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The Amish
Reading 1:
Read the text “The Amish & the Plain people” and decide if the following sentences
are TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
a. ____The Amish still live and work much as their forefathers did.
b. ____Their families and their farms are their top priorities, second only to
c. ____ The Amish aren’t devout in their faith.
d. ____They take seriously the Biblical commands to separate themselves
from the things of the world.
e. ____Today there are less than 25 different Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren
church groups in Lancaster County.
f. ____The more traditional groups are called 'old new ones'.
g. ____They permit electricity and telephones in their homes.
h. ____The Amish have long preferred farming as a way of life.
i. ____They feel their lifestyle and their families can best be maintained in a
urban environment.
j. ____These traditional groups wear plain clothing styles, which has earned
them the name "Plain People".
k. ____ The Amish population in Lancaster County has almost tripled.
l. ____Their separation from the rest of society actually helps to strengthen
their community.
m. ____Their barn raisings are a bad example. Neighbors charge a lot of
money to give of their time and their skills to help one another.
n. ____ The Amish are generally private people and often find all the attention
and curiosity about their lifestyle disturbing.
o. ____Their devotion to family and community and their strong work ethic are
bad examples for our larger society.
Match the following statements.

1. The farmlands of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country

2. These are the Old Order Amish and Mennonites,
3. Their families and their farms are their top priorities,
4. They believe in the literal interpretation and application
5. They believe worldliness can keep them from being close to God, and can
introduce influences that could be destructive
6. By restricting access to television, radio, and telephones,
7. While they do not permit the use of tractors in their fields,
8. Many wonder how these people can survive in their supposedly backward
9. Amish children attend Amish one-room schoolhouses
10.They believe that the taking of photographs where someone is recognizable
is forbidden

a. these old order Amish groups do use modern farm equipment pulled
by teams of horses or mules.
b. of Scripture as the Word of God.
c. through the eighth grade.
d. also known as the "Plain People".
e. by the Biblical prohibition against making any 'graven image'.
f. to their communities and to their way of life.
g. are among the most productive in the nation.
h. the Amish are better able to keep the modern world from intruding
into their home life.
i. Well, they're not only surviving - they're thriving.
j. second only to God.

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