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My name is Danijela Krpic, and I am writing to enquire about the possibility of praktika Finetech


I am currently a student studying primarily at the ni!ersity of Freiburg, in the field of
Microsystem "ngineering. #owe!er, for the time being $my third year% I am undertaking a year of
study in the "&'(M( program at the ni!ersity of 'berdeen, and consequently am studying a
wider range of courses.
's an international student in e!ery sense $originally from (erbia, I study primarily in )ermany and
currently am studying in (cotland as part of my degree program% I understand the need for
international business and capacity.I am ability to communicate in "nglisch language and !ery good
proficiency of )ermany languange strengthens. and ha!e an e*cellent grasp on international
dealings and negotiations $practically a prerequisite to na!igate the formalities of being a student
abroad%. I chose the "&'(M( program out of a desire to broaden my field of study + 'berdeen is
widely recogni,ed for ha!ing a broader engineering program than most, and in the industrial word
of today, o!erspecialisation and study of too narrow a field can pro!e detrimental, especially when
working in a team.
I would like to my technical knowledge acquiered during studies now would like aplly in addition
to job to prepare me for my future career,is the spot for me to do -raktika of great interest.I am !ery
interrsted in this area and that is what I wanted to whrite in my .achlor thema in germany
languange.I wanted to start -raktika from February ,or also later until /0 1uly.In my studing .achlor
work is possible to started with //2 -oint and I ha!e /33 -oint. I would like to work with you to
look deeper into a work to achie!e an I see it like a personal challenge where kann i learn a lot
also always wanted to !isit K and leran more about this county and culture so that woud be great
opportunity better to know K and impro!e my "nglisch skill and also learn a lot to use this in my
.achlor 4hema and for my future.
I want to become a key player in field of research and de!elopment.I enjoy working with a
challenging en!ironment of research and de!epoment acti!ities.
I am highly moti!ated, keen and quick to learn, and I feel that I could pro!e an asset in many
capacities + ha!ing worked for Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques
IPM,Laboratory for Materials Processing, Laboratory for Microactuators I am not completely
ine*perienced, and I am sure that this would pro!e a wonderful learning e*perience for me as well.
I enclose my 56. I can be reached at any time !ia email at
4hank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.
8ours faithfully,
Danijela Krpic

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