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Stop Dieting and Start Burning Fat!

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Copyright 2010 Eat Healthy Secrets

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the author.

Printed in the United States of America

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Table of Contents
1.0 Finally Eliminate the Fat! ............................................................................................................ 4

2.0 Why Does It Matter What I Eat? ............................................................................................. 18

3.0 You Are What You Eat ................................................................................................................ 22

4.0 How You Got This Way .............................................................................................................. 24

6.0 Its Not Your Fault ....................................................................................................................... 29

7.0 Why Eating Right Works ........................................................................................................... 33

8.0 Your Body Is A Fat Burning Machine .................................................................................... 35

9.0 What To Expect ............................................................................................................................ 45

10.0 The Dark Side Of The Food Industry .................................................................................. 47

11.0 The Truth About Your Food .................................................................................................. 50

12.0 What Foods to Eat ..................................................................................................................... 61

14.0 Start With A Colon Cleanse .................................................................................................... 85

15.0 Foods to NEVER Eat .................................................................................................................. 87

16.0 Processed Foods Are Your Enemy ...................................................................................... 99

17.0 Sugar Is The Devil .................................................................................................................. 100

18.0 You Are A Sugar Addict ........................................................................................................ 102

19.0 The truth about Milk ............................................................................................................ 105

20.0 Why Diet Sodas Are Making You Fat ............................................................................... 107

21.0 Tips for Eating Right ............................................................................................................. 112

22.0 Shopping Tips ......................................................................................................................... 129

23.0 Avoid The Middle Aisles ...................................................................................................... 137

24.0 Tips For Eating Out ............................................................................................................... 139

25.0 Snacking Tips .......................................................................................................................... 143

26.0 Use Your Head ........................................................................................................................ 145

27.0 Pay Attention To Ingredients ............................................................................................ 147

28.0 Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................. 151

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1.0 Finally Eliminate the Fat!

Look in the mirror. What do you see? An obese man or woman? Well,
obesity is nothing to laugh at. It is a leading epidemic in America. Millions of
people are overweight, and the problem is not going away.

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We now have the largest amount of obese people in history!

Did you know that there are now over 457 million people who are
overweight, and together they carry around an extra 5 BILLION pounds of
excess fat!

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Whats worse
Its affecting our children and we now have more obese kids than we have
ever had in history:

I dont remember so many children being fat when I was growing up do

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Is this how you want your kids to grow up?

This is one of the main reasons we went on a mission to find the truth
because we did not want our 4 beautiful kids to have bad health.
I would put a picture of my kids but we don't want their pictures all over the

I can assure you they eat six times a day and don't have an ounce of
obesity in their body.

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Its all thanks to this study I'm about to tell you about that changed our

In this land mark study researchers from Boston discovered that people
who have high insulin levels have a very difficult time losing fat
compared to people who have low levels of insulin.

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What does that mean?
Its Very simple.

Let me explain
When people dont eat the right foods the body automatically makes an
adjustment to deal with all the sugar and all the UN-natural ingredients that
are contained in bad foods.

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The only way the body can adjust is to make MORE insulin. So the body
becomes an insulin producing machine!


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Why Is This So Important?

Once the body releases insulin its unable to burn fat!

So you see
The key to having the body burn fat like it is supposed to do is to have
LOW levels of insulin and eat foods that help the body burn fat.

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The problem is that there is so much confusion out there on what are the
best foods to eat and what foods actually burn body fat.

For example:
Let me share a quick story with you...
The other day we went to my mom's house for breakfast.
She decided to cook a batch of eggs for the whole family and as she started
to prepare the eggs I saw her throwing out the yolks which most people
don't know is the most nutritional part of the egg and in fact actually helps
your body burn body fat.
Like my mom, most people falsely believe that with eggs they should only
be eating the egg whites and not the yolk when they're trying to be healthy
and lose weight.

Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact over 99% of the important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are
found in the yolk of the egg, and NOT the white.
A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition
found that when people ate two eggs for breakfast, they took in more than
400 fewer calories over the next 24 hours!

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That means you can have a great breakfast and lose more weight
because the nutrients in the yolk help to control your appetite and actually
help your body burn fat.

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When people have applied these simple principles that we are revealing
to you today

They have been able to put their metabolism on fire and put their body
into fat burning mode to burn fat automatically!

They were also able to automatically improve about every other aspect of
their health including; having more energy, a flat stomach, more
confidence, a toned body and even a better sex drive!

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If you are one of those people who have struggled for most of your life with
your weight, you are not alone. If youre struggling to lose weight, I
understand how you feel. Many men and women have tried to lose weight
but failed.

Lets face it. Losing weight can be hard to do. Why?
There are various reasons for obesity including addiction to food, lack of
exercise, and lack of knowledge of the right foods to eat.

Theres no secret that when it comes to diet, most of the plans on the
market are simply fads. They really dont work. You may end up losing
weight, only to see the weight come back.
Well, I am going to tell you today that you can get rid of your belly fat. But
the change starts with you. It starts with your attitude.

You have developed poor dietary habits and this has caused you to gain
weight. Whether you know this or not, your mental state does have a lot to
do with your body size and how much body fat you have.

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You have to look in the mirror and decide how you want to look. Do you
want to be obese and have an unhealthy body, or do you want to look thin
and have perfect health?

It really takes determination and a strong desire to achieve success in your
life if you really want to lose the weight and get into that thin, healthy body
you always wanted.

For example, lets take Susan. Susan had trouble with her weight. She tried
several diets only to go back to being overweight. She tried nearly
everything including hypnosis. But she always ended up re-gaining the
weight. Why? It was because she was so involved in eating junk food. That
is all she knew to eat.

Junk food was planted in her brain over the years and that became her
dietary habit. Every chance she had she would eat fried chicken, French
fries, donuts, potato chips, and so on. She did this on a regular basis.
On the other hand, there is Debby. She has been thin much of her life until
she got married. Her father was a nutritionist. Her mother worked as a
nurse. So she grew up around a healthy lifestyle.

Her husband was into junk food, because that is what he ate. That is what
his parents fed him mostly. So when they got married, Debby soon began
consuming what her husband ate. About a year later, she had gained
nearly 42 pounds. One day she looked at herself in the mirror and began to

She knew she had to do something. So, she took drastic action. She tried
an experiment. She prepared his food one way, and prepared her food the
way she had it as a child. After doing this for a month, she lost 12 pounds!
Her husband noticed it and decided to try her way of eating. Within two
weeks, he felt better, had more energy, and even began to lose weight.

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Some people visualize themselves as thin and act on this. If you have
never done this before, perhaps it may help you to consider it. Picturing the
outcome of you being thin will help you get to that point

One good way for you to lose weight is by setting goals. Those who have
set goals found that life was more manageable for them, and they were
able to lose weight and gain a healthy body.

Whatever you do, dont make excuses for why you are overweight. Instead,
you need to create a mindset for success. You have to understand why it
matters what you eat. Keep reading and you will learn why.

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2.0 Why Does It Matter What I Eat?

You may think it doesnt matter what you eat. Well it does matter. If you eat
anything you want, it will show on you. But if you eat the right foods, you
will start losing weight until you fit into those jeans you've been hiding in
your closet.

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Finally fit into those jeans

For example, consider the Eskimos. They consume a lot of high-fat foods
including whale blubber, seal fat, cold water fish, and organic meats. Yet,
they dont suffer from heart disease or any other diseases, and are not
obese. One of the reasons for this is because the foods they eat are
natural. They dont eat foods that are processed.

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The Eskimos are some of the healthiest people on earth

Also, consider the Pacific Islanders. They are known to feed on coconut
fat, which is 90% saturated fat. They do not have any diseases, simply
because they dont touch foods that are processed.

If you were to do research, you will find many countries eat differently.
Each country feeds on a certain level of fats, proteins, and
carbohydrates. There is one common element with them and that is
they dont touch refined or processed foods. No person on this planet
was created to eat refined and processed foods.

If you take a close look at medical history, you will learn that heart
disease, stroke, diabetes, and many other diseases did not start until
after foods began to appear that were refined and processed. In other
words, when food manufacturers began to deliver refined flour, refined
sugar, and
refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils, it is when people started getting
such diseases, or at least these diseases became more rampant than

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So does it matter what you eat? Yes, it does. In fact, your life and your
body size depends on it. Keep in mind you are what you eat. Keep reading
and you'll find out how your body responds to the foods you feed it.

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3.0 You Are What You Eat

I remember someone telling me years ago that you are what you eat. I
wasnt sure what to make of his statement at the time, so I just let it go.
For a long time all I ate was a mixture of junk food and good food. Well, at
the time I didnt know it was junk food until later. I loved fried chicken. I
loved southern food and soul food. I ate it constantly. My weight kept going

I started to also notice people around me. I saw many people that were
obese. I thought to myself what caused them to get that big and why. I did
not want to end up being 400 pounds so I began to study food and
nutrition. I studied nutrition extensively. I mean I would read almost every
book I could get my hands on and even started interviewing people that
looked healthy and slim. I began to learn what was good and bad food. I
read lots of articles from nutritionist and other health experts.
It took a few years but I started to understand the difference between good
and bad food. I also began to understand why people become overweight.

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One day I went to my doctor for a regular check up. I found my cholesterol
level was too high (the bad one). I was told to change my diet. I did. I
stopped eating fried foods and other kinds of foods that were bad for me. I
did this for about a year. I went back to the doctor and found my cholesterol
went back to normal range. I also felt so much better.
It was after this period I began to realize what healthy eating meant. I also
started to educate people on the proper way to eat.
If you feed your body a lot of processed foods, you are going to see it in the

Not only will you gain weight, especially in the waist area, but you will also
find that your chemical balance in your body will be knocked out of whack.
If you want a healthy body with a lean belly, you will need to learn how to
eat fat burning foods. You cant just go around eating foods that are
unhealthy consistently without paying the price. It takes knowledge of which
foods actually burn fat and are healthy and good for you to be healthy and

If you wish to have a healthy, thin body, you must stay away from junk food
and eat the right foods. The type of bad foods as well as the good foods will
be discussed later.
For now, just realize that if you want to be healthy and thin, you must focus
on learning what foods you love that actually burn body fat and are healthy
for you so that you can simply replace the foods that are making you fat for
other delicious foods you love, making it easy to live a healthy lifestyle.

Thats why this program has been so successful because everyone hates
dieting and eventually gives up. Its only human nature to stop doing
something that is painful for you or that you dont enjoy. By learning what
foods you love that help you burn fat you can easily incorporate this
program for the rest of your life because youll be eating delicious foods
you love and still lose weight. How great is that?

If you eat any other way, you will keep gaining weight. If you are
overweight, read on to find out how you got that way and what you can do
to reverse this process.

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4.0 How You Got This Way

To start with, anything you do starts in your mind. This is where your
thinking process starts. Whatever you do begins here. So if you take a step
back and look at your life now, you will probably recall when your weight
problems actually started.

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For many people, the weight process began when they took on more junk
food than they wished to. They liked certain foods and so they kept eating
them. The result was obvious.

I do not know your reasoning, but perhaps you fell for the lies and
deceptions that the food industry has been feeding us for so long.

Some of it could be mental as well. Perhaps you have some deep-seated
emotions you hate to face so you eat over them. Youll be surprised how
many people go to counseling, join a 12-step program, or seek a
psychologist just to get help from their food addictions.

Im not saying this is your position. I just want you to be aware that there is
a problem here and it does exist. More importantly, I want you to be aware
of the fact that you got overweight because of steps you took or because
you simply were not educated on what foods actually are healthy for you
and put your body into fat burning mode instead of fat storing mode.

