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2009 FIDM/The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

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Chapter 5 The Working Cell

1. Energy capacity to make things happen, move or do work
a. Kinetic Energy =energy in motion
b. Potential Energy =stored energy
Chemical energy the potential energy in molecules
2. Laws of Thermodynamics (study of energy transformations)
a. 1
Law =law of energy conservation; energy can be transferred or transformed
but cannot be created or destroyed
EX. Electrical light; sunlight chemical heat; chemical light (firefly)
b. 2
Law =one-way flow of energy; total energy in universe is spontaneously
flowing from forms of higher energy to lower energy content; heat en (disordered
form of en, cannot be reused); energy conversions reduce order of universe and
increase its entropy
EX. Sunlight plant (chemical en) consumer (chem. en and heat loss)
3. Chemical Reactions in Cell
a. endergonic reactions requires input of energy to make potential energy
EX. Photosynthesis (requires sunlight)
b. exergonic reactions release energy
EX. Burning wood; Cellular respiration (slow burn)-releases en from glucose
as chemical en (ATP) and heat
c. cellular metabolism cells capacity to acquire energy and to use it to build,
break apart, store and release substances in controlled ways
d. Energy coupling use of energy from exergonic reactions to drive essential
endergonic reactions; ATP molecules are key
4. ATP shuttles chemical energy an drives cell work
a. ATP -------ADP +P +energy (exergonic reaction)
Hydrolysis (H2O)
b. Phosphorylation transfer of P to another molecule (ATP energizes other
molecules by phophorylating them)
c. Cellular work: 3 types chemical, mechanical, transport
d. ATP is regenerated (10 million ATP molecules/sec)

1. protein molecule that functions as a biological catalyst ( i.e., speed up cells
chemical reactions) by lowering energy of activation
2. specific enzyme catalyzes each cellular reaction (shape and structure affect function;
environmental conditions can affect shape: temp, salt, pH)
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3. Cofactors non-protein helpers of enzymes coenzyme if organic (vitamins); and
inorganic (trace elements, zinc, iron, copper, minerals)
4. Enzyme Inhibitors regulates metabolism, prevents too much product; destructive
(poisons) or constructive (drugs to prevent disease)

1. cell organelle membranes contain enzymes
2. plasma membrane selective permeability
a. Phospholipids form membrane structure (outer layer attracts water, inner repels)
b. Fluid Mosaic structure proteins embedded in phospholipids layers; proteins
help move molecules across membrane
3. Passive Transport diffusion across a membrane; no work/energy involved
a. Facilitated diffusion transport proteins help speed up diffusion
b. Osmosis diffusion of water (not solute); isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic (p.83)
Osmoregulation- cell controls water balance: flaccid, turgid, plasmolysis
4. Active Transport requires energy ATP
a. sodium-potassium pump
b. exocytosis transport of large molecules out of cell
c. endocytosis transport of large mol into cel

1. make energy available for cellular work
2. photosynthesis converts sunlight energy to chemical energy (glucose) in the
3. cellular respiration - mitochondria use this chemical en stored in glucose to make
ATP by taking in oxygen

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