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Alien Contacts

Over the years, people have reported experiencing contact with alien life forms. These aliens
arrive in UFOs, and are capable of contacting us physically, telepathically, or both.
To facilitate the contact, people need to open their awareness to higher frequencies. By doing
this, they often also feel a surge of psychic ability.
Some who are contacted receive messages about the Earth. These messages focus on harmony
and balance, birth and rebirth.
Some contactees have experienced ongoing relationships with these entities, while others have
started with a physical encounter followed by many telepathic ones later. Often, people will draw
pictures or keep diaries on their experiences. For many contactees, the connection with an alien
entity links them to another dimension and new possibilities.
Throughout history, many cultures have speculated on alien entities. Archaeological evidence
from cultures across the globe seem to show large eyed alien creatures, often wearing what
appeared to be spacesuits and helmets. Western writers like Henry More and John Milton
proposed the possibility of life on other planets as far back as the 1600s.
Since then, several alien species have been identified. By far the most common are the Nordics,
the catlike aliens, and the gray aliens, although there are many other species.
Without more evidence, scientists are loath to accept the idea of alien contacts. For many
scientists, the study of aliens is a ridiculous waste of time. However, the sheer number of reports,
photos, and artwork dedicated to this topic throughout the years suggests that aliens may very
well have appeared to early man, continuing through the ages to the present day. It is unknown
why they watch us, or why they want to talk, but one thing is fairly certain: to this date, there are
no known alien attacks on human beings. That is a very great consolation to anyone who has
read the H.G. Wells classic War of the Worlds!

Classicist Richard Cassaro's research focuses on ancient mysticism and secret

societies. His current project, Written In Stone, reveals never-before-seen visual
evidence of a "secret code" hidden in plain view in the architectural facades of the
world's most famous Gothic cathedrals. He examines how the code conveys an
ancient Pagan message to posterity that was fully intended by the Freemasons who
scholars say built these sacred structures. For a powerful preview, visit and download his illuminating PDF Report: Breaking The
Cathedral Code, Freemasonry's Triptych Secret Revealed. Also, visit his Sacred
Science blog at

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