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What are wetlands?

Scientific definition: ecosystems (ES) where water covers the soil or

is present at or near the surface of the land for the
Importance of Wetlands:
Wetlands slow and retain surface water, providing water storage
Ability to temporarily retain heavy rain,
Wetlands provide wildlife habitat for a wide range of terrestrial
and semi-aquatic animals and numerous plant species
They provide abundant food for migratory waterfowl and wading
Present spawning areas for some fish species
Provide Water supply.
Help for Research and education
Provide Recreation and tourism
Can be used as Energy resource
Provide Aesthetic feelings.
For hunting
For fishing
For timber
Can be use as food resource.
World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2nd February
and was first held in 1997.
Scientific definition: ecosystems (ES) where water covers the soil or
is present at or near the surface of the land for the majority of the year
Wetlands slow and retain surface water, providing water storage.
bility to temporarily retain heavy rain, and floodwaters.
Wetlands provide wildlife habitat for a wide range of terrestrial
aquatic animals and numerous plant species.
hey provide abundant food for migratory waterfowl and wading
resent spawning areas for some fish species
celebrated on 2nd Februaryeach year,

Wetlands of Pakistan
Roughly6%of theEarth'slandsurfaceisestimated
wetlands, or about 570millionhectares(5.7
(WorldConservationMonitoringCentre). 2% of wetlands are lakes,
30% bogs, 26% fens, 20% swamps, and 15% flood
oneof theGodgiftedcountrieswhichabounds
beautiful andeyecatching. Besidesnowcovered
plains, deserts, lakesandthecoast line, Pakistan
780,000haof wetlandsthat cover 9.7%of the
Pakistan. Inexcessof 225significant wetlands
internationallyrecognizedbytheRamsar Convention
of global importance. Thediverseassortment
marinewetlandsthat occur withinPakistan
Major wetland In Pakistan:
1.Chasma Barrage 2.Drigh lake
3.Haleji lake 4.Hub dam
5.Kenjhar lake 6.Indus delta
7.Zaungi Lake 8.Indus dolphin reserve
9.Nawar lake 10.Ormara turtle beaches
11.Ucchali Complex 12.Tanda Dam
13.Khabbika 14.Taunsa barrage
15.Jalar 16.Jiwani coastal wetland
17.Rawal lake 18.Jubhoo lagoon
19.Mekra coast 20.Miani hor
2% of wetlands are lakes,
30% bogs, 26% fens, 20% swamps, and 15% floodplainsPakistanis
aboundsinnatural resources,
coveredmountains, green
thetotal surfaceareaof the
Database- of which19havebeen
assortment of natural freshwater and
support uniquecombinations. of biodiversity.
8.Indus dolphin reserve
10.Ormara turtle beaches
16.Jiwani coastal wetland

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