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Kristin Tatemichi

Shayla Hosaka
Grade: 5
Stage 1 Desired Results

Analyze the causes of the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Analyze the effects of the
bombing of Pearl Harbor,
including internment of
Japanese Americans.

Identify events leading to
the bombing of Pearl Harbor
and describe its effects in
Hawaii, such as the role of
the U.S. military and anti-
Japanese sentiments
(including interment camps
and 442

Analyze in detail a series of
events described in a text;
determine whether earlier
events caused later ones or
simply preceded them.

5.ANCHOR.10 Read and
comprehend complex
literary and informational
texts independently and

ANCHOR.9: Draw evidence
from literary or
informational texts to
support analysis, reflection,
and research.
Students will be able to independently use their learning

This unit will focus specifically on three parts of World War II.
The first part being the Pearl Harbor attack and the reasoning
of why the Japanese attacked. The second part will focus on
the immediate aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. For
example, the declaration of World War II, Japanese
internment camps, and then the bombings on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. The last part will focus on how Japan surrenders
and how America and Japan become allies.
Students will understand

Why Japan bombed Pearl

Pearl Harbor was a significant
event in Americas entrance
into World War II.

How Japanese Americans
were stereotyped and
accused of being spies as a
result of the bombing of Pearl

How many Japanese
Americans were contained in
interment camps all located
on the west coast.


What role did the attack on
Pearl Harbor play in
Americas entrance into
World War II?

What were the immediate
effects of the bombing of
Pearl Harbor?

Why did Japan declare war
on the United States?

How did the internment
camps change the lives of
some Japanese Americans?

What were the immediate
effects of the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

How World War II ended and
what terms America and
Japan settled on.
Students will know

Bombing of Pearl Harbor
(Dec. 7, 1941)

World War II

Internment camps in

Executive Order 9066
(Japanese internment)

Martial Law (Life in Hawaii
was affected after the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.)

Prejudice (a negative
attitude toward a person or
group without just or
sufficient knowledge)

Stereotype (Preconceived or
oversimplified generalization
about an entire group of
people disregarding
individual differences)

Discrimination (The
restrictive treatment of a
person or group based on

Racism (Belief that humans
can be grouped on the basis
of biological traits and that
these differences produce
inherent superiority or
inferiority of one race to

Bombings of Hiroshima and
Aftermath experiences of
the Japanese Americans
Students will be skilled at

Student will be able to
describe the reasoning
behind why Japan bombed
Pearl Harbor.

Student will be able to
describe what happened
during the bombing of Pearl

Student will be able to
describe the
events/aftermath that
happened directly after the
events of Pearl Harbor.

Student will be able to
recognize and explain the
Executive Order 9066.

Student will be able to
describe what the interment
camp experience was like for
Japanese Americans.

Student will be able to
describe and explain the
aftermath of the bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Student will know the
agreement the United States
of America and Japan made
to create peace.

Student will be able to relate
the experience of Japanese
Americans during World War
II to their own life.

Student will be able to
connect events from the
book(s) to events that really

and also the Japanese from

Student will understand the
attack of Pearl Harbor from
another persons
of view. (Books)

Student will be able to
connect and ask questions
through writing. (Learning

Student will be able to
explain and discuss their
knowledge in pairs and in
class discussions.
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
<type here> PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
-Students will work in groups to write and present their
President Speech.

-Students will write letters to President Roosevelt from the
perspective of a Japanese child experiencing the internment

<type here> OTHER EVIDENCE:
-Students will fill out their KWL Charts (What did you learn?)

-Students will take a quiz after each lesson presented
covering the information they learned during each
week. There will be a quiz after week 2 on Pearl Harbor, a
quiz after week 3 on Japanese Internment Camps, and a quiz
after week 4 on Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombing.
Student self-assessment and reflection:
-Students will submit a final two-page reflection about what
they learned from their visit to Pearl Harbor Memorial.

-Students will assess classmates on their President Speech.

Stage 3 Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Have student complete the what I know part of a K-W-L, to get a sense of what the
students already know about the topic.
Do the gallery walk (stations of pictures, brochures, news paper articles.)
Complete the what do I wonder part

