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BASE Batteries launches Tuff- BT 500 Tubular batteries

Designed for Homes, Tuff BT 500 is the industrys first UPS battery with intelligent
green features that sae !ower as well as your money
Bangalore, 5
May 2014: Continuing to deliver innovation to the battery
market Base Batteries today launched Base Tuff- BT 500 Tall Tubular batteries for
home UPS application. BT !! series is a po"er "onder and ideal for homes. Base Tuff# BT
!! Tubular batteries are most energy efficient backup unit designed to protect homes from
e$periencing the inconvenience caused by po"er outages% minimi&e energy consumption and
help the consumer save as much as on electricity bills. The tall container allo"s for greater
amount of electrolyte% "hich reduces maintenance ' increases life even in tough po"er
BT series are environment#friendly and free from acid fumes% indicates "ater
level and Special tubular positive#plate design for long life in deep discharge cycle. (ith
)!!* longer life than other conventional batteries% the BT series batteries are the
technologically and has been tested in ambient+ controlled climate using ,-.-/0C 12rance3
P4 envelop separator.
(ith 5 years of technological innovation in automotive and standby po"er solutions%
Base is proud to launch a ne" and improved Tuff# BT !! Tubular battery.6 said Mr !irish
Arora, M" # $oun%er, Base Batteries
The Base Tuff# BT !! Tubular batteries is available all over the country and is priced at .s.
77!+# 8/.P9.
About Base:
2ounded in 7;<=% Base Corporation >imited has its head#office in Bangalore. Base Batteries
is a TS7?;@;% 0SA#;!!7% and 0SA#7@!!7 certified company% and has its international offices
in China and ,ubai. 0n 5!75#7)% Base registered an annual turnover of .s. <;= crores% and
has an average gro"th rate of )!* y#o#y% making it the @th largest battery brand in the after#
market segment in the country. Base is building 0ndiaBs largest green#field battery
manufacturing facility in Cosur% Tamil Dadu% "hich "ill be one of the largest in S.4. -sia.
This mega#plant is spread over 5) acres and is built "ith an estimated cost of .s. @= crore
in its first phase and "ill be commissioned in /arch 5!7@. Base has its state#of#art
manufacturing and .', facility at Solan% Cimachal Pradesh. The facility is spread over )!
acres and is surrounded by reserve forests and small rivers% the manufacturing plant is a
uniEue mi$ of ecological ambience and ne$t generation technology. Base makes batteries
from 5.-h to 5!!-h for a varied range from t"o#"heelers% automotive% inverter% generator%
ups ' solar etc. Base has the distinction be the first 0ndian battery company to have tailor#
made a special battery for a 27 car. To kno" more log on to

2or editorial Eueries contact SanthoshG!;<@@;;?)@5

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