DesignSpecs StandApproval SHE

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Design Specifications & Exhibit Height Restrictions

Questions? Please contact Carol Hidell at or +1.207.842.5535

Regulations to all stand types

Stand Construction Safety
The exhibitor is responsible for the structural safety of the stand. Stand builders and exhibitors are required to adhere to all Brussels Exhibition
Centre / AIB Vincotte Safety Regulations, including all inspection requirements. Exhibition stands including equipment, exhibits, and
advertising material must be erected in such a stable manner as to avoid endangering life and limb, as well as safety and order. All exhibit
displays should be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighboring exhibitors, hall
laborers or installation/dismantling equipment such as forklifts. Displays should also be able to withstand moderate wind effects that may
occur in the exhibit hall when freight doors are open. Exhibitors should ensure that any display fixtures such as tables, racks or shelves are
designed and installed properly to support the product or marketing materials to be displayed upon them. All lead exhibitors must complete
and submit the Brussels Expo Safety, Health & Environmental Charter document (SHE Charter).

Fire regulations
All materials used in display construction or decorating should be made of fire retardant materials and be certified as flame retardant. Please
refer to the Special Fire Regulations of the Brussels Exhibition Centre located in this section of the manual for more information.

Stand Construction Authorization
All exhibitors must submit a stand plan along with the Stand Approval Form located in this section of the manual. Construction of the stand
may only commence after approval has been granted.

Cubic content
Cubic content refers to the dimensions of your rented space including walls, decorations and any other fixtures. The cubic content of your
exhibit space can be fully utilized, i.e., all of the fixtures in the stand reach the maximum height of that particular stand type. Height limits vary,
depending on the stand location and size. Please refer to the next page for regulations corresponding to your stand type.

Solid walls
Exhibit displays should be designed in such a way as to allow for maximized visibility to both you and those around you. Stand sides facing an
aisle must include a natural break or clear plexi panel of at least 2 metres for every 4 linear metres of solid wall. This rule will be
strongly reinforced onsite.

Stand partition wall
Each exhibitor is responsible for erecting sidewall and back wall partitions of solid construction of 2.5m in height between his own and
adjoining stands. The reverse side of the partition walls must be finished and kept in neutral color and design above a height of 2.5m so as to
not interfere with the designs of the neighboring stands.

Floor Covering
Each exhibitor is responsible for providing fireproofed and secure floor covering.

No lighting, lighting fixtures, lighting trusses, or overhead lighting are allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space. Exhibitors intending
to use hanging light systems must submit drawings to exposition organisers for approval. Lighting should be directed to the inner confines of
the stand space. Lighting should not project onto other exhibits or exposition aisles. Flags must comply with the maximum height regulation
corresponding to the stand type and displayed within the perimeter of the stand space.

Fire regulations prohibit storing product, literature, empty packing containers or packing material behind the back of the stand.

As a matter of safety and courtesy to others, exhibitors should conduct sales presentations and product demonstrations in a manner which
assures all exhibitor personnel and attendees are within the contracted exhibit space and not encroaching on the aisle or neighboring exhibits.
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to arrange displays, product presentation and demonstration areas to ensure compliance.

Distribution of promotional brochures and/or magazines
Magazines and brochures promoting the exhibiting company may only be distributed within the perimeter of the exhibit space. No promoting is
allowed in the aisles or other public areas.

Exhibitors may use sound equipment in their stands so long as the noise level does not disrupt the activities of neighboring exhibitors. Speakers
and other sound devices should be positioned so as to direct sound into the stand rather than into the aisle. Rule of thumb: sound and noise
should not exceed 85 decibels.

Design Specifications & Exhibit Height Restrictions

Questions? Please contact Carol Hidell at or +1.207.842.5535
6 m
3 m
6 m

Stands open on 1 or 2 sides / Inline stands

Inline stands have only one or two sides open to an aisle and are generally in a series along a straight line.
In-line stands smaller than 6m wide x 6m deep

These stands may build up to 2.75m from the exhibit floor, including the platform. This maximum height includes
any hanging signs or structures.

