Ams Project Plan Repaired

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Asset Management System Implementation Project Plan

The attached Project Plan has been reviewed and is approved for execution by the undersigned.
Asset Management System
Implementation Project
Project Working Title:

Signature !ate Signature !ate

Project Manager (Tacey Lenyard) Project Sponsor (T.H.)

Signature !ate Signature !ate

IT Support Services Manager Netor! Administrator

Signature !ate

"es!top Support Tec#nician
Asset Management System Implementation Project Plan
A. Introduction
Asset Management System
Implementation Project
Project Working Title:
Tacey #enyard
!es$top Support Technician
Proponent Agency:
Any %orporation
Prepared by:
Tacey #enyard
!es$top Support Technician Date / Control Number:
&'"('") ***"
The Asset Management System Implementation Project (AMS-IP) will assist the IT department at
Any Corporation in keeping track of its assets from the ac!isition planning stage to the
disposal stage" Desktop assets consist of laptops desktops printers monitors perip!erals and
soft"are licenses and installation packages# AMS-IP will create and doc!ment all processes as
they apply to recei#ing e#ery incoming shipment and re-deploya$le asset% confirming each asset%
and acknowledging the placement in in#entory% acknowledging the end-of-lease sched!le for
replacement or $!yo!t% and disposing of all assets according to in#entory stock% sending assets
to &-waste for disposal or 'ell for ret!rn and recording and remo#ing from in#entory" AMS-IP
project sponsor is Corporate $T %eader or possibly t!ird tier leaders!ip stake!older#
&rgani'ational C!art ()igure A#*+
,Created "it! Mind-ie" soft"are#
.oles and .esponsibilities ()igure A#/+
Name $ole Position %ontact In&o
T.H. Sponsor %orporate IT #eader T.+.,
'.H. Support #eader IT %ustomer Support
Team #eader
A.P. Team Member IT .emote !es$top
T.(. Team Member Telecom System
T.P. Team Member -intel System
()ames ha#e $een omitted for proprietary reasons
The deli-erables of Any Corporation*s asset management system are+
,)" Clean staging room"
-)" %abeled assets according to department and asset management system i"e" incoming% lease
replacement% new-hire% re-deploya$le asset% lease ret!rn% $!yo!t-asset% inacti#e-asset% e-waste-
.)" 0se of a spreads!eet for asset tracking% possi$le import for P!ase / of Asset Management
1ystem $mplementation Project"
/)" Creation of set2of2policy for all IT staging room a!thori0ed !sers"
1)" 0se of asset management system across all IT departments that ha#e assets in the IT staging
room+ )etwork Team% 'esktop Team% Telecom team% and 2intel teams respecti#ely"
3)" 1!orter in-oice -erification process as it applies to the cross-charging of $!siness !nits
within the Corporation"
4)" $ncrease t!e strengt! of buying po"er when p!rchasing hardware and software $y master
lease agreement"
.eference Materials taken from+
3lements of An asset management strategy ()igure A#4+
1ermilab. 2&**34. :ermila$ Comp!ting Sector+ Asset Management Policy% Process ;
Proced!res 'oc!ment 5!ata 1ile6. .etrieved from http7''www.
Marshall8 !avid +.8 McManus8 -ayne -.8 9iele8 !aniel 1. 2&*")4. Acco!nting+ 2hats the
)!m$ers Mean" :ew /or$8 :/7 Mc;ram+ill Irwin.
AM12$P 5usiness Proposal "as "ritten by Tacey #C# %enyard# 5usiness Proposal elements
used in t!e implementation of AM12$P project#
3. Points o& %ontact
See <oles and <esponsi$ilities (:ig!re A"-)"
%. Project Plan Summary
*# 5usiness Problem
=n 1ebruary &)
8 &*") I was promoted to !es$top Support Technician for the corporate
office of Any %orporation. I was unable to find inventory reports and contract information as it