Even if you dont have any mental reasons for overeating, you still have
reasons for why you gained so much weight. To learn why you gained
weight, read on. You may just discover some of the root causes of why you
became overweight. It may just be an eye-opener.

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5.0 This Is Why You Are Fat

If you take a close look at all the products made by food manufacturers
today, you wonder how any of us are alive today. All the junk food that is
made is totally outrageous. All you have to do is look at the food shelf and
see what I mean. You see salted pretzels, potato chips, cakes, cookies,
and what not.

Is it any wonder our society has such a problem with obesity? After all, the
food industry doesnt care. All they want to do is make profits.

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The Food Industry just wants your money

So why are you overweight?
Maybe you work full-time and you just dont have the time to cook. So you
buy already made dinners that are processed or use refined ingredients
that give it shelf life.

One big reason, based on research, is your metabolism. Some people can
eat huge amounts and not gain an ounce, while some can simply smell the
good food and gain a pound. This is because of the persons metabolism.

If you are unsure what I am referring to, think in terms of a car engine. If
your engine is running at idle speed, it is burning an even amount of gas.
The burning will be slow and steady. But the minute you step on the gas,
the engine is fed a lot more gas to allow for more burning of fuel.

Your body does the same thing. The time your body is at rest is your basal
metabolic rate (BMR). Some people have a fast BMR while others have a
slow one. And this is all due to the foods you eat because some foods
actually increase your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning
machine and other foods slow down your metabolism and put it into fat
storing mode. Those who have a fast BMR are able to burn a lot of calories

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right away. This is why they never gain weight. For those with slow BMR,
well you can probably see the results in your mirror.

If you eat a lot of hydrogenated or saturated fats, along with foods that
contain trans fats, you will find your body, especially your belly area, getting
bigger. These fats are not burned up like unsaturated fats. They get stored
in the body since the body does not know what to do with them.

Your body stores certain foods as fat
Therefore, knowing what to eat is the most important. Learn more as to
why most people have become overweight due to a major issue that's
happening right now that you must be aware of. Keep reading

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6.0 Its Not Your Fault

The reason most people are overweight is not necessarily because of what
they did. Although, they did put weight on by what they ate, but the fault
really goes to the food industry for providing such junk food in the first
If the food industry didnt replace good oils with refined ones, just to speed
up production of the food, there would be no such products on the shelves.
If you think about it, the greed of these food manufacturers and stores has
created such an atmosphere for unhealthy foods. Their advertisements
work on the brain and convince people to buy these chemically-packed
Plus they hire the top scientists in the world to put ingredients in the food to
get you addicted to these foods, just so they can make a ton of money from
Processed foods are your number one enemy because they make it
almost impossible for you to lose fat.

Beware of these foods that are actually making you gain stomach fat.

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Especially many processed foods that clever food companies label the food
as diet or no sugar with artificial sweeteners because the ingredients
they use to replace sugar are actually worse!

These processed foods are as nutritional as toilet paper. Most of them are
mainly made up of sugar because the greedy food corporations know
that to your body sugar is like crack and keeps you craving more and
coming for more.

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Another reason it is not exactly the persons fault for being overweight is
because of the way the body responds to what is eaten. You see, the body
cannot discern the amount of calories you are consuming. Your body will
only gauge the amount of food you eat. The more you put in your mouth,
the more the food will be stored in your body as fat.

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The bottom line is that you have to control not only the kind of foods you
eat, but also the amount of food you eat. The best way to do this is to
ignore what the food industry tells you about the foods you must eat and
dont fall for junk food you find in stores and fast food restaurants.
Ill talk more about what not to eat and what to eat later. But right now, I
want to tell you why its so important you eat the right foods.

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7.0 Why Eating Right Works
If you want to lose that body fat, you need to modify the way you eat. There
is no way around it. You have to change the way you eat. It isnt about
eating junk food or taking diet pills. It is about eating simple.
Think about it like a car. If you want your car to run right, you have to give it
gas. If you dont, your car will sputter and stop running.
Your metabolism works the same way. If you want to lose that excess body
fat and become healthy as well, you need to learn how to feed it fat burning
foods to speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning
machine to be healthy and slim..
Everything you put in your mouth will do something to your body either tell
it to burn fat or tell it to store fat. Your body is a chemical producing
machine. You have cells that multiply and divide.
When you feed your body certain foods, these foods are broken down in
the stomach, and digested. The digested matter is then taken apart and
used by the body for various purposes.

It is for this reason you have to be careful what you put in your mouth. Most
processed junk food does not get used and is stored in the body as fat.

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But if you eat fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and high protein foods, you
are eating foods that will do your body good. These foods are completely
metabolized and used in the body for such purposes as providing energy,
repairing cells, etc., and are not stored as fat!

However, when you eat processed or refined foods, the body does not
know what to do with it. Instead of using it for energy and other useful
things, your body takes the digested matter and stores it as fat.
For example, if you are eating a lot of junk food, you probably find you have
a lot of energy at first but crash a little later. You also notice your clothes
getting tighter.
When you start eating the right foods, within a reasonable time, youll feel
like a million bucks. Youre energy will pick up. Your sex life will take a
dramatic turn upward. Youll feel like youre 21 again!

What a wonderful concept. Just to look in the mirror and see a new you.
That is inspiration enough to warrant eating right. And what is great about
eating right is that when you do, you can actually turn your body into a fat
burning machine. Want to know how to do this? Keep reading

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8.0 Your Body Is A Fat Burning Machine
Before I go into how you can turn your body into a fat burning machine, I
would like to address more fully how your body handles the foods you eat.
This way you will have a better understanding as to why foods do what they
When you eat, there are processes that begin at digestion. Certain
hormones kick in and direct the body to use what you ate in certain ways.
The one hormone our body uses most frequently is insulin.
When people hear the word insulin, they automatically think of diabetes
and sugar problems. This is not always the case. Insulin is an anabolic
hormone that takes the nutrients from the foods we eat and transfers them
into our muscle cells.
If we were inside our bodies, we would see a complex machine at work,
doing wonders that we would never comprehend. For instance, when we
eat carbohydrates, our system breaks them down and sends some of the
nutrients to our bloodstream, thereby raising our blood sugar level.
Then the pancreas secretes insulin to remove the excess sugar that is
inserted into the blood and converts that excess sugar into fat, muscle
glycogen, or liver glycogen. If your muscle or liver glycogen levels are
already full, the excess blood sugar will be stored as fat.
If during this period, you have a good workout, your body will take the
excess sugar that was stored as fat and transfer it to the muscle glycogen
to be used for your muscle cells.
If you eat protein along with foods that contain fiber, this can slow or speed
up digestion. It depends on the amount of protein and fiber, along with
other fats you consume. The more protein, fiber, and fats you consume
along with the carbohydrates, the slower the carbohydrates will be
digested. This will raise your blood sugar level slower, which in turn will
make it also steadier. As such, the release of insulin will be steadier.
If you ever ate strictly carbohydrates, and afterward you had a boost of
energy only to crash later, this means your carbohydrates were digested
quickly. Foods that are refined with fiber removed can be digested faster.
Any time such foods such as white bread, low fiber cereals, candy, and
other high sugar foods, are eaten, it will cause a boost of energy, followed
by a crash. It is for this reason that people who live on such a diet are
constantly eating. They need to get that boost again and again. The result
is stored body fat.

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Other foods that have been known to raise the blood sugar quickly include
white rice, sugars (except fructose), ice cream, candy, and cakes. Any
carbohydrates that have been refined and that contain no fiber can be
included in the above list.

On the other hand, foods that are slow to digest and therefore do not raise
the blood sugar level quickly include, most fruits and vegetables, sweet
potatoes, barley, beans, and most other high fiber carbohydrates.
When you go after any kind of carbohydrate, make sure there is at least 1.5
to 2 grams of fiber for every 10 grams of carbohydrates. The best food
sources for fiber would be, fruits, vegetables, sweet potatoes, and beans.
Now that you understand how the body uses what you eat, lets go over
how you can turn your body into a fat burning machine.
The main thing you need to do is eat 4-6 meals a day. It is okay to increase
the volume of food you eat, as long as you are eating fat burning foods.
Also, drink plenty of water during the day. This helps to flush out the
system and get rid of impurities.
If you have a salad, spread almond butter or hummus on the veggies
instead of salad dressing.
I will go into detail about these food items later in this program . This way
you will know why certain foods are preferred over others.

Your main consideration is to control your insulin levels and watch your fat
intake. When you keep your insulin levels down, by eating fat burning foods
you increase your metabolism and put it into fat burning mode.

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The right foods put your body into fat-burning mode

Plus, as you consume omega 3 fats from fish and grass fed animals, you
will find they will work inside your body to burn any fat you have stored. The
omega 3 fats do this by interacting with cell receptors called PPARs*, which
turn on fat burning genes.

Think about that for a second. You do have fat burning genes in your body.
You just need to activate them. Youll be amazed as to what your body is
capable of when you feed it the proper nutrients it needs. For every nutrient
you take in, will work your body chemistry for good. You will not only see
the results, but you will also feel the results.

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The next time you are tempted to put a donut or salted pretzel in your
mouth, look at your body and picture what it will look like after you have
eaten it.

Once you come to the realization that eating such foods will do your body
so much harm you can train yourself to stop eating these foods that are
making you fat and are jeopardizing your health.
Let your body work in your favor. Do the right things and your body will
reward you for it.
By the way, if you really want to lose weight fast, there is a secret weight
loss drink, which many dieters dont even know about. This has been used
in China for over 500 years and is one of the main reasons people from
China stay slim. The drink is Chinese Tea. Chinese Tea as you will learn
later in this book is a powerful weight loss drink that will guarantee to help
you lose weight faster.

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Besides drinking this tea for weight loss, here are 7 easy steps you can use
to lose the FAT FAST. And all you do is let your fat-burning machine do it
for you. All you are doing is assisting it.

1. Drink plenty of cold water:

You may already drink cold water. What you dont know is that cold water
makes your body burn fat in order to warm the cold water you just drank.
Plus, water removes impurities from the body and helps flush the fats from
cells. If you really want to lose the weight fast, drink plenty of water. It is
free and does your body a whole lot of good.

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2. Kill the cravings by eating lots of protein:

This is one point that many nutritionist stand by. If you eat plenty of protein
like nuts, fish, chicken, peanut butter, along with raw veggies and water,
you wont have the hungry cravings.

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3. Limit your sweets:

Instead of going after cakes, cookies, or candy, it would be better to eat
bittersweet 70% chocolate bars. These bars contain very little sugar and
have antioxidants. You can also eat nuts or yogurt topped with raw honey.

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4. Eat fruits and vegetables:

If you ever wanted to be in the position where you didnt have to count
calories again, let your fat-burning machine do the job for you. All you have
to do is eat a lot of vegetables and fruits everyday and you wont have to
worry about counting calories again.

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5. Eat fat burning foods
These foods put your body into fat burning mode and increase your
metabolism so that you start losing weight automatically until you fit into the
clothes youve always wanted to wear.

6. Stop drinking sodas or sugary drinks:
I will explain more about this later in this program. For now, just realize that
carbonation can cause your stomach to bloat giving you excess weight to
hold. Plus, even when you drink diet sodas you are consuming artificial
sweeteners, which you will soon see are very bad for you. You are in
essence, drinking non-nutritional liquids. Go for this tea, water, or freshly
squeezed fruit juice instead.

