Dipartimento Di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne

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Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne

1st Year Lettorato Exam September 5

A Grammar Choose the correct answer
1. I..you the news when I see you on Wednesday.
a) am telling b) tell c) will tell d) would tell
2. The course was cancelled because there were .few students.
a) so b) such c) many d) far
3. If the smog gets to danger levels, the city authorities..a traffic-free day.
a) will declare b) declare c) will have declared d) would declare
. !ow long .."ablo# We in $adrid 3 years ago.
a) do you know/met b) have you known/have met
c) did you meet/knew each other d) have you known/ met
%. I to the theatre for ages. &et's go this wee(end.
a) dont go b) havent been c) didnt go d) have never gone
). *an you see that strange light u+ there# It .. be a ,-..
a) could have b) can c) must d) would
/.With her long dar( hair and brown eyes she really . her mother.
a) takes after b) takes on c) takes off d) takes from
0. I haven't been abroad . ages.
a) for b) from c) until d) since
1. They've +romised to lend me a tennis rac(et so I ta(e mine.
a) neednt b) hadnt to c) dont need d) mustnt to
12. .. a day, (ee+s the doctor away
a) The apple b) Apple c) An apple d) Apples
11. 3lice said 4&et's go for a wal( along the river, it's a beautiful day5
3licefor a wal( along the river.
a) invited her b) offered her c) suggested d) suggested her
12. !e as(ed her what time she ..
a) get up b) got up c) had get up d) is getting up
13. This item is .. new6 it only came out on -riday.
a) very b) extremely c) brand d) ultra
1. 7he showed me a +hoto of her son is a +olice officer.
a) who b) whose c) whom d) what
Numero compito 001
1%. The elderly doctor had many years of .. which hel+ed her to ma(e accurate diagnoses.
a) experience b) experiences c) life d) events
1). 8ic(y . of giving u+ her 9ob. !er boss is a++arently very unfair.
a) is thinking b) thinks c) will think d) could think
1/. I'm going to the (itchen now. something to eat#
a) Whom wants b) Whos wanting c) Who wants d) Shall we want
10. $y +arents live in 8ottingham but I . with some friends until I find a +lace of my own.
a) m living b) live c) d like living d) dont live
11. -ollowing the latest financial scandal, the "rime $inister has decided .
a) resign b) resigning c) of resigning d) to resign
22. &inden is . younger than his new wife. !e's 9ust 2) and she's over )2:
a) much b) more c) most d) a lot of
21. The com+any has a+ologised . any inconvenience caused to its customers.
a) of b) on c) at d) for
22. I. in 3merica when I met my husband.
a) studied b) had studied c) was studying d) was studied
23. ;y the time the +olice got to the crime scene, the robbers .
a) were already escaped b) had already escaped
c) had already been escaping d) already escaped
2. !istorians that the <ound Table really e=isted, but now they thin( it was
+robably 9ust a legend.
a) used to think b) would believe c) had convinced d) were used to thinking
2%. >ohn's really late, he .missed the train.
a) must have b) can have c) should have d) need to have
2). If the children. a fire, they by the rescuers.
a) had not lit/might never have seen b)hadnt lit/ could never see
c) had not have lit/would never be seen d) hadnt lit/ could never have been seen
2/. If I lost my house where .......................... I live #
a) do b) would c) need d) had
20. 3ccording to re+orts, about ten rebels . by government forces.
a) are arrested b) arrested c) have been arrested d) have arrested
21. >ac( and >ill hurt . when they fell down the hill.
a) them b) themselves c) ! d) they
32. $y manager .. all the new changes in the com+any to me.
a) told b) explained c) said d) spoke
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B - Vocabulary Choose the most appropriate word to go in the blank.
