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Esbenshade May 9, 2014
Bible: We continue to read in our Jesus
Storybook Bible. We finished up our time in
Africa and now moved to Latin America.
Our first country is Guatemala.

Bible Memory: John 3:16-17
Due: May 30

* Number grid patterns and puzzles
* Adding & subtracting two-digit numbers
* Comparing fractions
* Unit 9 Test

Language Arts:
We have been working on consonant
blends and we will continue to practice
these along with vowel blends (diphthongs).
We have also been working on various
reading strategies including main idea and
details, ordering events, and retelling. In
writing the class is becoming much more
independent in forming sentences. They are
becoming more confident writers! Seorita
Casallas and I continue to work with
students independently in both reading and
writing and are happy to see their

Upcoming Events:
May 9 Scholastic orders due
May 23 Field Trip
May 26 No school
June 6 Last day, 11:00 dismissal
De la Seora:
What a week! I was so incredibly
blessed by your kindness and generosity
this past week. Monday I was showered
with flowers. The bouquet is still on my
desk. Tuesday I was treated to an
amazing breakfast. Wednesday there was
a huge spread of food in the faculty room
that actually lasted until Thursday!
Thursday the kids brought me beautiful
handmade cards. Finally today I was
treated to a very delicious dinner and it
was so, so nice not to have to worry about
cooking. Thank you for your showing your
appreciation in such tangible ways. Thank
you too for sharing your children with me
each day.
I also want to wish all you mothers
a very good weekend. Please make time
for yourself this weekend!

* We are in need of some snacks. If you
havent yet sent in any snacks, please
take this opportunity to send something

Spelling words come from the letter and syllable combinations we are
studying for the week. This coming week will be diphthongs.
Diphthongs are when a strong vowel (a, e, o) and a weak vowel (i, u)
combine. They are one syllable together and are not divided.

ia (ee-ah) io (ee-oh) ua (oo-ah)

Spelling Words:
agua (ah gooah) NOUN: water
cuando (kwooahn - thoh) ADV: when
lluvia (yoo - beeah) NOUN: rain
viaje (beeah - hay) NOUN: trip
limpio (leem - peeoh) ADJ: clean

Sight Words:
clido (kah lee - thoh) ADJ: warm
sonido (so nee - thoh) NOUN: sound
mantenerse (man ten air - say) VERB: to keep (oneself)
estupendo (es too pen - thoh) ADJ: stupendous

Unit 5 Theme: Nature
Week 3 Theme: Weather

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