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7. Grab Vitamin C and Calcium:

You may not be aware of this, but Vitamin C is not only good for helping
you when you are sick, it also helps in burning fat. Grab an orange,
grapefruit, grapes, or a banana. Also, calcium has been known to induce
fat burning.

If you stick with what you learn in this section, you will notice your weight
drop. You even may be able to see your stomach for a change. And you
will feel great too.

* PPAR(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors) are nuclear receptor
proteins that regulate genes. They control cell development and cell
changes. They also have something to do with regulating the metabolism
as it pertains to carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

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9.0 What To Expect
If you are on a mission to lose weight, congratulations. You will find your
results will be well worth the time and effort you are putting into this

Once you start eating fat burning foods, within a day or two you will begin
to feel different.

You may at first still have cravings for junk food. This is normal. This is
because your body is going through junk food withdrawals and your body is
addicted to all these bad foods because the food companies have
purposely put ingredients that get you addicted to their foods so you keep
wanting more and more because thats how they make more money. But
this withdrawal process will only last for about two or three weeks. The key
here is to stick with eating only fat burning foods through this withdrawal
period and after that it will be super easy and you wont want the bad foods
anymore. That's all it takes a little will power for just a few weeks and you
will make the biggest positive change you can do for your health for the rest
of your life to be healthy and slim!

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After about two to three weeks, your body metabolism will become stable
and you will start feeling like a new person. You will even begin noticing
your clothes getting bigger. They may start to sag a little. There is no doubt
you will see the results of your weight loss not only in the way your clothes
fit, but also on the scale.

You will see results within a few weeks!

The biggest hurdle for people, is going through the initial withdrawal stage.
The feelings and effects of your changes will be noticeable at first and
might be hard to bear, but it is at this time you must cope with it, knowing
that when you do, your body will take on a new shape, look, and you will
feel like a million bucks in just a few weeks, and making this small sacrifice
for only a couple of weeks will be one of the most impactful things you ever
did in your life to be healthy, slim and full of energy for the rest of your life.
Its a small price to pay for a lifetime of health.

The thought of getting your new body will bring a warm feeling to you at
first, but as you find yourself going through the temporary trials and
tribulations of body withdrawals, you may feel down and skeptical about
going forward. When this happens, stick with it, this is the single most
important rule in this program, follow this simple rule and you are
guaranteed success!

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10.0 The Dark Side Of The Food Industry

Every time you go to the store, you might shop for the best foods at the
lowest prices possible; you may also consider the time involved in cooking
your own meals. You might be a working person or live a busy life. If you
are, you may feel that you really don't have time to cook, so many people
end up buying ready-made stuff like TV dinners and other packaged foods.

This may seem very convenient since you dont have to spend time making
it. Just throw it in the microwave or just open the package and you have a
ready-to-eat meal. But is this practical? From a logical point of view, it may
be, but from a nutritional point of view, it isnt. But this is how the food
industry works.

When you go to the store, most of what you see on the shelves is
processed foods. Food manufacturers include artificial ingredients in their
products to not only give their prepared food shelf life, but also to get you
addicted to their products so that you keep on buying more because the
more you buy the more money they make.

What you dont realize about these products is that they are so loaded with
preservatives, artificial ingredients, and other chemicals, you wonder why
people die of cancer, heart disease, and other ailments each year.

Once you understand what the foods contain, and what those chemicals do
while inside the body, you can appreciate the reason for knowing how to
eat right for the health of you and your family.
Nearly every product that is placed on the shelves is made with ingredients
that are bad for your health. If you actually take the time and read the
ingredients, you would read a long list that included words that dont make
sense. These words are the name of the chemicals that are added to the
food items.

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Most processed foods contain ingredients that are putting your body into fat storing mode

You must realize that the food industry is in place to make money. That is
their main concern. They have a manufacturing facility where they make
the products in huge vats. Each machine holds something that goes into
the food being made. The faster and cheaper they make the products, the
sooner it can get into stores. And the sooner it can hit the store shelves, the
faster people will buy it, and the more profits they make.

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They think very little about the nutritional value of foods. Even if the FDA
comes down on companies for making foods unsafe for humans, the
company just makes one or two corrections to the label to make you think
they changed the way they processed their products. It is really all a scam.
The food industry corrupts our health for profits.
I remember taking a trip to a food factory once. When I saw how they made
the food being sold in stores, I realized why people get sick and even die
from eating this factory made junk.
It wasnt until years later I learned that most food manufacturers create
their food items the exact same way. So when you go buy food items in the
store, all you are getting is a ton of artificially man made junk with little or
no nutrition value.
It really is simply learning the truth about what you are eating and making
changes. Ready for a change? Keep reading

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11.0 The Truth About Your Food
The truth is much of your food is poison. I know this may sound harsh, but
it is. If you buy ready-made food items, most of it is prepared ahead of time
with so much junk and chemicals, mainly to preserve it, that you wonder
what you are feeding your body.
By eating processed foods, you are literally killing yourself. You are storing
up a lot of fat, and raising your cholesterol at the same time. You are
throwing your hormones out of balance. Every time you eat any kind of
processed food item, you are taking one step further in the grave.

Whenever you eat processed foods you are taking one step further into the grave

In this section, I will provide a breakdown of many foods that are eaten on a
daily basis and give you the lowdown as to whether they are good or bad.
One of the biggest foods you will eat, which is in everything you buy, is fat.
There are different kinds of fats used in the preparation of foods.
To best serve your purpose, it would be a good idea for you to learn about
the different fats found in food. Once you know the good fats from the bad
fats, you will have a better understanding why foods are prepared the way
they are, and what you can do to protect yourself from eating incorrectly.
To start with, here is a list of the most common fats found in food:

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These are considered the good fats. You can find these fats in nuts,
avocados, olives, peanut, and canola oils.


These fats include the omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for good health.
They are found in plant oils such as safflower, sunflower, corn, flaxseed
and canola oils, as well as in seafood.

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Essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid which happen to
also be in polyunsaturated fats, are necessary for the creation of cell walls
and hormones in the body.


These are bad fats which are found mostly in dairy products. You will find
these fats in, cheese, butter, and other dairy products.

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Trans Fat:

This type of bad fat is formed when unsaturated vegetable oils are
hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) to form solid, more stable fats,
which make them artificial. Trans-fats include margarine and shortening
and are contained in nearly every food item including french fries, crackers,
cookies, doughnuts, frozen pie crusts, and deep-fried foods.

Eating foods that contain the right fats is very important. Polyunsaturated
fats are vital for good health. Unfortunately, the food industry alters these
fats to make them unwholesome. However, if you eat the foods I listed
above, you will get the good fats.
Trans fats are a BIG no-no. They are artificially made as you read above.
These are bad fats and you need to stay away from them.
So you have a better understanding of fats contained in foods. Now I will
present to you other foods that are great to eat and are healthy for you.

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Chinese Tea

If you really want to lose weight fast, drinking Chinese tea is one of the best
ways to do it.
Chinese tea contains substances called catechins and polyphenols. These
two substances work in the body to force the body to release fat that is
Chinese Tea contains caffeine. If you can tolerate caffeine, you really stand
a good chance of losing weight if you consume Chinese tea. Why?

Chinese tea stimulates thermogenesis (this is a process of where fat is
converted to heat). When the conversion process is completed, the heat is
burned off or dissipated through the skin or out of the body in other ways.
This is how your weight loss occurs.
To think of it from a non-technical way, the tea helps by shifting your
metabolism in such a way that you burn off more calories. Your body uses
fewer carbohydrates for energy and more fat. Also, the tea helps to slow
carbohydrate digestion. When carbohydrate digestion slows, your body
ends up storing less glucose as body fat.

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Oh, by the way, in case you are not aware of it, caffeine has been known in
scientific studies to help in the fat burning process.
If you drink coffee, you will not even notice the difference when drinking tea
because the amount of caffeine in tea is of much smaller dosage than
While you are losing weight, try to drink at least three glasses of Chinese
tea a day. If it is summer, drink it cold. But drink it all before 6 PM otherwise
the tea may keep you awake at night.
Plus, there is one thing about Chinese tea you may not know. The reason
most Chinese women stay thin is because they drink this tea daily. In fact,
it is an ancient 400 year old secret, or at least it was.
Try some and see if you dont find yourself losing weight fast youll be

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One ingredient that nutritionists say that helps people lose weight is
capsaicin. This is an active compound and is found in chili and cayenne

This compound causes an increase in your metabolic rate. When this
happens, your body burns calories. This in turn forces your body to burn
fat. So if you can stand to eat something spicy, you may want to try some
chili and cayenne peppers.

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Estrogenic Compounds

If you are having trouble getting rid of your belly fat, I have news for you.
There are compounds that are causing your body to store this excess fat.
These compounds are known as estrogenic compounds.
These compounds have been proven dangerous for men and women. For
women, these compounds can affect your estrogen and progesterone
balance, which in turn causes metabolic issues. The result is excess belly

When it comes to men, having excess estrogenic compounds can cause
accumulation of stomach fat. It can also lead to cancer and other diseases,
as well as stubborn fat that just wont go away.

So what causes the overload of estrogenic compounds to form? Believe it
or not, the culprit is soy. The food industry actively promotes soy as a
health food, saying how healthier your body would be if you consumed it

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This is an outright lie. Soy is not a health food and never was. Dont let the
food industry fool you. The people who claim that soy is good for you are
the soy makers.

Soy happens to have the highest amount of pesticides of any product that
comes from a farm. Soy is also a high source of phyto-estrogens.
The fact is simple. If you consume a lot of soy, you will find just how quickly
you will suffer from hormonal imbalances.

If you are having trouble getting rid of your belly fat, I have good news for
you. Here are some vegetables that actually put your body into fat-burning
mode and help you burn body fat:


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Brussels sprouts

Why are these vegetables good for fat loss? Because they contain indoles,
which inhibit estrogenic compounds from forming.

Besides vegetables, you may want to include raw nuts, seeds, avocados,
fish oil, krill oil, and dairy from animals that were grass-fed.

You may also want to consume garlic, onions, raw honey, citrus fruits,
chamomile, and passionflower. The reason is because they contain
flavones and flavonones, which also fight estrogenic compounds.

Junk Food
You will be surprised how many people claim they want to lose weight but
wont stop eating the junk food to do it. If you really want to see the weight
come off fast, lay off the chips, soda, and chocolate for a few weeks and
you will be surprised how much weight you lose

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12.0 What Foods to Eat

If you really want to jump start your fat loss, there are steps you will need to
take. The first step is to know what foods actually make your body burn fat
and what foods put your body into fat storing mode making you gain

If you really want to jump start your fat loss, and lose the most amount of
weight within the first 10 days, the best way to get started is to do a detox
to cleanse your body from junk foods and waste that may be stored in your
body. This will really expedite the process as you cleanse your body and
then start eating fat burning foods that are healthy for you.

Before going into a list of the bad foods, here is a list of the good foods. By
the way, when you read the following list of foods, you will be surprised and
shocked as to what foods you can eat to lose weight and be healthy.

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Many Types Of Meats

Certain types of grass-fed meats, such as chicken, turkey and lean steaks

If you've been avoiding the grill with delicious steaks and certain meats,
you may not have even realized that you could be sabotaging all your fat
loss efforts.

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Here's why...
Did you know that there are certain types of grass-fed meats, which
contain a unique type of healthy fat called CLA that can help your body
burn belly fat?

CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids) are a family of 28 isomers of linoleic acid
found especially in grass fed meats.
In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study published in the
December 2000 issue of the Journal of Nutrition found that CLA reduces
fat and helps you build lean muscle tissue.

