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Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e

Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness

1) Which of the following is most reflective of the true definition of ebusiness?
A) any business activities carried out in electronic form
) the usage of electronic data interchange !E"I)
C) the effective delivery of ecommerce via the internet
") the strategic use of technology to integrate business processes# applications#
and organi$ational structure
E) business conducted over the internet
Answer% "
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: $
%kill: A &b'ective: (
&) Which of the following best describes a supply chain?
A) a process that enables a business to ma'e continuous improvements in
offerings to customers
) a model for providing e(cellent customer service
C) the logical flow of goods and services through an organi$ation
") an interrelated set of functions that provide the goods and services which will
be sold to customers
E) the replenishment cycle of parts or items for sale
Answer% "
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (4
%kill: # &b'ective: 4
)) Which of the following does not increase privacy and security on the internet?
A) encryption
) credit cards
C) firewall
") smart cards
E) passwords
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: ()
%kill: A &b'ective: $
*) Which of the following scenarios best describes basic firewall architecture?
A) +irewall Computer ,etwor' -erver . Internet . Community of /sers
) +irewall Computer Internet . ,etwor' -erver . Community of /sers
C) Internet ,etwor' -erver +irewall Computer Community of /sers
") Internet +irewall Computer ,etwor' -erver Community of /sers
E) ,etwor' -erver Internet +irewall Computer Community of /sers
Answer% "
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (+
%kill: # &b'ective: $
0) 1yperte(t 2ar'up 3anguage !1423) is%
A) a programming language used to create web applications5
) a set of standards for transferring files5
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.1
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
C) a programming language used to create webpages5
") a software used to create online storefronts5
E) e(actly the same as 9235
Answer% C
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: A &b'ective: *
:) Which of the following statements is true of E(tensible 2ar'up 3anguage !923)?
A) It is an outdated language5
) It relies solely on pre.defined tags to identify information5
C) It is the same as 14235
") It provides a mechanism to define new tags5
E) It is not compatible with 14235
Answer% "
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: ((
%kill: # &b'ective: *
;) 4he predominant scripting language used to create webpages is <<<<<<<<5
A) 4C8
) 1448
C) 1423
") I8
E) 923
Answer% C
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: # &b'ective: *
=) Which of the following statements is true with regard to E>8 systems?
A) E>8 systems are large software applications used to automate activities across
a business5
) E>8 systems are predominately used in small to medium si$ed companies5
C) E>8 systems usually use a number of different databases5
") E>8 systems are simple to implement in a business5
E) E>8 systems serve the same purpose as C>2 systems5
Answer% A
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (2
%kill: A &b'ective: *
?) Which of the following tools could businesses use when trying to achieve full system
A) enterprise resource planning
) eprocurement
C) customer relationship management
") supply chain management
E) all of the above
Answer% E
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.&
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: A &b'ective: *
17) Which of the following features of internet.based business have an impact on the
models adopted by businesses?
A) speed and convenience
) customi$ation
C) media fle(ibility
") redefinition of product value
E) all of the above
Answer% E
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: $
%kill: # &b'ective: 2
11) Which of the following is true of sell.side procurement systems?
A) 4hey involve systems that fully automate purchases by staff and involve
electronic contact with outside suppliers5
) 4hey involve the selling end of the supply chain# which consists of customers
and the processes that connect with them5
C) 4hey automate transactions involved with selling products to an organi$ation@s
") 4hey connect an organi$ation@s suppliers directly to its customers5
E) 4hey have no direct lin' to the systems of an organi$ation@s suppliers or
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: A &b'ective: 4
1&) With regard to ebusiness# business models have changed substantially in all but
which of the following ways?
A) ma'ing old sources of revenue obsolete
) increasing infrastructure costs
C) increasing technology costs
") adding new sources of revenue
E) adding convenience
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: -
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
1)) Ebusiness can be defined as%
A) the use of technology to connect with customers and suppliers5
) the use of technology to reduce costs andAor increase profits5
C) online advertising and webpages5
") using electronic networ's to reach new mar'ets5
E) all of the above5
Answer% E
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.)
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: .
%kill: A &b'ective: (
1*) -upply chain management is related to customer relationship management in the
following way%
A) the supply chain allows companies to mar'et to customers efficiently
) -C2 and C>2 are both parts of E"I
C) -C2 and C>2 are competing business theories
") C>2 and -C2 can share information and are critical to each other due to data
E) -C2 gets parts from suppliers to sell to customers online
Answer% "
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: A &b'ective: *
10) Which of the following is the driving force for ebusiness growth in many companies?
