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My Perception of Alex Jones (Flesh Or Spirit?

November 3, 2009

I must say I do appreciate the work Alex Jones did on his latest two films, “The Obama
Deception” and “The Fall of the Republic.” While there are certain elements in those
films I would dare to disagree with, the content of valid information in them, in other
words, the “truth factor” outweighs the flaws, such as his sometimes slightly
overwhelming patriotism that is so common among Americans and seems to indicate that
they truly believe that every American is at least ten times better than any citizen of any
other country.
It’s hard to credibly condemn presidents and the powers behind the New World Order for
sending American soldiers off to war, when you’re a victim of one of the principal
mindsets yourself that fuels those wars, namely that sort of patriotism and nationalism.
If your country’s that great, why, it practically gives you a license to barge into any other
country on earth with a gun in the effort to make that Hottentot backwards country
similar in greatness to yours, and let some of its greatness rub off on it…
Without realizing it, they’re victims of the same media hogwash they rightly say the vast
majority has been duped by, although to a lesser extent.
But as I say, the information he does put out is significant, and the truth factor does in my
opinion outweigh the patriotic hype factors.
Without those two films, I’d probably still live under the illusion that Obama was
actually an improvement since the Bush administration. By now I know without a doubt
that it really doesn’t matter whose administration it is, and things, like the Bible says, are
only bound to get worse.
As a believer, it felt reassuring to hear Alex give God the credit in his latest film, even if
only for the exuberant greatness of his country.
At least he does believe in God, unlike other professional exposers of the NWO like
David Icke, who seems to subscribe to the doctrines of his pal Brian Desborough, who
claims that all religions and the Almighty Himself are an invention of the Illuminati,
designed to enslave mankind through religion, a very popular notion that is also
embraced by the Zeitgeist movement I wrote about recently. The infiltration of the truth
movement by such people is probably the smartest move the Devil could have made,
since they’re automatically robbing themselves of the only way out of the mess into
which he’s steering the world.
That’s probably one factor Alex Jones fails to recognize, too, and just because he seems
to believe in God, it would probably be an exaggeration to call him a spiritual man.
By failing to see the spiritual background of all these things, though, such as the rise of
the NWO, I’m afraid one fails to see a substantial part of the picture.
For one thing, while the planned abolition of borders between countries may in terms of
industrial independence and political sovereignty be a nightmare for patriotic Americans
like Alex Jones, for believers who are aware that the New World Order is only going to
be the last, necessary stop before God’s Kingdom will be established, the abolition of
borders and national sovereignty has a less significant impact.
True Christians believe and know that the coming New World Order will ultimately be
headed by the Antichrist, a man, who for the last 3 1/2 years of his life and reign will be
completely possessed and controlled by Satan himself, and since Satan is only an imitator
and counterfeiter of God, his kingdom will only be a sorry counterfeit of God’s Coming
Kingdom, in which borders and national boundaries will be history, and a sad part of it,
as well.
I’m sorry to disappoint Alex and perhaps millions of others, but I’m fairly convinced that
there won’t be anymore red-white-and-blue flag waving folks around in God’s Kingdom,
nor patriots of any other kind than those loyal to the Kingdom that has always been not of
this present world, of a very different kind, and the difference certainly includes its stance
on earthly patriotism (see Hebrews 11).
The same applies to the abolition of cash. While the New World Order’s plans to replace
paper money with the cashless system the Bible terms “the mark of the Beast” (“the
Beast” being a term for the Antichrist) certainly will be truly diabolical, and we strongly
advise anyone to refuse to take that mark, it is on the other hand, only yet another way in
which the Devil will try to imitate God’s Kingdom, because you can bet your bottom
dollar that there won’t be any folks left chasing paper money, and what the Bible calls
“filthy lucre” in the Kingdom of God!
Ignoring the spiritual factors behind the New World Order and only seeing the people
involved in it, is very short-sighted, indeed.
The problem is, a lot of the good folks speaking in Alex’ films are of the opinion that if
the American people would unite and stand up and rise up against the NWO, then the
