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Americas Educated Male

The disappearing male students in classrooms
Presented by: Chris Deputy, Selena Ortega, and Cathy Peck
ENG ! " Cynthia #lein " Pierce College, Puyallup $%
Fading Male Students in School
(Learning Power: Further Connections 2!"
Enrollment #ates
$ &!
$ '() *emale undergraduate
$ +,) male undergraduate
%ational Center &or Education Statistics (Ma' 2(1"

Are )omen at Fault*

)e would agree that the educational s'stem is dominated b' women

educators+ as the ,ureau o& Labor Statistics indicate+ but we do not
agree that the' are -articularl' hostile to bo's. A -o-ular source+ /0ME
Maga1ine+ -ublished in 2(1 regarding -ossible gender discrimination
2the -oor grades in school are a result o& bad beha3ior (Christa4is".

According to 5ohn M. 6riegs 2((7 stud' at )estern )ashington

8ni3ersit'+ his conclusion is that there is no e3idence -ro3ing gender
im-act &or students -er&ormances but there are &indings that su--ort
the &act that students o& male teachers ha3e a 2.9: chance o& not
-assing the )ASL (6rieg".
Some interested parties retort that the academic institutions ha-e become .*emini/ed0 gi-ing
reason to the gro1ing decline o* male education success2
Are )omen at Fault*
0n his 2((< stud' -ublished b' /homas S. =ee+ girls do
tend to &air better under the instruction o& women where
bo's tend to e>cel better b' an estimated ;: when
taught b' men. ?owe3er+ the stud' also indicates that
the &emale students su&&ered b' the same ;: di&&erential
under male instructors (=ee 9;".
,ased on these &indings+ we would argue that there is not enough e3idence to su--ort gender
bias in the educational institutions+ but the women educators do indeed outnumber men in the
-ro&ession as the 8.S. =e-artment o& Education con&irms in their -ublished &indings (8nited
States. %ational Center &or Education Statistics".
=ro-out #ate
3n &!& there 1ere more males
dropping out o* school2
$ 4) 5emales
$ () 6ales
?igh School @raduates

A0nterestingl'+ the decline was concentrated among women.

)omen still attend college at a higher rate than men+ as the'
ha3e &or decades. ,ut the ga- is narrowing: 0n 2(1+ <B.;
-ercent o& &emale high school graduates enrolled in college+
3erses <.7 -ercent o& male grads. 0n the class o& 2((!+ b'
contrast+ 9.B -ercent o& women attended college+ 3erses <<
-ercent o& men.A

0n 2(1+ ra-id rising coat o& education and more entr' le3el Cob
o-ening has e&&ected both men and women to go to wor4
rather than go to college. ,' Dctober 2(1+ unem-lo'ment E
&or recent grads E was (.! -ercent &or those that did not see
the 3alue o& going to college. (Casselman"
Single Mothers As 8ndergraduates

Single mothers are returning to college due to the need &or more Cob securit' and
more mone' to raise their children.

A... nearl' B -ercent o& single mothers li3e at or below the -o3ert' line. /hose
with at least a bachelorFs degree are &i3e times less li4el' to &ind themsel3es in
such a dire &inancial state.A (6olo3ic"

0n the -ast twent' 'ears the -ercentage o& single -arent attending college has
doubled+ &rom 9 -ercent to Cust o3er 1 -ercent. More than twoEthirds o& this
increase are single mothers. )omen are more li4el' than men to enter or reenter
college a&ter ha3ing children. Man' single mothers wait &or their children to enter
school be&ore going or returning to college themsel3es. 0n &act 27 -ercent o&
women entering college toda' are o3er thirt'. (@oldric4E#ab and Sorensen 1B1"
)omen 3s Men
@i3en the unbalanced -la'ing &ield in womenFs 3erses
menFs wages E the truth is i& women want to earn more
than their male counter-arts E the' will ha3e to earn
more degrees or choose a higher -a'ing industr'.
)ho Cares*
%s many sel*7interested parties 1ould ask, .1hat
does this ha-e to do 1ith me80 $e *iercely argue
that this is a country1ide community concern
because the youth that drop out impact:



Communit' neighborhood sa&et'

)here 'ou and 'our lo3ed ones li3e

)here 'ou go to school

)here 'ou wor4

)ho Cares*
Statistics sho1 that:

8nem-lo'ment rates &or school dro-outs are ;(:

higher than those that &inished school.

