Tai Chi Classics

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At first I take up Tai Chi Chuan as a hobby,

Gradually I became addicted to it,
Finally I can no longer get rid of it.
I must keep on practicing for my whole life-
it is the only way to presere health.
The more I practice, the more I want to learn
from teachers and books.
The more I learn, the less I feel I know.
The theory and philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan is so
profound and abstruse!
I must continue studying foreer and eer...
It is the only way to improe and better myself. It is the only way to improe and better myself.
-T.T. Liang
1. Relax.
2. Sink.
3. Concentrate your line of vision.
4. Hold te cest in! straigten te "ack! lo#er te soulders and el"o#s.
$. %ee& te ead u&rigt and te lo#est verte"rae &lu'" erect.
(. Clearly discri'inate te su"stantial and te insu"stantial.
). *irect all te 'ove'ents "y te 'ind instead of "y external 'uscular force.
+. ,e tran-uil #en you 'ove! "e in 'otion #en tran-uil.
.. /''ediately follo# u& #it do#n and do#n #it u&0 'ove te #ole "ody as a unit.
11. Connect all te 'ove'ents #itout severance.
2arrated "y 3ang Cengfu
Recorded "y Cen 4ei'ing
(1) Straightening the Head
Stand straigt and old te ead and neck naturally erect! #it 'ind concentrated on te to&. *o not strain or "e
tense0 oter#ise! te "lood and vital energy cannot circulate s'ootly.
(2) Correct Position of Chest and Back
kee& cest sligtly in#ard!! #ic #ill ena"le you to sink your "reat to te dantian 5lo#er "elly6. *o not
&rotrude your cest! oter#ise you #ill feel uneasy in "reating and so'e#at 7to& eavy7.
8reat force can "e launced fro' te s&ine only #en you kee& te vital energy in your lo#er "elly.
(3) Relaxation of Waist
9or te u'an "ody! te #aist is te do'inant &art. 4en you relax te #aist! your t#o feet #ill "e strong
enoug to for' a fir' "ase. :ll te 'ove'ents de&end on te action of te #aist! as te saying goes; 7<ital
force co'es fro' te #aist.7 /naccurate 'ove'ents in tai=i-uan ste' fro' te erroneous actions of te #aist.
(4) Solid and E!t" Stance
/t is of &ri'ary i'&ortance in tai=i-uan to distinguis "et#een 7>u7 5?'&ty6 and 7Si7 5Solid6. /f you sift te
#eigt of te "ody on to te rigt leg! ten te rigt leg is solidly &lanted on te ground and te left leg is in an
e'&ty stance. 4en your #eigt is on te left leg! ten te left leg is fir'ly &lanted on te ground and te rigt
leg is in an e'&ty stance. @nly in tis #ay can you turn and 'ove your "ody adroitly and #itout effort!
oter#ise you #ill "e slo# and clu'sy in your 'ove'ents and not a"le to re'ain sta"le and fir' on your feet.
(#) Sinking of Sho$lders and El%o&s
%ee& your soulder in natural! relaxed &osition. /f you lift your soulders! te -i #ill rise #it te'! and te
#ole "ody #ill "e #itout strengt. 3ou sould also kee& te el"o#s do#n! oter#ise you #ill not "e a"le to
kee& your soulders relaxed and 'ove your "ody #it ease.
(') (sing the )ind *nstead of +orce
:'ong &eo&le #o &ractice tai=i-uan! it is -uite co''on to ear tis co''ent; 7Tat is entirely using te
'ind! not force.7 /n &racticing tai=i-uan! te #ole "ody is relaxed! and tere is not an iota of stiff or clu'sy
strengt in te veins or =oints to inder te 'ove'ent of te "ody. Aeo&le 'ay ask; Ho# can one increase is
strengt #itout exercising forceB :ccording to traditional Cinese 'edicine! tere is in te u'an "ody a
syste' of &at#ays called =ingluo 5or 'eridian6 #ic link te viscera #it different &arts of te "ody! 'aking
te u'an "ody an integrated #ole. /f te =ingluo is not i'&eded! ten te vital energy #ill circulate in te
"ody uno"structed. ,ut if te =ingluo is filled #it stiff strengt! te vital energy #ill not "e a"le to circulate and
conse-uently te 'oody cannot 'ove #it case. @ne sould terefore use te 'ind instead of force! so tat
vital energy! #ill follo# in te #ake of te 'ind or consciousness and circulate all over te "ody. Troug
&ersistent &ractice one #ill "e a"le to ave genuine internal force. Tis is #at tai=i-uan ex&erts call 7Lite in
a&&earance! "ut &o#erful in essence.7
: 'aster of tai=i-uan as ar's #ic are as strong as stee1 rods #ra&&ed in cotton! #it i''ense &o#er
concealed terein. ,oxers of te 7@uter Scool7 5 a "ranc of #usu #it e'&asis on attack! as o&&osed to te
7/nner Scool7 #ic &laces te e'&asis on defense6 look &o#erful #en tey exert force! "ut #en tey
cease to do so! te &o#er no longer exists. So it is 'erely a kind of su&erficial force.
(,) Coordination of (!!er and -o&er Parts
:ccording to te teory of tai=i-uan! te root is in te feet! te force is launced troug te legs! controlled "y
te #aist! and ex&ressed "y te fingers0 te feet! te legs and te #aist for' a ar'onious #ole. 4en te
ands! te #aist and te legs 'ove! te eyes sould follo# teir 'ove'ents. Tis is 'eant "y coordination of
te u&&er and lo#er &arts. /f any one &art sould cease to 'ove! ten te 'ove'ents #ill "e disconnected and
fall into disarray.
(.) Haron" Bet&een the *nternal and External Parts
/n &racticing tai=i-uan! te focus is on te 'ind and consciousness. Hence te saying; 7Te 'ind is te
co''ander! and te "ody is su"servient to it.7 4it te tran-uility of te 'ind! te 'ove'ents #ill "e gentle
and graceful. :s far as te 7fra'e7 is concerned! tere are only te >u 5e'&ty6! si 5solid6! kai 5o&en6 and e
5close6. %ai not only 'eans o&ening te four li'"s "ut te 'ind as #ell! and e 'eans closing te 'ind along
#it te four li'"s. Aerfection is acieved #en one unifies te t#o and ar'oniCes te internal and external
&arts into a co'&lete #ole.
