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April 5, 2010: Taliban fighters using rocket-propelled grenades, car bombs and suicide vests

tried to storm the United States consulate in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. Five
security guards were among seven people killed during the raid in Peshawar. Several
explosions in the area caused buildings to collapse.
February 3, 2010: A bomb blast near a girls' school in northwestern Pakistan
killed three American soldiers apparently involved in a US-British programme to train the
country's paramilitary Frontier Corps. Two US military personnel were wounded in the
roadside bomb attack on a convoy in Lower Dir, which also killed a Pakistani paramilitary
and at least three children.
January 1, 2010: At least 88 people were killed when a suicide car bomber blew up himself
and his vehicle as people gathered to watch a volleyball game in the village of Shah Hasan
Khan, in Bannu district of north-west Pakistan.
1 January:- At least 105 people were killed when a suicide bomber blew up his vehicle
in a crowd watching a volleyball game in Lakki Marwat, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.
3 January:- In the north-western Pakistani town of Hangu, a former provincial minister
and two other people were killed in a roadside bomb attack, police have said. The blast
reportedly killed Ghani-ur Rehman, his driver and his bodyguard. The minister was
reported as being a former Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa education minister, for the area
6 January:- In Pakistani-administered Kashmir, at least three soldiers were killed and
another 11 injured after a bomb attack occurred outside an army barracks, police say.
No group has claimed responsibility
8 January:- In Karachi unknown gunmen went on the rampage killing at least 7 people
within the area, police say. The gunmen were apparently targeting ethnic Balochis in
parts of the city. The armed men were reportedly riding motorcycles as they were
carrying out their attack on the civilians.
9 January:- A suicide bomber detonated himself and wounded seven policemen in the
village of Adezai, Peshawar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
11 January:- Five bullet-riddled bodies were found in the Pakistani city of Karachi, police
say. This latest attack appears to be part of a renewed war among rival political factions,
officials claim. Since the start of this year, when a dead political activist was discovered,
at least 31 people are known to have been murdered in killings. Political violence has
reportedly intensified in the city of Karachi.
16 January:- At least two soldiers have been injured after a suicide bomber attacked a
military convoy in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, police say.
20 January:- A politician and member, for the Awami National Party, Aurangzeb Khan,
was seriously injured after a bomb blast occurred in Peshawar. Three others are also
known to have been injured, police say.
23 January:- A suicide bomber killed five people including children outside a police
station in Gumal, Tank District.
30 January:- A suspected suicide bomber killed at least 16 people and wounded 20
others, when he attacked a checkpoint, in the North-Western Pakistani town of Khar
1 February:- In Karachi, ethnic and political clashes resulted in the target killings of least
26 people. These latest clashes come as dozens more have been killed in similar
attacks over the past few weeks, across the city
3 February:- At least 10 people were killed, including three US soldiers, when a bomb
blast hit a convoy near a school in the north-west region of Pakistan. Three schoolgirls
were also among the dead and it is believed that this blast injured up to another 70
people, within the area.

5 February:- KARACHI: At least 13 dead and 50 injured from 10 kg blast in mini bus
near Nursery Road. The injured taken to government Jinnah hospital.
After 2 hours
the second planted bomb blasted at motorcycle stand emergency gate of government
Jinnah hospital killing 10 injuring dozens and rescuers also. Relatives of the first blast
victims were present in the Emergency Ward. Later a 3rd bomb was found in a TV set in
the hospital.

9 February:- A senior Pakistani politician was attacked by militants in the city of
Rawalpindi, in the Punjab province. The politician, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, survived this
attack however 3 of his security guards were killed, police have said.
10 February:- At least 15 security personnel, a brigadier and a pilot among them, and
seven civilians lost their lives in a gun attack, a suicide bombing and a helicopter crash
in Khyber Agency in the northwestern province. The brigadier was killed and two other
officers, a major and a lieutenant, were injured when Taliban insurgents ambushed an
army rescue party searching for bodies of the pilot and a gunner of a helicopter gunship
which had crashed in the Tirah valley
11 February:- Two bomb explosions occurred in north-western Pakistan, near a police
compound. In these bombings it has been reported that at least 12 people were killed
and another 20 were injured. Unconfirmed reports have claimed that these bombings
were caused by suicide bombers.

