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The Crucible Final

1. Title Page
Must contain each group members name in the center of the
page. It must be in 12 pt. TNR font.
2. Table of Contents
Each item listed, and the page that it is in your book.
I should be able to flip to the page listed and find what I am
looking for, if I cannot, you will lose points.
3. Your final
12 pt. TNR font.
It should be in columns, and look EXACTLY like The Crucible
Bolded character names.
Stage directions in italics
4. STEAL Chart
You will be creating a STEAL Chart over a character from the play.
This chart will be provided for youDO NOT LOSE IT -- it is required for your
Refresher on the STEAL method:
Speech: What a character says and how they say
it (verbal irony, perhaps).
Thoughts: What a character is thinking or feeling.
Effect on others: Emotions a person elicits in
others or the way others react to a character.
Actions: What they do, how they interact with
others, actions while under stress.
Looks: Expressions, Dress, etc.

STEAL Chart Contd
This will be in chart form with four columns that you must fill in for each
method (speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, looks).
Column Titles and Expectations:
The Crucible: How did Miller present the character (as far as characters
speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, looks) in his version of the play?
Include textual evidence that supports this.
Authors Purpose: In this box you will analyze why Miller chose that particular
way to present the character in his/her speech, thoughts, effects on others,
actions, and looks.
Your Version: How did your group present the character as far as his/her
speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks in your version of the
play? Include textual evidence that supports this.
Authors Purpose: In this box you need to explain why you chose this particular
way to present the characters speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions,
and looks.
**Remember: Analyze means giving a detailed examination of the
authors purpose (Miller and you).
5. Matrix Chart
Write your name, and your characters name at the top of the
In the Millers character column you will:
Describe your characters physical attributes. This can include age,
race, job, name, etc. from the story. You must provide a thoughtful
analysis of what the character was like in the play, and make sure
that you use properly cited textual evidence.
Describe your characters role in the play. I want to know what they
do, and what purpose they serve in the play. You will use textual
evidence to support your analysis.
Describe your characters ultimate fate in Millers play. How do they
die? Dont they? What are their last words? Etc. You must use
textual evidence to support your analysis.
Matrix Chart continued
Before you can fill out the Real life character column you must
complete your research (as described in the next slides). You will
do the same things as you did in the Millers character column,
but you will use the real person. You must use textual evidence
from at least 2 of your sources (not including the crucible).
So you will need to:
Describe the real persons physical attributes (age, race, job, family,
etc.) . You must provide properly cited textual evidence.
Describe the real persons role in the Salem Witch trials. Were they
only named? Did they name names? Were they even really involved?
Use properly cited textual evidence.
Describe the real persons fate. What happened to them? You must
use properly cited textual evidence to support your analysis.
Matrix Chart
S = Similarities D= Differences
For each element you must describe the similarities and differences.
These must be thoughtful, and in complete sentences.
10 Sentences- Consider this your 4
quarter research paper.
For this you will make a decision based upon your matrix chart and
research as to whether the similarities and differences between the
real life person and the character in the play were necessary for the
You must provide three reasons why they were or were not.
You must include a thesis statement, and then provide evidence for
your reasons.
You must provide one concluding sentence that sums up your
opinion (10 sentences).
Example: The changes Miller made in Abigails age, role, and fate
were necessary for the play and the theme Miller established.
6. Annotated Bibliography
You should find three sources over your character.
These sources MUST be found by using the Benton Databases.
IF you cannot find any sources on the Databases (ONLY after
extensive searching and talking to me about it) will I allow you to
use sources found elsewhere on the Internet.
Cannot have a .com, .net, .wiki ending (search for and use
.gov, .org, .edu sites).
MUST complete a TRAAP test for each site that is not
found on the Benton Databases.
IF I find that you do not use sources from the Databases AND
you do not TRAAP test your sources, that makes your
sources non-credible. You will NOT receive points for using
these sources!