(/) *!ortance of Contin$it"
/n te case of te 7@uter Scool7 5#ic e'&asiCes attack6 of "oxing! te strengt one exerts is stiff and te
'ove'ents are not continuous! "ut are so'eti'es 'ade off and on! #ic leave o&enings te o&&onent 'ay
take advantage of. /n tai=i-uan! one focuses te attention on te 'ind instead of force! and te 'ove'ents fro'
"eginning to end are continuous and in an endless circle! =ust 7like a river #ic flo#s on and on #itout end7
or 7like reeling te silk tread off cocoons.7
(10) 1ran2$ilit" in )o3eent
/n te case of te 7@uter Scool7 of "oxing! te e'&asis is on lea&ing! "ouncing! &uncing and te exertion of
force! and so one often gas&s for "reat after &racticing. ,ut in tan! te 'ove'ent is "lended #it tran-uility!
and #ile &erfor'ing te 'ove'ents! one 'aintains tran-uility of 'ind. /n &racticing te 7fra'e!7 te slo#er
te 'ove'ent! te "etter te results. Tis is "ecause #en te 'ove'ents are slo#! one can take dee& "reat
and sink it to te dantien. /t as a sooting effect on te "ody and 'ind.
Learners of tai=i-uan #ill get a "etter understanding of all tis troug careful study and &ersistent &ractice.
,y T.T. Liang
1. 2o one can "e &erfect! Take #at is good and discard #at is "ad.
2. /f / "elieve entirely in "ooks! it is "etter not to read "ooks. /f / rely entirely on teacers! it is "etter not to ave
3. To re'ove a 'ountain is easy! "ut to cange a docile te'&era'ent is 'ore difficult.
4. /f tere is anyting #rong #it 'e! / do not "la'e oters! / only "la'e 'yself.
$. /f / #ant to live longer / 'ust learn Tai Ci and acco'&lis it "ot &ysically and 'entally. To acco'&lis it
'entally is 'uc 'ore difficult.
(. 1 'ust learn o# to yield! "e tactful! not "e aggressive! to lose 5s'all loss! s'all gain! great loss! great gain6
and o# not to take advantage of oters. / 'ust also learn o# to give for te 'ore one gives te 'ore one #ill
). Life "egins at seventy. ?veryting is "eautiful Healt is a 'atter of ut'ost i'&ortance and all of te rest is
secondary. 2o# / 'ust find out o# to en=oy excellent ealt in 'y #ole life and discover te #ay to
+. Dake one tousand friends "ut not one ene'y.
.. @ne 'ust &ractice #at one &reaces! oter#ise! it is e'&ty talk or a "ounced ceck.
11. To conceal te faults of oters and &raise teir good &oints is te "est &olicy.
Tai Ci Cuan Lun
:ttri"uted to :ncestor Cang San-feng
4it every 'ove'ent string all te &arts togeter!
kee&ing te entire "ody ligt and ni'"le.
Cal'ly sti'ulate te ci! #it te s&irit of vitality concentrated internally.
:void deficiency and excess0 avoid &ro=ections and ollo#s0 avoid severance and s&lice.
Te energy is rooted in te feet! issued troug te legs! directed "y te #aist! and a&&ears in te ands and
Te feet! legs and #aist 'ust act as one unit so tat #eter advancing or #itdra#ing you #ill "e a"le to.
o"tain a su&erior &osition and create a good o&&ortunity.
9ailure to o"tain a su&erior &osition and create a good o&&ortunity results fro' te "ody "eing in a state of
disorder and confusion.
To correct tis ad=ust te #aist and legs.
Like#ise! u&#ards and do#n#ards! for#ards and "ack#ards! left#ards and rigt#ards - all tese are to "e
directed "y te 'ind-intent! and not to "e ex&ressed externally.
/f tere is a"ove! tere 'ust "e "elo#0 if tere is advance! tere
'ust "e #itdra#0 if tere is left! tere 'ust "e rigt.
/f te initial intent is u&#ards! you 'ust first ave a
do#n#ard intent.
/f you #ant to lift so'eting u&#ards! you 'ust first ave te intent of &using do#n#ards.
Ten te root #ill "e severed0 it #ill "e i''ediately and
certainly to&&led.
Clearly discri'inate te su"stantial and insu"stantial.
Tere is an as&ect of su"stantial and insu"stantial in eac &art. Considered in teir entirety all tings ave tis
Cang Cuan 5Long ,oxing6 is =ust like a long river or great
ocean rolling on #itout interru&tion.
Te Tirteen Aostures of 4ard-@ff! Roll-,ack! Aress! Aus! Aull! S&lit! ?l"o#-Stroke and Soulder-Stroke are
kno#n as te
?igt *iagra's 5Aa %ua6.
:dvance-Ste&! 4itdra#-Ste&! Look-Left! 8aCe-Rigt and Central ?-uili"riu' are kno#n as te 9ive ?le'ents
54u-Hsing. 4ard-@ff! Roll-,ack! Aress and Aus are ten! Cien! %un! %an and Li! te 9our Cardinal
Aull! S&lit! ?l"o#-Stroke and Soulder-Stroke are ten! Sun! Cen! Tui and %en! te 9our *iagonal directions.
:dvance! 4itdra#! Look-Left! 8aCe-Rigt and Central
?-uili"riu' are ten! Detal! 4ood! 4ater! 9ire and ?art.
Eoined togeter tey "eco'e te Tirteen Aostures.
Tis treatise as "een anded do#n "y :ncestor Cang San-feng of 4u-Tang Dountain so tat eroes and
#ort 'en every#ere can lengten teir lives and attain longevity! not 'erely as a 'eans to 'artial skills.
TFai Ci Cuan Cing
:ttri"uted to /''ortal 4ang Cung-yue
Tai Ci is "orn of 4u Ci! te 'oter of yin and yang.
/n 'otion tey se&arate0 in tran-uility tey unite.
4itout excess and #itout insufficiency! "e "ent #en follo#ing! contract #en reacing out.
/f te o&&onent is ard! / a' soft0 tis is called 7receiving7.
/f / go #it te o&&onent and cause i' to "e defective! tis is called 7adering7.
Res&ond -uickly to -uick 'ove'ents! res&ond slo#ly to slo# 'ove'ents.
?ven toug te canges are of all kinds! te &rinci&le re'ains one in te sa'e.
Troug self-'astery you #ill gradually a&&reend 7inter&reting
energy .
9ro' 7inter&reting energy7 you #ill reac a state of sen! Ding 5s&iritual illu'ination6.
,ut #itout a long &eriod of arduous &ractice! you #ill "e una"le to suddenly &ossess a clear understanding.
Retain a ligt and sensitive energy on to& of te ead0 sink te ci into te dantien.
*o not incline and do not lean.
To suddenly disa&&ear and suddenly a&&ear 5'eans6;
/f te left is #eigted! te rigt "eco'es e'&ty.
