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Zepeda 1

Karla Zepeda
Professor Topf
English 114B
16 March 2014
Theocracy: Gone or was Always here?
Within life there are only 2 things that are certain, death and taxes or so the saying
goes. Both of which we can agree are scary things. Although there isnt anything to comfort us
with our taxes, there is with death. Religion is something used by many all across the world as
comfort for death. In the book The Postmortal by Drew Magary, Religion is perceived as some
sort of government system that begins to fall and the people begin to rewrite it as something else.
I both agree and disagree with the perspective of religion within this book because of Theocracy,
ethics, and death.
Postmortal discusses many issues of ethics. Society, our surroundings, and really in how
chaotic the world is. It also depicted religion as a sense of stability, helping to keep everything in
line. So I can see in why religion is seen in a manipulative stand point and also how it changes. I
do agree that religion does change a lot within the book as the cure progresses more and more
religion begins to fade as if it is a democracy. When I was a kid, I saw religion as insurance
against Death" (Farell 13). This was such a powerful statement in which I believe to be true as
people believing in God in order to go to Heaven. This also brings up the question and concept
of mind control or a controlling government system. It is said within the church that if you obey
the norms of the church and if you believe then you will go to heaven. Just like that, without a
doubt. So of course, many people would do whatever they can to not go to hell. Not only is
this perceived within the book but also within society today. Religion plays a huge part within
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society not only today, but since the beginning of time. Some would argue that religion would be
considered as the first form of government. Id agree with religion being form of government
system because many people do follow and respect the norms just like a democratic system.
By definition, religion means a collection of beliefs on concerning cause, nature, and
purpose of the universe. In Postmortal, religion was changed as the cure progressed. It was
showed that religion was against the cure; sooner or later humans rewrote religion. What was
once set in stone with faith and belief was now rewritten into something else. An excerpt from
postmortal states, I looked out at the pool and saw a horde of people frolicking in the water
Baptized into the sweet life (Farell 87). In religion, being baptized is a way of cleansing from
the original sins original meaning the sins you are born with. Contradicting I know, but still
it had a value, an importance. Here in the book it does have some value that I can see but a
completely different value from the religious aspect. The way that being baptized is used in this
sentence is as a new beginning, but a new beginning disobeying the religious aspects. Later on in
the book, the Church of Man is introduced. John Farell, who is the main character within the
book, gets a flyer from the Church of Man. Within the flyer is says, The Church of Man is a
nondenominational faith We do not believe in the traditional Christian, Jewish, or Muslim
Theologies. .. We do not believe there is some omnipresent God above us trying to manipulate
our world (COM 131). As stated before, manipulation is something seen very much in this book
as well as conformity this being both a prime example and also being an ironic statement.
Religion has a huge effect in the lives of many and everyone who believes has to follow the
regulations in order to be protected. So doing whatever is asked of the church (even changing a
primary belief) is what is one of the things needed.
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An example of this with everyday life could be of Pope Francis. In a recent article by
CNN, reports of Pope Francis of defining what is considered right and wrong. He reaffirms
his opinion on gay marriage but at the same time saying that there is an exception. The Pope
reiterated the church's longstanding teaching that "marriage is between a man and a woman."
However, he said, "We have to look at different cases and evaluate them in their variety" (Burke
2). Gay marriage is a big issue within religion. Its something that is frowned upon within the
church, yet the pope, isnt going with the norms that were first set. As the story goes its Adam
and Eve not Adam and Steve, but the pope has reason to believe and accept otherwise and is
changing the original setting of the bible. Could this new change of acceptance, start to make
others conform? What was once set in stone and followed for so long change.
Morality isnt something were born knowing, but of something we acquire by learning
from others. So, what does make us human? Just like everything else in this essay, Religion and
Ethics go hand in hand with one another. In postmortal, as religion changes, so does ethics. For
example, the world begins to fall apart as resources begin to run out. So, the rules of survival of
the fittest begin to apply. In the book there is something called an afternoon roundup which
gathers up information from around the world and shows how the world is affected. One of the
articles stated the following, Were very good at fighting and killing each other... the cure
changes nothing (Juris cousin 165). Killings are still at large and although the cure stops you
rom aging it does not change the content of characters o people. There is more death than ever
because of the cure. The disagreements and disputes, not believing with who is right, and who is
wrong is causing a civil war within the community. The rules of ethics begin to dim away just
like religion. Within this new world, there is no such thing as morals. I do believe that this can
happen within society. Yet, at the same time, it isnt. Nobility sounds wonderful as a concept.
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But nobility tends to go out the window when you find yourself forced to choose between life
and oblivion (Dmitrov 238). This partakes as Russia begins to invade countries the question of
what is Nobel, ethical and such comes into play. A cure that is supposed to cure death is
causing more death than ever. I agree with what the book has to say about the ethics because it is
true. I do believe that although religion does have certain norms to follow, if the world does fall
apart, certain values seem to diminish and things wont seem to make sense anymore. With
religion though you are to no matter what follow from what is expected of you.
Of course, ethics and religion are 2 two completely different things, yes I am aware of
that. While one is of belief, the other is with morals. But, is it not with religion the rules of ethics
apply? Religion is the absolute bedrock of ethics (Donahue 1), says Donahue, a Ph.D. doctor at
UC Berkeley. He continues saying, Even though religious and secular ethics dont derive their
authority from the same source, we still must find a way to establish common ground between
them; otherwise were condemning ourselves to live amidst social discord and division. Many
believe that ethics and religion have nothing to do with each other since they are two different
concepts. As one is about a belief, the other is about morals. Yet, it is said to believe that one
who is of religious has to obey the rules of the bible, church, etc., now the regulations or
commandments of the church say to do ethical things. Having morals and values are a part of
religion. Doing what is right and hearing the occasional what would Jesus do.
Postmortem in definition means after death, more specifically the time after death. Within
this book, the cure is perceived as something that can cure death. So the book is more about what
happens after getting the cure or the time after death per say. Hanging around the world so
long can be kind of tiring. Johns father would agree. Getting the cure age at 65 he was staying at
that appearance for the rest of the life and with all the problems related to old age that he had.
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John goes to visit his father and hears of how his father does not want to be here anymore. He
says, Im not some depressed old man trying to hang himself. Im just looking for a gracious
exit (Johns father 150). Being 65 and getting the cure, not wanting to live forever anymore the
topic of suicide comes up as johns father is being accused of this since he ate bad foods in order
to develop a poor immune system and get cancer. Although this is what Johns father wants to
dio, it isnt something John himself would like. He says, Im not courageous enough to die now
or nor have I ever been. I just keep hanging around (Farell 193). Death is something that is still
very much a fear but at the same time has more in value while also having less in value. Towards
the end of the book John is shot and is dying. One who says who feared death, saw religion as
insurance after death is now praying to what he says is nothing. Although he claimed to have
been praying to nothing I have reason to believe that he was. Going back to the beginning of the
book and the essay, John states that seeing religion as insurance after death. Being that he never
truly believed in the church and now that his time is drawing to an end, he feels scared. Being
also In Pg.8 where he first got the cure he tells Dr. X (the doctor who gives him the cure) that, I
dont want to die. Im terrified of death. I fear there is nothing beyond it and that this existence is
the only one Ill ever possess. So, Its a safe bet to guess that he is praying and hoping that If
there is something at the end of it all, he will be safe, no hidden fees, no loop holes with the
contract of life; A sense of security.
Suicide is also frowned upon within the church. In the book the Vatican is speaking
infront of a huge crowd and says,What responsibility will we feel compelled to bear for one
another if we know we can eternally put off facing the Lords judgment? Death is the only
thing keeping us in line (Vatican 12). This clearly shows that the church is not cure but more of
pro-death. Everything has a purpose within life, we live, we do what we are supposed to do
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within life, and then we die. Its a sin to murder, and just as it is a sin to murder, it is also very
much a sin to commit suicide. Birth and death are the 2 most valued things in religion. Although
being a catholic myself and coming from a very religious background, I am not considered as a
credible source. Yet listening to the word of god every Sunday in church I have learned a few
things. Father Fidel, A priest at St. Helens church in South Gate, Ca says Your life has a
purpose; everyones life has a purpose. It has value, so dont just throw it away when GOD gave
you this life to praise and live. Also, in a book called"Hermeneutics, Religion, and Ethics by
Hans Gadamer also discusses of life and how it is valued. He states, For in him we live and
move and have our being, as certain of your own poets have said; for we are also his offspring
(Gadamer x). This also adds on to what Father Angel said. Many would agree with what is said
from the priest has to say. Yet, others dont. In the book, death is perceives as of minimal value.
Life was taken for granted, but towards the end it switched and death soon became of what was
taken as granted. Life is like that. So I do agree with both what the book has to say and what
religion says about life and death. Neither or should be taken for granted. Of course no one wants
to die and I do disagree with Religion in praising death. Yet, we all have a life cycle and when
the time comes it will come. So acceptance is what I believe I am looking for here.