18 February:- A bomb attack in a crowded market selling hashish, in north western
Pakistan, has resulted in the deaths of at least 15 people and has wounded more than
100 others. The blast had occurred in the Kyber tribal region of Pakistan, in an area
where the taliban are know to have a strong presence. The bomb had reportedly
detonated near a mosque in the Tirah valley of the Kyber region, officials have said.

22 February:- Two Sikh men were kidnapped by unknown gunmen in the tribal regions
of north-west Pakistan. They were later beheaded by their kidnappers, their bodies were
then found in the Khyber and Orakzai areas, officials claim.
At least 5 people were
killed and many others injured, after a bomb attack occurred in Mingora, the main city in
the Swat region of north-west Pakistan. The target for this attack appears to have been
an army convoy and it has been confirmed that two of those killed were soldiers.

24 February:- Four civilians were killed in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar,
after taliban militants fired a rocket into a residential area. Witnesses claim that a two-
storey house was also destroyed in this attack. Officials are now claiming that this
explosion was caused by a gas leak however local residents still insist that rockets were
used against them and that these devices caused the explosion.

27 February:- A suicide bomber targeted a police station in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
province of Pakistan. The attack killed at least three police officers and 13 other people
were wounded as a result of this explosion, some are said to be in a critical condition.
The blast also damaged a nearby mosque, as well as part of the police station. It has
been reported that many more people could be trapped under the debris caused by this
blast. No group has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

5 March:- In the Hangu district of north-west Pakistan, a suicide bomber targeted a
convoy of vehicles travelling from the Hangu district to the Kurram region. The bomber
allegedly detonated next to a bus full of passengers. In this bombing it has been reported
that at least 12 people were killed and that another 25 were injured. No-one has yet said
that they carried out this attack.

8 March:- A suicide bomb attack has killed at least 13 people in Lahore and wounded
more than 60 others. The bomber reportedly rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a
building that housed an anti-terrorist wing of the federal investigative agency. The
explosion was so large it allegedly brought down the two-storey building, correspondents
have said. A nearby religious school was also known to have been damaged in this
bombing and passer- by, including children are believed to be among the dead and the

10 March:- Unidentified gunmen have attacked the office of a Western aid agency, in the
Mansehra district of Pakistan, which is only 40 miles (64 km) north of the
capitalIslamabad. It is known that 6 people were killed in this assault and it has been
reported that there was also an explosion as well as firing inside the building when the
militants stormed into the agency. One aid worker has claimed that the gunmen have
now engaged in a battle with police inside the building. The agency has also claimed that
seven members of staff had been injured in this attack.

11 March:- A suicide bomber's explosive vest detonated prematurely, as he was trying
to target a convoy of security forces, along the boundary between Peshawar and the
Khyber tribal region. In the explosion it is known that 5 people were killed and that a
dozen others were injured. Some of the injured are reportedly in a critical condition,
officials have claimed.

12 March:- Two suicide bomb attacks in the Pakistani city of Lahore has resulted in the
deaths of at least 45 people and has wounded 100 others. Both of these bomb attacks
reportedly targeted military vehicles, as they were passing through a crowded area. The
blasts occurred within 1520 seconds of each other. It is known that at least 9 soldiers
were killed in these two suicide bombings. These two blasts occurred very close to the
RA bazaar, which is in a busy residential and shopping area where the army and
security agencies have facilities. Later on however several other smaller blasts occurred
across the city. These smaller blasts were reportedly designed to cause confusion and
there were no reports of any serious injuries due to their effects. No group has yet said
that it had carried out the bombings although the Pakistani Taliban are strong

13 March:- A suicide bomber targeted a rickshaw near to a security checkpoint. The
bombing occurred near the city of Mingora, which is the main city in the Swat Valley. In
this bombing it is known that at least 10 people were killed and that another 37 were
wounded. The bomber was reportedly trying to enter a government facility used by the
police and security forces however he blew himself up after being stopped by the police.
This attack follows threats by the Taliban militants, as they intend to deploy thousands of
suicide bombers in retaliation for an army offensive.

16 March:- A blast occurred near Chandni Chowk in Garden area of Karachi on
Tuesday, killing one woman and injuring three others, including children.

17 March:- Militants attacked a security checkpoint in North-west Pakistan, on the
southern outskirts of the city Peshawar. In this rocket and gun attack it is known that five
security personnel were killed. More than a dozen militants were reportedly involved in
this assault which apparently occurred upon Peshawar's border with the Khyber district,
within the country. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

18 March:- Loud blast heard near Lahore airport. A loud blast is reported to have been
heard near Allama Iqbal International airport, Geo News reported Thursday. Chaotic
activity was witnessed at the airport immediately after the blast, creating panic in the
surrounding area sources said.