/f te rigt is #eigted! te left "eco'es e'&ty.
Looking u&#ards! it see's to "eco'e iger and iger0
looking do#n#ards! it see's to "eco'e dee&er and dee&er.
4en advancing! it see's to "eco'e ever farter a#ay0
#en #itdra#ing! it see's to "eco'e closer.
: feater cannot "e added! nor can a fly aligt.
Te o&&onent does not kno# 'e! "ut / alone kno# i'.
Tis is to face a 'atcless ero.
:t tis &oint you attain te igest skill.
Tere are nu'erous oter styles of "oxing.
:ltoug tere are differences in te &ostures!
tese oter styles do not go "eyond strengt overco'ing #eakness and s&eed con-uering slo#ness0
tose #it strengt attacking tose #itout strengt0
te -uick anded con-uering te slo# anded.
Tese are all =ust te natural a"ilities of Hsien TFien 5,efore Heaven6! and do not relate to te strengts ac-uired
troug &ractice and study. /n exa'ining te state'ent of 7four ounces re'oving one tousand carries7! it is
evident tat tis is not a 'atter of su&erior strengt.
/f you see a very old 'an #itstanding 'any o&&onents! #at as tis to do #it s#iftnessB
Stand like a "alanced scale! 'ove like a cart#eel.
Sinking te #eigt to one side results in ada&ting to circu'stances. *ou"le-#eigtedness results in "eing
@ften #e see tose #o after 'any years of &ainstaking effort cannot e'&loy a neutraliCation and are generally
su"dued "y te o&&onent.
Tis is "ecause tey ave not yet understood te fault of
/n #anting to avoid tis fault you 'ust kno# yin and yang.
To adere is to receive0 to receive is to adere.
3in is not se&arate fro' yang0 yang is not se&arate fro' yin.
Te 'utual coordination of yin and yang is co'&ara"le to 7inter&reting energy
:fter you ac-uire 7inter&reting energy7! te 'ore you &ractice! te
'ore skill you #ill o"tain! and troug silent re'e'"ering and
toroug exa'ination! you #ill gradually arrive at te state of "eing
a"le to follo# your o#n 'ind.
Te funda'ental ere is to forget te self and follo# oters.
Dost 'ake te error of re=ecting te near for #at is distant.
Tis is called! 7te sligtest divergence leads you far astray7.
Students 'ust torougly distinguis "et#een tese as&ects.
?very #ord of tis treatise is i'&ortant.
Tere is not one extra #ord or reference.
4itout natural intelligence you cannot a&&reend tese #ords.
Te early 'asters #ere un#illing to &ro&agate false teacings and did
not trust =ust anyone. Tey #ere a&&reensive a"out trans'itting teir kung-fu skills to oters #itout good
Tis treatise #as #ritten "y 4ang Cung-yue of te Ding dynasty. /n te "eginning it says! 7Tai Ci
5Su&re'e Glti'ate6 is
"orn of 4u Ci 5infinity6 te 'oter of yin and yang. /n 'otion tey se&arate0 in tran-uility! tey unite.
4itout excess and #itout insufficiency!
"e "ent #en follo#ing! contract #en reacing out.7
S"i San S"i Hsing %ung Hsin
:ttri"uted to /''ortal 4ang Cung-yue
Te 'ind 'oves te ci.
*irect te ci so tat it sinks dee&ly! ten it can "e accu'ulated
and enter te "one.
Circulate te ci trougout te "ody! and direct it #itout o"struction! so tat it can easily follo# te 'ind.
To "egin you 'ust "e a"le to raise te s&irit of vitality! to avoid te defects of dullness and clu'siness.
Tis is called! 7sus&ending te ead u&#ards7.
To "eco'e ni'"le te 'ind-intent and ci 'ust intercangea"ly res&ond to eac oter! ten you #ill acieve
te 'ost su"tle &lia"ility. Tis is called! 7te fluctuating canges of su"stantial and insu"stantial7. 4en
issuing! te energy 'ust "e totally relaxed and sunk dee&ly! and focused totally in one direction.
4en standing! te "ody 'ust "e centered! u&rigt and co'forta"le! and a"le to sustain an attack fro' any of
te eigt directions.
*irect te ci! as if treading te nine crooks of a &earl! &enetrating "et#een every 'inute crevice.
4en 'o"iliCed te energy is like steel refined one undred ti'es over0 tere is no strengt #ic cannot "e
Te a&&earance is =ust like tat of a a#k seiCing a ra""it0 te sen 5s&irit6 rese'"les a cat seiCing a rat.
,e still like a 'ountain &eak0 'ove like a river current.
Storing te energy is like dra#ing a "o#0 issuing te energy is like sooting an arro#.
Seek te straigt fro' te curved0 store and ten issue.
Te energy is issued fro' te s&ine.
Te ste&&ing 'ust follo# te canges of te "ody.
To gater is to release0 to release is to gater.
Severe and ten re=oin.
Doving 7to and fro'7 tere 'ust "e 7fold-u&7 5tecni-ue60 #en advancing or #itdra#ing tere 'ust "e
turning and canging 5tecni-ues6.
Troug ulti'ate softness and yielding! you #ill later ac-uire ulti'ate ardness and strengt.
Troug correct "reating! you #ill later "eco'e su&re'ely alert and active.
2ouris te ci in order to "e #itout disease0 only troug "ending and reserving #ill tere "e a sur&lus of
intrinsic energy 5cin6.
Te 'ind is te co''ander0 te ci is te flag0 te #aist is te "anner. 9irst seek to "e o&en and ex&ansive0
after seek to "e close and co'&act. Ten you can reac te eigts of su"tlety and refine'ent.
/t is also said;
/f te o&&onent does not 'ove! you do not 'ove.
:t te sligtest 'ove'ent of te o&&onent! you "egin 'oving.
:&&earing relaxed! "ut not relaxed0 &re&are to ex&and! "ut not yet ex&anded.
Te intrinsic energy 5cin6 'ay "e severed! "ut te 'ind-intent is not severed.
/t is also said;
9irst in te 'ind! ten in te "ody.
Constantly relax te a"do'en0 seek to &enetrate te ci into te "one.
Huiet te s&irit and still te "ody.
Closely &reserve tese in te 'ind.
:l#ays re'e'"er tat once you 'ove! everyting 'oves0 tat once you are tran-uil! everyting is tran-uil.
/n 'oving 7to and fro'7 stay connected and adere te ci to te s&ine! allo#ing it to &enetrate into te s&ine
and "ones.
/nternally strengten te s&irit of vitality0 externally a&&ear &eaceful and at ease.
