Caneco BT (Modulos)

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ALPI 30, Avenue Edouard BELIN - 92500 RUEIL MALMAISON (FRANCE)

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-C1- Calculation according to IEC 364 or other
electrical standard for cables and protections
(compulsory basic module)
Basic module oI Caneco, it includes the calculation oI
circuits according to electrical standards (cables and
protections) :
All neutral point connection wirings
Types oI circuits : board, motor, lighting, heating,
sockets, busbars, miscellaneous.
All types oI protections : general purpose circuit-
breakers, modular, "motor" , without thermal relay, Iuse
g1, associations Iuse aM contactor, circuit-breaker
Data Base oI major manuIacturers (ABB, Hager,
Klckner Moeller, Legrand, Merlin-Gerin, Unelec ...),
"protections", 'cables, 'cables tray
Automatic recalculation oI circuits 'to recalculate"
Calculation oI consumption and cos Phi Ior boards
depending on attached circuits and capacitors.
Printing oI all data and results,cables list, protections
-C2- Extension to all types of equipments
Extension oI module 1 to the calculation oI busbar
trunking systems, Low voltage-Low voltage
transIormers, and capacitors.
-C3- Backup - Discrimination (Selectivity)
Choice oI circuits-breakers taking into account the
increase oI breaking capacity thanks to coordination.
Discrimination on over current, time delays, thermal
and diIIerential.
-C4- Calculation : Normal-Standby
Data entry and calculation oI standby source
(generating set...)
Calculation oI protections (breaking capacity, magnetic
setting) and oI essential circuits taking into account the
2 sources.
-S1- Board single-line diagram editor
Printing oI models : Site, Industrial, Board maker 10,
12 or 16 circuits per page.
-S2- Network single-line diagram editor
Printing oI installation tree
-S3- Symbols and folio backgrounds editor
Symbols editing, modiIication, new symbols
Symbols libraries handling
-P1- Complete parameters for Caneco
Possibility to modiIy deIault parameters Ior :
'Input' : styles oI circuits (deIault data and diagram).
'calculation' : ambiant temperature oI protections,
minimum rating oI protections, cross-sections mini
and maxi, rules Ior the reduction oI neutral and PE,
manual or automatic choice oI circuit-breakers, with
or without association.
-P2- Personnalization of documents
Possibility to create personalized documents, by
extracting all or part oI data and results.
Edition oI Iolders containing diIIerents Caneco
documents or documents Irom other soItwares.
-P3- Special protections
Possibility to treat non standard protections :
Displacement oI thermal relay downstream.
Non standard associations oI protections (Iusec-
Vertical conduits without intermediary protections.
-P4- Power requirement
Vector calculation oI consumptions and power Iactors
(cos Phi) oI main circuits and oI source supply
depending on consumer circuits. Use Iactor Ior each
circuit and coincidence Iactor between circuits are
taken into account.
-P5- Price of installation
Price oI material and workmanship Ior part or complete
installation according to price and time standards
which can be modiIied : cables, protections, busbar
trunking systems, cables trays.
Calculation and display oI the price oI circuit (cable
and protection) done during calculation oI each circuit.
-P6- Modification of manufacturer's files
Possibility to create, display, modiIy all Iiles used in
Caneco : protections, cables, equipments, busbar
trunking systems, transIormers, glossaries Iiles...
-P7- Extension to other electrical standards
IEC 364 (international), HD 384 (CENELEC),
BS7671, C15-100, VDE 0100, CEI 64-8, UNE. RGIE
-P8- Other languages
Use oI Caneco and translation oI documents in several
languages (Irench, english, german, spanish, italian...).
Possibility to create your own translations in other
languages not given by ALPI.
-P9- Cable trays
DeIinition oI a single-line diagram oI cable trays
sections by keyboard input. Display in axionometric
Calculation oI track sections (length, width and load).

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