Annotated Bibliography
Each source must have the correct MLA citation.
Remember: You can find this citation on the Database website.
Click into the source you want to use.
Click on cite should be located on the right side of your
Copy/paste the MLA citation onto the Word document that
youre creating your Annotated Bib on.
Make sure you choose MLAthat will not be the only
option, so be attentive when choosing which citation you
want to use.

Annotated bibliography
Half-page write-up over each source.
Must include:
Summary of your sources information.
Summary: a brief statement or account of the main points of the
A clear connection between Millers character and the real person.
Two properly cited quotes from the source that support your findings
about the character/person.
Properly cited: Chad Hansen claims that primary documents
suggest no special bond between the two [John Proctor and Abigail
Williams] (Pope 1). This brings us to the conclusion that Arthur
Miller created this relationship between Proctor and Williams to
provide dramatic effect for his readers.

7. Irony Tracker
This chart will also be provided for youDO NOT LOSE IT -- it is
required for your portfolio.
You will be identifying irony that is used in the scene that you
Must have examples of all three types of irony.
dramatic, verbal, and situational
This will be put in the Textual Evidence from your Scene column.
Analysis of how this shows irony in the How does this show irony?
Remember: Analysis means giving a detailed examination that
means you give a DETAILED EXAMINATION of how irony is used
in your scene.

8. Satire Chart
The scene that you create must serve a similar purpose to Millers play- it
must be a satire. It must in some way criticize foolishness that happens in
society. It must show the ridiculousness of some aspect of society in
hopes to improve it. You must do this by using the following elements:
Exaggeration (hyperbole)
On this chart you must provide properly cited textual evidence from your
You must also provide a brief description stating how your act achieves
the same satirical tone as the play. You need to show how/why you used
the elements in the places that you did in order to achieve your purpose.
Convince me!
9. Props Page
Every scene must utilize props and costumes (whatever kind
you may need).
This page must include:
pictures of the props (either hand drawn or photos).
Description of the props.
This page must be neat and organized.
10. Self- Evaluations
You will fill these out the day your playbooks are due.
*Your playbook must be in a three ring binder or a fancy
folder or something. You will need ALL of the required
elements to get points here. If one of your group members is
missing their portion the ENTIRE group will lose points.
*Each individual will complete a STEAL chart that analyzes a
character in the play.
*Each individual will complete a Character Matrix over the
character vs. the real person.
*Each individual will need an Annotated Bibliography with
three sources over his/her character.
*Each individual completes the self-evaluation form.

Part II
Your lost fifth scene will be filling in the gap between acts, either before act
1, or after act 4.
Your scene must follow the same plot of the play (meaning all characters
must die, live, get away, etc.), but will be presented and as creative as you
see fit.
So you will either be making an act that comes directly before Betty falls
ill, or after the insanity of Act V. you can present your act in anyway that
you see fit. It can be news broadcast, a CSI crime show, a gansta movie,
a reality show, etc. Be as creative as you would like as long as it follows
the following criteria.
Your scene must include the following:
At least 3 characters
At least one instance of verbal irony.
At least one instance of dramatic irony.
At least one instance of situational irony.
Your scene must present the story in a satirical way. You will track this on your
satire chart.
All lines must be memorized

Part II
After you have decided which direction you would like to go in
and written your scene now it is time for you to perform it.
Film it. Create a video of your performance to show to the class
on the day that it is due. These must be edited and ready to
go on a DVD or YouTube the day that it is due; if it is not
then you will not get points.
Presentations must show memorization and be presented
creatively by the entire group (this means that each group
member must be in the presentation itself). GO CRAZY!!!!!
Dont be afraid to be a doofus!

Presentation Requirements
*Your final performance must be between 7 and 15
*Scripts with stage directions will be required for every
*Plan how your group will present the scene to the rest of
the class. Each person must have part in the presentation.
*Costumes will be required for every presentation.

Final Due date: May 15/16
Presentations: May 19-22

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