Theocracy is a belief. All though it was something that was strongly enforced backed
then, it is beginning to not be so much. Yet, at the same time it does have a great force and still
controls the minds of many and many follow these rules. For these rules are what helps in
keeping us sane, helps in giving hope, and helps in maintaining. The church, temple etc., is a safe
house for many. Yet, in order to be protected, regulations must be followed just like a contract
with metro pcs. Are people ready to conform or not?
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A. Burke, Daniel. "Pope Francis: Church Could Support Civil Unions." CNN Belief Blog
RSS. CNN, 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
This was a news article from CNN discussing of Pope Francis and how his viewpoint
began to change on gays. All though he strongly believes with the churchs standpoint on
gays, he still believes that there still should be exceptions with them. The article helps
towards my essay with showing of how religion is still a Theocracy. That all though we
have a democratic system, Theocracy can still be considered a primary source. With that
being said, as strong as religion is, it can manipulate the minds of others and to conform
into other beliefs that were not the primary belief, such as making exceptions for gays
within the religion who believes in man and woman.
B. Gadamer, Hans. "Hermeneutics, Religion, and Ethics." Google Books. N.p., 1999. Web.
25 Mar. 2014.
This book was relevant for my essay because it helped me in arguing how death could be
seen as a good thing. How acceptance is a necessity and in how in the book values begin
to diminish. Death in postmortal at the end becomes something that is valued and quotes
from this book help in showing how life should be praised. Values change all through life
some lose and some gain.
C. Magary, Drew. The Postmortal New York. Penguin: 2011. Print.
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This book is the primary source of where I got my information from. The book discusses
of many social aspects within the world caused by one source of antidote- the cure for
aging. Being that this essay is about whether or not I agree or disagree with the
perspective of religion on this book. I gathered quotes and such to help in aiding with my
D. Plante, Thomas. "Do the Right Thing." Do We Need Religion to Be Ethical? Sussex, 27
Mar. 2011. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
Many believe that ethics and religion have nothing to do with each other since they are
two different concepts. As one is about a belief, the other is about morals. Yet, it is said
to believe that one who is of religious has to obey the rules of the bible, church, etc., now
the regulations or commandments of the church say to do ethical things. Having morals
and values are a part of religion.

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