applied to hardware8 software8 and lease replacements. I was as$ed to label all IT assets i.e.
des$tops8 laptops8 and peripherals8 in the IT staging room. Assets were missing8 and shipments
for lease replacements could not be confirmed. Therefore invoices could not be paid.
I attempted to restore some order to the IT staging room but was unsuccessful. There was
no process in place for receiving purchase orders from !ell. Assets had previously been shipped
after naming the asset in Active !irectory. This process left a gap in the documentation of the
asset in inventory. There was no process for receiving the purchase order8 so there was no exact
confirmation of receipt of the service tags listed on the pac$ing slips.
=ver the course of the next few days8 several other !es$top Support
Technicians'Administrators from other business units came to the corporate office for testing and
imaging of safety stoc$ computers. !uring that time8 the assets that I had come to label
previously were now gone8 and I had no documentation of where these assets were. The only
thing that was certain was that the inventory had been depleted8 and there was a decrease in
safety stoc$. Safety stoc$ is used to provide computers for new hires that have a start date within
two wee$s. Two wee$s is the time that it ta$es to order a new8 leased computer from !ell. If the
new hire starts within two wee$s8 they will not have a computer on their start date unless we ship
them a computer from safety stoc$.
In order for P.. 2IT %ompliance4 to approve the payment of the invoice8 I have to sign off
on the receipt of all service tags listed on the pac$ing slip and reconcile the invoice based on all
hardware'software that we received according to purchase order. =nce the invoice has been
confirmed8 payment can be granted by the accounts payable department. The longer it ta$es to
confirm an invoice is e<uated to a larger amount of corporate liability. Accounts payable balance
goes down8 with each invoice payment. -hen this process is completed and inventory 2company
assets4 is documented properly8 it increases the corporation>s li<uidity.
#i<uidity is defined as a company>s ability to meet its current obligations 2Marshall8
McManus8 and 9iele8 &*")4. According to Acco!nting+ 2hat the )!m$ers Mean% = the lower
that inventories can be maintained relative to sales8 the less inventory needs to be financed with
debt or stoc$holder>s e<uity and the greater return on investment.@ =nce we are able to
implement an asset management system8 we will be able to maintain a correct amount of assets
based on each business unit>s usage.
/# Assumptions and Constraints:+
&riginal Assumptions
Willingness and participation to protect company assets of all named participants"
1c!eduled a-ailability of all participants will $e granted for assigned tasks $y s!periors"
1topgap 1olution for Asset Management System with CM'> capa$ilities"
Training for all software will $e granted $y project sponsor"
Documentation and .epository necessary for s!ccessf!l o!tcomes"
5aseline adjustments will $e added thro!gh Change Control management plan"
&riginal Constraints
1!orter duration 6 more resources (!ig!er costs+ and/or lo"er 7uality
%ess costs 6 lo"er 7uality and/or lo"er duration
5etter 7uality 6 !ig!er costs and/or longer duration
,All constraints are interdependent
Project &rgani'ation
&rgani'ation C!art
Project .esponsibilities
Task Total: /* tasks
.esources Assigned:
Tacey %enyard
8uman resources assigned to all /* tasks#
Task and <eso!rce 9ist (:ig!re C",)
Project 1cope
The Asset Management System Implementation Project (AMS-IP) will assist the IT department at
Any Corporation in keeping track of its assets from the ac!isition planning stage to the
