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PROB SCRIS LA LIMBA ENGLEZ (5 - 7 ore sptmna!

#oate s$%&e'tee s$nt o%&(ator&&)
Se a'or* +, p$n'te *&n o-&'&$)
#&mp$ e-e't&. *e $'r$ este *e / ore)
a) Rea* t0e te1t %eo2 an* s$m &t $p &n a%o$t 5, 2or*s3 (+, p$n'te)
Is about the best thing I know of. It seems like a human being sometimes except a lots
better because you can trust it.
I!e got as much business as I nee" an" make more profit than some people I know of.
Maybe they!e got better houses an" ri"e in finer cars# but maybe they "i"nt make all
their money like I "i". $onest I aint earne" a cent crooke". I "i"n%t inherit my money. I
worke" for it.
&ountry folks an" niggers is my customers. Satur"ay is my big "ay. Ellen 'ean helps
me all trough the week an" Martha (ey helps out on Satur"ay. Theyre not much help.
)on%t take the right kin" of interest.
I like the smell of my store from the time I open it up at * in the morning till the time
Ellen 'ean throws oil on the floor when its time to sweep up. I like e!erything about that
I sell canne" goo"s# fresh meat# brea" an" crackers# flour# fencing# nails# hammers#
guns. I sell all the things a bo"y coul" nee".
+ot like at ,"mores where its -ust womens hats an" "resses# or Taylors where its
-ust for younguns. I want to know what the worl" is coming to.
If Rosie e!er "ies an" the girls go off Ill sell this house an" sleep in my store. Ill put
up a cot# take my guns an" my clothes an" thats all. Maybe the T..
/hat "o I care about this house0
(from Tom McAfee, This Is My 1i!ing Room)
b) Comment &n a%o$t /,, 2or*s $pon t0e te1t a%o.e4 0a.&n( &n .&e2 t0e -oo2&n(: (/,
+) t0e po&nt o- .&e2 $se* %5 t0e a$t0or an* &ts e--e't
6) t0e a$t0or7s att&t$*e to2ar*s t0e '0ara'ter
/) 5o$r persona op&n&ons a%o$t t0e '0ara'ter
#ransate t0e te1t %eo2 &nto En(&s0: (6, p$n'te)
As&stent -&nan8e
Cerine2 !3rsta maxim4 56 ani# stu"ii superioare# cuno7tin8e "e Microsoft Office#
experien8a 9ntr:o po;i8ie similar4# abilit48i "e comunicare# serio;itate# spirit
organi;atoric# limba engle;4.
Responsabiliti2 asigur4 controlul cash flow:ului# urm4re7te pl48ile ;ilnice ale firmei#
9n"epline7te sarcini a"ministrati!e 7i preg4te7te rapoarte pentru .icepre7e"intele
(ROMNIA LIBER, mari, 2 oiembrie !""")
Narrate &n a%o$t 65, 2or*s a -$nn5 or stran(e en'o$nter 5o$ 2&tnesse*# (/, p$n'te)
PROB SCRIS LA LIMBA ENGLEZ (5 - 7 ore sptmna!
#oate s$%&e'tee s$nt o%&(ator&&)
Se a'or* +, p$n'te *&n o-&'&$)
#&mp$ e-e't&. *e $'r$ este *e / ore)
a) Rea* t0e te1t %eo2 an* s$m &t $p &n a%o$t 5, 2or*s3 (+, p$n'te)
Two or three "ays an" nights went by= I reckon# I might say they sli" along so >uiet
an" smooth an" lo!ely.
Sometimes we" ha!e that whole ri!er all to oursel!es for the longest time. Yon"er
was the banks an" the islan"s# across the water= an" maybe a spark : which was a can"le
in a cabin win"ow : an" sometimes on the water you coul" see a spark or two : on a raft
or a scow# you know= an" maybe you coul" hear a fi""le or a song coming o!er from one
of them crafts. Its lo!ely to li!e on a raft. /e ha" the sky# up there# all speckle" with
stars# an" we use" to lay on our backs an" look up at them# an" "iscuss about whether
they was ma"e# or -ust happene" : 'im he allowe" they was ma"e# but I allowe" they
happene"= I -u"ge" it woul" ha!e took too long to ma9e so many. 'im sai" the moon
coul" a a&* them= well# that looke" kin" of reasonable# so I "i"n%t say nothing against it#
because I!e seen a frog lay most as many# so of course it coul" be "one. /e use" to
watch the stars that fell# too# an" see them streak "own. 'im allowe" they" got spoile"
an" was ho!e out of the nest.