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There has been over 30 clinical studies have been published investigating
the effect of CLA on weight management, and findings also suggest that
some of the other benefits of CLA include the following:

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Increases Metabolism -- This is obviously a positive benefit for losing

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Decreases abdominal fat -- So that you can get that flat stomach and fit
into those jeans you've been hiding in your closet.

Lowers insulin resistance -- Making it easy to lose and keep the weight

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Enhances muscle growth -- It's a known fact that Muscle burns fat, which
is useful in getting that toned sexy body you've always wanted.

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Whole Eggs
Whole eggs including the yolk are also rich in CLA, and it has been shown
that CLA in eggs survives the temperatures encountered during frying.
That means eggs are a great fat burning food and most people are not
aware of this.

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Peanut Butter

Research has shown that snacking on peanut butter is an effective way to
control hunger without weight gain.


Because peanut butter is tops for giving us a feeling of fullness.
A Purdue University study published in the International Journal of Obesity
showed subjects who snacked on peanuts and peanut butter were shown
to self-adjust their caloric intake spontaneously and did not add extra
calories to their daily diets.
After participants consumed the snack of peanuts or peanut butter, their
hunger was reduced for two and a half hours!

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Flax Seed
Flax, hemp, pine nuts, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower
Seeds are good for you because they contain potassium, sodium, Vitamin
B, Vitamin E, and minerals.

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Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, coconut, hazelnuts, pecans,
pistachios, and walnuts

Nuts contain unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fat. As you
already know, this is the good fat. Nuts also contain protein, which satisfies
cravings for more food. Nuts contain potassium, magnesium, iron,
phosphorous, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, copper, calcium and thiamin. They
also contain vitamin B1, oleic acid, fiber, and vitamin A. Nuts are essential
for energy, protein metabolism, and the synthesis of red blood cells.

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Apples, Oranges, Pears, and Grapes

Apples, apricot, amla berries, avocado, banana, bilberries, blackberries,
blackcurrants, blueberries, cherries, camu camu berries, cranberries,
currants, damsons, dates, elderberry, figs, goji berries, golden inca berries,
gooseberries, grapefruits, grapes, raisins, greengages, guava, kiwifruit,
kumquats, lemon, lime, loganberries, loquats, lychees, mandarin, mango,
melon, mulberries, nashi pears, nectarines, oranges, papaya, passion fruit,
peach, pear, persimmon, pineapples, plantain, plum, pomegranate, prune,
quince, raspberries, rhubarb, redcurrants, strawberries, tamarind,
tangerine, and watermelon.

Fruits are good for you because they contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, copper,
calcium, fiber, and iron. Fruit helps repair oxygen-damaged cells, help
regulate the blood, and prevent cancer.

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Various Vegetables
Artichoke, asparagus, aubergines, avocado, beet greens, beetroot,
broccoli, sprouted broccoli seeds, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots,
chicory, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, courgettes, cress, cucumber,
dandelion greens, endives, fennel, globe artichokes, horseradish,
Jerusalem artichokes, kale, lambs lettuce, leeks, lettuce, mangetout,
marrow, mushrooms, mustard greens, olives, onions, parsnips, peas,
peppers, radish, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, and

Vegetables help burn fat, and keep the bad cholesterol down. Vegetables
have also been known to fight cancer. Those who eat lots of vegetables
have found a less occurrence of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. You
end up getting a full range of vitamins including A, B, C, and K, along with a
host of minerals.

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Mixed Bean Sprouts
Alfalfa, chickpea, clover, lentil, mung bean, quinoa, and sunflower seed
Sprouts contain a heavy dose of Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune
system, fights bacteria, and helps in repairing damaged cells.


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Many types of Beans
Aduki, black, butter, chickpeas, green, haricot, kidney, lentils, mung, pinto,
runner, soya, and string
Beans are known to lower the risk of heart disease and strokes. They help
prevent cancer. Beans contain all the B vitamins, along with potassium and
fiber. These vitamins and minerals alone promote digestive health, and can
prevent colon cancer.


Sea Vegetables

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Arame, dulse, hijiki, kelp, kombu, nori, wakame
Sea vegetables are an excellent source of iodine, folic acid, vitamin K,
folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. In
addition, sea vegetables contain good amounts of lignans, plant
compounds with cancer-protective properties. Iodine is used to regulate the
bodys metabolism. They are also great at removing fat from cells.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar, brown sugar vinegar, miso, mustard, sauerkraut,
tamari, umeboshi plum sauce

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Herbs and Spices

Agar, aniseed, basil, bay leaves, borage, cayenne, chives, cinnamon,
dandelion, dill, garlic, ginger, ginseng, licorice, mint, mustard seeds,
nutmeg, oregano, parsley, rosemary, saffron, sage, thyme, turmeric, and
vanilla pods
Herbs have been known to relieve spasms, relieve pain, overcome
constipation, overcome nervousness, help headaches disappear, get rid of
colds, increase blood flow, and clean out the body of toxins. Many herbs
and spices have been known as miracle or magic foods.


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Carp Fish
Carp, cod, flounder, haddock, halibut, herrings, lemon sole, mackerel,
monkfish, pilchards, Pollack, red mullet, salmon, sardines, sea bass, sea
bream, snapper, trout, whitebait, and whiting

Fish is a good source of protein and is low in saturated fat and calories.
Some fish contains omega-3 fatty acids which help to prevent the blood
from clotting so easily. Just be careful eating fish as some contain mercury.
The best fish to eat that does not have mercury would be shrimp, salmon,
Pollock, canned light tuna, and catfish. Albacore or white tuna that has
been farm grown has too much mercury.

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Chicken and turkey

Believe it or not, meat is good for you, as long as you stay with lean meat.
If you too much fat, that is not good. Stay with the lean and youll do good.
Meat contains protein and essential amino acids.

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Acai Berry

Acai berry, aloe vera, barley grass, beans, blueberries, blue green algae,
broccoli, cacao, goji berries, kudzu, oats, oranges, pumpkin, salmon,
spinach, spirulina, tea, tomatoes, turkey, walnuts, wheatgrass, yogurt
Superfoods are labeled this way because of the magic they contain.

The top superfood of all time is acai berry
Acai berry is known as the top superfood because of all the health benefits
it provides. The acai berry has been known to have healing power. When
farmers harvest the berry, they freeze it, thereby retaining all nutrients. You
can recognize it for its deep purple color. I will cover acai berries in more
detail later.

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Other superfoods include tomatoes.

Tomatoes are low in calories, high in fiber, and high in potassium. They are
also a source of beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and various polyphenols.
They contain small amounts of B vitamins (thiamine, pantothenic acid,
vitamin B6, and niacin), as well as folate, vitamin E, magnesium,
manganese, and zinc.

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Bluberries contain vitamins C and E. Blueberries help with cell mutation.
They also help the cells communicate correctly. The list is endless. When
you consume the superfoods, you are giving your body an extra boost of
health and vitality, not to mention having ingredients and minerals that will
fight against weight gain.
Believe it or not, one trick you can do will boost your energy level and give
you such stamina. This trick involves eating one type of food. Do you know
what this is? It is dark chocolate.

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Yes, dark chocolate, especially that which contains caffeine, will give you
an endorphin buzz. Try it sometime, and youll see what I mean.
Now that you have a better understanding of the foods you need to eat and
why eat them, you may be wondering why people still go after the wrong
foods. You will learn more as you read on.

13.0 Why We Eat The Wrong Foods
You are probably wondering with all the talk in the previous section about
the good foods we need to eat, why are people buying and eating wrong
One of the reasons why Americans eat the wrong foods is based on
several factors. The person will claim right off that he/she is hungry. Well, if
you dig deeper than that you may find various reasons for why people eat
the wrong foods.
For one thing, people have developed the habit over the years of eating the
wrong foods. They have been told it is okay to eat things such as milk,
whole wheat, and other foods you were told were healthy but are actually

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making you fat. Other reasons include the availability of food. Food is there
to pick up. It is there to buy when we want it. It is convenient. Instead of
looking for the good foods to eat, which may take time to prepare, people
go after the quick meal. They may want to satisfy their cravings right away
so they stop by a McDonalds to grab a value meal. People often just go for
food because they have a craving for something because we are addicted
to certain foods. The problem occurs when they get the food. It turns out to
be loaded with refined sugars and foods that are processed.
Not good choices, because these foods make your body release insulin
and puts your body into fat storing mode.

At times, it is simply because they choose to eat over their emotions. I
spoke about this in an earlier section so I wont cover it extensively now. Ill
just say that emotion does play a big part as to why people eat.
Some people eat because they socialize with others and the most common
requirement to socialize is to share a meal together.
The problem with all the above reasons is that when the food is picked, no
one stops to think about what foods to buy. They go for convenience and
price. Most people live busy lives, as such; they know time is a major
factor. So what they do is go for foods that are already prepared, not
realizing that they are buying foods that the body will end up storing as fat.
This is why many of these people develop obesity or have health problems
early in life. There is a way this behavior and pattern can be stopped. It
starts with behavior medication. This is the first step, but as for the body,
you can reverse what you have been doing to your body by simply cleaning
out your system so you can get rid of years of food abuse.
How can you do this? By starting with a colon cleanse. Read on to find out
how this can be done.

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14.0 Start With A Colon Cleanse
Before going over how to do a colon cleanse, lets look into how to detox
your body.

If you are not familiar with detoxing, it is a way to clear your system of
impurities, waste, and toxins so you feel better. Any pollution, both indoor
pollutants and outside toxins, and pounds of build up are removed from
your body.

Detoxing your body can be done by way of juicing. Drinking juices can help
since you are not adding to the problem of spreading toxins in your body.
Plus, you get to nourish your body while detoxing.

When you research fruits and vegetables for detoxification purposes, you
will find there are many fruits and vegetables that can be used.
Green vegetables, in particular, contain chlorophyll which has a cleansing
and healing effect on the digestive tract and liver.

When you do a colon cleanse, you are in fact cleaning out the colon. It is
important to have a clean colon. For one thing, having a clean colon will
reduce your fat intake and thereby bring your weight down. Your energy
levels can increase.

Also, by cleaning out the colon, you will eliminate waste such as fatty
tissue, toxins, mucus, hardened fecal matter, and waste you put into your

Any time you do a colon cleanse, make sure you eat more fiber. Stay away
from red meat and any other non-fiber foods. Do not eat out, and avoid
foods like pepperoni, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, hamburgers, pork, canned
meats, sardines, bologna, and all fast foods.

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Besides avoiding the above list of foods, you must drink plenty of water.
This will help to clean out your system. Whatever you do, dont drink coffee
or sodas. They tend to dehydrate the body.

It would also be a great idea to take digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes
help the digestive system do its job. This is particularly true when you get
older. Our body breaks down, and the digestive enzymes our body
produces naturally decreases when we get older. So adding to digestion
helps our digestion work well.

One of the easiest ways to do a colon cleanse that we have found is to take
a Colon Cleanse Supplement, its an easy way to jump start your fat loss
program and lose the most amount of weight within the first month because
you start by cleansing your system from pounds of unwanted waste. The
average person carries 5-10 pounds of waste in their body. So this is an
easy way to lose those first 10 pounds and jump start your fat loss goals.

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15.0 Foods to NEVER Eat
To help you learn how best to feed your body, here is a list of bad foods to
stay away from.

7.1 Hydrogenated Oil
The first bad foods on the list are the oils we use. The first one is
hydrogenated oil.

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Hydrogenated Oil
Just what is hydrogenated oil? Take a look at the picture above and you
will see what hydrogenated oil looks like.

If you look through history, you will find that oils have always been
hydrogenated. The reason for this is to increase their shelf life. I mentioned
this earlier.