A) use of technology to improve efficiency inside the company
) improved communication with customers
C) perceived increase in mar'et reach
") employee downsi$ing due to automation
E) a cultural shift within the firm
Answer% C
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (.
%kill: A &b'ective: .
1:) -ystems integration is important to ebusiness because%
A) data needs to be written in consistent code to be read5
) the functional areas of business need to combine information secretively5
C) rapid changes and actions reBuire efficient data movements5
") the internet is an integrated environment5
E) programmers need to use one language to integrate everything5
Answer% C
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: A &b'ective: *
1;) Ebusiness models that have been tried in the past number of years have focused on%
A) speed# convenience# customi$ation# and fle(ibility5
) speed# convenience# mass mar'eting# and online selling5
C) convenience# customi$ation# fle(ibility# and email campaigns5
") establishing businesses as bric's.based enterprises5
E) integration of supply chain management and public relations5
Answer% A
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: $
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
1=) Which of the statements below most accurately describes privacy on the internet?
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.*
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
A) 8rivacy is not really an issue on the internet5
) Web browsers are not good enough to protect privacy5
C) ,ew legislation ta'es away personal privacy online5
") Companies have little to worry about with respect to privacy5
E) -urfing online has no privacy ris's5
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: ()
%kill: A &b'ective: $
1?) usiness to consumer electronic commerce focuses primarily on%
A) gathering mar'eting data on web users to sell products5
) developing a valuable subscriber list that has tremendous value5
C) getting consumers involved in entering data online5
") assisting customers to efficiently find# purchase# and receive goods5
E) closing e(pensive bric's stores and using more digital technology5
Answer% "
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: A &b'ective: 4
&7) 4he business to business arena of electronic commerce can be described as%
A) using the internet to invest in other companies5
) pooling together resources so that small businesses can compete5
C) ecommerce transactions between customers and companies5
") electronic transactions between businesses in the same area5
E) electronic transactions between businesses# primarily through the internet5
Answer% E
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (4
%kill: A &b'ective: 4
&1) Which is not one of the benefits of ebusiness named in this chapter?
A) increasing sales
) reducing costs
C) e(panding mar'et reach
") improving customer service
E) providing Craphical /ser Interface !C/I)
Answer% E
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (.
%kill: A &b'ective: .
&&) 4he use of a mathematical formula that is applied to electronic data to render it
illegible to anyone without the decoding 'ey is called <<<<<<<<5
A) firewall bloc'ing
) encryption
C) encoding
") code privati$ation
E) pseudo coding
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.0
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: ()
%kill: # &b'ective: $
&)) A firewall is placed between%
A) a computer and a server5
) an intranet and a client computer5
C) the internet and a networ'5
") an e(tranet and a client computer5
E) networ' interfaces and client computers5
Answer% C
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (+
%kill: # &b'ective: $
&*) usinesses achieve systems integration by tying their systems together internally and
e(ternally using%
A) supply chain and customer relationship management5
) ebusiness domains and ecommerce5
C) intranets and e(tranets5
") enterprise resources planning !E>8) and electronic data interchange !E"I)5
E) buy.side and sell.side systems5
Answer% C
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: A &b'ective: *
&0) 2y-pace# +aceboo'# and 3in'edIn are all e(amples of <<<<<<<<5
A) cloud computing
) software as a service
C) electronic data interchange
") ebusiness
E) social media
Answer% E
Diff: ( Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: 2
%kill: A &b'ective: (
&:) -ears is an e(ample of an old company that has made the transition to the world of
ebusiness and now has one of the top.rated ebusiness websites on the internet while
still retaining its traditional retail presence5 4his transition would be considered to be
A) bric'.and.mortar
) clic's to bric's
C) bric's to clic's
") plug and play
E) bric's presence
Answer% C
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: .
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.:
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
%kill: A &b'ective: (
&;) 4he internet is being revolutioni$ed through the spread of mobile units such as
smartphones# i8ads# and other internet.capable devices5 4hese tools have made the
internet <<<<<<<<5
A) ubiBuitous
) more secure
C) less secure
") iniBuitous
E) less e(pensive
Answer% A
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: 2
%kill: # &b'ective: (
&=) 4he use of the internet together with <<<<<<<< ma'e it possible for internet.based
businesses to provide customi$ed products and services5
A) business intelligence
) encryption
C) integrated systems
") internet service providers
E) 8ay8al
Answer% C
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: -
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
&?) Crowth in ebusiness is driven by how its benefits will impact profitability5 4he two
main ways in which contribution to profit can be achieved are%
A) increased revenue and cost reduction5
) increased sales volume and cost reduction5
C) reductions in customer service personnel and increased customer service5
") improved relations with suppliers and customers5
E) e(panding mar'et reach and increased competitive advantage5
Answer% A
Diff: * Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (.