If the sidewalls and back wall of your stand are up to 2.75m in height, please make sure the reverse side of the walls above a height of
2.5m is finished in a neutral color so as to not interfere with the designs of the neighboring stand.

Please note: hanging signs are not permitted in inline stands smaller than 6m wide x 6m deep.

In-line stands with minimum dimensions of 6m wide x 6m deep

These stands may build up to 6m high from the exhibit floor, including the platform. Please note: this does not mean that
all stands that are at least 36 square meters may build up to 6m. Stands must be at least 6m wide x 6m deep to be able to
be built up to 6m.

The back wall or sidewall adjacent to neighboring stands may only contain graphics that have lettering on one side the
side that is facing into your own stand. Signs facing directly into the neighboring stand must be placed at a minimum of
2m from the wall, and no higher than the maximum height allowed for your particular stand type.

Please make sure the reverse side of the dividing walls above a height of 2.5m is finished in a neutral color so as to not
interfere with the designs of the neighboring stand.

Stands open on 3 sides / Peninsula stands

Stands open to aisles on 3 sides may build up to 6 meters high, including the platform.

The back wall or sidewall adjacent to neighboring stands may only contain graphics that have lettering on one side the
side that is facing into your own stand. Signs facing directly into the neighboring stand must be placed at a minimum of
2m from the wall, and no higher than the maximum height allowed for your particular stand type.

Please make sure the reverse side of the walls above a height of 2.5m is finished in a neutral color so as to not interfere
with the designs of the neighboring stand.

Stand N 114 on this configuration
6 m wide x 3 m deep
Height limit is 2.75 m
Stand N 119 on this configuration:
6m wide x 6m deep
Height limit is 6 m
111 113 115
110 112 114

Design Specifications & Exhibit Height Restrictions

Questions? Please contact Carol Hidell at or +1.207.842.5535

Stands open on 4 sides / Island stands

Stands open to aisles on 4 sides may build up to 6 meters high, including the platform.

Stands against the exterior walls / Perimeter stands

Perimeter stands may be built up to 6m high where ceiling heights allow.

Due to building obstructions, stands in the following areas may NOT be able to build to up 6m:

Hall 4: The maximum height along the perimeter varies from 3.5m to 6m.
Hall 5: The maximum height along the perimeter varies depending on your location.
Hall 6: The maximum height along the perimeter varies from 3.5m to 6m.
Hall 9: The maximum height along the perimeter varies from 4.10m to 6m.
Hall 11: The maximum height along the perimeter varies from 2.95m to 5.70m.

Perimeter stands in halls 4, 7, 9 and 11 that are situated in front of Brussels Exhibition Centre electrical boxes must have a stand
design that allows access to the electrical boxes (must be a minimum of 1m20 in front of each box).

The back wall or sidewall adjacent to neighboring stands may only contain graphics that have lettering on one side the
side that is facing into your own stand. Signs facing directly into the neighboring stand must be placed at a minimum of 2m
from the wall, and no higher than the maximum height allowed for your particular stand type.

Please make sure the reverse side of the dividing walls above a height of 2.5m is finished in a neutral color so as to not interfere with the
designs of the neighboring stand.

Please contact Carol Hidell at +1-207-842-5535 or for a detailed building configuration
of your stand space.

Second Storey Stands

Any exhibitors who plan on building a second storey onto their stand must contact the Safety Dept of AIB Vincotte for the approval
of their second storey and arrange for onsite required safety inspections. For more information please refer to the Form for Multi-Level
Stand located in this section of the manual.

For a fee of 250 this inspection will cover:

The stability and resistance of the load-bearing structure.
The functionality of the railings.
Any discontinuities in the railings (openings, etc.)
Resistance and rigidity of the railings.
Visual inspection of the assembly and conformity with the plans and/or design calculations.