21 March:- At least 3 people were killed and another 14 were wounded after a bicycle
bomb exploded in Quetta, the capital town of Balochistan. The bomb reportedly
detonated just as a police vehicle was passing nearby and it is known that at least two
police personnel were among the dead. The blast was so powerful that it apparently
rattled several nearby buildings, shops and vehicles.

22 March:- A roadside bomb has killed one person and injured three others, in the city
of Quetta, located in southwestern Pakistan. The bomb was reportedly planted beside a
rickshaw near a busy intersection, a senior police officer has said.

26 March:- At least 5 Pakistani soldiers were killed in a clash with Taliban militants and
foreign fighters in the Orakzai tribal district of the country.

28 March:- A bomb planted near a music shop exploded in a bazaar and wounded five
people, as well as destroying the shop in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan. It is known that
two nearby grocery shops were also damaged in this blast. No group has claimed
responsibility although Taliban militants are suspected to be behind this bombing.

31 March:- Militants stormed into a Pakistan army camp in the Khyber region after a car
bomb explosion blew a hole in one of the walls to the compound. In this attack it has
been reported that at least 6 Pakistani soldiers were killed and that another 15 were
injured. The Pakistan army reported that 25 militants were also killed in this attack
however this claim cannot be independently verified.

April June 2010
5 April At least 43 people were killed and more than 50 others were wounded after a
suicide bomber attacked a political party rally in the Lower Dir district of north-western
Pakistan. The bomber had reportedly detonated his explosives near to the stage of this
outdoor rally, as hundreds of people were attending the event. The Lower Dir district was
the scene of a major offensive against the Taliban by the Pakistani Army last year. In the
city of Peshawar in north-western Pakistan, unknown militants attacked the U.S
consulate. It has been reported that at least seven people were killed in this attack; the
number of injuries however has not been specified yet. The dead included four militants
and 3 security personnel. It has also been reported that several explosions occurred in
the area and that some buildings collapsed as a result of these blasts. Shortly after these
explosions a gun battle followed between the militants and the police forces at the scene
of these attacks. Officials have claimed that the attack was well organised but say order
has now been restored to the area. The Pakistani Taliban later claimed responsibility for
this attack and admitted that the U.S consulate was the target for this attack.

7 April One person was killed after a bomb attached to a tanker carrying fuel to NATO
forces in Afghanistan detonated in the Khyber tribal region of Pakistan. The victim was
reportedly riding in the van from behind and it is known that four other people were also
wounded in this attack. In a separate incident with the capital city of Islamabad, an
explosion occurred within the parking lot of a market place. The explosion caused minor
damage in the area however no casualties were reported due to the effects of this

8 April Militants attacked and bombed three girls' schools, which were located on the
outskirts of the Pakistani city of Peshawar. Nobody was killed or injured in these
bombings but damage was inflicted upon the schools. The Pakistani Taliban have been
blamed for these recent attacks and the education minister has accused them of trying to
spread panic across the country. The militants had reportedly planted the explosive
materials near to the schools before detonating them later on.

13 April A bomb exploded in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. The bomb was
reportedly planted inside a dustbin and it is believed to have been only a low-intensity
explosion. No casualties have been reported yet and security personnel have apparently
cordoned off the area where this particular explosion had occurred.

16 April At least ten people were killed and another 35 others were injured after a
suicide bomb attack took place at a hospital, in the Pakistani city of Quetta. Reports are
claiming that a TV cameraman, as well as two police officers, were among the dead for
this particular attack. It is believed that the suicide bomber had walked into the hospital
and had detonated his explosives at the entrance to the emergency room inside the
hospital. Soon after this bombing it has been reported that gunfire was heard from
surrounding rooftops and side-streets located nearby to this bombing. The authorities
believe that the Taliban, as well as some Al-Qaeda leaders, have set up a de
factoheadquarters in this city, known as the Quetta Shura.

17 April At least 41 people were killed and more than 60 others were injured after two
suicide bombers attacked the Kacha Pukha camp, near to the Pakistani city of Kohat.
The first suicide bomber had reportedly detonated his explosives after walking into a
gathering of people, as they were receiving relief aid from the authorities. The second
suicide bomber then struck, in the middle of a gathering crowd only a few minutes after
the first blast. It is also known that both of these bombers were wearing burqas, as they
were carrying out each of their suicide attacks on this refugee camp.