Ste&&ing! "e =ust like a rat #alking0 'o"iliCe te intrinsic energy! =ust like reeling silk.
3our 'ind-intent 'ust focus on te s&irit of vitality! not on te ci 5"reat6.
/f your 'ind-intent is focused on te ci te result #ill "e stagnation0 you #ill ave ci! "ut no strengt.
Te ci is like a cart#eel0 te #aist! like an axle.
Tis treatise is 4ang Cung-yueFs! Dental ?lucidation of te Tirteen %inetic Aostures. /t e'&asiCes ut'ost
sensitivity and accuracy as te &rere-uisites of &ractice. /n te "eginning tis treatise states! FTe 'ind 'oves
te ci. . . 7 Dind ere refers to 'ind-intent! #ic is a u'an &erce&tion. Tis is te leading &rinci&le of te
entire treatise. /t goes on to say! 7Te 'ind is te co''ander0 te ci is te flag0 te #aist is te "anner.7 :lso!
79irst in te 'ind! ten in te "ody ... your 'ind-intent 'ust focus on te s&irit of vitality! not on te ci
5"reat67. Tese &rases all indicate te i'&ortance of 'ind-intent #en &racticing Tai Ci.
145* CH* CH4(56 CH*67
5ttri%$ted to Chang San8feng (est9 12,/ 813.')
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
/n 'otion te #ole "ody sould "e ligt and agile!
#it all &arts of te "ody linked
as if treaded togeter.
Te ch"i Ivital life energyJ sould "e excited!
Te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ sould "e internally gatered.
Te &ostures sould "e #itout defect!
#itout ollo#s or &ro=ections fro' te &ro&er align'ent0
in 'otion te 9or' sould "e continuous! #itout sto&s and starts.
Te chin Iintrinsic strengtJ sould "e
rooted in te feet!
generated fro' te legs!
controlled "y te #aist! and
'anifested troug te fingers.
Te feet! legs! and #aist sould act togeter
as an integrated #ole!
so tat #ile advancing or #itdra#ing
one can gras& te o&&ortunity of favora"le ti'ing
and advantageous &osition.
/f correct ti'ing and &osition are not acieved!
te "ody #ill "eco'e disordered
and #ill not 'ove as an integrated #ole0
te correction for tis defect
'ust "e sougt in te legs and #aist.
Te &rinci&le of ad=usting te legs and #aist
a&&lies for 'oving in all directions0
u&#ard or do#n#ard!
advancing or #itdra#ing!
left or rigt.
:ll 'ove'ents are 'otivated "y I I'ind-intentionJ!
not external for'.
/f tere is u&! tere is do#n0
#en advancing! ave regard for #itdra#ing0
#en striking left! &ay attention to te rigt.
/f te I #ants to 'ove u&#ard!
it 'ust si'ultaneously ave intent do#n#ard.
:lternating te force of &ulling and &using
severs an o&&onentFs root
so tat e can "e defeated
-uickly and certainly.
/nsu"stantial and su"stantial
sould "e clearly differentiated.
:t any &lace #ere tere is insu"stantiality!
tere 'ust "e su"stantiality0
?very &lace as "ot insu"stantiality and su"stantiality.
Te #ole "ody sould "e treaded togeter
troug every =oint
#itout te sligtest "reak.
Chang Ch"uan ILong ,oxingJ is like a great river
rolling on unceasingly.
#eng! $u! Chi! An!
Ts"ai! $ieh! Chou! and %"ao
are e-uated to te ?igt Trigra's.
Te first four are te cardinal directions0
Ch"ien ISout0 HeavenJ!
%"un I2ort0 ?artJ!
%"an I4est0 4aterJ! and
$i I?ast0 9ireJ.
Te second four are te four corners;
&un ISout#est0 4indJ!
Chen I2orteast0 TunderJ!
Tui ISouteast0 LakeJ! and
%en I2ort#est0 DountainJ.
:dvance 5Chin6! 4itdra# 5T"ui6!
Look Left 5Tso %u6! Look Rigt 5'u #an6! and
Central ?-uili"riu' 5Chung Ting6
are e-uated to te five ele'ents;
9ire! and
:ll togeter tese are ter'ed te Tirteen Aostures
: footnote a&&ended to tis Classic "y 3ang Lu-cFan 51)..-1+)26 reads;
Tis treatise #as left "y te &atriarc Can San-feng of 4u Tang Dountain!
#it a desire to#ard el&ing a"le &eo&le every#ere acieve longevity!
and not 'erely as a 'eans to 'artial skill.

1HE 1RE51*SE :6 145* CH* CH4(56
5ttri%$ted to Wang 1s$ng8"$eh ;Wang <ong"$e= (1.th Cent$r")
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
T"ai Chi ISu&re'e Glti'ateJ co'es fro' (u Chi I9or'less <oidJ
and is te 'oter of yin and yang.
/n 'otion T"ai Chi se&arates0
in stillness yin and yang fuse and return to (u Chi.
/t is not excessive or deficient0
it follo#s a "ending! aderes to an extension.
4en te o&&onent is ard and / a' soft!
it is called tsou IyieldingJ.
4en / follo# te o&&onent and e "eco'es "acked u&!
it is called nian IstickingJ.
/f te o&&onentFs 'ove'ent is -uick!
ten -uickly res&ond0
if is 'ove'ent is slo#!
ten follo# slo#ly.
:ltoug tere are innu'era"le variations!
te &rinci&les tat &ervades te' re'ain te sa'e.
9ro' fa'iliarity #it te correct touc!
one gradually co'&reends chin Iintrinsic strengtJ0
fro' te co'&reension of chin one can reac #isdo'.
4itout long &ractice
one cannot suddenly understand T"ai Chi.
?ffortlessly te chin reaces te eadto&.
Let te ch"i Ivital life energyJ sink to te tan-t"ien Ifield of elixirJ.
*onFt lean in any direction0
suddenly a&&ear!
suddenly disa&&ear.
?'&ty te left #erever a &ressure a&&ears!
and si'ilarly te rigt.
/f te o&&onent raises u&! / see' taller0
if e sinks do#n! ten / see' lo#er0
advancing! e finds te distance see's incredi"ly long0
retreating! te distance see's exas&eratingly sort.
: feater cannot "e &laced!
and a fly cannot aligt
on any &art of te "ody.
Te o&&onent does not kno# 'e0
/ alone kno# i'.
To "eco'e a &eerless "oxer results fro' tis.
Tere are 'any "oxing arts.
:ltoug tey use different for's!
for te 'ost &art tey donFt go "eyond
te strong do'inating te #eak!
and te slo# resigning to te s#ift.
