Fictional Biography: Anne Rice

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Armand is a fictional character in The Vampire Chronicles novels written

by Anne Rice. At the end of the series, he is approximately 500 years of age.
His outward appearance is that of a beautiful adolescent boy, small, with
reddish-brown locs, soft brown eyes and slender fingers. His features are at
times compared figuratively to those of !upid or a"otticelli angel.
% &ictional biography
o %.% As a human
o %.' As a vampire
' (ortrayal in other media
) References
Fictional biography#edit$
As a human#edit$
Armand was born in %*+% in the former ,iev Rus to the acclaimed hunter -van.
Armand.s original name was Andrei.
As a child he could, after praying, paint vivid pictures of /esus
!hrist, 0adonna, and the 1astern 2rthodox 3aints. His astonished parents
eventually revealed it to the mons in the 0onastery of the !aves, who lived
an ascetic life buried beneath earth, sustained only by water and small
amounts of food, until they died. "oth the mons and Andrei believed he was
destined to live such a life, while his father was appalled by the idea. 4hen
their ruler (rince 0ichael ordered Andrei to paint an icon and bring it to the
castle of his brother, the supposedly dead (rince &eodor, Andrei was
captured by 5artars and brought as a slave to !onstantinople and
subse6uently sold to a 7enetian brothel. 5here, he was sub8ected to
horrific sexual abuse and developed amnesia.
0arius, a %900-year-old vampire then living as a painter in 7enice, rescued
Andrei, giving him an education and a luxurious life. Andrei was renamed by
0arius as Amadeo. 0arius was in love with a courtesan named "ianca
3olderini yet could not bring himself to turn her into a vampire. -nstead, he
chose Amadeo for his beauty, youth and painting sills :apparently lost, along
with his memories; to educate .in the way of the blood., so as to eventually
mae him a vampire. Amadeo, who owed 0arius his life and sanity, loved him
single-mindedly and was eager to become a vampire. He did not understand
0arius. hesitation of turning him at such a young age, or turning him at all and
in an act of rebellion and anger he seduced an 1nglish <ord, whom he
eventually abandoned after a few nights. However, the 1nglish <ord became
obsessed with Amadeo and enraged by his betrayal, wounded him with a
poisoned blade. -n doing this, he forced 0arius to turn Amadeo into a vampire
to save his life. Amadeo was %= years old at the time of his transformation.
As a vampire#edit$
3hortly after his turning, 0arius. (ala>>o was attaced by a 3atanic cult of
vampires, led by the vampire 3antino. 0arius was set on fire and Amadeo and
the other children at the (ala>>o were idnapped and taen to Rome. 3antino
tortured Amadeo by burning his friends to death and starving him in a cellar
until he was forced to feed on his best friend and innocent children. After five
months of such psychological torture, Amadeo was ready to believe
everything the cult said in exchange for their love and forget all he has nown
before. "ecause of his strength, he was named the leader of the (arisian
coven in %5+0, and renamed Armand, since a name with the word .?od. :@eo;
in it seemed unfit for the leader of a satanic coven.
After living in this way for around '00 years, the vampire <estat was created.
&ollowing their rules, the coven tried to capture <estat and maybe destroy
him, yet <estat was stronger than Armand at that time, and declared them
ridiculous and unfitting for the times in which they lived, disproving their beliefs
that they could not loo upon crosses, wal into churches, or live in places of
light. Reali>ing that he spoe the truth, Armand fell into despair and destroyed
most of his own coven and tried to persuade <estat to tae Armand with him
on his 8ourneys yet failed. -nstead, he 8oined the 5hABtre des 7ampires that
<estat.s fledgling Cici founded and learned to move among mortals again. -n
the late %Dth century, <estat.s fledglings !laudia and <ouis happened upon the
theater. Armand, tired of the theater, saw <ouis as a new possibility of
integrating into this period of time. 4hen he could not persuade <ouis to leave
!laudia or otherwise, he managed to get rid of !laudia, eventually burning her
in the sun, and then let <ouis burn the theater with the vampires in it so that
he could leave with <ouis. 5hey stayed together until around the %D'0s, then
parted because <ouis never fully recovered from !laudia.s death, and new
that Armand was at least partly responsible for her death.
After the incidents in Interview with the Vampire, .the boy. @aniel 0olloy tried
to find <estat, but was found by Armand. @aniel provided a lin for Armand to
the new time, and they formed a relationship. However, @aniel grew more and
more impatient, longing to be turned to a vampire, and they were estranged
although they would not part. -n the end, @aniel managed to destroy his health
to such a degree that he was close to death, and Armand finally turned him
into a vampire. 5his happened in %D+5, @aniel is Armand.s only fledgling to
date, and they could no longer stay together after this incident.
4hen <estat brought bac 7eronica.s 7eil from his 8ourney in Memnoch the
Devil, Armand was struc by the sight of it, his religious fervour revived, and
he went into the sun in an attempt to destroy and redeem himself. He did not
only survive, however, but managed miraculously to save the girl 3ybelle from
her abusive brother. 3ybelle and her protector, the boy "en8i, restored
Armand with the blood of a drug dealer, and grew very affectionate towards
him, 8ust as Armand did towards them. 4hen Armand dictated the boo The
Vampire Armand to @avid 5albot, former head of the 5alamasca and by then
<estat.s fledgling, he left 3ybelle and "en8i in 0arius.s care, who turned them
into vampires. 5his greatly shoced Armand and left him deeply confused.

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