With the newspaper article station, in pairs students must pick and read an article
that interests them and report back to the class, like it was a current event.
-Have a sign up sheet next to newspapers, so students can write which article they
will be presenting so there is no overlapping of articles.
Assign books and chapters to read
Discuss learning logs
-Every student will have to complete a learning log after reading from the book
-Learning log: students can write down any thoughts, emotions, or what they thought
was interesting when reading the book. Also they can write down any questions they
may have and the teacher will read and answer the questions.
Introduce Presidents speech (on going project)
-Students will come up with a speech, as if they were the President of the United
States back in 1941.
-They will have to make a speech to the people of America, stating Pearl Harbor has
just been attacked by the Japanese
-They will have to state what actions they would like to take
-They will have to be calm and reassure the people
-Break students up in to groups of 4.
-One student in the group will act as the president and recite the speech to the class
(role play)
-Dress the part
Show YouTube video of President Roosevelt giving a speech to the public after the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Discuss what was read from the book in our literacy circle
Turn in learning logs
Give students time in their groups to talk about ideas for their speech
-Hand out outline
Guest speaker: Pearl Harbor Veteran
-Goes over what happened
-What he went through during the time
-Answer any questions students may have
Reflection: Discuss as a class, thoughts of the guest speaker
Start writing thank you notes to the guest speaker
-Have students write and note and draw pictures in appreciation
Assign chapters to read from book
Return learning logs

Literature circle
Turn in learning logs
Give students time in President group

-First draft for Presidents speech due
Japanese Internment Lesson:
Play a clip of a video that shows a salute to American freedom and democracy
(Historys Obama Makes History clip from their America: The Story of US series).
Students view and answer reflection questions that ask them to reflect on whether
these rights and freedoms have always been the case for all Americans.
Give each student a Post-It note and ask him or her to write the name of one group of
people who were denied equal rights in the US. Students post their ideas on the
Students read summary internment camps and answer questions.
Students fill out their organizer according to group identity and individual role.
Group Identity:
1) Interned Japanese Shop Owner
2) Interned Japanese Child
3) Interned Camp Guard
4) White American from Alabama
(Each group will be given a chance to rotate to every station)
Individual Role:
1) Fact Finder (finds facts from resources relevant to group)
2) Angel Conscience (what would someone with a good conscience think in your position?)
3) Devil Conscience (what would someone with a bad conscience think in your position?)
(Each student will be able to play all three roles)
At each station they will be grouped up and provided a picture/passage relating to
Japanese Internment camps that they will have to look at/read in order to answer the
Students will write a letter to President Roosevelt that outlines how at least two
groups of people we discussed today felt about the Japanese Internment Camps.

Students will watch a video clip on Japanese Internment during World War II.

Students will use their imagination to create a mural or political poster that shows
what life was like in internment camps.

End of the week quiz on Japanese internment.

Final draft of Presidents speech due.

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombing lesson
Students will look at pictures from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing
(Atomic bomb mushroom cloud, individuals affected by radiation poison, land before and
after atomic bomb)
Students will answer question: Is dropping the atomic bomb a reasonable way to
have ended World War II? Why or why not?

Teacher will open a discussion by asking students to raise their hand if they believe
-The atomic bomb IS a reasonable way to stop the war.
- If the bombing is NOT a reasonable way to end the war.
Students will read journal entries from Hiroshima Diary.
Students will get into groups and have quality talks with the teacher and classmates
about the immediate physical, mental effects from the bombing.
Students will make a timeline of events read from previous readings. For example:
date of bombing, realization of type of bomb, when certain symptoms started to set
into victims, announcements from Japan president, discovery of another atomic
bomb attack on Nagasaki, date of surrender, etc.

Atom Bomb Debate
-The following continuum will be placed on the board. Students will stand by the position,
which best expresses, their positions.
1) No. President Truman should not have authorized dropping the bomb.
2) Undecided
3) Yes. But President Truman should have authorized dropping only one bomb.
4) Yes. President Truman should have authorized dropping both bombs.
-The class will discuss their responses with each other and then have a choice to stand by the
position in which they first picked or to change it.
-Students will group up with classmates who have the same position as them and work
together to think of reasons to back up with position.
-Groups will have their debate with the class.
-They will again have the choice to change their position and will provide an explanation of
why they changed it.

-Students will be put in the shoes of a Japanese citizen and choose one way to describe some
of the issues you, your family, and your country are facing.
(Family, physical, attitude toward United States, feeling toward own countries response
toward attack)
-Students must use at least 3 vocabulary words (atomic bomb/world war II terminology)
-Students can choose any of the following options:

Write a journal entry
Write a poem
Compose a song
Create a political Cartoon and provide a description of cartoon
Write a skit
Create a news report
Create a poster
Write a research paper
Students will present assignment to their class.

End of the week quiz on Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing.

Week 5
President Speech Presentation (Assess classmates speeches)

The Peace Treaty/Japan Surrenders
-Discuss with students Japan's surrender after the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
-Introduce the story Sadako to students.
-Have students do their own online research about the peace between Japan and U.S. and
more research on the 1000 paper cranes in Japan.
-Students will share with the class what they researched. The class will discuss more on the
-Have students create as many paper cranes as they can (Goal is to make 1000 paper cranes
to send to the Memorial Park in Japan).

Week 6
-Field trip to Pearl Harbor Memorial.

-Students will submit a 2 page final reflection after visiting Pearl Harbor Memorial.

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