Te strong defeating te #eak
and te slo# ands ceding to te s#ift ands
are all te results of natural a"ilities
and not of #ell-trained tecni-ues.
9ro' te sentence 7: force of four ounces deflects a tousand &ounds7
#e kno# tat te tecni-ue is not acco'&lised #it strengt.
Te s&ectacle of an old &erson defeating a grou& of young &eo&le!
o# can it "e due to s#iftnessB
Stand like a &erfectly "alanced scale and
'ove like a turning #eel.
Sinking to one side allo#s 'ove'ent to flo#0
"eing dou"le-#eigted is sluggis.
:nyone #o as s&ent years of &ractice and still cannot neutraliCe!
and is al#ays controlled "y is o&&onent!
as not a&&reended te fault of dou"le-#eigtedness.
To avoid tis fault one 'ust distinguis yin fro' yang.
To adere 'eans to yield.
To yield 'eans to adere.
4itin yin tere is yang.
4itin yang tere is yin.
'in and yang 'utually aid and cange eac oter.
Gnderstanding tis you can say you understand chin.
:fter you understand chin!
te 'ore you &ractice!
te 'ore skill.
Silently treasure kno#ledge and turn it over in te 'ind.
8radually you can do as you like.
9unda'entally! it is giving u& yourself to follo# oters.
Dost &eo&le 'istakenly give u& te near to seek te far.
/t is said! 7Dissing it "y a little #ill lead 'any 'iles astray.7
Te &ractitioner 'ust carefully study.
Tis is te Treatise
E>P:S*1*:6S :+ *6S*7H1S *61: 1HE PR5C1*CE :+
%" W$ ?$8hsiang (W$ ?$xian) (1.12 8 1..0)
soeties attri%$ted to Wang Ch$ng8"$eh
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
Te hsin I'ind-and-eartJ 'o"iliCes te ch"i Ivital life energyJ.
Dake te ch"i sink cal'ly0
ten te ch"i gaters and &er'eates te "ones.
Te ch"i 'o"iliCes te "ody.
Dake it 'ove s'ootly! so tat it 'ay easily follo#s te sin.
Te I I'ind-intentionJ and ch"i 'ust intercange agilely!
ten tere is an excellence of roundness and s'ootness.
Tis is called 7te inter&lay of insu"stantial and su"stantial.7
Te hsin is te co''ander! te ch"i te flag! and te #aist te "anner.
Te #aist is like te axle and te ch"i is like te #eel.
Te ch"i is al#ays nurtured #itout ar'.
Let te ch"i 'ove as in a &earl #it nine &assages
#itout "reaks
so tat tere is no &art it cannot reac.
/n 'oving te ch"i sticks to te "ack and &er'eates te s&ine.
/t is said 79irst in te hsin! ten in te "ody.7
Te a"do'en relaxes! ten te ch"i sinks into te "ones.
Te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ is relaxed and te "ody cal'.
Te shen is al#ays in te hsin.
,eing a"le to "reate &ro&erly leads to agility.
Te softest #ill ten "eco'e te strongest.
4en te ching shen is raised!
tere is no fault of stagnancy and eaviness.
Tis is called sus&ending te eadto&.
/n#ardly 'ake te shen fir'!
and out#ardly exi"it cal'ness and &eace.
Trougout te "ody! te I relies on te shen!
not on te ch"i.
/f it relied on te ch"i! it #ould "eco'e stagnant.
/f tere is ch"i! tere is no li Iexternal strengtJ.
/f not focused on ch"i! tere is &ure steel.
Te chin Iintrinsic strengtJ is sung IrelaxedJ! "ut not sung0
it is ca&a"le of great extension! "ut is not extended.
Te chin is "roken! "ut te I is not.
Te chin is stored 5aving a sur&lus6 "y 'eans of te curved.
Te chinK is released "y te "ack!
and te ste&s follo# te canges of te "ody.
Te 'o"iliCation of te chin is like refining steel a undred ti'es over.
Tere is noting ard it cannot destroy.
Store u& te chin like dra#ing a "o#.
Do"iliCe te chin like dra#ing silk fro' a cocoon.
Release te chin like releasing te arro#.
To fa-chin Idiscarge energyJ!
relax co'&letely!
and ai' in one directionL
/n te curve seek te straigt!
ten release.
,e still as a 'ountain!
'ove like a great river.
Te u&rigt "ody 'ust "e sta"le and co'forta"le
to "e a"le to sustain an attack fro' any of te eigt directions.
4alk like a cat.
Re'e'"er! #en 'oving! tere is no &lace tat does not 'ove.
4en still! tere is no &lace tat is not still.
9irst seek extension! ten contraction0
ten it can "e fine and su"tle.
/t is said if te o&&onent does not 'ove! ten / do not 'ove.
:t te o&&onentFs sligtest 'ove! / 'ove first.7
To #itdra# is ten to release!
to release it is necessary to #itdra#.
/n discontinuity tere is still continuity.
/n advancing and returning tere 'ust "e folding.
8oing for#ard and "ack tere 'ust "e canges.
Te 9or' is like tat of a falcon a"out to seiCe a ra""it!
and te shen is like tat of a cat a"out to catc a rat.
K Scolars argue &ersuasively tat te use of te #ord li tat actually a&&ears ere in ancient
docu'ents is a 'istranscri&tion and te &assage sould read chin.

S:67 :+ 1HE 1H*R1EE6 P:S1(RES
%" (nkno&n 5$thor
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
Te Tirteen Aostures sould not "e taken ligtly0
te source of te &ostures is in te #aist.
,e 'indful of te intercange "et#een insu"stantial and su"stantial0
Te ch"i circulates trougout te "ody #itout indrance.
,e still!
#en touced "y te o&&onent!
"e tran-uil and 'ove in stillness0
canges caused "y 'y o&&onent fill i' #it #onder.
Study te function of eac &osture carefully and #it deli"eration0
to acieve te goal is very easy.
Aay attention to te #aist at all ti'es0
co'&letely relax te a"do'en
and te ch"i rises u&.
4en te tail"one is centered and straigt!
te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ goes troug to te eadto&.
To 'ake te #ole "ody ligt and agile
sus&end te eadto&.
Carefully study.
?xtension and contraction! o&ening and closing! sould "e natural.
To enter te door and "e so#n te #ay!
you 'ust "e orally taugt.
Aractice sould "e uninterru&ted!
and tecni-ue acieved "y self study.
S&eaking of te "ody and its function! #at is te standardB
Te I I'ind-intentJ and ch"i are king!
and te "ones and 'uscles are te court.
Tink over carefully #at te final &ur&ose is;
to lengten life and 'aintain yout.