Oils are hydrogenated for stability. This keeps the oil from going rancid too
quickly. It also takes longer to melt in fire. For this reason, you will find that
many cooks use it. The problem with hydrogenation is that the essential
fatty acids (the good stuff) are converted to bad stuff.

So how is hydrogenated oil made? It is through the process of forcing
hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure. There are two examples of oils that
go through this process: Crisco and margarine.

In the mid to late 1990s, scientists began to discover from testing that
working the process of hydrogenation is actually bad for oil because it can
cause lethal heath risks.

When the oil is processed with hydrogen, the essential fatty acids are
converted into trans fat. This is a new type of fatty acid. It is also a very bad
fatty acid.

What can trans fat do to the body? Well, the first thing it does is raise the
bad cholesterol level up. This is also known as the LDL. The good
cholesterol or HDL is also lowered at the same time.

And since the body has no idea what this fatty acid is and what to do with it,
the chemical stays in the body and accumulates, thereby creating fat. For
those who partake a lot of trans fat, it will force you to gain weight.
Those who consume a lot of foods that contain trans fat have been known
to develop diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

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7.2 Refined Oils

There are many oils used in cooking that have been refined. Instead of
discussing each one separately, I will present them as a group under
refined oils. I will also explain why these oils are considered refined.

Olive Oil

In the picture above is an example of what olive oil looks like. The oils in
question include vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, olive oil,
and safflower oil.

I know you must have been told how great soybean oil is. And you probably
used vegetable oil for as long as you can remember. If so, take heed for
these oils are not good for your health.

The oils spoken of in this section are not good because they go through a
refinement process. Even if you spot these types of oils, keep in mind they
are refined, despite what is written on the label.

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What the refinement process does is change the composition of the oil. The
entire process includes solvent extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing. This
refinement process eventually destroys the natural structure of the fats.

The antioxidants are also destroyed. By destroying these vital nutrients, it
creates free radicals. If you are not familiar with free radicals, lets just say
they are cells in the body that attack and destroy good cells.
The result is bad for your body because you are consuming something that
has gone through so many changes that by the time you get it home, you
are consuming nothing but junk.

NOTE: The best oils to use are extra virgin olive oil, palm, and coconut oils.
They are healthier for you. I know I said olive oil is not good for you. That is
straight refined olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is made different from regular
olive oil.

To make olive oil, the olive is crushed and pressed. Any time you crush and
press a piece of fruit or vegetable, juice comes from it. This allows the
antioxidants to stay in the juice. Not only does extra virgin olive oil contain
antioxidants, it also contains monounsaturated fats. And you already know
that this fat is good for you.

Coconut oil has been around for many years. Studies have shown that
those who have consumed coconut meat and oil were found to be very
healthy. The reason coconut oil was abandoned by food manufacturers
were because of the scare concerning hydrogenated polyunsaturated oils.
Ill be covering polyunsaturated oils later.

Lets just say without going into a lot of technical stuff, coconut oil contains
ingredients that work on the body and that stimulate the burning of fat,
while oils such as vegetable oil store the fat in the body.

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7.3 Fried foods
Besides oils, there are also foods that are bad for you and can have a
direct correlation to the oils used in preparing these types of foods.

Fried Chicken and French Fries
Any time you eat foods that are fried you are taking a big chance. Heres
the reason why.
When you buy foods such as tortilla chips, potato chips, French fries, fried
chicken, donuts, and chicken nuggets, you are feeding into your body oils
that have been hydrogenated and refined.
With foods that are prepared using hydrogenated or refined oils, you are
running the risk of developing heart disease and possibly diabetes. You will
definitely suffer from obesity, as the fatty acids will not dissolve. They will
accumulate in the body.
I know that fried foods taste good. It is not only the oil used, but many
cooks also add artificial chemicals to give the food extra flavor.

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Lets face facts. By eating fried foods, you are putting in your body
chemicals, particularly trans fat that will simply clog up your arteries and
cause heart disease.

7.4 Olestra
You may not have heard of this, but Olestra is considered a fat. But it is
more of a fake fat. It is used in non-fat potato chips and other snacks that
are non-fat.

In other words, a food additive makes certain foods taste better. The bad
side effects include abdominal cramping and loose stools.
Doritos was very well known for using Olestra in their chips.

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7.5 Nitrate and Nitrite
Nitrate or sodium nitrate is a white solid that is soluble in water.

It is used in fertilizers, explosives, and in rocket propellant. It has often been
used in making glass and pottery enamel. As for food, sodium nitrate is also
used as a food preservative. Although sodium nitrate has been used for
various reasons as described, it can be found naturally in green leafy
vegetables. Sodium nitrate is not harmful.

If you do decide to eat foods that contain nitrates, drink a glass of orange
juice at the same time. The vitamin C found in orange juice will work to
inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.
As for nitrite, or sodium nitrite, its primary use is as a preservative and color
fixative in meats and fish. It helps keep fish and meat from deteriorating,
while it sits on the shelf. Nitrite also has been used as a food additive. It is
used by the food industry for two reasons. One, is it serves to preserve
food. The second reason is to prevent the growth of Clostridium botlulinum.
This bacteria causes botulism. If you purchase this in stores, you will find it
has been died bright pink.
High usage of nitrite has been known to cause cancer, so the use of it
should be avoided.

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7.7 Soda
Drinking soda is a poor way to get fluids. This is especially true of diet
sodas. More will be covered concerning diet sodas later.

Carbonated Soda
Sodas are full of sugar, unless they are the diet type, in which case, they
are full of artificial sweeteners.
Plus, they also contain caffeine, artificial colors, and flavors. What really
makes drinking sodas bad is that they have no nutritional value. The
reason people drink them is the taste. They taste good.
When considering soda, think about what it contains. Here is a breakdown
of what is in soda:
- Carbonated water: This plain water has been infused with carbon
- Caramel color: This natural additive is used to create color.
- Natural flavors: You will find mainly citrus flavors are used for taste.
- Caffeine: For those who drink coffee, you know what this drug can
do. This is a diuretic and stimulant that can be addictive.
- Phosphoric acid: When this is added to soda, it gives the liquid a
tangy or sour taste. It does this by breaking down the starch to sugar.

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- High-fructose corn syrup: This is deadly because it contains no
nutritional value. Instead, it has lots of calories. For those who
consume it, they end up with heart disease, as this ingredient causes
hardening of the arteries. Ill discuss this more in detail later.
By drinking soda, you are loading up on a lot of sugar and calories. Not
good if you are losing weight. When you drink one can of soda, your
pancreas will produce and release more insulin. This action will take the
sugar out of your bloodstream and place it in your cells for energy. What
will happen next is your insulin level rises. If nothing is done to alter this,
your immune system weakens, eventually causing diabetes. This does not
happen at once. It happens over time. But you need to be aware of it.

By the way, when the sugar is dumped into your cells, it gets stored as fat.
And when more and more sugar is stored in these cells, eventually it
results in weight gain.

Another reason soda is bad when consumed too much of is when the soda
contains caffeine.

Caffeine is a diuretic which can cause you to become dehydrated if you're
not careful. It causes your kidneys to work harder to push the extra liquid
out of your body. Caffeine also reduces the calcium in your body, and
increases your stress level. It causes you to have insomnia and a bout of

It would be better if you reach for a glass of water, fruit juice, or even better
Chinese Diet Tea

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7.8 Refined Sugar
Refined sugar is sugar that has been processed. Processing is when a
substance goes through a purification process. This means impurities and
coarseness have been removed. Refining takes out the sugar (sucrose)
from plant materials. And then whatever unwanted materials are in the
sugar are removed.

Refined Sugar
During the processing, washing, boiling, centrifuging, filtering, and drying
occur. At the end of this process, all nutritional elements are gone. What
remains is 95% sucrose and insignificant materials that have no nutritional
value. What is even worse is that this mixture goes through another
refinement where bleaching with lime and carbon dioxide occurs. After this
process is completed, the material is whitened.
After all processing and refining has been done, the result is table sugar, or
a sweet substance with no nutritional value. It is simply junk food.

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Refined sugar has no nutritional value except it tastes good. It is the
biggest reason for weight gain, especially in women. One reason that
refined sugar is consumed so much is its addictive nature.

The minute you stop eating refined sugar, you will notice your body weight
will go down. You will even feel better.

7.9 Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweetener is exactly what it is. It is made of chemicals that taste
sweet like sugar.

Refined Sugar - Equal
There are various artificial sweeteners available in stores for purchase.
These include Sorbitol, saccharin, aspartame, and sucrolose.
There are several reasons to stay away from artificial sweeteners. I will
cover this subject more fully later in this program. For now, you need to

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know that using artificial sweeteners will make you gain weight by
disrupting your bodys natural hormones.

Using artificial sweeteners have been known to cause the following
Has been known to cause cancer.
Can cause tumors in the brain.
Can damage the kidneys and the liver.

The main reason for weight gain is that artificial sweeteners will mess with
the brain, thereby fooling it into thinking the body is about to consume a
heavy load of calories.

So the brain gets revved up and it revs up the metabolism. Unfortunately,
the calories never come. But the body stays revved up only for a short time.

In the meantime, the chemicals in the artificial sweeteners begin to
accumulate in the body and become fat, as well as doing damage to certain

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16.0 Processed Foods Are Your Enemy

Dr. Gloria Gilbere, N.D., D.A. Hom., PhD., Wholistic Rejuvenist wrote in her
book When Food Becomes Your Enemy:
When food we eat is devoid of enzymes through cooking or processing,
digestion is compromised and the food becomes toxic as it ferments and
decomposes setting too long within our body and eventually being
absorbed as toxic composite. Lack of good digestion stresses the liver and
immune system, causing the breakdown of overall immune defenses, later
manifesting as serious disorders.
Cooking and heating destroys all enzymes, as does food processing
accounting for the increased rate of digestive disorders. If a food is
processed, it has been heated. This processing doesnt take into account
the food additives and preservatives that also may breakdown enzymatic

Just as Dr. Gilbere stated, any time we buy foods that have already been
cooked and treated with chemicals, we are feeding our bodies nothing but
junk. This is not good, for as she pointed out, it stresses the body. The next
step is the development of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and other
diseases and illnesses.

It really does not take much to understand what processed foods can and
will do to you when you consume enough of them. You are in fact, killing
yourself slowly. If you find yourself in the situation where you constantly
buy processed and refined foods, take a break and stop. Force yourself to
stop buying the crap. Instead, go to the vegetable and fruit isle and stock
up on fresh vegetables and fruits. If you do this, you will find just how much
healthier you will be, and you will see those unwanted pounds melt off fast.

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17.0 Sugar Is The Devil

You read the title correctly. Sugar is the devil. I mean refined sugar.
Sucrose is also included in this. Any type of sugar is dangerous to your
health because it can cause many illnesses and diseases in your body
including cancer, diabetes, and excessive weight gain.

There are many types of sugars to avoid. I covered these sugars
extensively in a previous section, so I will not go over them here. What I
would like to talk about is a special type of sugar that I did not mention

This sugar has been called the killer sugar by many nutritionists. I guess
you are wondering what the killer sugar is? The killer sugar I am referring to
is a sugar that is found in a lot of food products. You may not know this, but
this deadly sugar is found in more products than you realize. These
products can include sodas, breakfast syrups, fruit juices, ketchup,
sweetened cereals, cakes, cookies, pasta sources, and so much more.

This sugar I am talking about is high fructose corn syrup. Here are the
facts. High fructose corn syrup is the number one sweetener used by
manufacturers today. The reason is the low cost of getting it.

