e that ceases to be a friend never was a
good one.
3. All are not friends that speak us fair.
4. 2t is good to have some friends both in
heaven and hell.
!. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
#. 8eal friendship does not free5e in winter.
$. A good friend never offends.
&. A true friend is the best possession.
). +e is a good friend that speaks well of us
behind our backs.
1*. 7ooks and friends should be few but good.
11. ,ry your friend before you trust.
12. A hedge between keeps friendship green.
13. Friendship is a plant which must be often
14. A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.
D@. "AI
1. -o pains no gains.
2. .ne man(s loss is another man(s gain.
3. =ou cannot lose what you never had.
DD. "'%
1. +eaven takes care of children sailors and
drunken men.
2. 3od helps them that help themselves.
DE. "''%!##
1. Birtue is the beauty of the mind.
2. 3oodness is better than beauty.
3. A good heart con9uers ill fortune.
4. ,hey die well that live well.
!. Birtue never grows old.
#. 2t(s not how long but how well we live.
$. 2t is good to be good in your time for you
know not how long it will last.
&. A house is a fine house when good folks are
DF. "'##I:
1. ,here(s no smoke without fire.
2. 'alls have ears.
3. +e that is a blab is a scab.
EH. "(A&I&G%!
1. 6o not foract little kindnesses and do not
remember small faults.
2. -ever look a gift horse in the mouth.
3. 7eggars can( t be choosers.
4. "omething is better than nothing.
!. +e is an ill guest that never drinks to his
E6. "(!A&!##
1. 3reat wings blow upon high hills.
2. +e sits not sure that sits too high.
3. 3reat men have great faults.
4. :agles don( t catch flies. ;,he implication is
that the great do not concern themselves with
trivial mattersF<
!. ,here would be no great ones if there were
no little ones.
#. From small beginnings come great things.
E>. "(!!%
1. Appeti te comes with eating.
2. ,he more you get the more you want.
3. Much would have more.
4. 3rasp all lose all.
!. 7eggars( bags are bottoml ess.
E@. $A3I&
1. +abit is a second nature.
2. .ld habits die hard.
EA. $A::I!##
1. 4ontent is happiness.
2. +appy is she who marries the son of a dead
3. "adness and gladness succeed each other.
4. All happiness is in the mind.
!. /leasant hours fly past.
#. %augh and grow fat.
$. .ne ?oy scatters a hundred griefs.
&. %aughter is the best medicine.
). .ne day of pleasure is worth two of sorrow.
1*. Aoy and sorrow are ne1t door neighbours.
11. %augh before breakfast you(ll cry before
12. All good things come to an end.
EB. $A#&!
1. +aste makes waste.
2. +asty work double work.
3. 3ood and 9uickly seldom meet.
4. Make haste slowly.
!. ,here is luck in leisure.
#. %ove not at the first look.
$. First think then speak.
&. %ook before you leap. ;/arempi katsoa kuin
). "oft pace goes far. ;+il?aa hyvI tulee<.
EC. $A&(!%
1. %ove and hate are blood relations.
2. +e that cannot hate cannot love.
3. .ld hate never wearies.
ED. $!AL&$
1. +ealth and money go far.
2. +ealth is better than wealth.
3. +ealth is not valued till sickness comes.
4. ,he head and feet keep warm the rest will
take no harm.
!. :arly to bed and early to rise makes the
man healthy wealthy and wise.
#. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
$. A creaking gate hangs longest.
&. ,he best doctors are 6r. 6iet 6r. Juiet and
6r. Merryman.
EE. $!L:I"
1. All is not at hand that helps.
2. Many hands make light work.
3. ,wo heads are better than none.
4. Four eyes see more than two.
!. ,oo many cooks spoil the broth.
#. "low help is no help.
$. "cratch my back and 2(ll scratch yours.
EF. $'!#&)
1. +onesty is the best policy. ;8ehellisyys maan
2. /lain dealing is best.
3. 7etter beg than steal.
4. +onesty is a fine ?ewelE but much out of
F6. $':!
1. +ope is the poor man(s bread.
2. 2f it were not for hope the heart would break.
3. +ope keeps man alive.
4. 3reat hopes make great men.
!. 2n the land of hope there is never any winter.
#. A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
$. ,oo much hope deceives.
&. +ope for the best ;and prepare for the
). 'hile there(s life there(s hope.
1*. ,omorrow is another day.
F>. $'#:I&ALI&)
1. 2f a man receives no guests at home when
abroad he(ll have no hosts.