Te Song consists of 141 caracters0
eac caracter is true and te 'eaning is co'&lete.
/f you do not study in tis 'anner!
ten you #ill #aste your ti'e and sig #it regret.

S:67S :+ 1HE E*7H1 P:S1(RES
5ttri%$ted to 14an )eng8hsien
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
1he Song of Peng
4at is te 'eaning of #eng energyB
/t is like te #ater su&&orting a 'oving "oat.
9irst sink te ch"i to te tan-t"ien!
ten old te ead as if sus&ended fro' a"ove.
Te entire "ody is filled #it s&ringlike energy!
o&ening and closing in a very -uick 'o'ent.
?ven if te o&&onent uses a tousand &ounds of force!
e can "e u&rooted and 'ade to float #itout difficulty.
1he Song of Lu
4at is te 'eaning of $u energyB
?ntice te o&&onent to#ard you "y allo#ing i' to advance!
ligtly and ni'"ly follo# is inco'ing force
#itout disconnecting and #itout resisting.
4en is force reaces its fartest extent!
it #ill naturally "eco'e e'&ty.
Te o&&onent can ten "e let go or countered at #ill.
Daintain your central e-uili"riu'
and your o&&onent cannot gain an advantage.
1he Song of Chi
4at is te 'eaning of Chi energyB
Tere are t#o as&ects to its functional use;
Te direct #ay is to go to 'eet te o&&onent
and attac gently in one 'ove'ent.
Te indirect #ay is to use te reaction force
like te re"ound of a "all "ouncing off a #all! or
a coin tro#n on a dru'ead!
"ouncing off #it a ringing sound.
1he Song of An
4at is te 'eaning of An energyB
4en a&&lied it is like flo#ing #ater.
Te su"stantial is concealed in te insu"stantial.
4en te flo# is s#ift it is difficult to resist.
Co'ing to a ig &lace! it s#ells and fills te &lace u&0
'eeting a ollo# it dives do#n#ard.
Te #aves rise and fall!
finding a ole tey #ill surely surge in.
1he Song of Ts'ai
4at is te 'eaning of Ts"ai energyB
/t is like te #eigt attaced to te "ea' of a "alance scale.
8ive free &lay to te o&&onentFs force
no 'atter o# eavy or ligt!
you #ill kno# o# eavy or ligt it is after #eiging it.
To &us or &ull re-uires only four ounces!
one tousand &ounds can also "e "alanced.
/f you ask #at te &rinci&le is!
te ans#er is te function of te lever.
1he Song of Lieh
4at is te 'eaning of $ieh energyB
/t revolves like a s&inning disc.
/f so'eting is tro#n onto it!
it #ill i''ediately "e cast 'ore tan ten feet a#ay.
Have you not seen a #irl&ool for' in a s#ift flo#ing strea'B
Te #aves roll in s&iraling currents.
/f a falling leaf dro&s into it!
it #ill suddenly sink fro' sigt.
1he Song of Chou
4at is te 'eaning of Chou energyB
/ts 'etod relates to te 9ive ?le'ents.
3in and 3ang are divided a"ove and "elo#.
/nsu"stantiality and su"stantiality 'ust "e clearly distinguised.
Eoined in un"roken continuity!
te o&&onent cannot resist te &osture.
/ts ex&losive &ounding is es&ecially fearso'e.
4en one as 'astered te six kinds of energy!
te a&&lications "eco'e unli'ited.
1he Song of K'ao
4at is te 'eaning of %"ao energyB
/ts 'etod is divided into te soulder and "ack tecni-ue.
/n *iagonal 9lying Aosture use soulder!
"ut #itin te soulder tecni-ue
tere is also so'e use of te "ack.
@nce you ave te o&&ortunity and can take advantage of te &osture!
te tecni-ue ex&lodes like &ounding a &estle.
Carefully 'aintain your o#n center.
Tose #o lose it #ill ave no acieve'ent.

S:67 :+ P(SH H56@S
%" (nkno&n 5$thor
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
,e conscientious in #eng! $u! Chi! and An.
G&&er and lo#er coordinate!
and te o&&onent finds it difficult to &enetrate.
Let te o&&onent attack #it great force0
use four ounces to deflect a tousand &ounds.
:ttract to e'&tiness and discarge0
)han, $ian, *ian, &ui!
no resisting no leting go.

%" -i *8"$
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
Te hsin I'ind-and-eartJ sould "e cal'. /f te hsin is not cal'! one cannot concentrate! and #en
te ar' is raised! #eter for#ard or "ack! left or rigt! it is co'&letely #itout certain direction.
Terefore! it is necessary to 'aintain a cal' 'ind. /n "eginning to 'ove! you cannot control 5it6 "y
yourself. Te entire 'ind 'ust also ex&erience and co'&reend te 'ove'ents of te o&&onent.
:ccordingly! #en te 'ove'ent "ends! it ten straigtens! #itout disconnecting or resisting. *o
not extend or retreat "y yourself. /f 'y o&&onent as li Iexternal strengtJ! / also ave li! "ut 'y li
is &revious in exact antici&ation of is. /f te o&&onent does not ave li! / a' also #itout li! "ut 'y
I I'ind-intentJ is still &revious. /t is necessary to "e continually 'indful0 to #atever &art of te
"ody is touced te 'ind sould go. 3ou 'ust discover te infor'ation "y non-discri'ination and
non-resistance. 9ollo# tis 'etod! and in one year! or a alf-year! you #ill instinctively find it in
your "ody. :ll of tis 'eans you use I! not chin Iintrinsic forceJ. :fter a &racticing for a long ti'e!
te o&&onent #ill "e controlled "y 'e and / #ill not "e controlled "y i'.
/f te "ody is clu'sy! ten in advancing or retreating it cannot "e free0 terefore! it 'ust "e agile.
@nce you raise your ar'! you cannot a&&ear clu'sy. Te 'o'ent te force of 'y o&&onent touces
'y skin and air! 'y 'ind is already &enetrating is "ones. 4en olding u& te ar's! te ch"i
Ivital life energyJ is treaded togeter continuously. 4en te left side is eavy! it ten e'&ties!
and te rigt side is already countering. 4en te rigt is eavy! it e'&ties! and te left is already
countering. Te ch"i is like a #eel! and te #ole "ody 'ust 'utually coordinate. /f tere is any
uncoordinated &lace! te "ody "eco'es disordered and #eak. Te defect is to "e found in te #aist
and legs. 9irst te 'ind is used to order te "ody. 9ollo# te o&&onent and not your o#n
inclination. Later your "ody can follo# your 'ind! and you can control yourself and still follo# te
o&&onent. 4en you only follo# your o#n inclination! you are clu'sy! "ut #en you follo# te
o&&onent! ten your ands can distinguis and #eig accurately te a'ount of is force! and
'easure te distance of is a&&roac #it no 'istake. :dvancing and retreating! every#ere te
coordination is &erfect. :fter studying for a long ti'e! your tecni-ue #ill "eco'e skillful.