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What makes high fructose corn syrup deadly is the way the body uses it. It
is not processed in our bodies as other sugars. This sugar gets stored as
fat. Your body cant consume the sugar because it really doesnt know the
chemical breakdown of it. So the sugar does not get digested.

The content of high fructose corn syrup turns into fat and soon gets
circulated throughout the blood stream. Before long, the contents begin
sticking to the walls of the vein and arteries. After a while, the veins and
arteries get clogged causing a lack of blood to reach the heart, creating a
heart attack.

This is what makes high fructose corn syrup so dangerous. If you want to
eat something sweet, buy products that use raw honey, molasses, or
organic maple syrup.

The sweetener to use that is healthy for you and will not cause you to gain
weight is Stevia. Why is Stevia good to use? Stevia is not an artificial
sweetener like Nutra-Sweet. Stevia is a natural non-caloric herb that has
been used for thousands of years. The South American people use it
regularly. They take the herb and dry it into a powder form. When you taste
it, you will find out how sweet it is. Those who have tried it claim Stevia is
much sweeter than sugar.

And up to now, no one has claimed to suffer from side effects. So instead
of using artificial sweeteners that can kill you, use an herb that has been
known to be good and that is all natural.

I covered high fructose corn syrup and the use of Stevia as a replacement,
but keep in mind that any sugar that has been refined and processed is bad
for you. This also includes artificial sweeteners. In fact, these are even
deadlier because the chemicals in the sweeteners have been proven to
cause cancer and other diseases.

If you are a sugar addict and need help with read on and you will learn
about sugar addiction and how to overcome it.

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18.0 You Are A Sugar Addict

Many people are sugar addicts. Just what makes a sugar addict? Primarily,
it is someone who loves to eat anything sweet. If you are a sugar addict,
you better take heed to what I am saying here, for it may save your life.

You may not know this but much of the food you see on shelves today
contained refined sugars and other processed ingredients. Most people eat
as much as 140 pounds of sugar a year and get another 18% of their
calories from consuming white flour. Is it any wonder why we have the
highest obesity rate in history?

What people dont realize is the fix they get from sugar only lasts a few
hours. Then it causes you to crash. The results are very bad to your body.
The problem with sugar addicts is its just like any other addiction you have
to really want to stop destroying your body and have to go through a
withdrawal process to remove the addiction. Youve been working this
behavior for quite some time, so getting you to stop just like that does not
often work. However, what I can do is give you the underlined reasons or
causes of your addictions, and hopefully youll understand it all and make
the decision to stop the addiction.

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If you can treat the causes of your addiction, you will be able to cope with it
much better. Youll be surprised how great you will feel when you give up

The main reason sugar is addictive is because of the sweetness of it. Plus,
it gives you an initial high. The result however, is a crash later. Then you
have to consume more sugar to get that high feeling again. The cycle

You really dont get energy. What you feel most of the time is high blood
sugar. This is a false representation of having energy. All you end up with
is exhausted, anxious, and moody.

When you give up your sugar addiction today, you will lower your risk of
diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart attacks. Plus, your metabolism
would become stable and boost normally, thereby burning all that fat the
sugar placed in the body. The result is a loss of body weight.

If you are serious about losing weight and feeling great, you owe it to
yourself to get off sugar. To help you do this, here is your plan

1. Start your day with a protein, fat, and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients, also
called phytochemicals, are natural bioactive compounds that are found
mainly in fruits and vegetables. Maybe you can grab an apple or carrot,
or have a bowl of berries with your protein and fat. Dont forget to drink
plenty of water throughout the day.
2. Eat three meals a day, along with two snacks. Make sure the snacks
consist of nuts, seeds, vegetables, or fruit. Do everything you can to
stay away from anything sugary.
3. Take L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine is an amino acid. It is used in the body
to synthesize protein, regulate the acid-base balance of the kidney,
provide cellular energy, and many other uses. You will find L-Glutamine
in such foods as beef, chicken, eggs, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach,
parsley, and miso.

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4. Every time you think about sweets, distract yourself by taking a walk or
talking to someone. Keep your mind active for about 10-20 minutes.
This is usually how long the cravings last.
5. Eat a piece of fruit. This is the best way to avoid sugar. Fruit contains
natural sugar that is healthy for you.
6. Drink Chinese Tea. Its been known to help people with sugar cravings
because it suppresses your appetite and increases your metabolism
turning your body into fat burning mode.
7. When you go to the store, have someone with you so when you reach
for sugar products, the person will stop you. Better yet, have someone
shop for you. This way you do not bring the sugar products into the
8. Talk to people about your addiction. Join a support group. Dont try to
deal with it alone. Deal with your emotional issues over sugar by getting
help from someone else, especially someone who overcame the
If you take all these steps, you will find your addiction to sugar will
gradually disappear and you wont crave sugar anymore. Many people
have done this and have been successful.

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19.0 The truth about Milk

Another topic that seems to get a lot of flap is milk and milk fat. We all
drank milk as babies into adulthood. You probably drank milk in school, in
the morning with cereal, and when making your favorite shake. You may
even drink milk now with your cereal. So what is wrong with drinking milk?
Heres the scoop. On one hand, there are cows that are fed growth
hormones to force them to increase milk production. They are also fed
antibiotics to decrease infections. These hormones and antibiotics end up
in the milk they produce.

There are also cows that are grass-fed, but when the milk is taken from
them, it is sent through a process where the milk is pasteurized and
homogenized. This is where the milk is heated and the good fat is broken
up and in some cases removed, keeping the bad fat behind.
Then there are grass-fed cows that when the milk is removed, it is placed in
containers and sold to stores as raw milk.

The problem with certain kinds of milk is the way it is handled. You dont
want to touch milk that has hormones and antibiotics in it. Although it may
contain good fat, the chemicals override it to make this type of milk
dangerous to drink over the long term. You also dont want milk that has
been pasteurized and homogenized. This latter type of milk has all the
good fats stripped from it leaving bad fats behind.

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The best way around this would be to use non-fat milk, organic milk, raw
milk, or other kinds of milk like Almond milk. Almond milk is great because
it has vitamins and minerals, along with calcium.

When you go to the store to purchase milk, read the label carefully. It could
mean your health and your weight.

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20.0 Why Diet Sodas Are Making You Fat

Most people grab a diet soda because they think that it's better for their
health. In their mind, it contains less sugar or zero calories so it wont make
them fat. Nothing could be further from the truth! The artificial sweeteners
added to the soda only add chemicals to your body that do more harm than

A recent study from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San
Antonio, showed research data on soda consumption to the American
Diabetes Association and found that people who drink diet sodas may gain
more weight because of artificial sweeteners contained in the diet sodas.

(You wouldn't drink the chemicals in this test tube, but since it's disguised
as soda people chug it down like water)

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Heres what they found:
"What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drinks, the
more weight they were likely to gain,"

Just because diet soda is low in calories doesnt mean it
cant lead to weight gain

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Soda is liquid Satan
Its the devil. Its pure garbage. There is nothing in soda that should be put
in your body.

Beware of so called diet foods that are actually making you gain
stomach fat.

So why do diet sodas make people fat?
Sharon P. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio, Texas, conducted a study and found that
those who drank diet soft drinks had high obesity rates. Dr. Fowler reported
that for every can of diet soda consumed, the risk of obesity rose by 41%.

Apparently, the culprit is the ingredients. Look at what a typical can of diet
soda contains:
Aspartame or Saccharin
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Carbonated Water
Caramel Color
Phosphoric Acid

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Potassium Benzoate
Citric Acid

If you look at the above ingredients carefully, you will notice several
ingredients that have been known to store fat in the body. High fructose
corn syrup is nothing but empty calories. It will turn into fat and store that
fat instead of burning it up.

Caffeine is a stimulate that tempts you to drink more. And when you drink
more, the sugar content in the soda, gets stored in your body as fat, not to
mention other problems the artificial sugar creates in the body.

It doesnt matter if you drink diet sodas or regular sodas, if you drink them,
you will gain weight. Why? Regular sodas contain lots of refined sugar.
This sugar does not get dissolved. Instead, it accumulates in your body,
especially around your belly, as fat.

Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, or

Aspartame (NutraSweet) is a chemical that stimulates the brain to think the
drink is sweet, which actually causes more food cravings, which can lead to
loading up on carbs. Aspartame breaks down into acpartic acid,
phenylalanine, and methanol when it's at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Studies
that were conducted proved these ingredients made those who partook of
them obese.

Sucralose is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener. It is 600 times sweeter than
sucrose and twice as sweet as saccharin. It is used in products that require
a long shelf life. It has been proven in tests to promote weight gain when
consuming more than one gram a day.
Saccharin is another artificial sweetener. Studies have shown that
saccharin acts like a carcinogen, and have even been found to cause

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bladder cancer in rats. It also has been known to cause weight gain in
those who consumed it in great amounts.

Why do your body such harm? Instead of reaching for a can of soda, grab
a delicious cup of Chinese Weight Loss Tea, it is way better for your body
because not only will it satisfy your thirst it will help you lose weight faster.

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21.0 Tips for Eating Right
1. A Vegetable That Lowers Your Cholesterol
If you want to lose weight and lower your cholesterol and blood pressure at
the same time, this one vegetable will do it for you. It will definitely protect
your heart so you live longer. What is this vegetable? It is broccoli.

Broccoli contains high amounts of selenium and glucosinolates, which work
to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, while strengthening the heart
muscle. A study was done at the Cardiovascular Research Center at the
University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut in
2008, and it was discovered that those volunteers that had high cholesterol
and high blood pressure were fed strictly broccoli with water.
After 30 days, they were tested and found their bad cholesterol level had
dropped, and their blood pressure returned to normal. So, if you want to
protect your heart, and lower cholesterol or high blood pressure eat lots of
grab broccoli daily.

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2. How to Eliminate Food Cravings

If you have food cravings during the day and you are really trying to lose
weight, there are foods that will trick your body into feeling full.
You can start with water.

Believe it not, people who consume a glass of water every hour complain of
not being hungry. Try it sometime when you are hungry. It has helped
many people. When drinking the water, make sure it is ice cold. The reason
for this is simple. Your body will have to burn calories just to get the water
to a normal temperature inside your body.

One food that seems to help many people with hunger cravings is eating
spicy foods. Spicy foods raise the metabolism. This helps burn off fat, while
at the same time cut the cravings for more food.

Here is a secret that not too many people know about. When you do eat,
take a sip of water in between bites of food. This will make you full quicker.
Those who have tried this noticed their amount of eating per setting
lessened dramatically.

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2. How to Supercharge Your Memory
If you find your memory is not what it used to be, you can supercharge your
brain eating this one fruit. What is this fruit?
It is a blueberry

Blueberries are good for improving memory. They contain natural vitamins
such as anthocyanins, tannins, and flavonols.

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4. Top 10 foods to boost your sex life

A good sex life doesnt just happen it requires you to eat the right foods
for energy combined with regular exercise and a positive attitude. These
are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your
reproductive system in good working order.
Here are 10 foods that will give you fuel to spark your sexual appetite:

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While celery may not be the first food that comes to mind when you're
thinking sex, it can be a fantastic source food for sexual stimulation. This is
because it contains androsterone, an odorless hormone that turns your
partner on.
Celery is best eaten raw. Wash and cut some, and munch away.

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Raw oysters

This is one of the classic aphrodisiacs. Oysters are high in zinc, which
raises sperm and testosterone production. Oysters also contain dopamine,
a hormone known to increase libido.

