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Of Mice And Men - The Evaluative Report


In class Report Introduction and

LAB LibraryType report
Report DUE at end of class

In class Report--Outline

LAB 1108type report


LAB 1108outline and/or type


In class Report--Outline

Shared Novel Intro

Shared Novel Read

Shared Novel Read

Shared Novel Blog #1
Lab 1703

School Ban Urged for Steinbeck Novel

EdmontonA Conservative government backbencher wants Of Mice and Men, John Steinbecks classic
novel about two drifters during the Depression, banned from libraries in Alberta schools. Victor Doerksen
said the book is profane and is inappropriate reading material for high school students. The politician
presented an 800-name petition in the legislature yesterdayduring International Freedom to Read Week
calling for the government not to allow literature in the education system that is intolerant of any religion,
including Christianity, or demean or profane the name of God and Jesus Christ. He said the 118-page book
uses profane words 198 times.
Doerksen, representative for Red Deer South, admitted he hasnt read the book, which is listed as reading
material for some high school literature classes.

The Situation:
The Huron Heights Parent Council recently received a complaint regarding the offensive nature of the ENG3CI novel Of
Mice and Men. The concerned community member included the attached news article from Edmonton, Alberta. The
Parent Council has requested that a student who actually read the book complete an Evaluative Report on whether or not
the charge of offensiveness is valid.
As that writer, you must choose to argue on either side of the question:

Should John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men be banned in secondary schools?

You will get your findings from the book itself. Think of it this way: is the novel too offensive for students to read?
What reasons can you come up with to support your opinion?
For the purpose of this report, you will consider specific characters, themes (messages in the book) and issues to
support your opinion.
What is a Report?
a report informs through presenting information and persuades by only using information that proves the writers
it is formal and objective in tone (no personal opinions, no you, no I)
uses headings to organize
an Evaluative Report analyzes the information and makes recommendations
SAMPLE REPORT (*read it for hints!)

Last Name 1
Last Name 1


May 9, 2014


Your teachers name

Issue Based Findings


Your name

In this section, you will discuss an issue from the novel that supports


Of Mice and Men Evaluative Report

your conclusion that the book should or should not be banned from
secondary school English courses.


Theme- based Findings

This is where write your introduction... explain in general what the report it

In this section, you will discuss a theme from the novel that supports

about, who asked for it and what your conclusion and recommendations are.

your conclusion that the book should or should not be banned from
secondary school English courses.



In this section, you explain how you, a student, came to be the one writing

In this section you will analyze the results from each of the Findings

this report. Re- read The Situation but remember because this is formal,

paragraphs in an effort to leave the reader with a solid, concise, final

you cannot say I or you.

impression. In this section you will recommend if the book should or

should not be banned. Make a specific recommendation about action(s)

Character- Based Findings
In this section you will discuss a character from the novel who supports
your conclusion that the book should or should not be banned from
secondary school English courses.

that can be taken.

A Report, like all other pieces of writing that you do in English courses, needs to include a specific sequence of
information. It is important that you follow this sequence in order to write an effective and logical report that will
support your recommendation and will leave a lasting impression on the reader. Take a look at the sample body paragraph
on the next page that shows how the information you include should be presented in the report.
Sample Body Paragraph (using Monster)


Monster is a screenplay that should remain in the

secondary school curriculum because it exposes students
to meaningful characters such as the protagonist, Steve
Harmon. Through reading about Steves situation,
students see how the choices that one makes can
negatively impact not only themselves, but also their
family members. First, Steve decides to write a
screenplay about his trial and life while in the detention
centre. The screenplay is a direct reflection of his
situation and through the opening credits of the
screenplay, Steve explains how his choices have
impacted him when he writes that the film is The
incredible story of how one guys life was turned around
by a few events and how might spend the rest of his life
behind bars (9). Clearly, Steve acknowledges that he
has made some sort of choice that has gotten him to
where he is and that choice may mean that he spends the
rest of his life in prison. Later on in the screenplay,
Steves father visits him at the detention centre while
Steve is on trial. Steve describes his fathers reaction to
him during the visit when he writes in his journal: Ive
never seen my father cry before... Everything was just
pouring out of him. I hated to see his face. ..Seeing my
dad cry like that was just so terrible (115). The fact that
Steves father cries during his visit with his son shows that
Steves choices have a very negative impact on his
fathers emotional state. Through the character of Steve
and his plan for his screenplay, as well as his visit with his
father, students can see that ones choices can have a
negative impact on an individual and their family
members. Overall, students should read Monster
because it shows them that the choices that they make
can have negative consequences.

Topic sentences that include what this paragraph will

discuss and make a connection to recommendation

Introduce / context of quotation so it makes sense to

the reader

Quotation from the text

Citation (author and page number for first citation)
Explanation that connects quotation point of
Introduce / context of quotation so it makes sense to
the reader
Quotation from the text
Citation (page number only for any citation after the
Explanation that connects quotation point of

Concluding sentences that connect the topic of this

paragraph to the recommendation that students should read
this book because...

Should the book be banned?:




1. Before you begin your outline, take some time to brainstorm about the characters, issues and themes you could include
in your report to support your decision.
(students SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be
exposed to the following characters )

(students SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be
exposed to the following issues )

(students SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be
exposed to the following themes )

2. Make a decision about what character, issue and theme you will include in your report. Now, take some time to be sure
that you can find two quotations to include in each body paragraph.

Use the following outline to hand-write a rough draft. This outline must be completed prior to starting your
word-processed good copy. Your process work will be included in the evaluation and your final copy will not
be assessed until the process work (outline) is submitted.
Heading: Introduction
name the novel you are addressing and its author
explain in general what the report it about, who asked for it
write your thesis (this is where you answer the question: Should John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men
be banned in secondary schools?)