18 April A suicide bomber detonated his explosive-laden vehicle near to a police
station in the north-western Pakistani city of Kohat. In this attack, it is known that 7
people were killed and that another 21 others were reportedly injured. It is known that
the bomber had detonated up to 200 kg of explosives on the back side of the police
station, which he was targeting. This latest attack, along with others in the past few days,
appears to be a reaction towards the military operations that are being conducted by the
Pakistani army, in the tribal areas of the country.

19 April At least 23 people were killed and more than 40 others were wounded after
two bomb attacks hit the Pakistani city of Peshawar. The first attack occurred when a
bomb exploded outside a school run by a police welfare foundation, killing 1 person and
injuring another 10 others. The second attack involved a suicide bomber who had
targeted a political rally near to a crowded market area. In this specific attack it is also
known that at least 22 people were killed and more than 30 others were reportedly
wounded. It has been reported that police officers and political protesters were among
those who had been killed in this blast. In a separate incident within the Khyber region of
the country, suspected Taliban militants attacked a pair of NATO oil tankers detonating
two bombs near to them. Nobody was reportedly killed or wounded in this attack but a
fire engulfed a flatbed truck and nearby shops that were located within the local area.

22 April Unidentified gunmen attacked and killed a former member of parliament, 'Mr
Omarzai' while he was driving his car in the Charsadda district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
province. It has been reported that 3 other people were also killed in this attack after
militants sprayed their vehicle with bullets, as the politician was leaving his office, a local
police official has claimed. The politician, 'Mr Omarzai' reportedly died at the scene of
this attack whereas his other 3 companions died later on at hospital due to the wounds
that they had sustained in this attack.

23 April Taliban militants ambushed a Pakistan Army convoy, as they were carrying
out a routine movement in the Pakistani tribal region of North Waziristan. In this ambush,
it is known that at least 7 soldiers were killed and that at least another 16 had been
injured. It has been reported by officials that the militants attacked the convoy in the
Dattakhel area of North Waziristan. In a separate incident, Taliban militants killed 4
people within the same region after they accused them of spying for the U.S. This area is
part of the lawless tribal region, which borders Afghanistan and officials claim that the
area is a stronghold for the Pakistani Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

24 April A suicide bomber detonated his explosive-laden car near to a police van.
However it has been reported that no policemen were in the van, at the time of this
attack so no fatalities were sustained upon the security forces. The attack occurred
within the town of Timergara in the Lower Dir district of north-west Pakistan. It is known
that 10 policemen were injured in this particular bombing and it has also been reported
that two of these police personnel were seriously wounded, as a result of this suicide

25 April A bomb exploded at a confectionery shop, within the Pakistani city of Quetta.
In this bombing, it is known that around 11 people had been injured, five of these people
however were reported to have been very seriously wounded in this blast. It is also
known that this bomb had been placed behind the refrigerator within the confectionery
shop, as it had detonated in the store.

27 April In Quetta, a woman teacher was killed, in a drive-by shooting
within Baluchistan, police have said. This latest attack is part of an ongoing spate of
killings within the southwestern province where separatist militants have reportedly
waged a low-level insurgency down there, for many decades.

28 April A suicide car bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a police vehicle
at a checkpoint, in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar. In this bombing, it is
known that 4 people were killed and at least another 10 had been injured. No group has
yet claimed responsibility for this particular attack but the Taliban are strong suspects,
considering that they have carried out dozens of recent bombings across the country.

30 April A Pakistani human rights activist, Khalid Khawaja, was kidnapped and killed
by unidentified militants. His body was reportedly discovered in a ditch near to the town
of Mir Ali within the tribal areas of North Waziristan, according to officials in the area. It is
known that a note was apparently attached to his body claiming that this man who was a
former Pakistani intelligence officer is now an agent working for the United States. The
militants have threatened that the same fate will await those who try to spy for America,
in the same way that he had supposedly done so for them.

1 May A remote-control bomb attack wounded six police personnel on the Qambrani
road with the Pakistani city of Quetta. It is known that the police officers were on a
routine patrol at the Qambrani road when the blast had occurred. It has also been
reported that 2 of those who were injured in this particular explosion are now believed to
be in a critical condition.

7 May Suspected militants killed 4 policemen and injured one other policeman, after
they stormed into a police checkpost in a pre-dawn attack, within the north-western
Pakistani town of Mansehra.