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Bananas contain the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase
libido and reverse impotence in men. Additionally, they are good sources of
potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase the body's overall
energy levels.

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Avocados contain high levels of folic acid, which helps metabolize proteins,
thus giving you more energy. They also contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that
increases male hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate
a woman's thyroid gland), two elements that help increase libido in both
men and women.

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Almonds (or nuts in general)

Almonds are a prime source of essential fatty acids. These are vital as they
provide the raw material for a man's healthy production of hormones.
Additionally, the smell of almonds is purported to arouse passion in
females. Try lighting some almond-scented candles to encourage her mood
and snack on some (but not too many) yourself to store up energy for your

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Mangoes, peaches and strawberries

What can be more fun than sinking your teeth into a drippy, sticky-sweet
fruit? Probably doing that as a prelude to (or during) sex. All of the above
fruits and their shapes, textures and succulence are erotically suggestive
and can be fun to use amid foreplay. Try dribbling the juices over your
bodies and licking up the residue as an erotic game. It makes for a great
(and tasty) way to discover each other's bodies.

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Whole Eggs

Although not the most sensual of foods, eggs are high in vitamins B6 and
B5. These help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are
crucial to a healthy libido. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and rebirth.
Some people will eat raw chicken eggs just prior to sex to increase libido
and maximize energy levels. But all bird and fish eggs contain B6 and B5.

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These are high in amino acids, which are believed to increase libido. They
can also improve sexual stamina.

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Yes, you might need to stock up on some extra breath mints, but it'll be
worth it. Garlic contains allicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to
the sexual organs. As such, it's a highly effective herb to help increase
libido. If the odor just won't work for you -- or you can't stand garlic -- you
can always take garlic capsules instead.

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Aside from the fact that chocolate is the surest way to increase sexual
drive, chocolate contains theobromine, an alkaloid which is very similar to
caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce
the feeling of "being in love." So, when your partner talks about how good
chocolate tastes, there is some science behind it. In addition, dark
chocolate has a massive amount of anti-oxidants, which are great for the
body in general, as they help maintain the immune system.

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Now that you know what your body needs to perform at its peak, head
down to your local supermarket or corner store, and fill your shopping cart
with all the ingredients you need to make your sex life that much better

5. How to prevent or reverse any heart problems

According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research,
the 3 vegetables that will cut down or prevent heart diseases include
beans, peas, and lentils. They contain protein that builds the blood, but also
have less fat which lowers the bad cholesterol.

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6. What is the Best Superfood?

If you really want to feel like a million bucks outside and inside, the next
time you feel like eating a piece of fruit, go for the acai berry. Acai berry is
known as the best superfood because of what it can do to the body. The
acai berry has been known to have healing power. When farmers harvest
the berry, they freeze it, thereby retaining all nutrients. You can recognize it
for its deep purple color.

Acai berries have a lot of major health benefits including good heart health.
The reason for this is the berry contains antioxidants, anthocyanins,
protein, fiber, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, which are known to protect
the heart and cardiovascular system. But also, coupled with
monounsaturated fats as in the form Omega-9 and oleic acid, this berry can
suppress appetites, thereby decreasing the urge to eat a lot to help you
lose weight faster!
The antioxidants also work to break down fat in the body.
With all the nutrients the berry contains, scientists even believe the berry
has the power to stop and reverse the aging process. One of the easiest
ways to get the benefits of Acai is to take it in supplement format. This way
you can simply take two pills a day and youre set.

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7. The Secret of People that Stay Thin

If you are trying to lose weight and you notice people, who are thin, always
stay thin, no matter what, you are probably wondering why this is the case.
Well, there are a few reasons why they stay thin, but there is one secret
method they use that keeps them thin. They eat fat burning foods on a
regular basis. These are foods their bodies love. They do not eat what their
minds love. What their minds love and bodies love are different.

They know what will hurt their bodies and stay away from such foods. If
their bodies react in a positive way, they partake of the food. And they
never allow their emotions control their appetite. They have learned how
not to eat over any emotions. In other words, they do not connect food with

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22.0 Shopping Tips

If you are serious about weight loss, it starts with a trip to the grocery store.
Good nutrition starts with making smart choices as you view the many food
products on store shelves.

The problem with most people is that they lead busy lives. As such, they
have no time for reading food labels and figuring out what is good or not
good. This is why many people complain about doing it, or just leave it for
others to do.

When you go into the store, it is hard to decide what to get, especially with
all the food choices around. Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Professor of
Nutrition at New York University and author of What to Eat: An Aisle-by-
Aisle Guide to Savvy Food Choices and Good Eating, said it best, Markets
perform a great public service, but keep in mind they are designed to get
you to buy (and, therefore, eat) more food, not less."

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It takes knowing foods and what are the healthy foods to buy that will make
a difference. Before you even set foot in a store, you have to know what
you need. This takes planning. Even if you only do this once and save this
plan or check list of fat burning foods it is well worth the investment and will
pay dividends of good health for a life time. Sit down and plan what you will
eat. What are foods that you love that burn fat and are healthy for you?
Write everything down. After you know what great foods you love you will
eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, now it is time to head for the

Just before leaving your home or apartment, check to see if there are any
coupons available. You may be able to find coupons for some of the food
items you need on your list. Take advantage of them. Saving money is the
name of the game, but eating right is too.

When you go to the store, make sure your stomach is not empty. This is an
invitation for disaster. Eat a healthy snack before going to the store
because if you are hungry, you will pick up every box of candy, cookies,
cakes, or whatnot in your path, just because your brain tells you to, simply
because you have cravings for food. Eat healthy and make sure you are full
before you go. This way you wont be tempted to go after just any kind of
foods you see, and stick with your favorite fat burning foods check list

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When you first get to the store, the first place you need to go to is the
vegetable and fruit section Fill your cart with plenty of fruits, vegetables.

If you are eating the same foods over again, why not try something
different. Why go for the same veggies. Try a different vegetable this week.
Try a different fruit as well. This way you wont get bored with eating.
Then go to the meats section and pick only lean grass fed meats.
Then go grab organic eggs, beans, and nuts.
The last tip is to avoid the middle isles, this is usually where all the
processed foods are that make you fat and are unhealthy for you.

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When you are at the vegetable isle, choose many different kinds of
vegetables. Get a variety. You will find them in many different colors.
According to nutritionist Mary Ward, you need to go after vegetables with
various colors because each color represents a vitamin, mineral, or

So you want to eat the rainbow with a variety of vegetables and fruits.
Look for different kinds of fruit. Stock up on apples, grapes, oranges,
bananas, grapefruit, and any other kind of fruit you like.

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Meat, Fish, and Poultry

According to the American Heart Association, you should eat at least two
servings of fresh water fish a week. Salmon is the best choice because it
contains less mercury than other fish. It is also available and full of omega-
3 fatty acids. When buying fish make sure it is fresh water fish and not farm
raised. According to studies, farm-raised fish have been found to contain
industrial chemicals that increased the risk of cancer in those who
consumed more than one serving a week.

The researchers, who did the study, tested more than two tons of fish,
especially salmon, from fish farms in Europe and North America, and found
large contamination of fish in many of these areas. Based on the study,
farmed fish contained high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs.

If you look at meats, keep them lean, and make sure they are grass fed
meats without any antibiotics. If animals that normally feed on grass are fed
other food items, these food items are not digested the same way as grass

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would, and therefore, the food gets stored in the skin and meat of the
animal, as well as the milk, if it is milk producer.
When you eat meat from these animals, you are consuming more fat that
would be if the animal was fed grass. Plus, you also consume antibiotics.
But when you eat foods from grass-fed animals, you are getting fats that
are proven to promote good health.

North Dakota State University conducted a study on the nutritional
differences between grass-fed and grain-fed bison.

Based on the results of the study, the grass-fed bison had omega 6 to
omega 3 ratios of 4.0 to one, and the grain-fed bison had ratios of 21 to
one. This proved that the more grain consumed, the more fat was produced
in the animal.

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This study proves that an animal that was grass-fed would be leaner and
healthier than an animal fed grain or other food items. So, when you go to
the store, make sure the meat you buy is from a grass-fed animals. The
round, top sirloin, and tenderloin are best. As for chicken, go for skinless.
Keep your portion sizes down. As a rule of thumb you want your plate to
be around 30% meat and 70% vegetables and fruits.

Frozen Foods

Be careful with frozen foods. Some frozen foods can be made of
ingredients that are refined and processed. Avoid these foods as much as

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Canned and Dried Foods

Be careful here as well. Many canned foods are loaded with sodium.
Read the labels. If the canned foods give long ingredients like
preservatives and other names of foods you cant pronounce, stay away
from it.

Tuna packed in water is okay. Just dump out the water as it may contain a
high amount of sodium. You may also want to purchase low-fat soups, nut
butters, and extra virgin olive oil to keep for cooking purposes.

If you shop the way I described in this section, you will find your food bill
wont be too high and youll eat healthy and lose weight as well.

The best tip for shopping is to only buy foods that have one ingredient,
such as vegetables, fruits etc. Any food that has more than one ingredient
is most likely a processed food that is unhealthy for you and will put your
body into fat storing mode which is not want you want.

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23.0 Avoid The Middle Aisles

If we eliminated all the junk food and just went after the good stuff, the
entire country would no longer need medical insurance, doctors, or even
hospitals. We would be in great health.

Eating anything that is not healthy destroys our bodies one way or another.
You dont have to look too far to see the effects of what eating the wrong
foods can do.

All you have to do to get lean and healthy is by sticking to a healthy
lifestyle. And do this every day.
Sure there will be times when you eat something that is not so healthy but
as long as 90% of the time you are eating right and making the right
choices you will keep your metabolism in fat-burning mode which is what
you want.

It all starts with the food choices you make. The first thing to do is never go
to the store on an empty stomach. You will be inclined to pick up anything
to eat because you are hungry. Always wait till after you have eaten to go
to the store.

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When you start eating healthy, not only will you feel and notice the
difference, but those around you will also see the difference. And it doesnt
take long for the changes to occur.

In fact, I know people who lived on junk food for a while and switched to a
healthy diet. Within one month, they began to lose weight and actually felt
better. They had more energy and less aches and pains.

The best way to start eating healthy is by going directly to the areas of the
store that matter the most. Instead of going to the middle aisles where all
the processed foods are in most stores, start by going to the fruit and
vegetable section.

Go check out the lean grass fed meats, and fresh water fish. If you go
anywhere else, you will find most foods are processed and refined, taking
out all the good nutrients and leaving nothing but junk food behind.

Who would want to eat fat storing foods? I know I dont. If you do have an
occasional sweet tooth, dont go to the candy section and scoop up tons of
candy. Instead, go for a dark bittersweet chocolate bar. This bar is loaded
with antioxidants. Or eat some of your favorite fruits that will satisfy your
sweets cravings and at the same time keep your metabolism in fat burning

If you plan on cooking, go for extra virgin olive oil. You can also go for
natural peanut butter as we explained earlier.

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24.0 Tips For Eating Out

If you are like many people, you dont want to eat at home all the time.
Plus, there will be times when you go on vacations and will be away from
home. At these occasions, you will be forced to eat out.

The best way around this is to be choosy about what you order. When you
are eating breakfast, go for whole eggs and fresh fruits.

When ordering a salad, request for no salad dressing or cheese. Salad
dressings and cheese are very fattening. It would be a wiser choice to go
for seasoned vinegar or lemon juice as dressings.

Whatever you do, dont add high-fat condiments like bacon bits, cheese,
eggs, or creamy dressings. If you like soup, go with vegetable soup or a
soup with a broth. Stay away from cream soups. They contain too much
saturated fat.