1o 7ather the Ch'i
/f te ch"i is dis&ersed! ten it is not stored and is easy to scatter. Let te ch"i &enetrate te s&ine and
te inalation and exalation "e s'oot and uni'&eded trougout te entire "ody. Te inalation
closes and gaters! te exalation o&ens and discarges. ,ecause te inalation can naturally raise
and also u&root te o&&onent! te exalation can naturally sink do#n and also fa-chin Idiscarge
energyJ i'. Tis is "y 'eans of te I! not te li 'o"iliCing te ch"i.
*61ER65- +:RCE
1he Co!lete Chin
Te chin of te #ole "ody! troug &ractice! "eco'es one unit. *istinguis clearly "et#een
su"stantial and insu"stantial. To fa-chin it is necessary to ave root. Te chin starts fro' te foot! is
co''anded "y te #aist! and 'anifested in te fingers! and discarged troug te s&ine and "ack.
@ne 'ust co'&letely raise te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ at te 'o'ent #en te o&&onentFs chin is
a"out to 'anifest! "ut as not yet "een released. Dy chin as ten already 'et is! not late! not
early. /t is like using a leater 5tinder6 to start a fire! or like a fountain gusing fort. /n going
for#ard or ste&&ing "ack! tere is not even te sligtest disorder. /n te curve seek te straigt!
store! ten discarge0 ten you are a"le to follo# your ands and acieve a "eautiful result. Tis is
called "orro#ing force to strike te o&&onent or using four ounces to deflect a tousand &ounds.
Shen Concentrated
Having te a"ove four! ten you can return to concentrated s&irit; if te s&irit is concentrated! ten it
is continuous and uninterru&ted! and te &ractice of ch"i returns to te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ. Te
'anifestation of ch"i 'oves #it agility. 4en te shen is concentrated! o&ening and closing occur
a&&ro&riately! and te differentiation of su"stantial and insu"stantial is clear. /f te left is
insu"stantial! te rigt is su"stantial! and vice-versa. /nsu"stantial does not 'ean co'&letely
#itout strengt. Te 'anifestation of ch"i 'ust "e agile. Su"stantial does not 'ean co'&letely
li'ited. Te s&irit 'ust "e co'&letely concentrated. /t is i'&ortant to "e co'&letely in te 'ind IIJ
and te #aist! and not outside. 2ot "eing outside or se&arated! force is "orro#ed fro' te o&&onent!
and te ch"i is released fro' te s&ine. Ho# can te ch"i discarge fro' te s&ineB /t sinks
do#n#ard fro' te t#o soulders! gaters to te s&ine! and &ours to te #aist. Tis is ch"i fro' u&
to do#n and is called closed. 9ro' te #aist te ch"i 'o"iliCes to te s&ine! s&reads to te t#o ar's
and flo#s to te fingers. Tis is ch"i fro' do#n to u& and is called o&ened. Closed is gatering! and
o&ened is discarging. 4en you kno# o&ening and closing! ten you kno# yin and yang.
Reacing tis level your skill #ill &rogress #it te days and you can do as you #is.

ESSE61*5-S :+ 1HE PR5C1*CE :+ 1HE +:R) 56@
%" -i *8"$
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
9or'erly &eo&le said; 7"eing a"le to attract to e'&tiness! you can use four ounces to deflect a
tousand &ounds.7 2ot "eing a"le to attract to e'&tiness! you cannot deflect a tousand &ounds.
Te #ords are si'&le! "ut te 'eaning is co'&lete. Te "eginner cannot understand it. Here / add
so'e #ords to ex&lain it. /f so'eone is a'"itious to learn tis art! e can find so'e #ay to enter it
and every day e #ill ave so'e i'&rove'ent.
*esiring to attract to e'&tiness and deflect a tousand &ounds! first you 'ust kno# yourself and
oters. /f you #ant to kno# yourself and oters! you 'ust give u& yourself and follo# oters. /f you
give u& yourself and follo# oters! first you 'ust ave te correct ti'ing and &osition. To o"tain
te correct ti'ing and &osition! you 'ust first 'ake your "ody one unit. *esiring to 'ake te "ody
one unit! you 'ust first eli'inate ollo#s and &rotu"erances. To 'ake te #ole "ody #itout
"reaks or oles! you 'ust first ave te shen Is&irit of vitalityJ and ch"i Ivital life energyJ excited
and ex&anded. /f you #ant te shen and ch"i activated and ex&anded! you 'ust first raise te s&irit
5&ay attention6 and te shen sould not "e unfocussed. To ave your shen not unfocussed! you 'ust
first ave te shen and ch"i gater and &enetrate te "ones. *esiring te shen and ch"i to &enetrate
te "ones! first you 'ust strengten te t#o tigs and loosen te t#o soulders and let te ch"i sink
Te chin Iintrinsic strengtJ raises fro' te feet! canges in te legs! is stored in te cest! 'oved in
te soulders and co''anded in te #aist. Te u&&er &art connects to te t#o ar's and te lo#er
&art follo#s te legs. /t canges inside. To gater is to close and to release is to o&en. /f it is -uiet! it
is co'&letely still. Still 'eans to close. /n closing tere is o&ening. /f it is 'oving! everyting
'oves. Doving is o&en. /n o&ening tere is closing. 4en te "ody is touced it revolves freely.
Tere is no#ere tat does not o"tain &o#er. Ten you can attract to e'&tiness and use four ounces
to deflect a tousand &ounds.
Aracticing te 9or' every day is te kung fu of kno#ing yourself. 4en you start to &ractice! first
ask yourself! 7*id 'y #ole "ody follo# te a"ove &rinci&les or notB7 /f one little &lace did not
follo# te'! ten correct it i''ediately. Terefore! in &racticing te 9or' #e #ant slo#ness not
Aus ands is te kung fu of kno#ing oters. :s for 'ove'ent and stillness! altoug it is to kno#
oters! you 'ust still ask yourself. /f you arrange yourself #ell! #en oters touc you! you donFt
'ove a air. 9ollo# te o&&ortunity and 'eet is chin and let i' fall naturally out#ard. /f you feel
so'e&lace in your "ody is &o#erless! it is dou"le-#eigted and uncanging. 3ou 'ust seek te
defect in yin and yang! o&ening and closing. %no# yourself and kno# oters; in one undred "attles
you #ill #in one undred ti'es.