%kill: A &b'ective: .
)7) 4wo sides are involved in trading communities or e(changes5 4hese two sides are%
A) suppliers and manufacturers5
) manufacturers and distributors5
C) vendors and suppliers5
") suppliers and customers5
E) customers and customers5
Answer% "
Diff: 2 Tpe: !C Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: A &b'ective: *
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.;
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
)1) 4he 8ersonal Information 8rotection and Electronic "ocuments Act !8I8E"A) is
designed to help individuals maintain a measure of control over personal information5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (+
%kill: # &b'ective: $
)&) 4he rise in the use of the internet is the single most important enabler of ebusiness of
any type5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (2
%kill: # &b'ective: *
))) In the & arena# activity has centred on the streamlining of the customer
relationship management applications by establishing shared systems between
suppliers and customers# using the internet or related technology5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: * Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (4
%kill: A &b'ective: 4
)*) 4he streamlining of the internal value chain and the e(ternal supply chain enable
businesses to respond Buic'ly to the increasingly stringent demands of ecustomers5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: +
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
)0) usinesses achieve systems integration by using intranets to connect their systems
internally# and by using e(tranets to connect their systems to customers and suppliers5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: ( Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (,
%kill: # &b'ective: *
):) Dne of the reasons people use the internet is for convenience5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: ( Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: $
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.=
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
);) 2edia fle(ibility describes the capabilities of the internet to cooperate with
multimedia companies5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: )
%kill: A &b'ective: 2
)=) -ocial media mar'eting is completely free mar'eting for businesses5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: * Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: 2
%kill: A &b'ective: (
)?) Artificial intelligence !AI) is a powerful application or set of applications that allows
businesses to capture# analy$e# interpret# and report on data across an enterprise# thus
creating valuable information for the enterprise5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: # &b'ective: *
*7) Covernment to Covernment !C&C) is one of the domains of ebusiness5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: (.
%kill: # &b'ective: 4
*1) -oftware as a service !-aa-) providers ma'e applications available for no charge to
businesses over the internet5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% +alse
Diff: 2 Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: 2
%kill: # &b'ective: (
*&) Dne of the clear advantages of ebusiness is the lower cost of e(ecuting transactions5
A) 4rue
) +alse
Answer% 4rue
Diff: ( Tpe: T/ Pa"e #ef: ($
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.?
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
%kill: A &b'ective: .
*)) What are the maEor two challenges of ebusiness discussed in this chapter?
privacy and security
Diff: 2 Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: ()
%kill: # &b'ective: $
**) 3ist three benefits of ebusiness5
increasing sales
reducing costs
improving customer service
minimi$ing competitive pressure
e(panding mar'et reach
Diff: 2 Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: (.
%kill: # &b'ective: .
*0) What is the role of buy.side procurement systems?
Involves systems within a business that fully automate purchases by staff and involve
electronic contact with outside suppliers# often through the internet or an e(tranet5
Diff: * Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: # &b'ective: 4
*:) What is business intelligence !I)?
usiness intelligence !I) is a powerful application# or set of applications# that allows
businesses to capture# analy$e# interpret# and report on data across an enterprise# thus
creating valuable information for the enterprise5
Diff: * Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: (*
%kill: # &b'ective: 4
*;) Apart from intranets and e(tranets# what are the other four tools that are used by
companies to achieve systems integration?
Enterprise >esource 8lanning !E>8)# -upply Chain 2anagement !-C2)# Customer
>elationship 2anagement !C>2)# and eprocurement
Diff: * Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: (2
%kill: # &b'ective: *
*=) "istinguish between ecommerce and ebusiness5
Ecommerce is the use of the internet for of buying# selling# or e(changing products#
services# or information5
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.17
Ebusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World, 4e
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ebusiness
Ebusiness is a broader term that e(tends beyond the use of the internet# referring to
the strategic use of technology to streamline internal business processes and
interactions with e(ternal parties5 Diff: * Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: $
%kill: A &b'ective: (
*?) 3ist four domains of ebusiness transactions5
& !
&C !
&C !
C& !
Diff: ( Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: (*0(.
%kill: # &b'ective: 4
07) "escribe what is meant by cloud computing5
Cloud computing involves applications and other computer resources being hosted on
the internet rather than on an enterprise@s own computer systems5 -ervice providers
ma'e the application available for a fee a practice 'nown as software as a service
!-aa-)5 Cloud computing frees up the business from the burden of software and
infrastructural maintenance5
Diff: * Tpe: E% Pa"e #ef: 2
%kill: A &b'ective: (
Copyright 6 &71) 8earson Canada Inc5 1.11

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