world could be saved from its fate, but there is unfortunately no way around this darkest
chapter of history. That display of blind patriotism will be just as futile as that of the
people of Israel during the time of the prophet of Jeremiah, who warned them to submit
to the yoke of the king of Babylon (in some ways a proto-type of the Antichrist, since the
Bible refers to both as “the king of the north,” although the king of Babylon,
Nebucchadnezzar, did in the end turn out to be a good man, which won’t be the case with
the AC).
Jeremiah was thrown into a dungeon because of his heretical treason, but it changed
nothing about the fact that he turned out to be right, after all.
Some people who don’t trust Alex Jones accuse him of fulfilling a purpose in the plan of
the New World Order cronies: that he will be instrumental in evoking an uprising and
violent resistence against the NWO that will give the rulers an excuse to clamp down on
them with force, and although I doubt that this would be Alex Jones’ intention, the
danger that this is going to happen is quite real.
Physical, armed resistance against the NWO will be just as futile as the efforts of Jewish
zealots during the Roman occupation of Judea, which was totally crushed.
As I wrote in my last entry, one of the reasons the Jews rejected Jesus was because they
had been hoping for a messiah that was going to liberate them from Roman occupation.
But Jesus actually extended His compassion to Romans as well, as well as Samaritans,
which were despised by the Jews, and it seemed that He was announcing that God was
going to extend His pact to any heathen that would accept His sacrifice, which is in effect
what happened.
The problem is that if you think that you and your country or people are so good you’re
just about perfect, and the only liberation you need is from the physical oppression of
those who are making you pay taxes, then you wind up shouting “crucify Him!” at the
one who indicates that you have a bigger problem, which you need to get rid off first.
Jesus clearly stated that the yoke of sin that even the seemingly perfect Jewish people
were under was something much more serious and warranted greater attention than
liberation from the Romans. He would deal with the Roman empire later, just as He will
with the upcoming New World Order, be assured, but what you need to be liberated from
first of all, is your sins. You need to avail yourself of the only exit and way out of this
present matrix by accepting the blood of Jesus Christ as remission from the one thing that
will hold you captive in a stronger grip than any physical oppressor could. Why?
Because as good as you may think you are, there is no guarantee on God’s earth that you
would do any better if you were in charge, unless you heart has been supernaturally
changed by the grace of God, and you have allowed Him to replace your own sinful,
selfish and carnal nature by the new creature Christ can and will make out of you, if you
let Him.
One of the major issues about this present life, as far as God is concerned, is the issue of
flesh versus spirit. What will you place your bet on? Which will you put your money on?
Will you put your hopes in your own arm of the flesh (and remember, your brain is just
another chunk of that flesh, and your own smartness won’t save you, either)? Or do you
recognize that there is something Greater at work, even if invisibly, behind the scenes,
that is going to empower you to truly rise above all the evils in this world, just as It- or
He – empowered all the martyrs throughout history?
Do you think that the worst that could possibly happen to you is your physical death, and
the end of your fleshly existence is going to be The End, period?
Think again!
It all depends on which you’ll choose to put your trust in: God’s Promises of eternal life
in a better world than even your oh-so-beloved America, or your own wit and strength to
save you.
I guess it’s always harder for those who have got it all going for them in the flesh, to
choose the humble and submissive option of yielding to God and letting Him do it
through you, rather than the do-it-yourself option. I guess we’ll meet at the finishing line
and see who will have made it there first. But let me give you this little piece of advice
from Aesop, the citizen of a country and culture which at one time in history deemed
itself to be the most glorious and the peek of civilization, just as quite a few others before
and since:
“The hare never made it, but the tortoise did.”
Or, as Morpheus put it to Neo in the Matrix scene in which he teaches him to fight
properly (relying on spirit, rather than flesh):
“Do you think that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this
place? — You think that’s air you’re breathing now?”

Tagged aesop, alex jones, antichrist, fall of the republic, flesh or spirit, flesh vs spirit, money in God's
Kingdom, nationalism, NWO Resistance, Obama deception, patriotism, Zeitgeist

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