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This ancient art of divination used a cock or hen to foretell the future. Alectromancy sprung up in
many cultures across the world, though there were a few common methods.
The most common method involved placing the bird inside a circle of grain. The letters of the
alphabet were placed nearby. The bird’s movements were carefully monitored, and the letters
closest to the bird’s chosen feeding areas were gathered up. From there, the letters were strung
together to help answer questions. Of course, not all questions need complicated answers – if a
simple yes or no would suffice, only two piles of grain were used. The one chosen by the bird
reflected the answer as foretold.
In ancient Rome, alectromancy was used to not only foretell the future, but to identify robbers.
The famous philosopher Iamblichus was credited with developing the technique before his death
in 330 AD. The area where the divination was to occur was cleaned and magical preparations
were undertaken. In one particularly gruesome form, the cock’s claws were cut off, them
wrapped in a parchment covered with magical symbols and words before being shoved down the
unfortunate bird’s throat. Incantations were chanted during the set-up and ceremony.
Another form of alectromancy may have begun in Africa. This version depended on the crowing
of the cock, considered along with the time at which the crowing occurred. A similar version had
someone recite the letters of the alphabet – each time the cock crowed, the appropriate letter was
The Roman military even used birds to foretell the results of major battles. The chickens would
be provided with food before a battle. If they ate greedily, the battle was sure to be a success. On
the other hand, if the birds refused to eat, the omens were poor. Caution was necessary.
The Roman emperor Valens used alectromancy to divine the name of his successor. Once placed
into the circle of letters, the cock spelled out the name THEO. Fearing for his kingship, Valens
ordered the execution of every Theodorus, Theodectes, and Theodotus he could find. Still the
bird insisted that THEO would rule next. In a fit of anger, Valens began a campaign against the
oracles, astrologists, philosophers, and soothsayers. The campaign failed, and Valens was
succeeded by Theodosius.

A rooster.

Classicist Richard Cassaro's research focuses on ancient mysticism and secret

societies. His current project, Written In Stone, reveals never-before-seen visual
evidence of a "secret code" hidden in plain view in the architectural facades of the
world's most famous Gothic cathedrals. He examines how the code conveys an
ancient Pagan message to posterity that was fully intended by the Freemasons who
scholars say built these sacred structures. For a powerful preview, visit and download his illuminating PDF Report: Breaking The
Cathedral Code, Freemasonry's Triptych Secret Revealed. Also, visit his Sacred
Science blog at

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