31.There's a . smell in the fridge. ?o you thin( some food has gone bad#
a) funny b) witty c) typical d) pretty
32...who +lan to visit India need to get a visa first.
a) "oreigners b) Strangers c) "oreign ones d) Anyone
33. That's. "aul. !e's always friendly one day and doesn't s+ea( to you the ne=t.
a) typical of b) unusual with c) uncommon for d) average
3. There's a community in 7cotland which e=ists entirely on energy.
a) renewing b) renewed c) renewable d) renewly
3%. This sentence can be bro(en .. into four different +hrases.
a) up b) through c) out d) off
3). The main .of electric cars is that they are still e=+ensive.
a) drawdown b) drawup c) drawout d) drawback
3/. *ould you . the dishwasher when it finishes#
a) unload b) download c) upload d) loaded
30.@ou can unfasten your seatbelts after we've .
a) landed b) taking off c) come down d) checked off
31. The Aovernment issued a severe weather for all of >anuary.
a) advice b) ban c) warning d) alerted
2. The law of . and demand is an economic reality.
a) supply b) supplier c) offer d) re#uest
1. The comedian was I laughed so hard I cried.
a) amusing b) hilarious c) humourous d) witty
2. The living ne=t door to me have been arrested.
a) two persons b) pair c) couple d) mates
3. If you're +lanning to go to Italy, I'd recommend <ome because it's full of..
a) tourist attractions b) touristic attractions c) tour attractions d) tourism attractions
. If you're . contem+orary art don't miss out on the e=hibition at the <oyal 3cademy of 3rts.
a) fond on b) keen on c) interested at d) pleased with
%. It was very difficult for me to live in the 8etherlands as I couldn't s+ea( a word of.
a) $ollandese b) %erman c) &utch d) %ermanic
). It's easy to ma(e . about +eo+le from other countries. "erha+s we should be more careful.
a) generals b) generalisation c) generalities d) generalisations
/. -ollowing his illness, !arry would s+end days 9ust . out of the window.
a) fixing b) glimpsing c) staring d) starring
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0. I li(e the sound of this 9ob. I'm going to . for it.
a) apply b) make a demand c) imply d) do an application
1. I use -aceboo( to with my friends all over the world.
a) keep contact b) see more c) have chat d) keep in touch
%2. I was e=+ecting something really s+ectacular, so in the end I found the show very
a) delusional b) disappointing c) disappointed d) deluded
%1. !e wasn't 9ust ha++y. !e was ..
a) delighted b) over'oy c) outraged d) fantastical
%2. The must be flat because I cannot start my car.
a) battery b) petrol tank c) tyres d) windscreen wipers
%3. 7he him for forgiveness.
a) re#uested b) answered c) pardoned d) begged
%. They .. so often that they decided to brea( u+.
a) argued b) discussed c) chatted d) debated
%%. 7eth was really u+set as he had bro(en his favourite beer mug .............................
a) by accident b) on accident c) with accident d) for accident
%). 7tuart (issed her then hung a beautiful ........................ around her nec(.
a) bracelet b) brooch c) chain d) 'ug
%/. I wish you wouldn't always 9um+ to ..........................
a) conclusions b) purposes c) mistakes d) errors
%0. !arriet wants . a +arty to celebrate her graduation.
a) to throw b) to make c) to do d) to feast
%1. I always used to love . a long wal( in the hills while on holiday.
a) taking b) doing c) exercising d) making
)2. Bdith never li(es . her +ersonal issues in +ublic.
a) to talk b) to say c) to chat d) to discuss
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Key September 2013 1
year 001
1. c
2. a
3. a
. d
%. b
). c
/. a
0. a
1. a
12. c
11. a
12. b
13. c
1. a
1%. a
1). a
1/. c
10. a
11. d
22. a
21. d
22. c
23. b
2. a
2%. a
2). d
2/. b
20. c
21. b
32. b
31. a
32. a
33. a
3. c
3%. a
3). d
3/. a
30. a
31. c
2. a
1. b
2. c
3. a
. b
%. c
). d
/. c
0. a
1. d
%2. b
%1. a
%2. a
%3. d
%. a
%%. a
%). c
%/. a
%0. a
%1. a
)2. d
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