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Islam- democracy, republics.

All praises are for Allah. We seek Guidance and

forgiveness from Him. We also seek refuge in Him
from the evils of our own selves. Whoever Allah
guides, no one can misguide him. Whoever He lets
go astray no one can put him back on track. We
testify that there is no god but Allah and we testify
that Muhammad is Allah's servant and His
messenger. And I seek refuge in Allah from the
accursed Satan.
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim
The Jews of this country have gone down as saying
Britain is The Islamic Republic of Great Britain. They
are known to be murderers of the Prophets of Allah.
The reason why they name Britain, The Islamic
Republic of Great Britain, is because the term The
Islamic Republic of Great Britain comes from the
country known as Pakistan. IT is officially known as
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Originally the term
comes from the Urdu language and is pronounced
Islami Jamhouriah e Pakistan. Therefore the idea of the
Jews of the The Islamic Republic of Great Britain
comes from the idea of an Islaami jamhouriah.
Jamhour itself means majority or democracy. Therefore,
The Islamic Republic of Great Britain, is Britain as we
now know it, where the majority practice Islam and the
only democratic ideology is one of the Muslims, Islam.
The non-Muslims advocate monarchy and anarchy and
are the minority. There is a big difference between the
majority (Muslims) and the minority (ahl ul dhimma).
Interestingly, the right and left wing of American
politics too, democratism and republicanism, stem from
these concepts of democracy and before that majority or
together, Islamic democratic republic.
Perhaps there is a lack of education about the meaning
of, or the significance of having a Muslim majority.
Indeed Great Britain having a Muslim majority implies
it is an Islamic (Democratic) Republic. This Islamic
Democratic Republicanism is logically possible because
of the majority Muslim demography.
Legislation is only from Allah and His Messenger
(PBUH). There is no legislation that is not for Allah and
His Messenger (PBUH). If the ideology of the British
republic and democracy is pressed it therefore cannot
yield to monarchy or anarchy. The religion of Islam
informs us of the superiority of Muslims and Muslim
rule over non-Muslims (who have no right to rule).
Officially, in the capital, London, the white British of
the British Isles are now a minority. The label of Black
and minority ethnicity then applies no longer. It is a
majority (Islam) who are dominant. This group
excludes the church of England, who are deemed
anarchic and as ahl ul dhimma must conform to the
status given them.
Having acknowledged London as the seat of power of
Britain, we conclude Britain should become a
Democratic Republic. In fact it is already something
like an Islamic democratic republic of Britain. The
moral majority of the British Isles have automatically
replaced the violent Christian minority and from now
on our rules are going.
They tried to implement democracy at gunpoint in Iraq
and Afghanistan and not only killed thousands of
thousands of people but created multi-holocaust in their
foreign wars. Now through peace and the hope of
peace, we hereby rename Great Britain as The Islamic
Democratic Republic of Britain. Great Britain is now
the Islamic Democratic Republic of Britain.
Islamic democratic republic (IDR) for the future, what a
great idea! The thousands of adherents of the church of
England, the abolished religion of the British Isles do
not come near, do not compare to the millions of
Muslims, God-fearing and coming from proper
practising families not broken homes, who seek only to
defend the faith of God from being attacked and to
prevent blasphemy and calumny of our faith. Where is
the sense in upholding the 800-year old Magna Carta
(so-called grand charter) when the people have long
abolished the religion?
Where are our childrens Muslim English newspapers,
Muslim schools, Islamic universities, mosques,
madrassas and Islamic legislature (ie. Full
implementation of Islamic shariah and law after
abolishment of the church) going to come from?
Egyptian economist, Professor Samir Amin has gone on
record as saying the world needs a new (Communist)
International. Let me say, I think communism is an
alternative to capitalism but what the world needs from
Britons is a new nation! We need more than a new
newspaper or two that addresses the concerns of the
Muslim population, strives to create an environment
where Muslim schooling and Islamic universities are
acceptable in the eyes of all, and will represent the
dominant religion of Britain.
The religiously affiliated, daily and weekly practitioners
of religions in London, especially and the UK and
dominion generally are now swinging towards Islam.
Within twenty years the white British will be

Figure 1: Muslim England
replaced by Pakistani Muslims. Why? The very same
people who claim to rule us, the white British who are
now becoming an ethnic minority in their own
definition. Pakistani Muslims are now the new,
replacement majority, religious majority, religion etc.
The white British are a racial category or an ethnic
group (occupiers), whereas Pakistani Muslims are a
religious grouping and we pray our eemaan never
weakens. Ameen.