10 May At least 9 Pakistani soldiers were killed in clashes with hundreds of Taliban
militants within Pakistan's north-western tribal region of Orakzai, according to army
officials within the local area.

12 May A grenade attack within the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar has killed
2 people and injured another 2 others. No group has yet claimed responsibility for this
attack although Taliban militants are suspected.

13 May A roadside bomb detonated near to a police checkpoint in the outskirts of the
north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar. In this roadside bombing, it is known that 3
people were killed and that another 2 others had been injured in the particular blast. A
car bomb explosion occurred within the Pakistani city of Chitral. In this bombing it is
known that 3 people were badly injured and were then later hospitalised for their injuries,
which they had sustained in this bomb blast.

18 May At least 12 people were killed and 15 others were injured after a bike bomb
exploded near to a police station within the Pakistani town of Dera Ismail Khan, in north-
western Pakistan. This bombing was reportedly targeting the town's deputy police
superintendent, who was apparently killed in this blast along with his guard and their
driver. The dead also apparently included some women and children, according to
hospital officials within the local area. It is also known that this bicycle bomb was
detonated by remote control and local police in the area have confirmed this claim.
Nobody has yet claimed responsibility although Taliban militants are the most likely of

20 May Sectarian clashes between rival ethnic groups resulted in the deaths of up to
23 people in the Pakistani port city of Karachi. The death toll is expected to rise, as some
of those injured are believed to be in a critical condition and it is known that the vast
majority of these deaths were attributed to drive-by shootings within this particular city.

21 May Two men were killed by Taliban militants after they strapped explosives to the
two men, whom they had accused of spying for the U.S. These two men were reportedly
killed by the militants at a public execution within North Waziristan, in the volatile north-
west of the country.

25 May A bomb blast occurred near to the office of the National Highway Authority on
the main airport road, in the city of Quetta. In this bombing it is known that two people
were killed and that 16 others were reportedly injured. It has been reported that the
bomb itself was planted inside a rickshaw and that this blast had apparently damaged
the power transmission lines within the local area and had plunged the surrounding
areas into darkness. The injured people, in this explosion were later rushed to the civil
hospital due to the injuries that they had sustained in this blast. In another incident within
the city of Quetta, unknown militants attacked an office using explosives. In this
particular attack however, only 2 people were injured due to this bombing.

28 May Two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore were attacked by an unknown group. The two
attacks were carried out nearly simultaneously, at Garhi Shahu and Lahore Model Town,
15 km apart. More than 95 people were killed and 108 others were injured. One attacker
was killed; another Suicide bomber was captured by worshipers. In the Pakistani city
of Quetta within south-western Pakistan, it is known that four police officers were killed
after they were attacked by militants brandishing weapons, whilst riding on a motorcycle.
In this attack, it is known that the head of the police station, along with two of his
constables and a driver were killed. The head of the police station was apparently driving
from to the police station from his home, as he was attacked by these armed militants.
30 May Militants ambushed a van within the tribal region of Kurram near to the Afghan-
Pakistan border. In this attack, it is known that two people were killed and that another 4
other people were injured, as a result of this militant ambush upon their vehicle
according to a paramilitary official within the area.
31 May At least 8 people were killed and up to 40 others were reportedly injured after
at least three armed militants stormed into a hospital within the eastern Pakistani city
ofLahore. It has been reported that the militants had stormed into the building and
opened fire indiscriminately upon hospital guards and attendants, who were all later
known to be among those who had been killed in the attack. The attackers apparently
managed to flee from the scene of this attack, after seizing hostages briefly inside the
hospital complex. Some reports have even claimed that the militants were dressed in
police uniform, as they carried out this attack and there has been $peculation that the
militants had intended to reach a captured militant who had been detained by the
authorities in the Ahmadi mosque attacks only three days before this assault.
3 June Two low intensity bomb explosions occurred within the eastern Pakistani city
of Lahore. In these two explosions it has been reported that around 5 people were
injured, as a result of the two blasts. A stampede reportedly ensued after these blasts
due to the large numbers of people present at the Urs in Duri Buri Darbaar. The injured
were later transported to Mayo Hospital, for the injuries that they had sustained in these

