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Raptor (Symbian Build System v2)


Windows Carbide Example

  Use Carbide to create a new project from an

existing bld.inf (or import a bld.inf) and build
it for the WINSCW target

Command Prompt Exercises A

1.  What's your version of Raptor? Use sbs -v to find


2.  To the nearest 10, how many lines of help output do

you get from Raptor's help option (sbs –h)?

3.  Which option lets you print the full log to STDOUT?

4.  What does the -n option do?

Command Prompt Exercises B

1.  Navigate to component's group directory and run

sbs clean to clean it

2.  Build the component for “winscw urel” only (sbs –c

winscw_urel) – examine the onscreen output and
the output in the log file. What do you notice about
the format of the log file?

3.  Clean the component again and build for “winscw

urel” and a non-existent configuration (sbs –c
winscw_urel –c made_up) What is noticeable about
the output?

Command Prompt Exercises C [OPTIONAL]

1.  Clean the component again. Introduce a syntax error

by adding the following line of text to any C++ file
from the component
Raptor is my favourite build system
Make sure the “R” in “Raptor” is the first character
of that line. Build for “winscw urel”. What output do
you get on screen and in the log file?

2.  Remove the syntax errror and clean the component

again. Run the “winscw urel” build again but change
the log file name to mybuild.xml and the makefile
name to
Raptor Quick Reference Sheet 1
  sbs –v
Check the version of Raptor you have installed with this command
Z:\>sbs -v
sbs version 2.10.0 [2009-10-05 sf release]

  sbs -c default
Builds the default platforms specified in your bld.inf, normally: armv5/winscw

  sbs -c default.test
As above but test code

  sbs
Same as "-c default"

  sbs -b d:\blah\bld.inf
Explicitly name bld.inf file (in fact it doesn't even have to be called bld.inf)

  sbs -b d:\blah\bld.inf –b F:\foo\bar.inf

Two explicitly named bld.inf files

Raptor Quick Reference Sheet 2
  sbs -c winscw
Emulator target

  sbs -c winscw.test
Emulator test code

  sbs -c armv5_udeb
Debug target for arm v5

  sbs -c default clean

Clean the default targets

  sbs -c default -c default.test

Build default targets and the test code for default targets. You can put multiple
configurations together; this is equivalent to
sbs -c winscw_udeb.test -c winscw_urel.test -c armv5_udeb.test -c
armv5_urel.test -c winscw_udeb -c winscw_urel -c armv5_udeb -c

Raptor Overview

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