Sunday, May 11 - Knox Bulletin

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ALLEY SUPPORT FOR CAMPERS - The Alley is once again offering

financial support to children from the church who are attending church
camp. If you have a need for financial assistance please complete the
form and submit it to the office no later than June 2, 2014. Forms are
available in the office or in the May-June newsletter.
MANNA DAY - A Child in Our Hands - Rev. inda
Ashfield is a minister at !no" #resbyterian$ %aterloo.
&he will be the feature spea'er for a Manna (ay
happening at )rieff *ills Retreat and )onference )entre
+near ,uelph- from ./01/ to 1 #M on Thursday$ May .2. The theme of
the day is 3A )hild in 4ur *ands5. *ow do we pass on our )hristian
faith from generation to generation6 %hether a parent$ grandparent$
relative$ friend or congregational member$ ,od has placed a child in
our hands. The cost is 78/ which includes lunch. It is important to
register in advance. 9rochures are available in the narthe". If you are
interested$ please spea' with Mar' ,edc'e.
BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN - 4n Mother:s (ay the &tratford
*ouse of 9lessing 'ic's off their 9aby 9ottle )ampaign.
!no" is once again inviting you to participate. #roceeds will
support the Family )are )entre$ specifically free pregnancy
tests$ maternity clothes$ baby clothes$ baby furniture$ new baby
layettes and baby food. ;ou can pic' up a bottle or envelope in the
<arthe" and return it with your donation on Father:s (ay$ June .2
Than' you for helping to give new families a healthy start.
SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER - <e"t &unday$ Jessica 9arton will share
about her trip to the (ominican Republic that happened (ecember =-
.> 8/.8. &he will ma'e a presentation in the first part of the worship
service. The goal of the trip was to discover the realities of the life of
people in a developing nation. Jessica had opportunity to see how
people lived by living with a local family in )onsuelo. &he also got to
visit a number of schools and interact with the children there. 3This trip
made me reali?e how luc'y we are and how we are sometimes too
caught up in life and don@t notice the little things in life that we ta'e for
Mn!"e#$ Rev. Mar' ,edc'e 2.A-2=2-BB.=
or by email at mgedc'eC'no"
D#e%"&# &' Mu!%$ &u?anne &trahan
O''%e A()n!"#*"&#$ !athy 9a'er
T#e*!u#e#$ &hannon Archer
O''%e$ +1,-2-1-0.-. 'no"
OFFICE /OURS ,*)- 10) Tue!(*1 "2#&u32 F#(*1
M*1 11, 2014 11$00 *)
Minister0 Rev. Mar' ,edc'e
Music (irector D &u?anne &trahan
PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP - #rayer$ Meditation and Eisiting
PRELUDE: I ove ;ou$ ord D . !lein$ arr. (.F. %agner
eader0 9lessed be the name of ,od.
Pe&06e$ L'e 7u#!"! '&#"2 n "2e 7e*u"1 &' %#e*"&n8 6'e e#u0"!
'#&) "2e (*#9ne!! &' (e!0*#.
eader0 *ope abounds in the promises givenG Hoy springs forth and
sadness ends.
Pe&06e$ S"#en3"2 ! '&un( "& '*%e e:e#1 "&)&##&;8 G&(<!
;2&6ene!! 7#n3! 2e*6n3 "& *66.
eader0 The world and all that is in it glows with the glory of ,od.
+9ill &teadman$ .AA/$ %orship for All &easons$ Eol. 8$ ed. 9y Thomas
*arding$ The Inited )hurch #ublishing *ouse-
OPENING /YMN$ J>2= <ow than' we all our ,od
4ur Father in heaven$ hallowed be your name$ your 'ingdom come$
your will be done on earth as in heaven. ,ive us today our daily
bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
&ave us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the
'ingdom$ the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen
eader0 The #eace of )hrist be with you
Congregaion: And also !ih "ou.
ANT/EM$ I:ve ,ot #eace i'e a River D traditional$ arr. John )oates Jr.
C/ILDREN<S /YMN$ J>B2 &aviour$ li'e a shepherd lead us
#salm 81
John ./0.-./
SERMON$ Tongue Twister
/YMN$ JK/. My shepherd is the 'ing of love
OFFERTORY$ Andante D Richard loyd
OFFERTORY PRAISE$ J>82 %e praise you$ 4 ,od +v.-
,od of abundant life and wonders beyond number0 ,rant that our
offering might be acceptable in your sight. Fill us with the spirit of your
Risen )hrist$ that we might be the new creations you call and
empower us to be.
+John *aynes$ .AA8$ %orship for All &easons$ Eol. 8$ ed. 9y Thomas
*arding$ The Inited )hurch #ublishing *ouse-
/YMN$ J1/1 *oly$ *oly$ *oly +sing twice-
CLOSING /YMN$ J1/> %e praise you$ )reator
POSTLUDE$ All ,lory$ aud and *onour D &t. Theodolph$ arr. . &mith
C2u#%2 &0enn3 "&(*1$ Tim #auli
C2u#%2 &0enn3 ne=" ;ee9$ Tim #auli
U!2e#! "2! ;ee9$ Richard 9ast$ Mi'e L )athy 9achner$ John %aldie
U!2e#! ne=" ;ee9$ Terry 9arton$ ,erry L (arlene Feeney$ 9ill
G#ee"e#! "2! ;ee90 Jac' ,ibson L Marlene )oulthard
G#ee"e#! ne=" ;ee9$ )harles L Margaret upton
C&''ee "2! ;ee9$ &hirley %eit?el
Nu#!e#1 "&(*1$ Jenn Raleigh L 9ev *ider
Nu#!e#1 ne=" ;ee9$ *elen MacAlpine L 9ev *ider
CONGREGATIONAL RETREAT - #lease mar' on your calendars our
)ongregational Retreat happening on &aturdayM&unday$ June 8.M88 at
)amp !intail. %e share this retreat time with &t. Marys #resbyterian
)hurch. 4ur worship service will be at )amp !intail$ starting at ./0>2
am. More details$ including the Retreat Form$ are coming soon.

KINTAIL ON T/E ROAD 2014 - -%e are loo'ing forward to !intail on
the Road which will be happening at our church Monday to Friday$ July
=-... If you 'now of children who would be interested in being part of
this program$ please contact the church office by email or phone. %e
also need volunteers. ;ou are also welcome to learn more by
spea'ing with Mar' ,edc'e$ )hantale #itts or Mary (ougall.
YOUT/ GROUP - 4n &aturday$ May 1.
$ the youth
group is going hi'ing and geocaching at %ildwood
)onservation Area. %e meet at the church at ./ AM.
Then$ we will travel to %ildwood where we will be met by
our fantastic guides M hosts M youth leaders$ &hannon
and %endell Archer. 4ur geocaching will be an ama?ing
race as we see' out clues and search for a treasure. *ealthy snac's
will be provided. #lease bring water bottles and wear clothing suitable
for hi'ing. Farly in the afternoon$ we will finish with a barbecue hosted
by the Archers. P6e*!e 6e" u! 9n&; ' 1&u *#e %&)n3 and if there
are any dietary restrictions for the barbecue. There will be a
permission form to be signed by parents for this event.
Going to church doesnt make you a Christian any more than
standing in a garage makes you a car.

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