2. A constant guest is never welcome.
3. Fish and guests smell in three days.
4. An unbidden guest knows not where to sit.
!. 'ho comes uncalled sits unserved.
F@. $G"!(
1. +unger finds no fault with the cookery.
2. +unger is the best sauce.
3. A hungry man is an angry man.
4. +unger is stronger than love.
!. +unger breaks stone walls.
FA. $):'C(I#)
1. "peak fair and think what you will.
2. ,he cat and dog may kiss yet are none the
better friends.
3. Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.
4. Fine words dress ill deeds.
!. Many a one says well that thinks ill.
#. All are not friends that speak us fair.
FB. I%L!!##
1. ,he devil finds work for idle hands to do.
2. 2dleness is the root of all evil.
3. ,hey must hunger is frost that will not work
in heat.
4. 2dle folks lack no e1cuses.
FC. I"'(AC!
1. +e that knows nothing doubts nothing.
2. 'hat the eye doesn( t see the heart doesn( t
grieve over.
3. 'hat you don( t know can( t hurt you.
FD. IM:!(=!C&I'
1. :very man has his faults.
2. +e is lifeless that is faultless.
3. -o man is infallible.
4. ,o err is human.
!. :ven +omer someti mes nods. ;Biisaskin
menee ?oskus vipuun<.
#. :very man has his weak side.
$. -o living man all things can.
&. -othing so good but it might have been
). -o garden without its weeds.
1*. -o rose without a thorn.
11. -o summer but has its winter.
12. -o land without stones or meat without
FF. IIGI#I&I ?!!##
1. %isteners never hear good of themselves.
2. Mind your own business.
3. Ask no 9uestions and hear no lies.
4. :very man knows his own business best.
6HH. <G#&IC!
1. ,here(s one law for the rich and another for
the poor.
2. +ear all parties.
3. ,here are two sides to every 9uestion.
4. :very medal has its reverse. ;Aokaisella
asialla on kIIntKpuolensa<.
!. "hare and share alike.
6H6. ;I%!##
1. +oney catches more flies than vinegar.
2. Gind hearts are soonest wronged.
3. Gindness comes of will.
4. A good word costs no more than a bad one.
6H>. ;'WL!%"!
1. +e that nothing 9uestions nothing learns.
2. +e that travels far knows much.
3. Gnowledge is power.
4. 'ith %atin a horse and money you may
travel the world. ;%atin L learning<.
6H@. LA&!!##
1. +e that rises late must trot all day.
2. 7etter late than never.
3. -ever too late to learn.
1. -ew lords new laws.
2. ,he more laws the more offenders.
3. 3o to law for a sheep and lose a cow.
4. :very one is held to be innocent until he is
proved 9uilty.
!. "o many countries so many customs.
#. :very land has its own law.
6HB. L!%I"
1. %end only that which you can afford to lose.
2. %end sitting and you will run to collect.
3. %end your money and lose your friend.
4. %end and lose so play fools.
6HE. LI;!LI$''%
1. /ossibilities are infini te.
2. /igs might fly if they had wings. H /igs may
fly but they are very unlikely birds.
3. 2f the sky falls we shall catch larks.
4. 2f my aunt had been a man she(d have been
my uncle.
!. ,he age of miracles is past.
#. -othing is impossible to a willing heart.
$. A man cannot be in two places at once.
&. -othing comes of nothing. ;,yh?IstI on paha
6HF. L'?!
1. %ove is blind.
2. 2f Aack(s in love he(s no ?udge of Aill(s beauty.
3. %ove sees no faults.
4. %ove is without reason.
!. .ne cannot love and be wise.
#. %ove makes the world go round.
$. %ove will find a way.
&. %ove will go through stone walls.
). .ld love does not rust.
1*. ,rue love never grows old.
11. -ever rely on love or the weather.
12. %ove is a sweet torment.
13. 'hen love puts in friendship is gone.
14. %ove is not found in the market.
1!. All is fair in love and war. ;"odassa ?a
rakkaudessa kaikki on sallittua<.
1#. %ove me love my dog.
1$. +e that would the daughter win must with
the mother first begin.
1&. %overs( 9uarrels are soon mended.
1). 'hen poverty comes in at the door love
flies out of the window.
66H. L')AL&)
1. -o man can serve two masters.
2. 8ats desert a sinking ship.
3. =ou cannot run with the hare and hunt with
the hounds.
666. ='(&G!
1. A blind man may someti mes hit the mark.
2. =ou never know your luck.
3. Fortune is made of glass.
4. ;2t is< 7etter ;to be< born lucky than rich.
!. 3reat fortune brings with it great misfortune.