(from Mar$ T%ai, The ,"!entures of $uckleberry <inn)
b) Comment &n a%o$t /,, 2or*s $pon t0e te1t a%o.e4 0a.&n( &n .&e2 t0e -oo2&n(: (/,
+) t0e po&nt o- .&e2 $se* %5 t0e a$t0or an* &ts e--e't
6) t0e a$t0or7s att&t$*e to2ar*s t0e ma&n '0ara'ter
/) 5o$r persona op&n&ons a%o$t t0e ma&n '0ara'ter
#ransate t0e te1t %eo2 &nto En(&s0: (6, p$n'te)
?n conformitate cu reglement4rile 9n !igoare# 9ncep3n" cu "ata "e 5@ octombrie a
acestui an p3n4 la "ata "e AB martie a anului !iitor pe teritoriul 84rii noastre se trece la
orarul "e iarn4. ?n consecin84# 9n noaptea "e 56 spre 5@ octombrie# s3mb4t4 spre
"uminic4# acele ceasornicelor !or fi "ate 9napoi cu o or4# ora C "e!enin" ora 5. Se
re!ine astfel la ora Europei orientale. ,cesta este timpul legal rom3n D"enumit impropiu
Eora "e iarn4EF. Grogramul tuturor unit48ilor economice# sociale 7i cultural:artistice "in
9ntreaga 8ar4 !a r4m3ne neschimbat.
(&i ROMNIA LIBER, '( oc)ombrie !""")
In no more t0an 65, 2or*s4 2r&te 5o$r op&n&ons a%o$t t0&s: Some books are to be
taste"# others to be swallowe"# an" some few to be chewe" an" "igeste"# (*raci+ Baco,
On Stu"ies) (/, p$n'te)
(5 - 7 0o$rs!
I) a) S<MMING-<P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+,p
- -oo& of mai i&ea+ (ab+ece of /ece++ar0 &e)ai.+),,,,,#12
- .e-)3 co+)rai),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#22
- correc) /+e of +)r/c)/re+, 4ocab/.ar0 a& coec)or+,,,,,,,,,#22
- acc/ra)e +2e..i- a& 2/c)/a)io,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##!2
b) COMMEN#AR=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##/,p
- com2.e)io+ of a.. )a+$+ (!, 2 a& '),,,,,,,,,,,,' 5 1 6 !12
- .e-)3 co+)rai),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#'2
- co3ere) a& .o-ica. +)ream of i&ea+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##'2
- ba.ace& +)r/c)/ri- of )3e comme)ar0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22
(i)ro&/c)io, &e4e.o2me), coc./+io)
- correc) /+e of +)r/c)/re+, 4ocab/.ar0 a& coec)or+,,,,,,,,,#'2
7 acc/ra)e +2e..i- a& 2/c)/a)io,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##22
- a22ro2ria)e +)0.e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#22
II) #RANSLA#ION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,p
- a22ro2ria)e )ra+fer of meai- a& +)0.e ,,,,,,,,,##,,,#!(2
- correc) +)r/c)/re+ a& +0)a5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12
- a22ro2ria)e 4ocab/.ar0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#'2
- acc/ra)e +2e..i- a& 2/c)/a)io ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)22
III) ESSA= >RI#ING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#/,p
- com2.e)io of )a+$ ##,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# !(2
- .e-)3 co+)rai),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#'2
- co3ere) a& .o-ica. +)ream of i&ea+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##'2
- ba.ace& +)r/c)/ri- of )3e comme)ar0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22
(i)ro&/c)io, &e4e.o2me), coc./+io)
- correc) /+e of +)r/c)/re+, 4ocab/.ar0 a& coec)or+,,,,,,,,,#12
- acc/ra)e +2e..i- a& 2/c)/a)io,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##22
- a22ro2ria)e +)0.e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#22
- +)ro- effec) o )3e rea&er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#,,,,,#'2
(2er+/a+i4e ar-/me)a)io, a))rac)i4e 2re+e)a)io,
i)ere+)i- a22roac3 )o )o2ic)
+, po&nts (rante* GENERAL SCORE ?,@+, A +,, po&nts

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