?5674S 1E6 *)P:R1561 P:*61S
%" ?ang Cheng8f$ (1..3 8 1/3')
as researched %" -ee 69 Scheele
19) Head $!right to let the shen ;s!irit of 3italit"= rise to the to! of the head9 *onFt use li
Iexternal strengtJ! or te neck #ill "e stiff and te ch"i Ivital life energyJ and "lood cannot flo#
troug. /t is necessary to ave a natural and lively feeling. /f te s&irit cannot reac te eadto&! it
cannot raise.
29) Sink the chest and !l$ck $! the %ack9 Te cest is de&ressed naturally in#ard so tat te ch"i
can sink to te tan-t"ien Ifield of elixirJ. *onFt ex&and te cest; te ch"i gets stuck tere and te
"ody "eco'es to&-eavy. Te eel #ill "e too ligt and can "e u&rooted. Aluck u& te "ack and te
ch"i sticks to te "ack0 de&ress te cest and you can &luck u& te "ack. Ten you can discarge
force troug te s&ine. 3ou #ill "e a &eerless "oxer.
39) Sung ;Relax= the &aist9 Te #aist is te co''ander of te #ole "ody. /f you can sung te
#aist! ten te t#o legs #ill ave &o#er and te lo#er &art #ill "e fir' and sta"le. Su"stantial and
insu"stantial cange! and tis is "ased on te turning of te #aist. /t is said 7te source of te
&ostures lies in te #aist. /f you cannot get &o#er! seek te defect in te legs and #aist.7
49) @ifferentiate %et&een ins$%stantial and s$%stantial9 Tis is te first &rinci&le in TFai Ci
CFuan. /f te #eigt of te #ole "ody is resting on te rigt leg! ten te rigt leg is su"stantial
and te left leg is insu"stantial! and vice versa. 4en you can se&arate su"stantial and insu"stantial!
you can turn ligtly #itout using strengt. /f you cannot se&arate! te ste& is eavy and slo#. Te
stance is not fir' and can "e easily tro#n of "alance.
#9) Sink the sho$lders and dro! the el%o&s9 Te soulders #ill "e co'&letely relaxed and o&en.
/f you cannot relax and sink! te t#o soulders #ill "e raised u& and tense. Te ch"i #ill follo#
te' u& and te #ole "ody cannot get &o#er. 7*ro& te el"o#s7 'eans te el"o#s go do#n and
relax. /f te el"o#s raise! te soulders are not a"le to sink and you cannot discarge &eo&le far.
Te discarge #ill ten "e close to te "roken force of te external scools.
'9) (se the ind instead of force9 Te TFai Ci CFuan Classics say! 7all of tis 'eans use I I'ind-
intentJ and not li.7 /n &racticing TFai Ci CFuan te #ole "ody relaxes. *onFt let one ounce of
force re'ain in te "lood vessels! "ones! and liga'ents to tie yourself u&. Ten you can "e agile
and a"le to cange. 3ou #ill "e a"le to turn freely and easily. *ou"ting tis! o# can you increase
your &o#erB
Te "ody as 'eridians like te ground as ditces and trences. /f not o"structed te #ater can
flo#. /f te 'eridian is not closed! te ch"i goes troug. /f te #ole "ody as ard force and it
fills u& te 'eridians! te ch"i and te "lood sto& and te turning is not s'oot and agile. Eust &ull
one air and te #ole "ody is off-"alance. /f you use I! and not li! ten te I goes to a &lace in te
"ody and te ch"i follo#s it. Te ch"i and te "lood circulate. /f you do tis every day and never
sto&! after a long ti'e you #ill ave nei chin Ireal internal strengtJ. Te TFai Ci CFuan Classics
say! 7#en you are extre'ely soft! you "eco'e extre'ely ard and strong.7 So'eone #o as
extre'ely good TFai Ci CFuan kung fu as ar's like iron #ra&&ed #it cotton and te #eigt is
very eavy. :s for te external scools! #en tey use li! tey reveal li. 4en tey donFt use li! tey
are too ligt and floating. Tere chin is external and locked togeter. Te li of te external scools
is easily led and 'oved! and not too "e estee'ed.
,9) Coordinate the $!!er and lo&er !arts of the %od"9 Te TFai Ci CFuan Classics say 7te
'otion sould "e rooted in te feet! released troug te legs! controlled "y te #aist and
'anifested troug te fingers.7 ?veryting acts si'ultaneously. 4en te and! #aist and foot
'ove togeter! te eyes follo#. /f one &art doesnFt follo#! te #ole "ody is disordered.
.9) HaroniBe the internal and external9 /n te &ractice of TFai Ci CFuan te 'ain ting is te
shen. Terefore it is said 7te s&irit is te co''ander and te "ody is su"ordinate.7 /f you can raise
te s&irit! ten te 'ove'ents #ill naturally "e agile. Te &ostures are not "eyond insu"stantial and
su"stantial! o&ening and closing. Tat #ic is called o&en 'eans not only te ands and feet are
o&en! "ut te 'ind is also o&en. Tat #ic is called closed 'eans not only te ands and feet are
closed! "ut te 'ind is also closed. 4en you can 'ake te inside and outside "eco'e one! ten it
"eco'es co'&lete.
/9) )o3e &ith contin$it"9 :s to te external scools! teir chin is te Latter Heaven "rute chin.
Terefore it is finite. Tere are connections and "reaks. *uring te "reaks te old force is exausted
and te ne# force as not yet "een "orn. :t tese 'o'ents it is very easy for oters to take
advantage. TFai Ci CFuan uses I and not li. 9ro' "eginning to end it is continuous and not "roken.
/t is circular and again resu'es. /t revolves and as no li'its. Te original Classics say it is 7like a
great river rolling on unceasingly.7 and tat te circulation of te chin is 7dra#ing silk fro' a
cocoon 7 Tey all talk a"out "eing connected togeter.
109) )o3e &ith tran2$ilit" ;Seek stillness in o3eent=9 Te external scools assu'e =u'&ing
a"out is good and tey use all teir energy. Tat is #y after &ractice everyone &ants. TFai Ci
CFuan uses stillness to control 'ove'ent. :ltoug one 'oves! tere is also stillness. Terefore in
&racticing te for'! slo#er is "etter. /f it is slo#! te inalation and exalation are long and dee&
and te ch"i sinks to te tan-t"ien. 2aturally tere is no in=urious &ractice suc as engorge'ent of te
"lood vessels. Te learner sould "e careful to co'&reend it. Ten you #ill get te real 'eaning.

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