#. 2f anythi ng can go wrong it will.
$. ,he bread never falls but on its buttered
&. A cat has nine lives.
). Fortune favours those who use their
1*. Fortune knocks once at least at every
man(s gate.
11. :very dog has his day.
66@. MA((IA"!
1. A man without a wife is but half a man.
2. Advise none to marry or go to war.
3. A good wife and health is a man(s best
4. Matri mony is a school in which one learns
too late.
!. Marriage is a lottery.
#. Marriages are made in heaven.
$. 'ives must be had be they good or bad.
&. -ever marry for money ye(ll borrow it
). A young maid married to an old man is like a
new house thatched with old straw.
1*. Marry your like.
11. A good husband makes a good wife. ; A
good wife makes makes a good husband<.
12. ,he wife is the key of the house.
13. A deaf husband and a blind wife are always
a happy couple.
14. 2t(s a good horse that never stumbles and a
good wife that never grumbles.
1!. Marriage is the tomb of love.
1#. %ove is a flower which turns into fruit a
66A. MI%
1. ,hought is free.
2. ,he rope has never been made that binds
3. 8eason rules all things.
66C. M'%!(A&I'
1. Moderation in all things ;Gohtuus kaikessa<.
2. Measure is treasure.
3. "afety lies in the middle course.
4. =ou can have too much of a good thing.
!. 2f in e1cess even nectar is poison.
#. :1tremes are dangerous.
6>H. !C!##I&)
1. -ecessity knows no law ;+ItI ei lue lakia<.
2. -ecessity breaks iron.
3. -ecessity is the mother of invention.
6>6. !I"$3'G(#
1. -o one is rich enough to do without his
2. A near neighbour is better than a far@
dwelling kinsman.
3. 3ood fences make good neighbours.
6>>. !W#
1. -o news is good news.
2. 7ad news travels fast.
3. 2ll news comes unsent forHnever comes too
6>@. '3!%I!C!
1. 6o as 2 say not as 2 do.
2. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
6>B. 'L% :!':L!
1. An old man(s sayings are seldom untrue.
2. =ears know more than books.
3. -o playing with a straw before an old cat.
4. =ou can( t teach an old dog new tricks.
!. .ld age comes stealing on.
#. ,hey that live longest must die at last.
6>C. '::'(&GI&)
1. .pportuni ty seldom knocks twice.
2. "trike while the iron is hot. ;,ao kun rauta on
3. 3ather ye rosebuds while ye may.
4. ,ime and tide wait for no man ;.ta
tilaisuudesta vaarin<.
!. %ife is short and time is swift.
#. 'hen fortune smiles embrace her.
6>D. ':&IMI#M
1. %ook on the bright side.
2. 'hen one door shuts another opens.
3. ,here are as good fish in the sea as ever
came out of it.
4. +e that falls today may rise tomorrow.
!. ,he darkest hour is that before the dawn.
#. 4loudy mornings turn to clear afternoons.
$. :very cloud has a silver lining.
&. -o great loss but ;without< small profit.
6>E. :A(!&#
1. %ike father like son. H %ike mother like
2. ,here(s only one pretty child in the world
and every mother has it.
6>F. :A##I'
1. -ever do things by halves.
2. +e free5es who does not burn.
6@H. :A&I!C!
1. :verythi ng comes to him who waits.
2. %ong looked for comes at last.
3. 7e still and have thy will.
4. /atience is a remedy for every grief.
!. A watched pot never boils.
#. An oak is not felled at one stroke.
$. All things are difficul t before they are easy.
&. 'e must learn to walk before we can run.
6@>. :!AC!
1. 2f you want peace you must prepare for war.
6@@. :!':L! A% :LAC!#
1. "ee -aples and die ;-IhdI -apoli ?a kuolla<.
2. An :nglishman is never happy but when he is
miserable a "cotchman never at home but
when he is abroad and an 2rishman never at
peace but when he(s fighti ng.
6@A. :!(#!?!(AC!
1. "low but sure wins the race ;+il?aa hyvI
2. ,he tortoise wins the race while the hare is
3. ,he best things are hard to come by.
4. %ittle strokes fell great oaks.
6@B. :'##!##I'
1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
;/arempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla<.
6@C. :'?!(&)
1. 'hen poverty comes in at the door love flies
out of the window.
2. %ittle wealth little care.
3. 'here nothing is a little does ease.
4. /overty is the mother of crime.
!. ,he poorer one is the more devils one
#. 7etter beg than steal.
6@D. :(AI#!
1. /raise is always pleasant.
2. -o man is indispensable.