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Stay away from appetizers like pre-meal snacks including chips with dips,
bread with butter, peanuts, and cheese with crackers. These foods contain
too much saturated fat. Instead, go for a fresh salad or fruit bowl with a
glass of water or Chinese tea which will actually help you lose weight faster
because of it's proven weight loss ingredients.

For your main course, go with any entre that is baked, broiled, or roasted.
Pick a plain baked potato and vegetables to go with your meat or fish.
Dont go after fried foods or high-fat foods including French fries, butter,
and sour cream.

As for fish and poultry, stay with the lean part. Remove the skin from the
chicken. When you get your dinner, try not to add salt to it. Chefs always
put salt on the foods they prepare, unless you specifically request your dish
be prepared without salt. If you are asked for gravy, just say no. Gravies
are too high in fat. Even cream sauces are high in fat, so dont ask for them

If your meal comes with dessert, try fresh fruit or sorbet. Dont eat pies,
cakes, or cookies. You are loading up with too much fat and sugar, and the
last thing you want to do is to put your metabolism in fat storing mode after
having a nice meal. If they have sherbet or low-fat frozen yogurt, go with
that instead of ice cream.

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International Foods

If you are visiting a foreign country or visiting a foreign restaurant in your
area, here are the best food choices to make:
Chinese: Won ton or hot-and-sour soup; boiled, broiled, steamed, or
lightly stir-fried entrees; dishes with water chestnuts; steamed rice;
fortune cookies
French: Steamed mussels; mixed green salad with vinaigrette dressing;;
bordelaise or other wine-based sauces; peaches in wine

Indian: Papadum or papad (crispy, thin lentil wafers); curries with a
vegetable or dal (lentil) base; shish kabob; tandoori chicken or fish;
gobhi matar tamatar (cauliflower with peas and tomatoes)
Mexican: Ceviche (raw fish soaked or "cooked" in lime or lemon juice);
grilled fish or chicken breast; salsa, pico de gallo, jalapeno peppers, or
cilantro; chicken fajitas; chicken or vegetable enchiladas with red sauce
or salsa

Italian: Roasted peppers or minestrone soup; pasta primavera with red
clam sauce; marinara sauce; italian ices

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Japanese: Fish or vegetable sushi; steamed vegetables; tofu dishes;
yakitori (broiled chicken)
The food choices I provided above are just a sample of what you can eat. If
you know you are going to a foreign restaurant, do some research to find
exactly what foods they normally serve that are healthy for you. Stick with
those food choices whenever possible.

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25.0 Snacking Tips

You probably enjoy a snack or two throughout the day. Doesnt everyone?
The problem is choosing what to snack on? There are snacks that will put
your body into fat burning mode and there are snacks that will put your
body into fat storing mode.

For instance, instead of reaching for a bag of potato chips that contain at
least 11 grams of fat and have 160 calories, research for a vegetable or
fruit to snack on that will put your body into fat burning mode. There is one
good way to snack and that is by reaching for a chocolate bar. But not just
any chocolate bar. It has to be the right chocolate bar. The main ingredient
in chocolate is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter contains lauric acid, stearic acid,
and endorphin.

When these ingredients are combined with high oxidants, you have the
most perfect food. The problem with chocolate is that the factory combines
it with high-fat milk, sugar, and other artificial crap. If you really want to
benefit from eating chocolate, the best type to eat is dark bittersweet
chocolate, not the milk chocolate. Make sure to pick chocolate that is at
least 70% cocoa butter. If you choose any chocolate that has less than
that, you are getting mostly sugar.

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By the way, in case you were not aware of it, here is a simple trick you can
do that will give you instant energy and will make you feel like you are full
of life. The next time you want a boost, grab a chocolate bar and youll feel
pumped up for hours. It will give you a buzz.

When you go to the store to buy any food item, read the label. If it contains
a lot of words you dont understand, stay away from it. More than likely it is
preservatives. Your best food choices are foods that contain one ingredient
like vegetables, fruits, and grass fed lean meats.

If you are into energy bars, be careful with them. Many are loaded with
sugar and saturated fats. Read the label first and then decide.

Dont eat anything if you arent hungry. People eat regardless if they are
hungry or not. Dont do that. Avoid eating unless you are truly hungry. And
when you do eat, dont grab high-fat snacks. And dont fall for everything
you see on TV or read in the papers. Those ads were placed there by the
manufacturers or advertising agencies in behalf of manufacturers. They are
only concerned with making money and selling as much of their products
as possible.

The best snacks you can eat include fruits or vegetables, a handful of nuts,
pecans or almonds. The biggest snacking tip I can give you besides the
above, is to keep junk food out of the house. If you do that, you wont be
tempted to eat it. Stay away from it and you, as well as those living with you
will be glad you did.

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26.0 Use Your Head

When you shop, snack, or do anything related to food, use your head and
think before you act. You may not realize it, but chips, sodas, and candy,
and processed foods have been putting your body into fat storing mode
and thats why you have gained all the weight. If you really want to lose the
belly fat, stay away from this junk. It is poison to your body.

Its okay to treat yourself occasionally, like maybe once a week or so. But
dont go beyond that. Having a treat will stop your food cravings. Plus,
because you are eating healthy foods now that put your metabolism into fat
burning mode constantly it will help keep your body healthy and slim.
Another point to keep in mind is to make sure you are eating 5 to 6 meals a
day. This is very important because it keeps your body in fat burning mode
so that its burning fat all day until you fit into the clothes youve always
wanted to wear.

People that starve themselves when dieting to lose the weight forces their
metabolism to slow to a crawl. This makes the body think its not getting

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enough food, so what happens next? The body begins to horde your fat
and burns muscle instead. At that time, you lose muscle mass.

By using your head, you can make the smart choices and pick fat burning
foods throughout the day.

Besides what I told you above, dont overlook the consequences of drinking
too much beer. A beer now and then doesnt hurt. But regular use does.
When you drink beer, you are actually turning off the fat burning switch. Be
aware that your body will have to burn off the alcohol first.

While your body is burning the alcohol, the foods you eat are being stored
as fat. Not good. If you really need to drink with your friends, dont eat fatty
foods along with it. Youll pay the price in the end with a beer belly and
health problems.

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27.0 Pay Attention To Ingredients

When shopping for food, pay close attention to ingredients. The Food and
Drug Administration has ordered all food manufacturers to label their
products more carefully. So when you go buy food items, and look at the
label, you will see what you are buying. But be aware the food companies
are very clever in the way they list and name the ingredients because they
don't really want you to know the junk they are putting in the foods.

One of the ingredients you need to be very watchful for is sugar. Sugar is
very depilating to the body. Youve learned that with this program. As I
mentioned the food companies are very clever and sugar is not always
listed as the word sugar. You need to be aware of what kinds of sugars are
listed so you will know what you are getting.
Here is a list of the most common sugars found on labels:
Corn Sweetener
Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
Dehydrated Cane Juice

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Fruit Juice Concentrate
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Invert Sugar

Malt syrup
Maple syrup
Rice Syrup
Sorghum or sorghum syrup
Turbinado Sugar

If you see any label on the product that says no added sugars, it shouldnt
contain any of the above sugars.

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Raw honey or stevia is an excellent source as a sweetener. Other good
sweeteners are lactose, maple syrup, molasses, and raw sugar. Lactose is
a sugar found in dairy products. It is good, but many people cant handle it.

If you want to know how to spot artificial sweeteners in products, you will
find they go by the following description:
Sucrolose (Splenda)
Saccharin (Sweet n Low)
Aspartame (Equal)

As consumers, your biggest concern is to know about the bad foods that are
being sold on the market, so you can stay away from them. By reading the
label, and knowing what to look for, you will be able to make wise choices.
Pay attention to the fats stated on the label. You need to know if any item
has saturated fats and if so how much per gram. Other ingredients to be
aware of are preservatives, salt, and any other ingredients you just dont
recognize or understand.

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The best thing to do is to simply only buy foods that contain one ingredient,
such as vegetables and fruits.

The saying IKEA stated once was that An educated consumer is the best
customer. Be an educated consumer by knowing what you are buying
before you buy it. This way you can become your bodys best customer.

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28.0 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is it important to know how to eat right?
A. If you are losing weight it may mean the difference between being obese
and being thin. Also, it means your life. Because if you continue to feed
your body the wrong kind of foods, you are in fact poisoning your system
over time. The result will be heart disease, stroke, or diabetes.

2. Why are foods processed today?
A. The main reason is for shelf life. When foods are cooked, they only have
so long before being eaten or they go bad. Processing foods adds
preservatives and other ingredients that allow the food to stay good until
eaten. The problem with these foods is that they put your body into fat
storing mode and is one of the main reasons why youve gained weight.

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3. If I have been fat most of my life, is there hope for me to be
A. Of course. Anyone can be thin. You just have to learn what you are
eating and why you are eating it, and make a choice to eat healthy foods
that put your body into fat burning mode. Once you change the way you
think of food, you will see the fat burn off your body faster than you ever
thought possible.

4. I read in your program that my body is a fat-burning
machine. How is that possible if people are fat?
A. Good question. The main reason people are fat is because they go
against what their bodies can do and force their bodies to do what is not
natural. The human body was created with fat-burning cells. Every person
has them. If you eat right, you will find these fat-burning cells will work in
your favor and you will see your weight come off and you will be thin. Work
against it and your body will be fat.

5. Are all vegetables and fruits good for you?
A. Yes. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are
beneficial to the body. Some vegetables and fruits help to maintain the
heart, while other veggies and fruits help to maintain the brain. Each
vegetable or fruit does different things inside the body. This is why it is
important to eat a balanced diet of several different vegetables and fruits a

6. You say that chocolate bars are a healthy snack. But
someone told me they were bad. What is the truth about it?
A. The truth is that pure dark chocolate that has 70% cocoa is the best
chocolate to eat. It contains very little sugar and hardly any saturated fats.
Plus, it is a great energy booster. The bad chocolate is milk chocolate. This
is loaded with sugar and saturated fats.

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7. I love peanuts, almonds, and cashews. Am I eating healthy
by doing so?
A. Yes. Peanuts, almonds, and cashews are full of protein, B vitamins, and
minerals that are vital for body function. The ingredients found in these nuts
help the blood to clot properly, strengthens the heart and improve
circulation. You are doing great by eating them.

8. Why is water so good to drink?
A. Water does several things. It flushes out the system by removing
impurities. It removes fat from cells and carries these fat particles to the
kidneys for expulsion out of the body. Water also serves to help tease the
body to think you are full when you are not.

9. Are Acai berries good to eat?
A. Yes. They have been considered natures perfect food. If you can find
them in your area, you are lucky. If you cannot find acai berries, try
supplements or juices that contain acai berry. They do contain the nutrients
that acai berries provide.

10. Why do I need to pay attention to sugar on labels?
A. There is bad and good sugar. The bad sugar can cause you to gain
weight and contribute to diabetes. The good sugar will not do this. It will
help you to lose weight and provide good health. As such, it is important to
learn about sugar, what it can do to the body, and how to avoid it.

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29.0 Take Action

Now that you have the truth in front of you, and everything you need to
succeed, it is time for you to take action, and do so today. Make your
decision right now to make your lifestyle changes, so you can become a
new you.

By making what will probably be the most important decision you make in
your life right now, you will benefit not only today, but for the rest of your
life. You will have a healthy, thin body to be proud of for years to come.
Remember, it takes making the right choices to make positive changes in
your life. You already showed by purchasing this program that you want
change. So dont stop now.
Go for it and may you have great health!

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