May 09

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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter
9th May 2014
It was quite a treat to have a long week-
end so early in the term. Not only that, but
it was a weekend blessed with the warmth
and sunshine that makes May the most
beautiful month of the year. This
shortened week hasnt quite reproduced
the weather, but plenty has been going on.

On Wednesday, Years 3 and 4 embussed
first thing in the morning bound for the
Kent County Showground and the Living
Land exhibition. This is an outdoor show
about animals and plants and all living
things, and it proved a great success. The
icing on the cake came today, when our
groups steward sent a letter to commend
the well-behaved and articulate
children.a credit to the school and the
parents. So, clearly a happy and
successful day.

Learning more about being articulate
and confident is something that is very
much part of the LAMDA scheme. This
offers a range of examinations - rather
like music academy grade exams - in
performance and public speaking. The
school has had a long involvement with
LAMDA for some time, and results from
the most recent set of exams
undertaken by Bronte children came
through this week. In the Choral
Speaking exams, there were 3
Distinctions and 1 Merit. In Speaking
and Prose, all passedno Distinctions,
sadly, but many Merits.

Performance was the theme too on
Tuesday when two professional actors
from Shakespeare4kidz gave a work-
shop for Years 5 and 6. They
concentrated on Macbeth, the tragic tale
of deception, ambition, murder and civil
strifethus full of challenge for a
younger cast.which our top two
classes are putting on later in the term.
Ive been watching some of the rehears-
als and I know the children are going to
put on something very special.

Sport and art are both very important at
Bronte, so its good here to record
achievement in an event which has
mixed the two. This is the Gravesend
Rugby Club inter-school art competition.
Sasha Barnes-Crowhurst gained 1st
place, and Lizzie Abiri came 3rd and
Roan Chima 5
. What fantastic achieve-
ments! There were 20 entries from
Bronte, and their combined effort
Resulted in the school gaining top place
overall. Well done everyone!

Finally, Year 1 took part in a road safety
event, with an early introduction to the
hazards of roads and road traffic and
excellent guidance on staying safe. A
very important life-skill.

Finally, do look out in book bags today
(Friday 9
) for Mrs Woods leter
giving all the details about the Bronte
Summer School.

Reminders for next week:
Monday 12
Harp Workshop
Tuesday/Wednesday/ Friday
Yr6 safer cycling
Thursday 15
- Yr 5 (and some Yr4s)
ICT workshop at Apple Store
Friday 16
Bronte Friends Meetng

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