disposal stage" Desktop assets consist of laptops desktops printers monitors perip!erals and
soft"are licenses and installation packages# AMS-IP will create and doc!ment all processes as
they apply to recei#ing e#ery incoming shipment and re-deploya$le asset% confirming each asset%
and acknowledging the placement in in#entory% acknowledging the end-of-lease sched!le for
replacement or $!yo!t% and disposing of all assets according to in#entory stock% sending assets
to &-waste for disposal or 'ell for ret!rn and recording and remo#ing from in#entory" AMS-IP
project sponsor is Corporate $T %eader or possibly t!ird tier leaders!ip stake!older#
Critical Milestone 1ummary
The following milestones will mark the critical path for AMS-IP"
Milestone or 3-ent Projected Date of
AuthoriCed user policy. ?'"A'") %reates a policy that provides
consistency and accountability
for all authoriCed users of the
IT staging room8 and all
authoriCed users that have
access to IT departmental
:ew Staging .oom design. ?'&('") %reates a new safe and clean
environment for IT assets to be
stored. The new design will
provide an environment free of
excess debris8 trash8 and
shipping boxes.
Identifiable inventory space in
staging area. ?'"('")
All IT departments that have
assets in the staging room will
have a designated area in the
staging room for assets8 a
staging area for testing8 and an
area for documented triage of
all assets out of production.
Dwaste management process
definitions defined. ?'"('")
This will provide a defined
process for disposal and return
of all retired assets. This
process will include a form
with the initials of the IT
representative that retired the
asset or sent it to Dwaste.
All current assets labeled
appropriately in staging room. ?'"('")
This will provide an account
of all assets currently not
labeled or accounted for in the
staging room. This will
provide accountability for all
assets in the ac<uisition stage
of the asset management life
%reation of asset spreadsheet and
upload to !es$top Support
This will provide a repository
of all assets including assets
Sharepoint site. ?'"('") associated with the master
lease agreement for the Enited
Incoming inventory process
definitions defined. ?'"('")
This will define the process of
ac<uiring new assets8
including chec$ing the new
asset into inventory and
signing the pac$ing slip for
future invoice verification.
Approval of new process by Tahir
+assan. A'&B'")
This will finaliCe the process8
validating the testing and
implementation of the stopgap
asset management system.
5udget 1ummary
:ig!re C"- shows the reso!rce allocation and cost to complete AMS-IP" The cost for the
implementation of the asset management system will $e tangi$le" &ach of these people will ha#e
to dedicate time to the implementation of the asset management system in order for it to $e
s!ccessf!l" As a res!lt% each person listed will pose a staffing cost" It is time that they will $e
p!lled away from other projects" )o $ackfilling will $e necessary since this is a short-term
project" The project completion date is set for ?!ne -4
% -7,/"
The total h!man reso!rce cost for this project is :*;;;<=#;;" This cost for implementation is
:/>/<#;; in addition to what is already $eing paid to the staff participating% $!t is calc!lated $y
wage @ n!m$er of ho!rs dedicated to the project" There are no software5hardware costs for this
project% only h!man reso!rces !tili0ed" Additional costs may $e inc!rred if participants lea#e the
company and are replaced" This proposal is to effecti#ely !se the technology that we already
ha#e in place to implement the asset management system and act as a stopgap sol!tion and
predecessor for Asset Management System with CM'>"