3. ,he best of men are but men at best.
4. 8emember you are not but a man.
6@F. :('MI#!#
1. :gos and oaths are easily broken.
2. /romises are either broken or kept.
3. 'ords are but wind.
4. /romises are like pie@ crust made to be
!. A man apt to promise is apt to forget.
6AH. :('?!(3#
1. A good ma1i m is never out of season.
2. 4ommon proverb seldom lies.
3. /roverbs are the wisdom of the streets.
4. 'ise men make proverbs and fools repeat
!. ,ime passes away but sayings remain.
6A6. IGA((!LLI"
1. 2t takes to make a 9uarrel.
2. 6ivide and rule.
3. 0nited we stand divided we fall.
4. 7irds in their little nests agree.
!. 7y scratching and biting cats and dogs
come together.
#. ,he difference is wide that the street will not
6A>. (!"(!&
1. 'hat(s done cannot be undone.
2. 2t is too late to call back yesterday.
3. ,hings past cannot be recalled.
4. 2t is no use crying over spilt milk.
!. 'in or lose never regret.
#. 2t is easy to be wise after the event.
$. 2f things were to be done twice all would be
&. -ever too late to repent.
6A@. (!LA&I'#
1. 7lood is thicker than water.
2. 6o no business with a kinsman.
3. ,here(s a black sheep in every flock.
4. 4harity begins at home.
!. 2t is an ill bird that fouls its own nest ;.maa
pesII ei kannata liata<.
#. 6on(t wash your dirty linen in public
;%ikapyykkiI ei pidI puiman ?ulkisuudessa<.
6AA. (!LI"I'
1. ,he road to hell is paved with good
2. "ome are atheists only in fair weather.
6AB. (!M!%I!#
1. ,here is a remedy for all things but death.
2. Adapt the remedy to the disease.
3. 2f you don( t like the heat get out of the
4. ,he remedy may be worse than the disease.
6AD. (!#:'#I3ILI&)
1. :very man is the archi tect of his own fortune
;Aokainen on oman onnensa seppI<.
2. :very tub must stand on its own bottom.
3. As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
4. As you sow so you reap ;-iin niittII kuin
!. 2t takes two to tango.
#. :verybody(s business is nobody(s business.
$. A bad workman always blames his tools.
&. ,he absent party is always to blame.
6AE. (!?!"!
1. 7lood will have blood.
2. ,he noblest vengeance is to forgive.
3. 8evenge never repairs an in?ury.
4. 8evenge is sweet.
!. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
6BH. #AC(I=IC!
1. =ou can( t make an omelette without
breaking eggs.
2. Benture a small fish to catch a great one.
3. %ose a leg rather than a life.
6B6. #A=!&)
1. +e that never climbed never fell.
2. 7etter be safe than sorry ;/arempi katsoa
kuin katua<>
3. 2t is best to be on the safe side.
4. 6on(t put all your eggs in one basket.
6B@. #!L=
1. 3od helps them that help themselves.
2. "elf@preservation is the first law of nature.
3. +e is the slave of the greatest slave who
serves nothing but himself.
4. 2f you want a thing well done do it yourself.
!. .ur own opinion is never wrong.
#. Men are blind in their own cause.
$. -o one ought to be ?udge in his own cause.
&. :very one thinks his sack heaviest.
6BA. #!(?A&#
1. .ne must be a servant before one can be a
6BB. #$AM!
1. 'hen an ass kicks you never tell it.
2. 7etter die with honour than live with shame.
6BC. #IL!C!
1. "ilence is golden.
2. A still tongue makes a wise head.
3. "ilence catches a mouse.
4. "peech is silver silence is golden.
!. "till waters run deep.
1. %ike father like son.
2. 3reat minds think alike.
3. 7irds of a feather flock together ;Bakka
kantensa valitsee<.
6BE. #;ILL
1. ,here is an art even in roasting apples.
2. 3reat strokes make not sweet music.
3. ,he best carpenter makes the fewest ships.
6BF. #L!!:
1. 2n dreams and in love nothing is impossible.
6CH. #MALL &$I"#
1. ,he best things come in small packages.
2. "mall is beautiful.
3. %ittle fish are sweet.
4. Many drops make a shower.
!. %ittle and often fills the purse.
#. "traws show which way the wind blows.
$. Men are not to be measured by inches.
6C6. #'LI&G%!
1. 7etter be alone than in bad company.
2. +e travels fastest who travels alone.
3. A crowd is not company.
6C>. #'(('W
1. "adness and gladness succeed each other.
2. -o day passes without some grief.