Chances o& arrest are higher &or dro-outs:

9: chance &or the students with emotional or

beha3ioral disabilities

<2: chance &or the students with learning disabilities

More than B(: o& the incarcerated -o-ulation are

high school dro-outs.

/here is G71+((( -er 'ear s-ent to incarcerate a

single -erson in contrast to the cost o& G11+7(( -er
'ear to educate a disabled child.

0ncarceration rates in 2(1( demonstrated a rate

di&&erential -er 1((+((( -o-ulation o&:

1+72 in males

12< in &emales

Suicide rate among 17E2; 'ear old males is ;.(!

times higher than &emales in 2((< which is usuall'
due to low sel&Eesteem+ de-ression+ and an>iet'.
(American Association o& Suicidolog'"
=isabilit' Awareness
%nthony 9as:ue/
H0 want to educate -eo-le that blindness is not a -unishment+I he said. H0 Cust ha--en to be blind but 0 dont let it dominate
m' li&e. 0 could+ but 0 ha3e learned to li3e with it. And 0 4now 0 can hel- others b' hel-ing m'sel&.I J Anthon' KasLue1.
Cali&ornia State 8ni3ersit'. ?onors @raduate.
D3er the -ast two decades we ha3e seen a decline in male
educational achie3ement due to man' o& the &ollowing reasons:

H/his child did not need to Hchange his beha3iors.I )e needed to understand his beha3ior and what the'
suggested as the -robable underl'ing reason &or the beha3iors. )e needed to remember that beha3iors are a
message+ a s'm-tomEnot a diagnosis. According to JLarr' ,. Sil3er+ M.=. Clinical Pro&essor o& Ps'chiatr'. /he
Dut o& S'nc Child+ Sensor' 0ntegration ='s&unction

A=?=+ A==+ Sensor' 0ntegration ='s&unction+ Learning =isabilities+ all -la' a maCor role in the wa' our
children learn.

2. ,o's are more li4el' than girls to be diagnosed with A=?= a 1.2: chance &or bo's o3er a 7.<:
chance &or girlsE according to /he Center &or =isease Control and Pre3ention re-ort -ublished in 2(1.

. According to the most recent 2((<E2((! Centers &or =isease Control statistical re-ort+ in 6E12
education+ bo's are twice more li4el' to be diagnosed with a learning disabilit' than girls.

Learning disabilities are more common in bo's than girls+ -ossibl' because bo's tend to mature more
=isabilit' Awareness

H/his child did not need to Hchange his beha3iors.I )e needed to understand his beha3ior and what the'
suggested as the -robable underl'ing reason &or the beha3iors. )e needed to remember that beha3iors
are a message+ a s'm-tomEnot a diagnosis. According to JLarr' ,. Sil3er+ M.=. Clinical Pro&essor o&
Ps'chiatr'. /he Dut o& S'nc Child+ Sensor' 0ntegration ='s&unction

A=?=+ A==+ Sensor' 0ntegration ='s&unction+ Learning =isabilities+ all -la' a maCor role in the wa' our children

2. ,o's are more li4el' than girls to be diagnosed with A=?= a 1.2: chance &or bo's o3er a 7.<: chance &or
girlsE according to /he Center &or =isease Control and Pre3ention re-ort -ublished in 2(1.

. According to the most recent 2((<E2((! Centers &or =isease Control statistical re-ort+ in 6E12 education+ bo's
are twice more li4el' to be diagnosed with a learning disabilit' than girls.

