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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2014 Primary Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this questionnaire in deciding
which candidates to endorse at the May 20 Primary Election. The board is doing fewer in-person
interviews this spring. Your answers also will be shared with reporters and may be published in
the newspaper and/or on our website,, so the public will see what you
We also ask that you respond to every question, instead of simply attaching campaign materials,
resumes, etc.
Please return the completed questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or an attached Word
document to (Handwritten or fax responses dont work.)
Deadline for submitting your questionnaire: 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 16.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727,, or
Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington, 503-589-6944,
Your name: Kurt Schrader
Age: 62
(If your age will change before the May 20 primary, please indicate your birthday. We want to
make sure we use accurate ages in editorials and news coverage.)
Political party (if this is a partisan office): Democrat
Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, political party if applicable): United
States House of Representatives, Oregon district 5
Number of years living in the area you seek to represent: 35
Are you a full-time resident of that area?
Yes, except when in Washington DC on legislative business
City/town of residence:
Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home, number of grown
5 grown children
Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate degrees earned):
Cornell University, BA; University of Illinois, BS, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties: United States Congressman
Previous employers and when: Veterinarian and Farmer for 35 years.
Military service and when:
Volunteer/civic/religious service and when: Canby Chamber of Commerce, Clackamas
Childrens Center
Please list all public offices to which youve been elected, and when:
State Representative, 1996-2002; State Senate 2002-2008, US House of Representatives 2008-
Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when:
1994 State Representative
Other prior political and government experience:
Canby Planning Commission, Blue Heron Recreation District
How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information may be made public):
Mail address: PO Box 3314, Oregon City, OR 97045
E-mail address:
Web site URL:
Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words.
1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent? What is it like
geographically, economically, politically and socially? A microcosm of Oregon and the United
States. Diverse in all aspects. Made up of rural, urban, and suburban areas. Low, middle and high
income residents, with roughly equal numbers of Democrats, Republicans and Non-Affiliated
2. When did you decide to run for this office, and why? In 2008 Representative Darlene Hooley
retired. Oregon had some great ideas on energy, healthcare, the budget and the economy that I
thought I could bring to Washington, DC.
3. How much will your primary campaign cost (please be specific)? Roughly $60,000-80,000.
4. Who are your key endorsements from within the Mid-Valley? Oregon Nurses Association,
Oregon Farm Bureau, Oregon AFL-CIO, Oregon Education Association.
5. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing
board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the details. No.
6. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or
been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details.
I have had late payments on my personal property taxes.
7. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific.
I have experience, and have proven I can deliver for the Willamette Valley and the coast. I treat
all constituents with respect and dignity.
8. Describe your philosophy of governance: I believe you must represent your district, state and
county. I believe in creating bi-partisan relationships, respecting all parties, and empowering the
regular legislative process. I am a co-chair of No Labels, a group that brings Republicans and
Democrats together to solve our nations problems.
9. Give an example of a political mistake you made and what you learned from it: I had concerns
about the debate of gay marriage. I came to realize that America and Oregon are moving forward
and that equal rights for all means everyone. This and immigration are the 21
century civil
rights issues.
10. What specific steps would you advocate to make government more open and transparent? I
work with No Labels to return to regular order in the US House, where committees would be
open and public input would be respected.
11. What specific steps would you advocate to make government more fiscally effective?
I am a supporter of the Simpson-Bowles commissions recommendations. We need to tackle our
debt and deficit and create economic growth by eliminating the sequester. We need
comprehensive tax reform, and we must strengthen the social safety net for future generations.
12. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected, and how? (75 words
for each issue)
A. Jobs for Oregon. We need to come to a solution on our O&C timber lands. We need to
invest in transportation and infrastructure.
B. Education. We need an investment to complement the Oregon 40/40/20 plan and pick up the
full federal share for special education, so our state dollars can go further.
C. We need to pass immigration reform. Our immigration system is broken for businesses and
13. What do you see as other important issues? My office advocates for seniors and veterans
every day by fighting for social security and veterans benefits, returning millions of earned
benefits to deserving Oregonians.
14. What magazines, newspapers and Web publications do you regularly read to keep up on the
news, especially on issues related to the office you are seeking? The Statesman Journal. The
Oregonian, The Capital Press. Politico. The Economist.
15. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you want to
disclose before it comes up in the campaign? No.
16. If you are running for a governing board in Oregon (such as city council, county board of
commissioners or the Legislature), how many meetings of that board have you attended in
person during 2013 and 2014? How many have you watched online or on TV, if applicable?
Thank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an attached Word document to by 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 16.

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