3. "orrow comes unsent for.
4. A cure for all sorrows is cnversation.
!. Misery loses company.
#. ,wo in distress make sorrow less.
$. ,ime tames the strongest grief.
&. All griefs with bread are less.
6C@. #:!%I"
1. :asy come easy go.
2. "oon gotten soon spent.
3. "pend as you get.
4. %et your purse be your master.
!. 4ut your coat according to your cloth.
#. "tretch your arm no further than your sleeve
will reach.
6CA. #&(!"&$
1. "trength grows stronger by being tried.
2. 0nion is strength.
3. A man can do no more than he can.
4. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
6CB. #GCC!##
1. =ou can( t win them all.
6CD. #G:!(#&I&I'#
1. ,hird time lucky ;Golmas kerta toden sanoo<.
6CE. &AL;I"
1. ,he tongue talks at the head(s cost.
2. ,alk much and err much.
3. 7arking dogs seldom bite.
4. 3reat barkers are not biters.
!. 'hat the heart thinks the tongue speaks.
#. "peech is the picture of the mind.
$. +ear and see and say nothing.
&. Geep your mouth shut and your ears open.
). +ear twice before you speak once.
1*. All truths are not to be told.
11. ,alk of the devil and he is bound to appear
;"iinI paha missI maini taan<.
12. :mpty vessels make the most sound ;,yh?It
tynnyri t kolisevat eniten<.
6CF. &!M:&A&I'
1. .pportuni ty makes the thief ;,ilaisuus tekee
6DH. #:!%I"
1. A penny saved is a penny earned.
2. =ou can( t take it with you when you die.
3. "hrouds have no pockets.
6D6. &IM!
1. ,ime is money.
2. ,ime works wonders.
3. ,iem fliesHhas wings.
4. ,here is a time and place for everythi ng.
!. -ow is now and then was then.
#. ,he golden age was never the present age.
$. ,his morning knows not this evening(s
6D>. &(A?!L
1. ,ravel broadens the mind.
2. :ast or west home(s best.
3. ,here(s no place like home.
4. +ome is where the heart is.
!. 7etter at home than a mile from it.
#. ,he bird loves her nest.
6D@ &(IAL
1. ,he e1ception proves the rule ;/oikkeus
vahvistaa sIInnKn<.
2. .ne swallow does not make a summer ;:i
yksi pIIsky vielI kesII tee<.
6DA. &('G3L!- MA;I"
1. +e that seeks trouble never misses.
2. %et sleeping dogs lie.
3. 'ake not a sleeping lion.
4. 8ip not up old sores.
6DC. &(G&$
1. ,ruth will come to light.
2. Facts are stubborn things.
3. 4hildren and fools cannot lie.
4. ,ruth is stranger than fiction.
6DD. G#!
1. All(s fish that comes to the net.
6DE. WA(
1. Attack is the best form of defence ;+yKkkIys
paras puolustus<.
6DF. W!A;!##
1. Men are not angels.
6EH. W!AL&$
1. Money is round and rolls away.
2. Money is the root of all evil.
3. Money makes the man.
4. ,he best things in life are free.
!. Money isn(t everythi ng.
#. 8iches alone make no man happy.
$. 3old dust blinds all eyes.
&. A rich man(s ?oke is always funny.
). Money governs the world.
1*. Money is a good servant but a bad master.
1. 'here there(s a will there(s a way.
2. 'ill is no skill.
3. Mere fishes are silly fishes.
4. 'ishes can never fill a sack.
6E@. WI#%'M
1. +onest men marry soon wise men not at all.
2. -o man is wise at all times.
3. :ven +omer someti mes nods.
6EA. W'M!
1. 'omen have long hair and short brains.
2. 'omen are necessary evils.
3. 'omen will have their wills.
4. A woman(s sword is her tongue and she
does not let it rust.
!. A woman(s place is in the home.
#. A woman(s work is never done.
$. Man is the head but woman turns it.
&. Men make houses women make homes.
). A man is as old as he feels and a woman as
old as she looks.
6EB. W'(L%
1. 2t(s a small world.
2. ,he world is but a little place after all.
3. ,he world is a stage and every man plays his
part ;'illiam "hakespeare<.
6EC. W'(()
1. 6on(t cross the bridge till you get to it.
2. ,ake things as they come.
3. 6on(t cry before you are hurt.
4. 6on(t meet troubles half@ way.
!. -ever trouble trouble till trouble troubles
6ED. W'(&$
1. ,he cow knows not what her tail is worth till
she has lost it.
2. =ou never miss the water till the well runs

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