Learning disabilities are more common in bo's than girls+ -ossibl' because bo's tend to mature more slowl'
Em-lo'ment D3er Education
)omen are going to school more than
men due to the -a' issues women are
ha3ing. According to =ean ,a4er+ coE
director o& the Center &or Economic and
Polic' #esearch in )ashington =.C.+ AM'
colleague 5ohn Schmitt and &ormer
colleague ?eather ,oushe' loo4ed at this
issue a cou-le o& 'ears ago. /he' noted
that there was a &ar larger dis-ersion in the
wages o& men with college degrees than
was the case with women. 0n &act+ there
was a substantial o3erla- between the
distribution o& wages o& men without
college degrees and men with college
degrees.A (,a4er"
Em-lo'ment D3er Education
Anne Fisher o& C%% Mone' also addressed this issue+ in 2(1 E based on
three -ro&essors doing research at Dhio State 8ni3ersit' and Paci&ic Lutheran
8ni3ersit'+ a stud' o& !+((( men and women in their 2(s+ &rom 1!!9 to 2(11+
&unded b' the ,ureau o& Labor Statistics E A0t turns out that -ersistent wage
ga-s in the labor mar4et -la' a big -art in moti3ating women to &inish school.
0n the short term+ men who dro- out &ace no &inancial -enalt' in their entr'E
le3el salaries. )omen+ on the other hand+ -a' a stee- -rice right awa' &or
dro--ing out+ since &emale dro-outs earn entr'Ele3el -a' that a3erages G<+7((
a 'ear lower than what their male counter-arts earn.A (Fischer"
/he 8.S. Census ,ureau+ 2(1( re-orts women with a 2 'ears degree ma4e <
-ercent more than a &emale high school graduate+ and 9B -ercent more i& she
has a ; 'ear degree.
Caring is a Communit' E&&ort
Clearl'+ the nationwide communit' has a 3ested interest emotionall'
and economicall' to sol3e the nations education challenges.
/he -icture author )es Moore -aints o& the other )es Moore when
he tried to turn a new lea& a&ter being a drug dealer+ it was
tremendousl' challenging &or him to &ind a Cob without a high school
di-loma or Cob training. Dne cannot hel- but wonder+ i& the national
communit' &ound a wa' to collaborate mo3ing be'ond narrow 3iews
&or solutions to creati3el' engage the students to o-en their minds
garage doors to learn+ will it hel- ele3ate the deteriorating male
education* (Moore 1(;"
Men Are Crucial to the Future
Positi3e+ well educated Male role models in an' males li&e can com-letel' change the wa' that -articular
male chooses to li3e his li&e in regards to continuing education.
Having an advocate on the inside-someone who had gotten to know me an understood my story on a
personal level-had obviously helped. It made me think deeply about the way privilege and preference
work in the world, and how many kids who didnt have luck like mine in this instance would find
themselves forever outside the ring of power and prestige. pg. !"#$ %he &ther 'es (oore
)hat we are seeing is a con3ergence in economic &ortunes+ not &emale ascendance. ,etween 2(1( and
2(11+ men and women wor4ing &ull time 'earEround both e>-erienced a 2.7 -ercent decline in income.
Men su&&ered roughl' B( -ercent o& the Cob losses at the beginning o& the 2((9 recession. ,ut the ri--le
e&&ect o& the recession then led to cutbac4s in go3ernment Cobs that hit women dis-ro-ortionatel'. As o&
5une 2(12+ men had regained ;<.2 -ercent o& the Cobs the' lost in the recession+ while women had
regained B.9 -ercent o& their lost CobsE /he M'th o& Male =ecline b' Ste-hanie Coont1 -ublished
Se-tember 2!+ 2(12
Content Contributions
=e-ut'+ Chris

Presentation design (collaborated e&&ort"

Fading Male Students in School

%CES (Fig. 1 and statistics"

Are women at &ault*

=ro-out #ate

)ho Cares

Pec4+ Cath'

Presentation design (collaborated e&&ort"

,ureau o& Labor Statistics Enrollment chart

Em-lo'ment D3er Education

)omen 3s. Men

Drtega+ Selena

Presentation design (collaborated e&&ort"

=isabilit' Awareness

Men Are Crucial to the Future


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