A return to al Iqtisad.
Why is there a new science of Al Iqtisad?
What western science fails to understand is that what
they call economics comes from the Arabic al
Types of economic systems
Nations of the Muslim Ummah- Muslim countries and
Middle Eastern countries etc
Communist countries- China, Gog (Russia)
Democracies- India and some African countries such as
Zimbabwe and South Africa
Wealth economy- Magog (USA)
A difference between Islam (religious law) and
convention (only natural law)
Das Kapital or Der Kapitalinvestitionsrechnung?
Lit. The Capital or the capital investment appraisal?
Work on qualitative and quatitative.
Looking at use and magnitude of value is looking at a
tashkhees, like an invoice, not economics. It bears no
relation to A Dukandaar (shopkeeper/businessman).
Quality- Divine law
Quantity- Our natural law
Flow of knowledge (trickle-down effect)
As an example of the one-way flow of knowledge from
Islam to Marxism, liberalism, capitalism is Pakistan.
Here is a country where the founders of Buddhism,
Hinduism and Sikhism and some very important leaders
of the Islaamic faith were born. So these descendents,
if you like gave birth to democracy and capitalism.
There is logically a flow of information here, a flow of
knowledge and indeed a trickle-down of economic
Dukaandaari (shopkeeping)
We go to a shop or a market, Marxism tells us quite
incorrectly, the major difference between us and him,
buyer and seller is one of ownership, similar to the
kapitalismus. Islaam says no. There is ibadaat in a
shopkeeper, bookkeeper etc, even there is jihad. Both
create value and rent, and in an Islaamic way.
Shopkeeper: Stock and Customer
Customer: Goods and money

Exchange value

Goods Money


Use value

Not goods but stock

Zakhaair (Stocks/shares/commodities/bonds/gilts)
Examples of zakheera and by extension of any slag
thereof, imply this sort of qualititative idea of use as
opposed to the exchange value:
Thus use is opposed to exchange value, which is
quantitative. So is slag. Wealth economics are basic riba
economies way of controlling money flows. They are
haraamkhori, literally the eating of that which is
God created man but man created the evil.
This is like the Christian concept of transubstantiation
or holy eucharist. How absurd that man should create
god and worship it. But even more absurd is these
murderers have caused evil for real. Aoutho billahi
minashaitan alaeenar rajim. Bismillahir Rahmaan ir
And [both] the Jews and the Christians say, "We are
God's children,
and His beloved ones." Say: "Why,
then, does He cause you to suffer for your sins? Nay,
you are but human beings of His creating. He
forgives whom He wills, and He causes to suffer
whom He wills: for God's is the dominion over the
heavens and the earth and all that is between them,
and with Him is all journeys' end."
The Holy Quran 5:18
The fact is the anthropomorphism of Christ is a man-
made evil, instead of obeying Christ people obey
themselves. But when forces stay in the countries of the
blessed poor to war and war, whilst the millennium
changes, surely we can see why the Angels refused to
prostrate to our father, Adam (A.S.).
Their economics is a Luciferian science or western
science, which tells us Allah is not loving to us human
beings. All evil stems from this ideology.
And the Jews say, "God's hand is shackled!" It is
their own hands that are shackled; and rejected [by
God] are they because of this their assertion. Nay,
but wide are His hands stretched out: He dispenses
[bounty] as He wills. But all that has been bestowed
from on high upon thee [O Prophet] by thy
Sustainer is bound to make many of them yet more
stubborn in their overweening arrogance and in
their denial of the truth. And so We have cast
enmity and hatred among the followers of the Bible,
[to last] until Resurrection Day; every time they
light the fires of war, God extinguishes them; and
they labour hard to spread corruption on earth: and
God does not -love the spreaders of corruption.
The Holy Quran 5:64
The economists or Western scientists say, basically that
man is infinite and that God is finite. In these situations
it is better to be an outsider or a turncoat, because only
then can we insist on the Quranic ideology that God is
infinite and that man is limited.