?# .isk Planning 1ummary

(So!rce+ http+55www"ile#iathan"com5sol!tions5we$site-marketing-plan5risk-management
<isk Management Steps will follow the a$o#e diagram"
.isk Assessment P!ase
This phase will assist Any Corporation with identifying possi$le risks and5or threats to IT assets"
.isk 3-aluation P!ase
This phase will assist Any Corporation with e#al!ating a risks pro$a$ility and impact as those
risks apply to IT assets and $!siness r!les and policies"
.isk Management P!ase
This phase will assist Any Corporation with risk mitigation handling as it applies to IT assets
and $!siness r!les and policies"
.isk Measurement P!ase
This phase will assist Any Corporation with the meas!rement of risks that materiali0e as reality
or risks that ha#e pre#io!sly $een or are c!rrently $eing monitored or controlled"
Top )i-e .isk(s+
The steps in risk assessment+
". .eview scope8 business case and'or financial justification
&. Identify all ris$s with the team
0. Assess probability and potential impact
). !evelop ris$ response plan for the top ris$s
Mitigation Strategies defined
To acknowledge the risk5threat and make the decision to not apply formali0ed5!n-
formali0ed risk management proced!res to it" Appro#al necessary from program
Adj!stment made to project or policy to eliminate risk altogether"
Implement policies and proced!res to red!ce risk"
Assign or reassign responsi$ility or acco!nta$ility to another department or IT
representati#e for management of risk"
2atch or monitor risk for ca!ses and n!m$er of occ!rence"
A Description Probability
*6 lo"
< 6 !ig!
Mitigation 1trategy
#ac$ of $nowledge of
location of all current assets.
(*F ?
#ac$ of return of assets after
?*F & Assume'Accept8 %ontrol for future
AuthoriCed users use assets
already assigned for
deployment for testing
without notifying proper
"*F " %ontrol through authoriCed user
polices8 documented processes8 and
#ac$ of sta$eholder
participation throughout
0*F 0 %ontrol8 -atch'Monitor
+ardware and software assets
not accessible through the
)*F )
Accept'Assume8 Monitor'-atch8
%ontrol for future occurences
GMitigation strategies adapted from !ttp://"""#mitre#org/publications/systems2
A# C!ange Management Control Plan
T!e c!ange management control process "ill be predefined to kno" !o" to cope "it!
Possible reasons be!ind t!e necessity for c!anges:
Beeping track of baselines (estimated -alues+ -ersus actual -alues#
Performance re7uirements may c!ange according to leasing contract or business need#
Assumptions may become obsolete#
.isks become a reality and part of t!e risk response plan is to c!ange allocation of
resources bot! tangible and intangible of defined processes#
W!y "e need a predefined c!ange management control plan:
Communicate t!e c!anges effecti-ely to all stake!olders and t!e project team and get
formal appro-al for c!ange#
$nsignificant c!anges "ill be discouraged by t!e formali'ed process#
Drastic c!anges may be sa-ed or re-isited in a later p!ase or during en!ancement
3ffects of c!anges to baseline "ill become -isual for stake!olders and project team#
Process for C!ange Management
*# C!ange re7uest form submitted to re7uest c!ange -ia formali'ed process#
/# Appro-al granted/denied
4# Adjustments made accordingly and respecti-ely to project sc!edule C resources
budget and/or operations and maintenance#
D# Project team and stake!olders notified of c!ange -ia communication plan#
,Please see appendiE < for c!ange re7uest form
The attached appendices are the detailed processes and ta$les associated with the AMS-IP"
Appendi, .. Process to "eploy Asset
Appendi, 7. 6,cel Spreads#eet &or Stopgap Asset Management
Appendi, 8. 'or! 3rea!don Structure
Appendi, 9. :antt %#art
Appendi, ;. %#ange $e+uest <orm
Appendi, .
To "eploy an Asset
I4. %hec$ %orporate Inventory 2levels need to be at least & to ship out4
"4. .edeployed model
A4. #ease Dnd !ate H"0 months
I4. :ew +ires
%4. #oaners
&4. Irand :ew model
A4. #ease Dnd !ate J0A months
I4. All #ease .eplacements
II4. .emove service tag from %orporate Inventory
III4. :ame same service tag in Active !irectory including7 name assigned to8 lease end date8
description of hardware4
I94. 1ill out insert standard ups &orm
94. Attach insert standard ups form to outgoingboxed pac$age.
9I4. Ta$e to shipping dept.
9II4. .eceive confirmation with trac$ing number 8 send to re<uester
Appendi, 7
6,cel Spreads#eet used &or Asset Management
Appendi, 8
'or! 3rea!don Structure
Appendi, 9
:antt %#art
Appendi, ;
%#ange $e+uest <orm
Project 1 and Name)
Project Manager)
%#ange $e+uest Num/er)
"ate Su/mitted)
$e+uested /y)
Su/mitted /y)
"escription o& %#ange
5usti&ication &or %#ange)
Impact Analysis
Sc#edule and $esources
$elated a&&ects to ot#er Projects or Policies and*or Assets
"ocuments =pdated /y t#is %#ange
"ocument Name
"ate %#anged
Approval Signatures
000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000
(Project Sponsor) >Title "ate (Project Manager) > Title "ate

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