Heading: Background
explain the problem or situation that led to the writing of the report
Re- read The Situation and explain how you (a student) came to be the one writing this report. HINT:
This had to do with someone in the community getting a hold of the news article from Edmonton and
then bringing it to the attention of the HHSS Parent Council

Body Paragraph 1 (Character)

A topic sentence that introduces the reader to the character that is explored in the novel and explain whether
students should or should not be exposed to this issue. 1-2 sentences.
Point Make your first point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the character (this idea
comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!

Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to this character. 2-3 sentences.
Point Make your second point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the character (this
idea comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!
Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to this character. 2-3 sentences.
A concluding sentence or two that relates this paragraph to your recommendation that the novel should or
should not be banned

Body Paragraph 2 (Issue)

A topic sentence that introduces the reader to the issue that is explored in the novel and explain whether
students should or should not be exposed to this issue. 1-2 sentences.
Point Make your first point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the issue (this idea
comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!

Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to the issue. 2-3 sentences.
Point Make your second point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the issue (this idea
comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!
Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to the issue. 2-3 sentences.
Conclusion summarize the two points in this paragraph and remind readers why students should read about
this issue. 1-2 sentences.

Body Paragraph 3 (Theme)

A topic sentence that introduces the reader to the theme that is explored in the novel and explain whether
students should or should not be exposed to this theme. 1-2 sentences.
Point Make your first point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the theme (this idea
comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!

Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to the theme. 2-3 sentences.
Point Make your second point that supports why students should or shouldnt read about the theme (this
idea comes from your head). 1-2 sentences.
Proof include a quotation from your novel that supports or proves your point. Before writing quotation, tell
your reader who is speaking and what is going on around the quotation. This is called the context for the
quotation and it must be included in order for your report to make sense!!
Explanation explain how the quotation you choose proves the first point that you made about why students
should or shouldnt be exposed to the theme. 2-3 sentences.
Conclusion summarize the two points in this paragraph and remind readers why students should read about
this theme. 1-2 sentences.

Concluding Paragraph
Re-state the name the novel you are addressing and its author. 1 sentence.
Restate your thesis. 1 sentence.
Briefly summarize the information from each body paragraph (you may want to use a separate
summary sentence for each body paragraph). Up to 3 sentences.
Make a recommendation as to the next steps that should be taken. 1-2 sentences.

Of Mice and Men Report Rubric

Level 4

Introduction and

(development of

Conclusions and

Style and Mechanics


Level 2


Level One

Usually follows the report format

Sometimes follows the report format

Very neatly presented with headings

and good use of space

Neat presentation

Somewhat neat presentation

font/margins/double-spacing are helpful

for evaluation

font/margins/double-spacing are
adequate for evaluation

font/margins/double-spacing have some

problems that hinder evaluation

Introduction and background

information provided in a clear and
insightful manner

Introduction and background

information provided in a clear manner

Introduction and background

information provided in a somewhat
clear manner

Topic sentences are clear and

connected to conclusions and

Topic sentences are clear and suggest

a connection to conclusions and

Topic sentences need to be clearer and

show connection to conclusions and

Topic sentences are unclear or to

unconnected to conclusions and

Weak or absent topic sentences

Solid supporting points are given (proof,

explanation) and build upon one
another to create depth

Supporting points are given (proof,

explanation) and sometimes build upon
one another

Some use of supporting points (proof)

but comment/explanation not always
fully developed

Supporting points not relevant; not

sufficient OR re-tell plot rather than
build argument

Little to no support for paragraph topic

OR re-tell plot rather than build

Quotations are contextualized,

integrated effectively and cited properly

Quotations are contextualized,

integrated smoothly and cited properly

Quotations sometimes contextualized,

integrated somewhat effectively;
perhaps problems with citations

Quotations not contextualized, some

problems with integration; problems
with citations

No quotations provided to support

points; OR not contextualized, very poor
integration; no citations

Conclusion clearly and insightfully

analyzes information from each subheading
Thoughtful and insightful
recommendation is made

Conclusion clearly analyzes information

from each sub-heading

Conclusion analyzes some information

from each sub-heading

Conclusion shows little analysis of each


Conclusion and recommendation are

missing OR show little analysis or

Thoughtful recommendation is made

Recommendation shows some thought

Little thought put into recommendation

Sophisticated sentence structure and

formal academic tone carried

Good sentence structure and formal

academic tone maintained throughout

Minor problems in sentence structure;

inconsistent tone

Major problems in sentence structure;

inconsistent or improper tone

Very poor sentence structure; improper

tone throughout

Some spelling, grammar, punctuation


Several spelling, grammar, punctuation


Many spelling, grammar, or punctuation


Very many spelling, grammar, or

punctuation errors; not proofread

Followed all steps of writing process; no

prompting needed to progress through
assignment stages

Engaged in writing process with some

success; did not revise and edit to
enhance meaning; some prompting
necessary to make student responsible
for skills being developed in this

Did not engage in the writing process

beyond superficial editing; needed to be
prompted to stay on task and meet daily
assignments for segments of work

Did not follow the writing process as

outlined; little to no difference between
drafts and final copy; OR process work
not handed in; did not utilize class work
time to proceed through writing process

Followed all steps of pre-writing, writing,

revising, and editing to produce final
polished copy; no prompting needed to
progress through assignment stages

Mostly does not follows the report



Below Level

Completely follows the report format

Few to no spelling, grammar,

punctuation errors

Writing Process

Level 3

Does not even look like a report

Often illegible

Messy, sloppy presentation

font/ margins/double-spacing have
some major problems that hinder
Introduction and background
information unclear or missing elements

Student does not appear to have

proofread the polished copy for the I
cares (font/ margins/double-spacing)
Introduction and background
information are incorrect, unclear or

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