The religion of Islam in the USA
Harut and Marut instructed the ancient Babylonians
about various sciences, and this is mentioned in the
Holy Quran. What is clear from the sources of Islaamic
law is that democracy is not so much a trickle-down
from ijma, or consensual opinion of scholars, but that it
is from the very idea of dar al islam. In other words the
ideas of democracy and republic come from the idea of
1. Muslim countries
2. Muslim majority nations
The Muslim country is ruled by justice and equity of
Islam and so is associated with a democracy, devoid of
any tyrant or despotic ruler, whereas the Muslim
majority nation is like a republic, where other spheres
of political influence still exist such as political parties,
though the word of Allah has not necessarily become
dominant just yet.
In 15 years from now, there will be more Muslims
recorded in America than Jews. Thats 1.8% of the total
population. Over 6 million. The size of Israel or 40 %
of the Jews on the planet. In 30 years time, of the
religious, believing, practising American dual-parent
families, more will be Muslim than any other faith.
2014 is indeed a year in which the UN agencies admit
China may well overtake America in the size of its
economy. Nevertheless, the habits of the Irish are a
good example of the failings of the established church
in Britain, which applies well to moral and ethical life
in America. In the seventies, in Ireland, 90% of the
people were Christian, 90% of whom were regularly
church-going. Now, 40 years later only 25% of Ireland
go to church this Sunday. USA shows a similar low
I dont prophesise a new Israel in the Islam of the
USA, rather a new America. With only 5% or 10%
nationals as Muslims, all of whom are devout, faithful,
mosque-going (or at least are or will be), and most
important of all, from stable families, America will be
more Muslim than Jewish or Christian.
American politics is relevant to here in the UK as well.
Republicanism, the right-wing, described as neo-
conservative, responsible for enforcing war on the
blessed poor across the world tells us it is enforcing
democracy. Given that the left-wing of American
politics informed them to continue warring, successive
governments of Obama have failed to fulfil promises to
end their false-flag wars.
The Muslim peoples of that land or this (ie. UK) can be
a Muslim majority, associated with the political right;
or a Muslim country, associated with the political left,
in the eyes of the very same crusaders.
It is not the conservatism that Mr Bush, the
megamurderer of the respected people of the land of
Prophet Abrahams birth, shoved down our throats.
Rather it is the democratism which is nearer, for now to
what is Islamic. Wherever Muslims live in the world,
first we must do away with megamurderers and then
live according to Shariah.
Having done that, it may become important for us to
denounce, in the UK, the Queen and the institution of
royalty, and only then can we become a Muslim country
where the word of God is utmost. Foremost is that the
political will of the respected peoples is carried out.

Christian monopoly on terrorism
As for the kafir accusation that Muslims are fanatical
terrorists, in the last century, only Christians had the
monopoly on Fascism, Nazism and indeed
Communism. Terrorists were born in Ireland we all
know. As Muslims we dont ask for democracy to be
given to us on a plate nor for the Queen to abdicate,
rather we are associated with left-wing political views.
Indeed the whole argument only gives precedence to the
fact that should we become majority what would we do
with the legal institutions if we were right-wing or
Democracy is a Muslim invention. Many scholars have
said democracy comes from the Ijma or consensus form
of Islamic legislation. Personally, and given the
increased use of Islam as a legal religion in the west, I
say the notion of voting in the team with the most
support comes from dar al Islam itself (when there are
more Muslims in a land than non-muslims) or Muslim
majority. I say this because having read Aflatoon
(Plato) and Arastu (Aristotle) etc. there is no mention of
democracy only republics.

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