Please forward your second storey drawings for approval to:

Ing. Louis Van Leeuw
VINCOTTE Belgium or +32-476-500-890
Exterior wall
117 119 121 Typical stand configuration
against exterior wall

All exhibiting companies must obtain written approval for their stand

All exhibitors must read and understand the Brussels Expo Health & Safety Regulations.
It is required that all Lead exhibitors sign and submit the Brussels Expo SAFETY, HEALTH and
ENVIRONMENTAL CHARTER (SHE Charter) located within this section of the manual.
Construction of the stand may only commence after approval has been granted. Stand
constructions which have not been approved and/or do not comply with the display regulations
or legal provisions may have to be altered or removed.
Please submit the drawings of the stand design, including measurements for all fixtures,
components, and identification signs (indicating both height and distance from the aisle) that
will be used in the exhibit. Drawings must clearly demonstrate that the design is within the
guidelines established for the stand type in which your company is located.
The stand design that you submit will be reviewed by the Exposition Organizers for approval. If
the design cannot be approved, a member of the Operations Team will contact you to discuss the
design. Please allow five (5) business days for processing.
Please note: This form serves as approval of stand design only. Exhibiting Companies are
responsible for ensuring the structural integrity of their exhibit.

Exhibiting Company: Stand Number:
Stand Size: Open 1 side Open 2 sides Open 3 sides Open 4 sides 2 Storey Stand
Design Company (if applicable):
Name of person submitting design:
Phone: Email:

Please submit this form along with your designs to Carol Hidell at . Carol can be
reached by phone at +1-207-842-5535.

for the Exposition Organizers use only
Not Approved. Reason:

Exposition Organizers Signature: Date:
Deadline: 14 February 2014

AIB-Vinotte ing. Peter Ghoos tel: 0479 790 274 versie 2009/01/12

Belgiplein 1
1020 Brussels
To send back :
fax : +32 (0)2 474 71 21
completed by the exhibitor
Organiser of the Fair : SEAFOOD EXPO GLOBAL 2014Date of the fair: from 06/05 until 08/05/2014 .........
Exhibitor: .........................................................................Hall N and stand N : ...........................................
Dear exhibitor,
Your stand may be set up in two different ways.
Tick where appropriate:

0 A. You rent a ready-made turnkey stand from the organisers

0 B. You set the stand up yourself or you have it done by a stand builder:
In this case we would like to receive further details about the way the stand is to be set up. Tick
where appropriate:

0 1. You will sets up a modular stand (height limited to 2.5 m)
0 2. You will sets up a stand (lower than 2.5 m)
0 3. You will sets up a modular stand (higher than 2.5 m) only ground floor no level
0 4. You will sets up a stand (higher than 2.5 m) only ground floor no level
0 5. You will sets up a stand with accessible 1
floor (private or public)
0 6. You will install professional lighting (lighting bridges) or audiovisual equipment
In case 2,4, 5 and 6 the stand builder also needs to add a risk analysis.
Information about the STAND BUILDER.............................................................................................
Address: ...................................................................................................... N: .................................
Postal code.: ....... .. Town/city: ................................................................................................
Tel : .......................................... Fax: .................................................. ..............................................
The safety site manager : ........................................................................... Mobile : ..........................
Any subcontractors : ................................................................................ ........................................
Contractor's details (name, address, tel) Description of work (see above B)


1. The undersigned person returns this SHE charter, duly completed and signed, and confirms that
he/she has read and clearly understood the safety rules applicable at the Brussels Expo site. The
undersigned hereby undertakes to meet the Safety, Health and Environment-related obligations.
The undersigned will provide the information brochure to the stand builder and ask the person to
include a risk analysis if necessary (see point B).
2. The undersigned acknowledges having received the BRUSSELS EXPO safety rules from the
organiser of the exhibition and will take the necessary steps to inform the undersigned's employees
and any (sub) contractors working on the undersigned's behalf about what the safety rules feature.
3. The undersigned person declares that he/she will provide the additional information to the safety
coordinator should a work accident, of whatever nature, occur on the stand.

....... / ....... / ..... ............................................................................ ............................................
date name and position signature
This document, together with any risk assessment (s) should be provided to the safety coordinator before the start
of the work.

Declaration of Intent in keeping with article 29 of the Law on well-being.

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