8 June At a football ground in Miranshah, North Waziristan within the tribal zones of
north-western Pakistan, the Taliban killed one person in a public execution, which was
witnessed by up to 700 people. It was later reported that masked militants had
blindfolded and bound the man, before shooting him dead at a football ground within the
main town of Miranshah, in the volatile region of North-Waziristan within Pakistan's tribal
9 June At least 7 people were killed and another 4 others were reportedly injured after
Taliban militants attacked and destroyed a NATO convoy near to Pakistan's capital city
of Islamabad. It was later reported that up to 20 vehicles had been destroyed and set on
fire by up to a dozen suspected militants who had stormed into the depot and started
firing their weapons indiscriminately killing mostly drivers of the trucks, as well as their
assistants. These NATO trucks were reportedly carrying supplies to alliance troops in
Afghanistan who are currently engaged in fighting against the Taliban and it is known
that the local police are currently searching for these suspected militants after they
escaped in two cars, as on motorbikes to a nearby forest area, which is close by to
where this assault had actually taken place on the NATO convoy.
10 June In Karachi, a bomb planted on a motorbike exploded killing 1 person and
wounding another 2 others. It was later reported that the two people injured in this blast
had been police officials, according to the city's police chief. In the Khuzdar district within
the south-western Baluchistan Province, unidentied militants opened fire on a group of
paramilitary troops. In this attack it has been reported that 1 soldier had been killed while
another 2 others had been injured in this assault, according to security officials in the
local area.
12 June Sectarian and political violence within the southern Pakistani city
of Karachi resulted in the deaths of up to 5 people, local police officials have claimed.
14 June At least 7 paramilitary soldiers were killed and more than 10 others were
captured by militants after they attacked a security checkpoint in the tribal region
ofMohmand near to the Afghan-Pakistan border. Paramilitary official later confirmed this
overnight attack however they refused to give details concerning the casualties unlike
the Taliban spokesman who had given details surrounding this particular attack.
18 June Two people were killed in sectarian violence within the Pakistani city
of Karachi. It was later reported that these two people included both a doctor, as well as
a soldier and that these two men appeared to have targeted because they were Shia
19 June At least 1 person was killed and another 8 others were injured after a
roadside bomb exploded near to a police vehicle in north-western Pakistan. It was later
reported by a Pakistani police official that this blast had occurred within the town of Dera
Ismail Khan, in the north-west of the country, as a police patrol vehicle was patrolling this
town. The authorities have reportedly cordoned off this particular area, in which this blast
occurred for further investigation into this roadside bombing.
21 June At least 3 Pakistani army soldiers were killed and another 5 other soldiers
were injured, as a result of a militant ambush within the village of Kasha, in the Orakzai
Agency tribal district of north-western Pakistan. The ambush apparently sparked pitched
battles between the Pakistani army and Taliban militants within the local area. This latest
ambush occurred amid escalating violence, which is drastically effecting this volatile
region of the country
25 June At least 2 Pakistani army soldiers were killed and 9 other soldiers were
wounded, as a result of three roadside bombing incidents within the Khyber and South
Waziristan agencies, which are both located within the restive north-western sectors of
Pakistan. Security forces have reportedly cordoned off the areas of these attacks and
shifted the injured security personnel to local hospitals within the area. These latest
attacks have apparently demonstrated that militants within the region are still active
despite army offensives and a lull with regards to the number of suicide bombings that
have occurred lately within the country.

26 June A series of consecutive bomb explosions occurred within the Pakistani city
of Lahore near a business district within the city. These bomb explosions were later
described as only being low-intensity explosions and only 7 people were injured with no
reports of any deaths within this crowded area of the city.

28 June At least 18 people were killed and over 40 others were injured after a bomb-
laden truck detonated within the Pakistani city of Hyderabad, which is located north from
Pakistan's southern financial capital of Karachi. It was not yet immediately known
whether this bomb explosion was an act of terrorism and no specific group has yet
claimed responsibility for this latest attack. At least 5 people were killed and another 8
others were critically injured in a series of killings across the southern Pakistani city
of Karachi. At least 4 Pakistani soldiers were killed when Taliban militants ambushed
their army patrol in the tribal district of Bajaur near to the Afghan border.

30 June At least two policemen were killed in the Mastung district of Pakistan's
southwestern province of Baluchistan, after unidentified militants opened fire at a vehicle
carrying security forces. Security forces later cordoned off the area and even started a
search operation within the area after this attack. In a separate incident, it was reported
that one man was injured in a bomb explosion at the Fatima Jinnah Road in the
Pakistani city of Quetta.

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