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Activity / Sub-activities Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7

0. Project Management 14.000,00
1. Information Campaign Planning 6.000,00
1.1. Identification of the Information Campaign
main issues (target group, message, potential
channels, etc.) 2.000,00
1.2. Preparation of the Information Campaign
Plan and Budget 4.000,00
2. Information Campaign Plan
Implementation 75.500,00
2.1. Organization of an international
conference 22.500,00
2.1.1. Identification of locations and catering
providers 3.000,00
2.1.2. Definition of conference concept, agenda
and materials 5.000,00
2.1.3. Identification of speakers and guests 3.500,00
2.1.4. Transmittal of invitations and follow-up
for confirmation 2.000,00
2.1.5. Organization of the event 9.000,00
2.2. Development and dissemination of a
documentary 53.000,00
2.2.1. Identification of relevant staff and script
writers to develop the documentary idea 1.000,00
2.2.2. Identification and selection of
documentary location and guest speakers 2.000,00
2.2.3. Filming of the documentary 20.000,00
2.2.4. Editing and final version of the
documentary 10.000,00
2.2.5. Dissemination of the documentary 20.000,00
3. Information Campaign Initial Impact
Evaluation 10.000,00
TOTAL 105.500,00

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